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[49/50] [abbrv] Merge branch 'master' into security-upmerge
diff --cc storm-core/src/ui/public/templates/topology-page-template.html
index 0000000,da58f9d..fe718dd
mode 000000,100644..100644
--- a/storm-core/src/ui/public/templates/topology-page-template.html
+++ b/storm-core/src/ui/public/templates/topology-page-template.html
@@@ -1,0 -1,128 +1,148 @@@
+ <script id="topology-summary-template" type="text/html">
+   <table id="topology-summary-table">
 -    <thead><tr><th><span class="tip right" title="The name given to the topology by when it was submitted.">Name</span></th><th><span class="tip right" title="The unique ID given to a Topology each time it is launched.">Id</span></th><th><span class="tip above" title="The status can be one of ACTIVE, INACTIVE, KILLED, or REBALANCING.">Status</span></th><th><span class="tip above" title="The time since the Topology was submitted.">Uptime</span></th><th><span class="tip above" title="The number of Workers (processes).">Num workers</span></th><th><span class="tip above" title="Executors are threads in a Worker process.">Num executors</span></th><th><span class="tip above" title="A Task is an instance of a Bolt or Spout. The number of Tasks is almost always equal to the number of Executors.">Num tasks</span></th></tr></thead>
++    <thead><tr>
++      <th><span class="tip right" title="The name given to the topology by when it was submitted.">Name</span></th>
++      <th><span class="tip right" title="The unique ID given to a Topology each time it is launched.">Id</span></th>
++      <th><span class="tip above" title="The user that submitted the Topology, if authentication is enabled.">Owner</span></th>
++      <th><span class="tip above" title="The status can be one of ACTIVE, INACTIVE, KILLED, or REBALANCING.">Status</span></th>
++      <th><span class="tip above" title="The time since the Topology was submitted.">Uptime</span></th>
++      <th><span class="tip above" title="The number of Workers (processes).">Num workers</span></th>
++      <th><span class="tip above" title="Executors are threads in a Worker process.">Num executors</span></th>
++      <th><span class="tip above" title="A Task is an instance of a Bolt or Spout. The number of Tasks is almost always equal to the number of Executors.">Num tasks</span></th>
++      <th><span class="tip left" title="This shows information from the scheduler about the latest attempt to schedule the Topology on the cluster.">Scheduler Info</span></th>
++    </tr></thead>
+     <tbody>
+       <tr>
+         <td>{{name}}</td>
+         <td>{{id}}</td>
++        <td>{{owner}}</td>
+         <td>{{status}}</td>
+         <td>{{uptime}}</td>
+         <td>{{tasksTotal}}</td>
+         <td>{{workersTotal}}</td>
+         <td>{{executorsTotal}}</td>
++        <td>{{schedulerInfo}}</td>
+       </tr>
+     </tbody>
+   </table>
+ </script>
+ <script id="topology-stats-template" type="text/html">
+   <h2>Topology stats</h2>
+   <table class="zebra-striped" id="topology-stats-table">
+     <thead><tr><th><span class="tip right" title="The past period of time for which the statistics apply. Click on a value to set the window for this page.">Window</span></th><th><span class="tip above" title="The number of Tuples emitted.">Emitted</span></th><th><span class="tip above" title="The number of Tuples emitted that sent to one or more bolts.">Transferred</span></th><th><span class="tip above" title="The average time a Tuple &quot;tree&quot; takes to be completely processed by the Topology. A value of 0 is expected if no acking is done.">Complete latency (ms)</span></th><th><span class="tip above" title="The number of Tuple &quot;trees&quot; successfully processed. A value of 0 is expected if no acking is done.">Acked</span></th><th><span class="tip left" title="The number of Tuple &quot;trees&quot; that were explicitly failed or timed out before acking was completed. A value of 0 is expected if no acking is done.">Failed</span></th></tr></thead>
+     <tbody>
+       {{#topologyStats}}
+       <tr>
+         <td><a href="/topology.html?id={{id}}&window={{window}}">{{windowPretty}}</td>
+         <td>{{emitted}}</td>
+         <td>{{transferred}}</td>
+         <td>{{completeLatency}}</td>
+         <td>{{acked}}</td>
+         <td>{{failed}}</td>
+       </tr>
+       {{/topologyStats}}
+     </tbody>
+   </table>
+ </script>
+ <script id="topology-visualization-template" type="text/html">
+   <h2>Topology Visualization</h2>
+   <input type="button" id="show-hide-visualization" value="Show Visualization"/>
+   <p>
+     <div id="visualization-container" style="display:none;">
+       <p>
+         <table class="zebra-striped">
+           <thead>
+             <tr>
+               <th class="header" colspan=4>
+                 Streams
+               </th>
+             </tr>
+           </thead>
+           {{#visualizationTable}}
+           <tr>
+             {{#:row}}
+             <td>
+               <input type="checkbox" id={{:sani-stream}} class="stream-box" {{#:checked}}checked{{/:checked}}/>
+               {{:stream}}
+             </td>
+             {{/:row}}
+           </tr>
+           {{/visualizationTable}}
+         </table>
+       </p>
+       <canvas id="topoGraph" width=1024 height=768 style="border:1px solid #000000;">
+     </div>
+   </p>
+ </script>
+ <script id="topology-configuration-template" type="text/html">
+   <h2>Topology Configuration</h2>
+   <table class="zebra-striped" id="topology-configuration-table"><thead><tr><th>Key</th><th>Value</th></tr></thead>
+     <tbody>
+       {{#config}}
+       <tr>
+         <td>{{key}}</td>
+         <td>{{value}}</td>
+       </tr>
+       {{/config}}
+     </tbody>
+   </table>
+ </script>
+ <script id="spout-stats-template" type="text/html">
+   <h2>Spouts ({{windowHint}})</h2>
+   <table class="zebra-striped" id="spout-stats-table">
+     <thead>
+       <tr><th class="header headerSortDown"><span data-original-title="The ID assigned to a the Component by the Topology. Click on the name to view the Component's page." class="tip right">Id</span></th><th class="header"><span data-original-title="Executors are threads in a Worker process." class="tip right">Executors</span></th><th class="header"><span class="tip above" title="A Task is an instance of a Bolt or Spout. The number of Tasks is almost always equal to the number of Executors.">Tasks</span></th><th class="header"><span class="tip above" title="The number of Tuples emitted.">Emitted</span></th><th class="header"><span class="tip above" title="The number of Tuples emitted that sent to one or more bolts.">Transferred</span></th><th class="header"><span class="tip above" title="The average time a Tuple &quot;tree&quot; takes to be completely processed by the Topology. A value of 0 is expected if no acking is done.">Complete latency (ms)</span></th><th class="header"><span
  class="tip above" title="The number of Tuple &quot;trees&quot; successfully processed. A value of 0 is expected if no acking is done.">Acked</span></th><th class="header"><span class="tip above" title="The number of Tuple &quot;trees&quot; that were explicitly failed or timed out before acking was completed. A value of 0 is expected if no acking is done.">Failed</span></th><th class="header">Last error</th>
+       </tr>
+     </thead>
+     <tbody>
+       {{#spouts}}
+       <tr>
+         <td><a href="/component.html?id={{spoutId}}&topology_id={{id}}">{{spoutId}}</a></td>
+         <td>{{executors}}</td>
+         <td>{{tasks}}</td>
+         <td>{{emitted}}</td>
+         <td>{{transferred}}</td>
+         <td>{{completeLatency}}</td>
+         <td>{{acked}}</td>
+         <td>{{failed}}</td>
+         <td>{{lastError}}</td>
+         {{/spouts}}
+     </tbody>
+   </table>
+ </script>
+ <script id="bolt-stats-template" type="text/html">
+   <h2>Bolts ({{windowHint}})</h2>
+   <table class="zebra-striped" id="bolt-stats-table"><thead>
+       <tr><th class="header headerSortDown"><span class="tip right" title="The ID assigned to a the Component by the Topology. Click on the name to view the Component's page.">Id</span></th><th class="header"><span data-original-title="Executors are threads in a Worker process." class="tip right">Executors</span></th><th class="header"><span class="tip above" title="A Task is an instance of a Bolt or Spout. The number of Tasks is almost always equal to the number of Executors.">Tasks</span></th><th class="header"><span class="tip above" title="The number of Tuples emitted.">Emitted</span></th><th class="header"><span class="tip above" title="The number of Tuples emitted that sent to one or more bolts.">Transferred</span></th><th class="header"><span data-original-title="If this is around 1.0, the corresponding Bolt is running as fast as it can, so you may want to increase the Bolt's parallelism. This is (number executed * average execute latency) / measurement time." class="tip abo
 ve">Capacity (last 10m)</span></th><th class="header"><span class="tip above" title="The average time a Tuple spends in the execute method. The execute method may complete without sending an Ack for the tuple.">Execute latency (ms)</span></th><th class="header"><span class="tip above" title="The number of incoming Tuples processed.">Executed</span></th><th class="header"><span class="tip above" title="The average time it takes to Ack a Tuple after it is first received.  Bolts that join, aggregate or batch may not Ack a tuple until a number of other Tuples have been received.">Process latency (ms)</span></th><th class="header"><span class="tip above" title="The number of Tuples acknowledged by this Bolt.">Acked</span></th><th class="header"><span class="tip left" title="The number of tuples Failed by this Bolt.">Failed</span></th><th class="header">Last error</th>
+     </tr></thead>
+     <tbody>
+       {{#bolts}}
+       <tr>
+         <td><a href="/component.html?id={{boltId}}&topology_id={{id}}">{{boltId}}</a></td>
+         <td>{{executors}}</td>
+         <td>{{tasks}}</td>
+         <td>{{emitted}}</td>
+         <td>{{transferred}}</td>
+         <td>{{capacity}}</td>
+         <td>{{executeLatency}}</td>
+         <td>{{executed}}</td>
+         <td>{{processLatency}}</td>
+         <td>{{acked}}</td>
+         <td>{{failed}}</td>
+         <td>{{lastError}}</td>
+         {{/bolts}}
+     </tbody>
+ </script>
+ <script id="topology-actions-template" type="text/html">
 -  <input {{activateStatus}} onclick="confirmAction('{{id}}', '{{name}}', 'activate', false, 0)" type="button" value="Activate"><input {{deactivateStatus}} onclick="confirmAction('{{id}}', '{{name}}', 'deactivate', false, 0)" type="button" value="Deactivate"><input {{rebalanceStatus}} onclick="confirmAction('{{id}}', '{{name}}', 'rebalance', true, {{msgTimeout}})" type="button" value="Rebalance"><input {{killStatus}} onclick="confirmAction('{{id}}', '{{name}}', 'kill', true, 30)" type="button" value="Kill">
++  {{#uiActionsEnabled}}
++  <h2>Topology actions</h2>
++  <p id="topology-actions">
++    <input {{activateStatus}} onclick="confirmAction('{{id}}', '{{name}}', 'activate', false, 0)" type="button" value="Activate">
++    <input {{deactivateStatus}} onclick="confirmAction('{{id}}', '{{name}}', 'deactivate', false, 0)" type="button" value="Deactivate">
++    <input {{rebalanceStatus}} onclick="confirmAction('{{id}}', '{{name}}', 'rebalance', true, {{msgTimeout}})" type="button" value="Rebalance">
++    <input {{killStatus}} onclick="confirmAction('{{id}}', '{{name}}', 'kill', true, 30)" type="button" value="Kill">
++  </p>
++  {{/uiActionsEnabled}}
+ </script>
diff --cc storm-core/src/ui/public/topology.html
index 0000000,df095ad..b2ac1e5
mode 000000,100644..100644
--- a/storm-core/src/ui/public/topology.html
+++ b/storm-core/src/ui/public/topology.html
@@@ -1,0 -1,90 +1,87 @@@
+ <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
+ <html><head>
+ <title>Storm UI</title>
+ <link href="/css/bootstrap-1.4.0.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
+ <link href="/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
+ <script src="/js/jquery-1.6.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+ <script src="/js/jquery.tablesorter.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+ <script src="/js/jquery.cookies.2.2.0.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+ <script src="/js/jquery.mustache.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+ <script src="/js/purl.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+ <script src="/js/bootstrap-twipsy.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+ <script src="/js/script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+ <script src="/js/visualization.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+ <script src="/js/arbor.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+ <script src="/js/arbor-graphics.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1><a href="/">Storm UI</a></h1>
+ <h2>Topology summary</h2>
+ <div id="topology-summary">
+ </div>
+ <div id="topology-actions">
 -<h2 class="js-only">Topology actions</h2>
 -<p id="topology-actions" class="js-only">
+ </div>
+ <div id="topology-stats"></div>
+ <div id="spout-stats">
+ </div>
+ <div id="bolt-stats">
+ </div>
+ <div id="topology-visualization">
+ </div>
+ <div id="topology-configuration">
+ </div>
+ <p id="toggle-switch" style="display: block;" class="js-only"></p>
+ <div id="json-response-error">
+ </div>
+ </body>
+ <script>
+ $(document).ready(function() {
+     var topologyId = $.url().param("id");
+     var window = $.url().param("window");
+     var sys = $.cookies.get("sys") || "false";
+     var url = "/api/v1/topology/"+topologyId+"?sys="+sys;
+     if(window) url += "&window="+window;
+     renderToggleSys($("#toggle-switch"));
+     $.ajaxSetup({
+         "error":function(jqXHR,textStatus,response) {
+             var errorJson = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
+             $.get("/templates/json-error-template.html", function(template) {
+                 $("#json-response-error").append(Mustache.render($(template).filter("#json-error-template").html(),errorJson));
+             });
+         }
+     });
+     $.getJSON(url,function(response,status,jqXHR) {
+         var topologySummary = $("#topology-summary");
+         var topologyStats = $("#topology-stats");
+         var spoutStats = $("#spout-stats");
+         var boltStats = $("#bolt-stats");
+         var config = $("#topology-configuration");
+         var topologyActions = $("#topology-actions");
+         var topologyVisualization = $("#topology-visualization")
+         var formattedConfig = formatConfigData(response["configuration"]);
 -        var buttonJsonData = topologyActionJson(response["id"],response["name"],response["status"],response["msgTimeout"]);
++        var buttonJsonData = topologyActionJson(response["id"],response["name"],response["status"],response["msgTimeout"], response["uiActionsEnabled"]);
+         $.get("/templates/topology-page-template.html", function(template) {
+             topologySummary.append(Mustache.render($(template).filter("#topology-summary-template").html(),response));
+             topologyActions.append(Mustache.render($(template).filter("#topology-actions-template").html(),buttonJsonData));
+             topologyStats.append(Mustache.render($(template).filter("#topology-stats-template").html(),response));
+             $("#topology-stats-table").tablesorter({ sortList: [[0,0]], headers: {0: { sorter: "stormtimestr"}}});
+             spoutStats.append(Mustache.render($(template).filter("#spout-stats-template").html(),response));
+             if(response["spouts"].length > 0) {
+                 $("#spout-stats-table").tablesorter({sortList: [[0,0]], headers:{}});
+             }
+             boltStats.append(Mustache.render($(template).filter("#bolt-stats-template").html(),response));
+             if(response["bolts"].length > 0) {
+                 $("#bolt-stats-table").tablesorter({sortList: [[0,0]], headers:{}});
+             }
+             topologyVisualization.append(Mustache.render($(template).filter("#topology-visualization-template").html(), response));
+             $("#show-hide-visualization").click(function () { show_visualization(null) });
+             config.append(Mustache.render($(template).filter("#topology-configuration-template").html(),formattedConfig));
+             $("#topology-configuration-table").tablesorter({ sortList: [[0,0]], headers: {}});
+         });
+     });
+  });
+ </script>
+ </html>
diff --cc storm-core/test/clj/backtype/storm/drpc_test.clj
index fbc60e6,6d0ba2b..debb332
--- a/storm-core/test/clj/backtype/storm/drpc_test.clj
+++ b/storm-core/test/clj/backtype/storm/drpc_test.clj
@@@ -218,3 -220,24 +220,26 @@@
      (.shutdown cluster)
      (.shutdown drpc)
+ (deftest test-dequeue-req-after-timeout
+   (let [queue (ConcurrentLinkedQueue.)
 -        delay-seconds 2]
++        delay-seconds 2
++        conf {DRPC-REQUEST-TIMEOUT-SECS delay-seconds}]
+     (stubbing [acquire-queue queue
 -               read-storm-config {DRPC-REQUEST-TIMEOUT-SECS delay-seconds}]
 -      (let [drpc-handler (service-handler)]
++               read-storm-config conf]
++      (let [drpc-handler (service-handler conf)]
+         (is (thrown? DRPCExecutionException
+           (.execute drpc-handler "ArbitraryDRPCFunctionName" "")))
+         (is (= 0 (.size queue)))))))
+ (deftest test-drpc-timeout-cleanup 
+   (let [queue (ConcurrentLinkedQueue.)
 -        delay-seconds 1]
++        delay-seconds 1
++        conf {DRPC-REQUEST-TIMEOUT-SECS delay-seconds}]
+     (stubbing [acquire-queue queue
 -               read-storm-config {DRPC-REQUEST-TIMEOUT-SECS delay-seconds}
++               read-storm-config conf
+                timeout-check-secs delay-seconds]
 -              (let [drpc-handler (service-handler)]
++              (let [drpc-handler (service-handler conf)]
+                 (is (thrown? DRPCExecutionException 
+                              (.execute drpc-handler "ArbitraryDRPCFunctionName" "no-args")))))))
diff --cc storm-core/test/clj/backtype/storm/ui_test.clj
index 3a837c5,0000000..21ddb33
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/storm-core/test/clj/backtype/storm/ui_test.clj
+++ b/storm-core/test/clj/backtype/storm/ui_test.clj
@@@ -1,49 -1,0 +1,49 @@@
 +;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 +;; or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 +;; distributed with this work for additional information
 +;; regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 +;; to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 +;; "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 +;; with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 +;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 +;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 +;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 +;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 +;; limitations under the License.
 +(ns backtype.storm.ui-test
 +  (:use [clojure test])
 +  (:use [backtype.storm config])
 +  (:use [backtype.storm testing])
 +  (:require [backtype.storm.ui [core :as core]])
 +  )
 +(deftest test-authorized-ui-user
 +  (testing "allow cluster admin"
-     (let [conf {NIMBUS-ADMINS ["alice"]}]
++    (let [conf {UI-FILTER "something" NIMBUS-ADMINS ["alice"]}]
 +      (is (core/authorized-ui-user? "alice" conf {}))))
 +  (testing "ignore any cluster-set topology.users"
-     (let [conf {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["alice"]}]
++    (let [conf {UI-FILTER "something" TOPOLOGY-USERS ["alice"]}]
 +      (is (not (core/authorized-ui-user? "alice" conf {})))))
 +  (testing "allow cluster ui user"
-     (let [conf {UI-USERS ["alice"]}]
++    (let [conf {UI-FILTER "something" UI-USERS ["alice"]}]
 +      (is (core/authorized-ui-user? "alice" conf {}))))
 +  (testing "allow submitted topology user"
 +    (let [topo-conf {TOPOLOGY-USERS ["alice"]}]
-       (is (core/authorized-ui-user? "alice" {} topo-conf))))
++      (is (core/authorized-ui-user? "alice" {UI-FILTER "something"} topo-conf))))
 +  (testing "allow submitted ui user"
 +    (let [topo-conf {UI-USERS ["alice"]}]
-       (is (core/authorized-ui-user? "alice" {} topo-conf))))
++      (is (core/authorized-ui-user? "alice" {UI-FILTER "something"} topo-conf))))
 +  (testing "disallow user not in nimbus admin, topo user, or ui user"
-     (is (not (core/authorized-ui-user? "alice" {} {}))))
++    (is (not (core/authorized-ui-user? "alice" {UI-FILTER "something"} {}))))
 +  (testing "user cannot override nimbus admin"
 +    (let [topo-conf {NIMBUS-ADMINS ["alice"]}]
-       (is (not (core/authorized-ui-user? "alice" {} topo-conf))))))
++      (is (not (core/authorized-ui-user? "alice" {UI-FILTER "something"} topo-conf))))))