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Posted to by "Prabhat, Pranay" <> on 2007/06/04 05:53:48 UTC

Problem with executing a Sybase Stored Procedure: output is null

Hi Everyone, 
I am trying to execute a sybase stored procedure but all my output values in
the result set are coming as zero or blank. However when I execute my SP
through sqladv , I get a proper output.
I have used columnIndex property in my resultMap to populate my output
properties, but it seems that my resultset doesn't gets populated at all.
However I am sure that my column indexes correspond to the output from the
stored procedure because if I change any index value in the resultMap to 19,
I get index out of range error because my stored procedure returns 18 values
at a time.
In the below java code, variable m_list is giving an object named Pranay but
all the properties within the object are showing their initialized values
and not the proper output values.
Please advice what is going wrong here. 
My Java code is : 
String resource = null; 
Reader reader; 
SqlMapClient sqlMap; 
resource = "com/pranay/persistence/springjdbc/SqlMap-Config.xml"; 
reader = Resources.getResourceAsReader (resource); 
sqlMap = SqlMapClientBuilder.buildSqlMapClient(reader); 
DataSource dataSource = sqlMap.getDataSource(); 
Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection(); 
Map l_Params = new HashMap(4); 
l_Params.put(FOO_ID, a_Id); 
l_Params.put(DATE1, a_Date1.getTime()); 
l_Params.put(DATE2, a_Date2.getTime()); 
l_Params.put(PAGE, new Integer(0)); 
List m_list = sqlMap.queryForList("PranayTest",l_Params); 
My SqlMap is : 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN" 
<sqlMap namespace ="Pranay"> 
<resultMap id="get-result" class="PranayTest"> 
<result property="Pranay1" columnIndex="1"/> 
<result property="Pranay2" columnIndex="2"/> 
<result property="Pranay3" columnIndex="3"/> 
<result property="Pranay4" columnIndex="4"/> 
<result property="Pranay5" columnIndex="6"/> 
<result property="Pranay6" columnIndex="6"/> 
<result property="Pranay7" columnIndex="7"/> 
<result property="Pranay8" columnIndex="8"/> 
<result property="Pranay9" columnIndex="9"/> 
<parameterMap id="put-input" class="map" > 
<parameter property="FOO_ID" jdbcType="INTEGER" javaType="java.lang.Integer"
<parameter property="DATE1" jdbcType="DATE" javaType="java.util.Calendar"
<parameter property="DATE2" jdbcType="DATE" javaType="java.util.Calendar"
<parameter property="PAGE" jdbcType="INTEGER" javaType="java.lang.Integer"
<procedure id="PranayTest" parameterMap="put-input" resultMap="get-result"> 
{call PranayTest(?,?,?,?)} 
My SqlMapConfig file is : 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<!DOCTYPE sqlMapConfig 
PUBLIC "-// SQL Map Config 2.0//EN" 
<transactionManager type="JDBC"> 
<dataSource type = "SIMPLE"> 
<property name="JDBC.Driver" value="com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver"/> 
<property name="JDBC.ConnectionURL" 
<property name="JDBC.Username" value="login"/> 
<property name="JDBC.Password" value="password"/> 
<property name="JDBC.DefaultAutoCommit" value="true"/> 

<sqlMap url="file:///c:/sqlMap.xml"/> 


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