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Posted to by Benjamin Bentmann <> on 2009/12/25 12:16:07 UTC

[ANN] Maven Deploy Plugin 2.5 Released

The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Deploy
Plugin, version 2.5.

This plugin is primarily used during the deploy phase, to add your 
artifact(s) to a remote repository for sharing with other developers and 
projects. For more information, see the plugin's site:

To use the updated plugin in your projects, you need to add the
following snippet to the plugins or plugin management section of your POM:


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Deploy Plugin - Version 2.5

** Bug
     * [MDEPLOY-50] - deploy:deploy fails without distributionManagment 
despite altDeploymentRepository being specified
     * [MDEPLOY-59] - deploy:deploy-file deletes the original file on error
     * [MDEPLOY-78] - Deploy with classifier does not deploy pom
     * [MDEPLOY-84] - NPE when deploy-file with generatePom=false
     * [MDEPLOY-88] - Artifacts with invalid id can be deployed with 
     * [MDEPLOY-89] - Skip won't work if distribution management is not 

** Improvement
     * [MDEPLOY-52] - deploy-file doesn't support updateReleaseInfo

** Task
     * [MDEPLOY-70] - remove copy of plexus-utils' XML encoding support 
     * [MDEPLOY-109] - Have plugin itself respect Maven's online/offline 


-The Maven team