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Posted to by Markus Blaurock <> on 2010/07/30 17:37:35 UTC

Duration of Repository repair-checks


we are using Jackrabbit (v1.6.1) with a fairly large number of nodes
(around 5,5 million), all in one default workspace.
Sometimes there are inconsistencies within the workspace we don't know
why. We  
*repair* the  *repository* with the instructions described in:*repair*+a+'corrupt'+JCR
Unfortunately this takes a lot of time, about 6 hours.
Is there any way we can reduce the amount of time used for repairing?
(aside from reducing the size of the workspace? ;)

          <param name="url"
          <param name="user" value="xxxx"/>
          <param name="password" value="xxxx"/>
          <param name="schemaObjectPrefix" value="version_"/>
          <param name="externalBLOBs" value="false"/>

       <DataStore class=""/>

<Cluster id="xyxyxyxy" syncDelay="2000">
  <Journal class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal.OracleDatabaseJournal">
    <param name="revision" value="${rep.home}/revision.log" />
    <param name="driver" value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" />
    <param name="url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@xx.xx.xx.xx:1522:xxxxx" />
    <param name="user" value="xxxxxx"/>
    <param name="password" value="xxxxx"/>

thanks in advance,