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incubator-pirk git commit: Move the math deck files into a named directory for readability.

Repository: incubator-pirk
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 0e3ecc4d8 -> d2bf6a029

Move the math deck files into a named directory for readability.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: d2bf6a029cb93a1f6f49e2705f25aa69aa7bf7a9
Parents: 0e3ecc4
Author: Walter Ray-Dulany <>
Authored: Tue Sep 20 11:36:02 2016 -0400
Committer: Walter Ray-Dulany <>
Committed: Tue Sep 20 11:36:02 2016 -0400

 contrib/ApachePirkCircle.png           | Bin 23093 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/ApachePirk_1.png               | Bin 54992 -> 0 bytes
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 contrib/math_deck/random_number.png    | Bin 0 -> 7457 bytes
 contrib/pirkImage.png                  | Bin 54992 -> 0 bytes
 contrib/random_number.png              | Bin 7457 -> 0 bytes
 10 files changed, 970 insertions(+), 970 deletions(-)
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deleted file mode 100644
index 6742f6a..0000000
Binary files a/contrib/ApachePirkCircle.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 45805ea..0000000
Binary files a/contrib/ApachePirk_1.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 370dadd..0000000
--- a/contrib/math_deck.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,970 +0,0 @@
-\algnewcommand{\algorithmicgiven}{\textbf{given }}
-\algnewcommand{\algorithmicselect}{\textbf{select }}
-\algnewcommand{\algorithmicset}{\textbf{set }}
-\algnewcommand{\algorithmiccompute}{\textbf{compute }}
-\algnewcommand{\algorithmicgoto}{\textbf{go to}}
-\mode<presentation> { \usetheme{default} }
-  \nfss@text{%
-    \fontfamily{LinuxBiolinumT-TLF}%
-    \selectfont
-    \symbol{`\&}%
-  }%
-\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]
-  \begin{frame}
-  \vfill
-  \centering
-  \begin{beamercolorbox}[sep=8pt,center,shadow=true,rounded=true]{title}
-    \usebeamerfont{title}\insertsectionhead\par%
-  \end{beamercolorbox}
-  \vfill
-  \end{frame}
-\title[Apache Pirk Math
-Walkthrough]{\includegraphics[width=2.5in,keepaspectratio]{ApachePirk_1.png}\\ \bigskip Mathematics $\&$ Algorithms} 
-\author{Walter Ray-Dulany} 
-\institute[Apache Pirk] 
-% I decided against a date. - Walter
-  \AtPagemyUpperLeft{{\includegraphics[width=.5cm,keepaspectratio]{ApachePirkCircle.png}}}
-\frametitle{Pirk's Wideskies Algorithm}
-  Pirk uses the Wideskies algorithm to accomplish scalable PIR.\\~\\
-  This algorithm can be broken down into two distinct conceptual pieces:
-    \begin{itemize}
-      \item Paillier Encryption
-      \item The Query-Response-Result algorithms
-    \end{itemize}
-    ~\\ Before we begin those however, we take a (happily brief) diversion into
-    the language of the mathematics involved in this deck.
-\section{Language Preliminaries}
-  \frametitle{Language Preliminaries}
-  The Paillier scheme employs a small amount of group theoretic notation. Let's
-  go over that notation briefly.
-  \frametitle{Language Preliminaries}
-  \begin{itemize}
-    \item \zmodn: This is the group of integers modulo $N$; it can be thought of
-      as all numbers $0\leq k < N$, with modular addition (e.g.\ for $N=5$,
-      $1+7 \equiv 3\mod N$).\\~\\ This is a group under addition.\\~\\
-    \item $(\zmodn)^\times$: This is the multiplicative group of integers modulo
-      $N$, also called the units of $\zmodn$. Sometimes denoted
-      $(\mathbf{Z}/N\mathbf{Z})^*$, this is the set of $0\leq k < N$ that are
-      relatively prime to $N$ (that is, $k$ and $N$ share no factors, or
-      equivalently the greatest common denominator ($\gcd$) of $k$ and $N$ is $1$). One
-      can also think of this as the set of $k\in\zmodn$ such that there exists
-      a $k^{-1}\in\zmodn$ with $k\cdot k^{-1} \equiv 1\mod N$.\\~\\
-      This is a group under multiplication.
-  \end{itemize}
-  \frametitle{Language Preliminaries}
-Using the above notation, we can see that 
-  \zmodntunits = \{0\leq k<N^2: \gcd(k,N^2) = 1\}.
-If $N$ happens to be an RSA modulus,
-$N=pq$, $p$ and $q$ primes, then $\zmodntunits$ is just all numbers between $0$
-(inclusive) and $N^2$ (exclusive) that are not divisible by either $p$ or
-  \frametitle{Language Preliminaries}
-  \begin{itemize}
-    \item Order In \zmodn: The order of an element $k\in\zmodn$ is the least integer $e$
-      such that $e\cdot k = 0\mod N$.
-    \item Order in \zmodntunits: The order of an element $a\in\zmodntunits$ is
-      the least integer $e$ such that $a^e = 1\mod N^2$.
-  \end{itemize}
-  In both cases, order is well defined (i.e.\ it exists and makes sense) for
-  all elements of the groups.
-  \frametitle{Language Preliminaries}
-  For a more in depth discussion of these, and closely related, terms, please
-  see 
-  \mbox{\scriptsize \url{}}
-\section{Paillier Encryption}
-\frametitle{Paillier Encryption}
-Paillier encryption is a partially homomorphic public key scheme that relies on
-the function $$\mathcal{E}_g:\zmodn\times(\zmodn)^\times\rightarrow
-\zmodntunits$$ given by $$\mathcal{E}_g(x,y) = g^x y^N \mod N^2,$$
-$g\in\zmodntunits$. Here, $\zmodn$ is the plaintext space and $\zmodntunits$ is
-the ciphertext space.\\~\\
-When the order of $g$ is a non-zero multiple of $N$, $\mathcal{E}_g$ is a bijection.
-  \frametitle{Paillier Prerequisites}
-  \item Public key: $(N,g)$, $N$ an RSA modulus $N=pq$, $p$ and $q$ primes of
-    approximately the same bit-length, and $g\in \zmodntunits$ such that the
-    order of $g$ is a nonzero multiple of $N$. 
-  \item Private key: $\lambda(N)$, where $\lambda$ is the Carmichael function
-    \begin{align*}
-      \lambda(N) &= \lcm(p-1,q-1)
-    \end{align*}
-  that gives the exponent of $(\zmodn)^\times$.
-  \item Plaintext space: \zmodn.
-  \item Ciphertext space: \zmodntunits.
-{\footnotesize We can also consider the pair $(p,q)$ to be the private key, as $\lambda(N)$ is
-quickly and easily derived from it. Note that $\lambda(N)$ is coprime to $N$.}
-  \frametitle{What Do We Mean By `Homomorphic Encryption'?}
-  An encryption scheme is fully homomorphic if it is a homomorphism from
-  plaintext space to ciphertext space for arbitrary operations and arbitrary
-  numbers of such operations. If this definition seems squishy and not very
-  mathematical, that's because it is; it's hard to find a proper mathematical
-  definition of this term.\\~\\
-  An encryption scheme is partially homomorphic if it is a homomorphism for
-  only some operations, or for only a few consecutive operations.\\~\\
-  \frametitle{Paillier Encryption is Homomorphic}
-  Paillier encryption is a partial homomorphism between addition in \zmodn\ and
-  multiplication in \zmodntunits.\\~\\
-  Denote Paillier encryption by $\mathcal{E}_g$ and decryption by $\mathcal{D}_g$,
-  and let $m$ and $m'\in \zmodn$. Then 
-    \begin{align*}
-        D(\mathcal{E}(m) \mathcal{E}(m') \bmod N^2) &= (m + m') \bmod N \\
-        D(\mathcal{E}(m)^k \bmod N^2) &= km \bmod N, \, k \in \mathbf{N}
-    \end{align*}
-    ~\\
-    Note that the second equality follows immediately from the first.
-\section{General Paillier Algorithm}
-\frametitle{Paillier Supporting Function}
-Let $X=\{u<N^2 : u = 1 \mod N\}$ and let $L:X\rightarrow \zmodn$ be
-defined by 
-\begin{equation*}L(u) = \frac{u-1}{N} \mod N.\end{equation*}
-This function is well defined over \zmodntunits.
-\frametitle{General Paillier Encryption}
-The general Paillier algorithm differs only slightly from Pirk's version.
-  \caption{General Paillier encryption and decryption.}\label{alg.paillier_encrypt_original}
-  \begin{algorithmic}[1]
-    \Procedure{Paillier encryption}{}
-    \State \begin{varwidth}[t]{\linewidth}
-      \Given \(N\), a random \(g \in \zmodntunits\) of order a nonzero\par
-  multiple of $N$, and a message \(m\in\zmodn\)
-      \end{varwidth}
-    \State \Select a random value \(\zeta\in \left(\zmodn\right)^{\times}\)
-    \State \Return \(\mathcal{E}(m) = g^m \zeta^{N}\bmod{N^{2}}\)
-    \EndProcedure
-  \end{algorithmic}
-  \begin{algorithmic}[1]
-    \Procedure{Paillier decryption}{}
-    \State \Given \(N\), \(\lambda(N)\), \(g\), and ciphertext \(c \in \zmodntunits\)
-    \State \Return m = \(\frac{L( c^{\lambda(N)}\bmod N^{2})}{L( g^{\lambda(N)}\bmod N^{2})}\bmod N\)
-    \EndProcedure
-  \end{algorithmic}
-\frametitle{Paillier Works}
-  It is a straightforward exercise to check that 
-  \begin{itemize}
-    \item $D(\mathcal{E}(m)) = m$
-    \item $D(\mathcal{E}(m)\mathcal{E}(m')\bmod N^2) = (m + m') \bmod N $
-  \end{itemize}
-\section{Paillier As Used In \NAME}
-\frametitle{Paillier As Used In \NAME}
-The version of Paillier used in \NAME is a computationally simpler variant of the
-full Paillier scheme that sacrifices no security over the general case.
-  \frametitle{Converting Between The Two}
-  Pirk's simplified version of Paillier simply uses
-  \begin{align*}
-    g &\equiv 1 + N \mod N^2\\
-    \implies L(g^{\lambda(N)} \mod N^2) &= \lambda(N),
-  \end{align*}
-  the proof of which is a straightforward exercise.
-\frametitle{Paillier As Used In \NAME}
-  \caption{Paillier encryption and decryption}\label{alg.paillier_encrypt}
-  \begin{algorithmic}[1]
-    \Procedure{Paillier encryption}{}
-    \State \Given \(N\) and a message \(m\in\zmodn\)
-    \State \Select a random value \(\zeta\in\zmodntunits\)
-    \State \Return \(\mathcal{E}(m) = (1+mN)\zeta^{N}\bmod{N^{2}}\)
-    \EndProcedure
-  \end{algorithmic}
-  \begin{algorithmic}[1]
-    \Procedure{Paillier decryption}{}
-    \State \Given \(N\), \(\lambda(N)\), and a ciphertext \(c\in\zmodntunits\)
-    \State \Set \(\mu = \lambda(N)^{-1}\bmod N\)
-    \Comment Recall \(\gcd(\lambda(N), N) = 1\)
-    \State \Set \(\hat{c} = c^{\lambda(N)}\bmod N^{2}\)
-    \State\label{step.div}\Set \(\hat{m} = L(c^{\lambda(N)}\bmod N^{2})\)
-    \State \Return \(\hat{m}\mu\bmod N\)
-    \EndProcedure
-  \end{algorithmic}
-  \frametitle{Paillier Reference}
-  For more on Paillier encryption and the (hypothesized) hard problem upon
-  which it is based, see\\~\\
-  \mbox{\scriptsize \url{}}\\~\\
-  on Pirk's website.
-  \frametitle{Wideskies Parameters}
-  The algorithm requires the following parameters, which are not independent
-  (see the next slide).
-  \begin{itemize}
-    \item $N$, the Paillier modulus
-    \item $B$, the bit-length of $N$
-    \item $H$ (or $H_k$), a keyed hash function (with key k)
-    \item $\ell$, the bit length of the output of $H$, i.e.\
-      $H_k:\mathbf{Z}\rightarrow (\mathbf{Z}/2\mathbf{Z})^\ell$
-    \item $\tau$, the number of search terms
-    \item $\delta$, the number of bits of data returned for each search hit
-    \item $b$ the chunk size, in bits, determining how data is split among
-      responses.
-    \item $r$, the number of responses that can be returned per query request
-      period per search term
-  \end{itemize}
-  \frametitle{Parameter Relationships}
-  \begin{itemize}
-    \item $2^{b\tau} < N$: there must be space in the modulus to hold all the
-      data, even if each search term hits as often as possible.
-    \item $\tau < 2^\ell$: Although the paper permits search term hash
-    collisions, Pirk does not permit them. Typically $\tau \ll 2^\ell$
-    \item $b|\delta$: Chunk size must evenly divide the data size
-    \item $\frac{\delta}{b} | r$: the number of chunks per returned datum must
-      divide the number of responses, for bandwidth efficiency.
-    \item $H$: Must be pseudo-random but need not be cryptographically secure.
-  \end{itemize}
-  \frametitle{Public Parameters}
-  All of \begin{equation*}H, \ell, N, B, \delta, b, \text{and } r\end{equation*}
-  are public, that is, must be shared between the client and server.\\~\\
-  Note that the fact that $2^{b\tau} < N$ gives some information on the number
-  of search terms the client is using; the amount of this information can be
-  decreased without bound by choosing $N$ and $\ell$ to be much larger than
-  would be otherwise necessary; this necessarily causes a performance hit.
-\section{Wideskies Algorithm, Without Encryption}
-  \frametitle{Wideskies Without Encryption?}
-  The Wideskies algorithm is of sufficient complexity that it can be useful to
-  go through the algorithm without the encryption and decryption steps first,
-  in order to orient ourselves.\\~\\
-  After, it will be straightforward to see the
-  changes that using the Paillier encryption requires.
-\section{Query, Without Encryption}
-  \frametitle{The Query Algorithm, Without Encryption}
-  Let $T_0,\ldots,T_{\tau-1}\in\zmodn$ be our search terms.
-  \begin{algorithm}[H]
-  \caption{Query Formation Algorithm version
-    1}\label{alg.plain_form_1}
-  \State\label{step.key}Choose a random key \(k\) for \(H\).
-  \State Compute \(H_{k}(T_{0}),\ldots,H_{k}(T_{\tau-1})\).
-  \While{\(\mathrm{card}\left(\{H_{k}(T_{0}),\ldots,H_{k}(T_{\tau-1})\}\right)
-    < \tau\)}
-  \State \Goto{step.key}
-  \Comment If there are hash collisions, pick a new key.
-  \EndWhile
-  \For{\(i=0,\ldots,2^{\ell}-1\)}
-  \State\label{step.set}Set \begin{equation*}
-    E_{i} = \left\{\begin{array}{l l} 
-    2^{jb} & \mbox{ if } i = H_{k}(T_{j}); \\
-    0 & \mbox{otherwise.}
-    \end{array}
-    \right.
-  \end{equation*}
-  \EndFor
-  \State\Return \(\{E_{0},\ldots,E_{2^{\ell}-1}, H, k, N\}\)
-  \frametitle{Query Notes, Without Encryption}
-  Since $\tau \ll 2^\ell$, we expect most of the $E_i$ to be zero.\\~\\
-  We will typically denote $H_k(T)$ by $\mathcal{T}$ and its associated $E$ by
-  $E_\mathcal{T}$. If we wish to keep track of a specific $T$ we will write
-  $\mathcal{T}_j$ and $E_{\mathcal{T}_j}$.
-\section{Response, Without Encryption}
-  \frametitle{Response Initialization, Without Encryption}
-  We must initialize some values before forming the response.
-  \begin{enumerate}
-    \item $c_0,\ldots,c_{2^\ell - 1} = 0$, counters to keep track of the number
-      of times each $E_\mathcal{T}$ has been seen.
-    \item $Y_0,\ldots,Y_{r-1} = 0$, response vectors.
-  \end{enumerate}
-  \frametitle{Response Data, Without Encryption}
-  Responder information comes in pairs $(T, D)$ where $T$ is a (potential)
-  search term, and $D$ is $T$'s associated response datum, which will be
-  returned if $T$ is a search term.\\~\\
-  We view $D$ as a $\delta$-long bit stream $(d_0,\ldots,d_{\delta-1})$, and
-  break $D$ up into $\delta/b$ chunks $D_i$ as 
-  \begin{equation*}
-    D_i = (d_{i\cdot b}, d_{i\cdot b+1},\ldots,d_{(i+1)\cdot b-1}),\ i=0,\ldots,\delta/b-1.
-  \end{equation*}\\~\\
-  For example, if $D=011010$ and $b=3$, then
-  \begin{align*}
-    D_0 &= 011\\
-    D_1 &= 010
-  \end{align*}
-  \frametitle{Response Algorithm, Without Encryption}
-  \begin{algorithm}[H]
-  \caption{Stream processing, plaintext version}\label{alg.plain_stream}
-\State \textbf{Input}:  $\mathbf{T} = \{ (T,D) \}$
-\For{$(T,D) \in \mathbf{T}$}
-  \State Compute \(\mathcal{T} = H_{k}(T)\)
-  \If{\(c_{\mathcal{T}} + \frac{\delta}{b} > r\)}\label{step.if}
-  \Comment The space allocated for term \(T\) is full.
-  \State \Return \label{step.return}
-  \State Split \(D\) into \(b\)-bit chunks
-  \(D_{0},\ldots,D_{(\delta/b)-1}\).
-  \For{\(i=0,\ldots,(\delta/b)-1\)}
-  \State\label{step.multiply}Set \(\mathcal{D}_{i} = D_{i}E_{\mathcal{T}}\bmod N\)
-  \Comment Nonzero only if \(E_{\mathcal{T}}\neq 0\).
-  \State Set \(Y_{i+c_{\mathcal{T}}} =
-  Y_{i+c_{\mathcal{T}}}+\mathcal{D}_{i}\bmod N\)
-  \EndFor
-  \State Set \(c_{\mathcal{T}} = c_{\mathcal{T}}+(\delta/b)\)
-\State{\textbf{Output}}: \(Y_{0},\ldots,Y_{r-1}\)
-  \frametitle{Response Example, Without Encryption}
-  Let's look at how the response would look on the first four $(T,D)$ pairs that
-  pass through the algorithm.
-  \frametitle{Response Example Setup, Without Encryption}
-  Suppose that among our search terms are $T$ and $T'$, with 
-  \begin{align*}
-    H_k(T) &= j\text{ and}\\
-    H_k(T') &= j'.
-  \end{align*}~\\
-  Suppose that $T''$, with $H_k(T'')=j''$, is \emph{not} a search term.\\~\\
-  Let the responder see, in order, the pairs $(T, D^0)$, $(T', D^1)$,
-  $(T'', D^2)$, $(T, D^3)$.\\~\\
-  The $Y_i$ are formed by summing down the columns in following matrices.
-  \frametitle{Response Example Start, Without Encryption}
-  No terms have yet been evaluated.
-  \begin{center}
-  \begin{tabular}{c  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  }
-   {\scriptsize Index}             & $Y_0$\qquad            & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{\delta/b-1}$\qquad & $Y_{\delta/b}$\qquad   & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{2\delta/b-1}$\qquad\\\toprule
-    $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
- {\footnotesize$j$} & 0                        & $\cdots$                         & 0                         & 0                         & $\cdots$                         & 0                         \\
-    $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
- {\footnotesize$j'$}  & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0                           & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
-    $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
-     {\footnotesize$j''$}  & 0 & $\cdots$                           & 0         & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
-    $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\\bottomrule
-  \end{tabular}
-  \end{center}
-  $c_{j} = 0$, $c_{j'} = 0$, $c_{j''} = 0$.
-  \frametitle{Response Example: First Term, Without Encryption}
-  $(T, D^0)$ enters and is proccessed; hit:
-  \begin{center}
-  \begin{tabular}{c  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  }
-     {\scriptsize Index}             & $Y_0$\qquad            & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{\delta/b-1}$\qquad & $Y_{\delta/b}$\qquad   & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{2\delta/b-1}$\qquad\\\toprule
-     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
-     {\footnotesize$j$} & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^0_0} 2^{jb}$}                         & $\cdots$                         & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^0_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{jb}$}                      & 0                         & $\cdots$                         & 0                         \\
-     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
-     {\footnotesize$j'$}  & 0 & $\cdots$                           & 0                           & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
-     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
-     {\footnotesize$j''$}  & 0 & $\cdots$                           & 0         & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
-    $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\\bottomrule
-  \end{tabular}
-  \end{center}
-  $\bm{c_{j} = \delta/b}$, $c_{j'} = 0$, $c_{j''} = 0$.
-  \frametitle{Response Example Second Term, Without Encryption}
-  $(T', D^1)$ enters and is proccessed; hit:
-  \begin{center}
-  \begin{tabular}{c  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  }
-     {\scriptsize Index}             & $Y_0$\qquad            & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{\delta/b-1}$\qquad & $Y_{\delta/b}$\qquad   & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{2\delta/b-1}$\qquad\\\toprule
-     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
-     {\footnotesize$j$} & {\footnotesize ${D^0_0} 2^{jb}$}                         & $\cdots$                         & {\footnotesize ${D^0_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{jb}$}                      & 0                         & $\cdots$                         & 0                         \\
-     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
-     {\footnotesize$j'$}  & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^1_0} 2^{j'b}$} & $\cdots$                           & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^1_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{j'b}$}                           & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
-     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
-     {\footnotesize$j''$}  & 0 & $\cdots$                           & 0         & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
-    $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\\bottomrule
-  \end{tabular}
-  \end{center}
-  $c_{j} = \delta/b$, $\bm{c_{j'} = \delta/b}$, $c_{j''} = 0$.
-  \frametitle{Response Example Third Term, Without Encryption}
-  $(T'', D^2)$ enters and is proccessed; no hit:
-  \begin{center}
-  \begin{tabular}{c  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  }
-     {\scriptsize Index}             & $Y_0$\qquad            & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{\delta/b-1}$\qquad & $Y_{\delta/b}$\qquad   & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{2\delta/b-1}$\qquad\\\toprule
-     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
-     {\footnotesize$j$} & {\footnotesize ${D^0_0} 2^{jb}$}                         & $\cdots$                         & {\footnotesize ${D^0_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{jb}$}                      & 0                         & $\cdots$                         & 0                         \\
-     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
-     {\footnotesize$j'$}  & {\footnotesize ${D^1_0} 2^{j'b}$} & $\cdots$                           & {\footnotesize ${D^1_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{j'b}$}                           & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
-     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
-     {\footnotesize$j''$}  & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^2_0} \cdot 0$}  & $\cdots$                           & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^2_{\delta/b-1}} \cdot 0$}     & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
-    $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\\bottomrule
-  \end{tabular}
-  \end{center}
-$c_{j} = \delta/b$, $c_{j'} = \delta/b$, $\bm{c_{j''} = \delta/b}$.
-  \frametitle{Response Example Fourth Term, Without Encryption}
-  $(T, D^3)$ enters and is proccessed; hit:
-  \begin{center}
-  \begin{tabular}{c  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  }
-     {\scriptsize Index}             & $Y_0$\qquad            & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{\delta/b-1}$\qquad & $Y_{\delta/b}$\qquad   & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{2\delta/b-1}$\qquad\\\toprule
-     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
-     {\footnotesize$j$} & {\footnotesize ${D^0_0} 2^{jb}$}                         & $\cdots$ & {\footnotesize ${D^0_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{jb}$}                      & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^3_0} 2^{jb}$}                         & $\cdots$ & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^3_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{jb}$}                         \\
-     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
-     {\footnotesize$j'$}  & {\footnotesize ${D^1_0} 2^{j'b}$} & $\cdots$                           & {\footnotesize ${D^1_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{j'b}$}                           & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
-     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
-     {\footnotesize$j''$}  & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^2_0} \cdot 0$}  & $\cdots$                           & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^2_{\delta/b-1}} \cdot 0$}     & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
-    $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\\bottomrule
-  \end{tabular}
-  \end{center}
-  $\bm{c_{j} = 2\delta/b}$, $c_{j'} = \delta/b$, $c_{j''} = \delta/b$.
-\section{Result, Without Encryption}
-  \frametitle{Result, Without Encryption}
-  The algorithm for getting the results out of the response return is
-  straightforward. To begin,\\~\\
-  \begin{itemize}
-    \item Write $Y_i = \sum_{k=0}^{\tau - 1} 2^{kb}P_{ki}$ in base $2^b$, where
-      $P_{ki}$ is the value of the $k^{\text{th}}$ row in the
-      $i^{\text{th}}$ column. Note each $P_{ki}$ is $b$-bits long, and therefore
-      $Y_i < N$.
-    \item $Y_i$ will have data on search term $T$ if and only if $T$ was
-      seen $i+1$ times before the responder returned.
-  \end{itemize}
-  \frametitle{Result Algorithm, Without Encryption}
-  \begin{algorithm}[H]
-  \caption{Data recovery, plaintext version}\label{alg.plain_recover}
-  \State Set \(M = 2^{j b}(2^{b}-1)\)
-  \Comment $b$ $1$s left-shifted $jb$ places.
-  \For{\(\eta=1,\ldots,(rb/\delta)\)}
-  \Comment At most \(rb/\delta\) hits can be returned.
-  \For{\(i=0,\ldots,(\delta/b)-1\)}
-  \Comment Each hit uses \(\delta/b\) chunks.
-  \State\label{step.mask}Set \(D_{i} = Y_{(\eta-1)(\delta/b)+i}\&M\)
-  \Comment ``\(\&\)'' denotes bit-wise \texttt{AND}.
-  \State\label{step.shift}Set \(D_{i} = D_{i}/2^{jb}\)
-  \Comment Step \ref{step.mask} ensures \(2^{jb}\mid D_{i}\)
-  \EndFor
-  \State Set \(X_{\eta} = D_{0}\|D_{1}\|\ldots\|D_{(\delta/b)-1}\)
-  \EndFor
-  \State \Return \(X_{1},\ldots,X_{(rb/\delta)}\)
-  \Comment the data corresponding to selector \(T_{j}\)
-\section{Wideskies Algorithm, With Encryption}
-  \frametitle{Adding Encryption To The Mix}
-  Adding encryption is straightforward. The following slides have the
-  encryption-enabled algorithms, with the differences from the earlier slides
-  in bold.
-\section{Query, Encrypted}
-  \frametitle{Query, Encrypted}
-  \begin{algorithm}[H]
-  \caption{Query formation, ciphertext version 1}\label{alg.cipher_form_1}
-  \State\label{step.key_2}Choose a random key \(k\) for \(H\).
-  \State Compute \(H_{k}(T_{0}),\ldots,H_{k}(T_{\tau-1})\).
-  \While{\(\mathrm{card}\left(\{H_{k}(T_{0}),\ldots,H_{k}(T_{\tau-1})\}\right)
-    < \tau\)}
-  \State \Goto{step.key_2}
-  \EndWhile
-  \For{\(i=0,\ldots,2^{\ell}-1\)}
-  \State Set
-  {
-  \bfseries\boldmath
-  \begin{equation*}
-    \mathcal{E}_{i} = \left\{\begin{array}{l l}
-        \mathcal{E}(2^{jb}) & \mbox{ if }i=H_{k}(T_{j})\mbox{ for some
-        }j\in\{0,\ldots,\tau-1\} \\
-        \mathcal{E}(0) & \mbox{ otherwise.}
-      \end{array}
-    \right.
-  \end{equation*}}
-  \EndFor
-  \State \Return \(\{\mathcal{E}_{0},\ldots,\mathcal{E}_{2^{\ell}-1}, H,
-  k, N\}\)
-\section{Response, Encrypted}
-  \frametitle{Response Initialization, Encrypted}
-  As before, we must initialize some values before forming the response.
-  \begin{enumerate}
-    \item $c_0,\ldots,c_{2^\ell - 1} = 0$, counters to keep track of the number
-      of times each {\boldmath $\mathcal{E}_\mathcal{T}$} has been seen.
-    \item {\bfseries\boldmath $Y_0,\ldots,Y_{r-1} = 1$, response vectors.}
-  \end{enumerate}
-  \frametitle{Response, Encrypted}
-  \begin{algorithm}[H]
-  \caption{Stream processing, ciphertext version}\label{alg.cipher_processing}
-\State \textbf{Input}:  $\mathbf{T} = \{ (T,D) \}$
-\State \textbf{Initialize:}
-\State \qquad Counters $c_i = 0 \, , \, 0 \leq i \leq (2^l -1)$
-\State \qquad Paillier ciphertext values  $\mathcal{Y}_{j} = 1 \, , \, 0 \leq j \leq (r-1)$
-\For{$(T,D) \in \mathbf{T}$}
-  \State Compute \(\mathcal{T} = H_{k}(T)\)
-  \If{\(c_{\mathcal{T}}+\frac{\delta}{b} > r\)}
-  \State \Return
-  \Else
-  \State Split \(D\) into \(b\)-bit chunks,
-  \(D=D_{0},\ldots,D_{(\delta/b)-1}\) \label{step.datachunk}
-  \For{\(i=0,\ldots,(\delta/b)-1\)}
-  \State {\bfseries\boldmath Set \(\mathcal{D}_{i} =
-  \mathcal{E}_{\mathcal{T}}^{D_{i}}\bmod N^{2}\)}
-  \State {\bfseries\boldmath Set \(\mathcal{Y}_{i+c_{\mathcal{T}}} =
-  \mathcal{Y}_{i+c_{\mathcal{T}}}\mathcal{D}_{i}\bmod N^{2}\)}
-  \EndFor
-  \State Set \(c_{\mathcal{T}} = c_{\mathcal{T}}+(\delta/b)\)
-  \EndIf
-\State{\textbf{Output}}: \(\mathcal{Y}_{0},\ldots,\mathcal{Y}_{r-1}\)
-\section{Result, Encrypted}
-  \frametitle{Result, Encrypted (and then Decrypted)}
-  Actually literally the same algorithm as before is used; the only difference
-  is that we first decrypt the encrypted $\mathcal{Y}_i$.
-\section{Distributed Version}
-  \frametitle{Distributed Version}
-  The paper goes over how to do the distributed version; the change is
-  straightforward, and our earlier example slides make it easy to see how it
-  works.
-  \frametitle{Distributed Difference:\\ Unencrypted Sums, Encrypted Products}
-  Recall our example matrix:
-  \begin{center}
-  \begin{tabular}{c  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  }
-     {\scriptsize Index}             & $Y_0$\qquad            & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{\delta/b-1}$\qquad & $Y_{\delta/b}$\qquad   & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{2\delta/b-1}$\qquad\\\toprule
-     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
-     {\footnotesize$j$} & {\footnotesize ${D^0_0} 2^{jb}$}                         & $\cdots$ & {\footnotesize ${D^0_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{jb}$}                      & {\footnotesize ${D^3_0} 2^{jb}$}                         & $\cdots$ & {\footnotesize ${D^3_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{jb}$}                         \\
-     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
-     {\footnotesize$j'$}  & {\footnotesize ${D^1_0} 2^{j'b}$} & $\cdots$                           & {\footnotesize ${D^1_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{j'b}$}                           & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
-     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
-     {\footnotesize$j''$}  & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^2_0} \cdot 0$}  & $\cdots$                           & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^2_{\delta/b-1}} \cdot 0$}     & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
-     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\\bottomrule
-  \end{tabular}
-  \end{center}
-  \frametitle{Distributed Difference:\\ Unencrypted Sums, Encrypted Products}
-  When we moved to an encrypted algorithm, all of the $D_i$-long sums of
-  $E_i$ became
-  $\mathcal{E}_i^{\mathcal{D}_i}$.\\~\\
-  In the distributed version, we actually make matrix components rather than
-  the fake matrix of $D_i$ in certain bit-positions we had earlier.\\~\\
-  In the matrix, rows are indexed by $0 \leq \mathcal{T} \leq 2^\ell
-  -1$, columns by $0 \leq j \leq r-1$.
-  \frametitle{Distributed Difference:\\ Unencrypted Sums, Encrypted Products}
-  As before, let 
-  \begin{align*}
-    H_k(T) &= j,\\
-    H_k(T') &= j',\text{ and}\\
-    H_k(T'') &= j'',
-  \end{align*}
-  with $T$ and $T'$ search terms and $T''$ not.\\~\\
-  Notice that this time we won't simply discard the data $D_2$ from $T''$;
-  we no longer multiply it by zero, but use it as the exponent of
-  $\mathcal{E}_{j''}$, which is an encryption of $0$.
-  \frametitle{Distributed Difference:\\ Unencrypted Sums, Encrypted Products}
-  The matrix in the encrypted setting:
-  \begin{center}
-  \begin{tabular}{c  C{1.35cm}  c  C{1.35cm}  C{1.35cm}  c  C{1.35cm}  }
-     {\scriptsize Index}             & $\mathcal{Y}_0$\qquad            & $\cdots$\qquad         & $\mathcal{Y}_{\delta/b-1}$\qquad & $\mathcal{Y}_{\delta/b}$\qquad   & $\cdots$\qquad         & $\mathcal{Y}_{2\delta/b-1}$\qquad\\\toprule
-     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
-     {\footnotesize$j$} & {\footnotesize $\mathcal{E}_j^{D^0_0}$} & $\cdots$ & {\footnotesize $\mathcal{E}_j^{D^0_{\delta/b-1}}$}                      & {\footnotesize $\mathcal{E}_j^{D^3_0}$}                         & $\cdots$ & {\footnotesize $\mathcal{E}_j^{D^3_{\delta/b-1}}$}                         \\
-     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
-     {\footnotesize$j'$}  & {\footnotesize $\mathcal{E}_{j'}^{D^1_0}$} & $\cdots$                           & {\footnotesize $\mathcal{E}_{j'}^{D^1_{\delta/b-1}}$}                           & 1                      & $\cdots$                           & 1\\
-     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
-     {\footnotesize$j''$}  & {\footnotesize $\mathcal{E}_{j''}^{D^2_0}$} & $\cdots$                           & {\footnotesize $\mathcal{E}_{j''}^{D^2_{\delta/b-1}}$}                           & 1                      & $\cdots$                           & 1\\
-     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\\bottomrule
-  \end{tabular}
-  \end{center}
-  \frametitle{Algorithm In Matrix Form}
-  \begin{algorithm}[H]
-  \caption{Responder -  Matrix Variant}\label{alg.matrix_processing}
-  \State {\scriptsize \textbf{Input:}  $\mathbf{T} = \{ (T,D) \}$}
-\State{\scriptsize  \textbf{Initialize:}}
-\State{\scriptsize  \qquad Counters $c_i = 0 \, , \, 0 \leq i \leq (2^l -1)$}
-\State{\scriptsize  \qquad Paillier ciphertext values  $\mathcal{Y}_{j} = 1 \, , \, 0 \leq j \leq (r-1)$}
-\For{\scriptsize {$(T,D) \in \mathbf{T}$}}
-\State{\scriptsize  Compute \(\mathcal{T} = H_{k}(T)\)}
-\Comment{\scriptsize  View as the row index of $M: m_{\mathcal{T}, \, j}$}
-  \If{\scriptsize {\(c_{\mathcal{T}}+\frac{\delta}{b} > r\)}}
-  \State{\scriptsize  \Return}
-\Else{\scriptsize }
-  \State{\scriptsize  Split \(D\) into \(b\)-bit chunks, \(D=D_{0}\|D_{1}\|\ldots\|D_{(\delta/b)-1}\)}
-  \For{\scriptsize {\(k=0,\ldots,(\delta/b)-1\)}}
-  \State{\scriptsize  Set \(m_{\mathcal{T}, \, c_{\mathcal{T}}+k} = \mathcal{E}_{\mathcal{T}}^{D_{k}}\bmod N^{2}\)}
-  \EndFor{\scriptsize }
-  \State{\scriptsize  Set \(c_{\mathcal{T}} = c_{\mathcal{T}}+(\delta/b)\)}
- \EndIf{\scriptsize }
-\EndFor{\scriptsize }
-\For{\scriptsize {$0\leq j \leq (r-1)$}:}
-\State{\scriptsize  \qquad \qquad $\mathcal{Y}_{j} \, = \,  \prod_{i = 0}^{2^l -1} m_{i,j}$ }
-\EndFor{\scriptsize }
-\State{\scriptsize {\textbf{Output}}: \(\mathcal{Y}_{0},\ldots,\mathcal{Y}_{r-1}\)}
-  \frametitle{Distributed Algorithm}
-  \begin{algorithm}[H]
-  \caption{Responder -  Distributed Variant}\label{alg.dist_processing}
-  \State {\scriptsize \textbf{Input:}  $\mathbf{T} = \{ (T,D) \}$}
-\For{\scriptsize {$(T,D) \in \mathbf{T}$} in parallel}
-\State{\scriptsize  Compute \(\mathcal{T} = H_{k}(T)\)}
-\Comment{\scriptsize  View as the row index of $M: m_{\mathcal{T}, \, j}$}
-  \State{\scriptsize  Split \(D\) into \(b\)-bit chunks, \(D=D_{0}\|D_{1}\|\ldots\|D_{(\delta/b)-1}\)}
-\State{\scriptsize  Form $\mathbf{D} = \{D_k : 0 \leq k \leq (\delta/b)-1\}$}
-\State{\scriptsize  \textbf{Emit} $(\mathcal{T}, \mathbf{D})$}
-  \EndFor{\scriptsize }
- \For{\scriptsize  {each $\mathcal{T}$} in parallel}
-\State{\scriptsize  Initialize $c_{\mathcal{T}} = 0$}
-\While{\scriptsize  {$c_{\mathcal{T}} <  r$}}
-\For{\scriptsize {each $(\mathcal{T}, \mathbf{D})$} }
-\For{\scriptsize  {each $D_k \in \mathbf{D} \, , \, 0 \leq k \leq \ldots,(\delta/b)-1$}}
-  \State{\scriptsize  Set \(m_{\mathcal{T}, \, c_{\mathcal{T}}} = \mathcal{E}_{\mathcal{T}}^{D_{k}}\bmod N^{2}\)}
-\State{\scriptsize  \textbf{Emit} $(c_{\mathcal{T}}, m_{\mathcal{T}, \, c_{\mathcal{T}}})$}
-\State{\scriptsize  $ c_{\mathcal{T}} = c_{\mathcal{T}} +  1$}
-\EndFor{\scriptsize }
-\EndFor{\scriptsize }
-\EndWhile{\scriptsize }
-\EndFor{\scriptsize }
-\For{\scriptsize {$0\leq j \leq (r-1)$ in parallel}:}
-\State{\scriptsize  \qquad \qquad $\mathcal{Y}_{j} \, = \,  \prod_{i = 0}^{2^l -1} m_{i,j}$ }
-\EndFor{\scriptsize }
-\State{\scriptsize {\textbf{Output}}: \(\mathcal{Y}_{0},\ldots,\mathcal{Y}_{r-1}\)}
-\section{`Actual' Example}
-  \frametitle{Actual Example Setup}
-We run through the above with actual numbers.\\~\\
-  \item $N = 35$, $p=5$, $q=7$, $\lambda(N) = 12$, $B=5$.
-  \item $\tau$, the number of terms we'll search for, is $2$. These terms are
-    $T_0 = 0$ and $T_1 = 3$.
-  \item We won't specify most of $H$; only that $\ell=4$, $H(T_0) = 0110 = 6$ and
-    $H(T_3) = 0010 = 2$.
-  \item Our return data are $\delta=4$ bits long; let $b=2$. We limit ourselves
-    to $r=4$.
-  \item Let's consult an RNG to choose values of $\zeta$ for use in Paillier.
-  \frametitle{Let's Consult an RNG}
-  \begin{center}
-  \includegraphics[width=2.5in,keepaspectratio]{random_number.png}
-\bigskip \bigskip {\scriptsize Source:
-  \url{}, used under
-  \url{}}
-  \frametitle{Actual Example Setup}
-  Great, we will randomly set $\zeta = 4$ for all encryptions.
-  \frametitle{Example Query}
-  \begin{itemize}
-    \item Since $H(T_0) = 6$, 
-      \begin{align*}
-        \mathcal{E}_6 &= \mathcal{E}(2^{0\cdot2})\\
-          &= 639
-      \end{align*}
-    \item Similarly, since $H(T_1) = 2$, 
-      \begin{align*}
-        \mathcal{E}_2 &= \mathcal{E}(2^{1\cdot2})\\
-          &= 359.
-      \end{align*}
-    \item All other terms are encryptions of $0$; we will write these as $1$
-      even though they would in fact be distributed across a wide array of
-      values in \zmodntunits.
-  \end{itemize}
-  \frametitle{Example Response}
-  Suppose, as in our example above, that the responder inputs, in order, are
-  $(T_0,D^0)$, $(T_1,D^1)$, $(5, D^2)$, and $(T_0,D^3)$, after
-  which point the responder returns (perhaps another $T_0$ comes in, thus causing
-  $c_{\mathcal{T}_0}$ to be greater than $r$). Here, 
-  \begin{align*}
-    D^0 &= 0000 = (D^0_0, D^0_1) = (00, 00),\\
-    D^1 &= 0110 = (D^1_0, D^1_1) = (01, 10),\\
-    D^2 &= 0111 = (D^2_0, D^2_1) = (01, 11),\\
-    D^3 &= 0010 = (D^3_0, D^3_1) = (00, 10),\\
-  \end{align*}~\\
-  Note that since $5$ is not a search term, it will result in raising an
- encrypted zero to $D^2=7$; again, we're just going to write $1$, even though the
-  acutal algorithm may (will) have any encryption of $0$ instead.
-  \frametitle{Example Response Matrix}
-  The responder forms the matrix
-  \begin{center}
-  \begin{tabular}{c  C{2.25cm}  C{2.25cm}  C{2.25cm}  C{2.25cm}  }
-     {\scriptsize Index}             & $\mathcal{Y}_0$ & $\mathcal{Y}_1$ & $\mathcal{Y}_2$ & $\mathcal{Y}_{3}$\\\toprule
-     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{4}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
-     {\footnotesize{\tiny $2$}} & {\tiny $\mathcal{E}_2^{D^1_0}\mod N^2 = 359$} & {\tiny $\mathcal{E}_2^{D^1_1}\mod N^2 = 256$}      & 1                      & 1\\
-     {\tiny $\vdots$} & \multicolumn{4}{l}{{\tiny $\qquad$}}\\
-     {\footnotesize{\tiny $6$}}  & {\tiny $\mathcal{E}_6^{D^0_0} \mod N^2 = 1$} & {\tiny$\mathcal{E}_6^{D^0_1}\mod N^2 = 1$} & {\tiny $\mathcal{E}_6^{D^3_0}\mod N^2 = 1$}    &  {\tiny $\mathcal{E}_6^{D^3_1}\mod N^2 = 396$} \\   
-     {\footnotesize{\tiny $7$}}  & 1 & 1 & 1                      & 1\\
-     {\tiny $\vdots$} & \multicolumn{4}{l}{{\tiny $\qquad$}}\\\bottomrule
-  \end{tabular}
-  \end{center}
-  \frametitle{Example Responses}
-  The only interesting responses are $\mathcal{Y}_0 = 359$, $\mathcal{Y}_1=256$, and $\mathcal{Y}_3 = 396$ (products are taken down columns).
-  \frametitle{Example Result}
-  We decrypt to $Y_0=0100$, $Y_1 =8 = 1000 $ and $Y_3 = 2 = 0010$, and then run through the processing algorithm:
-  \begin{itemize}
-    \item Data For $T_0$: $M=0011$
-      \begin{itemize}
-        \item $X_1 = 0$: 
-          \begin{itemize}
-            \item $D_0 = (Y_0 \& 0011)/2^0 = 00$
-            \item $D_1 = (Y_1 \& 0011)/2^0 = 00$
-          \end{itemize} 
-        \item $X_2 = 2$:
-          \begin{itemize}
-            \item $D_0 = (Y_2 \& 0011)/2^0 = 00$
-            \item $D_1 = (Y_3 \& 0011)/2^0 = 10$
-          \end{itemize}
-      \end{itemize}
-  \end{itemize}
-  \frametitle{Example Result}
-  We decrypted to $Y_0 = 0100$, $Y_1 =8 = 1000 $ and $Y_3 = 2 = 0010$, and then run through the processing algorithm:
-  \begin{itemize}
-    \item Data For $T_1$: $M=1100$.
-      \begin{itemize}
-        \item $X_1 = 6$: 
-          \begin{itemize}
-            \item $D_0 = (Y_0 \& 1100)/2^2 = 01$
-            \item $D_1 = (Y_1 \& 1100)/2^2 = 10$
-          \end{itemize} 
-        \item $X_2 = 0$:
-          \begin{itemize}
-            \item $D_0 = (Y_2 \& 1100)/2^2 = 00$
-            \item $D_1 = (Y_3 \& 1100)/2^2 = 00$
-          \end{itemize}
-      \end{itemize}
-  \end{itemize}
-  These results are precisely the data the responder had.$^*$\\~\\
-  {\tiny *: We cannot distinguish the fact that $X_2$ is a non-response
-  from the possibility that $X_2$ represents an actual return of a datum $D=0$
-from the responder. In practice, one must avoid using $D=0$ to eliminate this
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+\algnewcommand{\algorithmicgiven}{\textbf{given }}
+\algnewcommand{\algorithmicselect}{\textbf{select }}
+\algnewcommand{\algorithmicset}{\textbf{set }}
+\algnewcommand{\algorithmiccompute}{\textbf{compute }}
+\algnewcommand{\algorithmicgoto}{\textbf{go to}}
+\mode<presentation> { \usetheme{default} }
+  \nfss@text{%
+    \fontfamily{LinuxBiolinumT-TLF}%
+    \selectfont
+    \symbol{`\&}%
+  }%
+\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]
+  \begin{frame}
+  \vfill
+  \centering
+  \begin{beamercolorbox}[sep=8pt,center,shadow=true,rounded=true]{title}
+    \usebeamerfont{title}\insertsectionhead\par%
+  \end{beamercolorbox}
+  \vfill
+  \end{frame}
+\title[Apache Pirk Math
+Walkthrough]{\includegraphics[width=2.5in,keepaspectratio]{ApachePirk_1.png}\\ \bigskip Mathematics $\&$ Algorithms} 
+\author{Walter Ray-Dulany} 
+\institute[Apache Pirk] 
+% I decided against a date. - Walter
+  \AtPagemyUpperLeft{{\includegraphics[width=.5cm,keepaspectratio]{ApachePirkCircle.png}}}
+\frametitle{Pirk's Wideskies Algorithm}
+  Pirk uses the Wideskies algorithm to accomplish scalable PIR.\\~\\
+  This algorithm can be broken down into two distinct conceptual pieces:
+    \begin{itemize}
+      \item Paillier Encryption
+      \item The Query-Response-Result algorithms
+    \end{itemize}
+    ~\\ Before we begin those however, we take a (happily brief) diversion into
+    the language of the mathematics involved in this deck.
+\section{Language Preliminaries}
+  \frametitle{Language Preliminaries}
+  The Paillier scheme employs a small amount of group theoretic notation. Let's
+  go over that notation briefly.
+  \frametitle{Language Preliminaries}
+  \begin{itemize}
+    \item \zmodn: This is the group of integers modulo $N$; it can be thought of
+      as all numbers $0\leq k < N$, with modular addition (e.g.\ for $N=5$,
+      $1+7 \equiv 3\mod N$).\\~\\ This is a group under addition.\\~\\
+    \item $(\zmodn)^\times$: This is the multiplicative group of integers modulo
+      $N$, also called the units of $\zmodn$. Sometimes denoted
+      $(\mathbf{Z}/N\mathbf{Z})^*$, this is the set of $0\leq k < N$ that are
+      relatively prime to $N$ (that is, $k$ and $N$ share no factors, or
+      equivalently the greatest common denominator ($\gcd$) of $k$ and $N$ is $1$). One
+      can also think of this as the set of $k\in\zmodn$ such that there exists
+      a $k^{-1}\in\zmodn$ with $k\cdot k^{-1} \equiv 1\mod N$.\\~\\
+      This is a group under multiplication.
+  \end{itemize}
+  \frametitle{Language Preliminaries}
+Using the above notation, we can see that 
+  \zmodntunits = \{0\leq k<N^2: \gcd(k,N^2) = 1\}.
+If $N$ happens to be an RSA modulus,
+$N=pq$, $p$ and $q$ primes, then $\zmodntunits$ is just all numbers between $0$
+(inclusive) and $N^2$ (exclusive) that are not divisible by either $p$ or
+  \frametitle{Language Preliminaries}
+  \begin{itemize}
+    \item Order In \zmodn: The order of an element $k\in\zmodn$ is the least integer $e$
+      such that $e\cdot k = 0\mod N$.
+    \item Order in \zmodntunits: The order of an element $a\in\zmodntunits$ is
+      the least integer $e$ such that $a^e = 1\mod N^2$.
+  \end{itemize}
+  In both cases, order is well defined (i.e.\ it exists and makes sense) for
+  all elements of the groups.
+  \frametitle{Language Preliminaries}
+  For a more in depth discussion of these, and closely related, terms, please
+  see 
+  \mbox{\scriptsize \url{}}
+\section{Paillier Encryption}
+\frametitle{Paillier Encryption}
+Paillier encryption is a partially homomorphic public key scheme that relies on
+the function $$\mathcal{E}_g:\zmodn\times(\zmodn)^\times\rightarrow
+\zmodntunits$$ given by $$\mathcal{E}_g(x,y) = g^x y^N \mod N^2,$$
+$g\in\zmodntunits$. Here, $\zmodn$ is the plaintext space and $\zmodntunits$ is
+the ciphertext space.\\~\\
+When the order of $g$ is a non-zero multiple of $N$, $\mathcal{E}_g$ is a bijection.
+  \frametitle{Paillier Prerequisites}
+  \item Public key: $(N,g)$, $N$ an RSA modulus $N=pq$, $p$ and $q$ primes of
+    approximately the same bit-length, and $g\in \zmodntunits$ such that the
+    order of $g$ is a nonzero multiple of $N$. 
+  \item Private key: $\lambda(N)$, where $\lambda$ is the Carmichael function
+    \begin{align*}
+      \lambda(N) &= \lcm(p-1,q-1)
+    \end{align*}
+  that gives the exponent of $(\zmodn)^\times$.
+  \item Plaintext space: \zmodn.
+  \item Ciphertext space: \zmodntunits.
+{\footnotesize We can also consider the pair $(p,q)$ to be the private key, as $\lambda(N)$ is
+quickly and easily derived from it. Note that $\lambda(N)$ is coprime to $N$.}
+  \frametitle{What Do We Mean By `Homomorphic Encryption'?}
+  An encryption scheme is fully homomorphic if it is a homomorphism from
+  plaintext space to ciphertext space for arbitrary operations and arbitrary
+  numbers of such operations. If this definition seems squishy and not very
+  mathematical, that's because it is; it's hard to find a proper mathematical
+  definition of this term.\\~\\
+  An encryption scheme is partially homomorphic if it is a homomorphism for
+  only some operations, or for only a few consecutive operations.\\~\\
+  \frametitle{Paillier Encryption is Homomorphic}
+  Paillier encryption is a partial homomorphism between addition in \zmodn\ and
+  multiplication in \zmodntunits.\\~\\
+  Denote Paillier encryption by $\mathcal{E}_g$ and decryption by $\mathcal{D}_g$,
+  and let $m$ and $m'\in \zmodn$. Then 
+    \begin{align*}
+        D(\mathcal{E}(m) \mathcal{E}(m') \bmod N^2) &= (m + m') \bmod N \\
+        D(\mathcal{E}(m)^k \bmod N^2) &= km \bmod N, \, k \in \mathbf{N}
+    \end{align*}
+    ~\\
+    Note that the second equality follows immediately from the first.
+\section{General Paillier Algorithm}
+\frametitle{Paillier Supporting Function}
+Let $X=\{u<N^2 : u = 1 \mod N\}$ and let $L:X\rightarrow \zmodn$ be
+defined by 
+\begin{equation*}L(u) = \frac{u-1}{N} \mod N.\end{equation*}
+This function is well defined over \zmodntunits.
+\frametitle{General Paillier Encryption}
+The general Paillier algorithm differs only slightly from Pirk's version.
+  \caption{General Paillier encryption and decryption.}\label{alg.paillier_encrypt_original}
+  \begin{algorithmic}[1]
+    \Procedure{Paillier encryption}{}
+    \State \begin{varwidth}[t]{\linewidth}
+      \Given \(N\), a random \(g \in \zmodntunits\) of order a nonzero\par
+  multiple of $N$, and a message \(m\in\zmodn\)
+      \end{varwidth}
+    \State \Select a random value \(\zeta\in \left(\zmodn\right)^{\times}\)
+    \State \Return \(\mathcal{E}(m) = g^m \zeta^{N}\bmod{N^{2}}\)
+    \EndProcedure
+  \end{algorithmic}
+  \begin{algorithmic}[1]
+    \Procedure{Paillier decryption}{}
+    \State \Given \(N\), \(\lambda(N)\), \(g\), and ciphertext \(c \in \zmodntunits\)
+    \State \Return m = \(\frac{L( c^{\lambda(N)}\bmod N^{2})}{L( g^{\lambda(N)}\bmod N^{2})}\bmod N\)
+    \EndProcedure
+  \end{algorithmic}
+\frametitle{Paillier Works}
+  It is a straightforward exercise to check that 
+  \begin{itemize}
+    \item $D(\mathcal{E}(m)) = m$
+    \item $D(\mathcal{E}(m)\mathcal{E}(m')\bmod N^2) = (m + m') \bmod N $
+  \end{itemize}
+\section{Paillier As Used In \NAME}
+\frametitle{Paillier As Used In \NAME}
+The version of Paillier used in \NAME is a computationally simpler variant of the
+full Paillier scheme that sacrifices no security over the general case.
+  \frametitle{Converting Between The Two}
+  Pirk's simplified version of Paillier simply uses
+  \begin{align*}
+    g &\equiv 1 + N \mod N^2\\
+    \implies L(g^{\lambda(N)} \mod N^2) &= \lambda(N),
+  \end{align*}
+  the proof of which is a straightforward exercise.
+\frametitle{Paillier As Used In \NAME}
+  \caption{Paillier encryption and decryption}\label{alg.paillier_encrypt}
+  \begin{algorithmic}[1]
+    \Procedure{Paillier encryption}{}
+    \State \Given \(N\) and a message \(m\in\zmodn\)
+    \State \Select a random value \(\zeta\in\zmodntunits\)
+    \State \Return \(\mathcal{E}(m) = (1+mN)\zeta^{N}\bmod{N^{2}}\)
+    \EndProcedure
+  \end{algorithmic}
+  \begin{algorithmic}[1]
+    \Procedure{Paillier decryption}{}
+    \State \Given \(N\), \(\lambda(N)\), and a ciphertext \(c\in\zmodntunits\)
+    \State \Set \(\mu = \lambda(N)^{-1}\bmod N\)
+    \Comment Recall \(\gcd(\lambda(N), N) = 1\)
+    \State \Set \(\hat{c} = c^{\lambda(N)}\bmod N^{2}\)
+    \State\label{step.div}\Set \(\hat{m} = L(c^{\lambda(N)}\bmod N^{2})\)
+    \State \Return \(\hat{m}\mu\bmod N\)
+    \EndProcedure
+  \end{algorithmic}
+  \frametitle{Paillier Reference}
+  For more on Paillier encryption and the (hypothesized) hard problem upon
+  which it is based, see\\~\\
+  \mbox{\scriptsize \url{}}\\~\\
+  on Pirk's website.
+  \frametitle{Wideskies Parameters}
+  The algorithm requires the following parameters, which are not independent
+  (see the next slide).
+  \begin{itemize}
+    \item $N$, the Paillier modulus
+    \item $B$, the bit-length of $N$
+    \item $H$ (or $H_k$), a keyed hash function (with key k)
+    \item $\ell$, the bit length of the output of $H$, i.e.\
+      $H_k:\mathbf{Z}\rightarrow (\mathbf{Z}/2\mathbf{Z})^\ell$
+    \item $\tau$, the number of search terms
+    \item $\delta$, the number of bits of data returned for each search hit
+    \item $b$ the chunk size, in bits, determining how data is split among
+      responses.
+    \item $r$, the number of responses that can be returned per query request
+      period per search term
+  \end{itemize}
+  \frametitle{Parameter Relationships}
+  \begin{itemize}
+    \item $2^{b\tau} < N$: there must be space in the modulus to hold all the
+      data, even if each search term hits as often as possible.
+    \item $\tau < 2^\ell$: Although the paper permits search term hash
+    collisions, Pirk does not permit them. Typically $\tau \ll 2^\ell$
+    \item $b|\delta$: Chunk size must evenly divide the data size
+    \item $\frac{\delta}{b} | r$: the number of chunks per returned datum must
+      divide the number of responses, for bandwidth efficiency.
+    \item $H$: Must be pseudo-random but need not be cryptographically secure.
+  \end{itemize}
+  \frametitle{Public Parameters}
+  All of \begin{equation*}H, \ell, N, B, \delta, b, \text{and } r\end{equation*}
+  are public, that is, must be shared between the client and server.\\~\\
+  Note that the fact that $2^{b\tau} < N$ gives some information on the number
+  of search terms the client is using; the amount of this information can be
+  decreased without bound by choosing $N$ and $\ell$ to be much larger than
+  would be otherwise necessary; this necessarily causes a performance hit.
+\section{Wideskies Algorithm, Without Encryption}
+  \frametitle{Wideskies Without Encryption?}
+  The Wideskies algorithm is of sufficient complexity that it can be useful to
+  go through the algorithm without the encryption and decryption steps first,
+  in order to orient ourselves.\\~\\
+  After, it will be straightforward to see the
+  changes that using the Paillier encryption requires.
+\section{Query, Without Encryption}
+  \frametitle{The Query Algorithm, Without Encryption}
+  Let $T_0,\ldots,T_{\tau-1}\in\zmodn$ be our search terms.
+  \begin{algorithm}[H]
+  \caption{Query Formation Algorithm version
+    1}\label{alg.plain_form_1}
+  \State\label{step.key}Choose a random key \(k\) for \(H\).
+  \State Compute \(H_{k}(T_{0}),\ldots,H_{k}(T_{\tau-1})\).
+  \While{\(\mathrm{card}\left(\{H_{k}(T_{0}),\ldots,H_{k}(T_{\tau-1})\}\right)
+    < \tau\)}
+  \State \Goto{step.key}
+  \Comment If there are hash collisions, pick a new key.
+  \EndWhile
+  \For{\(i=0,\ldots,2^{\ell}-1\)}
+  \State\label{step.set}Set \begin{equation*}
+    E_{i} = \left\{\begin{array}{l l} 
+    2^{jb} & \mbox{ if } i = H_{k}(T_{j}); \\
+    0 & \mbox{otherwise.}
+    \end{array}
+    \right.
+  \end{equation*}
+  \EndFor
+  \State\Return \(\{E_{0},\ldots,E_{2^{\ell}-1}, H, k, N\}\)
+  \frametitle{Query Notes, Without Encryption}
+  Since $\tau \ll 2^\ell$, we expect most of the $E_i$ to be zero.\\~\\
+  We will typically denote $H_k(T)$ by $\mathcal{T}$ and its associated $E$ by
+  $E_\mathcal{T}$. If we wish to keep track of a specific $T$ we will write
+  $\mathcal{T}_j$ and $E_{\mathcal{T}_j}$.
+\section{Response, Without Encryption}
+  \frametitle{Response Initialization, Without Encryption}
+  We must initialize some values before forming the response.
+  \begin{enumerate}
+    \item $c_0,\ldots,c_{2^\ell - 1} = 0$, counters to keep track of the number
+      of times each $E_\mathcal{T}$ has been seen.
+    \item $Y_0,\ldots,Y_{r-1} = 0$, response vectors.
+  \end{enumerate}
+  \frametitle{Response Data, Without Encryption}
+  Responder information comes in pairs $(T, D)$ where $T$ is a (potential)
+  search term, and $D$ is $T$'s associated response datum, which will be
+  returned if $T$ is a search term.\\~\\
+  We view $D$ as a $\delta$-long bit stream $(d_0,\ldots,d_{\delta-1})$, and
+  break $D$ up into $\delta/b$ chunks $D_i$ as 
+  \begin{equation*}
+    D_i = (d_{i\cdot b}, d_{i\cdot b+1},\ldots,d_{(i+1)\cdot b-1}),\ i=0,\ldots,\delta/b-1.
+  \end{equation*}\\~\\
+  For example, if $D=011010$ and $b=3$, then
+  \begin{align*}
+    D_0 &= 011\\
+    D_1 &= 010
+  \end{align*}
+  \frametitle{Response Algorithm, Without Encryption}
+  \begin{algorithm}[H]
+  \caption{Stream processing, plaintext version}\label{alg.plain_stream}
+\State \textbf{Input}:  $\mathbf{T} = \{ (T,D) \}$
+\For{$(T,D) \in \mathbf{T}$}
+  \State Compute \(\mathcal{T} = H_{k}(T)\)
+  \If{\(c_{\mathcal{T}} + \frac{\delta}{b} > r\)}\label{step.if}
+  \Comment The space allocated for term \(T\) is full.
+  \State \Return \label{step.return}
+  \State Split \(D\) into \(b\)-bit chunks
+  \(D_{0},\ldots,D_{(\delta/b)-1}\).
+  \For{\(i=0,\ldots,(\delta/b)-1\)}
+  \State\label{step.multiply}Set \(\mathcal{D}_{i} = D_{i}E_{\mathcal{T}}\bmod N\)
+  \Comment Nonzero only if \(E_{\mathcal{T}}\neq 0\).
+  \State Set \(Y_{i+c_{\mathcal{T}}} =
+  Y_{i+c_{\mathcal{T}}}+\mathcal{D}_{i}\bmod N\)
+  \EndFor
+  \State Set \(c_{\mathcal{T}} = c_{\mathcal{T}}+(\delta/b)\)
+\State{\textbf{Output}}: \(Y_{0},\ldots,Y_{r-1}\)
+  \frametitle{Response Example, Without Encryption}
+  Let's look at how the response would look on the first four $(T,D)$ pairs that
+  pass through the algorithm.
+  \frametitle{Response Example Setup, Without Encryption}
+  Suppose that among our search terms are $T$ and $T'$, with 
+  \begin{align*}
+    H_k(T) &= j\text{ and}\\
+    H_k(T') &= j'.
+  \end{align*}~\\
+  Suppose that $T''$, with $H_k(T'')=j''$, is \emph{not} a search term.\\~\\
+  Let the responder see, in order, the pairs $(T, D^0)$, $(T', D^1)$,
+  $(T'', D^2)$, $(T, D^3)$.\\~\\
+  The $Y_i$ are formed by summing down the columns in following matrices.
+  \frametitle{Response Example Start, Without Encryption}
+  No terms have yet been evaluated.
+  \begin{center}
+  \begin{tabular}{c  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  }
+   {\scriptsize Index}             & $Y_0$\qquad            & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{\delta/b-1}$\qquad & $Y_{\delta/b}$\qquad   & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{2\delta/b-1}$\qquad\\\toprule
+    $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+ {\footnotesize$j$} & 0                        & $\cdots$                         & 0                         & 0                         & $\cdots$                         & 0                         \\
+    $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+ {\footnotesize$j'$}  & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0                           & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
+    $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+     {\footnotesize$j''$}  & 0 & $\cdots$                           & 0         & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
+    $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\\bottomrule
+  \end{tabular}
+  \end{center}
+  $c_{j} = 0$, $c_{j'} = 0$, $c_{j''} = 0$.
+  \frametitle{Response Example: First Term, Without Encryption}
+  $(T, D^0)$ enters and is proccessed; hit:
+  \begin{center}
+  \begin{tabular}{c  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  }
+     {\scriptsize Index}             & $Y_0$\qquad            & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{\delta/b-1}$\qquad & $Y_{\delta/b}$\qquad   & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{2\delta/b-1}$\qquad\\\toprule
+     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+     {\footnotesize$j$} & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^0_0} 2^{jb}$}                         & $\cdots$                         & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^0_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{jb}$}                      & 0                         & $\cdots$                         & 0                         \\
+     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+     {\footnotesize$j'$}  & 0 & $\cdots$                           & 0                           & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
+     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+     {\footnotesize$j''$}  & 0 & $\cdots$                           & 0         & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
+    $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\\bottomrule
+  \end{tabular}
+  \end{center}
+  $\bm{c_{j} = \delta/b}$, $c_{j'} = 0$, $c_{j''} = 0$.
+  \frametitle{Response Example Second Term, Without Encryption}
+  $(T', D^1)$ enters and is proccessed; hit:
+  \begin{center}
+  \begin{tabular}{c  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  }
+     {\scriptsize Index}             & $Y_0$\qquad            & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{\delta/b-1}$\qquad & $Y_{\delta/b}$\qquad   & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{2\delta/b-1}$\qquad\\\toprule
+     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+     {\footnotesize$j$} & {\footnotesize ${D^0_0} 2^{jb}$}                         & $\cdots$                         & {\footnotesize ${D^0_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{jb}$}                      & 0                         & $\cdots$                         & 0                         \\
+     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+     {\footnotesize$j'$}  & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^1_0} 2^{j'b}$} & $\cdots$                           & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^1_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{j'b}$}                           & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
+     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+     {\footnotesize$j''$}  & 0 & $\cdots$                           & 0         & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
+    $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\\bottomrule
+  \end{tabular}
+  \end{center}
+  $c_{j} = \delta/b$, $\bm{c_{j'} = \delta/b}$, $c_{j''} = 0$.
+  \frametitle{Response Example Third Term, Without Encryption}
+  $(T'', D^2)$ enters and is proccessed; no hit:
+  \begin{center}
+  \begin{tabular}{c  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  }
+     {\scriptsize Index}             & $Y_0$\qquad            & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{\delta/b-1}$\qquad & $Y_{\delta/b}$\qquad   & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{2\delta/b-1}$\qquad\\\toprule
+     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+     {\footnotesize$j$} & {\footnotesize ${D^0_0} 2^{jb}$}                         & $\cdots$                         & {\footnotesize ${D^0_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{jb}$}                      & 0                         & $\cdots$                         & 0                         \\
+     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+     {\footnotesize$j'$}  & {\footnotesize ${D^1_0} 2^{j'b}$} & $\cdots$                           & {\footnotesize ${D^1_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{j'b}$}                           & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
+     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+     {\footnotesize$j''$}  & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^2_0} \cdot 0$}  & $\cdots$                           & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^2_{\delta/b-1}} \cdot 0$}     & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
+    $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\\bottomrule
+  \end{tabular}
+  \end{center}
+$c_{j} = \delta/b$, $c_{j'} = \delta/b$, $\bm{c_{j''} = \delta/b}$.
+  \frametitle{Response Example Fourth Term, Without Encryption}
+  $(T, D^3)$ enters and is proccessed; hit:
+  \begin{center}
+  \begin{tabular}{c  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  }
+     {\scriptsize Index}             & $Y_0$\qquad            & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{\delta/b-1}$\qquad & $Y_{\delta/b}$\qquad   & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{2\delta/b-1}$\qquad\\\toprule
+     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+     {\footnotesize$j$} & {\footnotesize ${D^0_0} 2^{jb}$}                         & $\cdots$ & {\footnotesize ${D^0_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{jb}$}                      & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^3_0} 2^{jb}$}                         & $\cdots$ & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^3_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{jb}$}                         \\
+     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+     {\footnotesize$j'$}  & {\footnotesize ${D^1_0} 2^{j'b}$} & $\cdots$                           & {\footnotesize ${D^1_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{j'b}$}                           & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
+     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+     {\footnotesize$j''$}  & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^2_0} \cdot 0$}  & $\cdots$                           & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^2_{\delta/b-1}} \cdot 0$}     & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
+    $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\\bottomrule
+  \end{tabular}
+  \end{center}
+  $\bm{c_{j} = 2\delta/b}$, $c_{j'} = \delta/b$, $c_{j''} = \delta/b$.
+\section{Result, Without Encryption}
+  \frametitle{Result, Without Encryption}
+  The algorithm for getting the results out of the response return is
+  straightforward. To begin,\\~\\
+  \begin{itemize}
+    \item Write $Y_i = \sum_{k=0}^{\tau - 1} 2^{kb}P_{ki}$ in base $2^b$, where
+      $P_{ki}$ is the value of the $k^{\text{th}}$ row in the
+      $i^{\text{th}}$ column. Note each $P_{ki}$ is $b$-bits long, and therefore
+      $Y_i < N$.
+    \item $Y_i$ will have data on search term $T$ if and only if $T$ was
+      seen $i+1$ times before the responder returned.
+  \end{itemize}
+  \frametitle{Result Algorithm, Without Encryption}
+  \begin{algorithm}[H]
+  \caption{Data recovery, plaintext version}\label{alg.plain_recover}
+  \State Set \(M = 2^{j b}(2^{b}-1)\)
+  \Comment $b$ $1$s left-shifted $jb$ places.
+  \For{\(\eta=1,\ldots,(rb/\delta)\)}
+  \Comment At most \(rb/\delta\) hits can be returned.
+  \For{\(i=0,\ldots,(\delta/b)-1\)}
+  \Comment Each hit uses \(\delta/b\) chunks.
+  \State\label{step.mask}Set \(D_{i} = Y_{(\eta-1)(\delta/b)+i}\&M\)
+  \Comment ``\(\&\)'' denotes bit-wise \texttt{AND}.
+  \State\label{step.shift}Set \(D_{i} = D_{i}/2^{jb}\)
+  \Comment Step \ref{step.mask} ensures \(2^{jb}\mid D_{i}\)
+  \EndFor
+  \State Set \(X_{\eta} = D_{0}\|D_{1}\|\ldots\|D_{(\delta/b)-1}\)
+  \EndFor
+  \State \Return \(X_{1},\ldots,X_{(rb/\delta)}\)
+  \Comment the data corresponding to selector \(T_{j}\)
+\section{Wideskies Algorithm, With Encryption}
+  \frametitle{Adding Encryption To The Mix}
+  Adding encryption is straightforward. The following slides have the
+  encryption-enabled algorithms, with the differences from the earlier slides
+  in bold.
+\section{Query, Encrypted}
+  \frametitle{Query, Encrypted}
+  \begin{algorithm}[H]
+  \caption{Query formation, ciphertext version 1}\label{alg.cipher_form_1}
+  \State\label{step.key_2}Choose a random key \(k\) for \(H\).
+  \State Compute \(H_{k}(T_{0}),\ldots,H_{k}(T_{\tau-1})\).
+  \While{\(\mathrm{card}\left(\{H_{k}(T_{0}),\ldots,H_{k}(T_{\tau-1})\}\right)
+    < \tau\)}
+  \State \Goto{step.key_2}
+  \EndWhile
+  \For{\(i=0,\ldots,2^{\ell}-1\)}
+  \State Set
+  {
+  \bfseries\boldmath
+  \begin{equation*}
+    \mathcal{E}_{i} = \left\{\begin{array}{l l}
+        \mathcal{E}(2^{jb}) & \mbox{ if }i=H_{k}(T_{j})\mbox{ for some
+        }j\in\{0,\ldots,\tau-1\} \\
+        \mathcal{E}(0) & \mbox{ otherwise.}
+      \end{array}
+    \right.
+  \end{equation*}}
+  \EndFor
+  \State \Return \(\{\mathcal{E}_{0},\ldots,\mathcal{E}_{2^{\ell}-1}, H,
+  k, N\}\)
+\section{Response, Encrypted}
+  \frametitle{Response Initialization, Encrypted}
+  As before, we must initialize some values before forming the response.
+  \begin{enumerate}
+    \item $c_0,\ldots,c_{2^\ell - 1} = 0$, counters to keep track of the number
+      of times each {\boldmath $\mathcal{E}_\mathcal{T}$} has been seen.
+    \item {\bfseries\boldmath $Y_0,\ldots,Y_{r-1} = 1$, response vectors.}
+  \end{enumerate}
+  \frametitle{Response, Encrypted}
+  \begin{algorithm}[H]
+  \caption{Stream processing, ciphertext version}\label{alg.cipher_processing}
+\State \textbf{Input}:  $\mathbf{T} = \{ (T,D) \}$
+\State \textbf{Initialize:}
+\State \qquad Counters $c_i = 0 \, , \, 0 \leq i \leq (2^l -1)$
+\State \qquad Paillier ciphertext values  $\mathcal{Y}_{j} = 1 \, , \, 0 \leq j \leq (r-1)$
+\For{$(T,D) \in \mathbf{T}$}
+  \State Compute \(\mathcal{T} = H_{k}(T)\)
+  \If{\(c_{\mathcal{T}}+\frac{\delta}{b} > r\)}
+  \State \Return
+  \Else
+  \State Split \(D\) into \(b\)-bit chunks,
+  \(D=D_{0},\ldots,D_{(\delta/b)-1}\) \label{step.datachunk}
+  \For{\(i=0,\ldots,(\delta/b)-1\)}
+  \State {\bfseries\boldmath Set \(\mathcal{D}_{i} =
+  \mathcal{E}_{\mathcal{T}}^{D_{i}}\bmod N^{2}\)}
+  \State {\bfseries\boldmath Set \(\mathcal{Y}_{i+c_{\mathcal{T}}} =
+  \mathcal{Y}_{i+c_{\mathcal{T}}}\mathcal{D}_{i}\bmod N^{2}\)}
+  \EndFor
+  \State Set \(c_{\mathcal{T}} = c_{\mathcal{T}}+(\delta/b)\)
+  \EndIf
+\State{\textbf{Output}}: \(\mathcal{Y}_{0},\ldots,\mathcal{Y}_{r-1}\)
+\section{Result, Encrypted}
+  \frametitle{Result, Encrypted (and then Decrypted)}
+  Actually literally the same algorithm as before is used; the only difference
+  is that we first decrypt the encrypted $\mathcal{Y}_i$.
+\section{Distributed Version}
+  \frametitle{Distributed Version}
+  The paper goes over how to do the distributed version; the change is
+  straightforward, and our earlier example slides make it easy to see how it
+  works.
+  \frametitle{Distributed Difference:\\ Unencrypted Sums, Encrypted Products}
+  Recall our example matrix:
+  \begin{center}
+  \begin{tabular}{c  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  C{1.55cm}  c  C{1.55cm}  }
+     {\scriptsize Index}             & $Y_0$\qquad            & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{\delta/b-1}$\qquad & $Y_{\delta/b}$\qquad   & $\cdots$\qquad         & $Y_{2\delta/b-1}$\qquad\\\toprule
+     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+     {\footnotesize$j$} & {\footnotesize ${D^0_0} 2^{jb}$}                         & $\cdots$ & {\footnotesize ${D^0_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{jb}$}                      & {\footnotesize ${D^3_0} 2^{jb}$}                         & $\cdots$ & {\footnotesize ${D^3_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{jb}$}                         \\
+     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+     {\footnotesize$j'$}  & {\footnotesize ${D^1_0} 2^{j'b}$} & $\cdots$                           & {\footnotesize ${D^1_{\delta/b-1}} 2^{j'b}$}                           & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
+     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+     {\footnotesize$j''$}  & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^2_0} \cdot 0$}  & $\cdots$                           & {\footnotesize $\bm{D^2_{\delta/b-1}} \cdot 0$}     & 0                      & $\cdots$                           & 0\\
+     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\\bottomrule
+  \end{tabular}
+  \end{center}
+  \frametitle{Distributed Difference:\\ Unencrypted Sums, Encrypted Products}
+  When we moved to an encrypted algorithm, all of the $D_i$-long sums of
+  $E_i$ became
+  $\mathcal{E}_i^{\mathcal{D}_i}$.\\~\\
+  In the distributed version, we actually make matrix components rather than
+  the fake matrix of $D_i$ in certain bit-positions we had earlier.\\~\\
+  In the matrix, rows are indexed by $0 \leq \mathcal{T} \leq 2^\ell
+  -1$, columns by $0 \leq j \leq r-1$.
+  \frametitle{Distributed Difference:\\ Unencrypted Sums, Encrypted Products}
+  As before, let 
+  \begin{align*}
+    H_k(T) &= j,\\
+    H_k(T') &= j',\text{ and}\\
+    H_k(T'') &= j'',
+  \end{align*}
+  with $T$ and $T'$ search terms and $T''$ not.\\~\\
+  Notice that this time we won't simply discard the data $D_2$ from $T''$;
+  we no longer multiply it by zero, but use it as the exponent of
+  $\mathcal{E}_{j''}$, which is an encryption of $0$.
+  \frametitle{Distributed Difference:\\ Unencrypted Sums, Encrypted Products}
+  The matrix in the encrypted setting:
+  \begin{center}
+  \begin{tabular}{c  C{1.35cm}  c  C{1.35cm}  C{1.35cm}  c  C{1.35cm}  }
+     {\scriptsize Index}             & $\mathcal{Y}_0$\qquad            & $\cdots$\qquad         & $\mathcal{Y}_{\delta/b-1}$\qquad & $\mathcal{Y}_{\delta/b}$\qquad   & $\cdots$\qquad         & $\mathcal{Y}_{2\delta/b-1}$\qquad\\\toprule
+     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+     {\footnotesize$j$} & {\footnotesize $\mathcal{E}_j^{D^0_0}$} & $\cdots$ & {\footnotesize $\mathcal{E}_j^{D^0_{\delta/b-1}}$}                      & {\footnotesize $\mathcal{E}_j^{D^3_0}$}                         & $\cdots$ & {\footnotesize $\mathcal{E}_j^{D^3_{\delta/b-1}}$}                         \\
+     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+     {\footnotesize$j'$}  & {\footnotesize $\mathcal{E}_{j'}^{D^1_0}$} & $\cdots$                           & {\footnotesize $\mathcal{E}_{j'}^{D^1_{\delta/b-1}}$}                           & 1                      & $\cdots$                           & 1\\
+     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+     {\footnotesize$j''$}  & {\footnotesize $\mathcal{E}_{j''}^{D^2_0}$} & $\cdots$                           & {\footnotesize $\mathcal{E}_{j''}^{D^2_{\delta/b-1}}$}                           & 1                      & $\cdots$                           & 1\\
+     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$\qquad$}\\\bottomrule
+  \end{tabular}
+  \end{center}
+  \frametitle{Algorithm In Matrix Form}
+  \begin{algorithm}[H]
+  \caption{Responder -  Matrix Variant}\label{alg.matrix_processing}
+  \State {\scriptsize \textbf{Input:}  $\mathbf{T} = \{ (T,D) \}$}
+\State{\scriptsize  \textbf{Initialize:}}
+\State{\scriptsize  \qquad Counters $c_i = 0 \, , \, 0 \leq i \leq (2^l -1)$}
+\State{\scriptsize  \qquad Paillier ciphertext values  $\mathcal{Y}_{j} = 1 \, , \, 0 \leq j \leq (r-1)$}
+\For{\scriptsize {$(T,D) \in \mathbf{T}$}}
+\State{\scriptsize  Compute \(\mathcal{T} = H_{k}(T)\)}
+\Comment{\scriptsize  View as the row index of $M: m_{\mathcal{T}, \, j}$}
+  \If{\scriptsize {\(c_{\mathcal{T}}+\frac{\delta}{b} > r\)}}
+  \State{\scriptsize  \Return}
+\Else{\scriptsize }
+  \State{\scriptsize  Split \(D\) into \(b\)-bit chunks, \(D=D_{0}\|D_{1}\|\ldots\|D_{(\delta/b)-1}\)}
+  \For{\scriptsize {\(k=0,\ldots,(\delta/b)-1\)}}
+  \State{\scriptsize  Set \(m_{\mathcal{T}, \, c_{\mathcal{T}}+k} = \mathcal{E}_{\mathcal{T}}^{D_{k}}\bmod N^{2}\)}
+  \EndFor{\scriptsize }
+  \State{\scriptsize  Set \(c_{\mathcal{T}} = c_{\mathcal{T}}+(\delta/b)\)}
+ \EndIf{\scriptsize }
+\EndFor{\scriptsize }
+\For{\scriptsize {$0\leq j \leq (r-1)$}:}
+\State{\scriptsize  \qquad \qquad $\mathcal{Y}_{j} \, = \,  \prod_{i = 0}^{2^l -1} m_{i,j}$ }
+\EndFor{\scriptsize }
+\State{\scriptsize {\textbf{Output}}: \(\mathcal{Y}_{0},\ldots,\mathcal{Y}_{r-1}\)}
+  \frametitle{Distributed Algorithm}
+  \begin{algorithm}[H]
+  \caption{Responder -  Distributed Variant}\label{alg.dist_processing}
+  \State {\scriptsize \textbf{Input:}  $\mathbf{T} = \{ (T,D) \}$}
+\For{\scriptsize {$(T,D) \in \mathbf{T}$} in parallel}
+\State{\scriptsize  Compute \(\mathcal{T} = H_{k}(T)\)}
+\Comment{\scriptsize  View as the row index of $M: m_{\mathcal{T}, \, j}$}
+  \State{\scriptsize  Split \(D\) into \(b\)-bit chunks, \(D=D_{0}\|D_{1}\|\ldots\|D_{(\delta/b)-1}\)}
+\State{\scriptsize  Form $\mathbf{D} = \{D_k : 0 \leq k \leq (\delta/b)-1\}$}
+\State{\scriptsize  \textbf{Emit} $(\mathcal{T}, \mathbf{D})$}
+  \EndFor{\scriptsize }
+ \For{\scriptsize  {each $\mathcal{T}$} in parallel}
+\State{\scriptsize  Initialize $c_{\mathcal{T}} = 0$}
+\While{\scriptsize  {$c_{\mathcal{T}} <  r$}}
+\For{\scriptsize {each $(\mathcal{T}, \mathbf{D})$} }
+\For{\scriptsize  {each $D_k \in \mathbf{D} \, , \, 0 \leq k \leq \ldots,(\delta/b)-1$}}
+  \State{\scriptsize  Set \(m_{\mathcal{T}, \, c_{\mathcal{T}}} = \mathcal{E}_{\mathcal{T}}^{D_{k}}\bmod N^{2}\)}
+\State{\scriptsize  \textbf{Emit} $(c_{\mathcal{T}}, m_{\mathcal{T}, \, c_{\mathcal{T}}})$}
+\State{\scriptsize  $ c_{\mathcal{T}} = c_{\mathcal{T}} +  1$}
+\EndFor{\scriptsize }
+\EndFor{\scriptsize }
+\EndWhile{\scriptsize }
+\EndFor{\scriptsize }
+\For{\scriptsize {$0\leq j \leq (r-1)$ in parallel}:}
+\State{\scriptsize  \qquad \qquad $\mathcal{Y}_{j} \, = \,  \prod_{i = 0}^{2^l -1} m_{i,j}$ }
+\EndFor{\scriptsize }
+\State{\scriptsize {\textbf{Output}}: \(\mathcal{Y}_{0},\ldots,\mathcal{Y}_{r-1}\)}
+\section{`Actual' Example}
+  \frametitle{Actual Example Setup}
+We run through the above with actual numbers.\\~\\
+  \item $N = 35$, $p=5$, $q=7$, $\lambda(N) = 12$, $B=5$.
+  \item $\tau$, the number of terms we'll search for, is $2$. These terms are
+    $T_0 = 0$ and $T_1 = 3$.
+  \item We won't specify most of $H$; only that $\ell=4$, $H(T_0) = 0110 = 6$ and
+    $H(T_3) = 0010 = 2$.
+  \item Our return data are $\delta=4$ bits long; let $b=2$. We limit ourselves
+    to $r=4$.
+  \item Let's consult an RNG to choose values of $\zeta$ for use in Paillier.
+  \frametitle{Let's Consult an RNG}
+  \begin{center}
+  \includegraphics[width=2.5in,keepaspectratio]{random_number.png}
+\bigskip \bigskip {\scriptsize Source:
+  \url{}, used under
+  \url{}}
+  \frametitle{Actual Example Setup}
+  Great, we will randomly set $\zeta = 4$ for all encryptions.
+  \frametitle{Example Query}
+  \begin{itemize}
+    \item Since $H(T_0) = 6$, 
+      \begin{align*}
+        \mathcal{E}_6 &= \mathcal{E}(2^{0\cdot2})\\
+          &= 639
+      \end{align*}
+    \item Similarly, since $H(T_1) = 2$, 
+      \begin{align*}
+        \mathcal{E}_2 &= \mathcal{E}(2^{1\cdot2})\\
+          &= 359.
+      \end{align*}
+    \item All other terms are encryptions of $0$; we will write these as $1$
+      even though they would in fact be distributed across a wide array of
+      values in \zmodntunits.
+  \end{itemize}
+  \frametitle{Example Response}
+  Suppose, as in our example above, that the responder inputs, in order, are
+  $(T_0,D^0)$, $(T_1,D^1)$, $(5, D^2)$, and $(T_0,D^3)$, after
+  which point the responder returns (perhaps another $T_0$ comes in, thus causing
+  $c_{\mathcal{T}_0}$ to be greater than $r$). Here, 
+  \begin{align*}
+    D^0 &= 0000 = (D^0_0, D^0_1) = (00, 00),\\
+    D^1 &= 0110 = (D^1_0, D^1_1) = (01, 10),\\
+    D^2 &= 0111 = (D^2_0, D^2_1) = (01, 11),\\
+    D^3 &= 0010 = (D^3_0, D^3_1) = (00, 10),\\
+  \end{align*}~\\
+  Note that since $5$ is not a search term, it will result in raising an
+ encrypted zero to $D^2=7$; again, we're just going to write $1$, even though the
+  acutal algorithm may (will) have any encryption of $0$ instead.
+  \frametitle{Example Response Matrix}
+  The responder forms the matrix
+  \begin{center}
+  \begin{tabular}{c  C{2.25cm}  C{2.25cm}  C{2.25cm}  C{2.25cm}  }
+     {\scriptsize Index}             & $\mathcal{Y}_0$ & $\mathcal{Y}_1$ & $\mathcal{Y}_2$ & $\mathcal{Y}_{3}$\\\toprule
+     $\vdots$ & \multicolumn{4}{l}{$\qquad$}\\
+     {\footnotesize{\tiny $2$}} & {\tiny $\mathcal{E}_2^{D^1_0}\mod N^2 = 359$} & {\tiny $\mathcal{E}_2^{D^1_1}\mod N^2 = 256$}      & 1                      & 1\\
+     {\tiny $\vdots$} & \multicolumn{4}{l}{{\tiny $\qquad$}}\\
+     {\footnotesize{\tiny $6$}}  & {\tiny $\mathcal{E}_6^{D^0_0} \mod N^2 = 1$} & {\tiny$\mathcal{E}_6^{D^0_1}\mod N^2 = 1$} & {\tiny $\mathcal{E}_6^{D^3_0}\mod N^2 = 1$}    &  {\tiny $\mathcal{E}_6^{D^3_1}\mod N^2 = 396$} \\   
+     {\footnotesize{\tiny $7$}}  & 1 & 1 & 1                      & 1\\
+     {\tiny $\vdots$} & \multicolumn{4}{l}{{\tiny $\qquad$}}\\\bottomrule
+  \end{tabular}
+  \end{center}
+  \frametitle{Example Responses}
+  The only interesting responses are $\mathcal{Y}_0 = 359$, $\mathcal{Y}_1=256$, and $\mathcal{Y}_3 = 396$ (products are taken down columns).
+  \frametitle{Example Result}
+  We decrypt to $Y_0=0100$, $Y_1 =8 = 1000 $ and $Y_3 = 2 = 0010$, and then run through the processing algorithm:
+  \begin{itemize}
+    \item Data For $T_0$: $M=0011$
+      \begin{itemize}
+        \item $X_1 = 0$: 
+          \begin{itemize}
+            \item $D_0 = (Y_0 \& 0011)/2^0 = 00$
+            \item $D_1 = (Y_1 \& 0011)/2^0 = 00$
+          \end{itemize} 
+        \item $X_2 = 2$:
+          \begin{itemize}
+            \item $D_0 = (Y_2 \& 0011)/2^0 = 00$
+            \item $D_1 = (Y_3 \& 0011)/2^0 = 10$
+          \end{itemize}
+      \end{itemize}
+  \end{itemize}
+  \frametitle{Example Result}
+  We decrypted to $Y_0 = 0100$, $Y_1 =8 = 1000 $ and $Y_3 = 2 = 0010$, and then run through the processing algorithm:
+  \begin{itemize}
+    \item Data For $T_1$: $M=1100$.
+      \begin{itemize}
+        \item $X_1 = 6$: 
+          \begin{itemize}
+            \item $D_0 = (Y_0 \& 1100)/2^2 = 01$
+            \item $D_1 = (Y_1 \& 1100)/2^2 = 10$
+          \end{itemize} 
+        \item $X_2 = 0$:
+          \begin{itemize}
+            \item $D_0 = (Y_2 \& 1100)/2^2 = 00$
+            \item $D_1 = (Y_3 \& 1100)/2^2 = 00$
+          \end{itemize}
+      \end{itemize}
+  \end{itemize}
+  These results are precisely the data the responder had.$^*$\\~\\
+  {\tiny *: We cannot distinguish the fact that $X_2$ is a non-response
+  from the possibility that $X_2$ represents an actual return of a datum $D=0$
+from the responder. In practice, one must avoid using $D=0$ to eliminate this
diff --git a/contrib/math_deck/pirkImage.png b/contrib/math_deck/pirkImage.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45805ea
Binary files /dev/null and b/contrib/math_deck/pirkImage.png differ
diff --git a/contrib/math_deck/random_number.png b/contrib/math_deck/random_number.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71b768c
Binary files /dev/null and b/contrib/math_deck/random_number.png differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 45805ea..0000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 71b768c..0000000
Binary files a/contrib/random_number.png and /dev/null differ