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cvs commit: xml-soap/java/docs/install FAQ_Tomcat_SOAP_SSL.html

duftler     01/05/15 21:02:13

  Modified:    java/docs/install FAQ_Tomcat_SOAP_SSL.html
  Minor tweaks, but my editor seems to have changed it quite a bit. It
    renders the same, but the diffs are large.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2       +658 -392  xml-soap/java/docs/install/FAQ_Tomcat_SOAP_SSL.html
  Index: FAQ_Tomcat_SOAP_SSL.html
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-soap/java/docs/install/FAQ_Tomcat_SOAP_SSL.html,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- FAQ_Tomcat_SOAP_SSL.html	2001/04/18 04:38:32	1.1
  +++ FAQ_Tomcat_SOAP_SSL.html	2001/05/16 04:02:12	1.2
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  -<TITLE>Setting up Apache Tomcat and SOAP for SSL communication</TITLE>
  -<META NAME="subject" CONTENT="Apache SOAP and SMTP">
  -<BODY LINK="#0000ff" VLINK="#800080">
  -<H1>Setting up Apache Tomcat and a Simple Apache SOAP Client for SSL Communication.</H1>
  -<H3>By <A HREF="">Peter Glynn</A> and <A HREF="">Darrell Drake</A>, with minor updates by <A HREF="">Jonathan Chawke</A>, April 2001.</H3>
  -This document gives steps involved in setting up Apache Tomcat and a simple SOAP4j client for <A href="">SSL</a> communication. <br>
  -The aim of this document is to allow a person with minimum Java security to be able to set up SSL connection in a SOAP4j/Tomcat Application. 
  -The steps you will carry out are:
  -<ol TYPE="1">
  -<li>Install the Java Secure Socket Extensions (JSSE) package (available from Sun).</li>
  -<li>Generate Client and Server Certificates for SSL communication.</li>
  -	<ol TYPE="a">
  -	<li>Generate a Server Key and Certificate</li>
  -	<li>Export the Server Certificate</li>
  -	<li>Generate a Client Key and Certificate</li>
  -	<li>Export the Client Certificate</li>
  -	<li>Import the Certificates into the Keystores</li>
  -	</ol>
  -	<li>Set up Tomcat for SSL Communication</li>
  -	<li>Modify the SOAP Client to use SSL</li>
  -Also included in this document is:
  -<li>A short tutorial on creating X.509 Certificate Chains</li>
  -<li>A section on troubleshooting SOAP and SSL installations</li>
  -It is assumed that you have installed <a href="">Apache SOAP4J</a> and <a href="">Apache Tomcat</a>, and that the sample SOAP applications are working.
  -<H2>Tools needed for Installation</H2>
  -<li>Apache SOAP4J � download at <a href=""></a></li>
  -<li>Java (tm) Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) 1.0.2 (jsse1.0.2) � download at <a href="
  -"></a> (free registration required) </li>
  -<H2>Step 1: Install JSSE</H2>
  -<li>Before you do anything, <b>read</b> the installation instructions for JSSE! (they are available online at: <a href=""></a>).</li>
  -<li>Add the JSSE jars to your classpath. This should hopefully add it to the classpath of your Tomcat server. If not, add it to the classpath of the Tomcat server or just copy the JSSE jar files to the lib directory of Tomcat (e.g. <code>C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\lib</code>). This will automatically load on start-up of Tomcat. <br>
  -The JSSE 1.0.2 jars that you need in your classpath are:
  -	<ul>
  -	<li><code>jsse.jar</code></li>
  -	<li><code>jcert.jar</code></li>
  -	<li><code>jnet.jar</code></li>
  -	</ul>
  -<H2>Step 2: Generate Client and Server Certificates</H2>
  -It is necessary to generate a Certificate for the client and the server. These Certificates are then imported into a keystore, to which the client and server connect. <br>
  -The keystore acts as a database for security certificates. <br>
  -You are going to use the <code>keytool</code> utility in the JDK to do these tasks (see <a href="">Sun's documentation</a> for more information on this tool).
  -<H3>Step 2a: Generate a Server Key and Certificate</H3>
  -Launch <code>keytool</code> from a shell (or command prompt) to generate your public and private key. <br>
  -Note that the Certificate and keystore files will be generated in the directory you run <code>keytool</code> from. <p>
  -Use <code>keytool</code> as follows:<br>
  -keytool -genkey -alias tomcat-sv -dname "CN=[Common Name],OU=[Organisation Unit], O=[Organisation Name], L=[Locality], 
  -	S=[State Name], C=[Two-Letter Country Code]" -keyalg RSA -keypass [private key password] -storepass [keystore password] -keystore [keystore file name] 
  -For example, to generate a keystore (in file <code>server.keystore</code>) for server <code></code> using password <code>changeit</code> (for both the keystore and the certificate) in the Computer Engineering group at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, one would type the following: 
  -keytool -genkey -alias tomcat-sv -dname ", OU=ComputerEngineering, O=Trinity College Dublin, L=Dublin, S=Dublin, C=IE" -keyalg RSA -keypass changeit  -storepass changeit -keystore server.keystore 
  -Note that 
  -<li>The RSA algorithm is used to generate certificates.</li>
  -<li>Ensure that the 'CN' field that you specify when you create the server certificate matches the name of the machine on which you're running tomcat, or your browser will complain about certificate name mis-matches (not a problem on a test server, a big problem on a production server!).
  -<H3>Step 2b: Export the Server Certificate</H3>
  ->From command prompt run this command to export your certificate from the keystore into an external file (we do this so we can import the certificate into the client's keystore as a trusted certificate).
  -keytool -export -alias tomcat-sv -storepass changeit -file server.cer -keystore server.keystore 
  -If everything works, you should now have a file called <code>server.cer</code> which contains your server's certificate.
  -<H3>Step 2c: Generate a Client Key and Certificate</H3>
  -This step is very similar to the generation of the server key and certificate - it uses the same <code>keytool</code> tool with different parameters. <br>
  -Note that the keystore file name has changed (it is now <code>client.keystore</code>).
  -Use <code>keytool</code> as follows:
  -keytool -genkey -alias tomcat-cl -dname "CN=Client,OU=TRL, O=IBM, L=Yamato-shi, S=Kanagawa-ken, C=JP" -keyalg RSA -keypass changeit -storepass changeit -keystore client.keystore 
  -<H3>Step 2d: Export the Client Certificate</H3>
  -This step is very similar to the export of the server certificate - it uses the same <code>keytool</code> tool with different parameters: <br>
  -keytool -export -alias tomcat-cl -storepass changeit -file client.cer -keystore client.keystore 
  -If everything works, you should now have a file called <code>client.cer</code> which contains your client's certificate.
  -<H3>Step 2e: Import the Certificates into the Keystores</H3>
  -We want the client certificate to be added to the server's keystore, and the server's certificate to be added to the client's keystore. <br>
  -Doing this will mean that the client and server trust one another.<br>
  -Import the server certificate into the client's keystore: <br>
  -keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file server.cer  -keystore client.keystore -keypass changeit -storepass changeit 
  -Import the client certificate into the server's keystore: 
  -keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file client.cer  -keystore server.keystore -keypass changeit -storepass changeit
  -<H2>Step 3: Set up Tomcat for SSL Communication</H2>
  -<H3>Step 3a: Modify your Tomcat Configuration File</h3>
  -You need to amend server.xml (located in the <code>conf</code> directory of Apache Tomcat). Add the following lines to the xml file:
  -&lt;Connector className ="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector"> 
  -&lt;Parameter name="handler" value ="org.apache.tomcat.service.http.HttpConnectionHandler"/> 
  -&lt;Parameter name="port" value="8443"/> 
  -&lt;Parameter name="socketFactory" value="" /> 
  -<b>&lt;Parameter name="keystore" value="c:\apache\soap-2_1\bin\server.keystore" /> </b>
  -&lt;Parameter name="keypass" value="changeit"/> 
  -&lt;Parameter name="clientAuth" value="true"/> 
  -Note that the value used for the <code>keystore</code> parameter (shown in bold above) may be different on your machine; 
  -it should contain the full path and filename of the server keystore file (<code>server.keystore</code>) generated in Step 2a above.
  -Note also that the port number we chose to use for SSL in the above configuration is 8443. The port normally used for HTTPS is 443, but for testing we are using 8443. 
  -<H3>Step 3a: Test your HTTPS server</h3>
  -At this point, you should restart your Tomcat server. It will probably take a bit longer to start up. You can now use a web browser to test that it is working. <br>
  -Test the SSL installation by opening your browser and typing in the following URL:
  -<pre>	https://servername:8443/index.html </pre>
  -Note that <code>servername</code> should be replaced with the name of the server on which you are running Tomcat. If SSL is working then you should see the default home page for your Tomcat installation. <br>
  -Your browser may generate a warning about un-trusted certificates or unrecognised authorities (just click OK).
  -<H2>Step 4: Modify the SOAP Client to use SSL</H3>
  -<H3>Step 4a: Java SSL Client</h3>
  -You need to set up properties before you call the URL in the SOAP client. Here is an example SOAP client that calls a SOAP service using HTTPS on a Tomcat server:
  -// classes for ssl
  -	//
  -	// setup some ssl-specific stuff
  -	//
  -	// specify the location of where to find key material for the default TrustManager (this overrides jssecacerts and cacerts)
  -<b>	System.setProperty("","C:\\jdk1.3\\bin\\client.keystore");</b>
  -	// use Sun's reference implementation of a URL handler for the "https" URL protocol type. 
  -	System.setProperty("java.protocol.handler.pkgs","");	
  -	// dynamically register sun's ssl provider
  -	Security.addProvider(new;	
  -	// note that the url is using https protocol and not http
  -	URL urls = new URL( "https://localhost:8443/soap/servlet/rpcrouter");
  -	//
  -	// prepare and then execute a SOAP method
  -	//
  -	// output some basic information
  -	System.out.println("\nUsing " + urls.getProtocol() + " to connect to " + urls.getHost() + " on port #" + urls.getPort());
  -	// prepare the service invocation as usual
  -	Call call = new Call(); 
  -	String urn = "urn:demo:checkflight"; 	
  -	call.setTargetObjectURI( urn ); 
  -	call.setMethodName( "getFlightInfo" );
  -	// set up any parameters as usual
  -	...
  -	// Invoke the call
  -	Response resp;
  -	try
  -	{
  -	  resp = call.invoke(urls, "");
  -	}
  -	catch (SOAPException e)
  -	{
  -	  System.err.println("Caught SOAPException (" + e.getFaultCode() + "): " + e.getMessage());
  -	  e.printStackTrace();
  -	  return;
  -	}	
  -Once again the bold directory path is a pointer to the client keystore. This may have to be changed depending on where you generated it.
  -Also note that the url is <b>https</b> and not http. It's an easy mistake to make!
  -<H3>Step 4b: Java SSL Client with Proxy [Optional]</h3>
  -If your client needs to use a proxy server in order to access the SOAP service, then add the following lines to your code:
  -	System.setProperty("https.proxyHost", "proxy");  // set name of proxy server that supports ssl 
  -	System.setProperty("https.proxyPort", "8080");   // set port number for proxy server that supports ssl
  -Use the following for Proxy without SSL:
  -	System.setProperty("proxySet", "true");	// enable proxying
  -	System.setProperty("proxyHost", "proxy");	// set name of proxy server
  -	System.setProperty("proxyPort", "8080");	// set port number for proxy server
  -If you are using Socks proxy then set these (system) properties:
  -	System.setProperty("socksProxyHost", "hostname");	// set name of socks server  
  -	System.setProperty("socksProxyPort", "1080");		// set port number for socks server
  -<H2>Creating X.509 Certificate Chains</H2>
  -By Darrell Drake
  -This instruction set covers creating mutual trust between two entities
  -using a certificate chains (my certificate with an attached lineage of
  -public certificates), which is more practical in a production environment
  -than the minimal security approach. In this case a principal is trusted if
  -any of the certificates in its chain are trusted.
  -Additional tool needed: IBM KeyMan, which can read and issue certificates
  -from keystores in the JKS and PKCS12 formats. Other formats (e.g. IBM CMS
  -Key Database) don't work well, at least in my experience.
  -<h3>Downloading KeyMan</h3>
  -KeyMan can be downloaded from: <a href=""></a>.
  -<h3>Creating a new Keystore and Keypair using KeyMan</h3>
  -<li>From the initial window, click on the "create new" icon on the left
  - <br>OR<br>from an already-open KeyMan window, under the File menu choose New.</li>
  -<li>Specify the type of keystore (pkcs 7, 12 and JKS are options)</li>
  -<li>Immediately the template is created</li>
  -<li>Under the Actions menu choose generate key</li>
  -<li>Select the desired key algorithm and length, click OK</li>
  -<h3>Opening an existing keystore file</h3>
  -<li>From the initial window, click on the "open" icon on the right
  -from an already-open KeyMan window, under the File menu choose Open</li>
  -<li>Select "local resource", click next</li>
  -<li>Enter or browse for the filename, click next</li>
  -<li>If applicable, enter the password protecting the file</li>
  -<H3>Generating a self-signed certificate using KeyMan (for new serverkeystore)</h3>
  -<li>Make sure the new key pair (and just the key pair) is selected</li>
  -<li>Under the Actions menu, choose Create Certificate</li>
  -<li>Choose Self-Signed Certificate, click next</li>
  -<li>Fill in the principal information as requested, click next</li>
  -<li>Select the period of validity for the new certificate, click next</li>
  -<h3>Requesting a client certificate using keytool</h3>
  --- using keytool (after creating keyEntry "alias")<br>
  -keytool -certreq {-alias alias} {-sigalg sigalg} {-file certreq_file} [-keypass keypass] {-storetype storetype} {-keystore keystore} [-storepass
  -storepass] {-v} {-Jjavaoption}</code><p>
  -If you leave the <code>"-file certreq_file"</code> part out, the pkcs10 request will be
  -printed to your standard output, which you can highlight and copy to the
  -system clipboard, transfer to a file or directly into KeyMan (see next step
  -"issuing certificate"). The principal information in the request will be
  -what you entered when using the "-genkey" command earlier.
  -<h3>Requesting a client certificate using KeyMan (after creating a key pair)</h3>
  -<li>Make sure the new key pair (and just the key pair) is selected</li>
  -<li>Under the Actions menu, choose Request Certificate</li>
  -<li>Choose "Generate a PKCS#10 Request", click next
  -If you want to get a commercial certificate for your server, choose "Go online to a CA"
  -      (I don't know the remaining steps for doing that)</li>
  -<li>Fill in the principal information as requested, click next</li>
  -<li>Enter the filename where you want to save the request,
  -Choose to copy the request to the system clipboard, click next</li>
  -<li>The request is now stored in the location that you specified.</li>
  -<h3>Issuing a client certificate using KeyMan</h3>
  -(aka acting as your own CA, signing a PKCS#10 certificate request)
  -<li>Open the keystore that contains your server's private certificate</li>
  -<li>Under the Actions menu, choose Create Certificate</li>
  -<li>Choose Sign a PKCS#10 request, click next</li>
  -<li>Enter or browse for the filename containing the request,
  -Choose to load the request from the system clipboard (if you stored it there), click next</li>
  -<li>Review the principal info (recommended: verify it offline in production scenario)</li>
  -<li>Select the period of validity for the new certificate, click next</li>
  -<li>Enter the [path-qualified] filename where you will store the new certificate, click next</li>
  -<li>NOT RECOMMENDED: saving the certificate to the clipboard (created a single
  -cert entry  on the client side instead of chain in my experience).</li>
  -<h3>Importing your new certificate from the CA's Using Keytool</h3>
  -(after importing server's cert as trusted CA cert)<br>
  -<code>keytool -import {-alias alias} {-file cert_file} [-keypass keypass]
  -{-storetype storetype} {-keystore keystore} [-storepass storepass] {-v}
  -It should simply say "certificate was added to keystore" and finish with no
  -dialog. ["alias" is your original keyEntry; the default self-signed
  -certificate should now be overwritten with the CA-signed certificate]
  -<h3>Importing your new certificate from the CA's Using KeyMan</h3>
  -<li>Under the File menu, choose Import</li>
  -<li>Select "local resource", click next</li>
  -<li>Enter or browse for the filename ("cert_file"), click next</li>
  -<li>You should get a popup dialog saying "Private Certificate Received", click OK</li>
  -<h3>Saving the new or changed keystore file using KeyMan</h3>
  -<li>Under the File menu choose Save</li>
  -<li>Enter the [path-qualified] filename (leave the default file format if PKCS12), click ok</li>
  -<li>Enter the password if prompted</li>
  -NOTE: If the server gets a certificate chain from a higher CA entity, the
  -client could import that higher entity's certificate as a trusted CA
  -certificate (it may already have that certificate by default), and it would
  -thus trust the server certificate.
  -One extremely useful tip for troubleshooting SSL is to use the built-in SSL debugging features:<br>
  -<code>	java YourClassname</code> 
  -<br>(this will give you a help message for SSL debugging features)
  -<h3>Unknown Protocol Error</h3>
  -Problem: <code>Exception in thread "main" unknown protocol: https</code><br>
  -Solution: Ensure that the ssl-specific initialisation code happens before you create a <code></code> object.
  -<h3>Unrecognized SSL handshake</h3>
  -Problem: <code>ContextManager: IOException reading request, ignored - Unrecognized SSL handshake.</code>
  -Solution: The most likely problem is either:<br> 
  -(a) your url is <code>http://</code> instead of <code>https://</code> <br> or <br> 
  -(b) your client and server are using different versions of soap.jar (possibly 2.0/2.1).
  -<h3>Bad Certificate Error</h3>
  -Redo Steps 2, 3 and 4.
  -<h3>Socket Write Error</h3>
  -Problem: <code>java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException:
  -Connection aborted by peer: socket write error</code>
  -This problem occurs because (for some reason) the server cannot authenticate the client. Change the following line in server.xml: 
  -<pre>&lt;Parameter name="clientAuth" value="false"/&gt;</pre>
  -<h3>Keytool Error</h3>
  -Problem: <code>keytool error: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect</code>
  -Solution: Try deleting the keystore file and re-creating it (see the instructions at the beginning of this page).
  -<H2>Further Information</H2>
  -<UL><LI>The SOAP Protocol: <A HREF=""></A>. </LI>
  -<LI>Apache SOAP: <A HREF=""></A>.</LI></UL>
  -<LI>Sun JSSE FAQ: <a href=""></a></li>
  -<li>"Modifying your Java Client to use Secure Sockets Layer": <a href=""></a></li>
  -<li>Notes on SSL error codes: <a href=""></a></li>
  -<li>Cryptographic Downloads (includes OpenSSL): <a href=""></a></li>
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  +Setting up Apache Tomcat and a Simple Apache SOAP Client for SSL Communication.</h1>
  +By <a href="">Peter Glynn</a> and <a href="">Darrell
  +Drake</a>, with minor updates by <a href="">Jonathan
  +Chawke</a>, April 2001.</h3>
  +This document gives steps involved in setting up Apache Tomcat and a simple
  +Apache SOAP client for <a href="">SSL</a>
  +<br>The aim of this document is to allow a person with minimum Java security
  +to be able to set up SSL connection in a Apache SOAP/Tomcat Application.
  +The steps you will carry out are:
  +<ol TYPE="1">
  +Install the Java Secure Socket Extensions (JSSE) package (available from
  +Generate Client and Server Certificates for SSL communication.</li>
  +<ol TYPE="a">
  +Generate a Server Key and Certificate</li>
  +Export the Server Certificate</li>
  +Generate a Client Key and Certificate</li>
  +Export the Client Certificate</li>
  +Import the Certificates into the Keystores</li>
  +Set up Tomcat for SSL Communication</li>
  +Modify the SOAP Client to use SSL</li>
  +Also included in this document is:
  +A short tutorial on creating X.509 Certificate Chains</li>
  +A section on troubleshooting SOAP and SSL installations</li>
  +It is assumed that you have installed <a href="">Apache
  +SOAP</a> and <a href="">Apache Tomcat</a>,
  +and that the sample SOAP applications are working.
  +Tools needed for Installation</h2>
  +Apache SOAP � download at <a href=""></a></li>
  +Java (tm) Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) 1.0.2 (jsse1.0.2) � download at
  +<a href=""></a>
  +(free registration required)</li>
  +Step 1: Install JSSE</h2>
  +Before you do anything, <b>read</b> the installation instructions for JSSE!
  +(they are available online at: <a href=""></a>).</li>
  +Add the JSSE jars to your classpath. This should hopefully add it to the
  +classpath of your Tomcat server. If not, add it to the classpath of the
  +Tomcat server or just copy the JSSE jar files to the lib directory of Tomcat
  +(e.g. <tt>C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\lib</tt>). This will automatically load
  +on start-up of Tomcat.</li>
  +<br>The JSSE 1.0.2 jars that you need in your classpath are:
  +Step 2: Generate Client and Server Certificates</h2>
  +It is necessary to generate a Certificate for the client and the server.
  +These Certificates are then imported into a keystore, to which the client
  +and server connect.
  +<br>The keystore acts as a database for security certificates.
  +<br>You are going to use the <tt>keytool</tt> utility in the JDK to do
  +these tasks (see <a href="">Sun's
  +documentation</a> for more information on this tool).
  +Step 2a: Generate a Server Key and Certificate</h3>
  +Launch <tt>keytool</tt> from a shell (or command prompt) to generate your
  +public and private key.
  +<br>Note that the Certificate and keystore files will be generated in the
  +directory you run <tt>keytool</tt> from.
  +<p>Use <tt>keytool</tt> as follows:
  +<br><tt>keytool -genkey -alias tomcat-sv -dname "CN=[Common Name],OU=[Organisation
  +Unit], O=[Organisation Name], L=[Locality], S=[State Name], C=[Two-Letter
  +Country Code]" -keyalg RSA -keypass [private key password] -storepass [keystore
  +password] -keystore [keystore file name]</tt>
  +<p>For example, to generate a keystore (in file <tt>server.keystore</tt>)
  +for server <tt></tt> using password <tt>changeit</tt>
  +(for both the keystore and the certificate) in the Computer Engineering
  +group at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, one would type the following:
  +<tt>keytool -genkey -alias tomcat-sv -dname ", OU=ComputerEngineering,
  +O=Trinity College Dublin, L=Dublin, S=Dublin, C=IE" -keyalg RSA -keypass
  +changeit -storepass changeit -keystore server.keystore</tt>
  +<p>Note that
  +The RSA algorithm is used to generate certificates.</li>
  +Ensure that the 'CN' field that you specify when you create the server
  +certificate matches the name of the machine on which you're running tomcat,
  +or your browser will complain about certificate name mis-matches (not a
  +problem on a test server, a big problem on a production server!).</li>
  +Step 2b: Export the Server Certificate</h3>
  +>From command prompt run this command to export your certificate from the
  +keystore into an external file (we do this so we can import the certificate
  +into the client's keystore as a trusted certificate).
  +keytool -export -alias tomcat-sv -storepass changeit -file server.cer -keystore server.keystore&nbsp;
  +If everything works, you should now have a file called <tt>server.cer</tt>
  +which contains your server's certificate.
  +Step 2c: Generate a Client Key and Certificate</h3>
  +This step is very similar to the generation of the server key and certificate
  +- it uses the same <tt>keytool</tt> tool with different parameters.
  +<br>Note that the keystore file name has changed (it is now <tt>client.keystore</tt>).
  +Use <tt>keytool</tt> as follows:
  +<p><tt>keytool -genkey -alias tomcat-cl -dname "CN=Client,OU=TRL, O=IBM,
  +L=Yamato-shi, S=Kanagawa-ken, C=JP" -keyalg RSA -keypass changeit -storepass
  +changeit -keystore client.keystore</tt>
  +Step 2d: Export the Client Certificate</h3>
  +This step is very similar to the export of the server certificate - it
  +uses the same <tt>keytool</tt> tool with different parameters:
  +keytool -export -alias tomcat-cl -storepass changeit -file client.cer -keystore client.keystore&nbsp;
  +If everything works, you should now have a file called <tt>client.cer</tt>
  +which contains your client's certificate.
  +Step 2e: Import the Certificates into the Keystores</h3>
  +We want the client certificate to be added to the server's keystore, and
  +the server's certificate to be added to the client's keystore.
  +<br>Doing this will mean that the client and server trust one another.
  +<br>Import the server certificate into the client's keystore:
  +<br><tt>keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file server.cer
  +-keystore client.keystore -keypass changeit -storepass changeit</tt>
  +<br>Import the client certificate into the server's keystore: <tt>keytool
  +-import -v -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file client.cer -keystore server.keystore
  +-keypass changeit -storepass changeit</tt>
  +Step 3: Set up Tomcat for SSL Communication</h2>
  +Step 3a: Modify your Tomcat Configuration File</h3>
  +You need to amend server.xml (located in the <tt>conf</tt> directory of
  +Apache Tomcat). Add the following lines to the xml file:
  +&lt;Connector className ="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector">&nbsp;
  +&lt;Parameter name="handler" value ="org.apache.tomcat.service.http.HttpConnectionHandler"/>&nbsp;
  +&lt;Parameter name="port" value="8443"/>&nbsp;
  +&lt;Parameter name="socketFactory" value="" />&nbsp;
  +<b>&lt;Parameter name="keystore" value="c:\apache\soap-2_2\bin\server.keystore" />&nbsp;
  +</b>&lt;Parameter name="keypass" value="changeit"/>&nbsp;
  +&lt;Parameter name="clientAuth" value="true"/>&nbsp;
  +Note that the value used for the <tt>keystore</tt> parameter (shown in
  +bold above) may be different on your machine; it should contain the full
  +path and filename of the server keystore file (<tt>server.keystore</tt>)
  +generated in Step 2a above. Note also that the port number we chose to
  +use for SSL in the above configuration is 8443. The port normally used
  +for HTTPS is 443, but for testing we are using 8443.
  +Step 3a: Test your HTTPS server</h3>
  +At this point, you should restart your Tomcat server. It will probably
  +take a bit longer to start up. You can now use a web browser to test that
  +it is working.
  +<br>Test the SSL installation by opening your browser and typing in the
  +following URL:
  +<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; https://servername:8443/index.html</pre>
  +Note that <tt>servername</tt> should be replaced with the name of the server
  +on which you are running Tomcat. If SSL is working then you should see
  +the default home page for your Tomcat installation.
  +<br>Your browser may generate a warning about un-trusted certificates or
  +unrecognised authorities (just click OK).
  +Step 4: Modify the SOAP Client to use SSL</h2>
  +Step 4a: Java SSL Client</h3>
  +You need to set up properties before you call the URL in the SOAP client.
  +Here is an example SOAP client that calls a SOAP service using HTTPS on
  +a Tomcat server:
  +// classes for ssl
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; //
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; // setup some ssl-specific stuff
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; //
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; // specify the location of where to find key material for the default TrustManager (this overrides jssecacerts and cacerts)
  +<b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; System.setProperty("","C:\\jdk1.3\\bin\\client.keystore");
  +</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; // use Sun's reference implementation of a URL handler for the "https" URL protocol type.&nbsp;
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; System.setProperty("java.protocol.handler.pkgs","");&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; // dynamically register sun's ssl provider
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Security.addProvider(new;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; // note that the url is using https protocol and not http
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; URL urls = new URL( "https://localhost:8443/soap/servlet/rpcrouter");
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; //
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; // prepare and then execute a SOAP method
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; //
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; // output some basic information
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; System.out.println("\nUsing " + urls.getProtocol() + " to connect to " + urls.getHost() + " on port #" + urls.getPort());
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; // prepare the service invocation as usual
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Call call = new Call();&nbsp;
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; String urn = "urn:demo:checkflight";&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; call.setTargetObjectURI( urn );&nbsp;
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; call.setMethodName( "getFlightInfo" );
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; // set up any parameters as usual
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ...
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; // Invoke the call
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Response resp;
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; try
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; resp = call.invoke(urls, "");
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; catch (SOAPException e)
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; System.err.println("Caught SOAPException (" + e.getFaultCode() + "): " + e.getMessage());
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; e.printStackTrace();
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; return;
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  +Once again the bold directory path is a pointer to the client keystore.
  +This may have to be changed depending on where you generated it. Also note
  +that the url is <b>https</b> and not http. It's an easy mistake to make!
  +Step 4b: Java SSL Client with Proxy [Optional]</h3>
  +If your client needs to use a proxy server in order to access the SOAP
  +service, then add the following lines to your code:
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; System.setProperty("https.proxyHost", "proxy");&nbsp; // set name of proxy server that supports ssl&nbsp;
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; System.setProperty("https.proxyPort", "8080");&nbsp;&nbsp; // set port number for proxy server that supports ssl
  +Use the following for Proxy without SSL:
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; System.setProperty("proxySet", "true"); // enable proxying
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; System.setProperty("proxyHost", "proxy");&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; // set name of proxy server
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; System.setProperty("proxyPort", "8080");&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; // set port number for proxy server
  +If you are using Socks proxy then set these (system) properties:
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; System.setProperty("socksProxyHost", "hostname");&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; // set name of socks server&nbsp;&nbsp;
  +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; System.setProperty("socksProxyPort", "1080");&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; // set port number for socks server
  +Creating X.509 Certificate Chains</h2>
  +By Darrell Drake
  +This instruction set covers creating mutual trust between two entities
  +using a certificate chains (my certificate with an attached lineage of
  +public certificates), which is more practical in a production environment
  +than the minimal security approach. In this case a principal is trusted
  +if any of the certificates in its chain are trusted. Additional tool needed:
  +IBM KeyMan, which can read and issue certificates from keystores in the
  +JKS and PKCS12 formats. Other formats (e.g. IBM CMS Key Database) don't
  +work well, at least in my experience.
  +Downloading KeyMan</h3>
  +KeyMan can be downloaded from: <a href=""></a>.
  +Creating a new Keystore and Keypair using KeyMan</h3>
  +From the initial window, click on the "create new" icon on the left</li>
  +<br>from an already-open KeyMan window, under the File menu choose New.
  +Specify the type of keystore (pkcs 7, 12 and JKS are options)</li>
  +Immediately the template is created</li>
  +Under the Actions menu choose generate key</li>
  +Select the desired key algorithm and length, click OK</li>
  +Opening an existing keystore file</h3>
  +From the initial window, click on the "open" icon on the right</li>
  +<br>from an already-open KeyMan window, under the File menu choose Open
  +Select "local resource", click next</li>
  +Enter or browse for the filename, click next</li>
  +If applicable, enter the password protecting the file</li>
  +Generating a self-signed certificate using KeyMan (for new serverkeystore)</h3>
  +Make sure the new key pair (and just the key pair) is selected</li>
  +Under the Actions menu, choose Create Certificate</li>
  +Choose Self-Signed Certificate, click next</li>
  +Fill in the principal information as requested, click next</li>
  +Select the period of validity for the new certificate, click next</li>
  +Requesting a client certificate using keytool</h3>
  +<tt>-- using keytool (after creating keyEntry "alias")</tt>
  +<br><tt>keytool -certreq {-alias alias} {-sigalg sigalg} {-file certreq_file}
  +[-keypass keypass] {-storetype storetype} {-keystore keystore} [-storepass
  +storepass] {-v} {-Jjavaoption}</tt>
  +<p>&nbsp;If you leave the <tt>"-file certreq_file"</tt> part out, the pkcs10
  +request will be printed to your standard output, which you can highlight
  +and copy to the system clipboard, transfer to a file or directly into KeyMan
  +(see next step "issuing certificate"). The principal information in the
  +request will be what you entered when using the "-genkey" command earlier.
  +Requesting a client certificate using KeyMan (after creating a key pair)</h3>
  +Make sure the new key pair (and just the key pair) is selected</li>
  +Under the Actions menu, choose Request Certificate</li>
  +Choose "Generate a PKCS#10 Request", click next</li>
  +<br>If you want to get a commercial certificate for your server, choose
  +"Go online to a CA" (I don't know the remaining steps for doing that)
  +Fill in the principal information as requested, click next</li>
  +Enter the filename where you want to save the request,</li>
  +<br>Choose to copy the request to the system clipboard, click next
  +The request is now stored in the location that you specified.</li>
  +Issuing a client certificate using KeyMan</h3>
  +(aka acting as your own CA, signing a PKCS#10 certificate request)
  +Open the keystore that contains your server's private certificate</li>
  +Under the Actions menu, choose Create Certificate</li>
  +Choose Sign a PKCS#10 request, click next</li>
  +Enter or browse for the filename containing the request,</li>
  +<br>Choose to load the request from the system clipboard (if you stored
  +it there), click next
  +Review the principal info (recommended: verify it offline in production
  +Select the period of validity for the new certificate, click next</li>
  +Enter the [path-qualified] filename where you will store the new certificate,
  +click next</li>
  +NOT RECOMMENDED: saving the certificate to the clipboard (created a single
  +cert entry on the client side instead of chain in my experience).</li>
  +Importing your new certificate from the CA's Using Keytool</h3>
  +(after importing server's cert as trusted CA cert)
  +<br><tt>keytool -import {-alias alias} {-file cert_file} [-keypass keypass]
  +{-storetype storetype} {-keystore keystore} [-storepass storepass] {-v}
  +<br>It should simply say "certificate was added to keystore" and finish
  +with no dialog. ["alias" is your original keyEntry; the default self-signed
  +certificate should now be overwritten with the CA-signed certificate]
  +Importing your new certificate from the CA's Using KeyMan</h3>
  +Under the File menu, choose Import</li>
  +Select "local resource", click next</li>
  +Enter or browse for the filename ("cert_file"), click next</li>
  +You should get a popup dialog saying "Private Certificate Received", click
  +Saving the new or changed keystore file using KeyMan</h3>
  +Under the File menu choose Save</li>
  +Enter the [path-qualified] filename (leave the default file format if PKCS12),
  +click ok</li>
  +Enter the password if prompted</li>
  +NOTE: If the server gets a certificate chain from a higher CA entity, the
  +client could import that higher entity's certificate as a trusted CA certificate
  +(it may already have that certificate by default), and it would thus trust
  +the server certificate.
  +One extremely useful tip for troubleshooting SSL is to use the built-in
  +SSL debugging features:
  +<br><tt>java YourClassname</tt>
  +<br>(this will give you a help message for SSL debugging features)
  +Unknown Protocol Error</h3>
  +Problem: <tt>Exception in thread "main"
  +unknown protocol: https</tt>
  +<br>Solution: Ensure that the ssl-specific initialisation code happens
  +before you create a <tt></tt> object.
  +Unrecognized SSL handshake</h3>
  +Problem: <tt>ContextManager: IOException reading request, ignored -
  +Unrecognized SSL handshake.</tt>
  +<br>Solution: The most likely problem is either:
  +<br>(a) your url is <tt>http://</tt> instead of <tt>https://</tt>
  +<br>(b) your client and server are using different versions of soap.jar
  +(possibly 2.0/2.1).
  +Bad Certificate Error</h3>
  +Redo Steps 2, 3 and 4.
  +Socket Write Error</h3>
  +Problem: <tt>java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException:
  +Connection aborted by peer: socket write error</tt>
  +<br>Solution: This problem occurs because (for some reason) the server
  +cannot authenticate the client. Change the following line in server.xml:
  +<pre>&lt;Parameter name="clientAuth" value="false"/></pre>
  +Keytool Error</h3>
  +Problem: <tt>keytool error: Keystore was tampered
  +with, or password was incorrect</tt>
  +<br>Solution: Try deleting the keystore file and re-creating it (see the
  +instructions at the beginning of this page).
  +Further Information</h2>
  +The SOAP Protocol: <a href=""></a>.</li>
  +Apache SOAP: <a href=""></a>.</li>
  +Sun JSSE FAQ: <a href=""></a></li>
  +"Modifying your Java Client to use Secure Sockets Layer": <a href=""></a></li>
  +Notes on SSL error codes: <a href=""></a></li>
  +Cryptographic Downloads (includes OpenSSL): <a href=""></a></li>