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Posted to by Ralf Bierig <> on 2001/07/31 16:21:40 UTC

SOAP Attachments: How retrieve data?


I have had a look at the MIME examples of Apache SOAP
2.2. In that example there is a SOAP Service class 
MimeTest, which has a service method: loopFile.

I would like to know, how I can retrieve the object
itself and how I have to wrap the return object, to
enable a returning of that object.

Does somebody know, if there is such a wrapper, which
enable doing this automatically. I should able to
register this wrapper, which get the object from that
DataHandler call the service for example 

byte[] myService(byte[] myByteArray);

and wrap the returing byte[] back to a DataHandler
object which is returning over SOAP...

I am looking for a facility like this!

How can help me with some informations?


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