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Posted to by Felix Meschberger <> on 2010/11/09 15:05:51 UTC

[ANN] Apache Felix Web Console version 3.1.6 released

The Apache Felix team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Felix
Web Console version 3.1.6. 

The Apache Felix Web Console is a Web Based Management Console for OSGi

This release is available from and Maven:


Release Notes:

** Bug
    * [FELIX-2570] - HTML is escaped in ModeAwareConfigurationPrinter when in &quot;web&quot; mode
    * [FELIX-2573] - switching the console language bugs the jqueryUI datepicker component
    * [FELIX-2609] - WebConsole doesn't work with JDK 1.3.1_06 because of Locale
    * [FELIX-2610] - WebConsole doesn't work with JDK 1.3.1_06 because of problem in MessageFormat
    * [FELIX-2617] - webconsole has option to change the language but doesn't show the currently selected one
    * [FELIX-2627] - can't install war files via webconsole
    * [FELIX-2635] - PluginHolder.setServletContext() must nullify servlet context after plugins destroying 
    * [FELIX-2644] - cannot disable plugin
    * [FELIX-2650] - ConfigurationPrinter with other modes than web should be excluded from web
    * [FELIX-2658] - Deprecate ConfigurationPrinter.PROPERTY_MODES constant
    * [FELIX-2659] - ConfigurationRender.searchMethod must catch problems more broadly

** Improvement
    * [FELIX-2541] - [Licenses Page] Add support for DEPENDENCIES files
    * [FELIX-2614] - Mark unresolved packages
    * [FELIX-2616] - Russian l10n files for Web Console
    * [FELIX-2639] - Improve Security Provider support
    * [FELIX-2652] - Allow attachment providers which do not implement the interface
    * [FELIX-2660] - Prevent Bundle ConfigurationPrinter from being used in the web output
    * [FELIX-2668] - Add localization for the meta-type
    * [FELIX-2674] - Too much error logging after fixing FELIX-2644

** New Feature
    * [FELIX-2638] - Make a single configuration printer output available via http
    * [FELIX-2649] - Support for configuration printers without requiring them to implement the interface

** Task
    * [FELIX-2540] - Ensure inclusion of the DEPENDENCIES file in the build artifacts
    * [FELIX-2684] - Fix legal files and add a changelog.txt


-The Felix team