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cvs commit: jakarta-commons/net project.xml maven.xml

brekke      2004/04/25 22:33:30

  Modified:    net      project.xml maven.xml
  Updated to use the resouces block in project.xml to get the NOTICE.txt into
  the jar.  Updated maven.xml to use postGoal to copy the NOTICE.txt into the
  distributions and generate the md5 checksums.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.47      +11 -0     jakarta-commons/net/project.xml
  Index: project.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-commons/net/project.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.46
  retrieving revision 1.47
  diff -u -r1.46 -r1.47
  --- project.xml	20 Apr 2004 01:11:38 -0000	1.46
  +++ project.xml	26 Apr 2004 05:33:30 -0000	1.47
  @@ -143,6 +143,17 @@
  +    <resources>
  +      <resource>
  +        <directory>${basedir}</directory>
  +        <targetPath>META-INF</targetPath>
  +        <includes>
  +          <include>NOTICE.txt</include>
  +        </includes>
  +      </resource>
  +    </resources>
  1.5       +55 -277   jakarta-commons/net/maven.xml
  Index: maven.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-commons/net/maven.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
  --- maven.xml	22 Apr 2004 18:05:08 -0000	1.4
  +++ maven.xml	26 Apr 2004 05:33:30 -0000	1.5
  @@ -16,288 +16,66 @@
   <project default="jar:jar" 
  -  xmlns:define="jelly:define"
  -  xmlns:doc="doc" 
  -  xmlns:license="license"
  -  xmlns:util="jelly:util"
  -  xmlns:ant="jelly:ant"
  +  xmlns:ant="jelly:ant">
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <!-- T E S T : F U N C T I O N A L                                      -->
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <!-- Run any tests with FunctionalTest as the suffix.  These are for    -->
  +  <!-- longer running tests or test that rely on external systems.        -->
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
     <goal name="test:functional">
       <j:set var="testmatch" value="*FunctionalTest"/>
       <attainGoal name="test:match"/>
  -  <!-- ########## BEGIN patch ############################################# -->
  -  <!-- patched maven-jar-plugin-1.3 & maven-dist-plugin-1.3 to include NOTICE.txt -->
  -  <!-- remove this when a new maven release includes this feature -->
  -  <goal name="jar:jar"
  -        description="Create the deliverable jar file."
  -        prereqs="test:test">
  -    <ant:available property="maven.jar.manifest.available" 
  -      file="${maven.jar.manifest}"/>
  -    <!-- See -->
  -    <!-- See -->
  -    <ant:jar
  -      jarfile="${}/${}.jar"
  -      basedir="${}"
  -      index="${maven.jar.index}"
  -      compress="${maven.jar.compress}"
  -      excludes="${maven.jar.excludes}"> 
  -      <j:if test="${maven.jar.manifest.available}">
  -        <ant:setProperty name="manifest" value="${maven.jar.manifest}" />
  -      </j:if>
  -      <j:set var="licenseFileName"><license:fileName/></j:set>
  -      <util:file name="${licenseFileName}" var="licenseFile"/>
  -      <ant:metainf dir="${licenseFile.canonicalFile.parent}">
  -        <ant:include name="LICENSE.txt"/>
  -        <ant:include name="NOTICE.txt"/>
  -      </ant:metainf>
  -      <ant:manifest>
  -        <ant:attribute name="Built-By" value="${}"/>
  -        <ant:attribute name="Created-By" value="Apache Jakarta Maven"/>
  -        <ant:attribute name="Package" value="${pom.package}"/>
  -        <ant:attribute name="Build-Jdk" value="${java.version}"/>
  -        <!-- added supplementary entries -->
  -        <ant:attribute name="Extension-Name" value="${pom.artifactId}"/>
  -        <ant:attribute name="Specification-Version" value="${pom.specificationVersion}"/>
  -        <ant:attribute name="Specification-Vendor" value="${}"/>
  -        <ant:attribute name="Specification-Title" value="${pom.shortDescription}"/>
  -        <ant:attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${pom.currentVersion}"/>
  -        <ant:attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="${}"/>
  -        <ant:attribute name="Implementation-Vendor-Id" value="${pom.organization.identifier}"/>
  -        <j:set var="mainclass" value="${pom.getPluginContext('maven-java-plugin').getVariable('maven.jar.mainclass')}"/>
  -        <j:if test="${!empty(mainclass)}">
  -            <ant:attribute name="Main-Class" value="${mainclass}"/>
  -        </j:if>
  -        <j:if test="${maven.jar.manifest.extensions.add == 'true'}">
  -          <j:set var="extensionList" value=""/>
  -          <j:forEach var="artifact" items="${pom.artifacts}">
  -            <j:set var="dep" value="${artifact.dependency}"/>
  -            <j:set var="extensionList" value="${extensionList} ${dep.artifactId}"/>
  -          </j:forEach>
  -		  <j:if test="${extensionList.length() != 0}">        
  -            <j:set var="extensionList" value="${extensionList.substring(1)}"/>
  -            <ant:attribute name="Extension-List" value="${extensionList}"/>
  -          </j:if>
  -          <j:forEach var="artifact" items="${pom.artifacts}">
  -            <j:set var="dep" value="${artifact.dependency}"/>
  -	        <ant:attribute name="${dep.artifactId}-Extension-Name" value="${dep.artifactId}"/>
  -            <ant:attribute name="${dep.artifactId}-Implementation-Version" value="${dep.version}"/>
  -            <ant:attribute name="${dep.artifactId}-Implementation-URL" value="${artifact.urlPath}"/>
  -          </j:forEach>        
  -        </j:if>
  -        <j:if test="${context.getVariable('maven.jar.manifest.attributes.list') != null}">
  -            <util:tokenize var="attributeList" delim="," trim="true">${maven.jar.manifest.attributes.list}</util:tokenize>
  -            <j:forEach var="attribute" items="${attributeList}">
  -                <j:set var="name" value="maven.jar.manifest.attribute.${attribute}"/>
  -                <j:set var="value" value="${context.findVariable(name)}"/>
  -                <ant:attribute name="${attribute}" value="${value}"/>
  -            </j:forEach>
  -        </j:if>
  -        <j:if test="${context.getVariable('maven.jar.manifest.groups.list') != null}">
  -            <util:tokenize var="groupList" delim="," trim="true">${maven.jar.manifest.groups.list}</util:tokenize>
  -            <j:forEach var="group" items="${groupList}">
  -                <j:set var="nameVar" value="maven.jar.manifest.${group}.name"/>
  -                <j:set var="groupName" value="${context.findVariable(nameVar)}"/>
  -                <j:set var="attributeListVar" value="maven.jar.manifest.${group}.attributes.list"/>
  -                <j:set var="groupAttributes" value="${context.findVariable(attributeListVar)}"/>
  -                <util:tokenize var="attributeList" delim="," trim="true">${groupAttributes}</util:tokenize>
  -                <ant:section name="${groupName}">
  -                    <j:forEach var="attribute" items="${attributeList}">
  -                        <j:set var="name" value="maven.jar.manifest.${group}.attribute.${attribute}"/>
  -                        <j:set var="value" value="${context.findVariable(name)}"/>
  -                        <ant:attribute name="${attribute}" value="${value}"/>
  -                    </j:forEach>
  -                </ant:section>
  -            </j:forEach>
  -         </j:if>
  -      </ant:manifest>
  -    </ant:jar>
  -  </goal>
  -  <ant:property name="maven.dist.assembly.dir"
  -    value="${}/${}"/>
  -  <ant:property name="maven.dist.bin.archive.dir"
  -    value="${maven.dist.assembly.dir}/bin"/>
  -  <ant:property name="maven.dist.src.archive.dir"
  -    value="${maven.dist.assembly.dir}/src"/>
  -  <ant:property name="maven.dist.bin.assembly.dir"
  -    value="${maven.dist.assembly.dir}/bin/${}"/>
  -  <ant:property name="maven.dist.src.assembly.dir"
  -    value="${maven.dist.assembly.dir}/src/${}"/>
  -  <ant:property name="maven.dist.dir"
  -    value="${}/distributions"/>
  -  <goal
  -    name="dist:prepare-bin-filesystem"
  -    prereqs="xdoc:init, jar:jar, javadoc:generate"
  -    description="Builds the binary distribution file system.">
  -    <!--
  -    This is the directory where everything is copied to so that it can
  -    be archived.
  -    -->
  -    <ant:delete dir="${maven.dist.bin.assembly.dir}"/>
  -    <ant:mkdir dir="${maven.dist.bin.assembly.dir}"/>
  -    <ant:echo>
  -      +-------------------------------------------------------+
  -      | C R E A T I N G  B I N A R Y  D I S T R I B U T I O N |
  -      +-------------------------------------------------------+
  -    </ant:echo>
  -    <ant:copy todir="${maven.dist.bin.assembly.dir}">
  -      <ant:fileset dir=".">
  -        <ant:include name="README.txt"/>
  -        <ant:include name="LICENSE*"/>
  -        <ant:include name="NOTICE*"/>
  -      </ant:fileset>
  -    </ant:copy>
  -    <!-- Copy Jars -->
  -    <ant:copy todir="${maven.dist.bin.assembly.dir}">
  -      <ant:fileset dir="${}">
  -        <ant:include name="${}.jar"/>
  -      </ant:fileset>
  -    </ant:copy>
  -    <!-- Copy documentation -->
  -    <j:set var="docsDest" value="${}"/>
  -    <ant:copy todir="${maven.dist.bin.assembly.dir}/docs">
  -      <ant:fileset dir="${docsDest}">
  -        <ant:include name="**"/>
  -      </ant:fileset>
  -    </ant:copy>
  -  </goal>
  -  <goal
  -    name="dist:prepare-src-filesystem"
  -    description="Builds the source distribution file system.">
  -    <!-- S O U R C E  D I S T R I B U T I O N -->
  -    <ant:delete dir="${maven.dist.src.assembly.dir}" />
  -    <ant:mkdir dir="${maven.dist.src.assembly.dir}" />
  -    <ant:echo>
  -      +-------------------------------------------------------+
  -      | C R E A T I N G  S O U R C E  D I S T R I B U T I O N |
  -      +-------------------------------------------------------+
  -    </ant:echo>
  -    <ant:copy todir="${maven.dist.src.assembly.dir}">
  -      <ant:fileset dir=".">
  -        <ant:include name="README.txt"/>
  -        <ant:include name="LICENSE*"/>
  -        <ant:include name="NOTICE*"/>
  -        <ant:include name=""/>
  -        <ant:include name="maven.xml"/>
  -        <ant:include name="project.xml"/>
  -      </ant:fileset>
  -    </ant:copy>
  -    <ant:available property=""
  -               file="${basedir}/build.xml"/>
  -    <j:choose>
  -      <j:when test="${}">
  -        <ant:copy todir="${maven.dist.src.assembly.dir}" file="build.xml"/>
  -      </j:when>
  -      <j:otherwise>
  -        <attainGoal name="ant:generate-build"/>
  -        <ant:move 
  -          file="build.xml"
  -          tofile="${maven.dist.src.assembly.dir}/build.xml"/>
  -      </j:otherwise>
  -    </j:choose>
  -    <!-- Copy Source -->
  -    <ant:copy todir="${maven.dist.src.assembly.dir}/src">
  -      <ant:fileset dir="${maven.src.dir}" />
  -    </ant:copy>
  -  </goal>
  -  <goal name="dist"
  -    prereqs="dist:build"
  -    description="Build a complete distribution.">
  -  </goal>
  -  <goal
  -    name="dist:build"
  -    prereqs="dist:build-bin,dist:build-src"
  -    description="Build a complete distribution.">
  -  </goal>
  -  <goal
  -    name="dist:build-setup"
  -    description="Set up directories for a distribution build">
  -    <ant:delete dir="${maven.dist.dir}"/>
  -    <ant:mkdir dir="${maven.dist.dir}"/>
  -  </goal>
  -  <goal
  -    name="dist:build-bin"
  -    prereqs="dist:build-setup,dist:prepare-bin-filesystem"
  -    description="Build the binary distribution.">
  -    <!-- Create a tar.gz file -->
  -    <ant:tar longfile="gnu" tarfile="${maven.dist.dir}/${}.tar">
  -      <ant:tarfileset dir="${maven.dist.bin.archive.dir}"/>
  -    </ant:tar>
  -    <ant:gzip 
  -      zipfile="${maven.dist.dir}/${}.tar.gz"
  -      src="${maven.dist.dir}/${}.tar"
  -    />
  -    <ant:delete file="${maven.dist.dir}/${}.tar"/>
  -    <!-- Create a zip file -->
  -    <ant:zip zipfile="${maven.dist.dir}/${}.zip">
  -      <ant:zipfileset dir="${maven.dist.bin.archive.dir}"/>
  -    </ant:zip>
  -  </goal>
  -  <goal
  -    name="dist:build-src"
  -    prereqs="dist:build-setup,dist:prepare-src-filesystem"
  -    description="Build the source distribution.">
  -    <!-- Create a tar.gz file -->
  -    <ant:tar longfile="gnu" tarfile="${maven.dist.dir}/${}-src.tar">
  -      <ant:tarfileset dir="${maven.dist.src.archive.dir}"/>
  -    </ant:tar>
  -    <ant:gzip 
  -      zipfile="${maven.dist.dir}/${}-src.tar.gz" 
  -      src="${maven.dist.dir}/${}-src.tar"
  -    />
  -    <ant:delete file="${maven.dist.dir}/${}-src.tar"/>
  -    <!-- Create a zip file -->
  -    <ant:zip zipfile="${maven.dist.dir}/${}">
  -      <ant:zipfileset dir="${maven.dist.src.archive.dir}"/>
  -    </ant:zip>
  -  </goal>
  -  <!-- ########## END patch ############################################# -->
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <!-- Post goal to copy the NOTICE.txt into the source and binary        -->
  +  <!-- distributions.                                                     -->
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <postGoal
  +    name="dist:prepare-bin-filesystem">
  +    <j:set 
  +      var="maven.dist.bin.assembly.dir" 
  +      value="${pom.getPluginContext('maven-dist-plugin').getVariable('maven.dist.bin.assembly.dir')}" />
  +    <copy file="${basedir}/NOTICE.txt"
  +          tofile="${maven.dist.bin.assembly.dir}/NOTICE.txt"
  +          overwrite="yes"/>
  +  </postGoal>
  +  <postGoal
  +    name="dist:prepare-src-filesystem">
  +    <j:set 
  +      var="maven.dist.src.assembly.dir" 
  +      value="${pom.getPluginContext('maven-dist-plugin').getVariable('maven.dist.src.assembly.dir')}" />
  +    <copy file="${basedir}/NOTICE.txt"
  +          tofile="${maven.dist.src.assembly.dir}/NOTICE.txt"
  +          overwrite="yes"/>
  +  </postGoal>
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <!-- Post goal to create the md5 checksums for the source and binary    -->
  +  <!-- distributions.                                                     -->
  +  <!-- ================================================================== -->
  +  <postGoal name="dist:build-bin">
  +    <j:set var="distDir" value="${pom.getPluginContext('maven-dist-plugin').getVariable('maven.dist.dir')}"/>
  +    <j:set var="finalName" value="${pom.getPluginContext('maven-dist-plugin').getVariable('')}"/>
  +    <ant:checksum file="${distDir}/${finalName}.tar.gz"/>
  +    <ant:checksum file="${distDir}/${finalName}.zip"/>
  +  </postGoal>
  +  <postGoal name="dist:build-src">
  +    <j:set var="distDir" value="${pom.getPluginContext('maven-dist-plugin').getVariable('maven.dist.dir')}"/>
  +    <j:set var="finalName" value="${pom.getPluginContext('maven-dist-plugin').getVariable('')}"/>
  +    <ant:checksum file="${distDir}/${finalName}-src.tar.gz"/>
  +    <ant:checksum file="${distDir}/${finalName}"/>
  +  </postGoal>

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