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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2021/11/26 12:49:51 UTC

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #19747: Fix Tasks getting stuck in scheduled state

ashb commented on a change in pull request #19747:

File path: airflow/jobs/
@@ -246,159 +246,218 @@ def _executable_task_instances_to_queued(self, max_tis: int, session: Session =
         if pool_slots_free == 0:
             self.log.debug("All pools are full!")
-            return executable_tis
+            return []
         max_tis = min(max_tis, pool_slots_free)
-        # Get all task instances associated with scheduled
-        # DagRuns which are not backfilled, in the given states,
-        # and the dag is not paused
-        query = (
-            session.query(TI)
-            .join(TI.dag_run)
-            .filter(DR.run_type != DagRunType.BACKFILL_JOB, DR.state != DagRunState.QUEUED)
-            .join(TI.dag_model)
-            .filter(not_(DM.is_paused))
-            .filter(TI.state == State.SCHEDULED)
-            .options(selectinload('dag_model'))
-            .order_by(-TI.priority_weight, DR.execution_date)
-        )
-        starved_pools = [pool_name for pool_name, stats in pools.items() if stats['open'] <= 0]
-        if starved_pools:
-            query = query.filter(not_(TI.pool.in_(starved_pools)))
-        query = query.limit(max_tis)
-        task_instances_to_examine: List[TI] = with_row_locks(
-            query,
-            of=TI,
-            session=session,
-            **skip_locked(session=session),
-        ).all()
-        # TODO[HA]: This was wrong before anyway, as it only looked at a sub-set of dags, not everything.
-        # Stats.gauge('scheduler.tasks.pending', len(task_instances_to_examine))
-        if len(task_instances_to_examine) == 0:
-            self.log.debug("No tasks to consider for execution.")
-            return executable_tis
-        # Put one task instance on each line
-        task_instance_str = "\n\t".join(repr(x) for x in task_instances_to_examine)
-"%s tasks up for execution:\n\t%s", len(task_instances_to_examine), task_instance_str)
-        pool_to_task_instances: DefaultDict[str, List[models.Pool]] = defaultdict(list)
-        for task_instance in task_instances_to_examine:
-            pool_to_task_instances[task_instance.pool].append(task_instance)
+        starved_pools = {pool_name for pool_name, stats in pools.items() if stats['open'] <= 0}
         # dag_id to # of running tasks and (dag_id, task_id) to # of running tasks.
-        dag_max_active_tasks_map: DefaultDict[str, int]
+        dag_active_tasks_map: DefaultDict[str, int]
         task_concurrency_map: DefaultDict[Tuple[str, str], int]
-        dag_max_active_tasks_map, task_concurrency_map = self.__get_concurrency_maps(
+        dag_active_tasks_map, task_concurrency_map = self.__get_concurrency_maps(
             states=list(EXECUTION_STATES), session=session
         num_tasks_in_executor = 0
         # Number of tasks that cannot be scheduled because of no open slot in pool
         num_starving_tasks_total = 0
-        # Go through each pool, and queue up a task for execution if there are
-        # any open slots in the pool.
+        # dag and task ids that can't be queued because of concurrency limits
+        starved_dags: Set[str] = set()
+        starved_tasks: Set[Tuple[str, str]] = set()
-        for pool, task_instances in pool_to_task_instances.items():
-            pool_name = pool
-            if pool not in pools:
-                self.log.warning("Tasks using non-existent pool '%s' will not be scheduled", pool)
-                continue
+        pool_num_starving_tasks = defaultdict(int)
-            open_slots = pools[pool]["open"]
+        for loop_count in itertools.count(start=1):
-            num_ready = len(task_instances)
-                "Figuring out tasks to run in Pool(name=%s) with %s open slots "
-                "and %s task instances ready to be queued",
-                pool,
-                open_slots,
-                num_ready,
+            num_starved_pools = len(starved_pools)
+            num_starved_dags = len(starved_dags)
+            num_starved_tasks = len(starved_tasks)
+            # Get task instances associated with scheduled
+            # DagRuns which are not backfilled, in the given states,
+            # and the dag is not paused
+            query = (
+                session.query(TI)
+                .join(TI.dag_run)
+                .filter(DR.run_type != DagRunType.BACKFILL_JOB, DR.state != DagRunState.QUEUED)
+                .join(TI.dag_model)
+                .filter(not_(DM.is_paused))
+                .filter(TI.state == State.SCHEDULED)
+                .options(selectinload('dag_model'))
+                .order_by(-TI.priority_weight, DR.execution_date)
-            priority_sorted_task_instances = sorted(
-                task_instances, key=lambda ti: (-ti.priority_weight, ti.execution_date)
+            if starved_pools:
+                query = query.filter(not_(TI.pool.in_(starved_pools)))
+            if starved_dags:
+                query = query.filter(not_(TI.dag_id.in_(starved_dags)))
+            if starved_tasks:
+                if == 'mssql':
+                    task_filter = or_(
+                        and_(
+                            TaskInstance.dag_id == dag_id,
+                            TaskInstance.task_id == task_id,
+                        )
+                        for (dag_id, task_id) in starved_tasks
+                    )
+                else:
+                    task_filter = tuple_(TaskInstance.dag_id, TaskInstance.task_id).in_(starved_tasks)
+                query = query.filter(not_(task_filter))
+            query = query.limit(max_tis)
+            task_instances_to_examine: List[TI] = with_row_locks(
+                query,
+                of=TI,
+                session=session,
+                **skip_locked(session=session),
+            ).all()
+            # TODO[HA]: This was wrong before anyway, as it only looked at a sub-set of dags, not everything.
+            # Stats.gauge('scheduler.tasks.pending', len(task_instances_to_examine))
+            if len(task_instances_to_examine) == 0:
+                self.log.debug("No tasks to consider for execution.")
+                break
+            # Put one task instance on each line
+            task_instance_str = "\n\t".join(repr(x) for x in task_instances_to_examine)
+                "%s tasks up for execution:\n\t%s", len(task_instances_to_examine), task_instance_str
-            num_starving_tasks = 0
-            for current_index, task_instance in enumerate(priority_sorted_task_instances):
-                if open_slots <= 0:
-          "Not scheduling since there are %s open slots in pool %s", open_slots, pool)
-                    # Can't schedule any more since there are no more open slots.
-                    num_unhandled = len(priority_sorted_task_instances) - current_index
-                    num_starving_tasks += num_unhandled
-                    num_starving_tasks_total += num_unhandled
-                    break
-                # Check to make sure that the task max_active_tasks of the DAG hasn't been
-                # reached.
-                dag_id = task_instance.dag_id
-                current_max_active_tasks_per_dag = dag_max_active_tasks_map[dag_id]
-                max_active_tasks_per_dag_limit = task_instance.dag_model.max_active_tasks
+            pool_to_task_instances: DefaultDict[str, List[TI]] = defaultdict(list)
+            for task_instance in task_instances_to_examine:
+                pool_to_task_instances[task_instance.pool].append(task_instance)
+            # Go through each pool, and queue up a task for execution if there are
+            # any open slots in the pool.
+            for pool, task_instances in pool_to_task_instances.items():
+                pool_name = pool
+                if pool not in pools:
+                    self.log.warning("Tasks using non-existent pool '%s' will not be scheduled", pool)
+                    starved_pools.add(pool_name)
+                    continue
+                open_slots = pools[pool]["open"]
+                num_ready = len(task_instances)
-                    "DAG %s has %s/%s running and queued tasks",
-                    dag_id,
-                    current_max_active_tasks_per_dag,
-                    max_active_tasks_per_dag_limit,
+                    "Figuring out tasks to run in Pool(name=%s) with %s open slots "
+                    "and %s task instances ready to be queued",
+                    pool,
+                    open_slots,
+                    num_ready,
+                )
+                priority_sorted_task_instances = sorted(
+                    task_instances, key=lambda ti: (-ti.priority_weight, ti.execution_date)
-                if current_max_active_tasks_per_dag >= max_active_tasks_per_dag_limit:
+                for current_index, task_instance in enumerate(priority_sorted_task_instances):
+                    if open_slots <= 0:
+                            "Not scheduling since there are %s open slots in pool %s", open_slots, pool
+                        )
+                        # Can't schedule any more since there are no more open slots.
+                        num_unhandled = len(priority_sorted_task_instances) - current_index
+                        pool_num_starving_tasks[pool_name] += num_unhandled
+                        num_starving_tasks_total += num_unhandled
+                        starved_pools.add(pool_name)
+                        break
+                    # Check to make sure that the task max_active_tasks of the DAG hasn't been
+                    # reached.
+                    dag_id = task_instance.dag_id
+                    current_active_tasks_per_dag = dag_active_tasks_map[dag_id]
+                    max_active_tasks_per_dag_limit = task_instance.dag_model.max_active_tasks
-                        "Not executing %s since the number of tasks running or queued "
-                        "from DAG %s is >= to the DAG's max_active_tasks limit of %s",
-                        task_instance,
+                        "DAG %s has %s/%s running and queued tasks",
+                        current_active_tasks_per_dag,
-                    continue
+                    if current_active_tasks_per_dag >= max_active_tasks_per_dag_limit:
+                            "Not executing %s since the number of tasks running or queued "
+                            "from DAG %s is >= to the DAG's max_active_tasks limit of %s",
+                            task_instance,
+                            dag_id,
+                            max_active_tasks_per_dag_limit,
+                        )
+                        starved_dags.add(dag_id)
+                        continue
+                    task_concurrency_limit: Optional[int] = None
+                    if task_instance.dag_model.has_task_concurrency_limits:
+                        # Many dags don't have a task_concurrency, so where we can avoid loading the full
+                        # serialized DAG the better.
+                        serialized_dag = self.dagbag.get_dag(dag_id, session=session)
+                        if serialized_dag.has_task(task_instance.task_id):
+                            task_concurrency_limit = serialized_dag.get_task(
+                                task_instance.task_id
+                            ).max_active_tis_per_dag
+                        if task_concurrency_limit is not None:
+                            current_task_concurrency = task_concurrency_map[
+                                (task_instance.dag_id, task_instance.task_id)
+                            ]
+                            if current_task_concurrency >= task_concurrency_limit:
+                                    "Not executing %s since the task concurrency for"
+                                    " this task has been reached.",
+                                    task_instance,
+                                )
+                                starved_tasks.add((task_instance.dag_id, task_instance.task_id))
+                                continue
+                    if task_instance.pool_slots > open_slots:
+                            "Not executing %s since it requires %s slots "
+                            "but there are %s open slots in the pool %s.",
+                            task_instance,
+                            task_instance.pool_slots,
+                            open_slots,
+                            pool,
+                        )
+                        pool_num_starving_tasks[pool_name] += 1
+                        num_starving_tasks_total += 1
+                        starved_tasks.add((task_instance.dag_id, task_instance.task_id))
+                        # Though we can execute tasks with lower priority if there's enough room
+                        continue
+                    executable_tis.append(task_instance)
+                    open_slots -= task_instance.pool_slots
+                    dag_active_tasks_map[dag_id] += 1
+                    task_concurrency_map[(task_instance.dag_id, task_instance.task_id)] += 1
+                pools[pool]["open"] = open_slots
+            is_done = executable_tis or len(task_instances_to_examine) < max_tis
+            # Check this to avoid accidental infinite loops
+            found_new_filters = (
+                len(starved_pools) > num_starved_pools
+                or len(starved_dags) > num_starved_dags
+                or len(starved_tasks) > num_starved_tasks
+            )
-                task_concurrency_limit: Optional[int] = None
-                if task_instance.dag_model.has_task_concurrency_limits:
-                    # Many dags don't have a task_concurrency, so where we can avoid loading the full
-                    # serialized DAG the better.
-                    serialized_dag = self.dagbag.get_dag(dag_id, session=session)
-                    if serialized_dag.has_task(task_instance.task_id):
-                        task_concurrency_limit = serialized_dag.get_task(
-                            task_instance.task_id
-                        ).max_active_tis_per_dag
-                    if task_concurrency_limit is not None:
-                        current_task_concurrency = task_concurrency_map[
-                            (task_instance.dag_id, task_instance.task_id)
-                        ]
-                        if current_task_concurrency >= task_concurrency_limit:
-                                "Not executing %s since the task concurrency for"
-                                " this task has been reached.",
-                                task_instance,
-                            )
-                            continue
-                if task_instance.pool_slots > open_slots:
-                        "Not executing %s since it requires %s slots "
-                        "but there are %s open slots in the pool %s.",
-                        task_instance,
-                        task_instance.pool_slots,
-                        open_slots,
-                        pool,
-                    )
-                    num_starving_tasks += 1
-                    num_starving_tasks_total += 1
-                    # Though we can execute tasks with lower priority if there's enough room
-                    continue
+            if is_done or not found_new_filters:
+                break
-                executable_tis.append(task_instance)
-                open_slots -= task_instance.pool_slots
-                dag_max_active_tasks_map[dag_id] += 1
-                task_concurrency_map[(task_instance.dag_id, task_instance.task_id)] += 1
+                "Found no task instances to queue on the %s. iteration "
+                "but there could be more candidate task instances to check.",
+                loop_count,
+            )

Review comment:
       This one probably feels more appropriate as a debug log

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