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Posted to by on 2016/11/23 18:51:25 UTC

[02/70] [abbrv] [partial] incubator-mynewt-core git commit: Remove non-Apache-compatible Nordic SDK files.
diff --git a/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/serialization/connectivity/codecs/s130/middleware/conn_mw_ble.c b/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/serialization/connectivity/codecs/s130/middleware/conn_mw_ble.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6944011..0000000
--- a/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/serialization/connectivity/codecs/s130/middleware/conn_mw_ble.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2014 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
- * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
- *
- * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
- * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
- * the file.
- *
- */
-#include "ble_conn.h"
-#include "conn_mw_ble.h"
-#include "ble_serialization.h"
-#include "conn_ble_user_mem.h"
-extern sercon_ble_user_mem_t m_conn_user_mem_table[];
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_tx_packet_count_get(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                         uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                         uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                         uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-    uint8_t   count;
-    uint16_t  conn_handle;
-    uint8_t * p_count = &count;
-    uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-    uint32_t sd_err_code;
-    err_code = ble_tx_packet_count_get_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &conn_handle, &p_count);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    sd_err_code = sd_ble_tx_packet_count_get(conn_handle, p_count);
-    err_code = ble_tx_packet_count_get_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len, p_count);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_uuid_vs_add(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                 uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-    ble_uuid128_t   uuid;
-    ble_uuid128_t * p_uuid = &uuid;
-    uint8_t         uuid_type;
-    uint8_t *       p_uuid_type = &uuid_type;
-    uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-    uint32_t sd_err_code;
-    err_code = ble_uuid_vs_add_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &p_uuid, &p_uuid_type);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    sd_err_code = sd_ble_uuid_vs_add(p_uuid, p_uuid_type);
-    err_code = ble_uuid_vs_add_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len, p_uuid_type);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_uuid_decode(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                 uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-    uint8_t      raw_uuid[16];
-    uint8_t      uuid_len   = sizeof (raw_uuid);
-    uint8_t *    p_raw_uuid = raw_uuid;
-    ble_uuid_t   uuid;
-    ble_uuid_t * p_uuid   = &uuid;
-    uint32_t     err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-    uint32_t     sd_err_code;
-    err_code = ble_uuid_decode_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &uuid_len, &p_raw_uuid, &p_uuid);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    sd_err_code = sd_ble_uuid_decode(uuid_len, p_raw_uuid, p_uuid);
-    err_code = ble_uuid_decode_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len, p_uuid);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_uuid_encode(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                 uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-    uint8_t      raw_uuid[16];
-    uint8_t      uuid_len   = sizeof (raw_uuid);
-    uint8_t *    p_uuid_len = &uuid_len;
-    uint8_t *    p_raw_uuid = raw_uuid;
-    ble_uuid_t   uuid;
-    ble_uuid_t * p_uuid   = &uuid;
-    uint32_t     err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-    uint32_t     sd_err_code;
-    err_code = ble_uuid_encode_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &p_uuid, &p_uuid_len, &p_raw_uuid);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    sd_err_code = sd_ble_uuid_encode(p_uuid, p_uuid_len, p_raw_uuid);
-    err_code = ble_uuid_encode_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len, uuid_len, p_raw_uuid);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_version_get(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                 uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-    ble_version_t   version;
-    ble_version_t * p_version = &version;
-    uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-    uint32_t sd_err_code;
-    err_code = ble_version_get_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &p_version);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    sd_err_code = sd_ble_version_get(p_version);
-    err_code = ble_version_get_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len, p_version);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_opt_get(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                             uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                             uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                             uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-    uint32_t   opt_id;
-    ble_opt_t  opt;
-    ble_opt_t *p_opt = &opt;
-    uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-    uint32_t sd_err_code;
-    err_code = ble_opt_get_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &opt_id, &p_opt);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    sd_err_code = sd_ble_opt_get(opt_id, p_opt);
-    err_code = ble_opt_get_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len, opt_id, p_opt);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_opt_set(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                             uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                             uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                             uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-    uint32_t      opt_id = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-    uint16_t      act_latency;
-    uint8_t       passkey[BLE_GAP_PASSKEY_LEN];
-    ble_gap_irk_t irk = {{0}};
-    uint32_t      err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-    /* Pre-decode type of ble_opt_t union */
-    err_code = ble_opt_id_pre_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &opt_id);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    ble_opt_t  opt;
-    ble_opt_t *p_opt = &opt;
-    /* Initialaize appropriate pointers inside opt union based on opt_id */
-    switch(opt_id)
-    {
-            opt.gap_opt.local_conn_latency.p_actual_latency = &act_latency;
-            break;
-        case BLE_GAP_OPT_PASSKEY:
-            opt.gap_opt.passkey.p_passkey = passkey;
-            break;
-        case BLE_GAP_OPT_PRIVACY:
-            opt.gap_opt.privacy.p_irk = &irk;
-            break;
-    }
-    uint32_t   sd_err_code;
-    err_code = ble_opt_set_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &opt_id, &p_opt);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    sd_err_code = sd_ble_opt_set(opt_id, p_opt);
-    err_code = ble_opt_set_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_enable(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                            uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                            uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                            uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-    uint32_t app_ram_base;
-/*lint --e{10} --e{19} --e{27} --e{40} --e{529} -save suppress Error 27: Illegal character */
-#if defined(_WIN32) ||  defined(__unix) || defined(__APPLE__)
-    uint32_t ram_start = 0;
-#elif defined ( __CC_ARM )
-    extern uint32_t Image$$RW_IRAM1$$Base;
-    volatile uint32_t ram_start = (uint32_t) &Image$$RW_IRAM1$$Base;
-#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
-    extern uint32_t __ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__;
-    volatile uint32_t ram_start = (uint32_t) &__ICFEDIT_region_RAM_start__;
-#elif defined   ( __GNUC__ )
-    extern uint32_t __start_fs_data;
-    volatile uint32_t ram_start = (uint32_t) &__start_fs_data;
-    app_ram_base = ram_start;
-    ble_enable_params_t   params;
-    ble_enable_params_t * p_params = &params;
-    uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-    uint32_t sd_err_code;
-    err_code = ble_enable_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &p_params);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    //disabled till codec is adopted.
-    sd_err_code = sd_ble_enable(p_params, &app_ram_base);
-    err_code = ble_enable_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_user_mem_reply(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                    uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                    uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                    uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-    ble_user_mem_block_t   mem_block;
-    ble_user_mem_block_t * p_mem_block = &mem_block;
-    uint32_t               err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-    uint32_t               user_mem_tab_index;
-    uint16_t               conn_handle;
-    /* Allocate user memory context for SoftDevice */
-    uint32_t   sd_err_code;
-    err_code = ble_user_mem_reply_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &conn_handle, &p_mem_block);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    if (p_mem_block != NULL)
-    {
-    	//Use the context if p_mem_block was not null
-		err_code = conn_ble_user_mem_context_create(&user_mem_tab_index);
-		SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-		m_conn_user_mem_table[user_mem_tab_index].conn_handle = conn_handle;
-		m_conn_user_mem_table[user_mem_tab_index].mem_block.len = p_mem_block->len;
-		p_mem_block = &(m_conn_user_mem_table[user_mem_tab_index].mem_block);
-    }
-    sd_err_code = sd_ble_user_mem_reply(conn_handle, p_mem_block);
-    err_code = ble_user_mem_reply_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    return err_code;
diff --git a/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/serialization/connectivity/codecs/s130/middleware/conn_mw_ble.h b/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/serialization/connectivity/codecs/s130/middleware/conn_mw_ble.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4decac2..0000000
--- a/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/serialization/connectivity/codecs/s130/middleware/conn_mw_ble.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2014 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
- * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
- *
- * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
- * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
- * the file.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _CONN_MW_BLE_H
-#define _CONN_MW_BLE_H
-#include <stdint.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/**@brief Handles @ref sd_ble_tx_packet_count_get command and prepares response.
- *
- * @param[in]     p_rx_buf            Pointer to input buffer.
- * @param[in]     rx_buf_len          Size of p_rx_buf.
- * @param[out]    p_tx_buf            Pointer to output buffer.
- * @param[in,out] p_tx_buf_len        \c in: size of \p p_tx_buf buffer.
- *                                    \c out: Length of valid data in \p p_tx_buf.
- *
- * @retval NRF_SUCCESS                Handler success.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_NULL             Handler failure. NULL pointer supplied.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH   Handler failure. Incorrect buffer length.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM    Handler failure. Invalid operation type.
- */
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_tx_packet_count_get(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                         uint32_t rx_buf_len,
-                                         uint8_t * const p_tx_buf,
-                                         uint32_t * const p_tx_buf_len);
-/**@brief Handles @ref sd_ble_uuid_vs_add command and prepares response.
- *
- * @param[in]     p_rx_buf            Pointer to input buffer.
- * @param[in]     rx_buf_len          Size of p_rx_buf.
- * @param[out]    p_tx_buf            Pointer to output buffer.
- * @param[in,out] p_tx_buf_len        \c in: size of \p p_tx_buf buffer.
- *                                    \c out: Length of valid data in \p p_tx_buf.
- *
- * @retval NRF_SUCCESS                Handler success.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_NULL             Handler failure. NULL pointer supplied.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH   Handler failure. Incorrect buffer length.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM    Handler failure. Invalid operation type.
- */
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_uuid_vs_add(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t rx_buf_len,
-                                 uint8_t * const p_tx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t * const p_tx_buf_len);
-/**@brief Handles @ref sd_ble_uuid_decode command and prepares response.
- *
- * @param[in]     p_rx_buf            Pointer to input buffer.
- * @param[in]     rx_buf_len          Size of p_rx_buf.
- * @param[out]    p_tx_buf            Pointer to output buffer.
- * @param[in,out] p_tx_buf_len        \c in: size of \p p_tx_buf buffer.
- *                                    \c out: Length of valid data in \p p_tx_buf.
- *
- * @retval NRF_SUCCESS                Handler success.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_NULL             Handler failure. NULL pointer supplied.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH   Handler failure. Incorrect buffer length.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM    Handler failure. Invalid operation type.
- */
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_uuid_decode(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t rx_buf_len,
-                                 uint8_t * const p_tx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t * const p_tx_buf_len);
-/**@brief Handles @ref sd_ble_uuid_encode command and prepares response.
- *
- * @param[in]     p_rx_buf            Pointer to input buffer.
- * @param[in]     rx_buf_len          Size of p_rx_buf.
- * @param[out]    p_tx_buf            Pointer to output buffer.
- * @param[in,out] p_tx_buf_len        \c in: size of \p p_tx_buf buffer.
- *                                    \c out: Length of valid data in \p p_tx_buf.
- *
- * @retval NRF_SUCCESS                Handler success.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_NULL             Handler failure. NULL pointer supplied.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH   Handler failure. Incorrect buffer length.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM    Handler failure. Invalid operation type.
- */
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_uuid_encode(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t rx_buf_len,
-                                 uint8_t * const p_tx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t * const p_tx_buf_len);
-/**@brief Handles @ref sd_ble_version_get command and prepares response.
- *
- * @param[in]     p_rx_buf            Pointer to input buffer.
- * @param[in]     rx_buf_len          Size of p_rx_buf.
- * @param[out]    p_tx_buf            Pointer to output buffer.
- * @param[in,out] p_tx_buf_len        \c in: size of \p p_tx_buf buffer.
- *                                    \c out: Length of valid data in \p p_tx_buf.
- *
- * @retval NRF_SUCCESS                Handler success.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_NULL             Handler failure. NULL pointer supplied.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH   Handler failure. Incorrect buffer length.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM    Handler failure. Invalid operation type.
- */
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_version_get(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t rx_buf_len,
-                                 uint8_t * const p_tx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t * const p_tx_buf_len);
-/**@brief Handles @ref sd_ble_opt_get command and prepares response.
- *
- * @param[in]     p_rx_buf            Pointer to input buffer.
- * @param[in]     rx_buf_len          Size of p_rx_buf.
- * @param[out]    p_tx_buf            Pointer to output buffer.
- * @param[in,out] p_tx_buf_len        \c in: size of \p p_tx_buf buffer.
- *                                    \c out: Length of valid data in \p p_tx_buf.
- *
- * @retval NRF_SUCCESS                Handler success.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_NULL             Handler failure. NULL pointer supplied.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH   Handler failure. Incorrect buffer length.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM    Handler failure. Invalid operation type.
- */
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_opt_get(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                             uint32_t rx_buf_len,
-                             uint8_t * const p_tx_buf,
-                             uint32_t * const p_tx_buf_len);
-/**@brief Handles @ref sd_ble_opt_set command and prepares response.
- *
- * @param[in]     p_rx_buf            Pointer to input buffer.
- * @param[in]     rx_buf_len          Size of p_rx_buf.
- * @param[out]    p_tx_buf            Pointer to output buffer.
- * @param[in,out] p_tx_buf_len        \c in: size of \p p_tx_buf buffer.
- *                                    \c out: Length of valid data in \p p_tx_buf.
- *
- * @retval NRF_SUCCESS                Handler success.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_NULL             Handler failure. NULL pointer supplied.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH   Handler failure. Incorrect buffer length.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM    Handler failure. Invalid operation type.
- */
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_opt_set(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                             uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                             uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                             uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len);
-/**@brief Handles @ref sd_ble_enable command and prepares response.
- *
- * @param[in]     p_rx_buf            Pointer to input buffer.
- * @param[in]     rx_buf_len          Size of p_rx_buf.
- * @param[out]    p_tx_buf            Pointer to output buffer.
- * @param[in,out] p_tx_buf_len        \c in: size of \p p_tx_buf buffer.
- *                                    \c out: Length of valid data in \p p_tx_buf.
- *
- * @retval NRF_SUCCESS                Handler success.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_NULL             Handler failure. NULL pointer supplied.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH   Handler failure. Incorrect buffer length.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM    Handler failure. Invalid operation type.
- */
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_enable(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                            uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                            uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                            uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len);
-/**@brief Handles @ref sd_ble_user_mem_reply command and prepares response.
- *
- * @param[in]     p_rx_buf            Pointer to input buffer.
- * @param[in]     rx_buf_len          Size of p_rx_buf.
- * @param[out]    p_tx_buf            Pointer to output buffer.
- * @param[in,out] p_tx_buf_len        \c in: size of \p p_tx_buf buffer.
- *                                    \c out: Length of valid data in \p p_tx_buf.
- *
- * @retval NRF_SUCCESS                Handler success.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_NULL             Handler failure. NULL pointer supplied.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH   Handler failure. Incorrect buffer length.
- * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM    Handler failure. Invalid operation type.
- */
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_user_mem_reply(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                     uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                     uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                     uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif //_CONN_MW_BLE_H
diff --git a/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/serialization/connectivity/codecs/s130/middleware/conn_mw_ble_gap.c b/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/serialization/connectivity/codecs/s130/middleware/conn_mw_ble_gap.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e4e2d1..0000000
--- a/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/serialization/connectivity/codecs/s130/middleware/conn_mw_ble_gap.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,967 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2014 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
- * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
- *
- * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
- * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
- * the file.
- *
- */
-#include "ble_gap_conn.h"
-#include "conn_mw_ble_gap.h"
-#include "ble_serialization.h"
-#include "conn_ble_gap_sec_keys.h"
-#include <stddef.h>
-extern ser_ble_gap_conn_keyset_t m_conn_keys_table[SER_MAX_CONNECTIONS];
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_address_set(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                     uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                     uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                     uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-    uint8_t addr_cycle_mode;
-    ble_gap_addr_t   addr;
-    ble_gap_addr_t * p_addr = &addr;
-    uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-    uint32_t sd_err_code;
-    err_code = ble_gap_address_set_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &addr_cycle_mode, &p_addr);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_address_set(addr_cycle_mode, p_addr);
-    err_code = ble_gap_address_set_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_connect(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                 uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-    ble_gap_addr_t   addr;
-    ble_gap_addr_t * p_addr = &addr;
-    ble_gap_addr_t * pp_addr_tab[BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_ADDR_MAX_COUNT];
-    ble_gap_irk_t * pp_irk_tab[BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_IRK_MAX_COUNT];
-    ble_gap_addr_t addr_tab[BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_ADDR_MAX_COUNT];
-    ble_gap_irk_t  irk_tab[BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_IRK_MAX_COUNT];
-    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_ADDR_MAX_COUNT; ++i)
-    {
-        pp_addr_tab[i] = &addr_tab[i];
-    }
-    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_IRK_MAX_COUNT; ++i)
-    {
-        pp_irk_tab[i] = &irk_tab[i];
-    }
-    ble_gap_whitelist_t whitelist;
-    whitelist.addr_count = BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_ADDR_MAX_COUNT;
-    whitelist.pp_addrs   = pp_addr_tab;
-    whitelist.irk_count  = BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_IRK_MAX_COUNT;
-    whitelist.pp_irks    = pp_irk_tab;
-    ble_gap_scan_params_t scan_params;
-    scan_params.p_whitelist = &whitelist;
-    ble_gap_scan_params_t * p_scan_params = &scan_params;
-    ble_gap_conn_params_t conn_params;
-    ble_gap_conn_params_t * p_conn_params = &conn_params;
-    uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-    uint32_t sd_err_code;
-    err_code = ble_gap_connect_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &p_addr, &p_scan_params, &p_conn_params);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_connect(p_addr, p_scan_params, p_conn_params);
-    err_code = ble_gap_connect_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_connect_cancel(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                        uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                        uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                        uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-    uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-    uint32_t sd_err_code;
-    sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_connect_cancel();
-    err_code = ble_gap_connect_cancel_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_scan_start(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                    uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                    uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                    uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-    ble_gap_addr_t * pp_addr_tab[BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_ADDR_MAX_COUNT];
-    ble_gap_irk_t * pp_irk_tab[BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_IRK_MAX_COUNT];
-    ble_gap_addr_t addr_tab[BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_ADDR_MAX_COUNT];
-    ble_gap_irk_t  irk_tab[BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_IRK_MAX_COUNT];
-    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_ADDR_MAX_COUNT; ++i)
-    {
-        pp_addr_tab[i] = &addr_tab[i];
-    }
-    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_IRK_MAX_COUNT; ++i)
-    {
-        pp_irk_tab[i] = &irk_tab[i];
-    }
-    ble_gap_whitelist_t whitelist;
-    whitelist.addr_count = BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_ADDR_MAX_COUNT;
-    whitelist.pp_addrs   = pp_addr_tab;
-    whitelist.irk_count  = BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_IRK_MAX_COUNT;
-    whitelist.pp_irks    = pp_irk_tab;
-    ble_gap_scan_params_t scan_params;
-    scan_params.p_whitelist = &whitelist;
-    ble_gap_scan_params_t * p_scan_params = &scan_params;
-    uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-    uint32_t sd_err_code;
-    err_code = ble_gap_scan_start_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &p_scan_params);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_scan_start(p_scan_params);
-    err_code = ble_gap_scan_start_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_address_get(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                    uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                    uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                    uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-   ble_gap_addr_t   addr;
-   ble_gap_addr_t * p_addr = &addr;
-   uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-   uint32_t sd_err_code;
-   err_code = ble_gap_address_get_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &p_addr);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_address_get(p_addr);
-   err_code = ble_gap_address_get_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len, p_addr);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_adv_data_set(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                     uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                     uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                     uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-   uint8_t   data[BLE_GAP_ADV_MAX_SIZE];
-   uint8_t * p_data = data;
-   uint8_t   dlen   = sizeof (data);
-   uint8_t   sr_data[BLE_GAP_ADV_MAX_SIZE];
-   uint8_t * p_sr_data = sr_data;
-   uint8_t   srdlen    = sizeof (sr_data);
-   uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-   uint32_t sd_err_code;
-   err_code = ble_gap_adv_data_set_req_dec(p_rx_buf,
-                                           rx_buf_len,
-                                           &p_data,
-                                           &dlen,
-                                           &p_sr_data,
-                                           &srdlen);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_adv_data_set(p_data, dlen, p_sr_data, srdlen);
-   err_code = ble_gap_adv_data_set_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_adv_start(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                  uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                  uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                  uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-   uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-   uint32_t sd_err_code;
-   ble_gap_addr_t *       p_addresses[BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_ADDR_MAX_COUNT];
-   ble_gap_addr_t         addresses[BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_ADDR_MAX_COUNT];
-   ble_gap_irk_t *        p_irks[BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_IRK_MAX_COUNT];
-   ble_gap_irk_t          irks[BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_IRK_MAX_COUNT];
-   ble_gap_addr_t         peer_addr;
-   ble_gap_whitelist_t    whitelist;
-   ble_gap_adv_params_t   adv_params;
-   ble_gap_adv_params_t * p_adv_params;
-   uint32_t i = 0;
-   for (i = 0; i < BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_ADDR_MAX_COUNT; i++)
-   {
-       p_addresses[i] = &(addresses[i]);
-   }
-   for (i = 0; i < BLE_GAP_WHITELIST_IRK_MAX_COUNT; i++)
-   {
-       p_irks[i] = &(irks[i]);
-   }
-   whitelist.pp_addrs = &p_addresses[0];
-   whitelist.pp_irks  = &p_irks[0];
-   adv_params.p_peer_addr = &peer_addr;
-   adv_params.p_whitelist = &whitelist;
-   p_adv_params = &adv_params;
-   err_code = ble_gap_adv_start_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &p_adv_params);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_adv_start(p_adv_params);
-   err_code = ble_gap_adv_start_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_adv_stop(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                 uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-   uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-   uint32_t sd_err_code;
-   sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_adv_stop();
-   err_code = ble_gap_adv_stop_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_conn_param_update(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                          uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                          uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                          uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-   uint16_t                conn_handle;
-   ble_gap_conn_params_t   conn_params;
-   ble_gap_conn_params_t * p_conn_params = &conn_params;
-   uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-   uint32_t sd_err_code;
-   err_code = ble_gap_conn_param_update_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &conn_handle, &p_conn_params);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_conn_param_update(conn_handle, p_conn_params);
-   err_code = ble_gap_conn_param_update_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_disconnect(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                   uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                   uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                   uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-   uint16_t conn_handle;
-   uint8_t  hci_status_code;
-   uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-   uint32_t sd_err_code;
-   err_code = ble_gap_disconnect_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &conn_handle, &hci_status_code);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_disconnect(conn_handle, hci_status_code);
-   err_code = ble_gap_disconnect_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_tx_power_set(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                     uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                     uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                     uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-   int8_t tx_power;
-   uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-   uint32_t sd_err_code;
-   err_code = ble_gap_tx_power_set_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &tx_power);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_tx_power_set(tx_power);
-   err_code = ble_gap_tx_power_set_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_appearance_set(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                       uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                       uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                       uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-   uint16_t appearance;
-   uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-   uint32_t sd_err_code;
-   err_code = ble_gap_appearance_set_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &appearance);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_appearance_set(appearance);
-   err_code = ble_gap_appearance_set_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_appearance_get(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                       uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                       uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                       uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-   uint16_t   appearance;
-   uint16_t * p_appearance = &appearance;
-   uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-   uint32_t sd_err_code;
-   err_code = ble_gap_appearance_get_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &p_appearance);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_appearance_get(p_appearance);
-   err_code = ble_gap_appearance_get_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len, p_appearance);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_ppcp_set(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                 uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-   ble_gap_conn_params_t   conn_params;
-   ble_gap_conn_params_t * p_conn_params = &conn_params;
-   uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-   uint32_t sd_err_code;
-   err_code = ble_gap_ppcp_set_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &p_conn_params);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_ppcp_set(p_conn_params);
-   err_code = ble_gap_ppcp_set_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_ppcp_get(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                 uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-   ble_gap_conn_params_t   conn_params;
-   ble_gap_conn_params_t * p_conn_params = &conn_params;
-   uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-   uint32_t sd_err_code;
-   err_code = ble_gap_ppcp_get_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &p_conn_params);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_ppcp_get(p_conn_params);
-   err_code = ble_gap_ppcp_get_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len, p_conn_params);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_device_name_get(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                        uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                        uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                        uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-   uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-   uint32_t sd_err_code;
-   uint8_t   dev_name[BLE_GAP_DEVNAME_MAX_LEN];
-   uint8_t * p_dev_name = dev_name;
-   uint16_t   len;
-   uint16_t * p_len = &len;
-   err_code = ble_gap_device_name_get_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &p_dev_name, &p_len);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_device_name_get(p_dev_name, p_len);
-   err_code = ble_gap_device_name_get_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_dev_name, len, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_device_name_set(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                        uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                        uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                        uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-   uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-   uint32_t sd_err_code;
-   ble_gap_conn_sec_mode_t   write_perm;
-   ble_gap_conn_sec_mode_t * p_write_perm = &write_perm;
-   uint8_t   dev_name[BLE_GAP_DEVNAME_MAX_LEN];
-   uint8_t * p_dev_name = dev_name;
-   uint16_t len = BLE_GAP_DEVNAME_MAX_LEN;
-   err_code = ble_gap_device_name_set_req_dec(p_rx_buf,
-                                              rx_buf_len,
-                                              &p_write_perm,
-                                              &p_dev_name,
-                                              &len);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_device_name_set(p_write_perm, p_dev_name, len);
-   err_code = ble_gap_device_name_set_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_authenticate(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                     uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                     uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                     uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-   uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-   uint32_t sd_err_code;
-   uint16_t conn_handle;
-   ble_gap_sec_params_t   sec_params;
-   ble_gap_sec_params_t * p_sec_params = &sec_params;
-   err_code = ble_gap_authenticate_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &conn_handle, &p_sec_params);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_authenticate(conn_handle, p_sec_params);
-   err_code = ble_gap_authenticate_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_sec_params_reply(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                          uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                          uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                          uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-    uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-    uint32_t sd_err_code;
-    uint32_t sec_tab_index = 0;
-    uint16_t * p_conn_handle;
-    uint8_t    sec_status;
-    ble_gap_sec_params_t   sec_params;
-    ble_gap_sec_params_t * p_sec_params = &sec_params;
-    // Allocate global security context for soft device
-    err_code = conn_ble_gap_sec_context_create(&sec_tab_index);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    p_conn_handle = &(m_conn_keys_table[sec_tab_index].conn_handle);
-    // Set up global structure for command decoder
-    ble_gap_sec_keyset_t * p_sec_keyset = &(m_conn_keys_table[sec_tab_index].keyset);
-    p_sec_keyset->keys_own.p_enc_key   = &(m_conn_keys_table[sec_tab_index].enc_key_own);
-    p_sec_keyset->keys_own.p_id_key    = &(m_conn_keys_table[sec_tab_index].id_key_own);
-    p_sec_keyset->keys_own.p_sign_key  = &(m_conn_keys_table[sec_tab_index].sign_key_own);
-    p_sec_keyset->keys_own.p_pk        = &(m_conn_keys_table[sec_tab_index].pk_own);
-    p_sec_keyset->keys_peer.p_enc_key  = &(m_conn_keys_table[sec_tab_index].enc_key_peer);
-    p_sec_keyset->keys_peer.p_id_key   = &(m_conn_keys_table[sec_tab_index].id_key_peer);
-    p_sec_keyset->keys_peer.p_sign_key = &(m_conn_keys_table[sec_tab_index].sign_key_peer);
-    p_sec_keyset->keys_peer.p_pk       = &(m_conn_keys_table[sec_tab_index].pk_peer);
-    err_code = ble_gap_sec_params_reply_req_dec(p_rx_buf,
-                                                rx_buf_len,
-                                                p_conn_handle,
-                                                &sec_status,
-                                                &p_sec_params,
-                                                &p_sec_keyset);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_sec_params_reply(*p_conn_handle, sec_status, p_sec_params, p_sec_keyset);
-    err_code = ble_gap_sec_params_reply_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len, p_sec_keyset);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_auth_key_reply(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                       uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                       uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                       uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-   uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-   uint32_t sd_err_code;
-   uint16_t conn_handle;
-   uint8_t  key_type;
-   uint8_t   key[BLE_GAP_SEC_KEY_LEN];
-   uint8_t * p_key = key;
-   err_code = ble_gap_auth_key_reply_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &conn_handle, &key_type, &p_key);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_auth_key_reply(conn_handle, key_type, p_key);
-   err_code = ble_gap_auth_key_reply_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_sec_info_reply(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                       uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                       uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                       uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-   uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-   uint32_t sd_err_code;
-   uint16_t conn_handle;
-   ble_gap_enc_info_t   enc_info;
-   ble_gap_enc_info_t * p_enc_info = &enc_info;
-   ble_gap_irk_t   id_info;
-   ble_gap_irk_t * p_id_info = &id_info;
-   ble_gap_sign_info_t   sign_info;
-   ble_gap_sign_info_t * p_sign_info = &sign_info;
-   err_code = ble_gap_sec_info_reply_req_dec(p_rx_buf,
-                                             rx_buf_len,
-                                             &conn_handle,
-                                             &p_enc_info,
-                                             &p_id_info,
-                                             &p_sign_info);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_sec_info_reply(conn_handle, p_enc_info, p_id_info, p_sign_info);
-   err_code = ble_gap_sec_info_reply_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_conn_sec_get(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                     uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                     uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                     uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-   uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-   uint32_t sd_err_code;
-   uint16_t conn_handle;
-   ble_gap_conn_sec_t   conn_sec;
-   ble_gap_conn_sec_t * p_conn_sec = &conn_sec;
-   err_code = ble_gap_conn_sec_get_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &conn_handle, &p_conn_sec);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_conn_sec_get(conn_handle, p_conn_sec);
-   err_code = ble_gap_conn_sec_get_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_conn_sec, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_rssi_start(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                   uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                   uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                   uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-   uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-   uint32_t sd_err_code;
-   uint16_t conn_handle;
-   uint8_t  threshold_dbm;
-   uint8_t  skip_count;
-   err_code = ble_gap_rssi_start_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &conn_handle, &threshold_dbm, &skip_count);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_rssi_start(conn_handle, threshold_dbm, skip_count);
-   err_code = ble_gap_rssi_start_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_rssi_stop(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                  uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                  uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                  uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-   uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-   uint32_t sd_err_code;
-   uint16_t conn_handle;
-   err_code = ble_gap_rssi_stop_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &conn_handle);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_rssi_stop(conn_handle);
-   err_code = ble_gap_rssi_stop_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_scan_stop(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                 uint8_t * const       p_tx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t * const      p_tx_buf_len)
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-   uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-   uint32_t sd_err_code;
-   sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_scan_stop();
-   err_code = ble_gap_scan_stop_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_encrypt(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                 uint8_t       * const p_tx_buf,
-                                 uint32_t      * const p_tx_buf_len)
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-   SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-   uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-   uint32_t sd_err_code;
-   uint16_t conn_handle;
-   ble_gap_master_id_t master_id;
-   ble_gap_master_id_t *p_master_id = &master_id;
-   ble_gap_enc_info_t  enc_info;
-   ble_gap_enc_info_t *p_enc_info  = &enc_info;
-   err_code = ble_gap_encrypt_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &conn_handle, &p_master_id, &p_enc_info);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_encrypt(conn_handle, p_master_id, p_enc_info);
-   err_code = ble_gap_encrypt_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-   SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-   return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_rssi_get(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                  uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                  uint8_t       * const p_tx_buf,
-                                  uint32_t      * const p_tx_buf_len)
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-    uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-    uint32_t sd_err_code;
-    uint16_t conn_handle;
-    int8_t   rssi;
-    int8_t * p_rssi = &rssi;
-    err_code = ble_gap_rssi_get_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &conn_handle, &p_rssi);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_rssi_get(conn_handle, p_rssi);
-    err_code = ble_gap_rssi_get_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len, rssi);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_keypress_notify(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                  uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                  uint8_t       * const p_tx_buf,
-                                  uint32_t      * const p_tx_buf_len)
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-    uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-    uint32_t sd_err_code;
-    uint16_t conn_handle;
-    uint8_t  kp_not;
-    err_code = ble_gap_keypress_notify_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &conn_handle, &kp_not);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_keypress_notify(conn_handle, kp_not);
-    err_code = ble_gap_keypress_notify_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_lesc_dhkey_reply(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                  uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                  uint8_t       * const p_tx_buf,
-                                  uint32_t      * const p_tx_buf_len)
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-    uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-    uint32_t sd_err_code;
-    uint16_t conn_handle;
-    ble_gap_lesc_dhkey_t  dhkey;
-    ble_gap_lesc_dhkey_t * p_dhkey = &dhkey;
-    err_code = ble_gap_lesc_dhkey_reply_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &conn_handle, &p_dhkey);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_lesc_dhkey_reply(conn_handle, p_dhkey);
-    err_code = ble_gap_lesc_dhkey_reply_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_lesc_oob_data_set(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                           uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                           uint8_t       * const p_tx_buf,
-                                           uint32_t      * const p_tx_buf_len)
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-    uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-    uint32_t sd_err_code;
-    uint16_t conn_handle;
-    ble_gap_lesc_oob_data_t own;
-    ble_gap_lesc_oob_data_t peer;
-    ble_gap_lesc_oob_data_t * p_own = &own;
-    ble_gap_lesc_oob_data_t * p_peer = &peer;
-    err_code = ble_gap_lesc_oob_data_set_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &conn_handle, &p_own, &p_peer);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_lesc_oob_data_set(conn_handle, p_own, p_peer);
-    err_code = ble_gap_lesc_oob_data_set_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    return err_code;
-uint32_t conn_mw_ble_gap_lesc_oob_data_get(uint8_t const * const p_rx_buf,
-                                           uint32_t              rx_buf_len,
-                                           uint8_t       * const p_tx_buf,
-                                           uint32_t      * const p_tx_buf_len)
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_rx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf);
-    SER_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(p_tx_buf_len);
-    uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
-    uint32_t sd_err_code;
-    uint16_t conn_handle;
-    ble_gap_lesc_oob_data_t own;
-    ble_gap_lesc_oob_data_t * p_own = &own;
-    ble_gap_lesc_p256_pk_t  pk;
-    ble_gap_lesc_p256_pk_t * p_pk = &pk;
-    err_code = ble_gap_lesc_oob_data_get_req_dec(p_rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &conn_handle, &p_pk, &p_own);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    sd_err_code = sd_ble_gap_lesc_oob_data_get(conn_handle, p_pk, p_own);
-    err_code = ble_gap_lesc_oob_data_get_rsp_enc(sd_err_code, p_own, p_tx_buf, p_tx_buf_len);
-    SER_ASSERT(err_code == NRF_SUCCESS, err_code);
-    return err_code;