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[14/27] Rename PhoneGap to Cordova. to Use PhoneGap as a
diff --git a/How to Use PhoneGap as a b/How to Use PhoneGap as a
deleted file mode 100644
index cdce4bc..0000000
--- a/How to Use PhoneGap as a	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-# How to use PhoneGap as a Component #
-Beginning with PhoneGap 1.4, you can use PhoneGap as a component in your iOS applications. This component is code-named "Cleaver".
-New PhoneGap-based applications created using the Xcode template provided in PhoneGap 1.4 or greater uses Cleaver, and this template is considered the reference implementation for Cleaver.
-It is recommended that you follow the PhoneGap.framework instructions below, the PhoneGapLib sub-project instructions are for PhoneGap core developers or users that have custom PhoneGapLib project code (for ease of debugging the core).
-## Pre-requisites ##
-1. **PhoneGap 1.4** or greater installed
-2. **Xcode 4.2** or greater installed
-3. **PhoneGap.plist** file
-## Adding Cleaver to your Xcode project (PhoneGap.framework) ##
-1. **Copy** the **"PhoneGap.plist"** file into your project folder on disk
-2. **Drag and drop** the **"PhoneGap.plist"** file into the Project Navigator of Xcode
-3. **Choose** the radio-button **"Create groups for any added folders"**
-4. Press the key combination **Option-Command-A**, which should drop down a sheet to add files to your project (the **"Add Files..." sheet**). Make sure the **"Created groups for any added folders"** radio-button is selected
-5. Press the key combination **Shift-Command-G**, which should drop down another sheet for you to go to a folder (the **"Go to the folder:" sheet**)
-6. Enter **"/Users/Shared/PhoneGap/Frameworks/PhoneGap.framework"** in the **"Go to the folder:" sheet** and then press the **"Go"** button
-7. Press the **"Add"** button in the **"Add Files..." sheet**
-8. **Select "PhoneGap.framework"** in the Project Navigator
-9. Press the key combination **Option-Command-1** to show the **File Inspector**
-10. Choose **"Absolute Path"** in the **File Inspector** for the drop-down menu for **Location** 
-11. Click on the **project icon** in the Project Navigator, select your **Target**, then select the **"Build Phase"** tab
-12. Expand **"Link Binaries with Libraries"**
-13. Click on the **"+" button**, and add these **frameworks** (and optionally in the Project Navigator, **move** them under the Frameworks group):
-        AddressBook.framework
-        AddressBookUI.framework
-        AudioToolbox.framework
-        AVFoundation.framework
-        CoreLocation.framework
-        MediaPlayer.framework
-        QuartzCore.framework
-        SystemConfiguration.framework
-        MobileCoreServices.framework
-        CoreMedia.framework
-## Adding Cleaver to your Xcode project (PhoneGapLib sub-project) ##
-1. **Copy** the **"PhoneGap.plist"** file into your project folder on disk
-2. **Drag and drop** the **"PhoneGap.plist"** file into the Project Navigator of Xcode
-3. **Choose** the radio-button **"Create groups for any added folders"**
-4. Press the key combination **Option-Command-A**, which should drop down a sheet to add files to your project (the **"Add Files..." sheet**). Make sure the **"Created groups for any added folders"** radio-button is selected
-5. Press the key combination **Shift-Command-G**, which should drop down another sheet for you to go to a folder (the **"Go to the folder:" sheet**)
-6. Enter **"~/Documents/PhoneGapLib/PhoneGapLib.xcodeproj"** in the **"Go to the folder:" sheet** and then press the **"Go"** button
-7. Press the **"Add"** button in the **"Add Files..." sheet**
-8. **Select "PhoneGapLib.xcodeproj"** in the Project Navigator
-9. Press the key combination **Option-Command-1** to show the **File Inspector**
-10. Choose **"Relative to PHONEGAPLIB"** in the **File Inspector** for the drop-down menu for **Location** 
-11. Click on the **project icon** in the Project Navigator, select your **Project**, then select the **"Build Settings"** tab
-12. Enter **"Header Search Paths"** in the search field
-13. Enter **"$(PHONEGAPLIB)/Classes"** and check the **Recursive** checkbox - for the **"Header Search Paths"** value
-14. Click on the **project icon** in the Project Navigator, select your **Target**, then select the **"Build Phases"** tab
-15. Expand **"Link Binaries with Libraries"**
-16. Click on the **"+" button**, and add these **frameworks** (and optionally in the Project Navigator, **move** them under the Frameworks group):
-        AddressBook.framework
-        AddressBookUI.framework
-        AudioToolbox.framework
-        AVFoundation.framework
-        CoreLocation.framework
-        MediaPlayer.framework
-        QuartzCore.framework
-        SystemConfiguration.framework
-        MobileCoreServices.framework
-        CoreMedia.framework
-17. Expand **"Target Dependencies"**
-18. Click on the **"+" button**, and add the **"PhoneGapLib"** build product
-19. Expand **"Link Binaries with Libraries"**
-20. Click on the **"+" button**, and add **libPhoneGap.a** 
-## Using PGViewController in your code ##
-1. Add this **header** if you used the **PhoneGap.framework**:
-        #import <PhoneGap/PGViewController.h>
-2. Add this **header** if you used the **PhoneGapLib sub-project**:
-        #import "PGViewController.h"
-3. Instantiate a **new** PGViewController, and retain it somewhere: 
-        PGViewController* viewController = [PGViewController new];
-4. (_OPTIONAL_) Set the **wwwFolderName** property (defaults to **"www"**):
-        viewController.wwwFolderName = @"myfolder";
-5. (_OPTIONAL_) Set the **startPage** property (defaults to **"index.html"**):
-        viewController.startPage = @"mystartpage.html";
-6. (_OPTIONAL_) Set the **useSplashScreen** property (defaults to **NO**):
-        viewController.useSplashScreen = YES;
-5. Set the **view frame** (always set this as the last property):
-        viewController.view.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 480);
-6. **Add** Cleaver to your view:
-        [myView addSubview:viewController.view];
-## Adding your HTML, CSS and JavaScript assets ##
-1. Create a **new folder** in your project **on disk**, for example, name it "www"
-2. Put your **HTML, CSS and JavaScript assets** into this folder
-3. **Drag and drop** the folder into the Project Navigator of Xcode
-4. **Choose** the radio-button **"Create folder references for any added folders"**
-5. **Set the appropriate "wwwFolderName" and "startPage" properties** for the folder you created in **(1)** or use the defaults (see previous section) when you instantiate the PGViewController.
-        /*
-         if you created a folder called 'myfolder' and
-         you want the file 'mypage.html' in it to be 
-         the startPage
-        */
-        viewController.wwwFolderName = @"myfolder";
-        viewController.startPage = @"mypage.html"
-<br />
-## PhoneGap.plist ##
-This file controls various settings of PhoneGap. This is application wide, and not set per PGViewController instance. 
-1. A list of **Plugins** allowed to be used in a PGViewController (set in the Plugins dictionary - key is the servicename used in JavaScript, and the value is the Objective-C class for the plugin that is a PGPlugin sub-class)
-2. A **white-list** of hosts (with no scheme) that PhoneGap is allowed to connect to (set in the ExternalHosts array - wildcards allowed)
-3. Various **other** settings (TODO:)
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8bc32d0..eae56bb 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -43,105 +43,105 @@ IPHONE_DOCSET_TMPDIR = docs/iphone/tmp
 DEVELOPER = $(shell xcode-select -print-path)
 PACKAGEMAKER = '$(DEVELOPER)/Applications/Utilities/'
 XC = xcodebuild
-PGVER = $(shell head -1 PhoneGapLib/VERSION)
+CDV_VER = $(shell head -1 CordovaLib/VERSION)
 GIT = $(shell which git)
 COMMIT_HASH=$(shell git describe --tags)	
-CERTIFICATE = 'PhoneGap Support'
+CERTIFICATE = 'Cordova Support'
 all :: installer
-phonegap-lib: clean-phonegap-lib
-	@echo "Packaging PhoneGap Javascript..."
+cordova-lib: clean-cordova-lib
+	@echo "Packaging Cordova Javascript..."
-	@$(CP) -f PhoneGapLib/VERSION $(BUILD_BAK)
-	@$(MAKE) -C PhoneGapLib > /dev/null
+	@$(CP) -f CordovaLib/VERSION $(BUILD_BAK)
+	@$(MAKE) -C CordovaLib > /dev/null
 	@if [ -e "$(GIT)" ]; then \
-		echo -e '\n$(COMMIT_HASH)' >> PhoneGapLib/VERSION; \
+		echo -e '\n$(COMMIT_HASH)' >> CordovaLib/VERSION; \
 	@echo "Done."
 xcode3-template: clean-xcode3-template
-	@$(CP) -Rf PhoneGap-based\ Application/www $(BUILD_BAK)
-	@cd PhoneGap-based\ Application/www; find . | xargs grep 'src[ 	]*=[ 	]*[\\'\"]phonegap-*.*.js[\\'\"]' -sl | xargs -L1 sed -i "" "s/src[ 	]*=[ 	]*[\\'\"]phonegap-*.*.js[\\'\"]/src=\"phonegap-${PGVER}.js\"/g"
+	@$(CP) -Rf Cordova-based\ Application/www $(BUILD_BAK)
+	@cd Cordova-based\ Application/www; find . | xargs grep 'src[ 	]*=[ 	]*[\\'\"]cordova-*.*.js[\\'\"]' -sl | xargs -L1 sed -i "" "s/src[ 	]*=[ 	]*[\\'\"]cordova-*.*.js[\\'\"]/src=\"cordova-${CDV_VER}.js\"/g"
 	@cd ..
-	@cp PhoneGapLib/javascripts/phonegap-*.js PhoneGap-based\ Application/www
+	@cp CordovaLib/javascripts/cordova-*.js Cordova-based\ Application/www
 xcode4-template: clean-xcode4-template
-	@$(CP) PhoneGap-based\ Application/___PROJECTNAME___.xcodeproj/TemplateIcon.icns PhoneGap-based\ Application.xctemplate
-	@$(CP) -R PhoneGap-based\ Application/Classes PhoneGap-based\ Application.xctemplate
-	@$(CP) -R PhoneGap-based\ Application/Plugins PhoneGap-based\ Application.xctemplate
-	@$(CP) -R PhoneGap-based\ Application/Resources PhoneGap-based\ Application.xctemplate
-	@$(CP) PhoneGap-based\ Application/___PROJECTNAMEASIDENTIFIER___-Info.plist PhoneGap-based\ Application.xctemplate/___PACKAGENAME___-Info.plist
-	@$(CP) PhoneGap-based\ Application/___PROJECTNAMEASIDENTIFIER___-Prefix.pch PhoneGap-based\ Application.xctemplate/___PACKAGENAME___-Prefix.pch
-	@$(CP) PhoneGap-based\ Application/main.m PhoneGap-based\ Application.xctemplate
-	@$(CP) PhoneGap-based\ Application/PhoneGap.plist PhoneGap-based\ Application.xctemplate
-	@sed -i "" 's/com\.yourcompany\.___PROJECTNAMEASIDENTIFIER___/___VARIABLE_bundleIdentifierPrefix:bundleIdentifier___\.___PROJECTNAMEASIDENTIFIER___/g' PhoneGap-based\ Application.xctemplate/___PACKAGENAME___-Info.plist
+	@$(CP) Cordova-based\ Application/___PROJECTNAME___.xcodeproj/TemplateIcon.icns Cordova-based\ Application.xctemplate
+	@$(CP) -R Cordova-based\ Application/Classes Cordova-based\ Application.xctemplate
+	@$(CP) -R Cordova-based\ Application/Plugins Cordova-based\ Application.xctemplate
+	@$(CP) -R Cordova-based\ Application/Resources Cordova-based\ Application.xctemplate
+	@$(CP) Cordova-based\ Application/___PROJECTNAMEASIDENTIFIER___-Info.plist Cordova-based\ Application.xctemplate/___PACKAGENAME___-Info.plist
+	@$(CP) Cordova-based\ Application/___PROJECTNAMEASIDENTIFIER___-Prefix.pch Cordova-based\ Application.xctemplate/___PACKAGENAME___-Prefix.pch
+	@$(CP) Cordova-based\ Application/main.m Cordova-based\ Application.xctemplate
+	@$(CP) Cordova-based\ Application/Cordova.plist Cordova-based\ Application.xctemplate
+	@sed -i "" 's/com\.yourcompany\.___PROJECTNAMEASIDENTIFIER___/___VARIABLE_bundleIdentifierPrefix:bundleIdentifier___\.___PROJECTNAMEASIDENTIFIER___/g' Cordova-based\ Application.xctemplate/___PACKAGENAME___-Info.plist
 clean-xcode4-template: clean-xcode3-template
 	@$(RM_RF) _tmp
 	@$(MKPATH) _tmp
-	@$(CP) PhoneGap-based\ Application.xctemplate/TemplateInfo.plist _tmp
-	@$(CP) PhoneGap-based\ Application.xctemplate/README _tmp
-	@$(CP) -Rf PhoneGap-based\ Application.xctemplate ~/.Trash
-	@$(RM_RF) PhoneGap-based\ Application.xctemplate
-	@$(MV) _tmp PhoneGap-based\ Application.xctemplate 
+	@$(CP) Cordova-based\ Application.xctemplate/TemplateInfo.plist _tmp
+	@$(CP) Cordova-based\ Application.xctemplate/README _tmp
+	@$(CP) -Rf Cordova-based\ Application.xctemplate ~/.Trash
+	@$(RM_RF) Cordova-based\ Application.xctemplate
+	@$(MV) _tmp Cordova-based\ Application.xctemplate 
 	@if [ -d "$(BUILD_BAK)/www" ]; then \
-		$(CP) -Rf "PhoneGap-based Application/www" ~/.Trash; \
-		$(RM_RF) "PhoneGap-based Application/www"; \
-		$(MV) $(BUILD_BAK)/www/ "PhoneGap-based Application/www"; \
+		$(CP) -Rf "Cordova-based Application/www" ~/.Trash; \
+		$(RM_RF) "Cordova-based Application/www"; \
+		$(MV) $(BUILD_BAK)/www/ "Cordova-based Application/www"; \
-	@$(RM_RF) PhoneGap-based\ Application/build/
-	@$(RM_RF) PhoneGap-based\ Application/___PROJECTNAME___.xcodeproj/xcuserdata
-	@$(RM_RF) PhoneGap-based\ Application/___PROJECTNAME___.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace
-	@$(RM_F) PhoneGap-based\ Application/___PROJECTNAME___.xcodeproj/*.mode1v3
-	@$(RM_F) PhoneGap-based\ Application/___PROJECTNAME___.xcodeproj/*.perspectivev3
-	@$(RM_F) PhoneGap-based\ Application/___PROJECTNAME___.xcodeproj/*.pbxuser
-	@$(RM_F) PhoneGap-based\ Application/www/phonegap-*.js
+	@$(RM_RF) Cordova-based\ Application/build/
+	@$(RM_RF) Cordova-based\ Application/___PROJECTNAME___.xcodeproj/xcuserdata
+	@$(RM_RF) Cordova-based\ Application/___PROJECTNAME___.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace
+	@$(RM_F) Cordova-based\ Application/___PROJECTNAME___.xcodeproj/*.mode1v3
+	@$(RM_F) Cordova-based\ Application/___PROJECTNAME___.xcodeproj/*.perspectivev3
+	@$(RM_F) Cordova-based\ Application/___PROJECTNAME___.xcodeproj/*.pbxuser
+	@$(RM_F) Cordova-based\ Application/www/cordova-*.js
-	@$(RM_RF) PhoneGap.framework
+	@$(RM_RF) Cordova.framework
-	@$(RM_RF) PhoneGapInstaller/docs/readme.html
-	@$(RM_RF) PhoneGapInstaller/docs/cleaver.html
-	@$(RM_RF) PhoneGapInstaller/docs/upgrade.html
+	@$(RM_RF) CordovaInstaller/docs/readme.html
+	@$(RM_RF) CordovaInstaller/docs/cleaver.html
+	@$(RM_RF) CordovaInstaller/docs/upgrade.html
-	@$(RM_F) PhoneGapInstaller/docs/*.rtf
-	@$(RM_F) PhoneGapInstaller/docs/*.pdf
-	@$(RM_F) PhoneGapInstaller/docs/*.html
+	@$(RM_F) CordovaInstaller/docs/*.rtf
+	@$(RM_F) CordovaInstaller/docs/*.pdf
+	@$(RM_F) CordovaInstaller/docs/*.html
 	@if [ -e "$(BUILD_BAK)/VERSION" ]; then \
-		$(CP) -Rf "PhoneGapLib/VERSION" ~/.Trash; \
-		$(RM_RF) "PhoneGapLib/VERSION"; \
-		$(MV) $(BUILD_BAK)/VERSION "PhoneGapLib/VERSION"; \
+		$(CP) -Rf "CordovaLib/VERSION" ~/.Trash; \
+		$(RM_RF) "CordovaLib/VERSION"; \
+		$(MV) $(BUILD_BAK)/VERSION "CordovaLib/VERSION"; \
-	@$(RM_RF) PhoneGapLib/build/
-	@$(RM_F) PhoneGapLib/PhoneGapLib.xcodeproj/*.mode1v3
-	@$(RM_F) PhoneGapLib/PhoneGapLib.xcodeproj/*.perspectivev3
-	@$(RM_F) PhoneGapLib/PhoneGapLib.xcodeproj/*.pbxuser
-	@$(RM_F) PhoneGapLib/javascripts/phonegap-*.js
-phonegap-framework: phonegap-lib clean-phonegap-framework
-	@echo "Building PhoneGap.framework..."
-	@cd PhoneGapLib;$(XC) -target UniversalFramework > /dev/null;
+	@$(RM_RF) CordovaLib/build/
+	@$(RM_F) CordovaLib/CordovaLib.xcodeproj/*.mode1v3
+	@$(RM_F) CordovaLib/CordovaLib.xcodeproj/*.perspectivev3
+	@$(RM_F) CordovaLib/CordovaLib.xcodeproj/*.pbxuser
+	@$(RM_F) CordovaLib/javascripts/cordova-*.js
+cordova-framework: cordova-lib clean-cordova-framework
+	@echo "Building Cordova.framework..."
+	@cd CordovaLib;$(XC) -target UniversalFramework > /dev/null;
 	@cd ..
 	@echo "Done."
-	@$(CP) -R PhoneGapLib/build/Release-universal/PhoneGap.framework .
-	@$(CP) -R PhoneGap-based\ Application/www/index.html PhoneGap.framework/www
-	@find "PhoneGap.framework/www" | xargs grep 'src[ 	]*=[ 	]*[\\'\"]phonegap-*.*.js[\\'\"]' -sl | xargs -L1 sed -i "" "s/src[ 	]*=[ 	]*[\\'\"]phonegap-*.*.js[\\'\"]/src=\"phonegap-${PGVER}.js\"/g"
+	@$(CP) -R CordovaLib/build/Release-universal/Cordova.framework .
+	@$(CP) -R Cordova-based\ Application/www/index.html Cordova.framework/www
+	@find "Cordova.framework/www" | xargs grep 'src[ 	]*=[ 	]*[\\'\"]cordova-*.*.js[\\'\"]' -sl | xargs -L1 sed -i "" "s/src[ 	]*=[ 	]*[\\'\"]cordova-*.*.js[\\'\"]/src=\"cordova-${CDV_VER}.js\"/g"
 	@if [ -e "$(GIT)" ]; then \
-	echo -e '\n$(COMMIT_HASH)' >> PhoneGap.framework/VERSION; \
+	echo -e '\n$(COMMIT_HASH)' >> Cordova.framework/VERSION; \
-	@$(CP) -R PhoneGap-based\ Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/ PhoneGap.framework/Capture.bundle
+	@$(CP) -R Cordova-based\ Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/ Cordova.framework/Capture.bundle
-clean: clean-installer clean-phonegap-lib clean-xcode3-template clean-xcode4-template clean-phonegap-framework clean-markdown
+clean: clean-installer clean-cordova-lib clean-xcode3-template clean-xcode4-template clean-cordova-framework clean-markdown
 	@if [ -e "$(PKG_ERROR_LOG)" ]; then \
 		$(MV) $(PKG_ERROR_LOG) ~/.Trash; \
 		$(RM_F) $(PKG_ERROR_LOG); \
@@ -151,68 +151,68 @@ clean: clean-installer clean-phonegap-lib clean-xcode3-template clean-xcode4-tem
 	@if [ "$$OSTYPE" != "darwin11" ]; then echo "Error: You need to package the installer on a Mac OS X 10.7 Lion system."; exit 1; fi
-installer: clean markdown phonegap-lib xcode3-template xcode4-template phonegap-framework
+installer: clean markdown cordova-lib xcode3-template xcode4-template cordova-framework
 	@# remove the dist folder
 	@if [ -d "dist" ]; then \
 		$(CP) -Rf dist ~/.Trash; \
 		$(RM_RF) dist; \
 	@# backup markdown files for version replace
-	@$(MV) -f PhoneGapInstaller/docs/ PhoneGapInstaller/docs/ 
-	@$(MV) -f PhoneGapInstaller/docs/ PhoneGapInstaller/docs/ 
-	@$(CAT) PhoneGapInstaller/docs/ | sed 's/{VERSION}/${PGVER}/' > PhoneGapInstaller/docs/
-	@$(CAT) PhoneGapInstaller/docs/ | sed 's/{VERSION}/${PGVER}/' > PhoneGapInstaller/docs/
+	@$(MV) -f CordovaInstaller/docs/ CordovaInstaller/docs/ 
+	@$(MV) -f CordovaInstaller/docs/ CordovaInstaller/docs/ 
+	@$(CAT) CordovaInstaller/docs/ | sed 's/{VERSION}/${CDV_VER}/' > CordovaInstaller/docs/
+	@$(CAT) CordovaInstaller/docs/ | sed 's/{VERSION}/${CDV_VER}/' > CordovaInstaller/docs/
 	@# generate releasenotes html from markdown
-	@echo '<html><body style="font-family: Helvetica Neue;">' >	 PhoneGapInstaller/docs/releasenotes.html
-	@perl Markdown_1.0.1/ PhoneGapInstaller/docs/ >> PhoneGapInstaller/docs/releasenotes.html
-	@echo '</body></html>'  >> PhoneGapInstaller/docs/releasenotes.html
+	@echo '<html><body style="font-family: Helvetica Neue;">' >	 CordovaInstaller/docs/releasenotes.html
+	@perl Markdown_1.0.1/ CordovaInstaller/docs/ >> CordovaInstaller/docs/releasenotes.html
+	@echo '</body></html>'  >> CordovaInstaller/docs/releasenotes.html
 	@# generate finishup html from markdown
-	@echo '<html><body style="font-family: Helvetica Neue;">' >	 PhoneGapInstaller/docs/finishup.html
-	@perl Markdown_1.0.1/ PhoneGapInstaller/docs/ >> PhoneGapInstaller/docs/finishup.html
-	@echo '</body></html>'  >> PhoneGapInstaller/docs/finishup.html
+	@echo '<html><body style="font-family: Helvetica Neue;">' >	 CordovaInstaller/docs/finishup.html
+	@perl Markdown_1.0.1/ CordovaInstaller/docs/ >> CordovaInstaller/docs/finishup.html
+	@echo '</body></html>'  >> CordovaInstaller/docs/finishup.html
 	@# convert all the html files to rtf
-	@textutil -convert rtf -font 'Helvetica' PhoneGapInstaller/docs/*.html
+	@textutil -convert rtf -font 'Helvetica' CordovaInstaller/docs/*.html
 	@# build the .pkg file
-	@echo "Building PhoneGap-${PGVER}.pkg..."	
+	@echo "Building Cordova-${CDV_VER}.pkg..."	
 	@$(MKPATH) dist/files
-	@$(PACKAGEMAKER) -d PhoneGapInstaller/PhoneGapInstaller.pmdoc -o dist/files/PhoneGap-${PGVER}.pkg > /dev/null 2> $(PKG_ERROR_LOG)
+	@$(PACKAGEMAKER) -d CordovaInstaller/CordovaInstaller.pmdoc -o dist/files/Cordova-${CDV_VER}.pkg > /dev/null 2> $(PKG_ERROR_LOG)
 	@# create the applescript uninstaller
-	@osacompile -o ./dist/files/Uninstall\ Uninstall\ PhoneGap.applescript > /dev/null 2>> $(PKG_ERROR_LOG)
+	@osacompile -o ./dist/files/Uninstall\ Uninstall\ Cordova.applescript > /dev/null 2>> $(PKG_ERROR_LOG)
 	@# convert the html docs to rtf, concatenate
-	@textutil -convert rtf  PhoneGapInstaller/docs/releasenotes.html -output dist/files/ReleaseNotes.rtf
-	@textutil -convert rtf -font 'Courier New' LICENSE -output PhoneGapInstaller/docs/LICENSE.rtf
-	@$(CONVERTPDF) -f PhoneGapInstaller/docs/cleaver.html -o 'dist/files/How to Use PhoneGap as a Component.pdf'
-	@$(CONVERTPDF) -f PhoneGapInstaller/docs/upgrade.html -o 'dist/files/PhoneGap Upgrade Guide.pdf'
-	@textutil -cat rtf PhoneGapInstaller/docs/finishup.rtf PhoneGapInstaller/docs/readme.rtf PhoneGapInstaller/docs/LICENSE.rtf -output dist/files/Readme.rtf
+	@textutil -convert rtf  CordovaInstaller/docs/releasenotes.html -output dist/files/ReleaseNotes.rtf
+	@textutil -convert rtf -font 'Courier New' LICENSE -output CordovaInstaller/docs/LICENSE.rtf
+	@$(CONVERTPDF) -f CordovaInstaller/docs/cleaver.html -o 'dist/files/How to Use Cordova as a Component.pdf'
+	@$(CONVERTPDF) -f CordovaInstaller/docs/upgrade.html -o 'dist/files/Cordova Upgrade Guide.pdf'
+	@textutil -cat rtf CordovaInstaller/docs/finishup.rtf CordovaInstaller/docs/readme.rtf CordovaInstaller/docs/LICENSE.rtf -output dist/files/Readme.rtf
 	@# restore backed-up markdown files
-	@$(MV) -f PhoneGapInstaller/docs/ PhoneGapInstaller/docs/ 
-	@$(MV) -f PhoneGapInstaller/docs/ PhoneGapInstaller/docs/
+	@$(MV) -f CordovaInstaller/docs/ CordovaInstaller/docs/ 
+	@$(MV) -f CordovaInstaller/docs/ CordovaInstaller/docs/
 	@# sign the .pkg : must be run under one line to get return code
 	@-security find-certificate -c $(CERTIFICATE) > /dev/null 2>> $(PKG_ERROR_LOG); \
 	if [ $$? -eq 0 ] ; then \
-		$(PACKAGEMAKER) --certificate $(CERTIFICATE) --sign dist/files/PhoneGap-${PGVER}.pkg;  \
+		$(PACKAGEMAKER) --certificate $(CERTIFICATE) --sign dist/files/Cordova-${CDV_VER}.pkg;  \
 	@# create the .dmg	
-	@hdiutil create ./dist/PhoneGap-${PGVER}.dmg -srcfolder ./dist/files/ -ov -volname PhoneGap-${PGVER}
-	@cd dist;openssl sha1 PhoneGap-${PGVER}.dmg > PhoneGap-${PGVER}.dmg.SHA1;cd -;
+	@hdiutil create ./dist/Cordova-${CDV_VER}.dmg -srcfolder ./dist/files/ -ov -volname Cordova-${CDV_VER}
+	@cd dist;openssl sha1 Cordova-${CDV_VER}.dmg > Cordova-${CDV_VER}.dmg.SHA1;cd -;
 	@echo "Done."
 	@make clean
 install: installer	
-	@open dist/files/PhoneGap-${PGVER}.pkg
+	@open dist/files/Cordova-${CDV_VER}.pkg
-	@$(RM_RF) ~/Library/Application\ Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Project\ Templates/PhoneGap
-	@$(RM_RF) ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/Project\ Templates/Application/PhoneGap-based\ Application.xctemplate
-	@read -p "Delete all files in ~/Documents/PhoneGapLib/?: " ; \
+	@$(RM_RF) ~/Library/Application\ Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Project\ Templates/Cordova
+	@$(RM_RF) ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/Project\ Templates/Application/Cordova-based\ Application.xctemplate
+	@read -p "Delete all files in ~/Documents/CordovaLib/?: " ; \
 	if [ "$$REPLY" == "y" ]; then \
-	$(RM_RF) ~/Documents/PhoneGapLib/ ; \
+	$(RM_RF) ~/Documents/CordovaLib/ ; \
 	else \
 	echo "" ; \
-	@read -p "Delete the PhoneGap framework /Users/Shared/PhoneGap/Frameworks/PhoneGap.framework?: " ; \
+	@read -p "Delete the Cordova framework /Users/Shared/Cordova/Frameworks/Cordova.framework?: " ; \
 	if [ "$$REPLY" == "y" ]; then \
-	$(RM_RF) /Users/Shared/PhoneGap/Frameworks/PhoneGap.framework/ ; $(RM_RF) ~/Library/Frameworks/PhoneGap.framework ; \
+	$(RM_RF) /Users/Shared/Cordova/Frameworks/Cordova.framework/ ; $(RM_RF) ~/Library/Frameworks/Cordova.framework ; \
 	else \
 	echo "" ; \
@@ -225,14 +225,14 @@ markdown:
 		unzip -d . > /dev/null; \
 	@# generate readme html from markdown
-	@echo '<html><body style="font-family: Helvetica Neue; font-size:10pt;">' >	 PhoneGapInstaller/docs/readme.html
-	@perl Markdown_1.0.1/ >> PhoneGapInstaller/docs/readme.html
-	@echo '</body></html>'  >> PhoneGapInstaller/docs/readme.html
-	@# generate 'How to Use PhoneGap as a Component' html from markdown
-	@echo '<html><body style="font-family: Helvetica Neue; font-size:10pt;">' >	 PhoneGapInstaller/docs/cleaver.html
-	@perl Markdown_1.0.1/ 'How to Use PhoneGap as a' >> PhoneGapInstaller/docs/cleaver.html
-	@echo '</body></html>'  >> PhoneGapInstaller/docs/cleaver.html
-	@# generate 'PhoneGap Upgrade Guide' html from markdown
-	@echo '<html><body style="font-family: Helvetica Neue;font-size:10pt;">' >	 PhoneGapInstaller/docs/upgrade.html
-	@perl Markdown_1.0.1/ 'PhoneGap Upgrade' >> PhoneGapInstaller/docs/upgrade.html
-	@echo '</body></html>'  >> PhoneGapInstaller/docs/upgrade.html
+	@echo '<html><body style="font-family: Helvetica Neue; font-size:10pt;">' >	 CordovaInstaller/docs/readme.html
+	@perl Markdown_1.0.1/ >> CordovaInstaller/docs/readme.html
+	@echo '</body></html>'  >> CordovaInstaller/docs/readme.html
+	@# generate 'How to Use Cordova as a Component' html from markdown
+	@echo '<html><body style="font-family: Helvetica Neue; font-size:10pt;">' >	 CordovaInstaller/docs/cleaver.html
+	@perl Markdown_1.0.1/ 'How to Use Cordova as a' >> CordovaInstaller/docs/cleaver.html
+	@echo '</body></html>'  >> CordovaInstaller/docs/cleaver.html
+	@# generate 'Cordova Upgrade Guide' html from markdown
+	@echo '<html><body style="font-family: Helvetica Neue;font-size:10pt;">' >	 CordovaInstaller/docs/upgrade.html
+	@perl Markdown_1.0.1/ 'Cordova Upgrade' >> CordovaInstaller/docs/upgrade.html
+	@echo '</body></html>'  >> CordovaInstaller/docs/upgrade.html Upgrade
diff --git a/PhoneGap Upgrade b/PhoneGap Upgrade
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c51270..0000000
--- a/PhoneGap Upgrade	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# PhoneGap Upgrade Guide #
-This document is for developers who need to upgrade their PhoneGap-based projects to a newer PhoneGap version. Starting with PhoneGap 1.4.0, PhoneGap has been re-factored to use Cleaver (PhoneGap as a Component), and some classes that were used before have been deprecated - namely PhoneGapDelegate and PhoneGapViewController.
-Your existing 1.3.0 based projects will still work with 1.4.0, but it is recommended that you upgrade, since the classes mentioned above will be removed in a future version.
-## Upgrading PhoneGap 1.4.0 projects to 1.4.1 ##
-1. **Install** PhoneGap 1.4.1
-2. **Make a backup** of **MainViewController.m**
-3. **Create a new project** - you will have to grab assets from this new project
-4. **Copy** the **MainViewController.m** file from the **new** project into your 1.4.0 based project folder on disk, **replacing** the old file (**backup** your files first from step 2 above).
-5. **Add** the **MainViewController.m** file into your Xcode project
-6. **Integrate** any project specific code that you have in your **backed-up MainViewController.m** into the new file
-7. Updating the phonegap-X.X.X.js file is optional, nothing has changed in the JavaScript between 1.4.0 and 1.4.1
-## Upgrading PhoneGap 1.3.0 projects to 1.4.0 ##
-1. **Install** PhoneGap 1.4.0
-2. **Make a backup** of **AppDelegate.m** and **AppDelegate.h** in your project
-3. **Create a new project** - you will have to grab assets from this new project
-4. **Copy** these files from the **new** project into your 1.3.0 based project folder on disk, **replacing** any old files (**backup** your files first from step 2 above):
-        AppDelegate.h
-        AppDelegate.m
-        MainViewController.h
-        MainViewController.m
-        MainViewController.xib
-5. **Add** all the **MainViewController** files into your Xcode project
-6. **Copy** the **www/phonegap-1.4.0.js** file from the new project into your **www** folder, and delete your **www/phonegap-1.3.0.js** file
-7. **Update** the PhoneGap script reference in your **www/index.html** file (and any other files that contain the script reference) to point to the new **phonegap-1.4.0.js** file
-8. **Add** a new entry under **Plugins** in your **PhoneGap.plist** file - key is **com.phonegap.battery** and the value is **PGBattery**
-9. **Integrate** any project specific code that you have in your **backed-up AppDelegate.h and AppDelegate.m** into the new AppDelegate files Application.xctemplate/README
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application.xctemplate/README b/PhoneGap-based Application.xctemplate/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 3510fe1..0000000
--- a/PhoneGap-based Application.xctemplate/README	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-The contents of this folder are generated by running the Makefile at the parent directory.
-"make xcode4-template"
-Adding a folder reference through the template definition is currently unknown, and current attempts in figuring it out are buggy. For now, you will need to create the "www" folder (and the index.html within it), yourself in your project folder - then drag and drop the "www" folder into your Xcode project.
\ No newline at end of file Application.xctemplate/TemplateInfo.plist
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application.xctemplate/TemplateInfo.plist b/PhoneGap-based Application.xctemplate/TemplateInfo.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 79f93f1..0000000
--- a/PhoneGap-based Application.xctemplate/TemplateInfo.plist	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
-	<key>Ancestors</key>
-	<array>
-		<string></string>
-		<string></string>
-	</array>
-	<key>Concrete</key>
-	<true/>
-	<key>Definitions</key>
-	<dict>
-		<key>___PACKAGENAME___-Info.plist</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Group</key>
-			<array>
-				<string>Supporting Files</string>
-			</array>
-			<key>Path</key>
-			<string>./___PACKAGENAME___-Info.plist</string>
-			<key>PathType</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-			<key>TargetIndices</key>
-			<array/>
-		</dict>
-		<key>___PACKAGENAME___Prefix.pch</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Group</key>
-			<array>
-				<string>Supporting Files</string>
-			</array>
-			<key>Path</key>
-			<string>./___PACKAGENAME___-Prefix.pch</string>
-			<key>PathType</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-		</dict>
-		<key>Classes/AppDelegate.h</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Group</key>
-			<array>
-				<string>Classes</string>
-			</array>
-			<key>Path</key>
-			<string>./Classes/AppDelegate.h</string>
-			<key>PathType</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-			<key>TargetIndices</key>
-			<array/>
-		</dict>
-		<key>Classes/AppDelegate.m</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Group</key>
-			<array>
-				<string>Classes</string>
-			</array>
-			<key>Path</key>
-			<string>./Classes/AppDelegate.m</string>
-			<key>PathType</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-		</dict>
-		<key>Classes/MainViewController.h</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Group</key>
-			<array>
-				<string>Classes</string>
-			</array>
-			<key>Path</key>
-			<string>./Classes/MainViewController.h</string>
-			<key>PathType</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-			<key>TargetIndices</key>
-			<array/>
-		</dict>
-		<key>Classes/MainViewController.m</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Group</key>
-			<array>
-				<string>Classes</string>
-			</array>
-			<key>Path</key>
-			<string>./Classes/MainViewController.m</string>
-			<key>PathType</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-		</dict>
-		<key>Classes/MainViewController.xib</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Group</key>
-			<array>
-				<string>Supporting Files</string>
-			</array>
-			<key>Path</key>
-			<string>./Classes/MainViewController.xib</string>
-			<key>PathType</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-		</dict>
-		<key>main.m</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Group</key>
-			<array>
-				<string>Supporting Files</string>
-			</array>
-			<key>Path</key>
-			<string>./main.m</string>
-			<key>PathType</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-		</dict>
-		<key>PhoneGap</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Path</key>
-			<string>/Users/Shared/PhoneGap/Frameworks/PhoneGap.framework</string>
-			<key>PathType</key>
-			<string>Absolute</string>
-		</dict>
-		<key>PhoneGap.plist</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Group</key>
-			<array>
-				<string>Supporting Files</string>
-			</array>
-			<key>Path</key>
-			<string>./PhoneGap.plist</string>
-			<key>PathType</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-		</dict>
-		<key>Plugins/README</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Group</key>
-			<array>
-				<string>Plugins</string>
-			</array>
-			<key>Path</key>
-			<string>./Plugins/README</string>
-			<key>PathType</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-			<key>TargetIndices</key>
-			<array/>
-		</dict>
-		<key>Resources/Capture.bundle</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Group</key>
-			<array>
-				<string>Resources</string>
-			</array>
-			<key>Path</key>
-			<string>./Resources/capture.bundle</string>
-			<key>PathType</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-		</dict>
-		<key>Resources/en.lproj/Localizable.strings</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Group</key>
-			<array>
-				<string>Resources</string>
-				<string>en.lproj</string>
-			</array>
-			<key>Path</key>
-			<string>./Resources/en.lproj/Localizable.strings</string>
-			<key>PathType</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-		</dict>
-		<key>Resources/es.lproj/Localizable.strings</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Group</key>
-			<array>
-				<string>Resources</string>
-				<string>es.lproj</string>
-			</array>
-			<key>Path</key>
-			<string>./Resources/es.lproj/Localizable.strings</string>
-			<key>PathType</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-		</dict>
-		<key>Resources/de.lproj/Localizable.strings</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Group</key>
-			<array>
-				<string>Resources</string>
-				<string>de.lproj</string>
-			</array>
-			<key>Path</key>
-			<string>./Resources/de.lproj/Localizable.strings</string>
-			<key>PathType</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-		</dict>
-		<key>Resources/se.lproj/Localizable.strings</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Group</key>
-			<array>
-				<string>Resources</string>
-				<string>se.lproj</string>
-			</array>
-			<key>Path</key>
-			<string>./Resources/se.lproj/Localizable.strings</string>
-			<key>PathType</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-		</dict>
-		<key>Resources/icons/icon-72.png</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Group</key>
-			<array>
-				<string>Resources</string>
-				<string>icons</string>
-			</array>
-			<key>Path</key>
-			<string>./Resources/icons/icon-72.png</string>
-			<key>PathType</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-		</dict>
-		<key>Resources/icons/icon.png</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Group</key>
-			<array>
-				<string>Resources</string>
-				<string>icons</string>
-			</array>
-			<key>Path</key>
-			<string>./Resources/icons/icon.png</string>
-			<key>PathType</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-		</dict>
-		<key>Resources/icons/icon@2x.png</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Group</key>
-			<array>
-				<string>Resources</string>
-				<string>icons</string>
-			</array>
-			<key>Path</key>
-			<string>./Resources/icons/icon@2x.png</string>
-			<key>PathType</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-		</dict>
-		<key>Resources/splash/Default.png</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Group</key>
-			<array>
-				<string>Resources</string>
-				<string>splash</string>
-			</array>
-			<key>Path</key>
-			<string>./Resources/splash/Default.png</string>
-			<key>PathType</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-		</dict>
-		<key>Resources/splash/Default@2x.png</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Group</key>
-			<array>
-				<string>Resources</string>
-				<string>splash</string>
-			</array>
-			<key>Path</key>
-			<string>./Resources/splash/Default@2x.png</string>
-			<key>PathType</key>
-			<string>Group</string>
-		</dict>
-	</dict>
-	<key>Description</key>
-	<string>This template provides a starting point for a PhoneGap based application. On first run, it will create the www folder. You must drag and drop in the www folder into your project (as a folder reference). Then just modify the www folder contents with your HTML, CSS and Javascript.</string>
-	<key>Identifier</key>
-	<string>com.phonegap.ios.template</string>
-	<key>Kind</key>
-	<string>Xcode.Xcode3.ProjectTemplateUnitKind</string>
-	<key>Nodes</key>
-	<array>
-		<string>main.m</string>
-		<string>PhoneGap</string>
-		<string>___PACKAGENAME___-Prefix.pch</string>
-		<string>___PACKAGENAME___-Info.plist</string>
-		<string>Resources/en.lproj/Localizable.strings</string>
-		<string>Resources/es.lproj/Localizable.strings</string>
-		<string>Resources/de.lproj/Localizable.strings</string>
-		<string>Resources/se.lproj/Localizable.strings</string>
-		<string>Resources/icons/icon.png</string>
-		<string>Resources/icons/icon@2x.png</string>
-		<string>Resources/icons/icon-72.png</string>
-		<string>Resources/splash/Default.png</string>
-		<string>Resources/splash/Default@2x.png</string>
-		<string>Resources/Capture.bundle</string>
-		<string>PhoneGap.plist</string>
-		<string>Classes/AppDelegate.h</string>
-		<string>Classes/AppDelegate.m</string>
-		<string>Classes/MainViewController.h</string>
-		<string>Classes/MainViewController.m</string>
-		<string>Classes/MainViewController.xib</string>
-		<string>Plugins/README</string>
-	</array>
-	<key>Options</key>
-	<array/>
-	<key>Platforms</key>
-	<array>
-		<string></string>
-	</array>
-	<key>Project</key>
-	<dict>
-		<key>Configurations</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>Debug</key>
-			<dict/>
-			<key>Release</key>
-			<dict/>
-		</dict>
-		<key>SDK</key>
-		<string>iphoneos</string>
-		<key>SharedSettings</key>
-		<dict>
-			<key>ARCHS</key>
-			<string>$(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT)</string>
-			<key>CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]</key>
-			<string>iPhone Developer</string>
-			<key>GCC_VERSION</key>
-			<string></string>
-			<string>3.0</string>
-		</dict>
-	</dict>
-	<key>Targets</key>
-	<array>
-		<dict>
-			<key>BuildPhases</key>
-			<array>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Class</key>
-					<string>Sources</string>
-				</dict>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Class</key>
-					<string>Frameworks</string>
-				</dict>
-				<dict>
-					<key>Class</key>
-					<string>ShellScript</string>
-					<key>ShellPath</key>
-					<string>/bin/bash</string>
-					<key>ShellScript</key>
-					<string>
-								if [ ! -d &quot;$PROJECT_DIR/www&quot; ] ; then
-									cp -R /Users/Shared/PhoneGap/Frameworks/PhoneGap.framework/www &quot;$PROJECT_DIR&quot;
-								fi
-								# detect www folder reference in project, if missing, print warning
-								grep &quot;{isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = folder; path = www; sourceTree = \&quot;&lt;group&gt;\&quot;; };&quot; &quot;$PROJECT_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj&quot;
-								rc=$? 
-								if [ $rc != 0 ] ; then
-								echo -e &quot;warning: Missing - Add $PROJECT_DIR/www as a folder reference in your project. Just drag and drop the folder into your project, into the Project Navigator of Xcode 4. Make sure you select the second radio-button: &apos;Create folder references for any added folders&apos; (which will create a blue folder)&quot; 1&gt;&amp;2
-								fi							</string>
-				</dict>
-			</array>
-			<key>Configurations</key>
-			<dict>
-				<key>Debug</key>
-				<dict>
-					<key>COPY_PHASE_STRIP</key>
-					<string>NO</string>
-					<key>GCC_DYNAMIC_NO_PIC</key>
-					<string>NO</string>
-				</dict>
-				<key>Release</key>
-				<dict>
-					<key>COPY_PHASE_STRIP</key>
-					<string>YES</string>
-					<string>dwarf-with-dsym</string>
-					<key>VALIDATE_PRODUCT</key>
-					<string>YES</string>
-				</dict>
-			</dict>
-			<key>Frameworks</key>
-			<array>
-				<string>Foundation</string>
-				<string>UIKit</string>
-				<string>CoreGraphics</string>
-				<string>AddressBook</string>
-				<string>AddressBookUI</string>
-				<string>AudioToolbox</string>
-				<string>AVFoundation</string>
-				<string>CoreLocation</string>
-				<string>MediaPlayer</string>
-				<string>QuartzCore</string>
-				<string>SystemConfiguration</string>
-				<string>MobileCoreServices</string>
-				<string>CoreMedia</string>
-			</array>
-			<key>Name</key>
-			<string>___PACKAGENAME___</string>
-			<key>OtherFrameworks</key>
-			<array/>
-			<key>ProductType</key>
-			<string></string>
-			<key>SharedSettings</key>
-			<dict>
-				<string>YES</string>
-				<string>/Users/Shared/PhoneGap/Frameworks</string>
-				<string>PHONEGAP_FRAMEWORK=YES</string>
-				<key>PRODUCT_NAME</key>
-				<string>$(TARGET_NAME)</string>
-				<key>OTHER_LDFLAGS</key>
-				<string>-weak_framework UIKit -weak_framework AVFoundation -weak_framework CoreMedia -weak_library /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib</string>
-				<string>1,2</string>
-			</dict>
-		</dict>
-	</array>
-</plist> Application/.gitignore
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/.gitignore b/PhoneGap-based Application/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index d30c0b0..0000000
--- a/PhoneGap-based Application/.gitignore	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-www/phonegap.js Application/Classes/AppDelegate.h
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Classes/AppDelegate.h b/PhoneGap-based Application/Classes/AppDelegate.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a9da5c1..0000000
--- a/PhoneGap-based Application/Classes/AppDelegate.h	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- distributed with this work for additional information
- regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- specific language governing permissions and limitations
- under the License.
- */
-//  AppDelegate.h
-//  ___PROJECTNAME___
-//  Created by ___FULLUSERNAME___ on ___DATE___.
-//  Copyright ___ORGANIZATIONNAME___ ___YEAR___. All rights reserved.
-#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
-    #import <PhoneGap/PGViewController.h>
-    #import "PGViewController.h"
-@interface AppDelegate : NSObject < UIApplicationDelegate, UIWebViewDelegate, PGCommandDelegate > {
-	NSString* invokeString;
-// invoke string is passed to your app on launch, this is only valid if you 
-// edit FooBar.plist to add a protocol
-// a simple tutorial can be found here : 
-@property (nonatomic, copy)  NSString* invokeString;
-@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIWindow* window;
-@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet PGViewController* viewController;
- Application/Classes/AppDelegate.m
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Classes/AppDelegate.m b/PhoneGap-based Application/Classes/AppDelegate.m
deleted file mode 100644
index f6e72f4..0000000
--- a/PhoneGap-based Application/Classes/AppDelegate.m	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- distributed with this work for additional information
- regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- specific language governing permissions and limitations
- under the License.
- */
-//  AppDelegate.m
-//  ___PROJECTNAME___
-//  Created by ___FULLUSERNAME___ on ___DATE___.
-//  Copyright ___ORGANIZATIONNAME___ ___YEAR___. All rights reserved.
-#import "AppDelegate.h"
-#import "MainViewController.h"
-    #import <PhoneGap/PGPlugin.h>
-    #import <PhoneGap/PGURLProtocol.h>
-    #import "PGPlugin.h"
-    #import "PGURLProtocol.h"
-@implementation AppDelegate
-@synthesize invokeString, window, viewController;
-- (id) init
-	/** If you need to do any extra app-specific initialization, you can do it here
-	 *  -jm
-	 **/
-    NSHTTPCookieStorage *cookieStorage = [NSHTTPCookieStorage sharedHTTPCookieStorage]; 
-    [cookieStorage setCookieAcceptPolicy:NSHTTPCookieAcceptPolicyAlways];
-    [PGURLProtocol registerPGHttpURLProtocol];
-    return [super init];
-#pragma UIApplicationDelegate implementation
- * This is main kick off after the app inits, the views and Settings are setup here. (preferred - iOS4 and up)
- */
-- (BOOL) application:(UIApplication*)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary*)launchOptions
-    NSURL* url = [launchOptions objectForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsURLKey];
-    if (url && [url isKindOfClass:[NSURL class]]) {
-        self.invokeString = [url absoluteString];
-		NSLog(@"___PROJECTNAME___ launchOptions = %@", url);
-    }    
-    CGRect screenBounds = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
-    self.window = [[[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:screenBounds] autorelease];
-    self.window.autoresizesSubviews = YES;
-    CGRect viewBounds = [[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame];
-    self.viewController = [[[MainViewController alloc] init] autorelease];
-    self.viewController.useSplashScreen = YES;
-    self.viewController.wwwFolderName = @"www";
-    self.viewController.startPage = @"index.html";
-    self.viewController.view.frame = viewBounds;
-    // over-ride delegates
-    self.viewController.webView.delegate = self;
-    self.viewController.commandDelegate = self;
-    // check whether the current orientation is supported: if it is, keep it, rather than forcing a rotation
-    BOOL forceStartupRotation = YES;
-    UIDeviceOrientation curDevOrientation = [[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation];
-    if (UIDeviceOrientationUnknown == curDevOrientation) {
-        // UIDevice isn't firing orientation notifications yet… go look at the status bar
-        curDevOrientation = (UIDeviceOrientation)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation];
-    }
-    if (UIDeviceOrientationIsValidInterfaceOrientation(curDevOrientation)) {
-        for (NSNumber *orient in self.viewController.supportedOrientations) {
-            if ([orient intValue] == curDevOrientation) {
-                forceStartupRotation = NO;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    } 
-    if (forceStartupRotation) {
-        NSLog(@"supportedOrientations: %@", self.viewController.supportedOrientations);
-        // The first item in the supportedOrientations array is the start orientation (guaranteed to be at least Portrait)
-        UIInterfaceOrientation newOrient = [[self.viewController.supportedOrientations objectAtIndex:0] intValue];
-        NSLog(@"AppDelegate forcing status bar to: %d from: %d", newOrient, curDevOrientation);
-        [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarOrientation:newOrient];
-    }
-    [self.window addSubview:self.viewController.view];
-    [self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
-    return YES;
-// this happens while we are running ( in the background, or from within our own app )
-// only valid if FooBar.plist specifies a protocol to handle
-- (BOOL) application:(UIApplication*)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL*)url 
-    if (!url) { 
-        return NO; 
-    }
-	// calls into javascript global function 'handleOpenURL'
-    NSString* jsString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"handleOpenURL(\"%@\");", url];
-    [self.viewController.webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:jsString];
-    // all plugins will get the notification, and their handlers will be called 
-    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotification:[NSNotification notificationWithName:PGPluginHandleOpenURLNotification object:url]];
-    return YES;    
-#pragma PGCommandDelegate implementation
-- (id) getCommandInstance:(NSString*)className
-	return [self.viewController getCommandInstance:className];
-- (BOOL) execute:(InvokedUrlCommand*)command
-	return [self.viewController execute:command];
-- (NSString*) pathForResource:(NSString*)resourcepath;
-	return [self.viewController pathForResource:resourcepath];
-#pragma UIWebDelegate implementation
-- (void) webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView*) theWebView 
-	// only valid if FooBar.plist specifies a protocol to handle
-	if (self.invokeString)
-	{
-		// this is passed before the deviceready event is fired, so you can access it in js when you receive deviceready
-		NSString* jsString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"var invokeString = \"%@\";", self.invokeString];
-		[theWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:jsString];
-	}
-	 // Black base color for background matches the native apps
-   	theWebView.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];
-	return [self.viewController webViewDidFinishLoad:theWebView];
-- (void) webViewDidStartLoad:(UIWebView*)theWebView 
-	return [self.viewController webViewDidStartLoad:theWebView];
-- (void) webView:(UIWebView*)theWebView didFailLoadWithError:(NSError*)error 
-	return [self.viewController webView:theWebView didFailLoadWithError:error];
-- (BOOL) webView:(UIWebView*)theWebView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest*)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType
-	return [self.viewController webView:theWebView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:request navigationType:navigationType];
-- (void) dealloc
-	[super dealloc];
-@end Application/Classes/MainViewController.h
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Classes/MainViewController.h b/PhoneGap-based Application/Classes/MainViewController.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 33ddbc2..0000000
--- a/PhoneGap-based Application/Classes/MainViewController.h	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-//  MainViewController.h
-//  FooBar
-//  Created by Shazron Abdullah on 12-01-26.
-//  Copyright (c) 2012 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
-    #import <PhoneGap/PGViewController.h>
-    #import "PGViewController.h"
-@interface MainViewController : PGViewController
-@end Application/Classes/MainViewController.m
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Classes/MainViewController.m b/PhoneGap-based Application/Classes/MainViewController.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 701d7dc..0000000
--- a/PhoneGap-based Application/Classes/MainViewController.m	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-//  MainViewController.m
-//  ___PROJECTNAME___
-#import "MainViewController.h"
-@implementation MainViewController
-- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil
-    self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil];
-    if (self) {
-        // Custom initialization
-    }
-    return self;
-- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
-    // Releases the view if it doesn't have a superview.
-    [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
-    // Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use.
-#pragma mark - View lifecycle
-- (void)viewDidLoad
-    [super viewDidLoad];
-    // Do any additional setup after loading the view from its nib.
-- (void)viewDidUnload
-    [super viewDidUnload];
-    // Release any retained subviews of the main view.
-    // e.g. self.myOutlet = nil;
-- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation
-    // Return YES for supported orientations
-    return [super shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:interfaceOrientation];
-@end Application/Classes/MainViewController.xib
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Classes/MainViewController.xib b/PhoneGap-based Application/Classes/MainViewController.xib
deleted file mode 100644
index 9837f57..0000000
--- a/PhoneGap-based Application/Classes/MainViewController.xib	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
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-					<string key="superclassName">UIViewController</string>
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-</archive> Application/PhoneGap.plist
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/PhoneGap.plist b/PhoneGap-based Application/PhoneGap.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 3aeb9c5..0000000
--- a/PhoneGap-based Application/PhoneGap.plist	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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-	<true/>	
-	<key>TopActivityIndicator</key>
-	<string>gray</string>
-	<key>EnableLocation</key>
-	<false/>
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-	<false/>
-	<key>AutoHideSplashScreen</key>
-	<true/>
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-	<true/>
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-	<false/>
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-	<false/>
-	<key>OpenAllWhitelistURLsInWebView</key>
-	<false/>
-	<key>ExternalHosts</key>
-	<array/>
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-	<dict>
-		<key>com.phonegap.accelerometer</key>
-		<string>PGAccelerometer</string>
-		<key></key>
-		<string>PGCamera</string>
-		<key>com.phonegap.connection</key>
-		<string>PGConnection</string>
-		<key>com.phonegap.contacts</key>
-		<string>PGContacts</string>
-		<key>com.phonegap.debugconsole</key>
-		<string>PGDebugConsole</string>
-		<key>com.phonegap.file</key>
-		<string>PGFile</string>
-		<key>com.phonegap.filetransfer</key>
-		<string>PGFileTransfer</string>
-		<key>com.phonegap.geolocation</key>
-		<string>PGLocation</string>
-		<key>com.phonegap.notification</key>
-		<string>PGNotification</string>
-		<key></key>
-		<string>PGSound</string>
-		<key>com.phonegap.mediacapture</key>
-		<string>PGCapture</string>
-		<key>com.phonegap.splashscreen</key>
-		<string>PGSplashScreen</string>
-		<key>com.phonegap.battery</key>
-		<string>PGBattery</string>
-	</dict>
-</plist> Application/PhoneGapBuildSettings.xcconfig
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/PhoneGapBuildSettings.xcconfig b/PhoneGap-based Application/PhoneGapBuildSettings.xcconfig
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cbdca6..0000000
--- a/PhoneGap-based Application/PhoneGapBuildSettings.xcconfig	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-//  PhoneGap.xcconfig
-//  ___PROJECTNAME___
-// Override this to use your project specific PHONEGAPLIB. 
-// You can base it off the current project path, $(PROJECT_DIR)
\ No newline at end of file Application/Plugins/README
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Plugins/README b/PhoneGap-based Application/Plugins/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 438840d..0000000
--- a/PhoneGap-based Application/Plugins/README	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Put the .h and .m files of your plugin here. The .js files of your plugin belong in the www folder.
\ No newline at end of file Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/controls_bg.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/controls_bg.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/controls_bg.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 784e9c7..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/controls_bg.png and /dev/null differ Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/controls_bg@2x.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/controls_bg@2x.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/controls_bg@2x.png
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index 1e28c6d..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/controls_bg@2x.png and /dev/null differ Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/controls_bg~ipad.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/controls_bg~ipad.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/controls_bg~ipad.png
deleted file mode 100644
index efbef8a..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/controls_bg~ipad.png and /dev/null differ Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/microphone.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/microphone.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/microphone.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 155b88c..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/microphone.png and /dev/null differ Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/microphone@2x.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/microphone@2x.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/microphone@2x.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 79ef16b..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/microphone@2x.png and /dev/null differ Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/microphone~ipad.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/microphone~ipad.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/microphone~ipad.png
deleted file mode 100644
index ef1c472..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/microphone~ipad.png and /dev/null differ Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/record_button.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/record_button.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/record_button.png
deleted file mode 100644
index ceb9589..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/record_button.png and /dev/null differ Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/record_button@2x.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/record_button@2x.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/record_button@2x.png
deleted file mode 100644
index d6ce302..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/record_button@2x.png and /dev/null differ Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/record_button~ipad.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/record_button~ipad.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/record_button~ipad.png
deleted file mode 100644
index d8e24a4..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/record_button~ipad.png and /dev/null differ Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/recording_bg.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/recording_bg.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/recording_bg.png
deleted file mode 100644
index bafc087..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/recording_bg.png and /dev/null differ Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/recording_bg@2x.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/recording_bg@2x.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/recording_bg@2x.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 798490b..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/recording_bg@2x.png and /dev/null differ Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/recording_bg~ipad.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/recording_bg~ipad.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/recording_bg~ipad.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b467f6..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/recording_bg~ipad.png and /dev/null differ Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/stop_button.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/stop_button.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/stop_button.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c31838..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/stop_button.png and /dev/null differ Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/stop_button@2x.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/stop_button@2x.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/stop_button@2x.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cf657e..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/stop_button@2x.png and /dev/null differ Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/stop_button~ipad.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/stop_button~ipad.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/stop_button~ipad.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 59bb7a5..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/Capture.bundle/stop_button~ipad.png and /dev/null differ Application/Resources/de.lproj/Localizable.strings
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/de.lproj/Localizable.strings b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/de.lproj/Localizable.strings
deleted file mode 100644
index f1cdb42..0000000
--- a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/de.lproj/Localizable.strings	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- distributed with this work for additional information
- regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- specific language governing permissions and limitations
- under the License.
- */
-// accessibility label for recording button
-"toggle audio recording" = "starten/beenden der Tonaufnahme";
-// notification spoken by VoiceOver when timed recording finishes
-"timed recording complete" = "programmierte Aufnahme beendet";
-// accessibility hint for display of recorded elapsed time
-"recorded time in minutes and seconds" = "aufgenommene Zeit in Minuten und Sekunden";
\ No newline at end of file Application/Resources/en.lproj/Localizable.strings
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/en.lproj/Localizable.strings b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/en.lproj/Localizable.strings
deleted file mode 100644
index 8972684..0000000
--- a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/en.lproj/Localizable.strings	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- distributed with this work for additional information
- regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- specific language governing permissions and limitations
- under the License.
- */
-// accessibility label for recording button
-"toggle audio recording" = "toggle audio recording";
-// notification spoken by VoiceOver when timed recording finishes
-"timed recording complete" = "timed recording complete";
-// accessibility hint for display of recorded elapsed time
-"recorded time in minutes and seconds" = "recorded time in minutes and seconds";
\ No newline at end of file Application/Resources/es.lproj/Localizable.strings
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/es.lproj/Localizable.strings b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/es.lproj/Localizable.strings
deleted file mode 100644
index 23831e6..0000000
--- a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/es.lproj/Localizable.strings	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- distributed with this work for additional information
- regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- specific language governing permissions and limitations
- under the License.
- */
-// accessibility label for recording button
-"toggle audio recording" = "grabación de audio cambiar";
-// notification spoken by VoiceOver when timed recording finishes
-"timed recording complete" = "tiempo de grabación completo";
-// accessibility hint for display of recorded elapsed time
-"recorded time in minutes and seconds" = "tiempo registrado en minutos y segundos";
\ No newline at end of file Application/Resources/icons/icon-72.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/icons/icon-72.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/icons/icon-72.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c6e5df..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/icons/icon-72.png and /dev/null differ Application/Resources/icons/icon.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/icons/icon.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/icons/icon.png
deleted file mode 100644
index b2571a7..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/icons/icon.png and /dev/null differ Application/Resources/icons/icon@2x.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/icons/icon@2x.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/icons/icon@2x.png
deleted file mode 100644
index d75098f..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/icons/icon@2x.png and /dev/null differ Application/Resources/se.lproj/Localizable.strings
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/se.lproj/Localizable.strings b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/se.lproj/Localizable.strings
deleted file mode 100644
index 0af9646..0000000
--- a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/se.lproj/Localizable.strings	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- distributed with this work for additional information
- regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- specific language governing permissions and limitations
- under the License.
- */
-// accessibility label for recording button
-"toggle audio recording" = "börja/avsluta inspelning";
-// notification spoken by VoiceOver when timed recording finishes
-"timed recording complete" = "inspelning har avslutad";
-// accessibility hint for display of recorded elapsed time
-"recorded time in minutes and seconds" = "inspelad tid in minuter och sekund";
\ No newline at end of file Application/Resources/splash/Default-Landscape.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/splash/Default-Landscape.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/splash/Default-Landscape.png
deleted file mode 100644
index b547dd1..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/splash/Default-Landscape.png and /dev/null differ Application/Resources/splash/Default-Portrait.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/splash/Default-Portrait.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/splash/Default-Portrait.png
deleted file mode 100644
index d5aa710..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/splash/Default-Portrait.png and /dev/null differ Application/Resources/splash/Default.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/splash/Default.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/splash/Default.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 644f380..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/splash/Default.png and /dev/null differ Application/Resources/splash/Default@2x.png
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/splash/Default@2x.png b/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/splash/Default@2x.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 02d6e35..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/Resources/splash/Default@2x.png and /dev/null differ Application/___PROJECTNAMEASIDENTIFIER___-Info.plist
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/___PROJECTNAMEASIDENTIFIER___-Info.plist b/PhoneGap-based Application/___PROJECTNAMEASIDENTIFIER___-Info.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f72574..0000000
--- a/PhoneGap-based Application/___PROJECTNAMEASIDENTIFIER___-Info.plist	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
-	<key>CFBundleIconFiles</key>
-	<array>
-		<string>icon.png</string>
-		<string>icon@2x.png</string>
-		<string>icon-72.png</string>
-	</array>
-	<key>UISupportedInterfaceOrientations~ipad</key>
-	<array>
-		<string>UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait</string>
-		<string>UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft</string>
-		<string>UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown</string>
-		<string>UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight</string>
-	</array>
-	<key>UISupportedInterfaceOrientations</key>
-	<array>
-		<string>UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait</string>
-	</array>
-	<key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key>
-	<string>English</string>
-	<key>CFBundleDisplayName</key>
-	<string>${PRODUCT_NAME}</string>
-	<key>CFBundleExecutable</key>
-	<string>${EXECUTABLE_NAME}</string>
-	<key>CFBundleIconFile</key>
-	<string>icon.png</string>
-	<key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
-	<string>com.yourcompany.___PROJECTNAMEASIDENTIFIER___</string>
-	<key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key>
-	<string>6.0</string>
-	<key>CFBundleName</key>
-	<string>${PRODUCT_NAME}</string>
-	<key>CFBundlePackageType</key>
-	<string>APPL</string>
-	<key>CFBundleSignature</key>
-	<string>????</string>
-	<key>CFBundleVersion</key>
-	<string>1.0</string>
-	<key>LSRequiresIPhoneOS</key>
-	<true/>
-	<key>NSMainNibFile</key>
-	<string></string>
-	<key>NSMainNibFile~ipad</key>
-	<string></string>
-</plist> Application/___PROJECTNAMEASIDENTIFIER___-Prefix.pch
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/___PROJECTNAMEASIDENTIFIER___-Prefix.pch b/PhoneGap-based Application/___PROJECTNAMEASIDENTIFIER___-Prefix.pch
deleted file mode 100644
index cec4dff..0000000
--- a/PhoneGap-based Application/___PROJECTNAMEASIDENTIFIER___-Prefix.pch	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- distributed with this work for additional information
- regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- specific language governing permissions and limitations
- under the License.
- */
-// Prefix header for all source files of the '___PROJECTNAME___' target in the '___PROJECTNAME___' project
-#ifdef __OBJC__
-    #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-    #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
-#endif Application/___PROJECTNAME___.xcodeproj/TemplateIcon.icns
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/___PROJECTNAME___.xcodeproj/TemplateIcon.icns b/PhoneGap-based Application/___PROJECTNAME___.xcodeproj/TemplateIcon.icns
deleted file mode 100644
index 47f85e5..0000000
Binary files a/PhoneGap-based Application/___PROJECTNAME___.xcodeproj/TemplateIcon.icns and /dev/null differ Application/___PROJECTNAME___.xcodeproj/TemplateInfo.plist
diff --git a/PhoneGap-based Application/___PROJECTNAME___.xcodeproj/TemplateInfo.plist b/PhoneGap-based Application/___PROJECTNAME___.xcodeproj/TemplateInfo.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 478438d..0000000
--- a/PhoneGap-based Application/___PROJECTNAME___.xcodeproj/TemplateInfo.plist	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
-	<key>Description</key>
-	<string>This template provides a starting point for a PhoneGap based application. Just modify the www folder contents with your HTML, CSS and Javascript.</string>