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Posted to by Dean Gaudet <> on 1997/11/04 22:01:27 UTC

"tomahawk" update

I'm tenatively using the name tomahawk, thanks :) 

- "long lost child came home" after a USR1 with a piped log child, due to
    improper callback logic I think

- TransferLog "| bin/aplogger logs/ >> logs/access_log" running
    for 24 hours produced some interesting results.  The aplogger never
    died, but the /bin/sh which was running it did.  Since /bin/sh is
    the pid that apache is watching, it would spawn another logging
    child.  After 24 hours I had about 40 aploggers running... things
    still work OK (because of how pipes and such work), it just sucks.
    I'm not sure yet why /bin/sh was dying.  I've replaced it with:

    TransferLog "| exec bin/aplogger logs/ >> logs/access_log"

    Oh hmm.  I wonder if it's because Apache thought it was write blocked.
    Hmm.  I'll add logging code to look for this.

    Note to self: aplogger needs to periodically test getppid() to make
    sure it hasn't lost its parent; just a safe-guard.

- listenwrap seems to be producing "bind: address already in use"; unsure
    yet if it's a networking bug in my kernel, or if I'm tripping one of
    the networking security checks added after the NFS port 2049 fiasco
    security bug a while back.  In any event this goes on until all old
    sockets are destroyed or reach FIN_WAIT_2.
