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[GitHub] [tvm] areusch commented on a change in pull request #9307: Tutorial for running TVM on Arm(R) Cortex(R)-M55 CPU and Ethos(TM)-U55 NPU

areusch commented on a change in pull request #9307:

File path: gallery/how_to/work_with_microtvm/
@@ -0,0 +1,1014 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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+# under the License.
+Running TVM on bare metal Arm(R) Cortex(R)-M55 CPU and Ethos(TM)-U55 NPU
+`Grant Watson <>`_
+This section contains an example of how to use TVM to run a model
+on an Arm(R) Cortex(R)-M55 CPU and Ethos(TM)-U55 NPU, using bare metal.
+The Cortex(R)-M55 is a small, low-power CPU designed for use in embedded
+devices. The Ethos(TM)-U55 is a microNPU, specifically designed to accelerate
+ML inference in resource-constrained embedded devices.
+In order to run the demo application without having access to a Cortex(R)-M55
+and Ethos(TM)-U55 development board, we will be running our sample application
+on a Fixed Virtual Platform (FVP). The FVP based on Arm(R) Corstone(TM)-300
+software, models a hardware system containing a Cortex(R)-M55 and Ethos(TM)-U55.
+It provides a programmer's view that is suitable for software development.
+In this tutorial, we will be compiling a MobileNet v1 model and instructing
+TVM to offload operators to the Ethos(TM)-U55 where possible.
+# Obtaining TVM
+# -------------
+# To obtain TVM for you platform, please visit and follow the
+# instructions. Once TVM has been installed correctly, you should have access to
+# ``tvmc`` from the command line.
+# Typing ``tvmc`` on the command line should display the following:
+# .. code-block:: text
+#     usage: tvmc [-h] [-v] [--version] {tune,compile,run} ...
+#     TVM compiler driver
+#     optional arguments:
+#       -h, --help          show this help message and exit
+#       -v, --verbose       increase verbosity
+#       --version           print the version and exit
+#     commands:
+#       {tune,compile,run}
+#         tune              auto-tune a model
+#         compile           compile a model.
+#         run               run a compiled module
+#     TVMC - TVM driver command-line interface
+# Installing additional python dependencies
+# -----------------------------------------
+# In order to run the demo, you will need some additional python packages.
+# These can be installed by using the requirements.txt file below:
+# .. code-block:: text
+#    :caption: requirements.txt
+#    :name: requirements.txt
+#     attrs==21.2.0
+#     cloudpickle==2.0.0
+#     decorator==5.1.0
+#     ethos-u-vela==2.1.1
+#     flatbuffers==1.12
+#     lxml==4.6.3
+#     nose==1.3.7
+#     numpy==1.19.5
+#     Pillow==8.3.2
+#     psutil==5.8.0
+#     scipy==1.5.4
+#     synr==0.4
+#     tflite==2.4.0
+#     tornado==6.1
+# These packages can be installed by running the following from the command line:
+# .. code-block:: bash
+#   pip install -r requirements.txt
+# Obtaining the Model
+# -------------------
+# For this tutorial, we will be working with MobileNet v1.
+# MobileNet v1 is a convolutional neural network designed to classify images,
+# that has been optimized for edge devices. The model we will be using has been
+# pre-trained to classify images into one of 1001 different categories.
+# The network has an input image size of 224x224 so any input images will need
+# to be resized to those dimensions before being used.
+# For this tutorial we will be using the model in Tflite format.
+# .. code-block:: bash
+#   mkdir -p ./build
+#   cd build
+#   wget
+#   gunzip mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_quant.tgz
+#   tar xvf mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_quant.tar
+# Compiling the model for Arm(R) Cortex(R)-M55 CPU and Ethos(TM)-U55 NPU
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Once we've downloaded the MobileNet v1 model, the next step is to compile it.
+# To accomplish that, we are going to use ``tvmc compile``. The output we get from
+# the compilation process is a TAR package of the model compiled to the Model
+# Library Format (MLF) for our target platform. We will be able to run that model
+# on our target device using the TVM runtime.
+# .. code-block:: bash
+#   tvmc compile --target="ethos-u -accelerator_config=ethos-u55-256, c \
+#       -runtime=c \
+#       --link-params \
+#       -mcpu=cortex-m55 \
+#       --executor=aot \
+#       --interface-api=c \
+#       --unpacked-api=1" \
+#       --pass-config tir.disable_vectorize=1 \
+#       ./mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_quant.tflite \
+#       --output-format=mlf
+# .. note:: Explanation of tvmc compile arguments:
+#   * ``--target``
+#     * ``ethos-u -accelerator_config=ethos-u55-256, c`` : offload operators to the Ethos(TM)-U55 NPU where possible and fall back to using generated C code on the Cortex(R)-M where an operator is not supported on the NPU..
+#     * ``-runtime=c`` : Generate glue code to allow operators to work with C runtime.
+#     * ``--link-params`` : Include parameters as global constants to load from flash.
+#     * ``-mcpu=cortex-m55`` : Cross-compile for the Cortex(R)-M55.
+#     * ``--executor=aot`` : Use Ahead Of Time compiltaion instead of the Graph Executor.
+#     * ``--interface-api=c`` : Generate a C-style interface with structures designed for integrating into C apps at the boundary.
+#     * ``--unpacked-api=1`` : Use the unpacked API internally.
+#   * ``--pass-config tir.disable_vectorize=1`` : Disable vectorize since there are no standard vectorized types in C.
+#   * ``./mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_quant.tflite`` : The TFLite model that is being compiled.
+#   * ``--output-format=mlf`` : Output should be generated in the Model Library Format.
+# Extracting the generated code into the current directory
+# --------------------------------------------------------
+# .. code-block:: bash
+#   tar xvf module.tar
+# Getting ImageNet labels
+# -----------------------
+# When running MobileNet v1 on an image, the result is an index in the range 0 to
+# 1000. In order to make our application a little more user friendly, instead of
+# just displaying the category index, we will display the associated label. We
+# will download these image labels into a text file now and use a python script
+# to include them in our C application later.
+# .. code-block:: bash
+#   curl -sS \
+#   -o ./labels_mobilenet_quant_v1_224.txt
+# Getting the input image
+# -----------------------
+# As input for this tutorial, we will use the image of a cat, but you can
+# substitute an image of your choosing.
+# .. image::
+#    :height: 224px
+#    :width: 224px
+#    :align: center
+# We download the image into the build directory and we will use a python script
+# in the next step to convert the image into an array of bytes in a C header file.
+# .. code-block:: bash
+#   curl -sS -o ./kitten.jpg
+# Pre-processing the image
+# ------------------------
+# The following script will create 2 C header files in the src directory:
+# * ``inputs.h`` - The image supplied as an argument to the script will be converted
+#   to an array of integers for input to our MobileNet v1 model.
+# * ``outputs.h`` - An integer array of zeroes will reserve 1001 integer values
+#   for the output of inference.
+# .. code-block:: python
+#    :caption:
+#    :name:
+#     #!python ./
+#     import os
+#     import pathlib
+#     import re
+#     import sys
+#     from PIL import Image
+#     import numpy as np
+#     def create_header_file(name, section, tensor_name, tensor_data, output_path):
+#         """
+#         This function generates a header file containing the data from the numpy array provided.
+#         """
+#         file_path = pathlib.Path(f"{output_path}/" + name).resolve()
+#         # Create header file with npy_data as a C array
+#         raw_path = file_path.with_suffix(".h").resolve()
+#         with open(raw_path, "w") as header_file:
+#             header_file.write(
+#                 "#include <tvmgen_default.h>\n"
+#                 + f"const size_t {tensor_name}_len = {tensor_data.size};\n"
+#                 + f'uint8_t {tensor_name}[] __attribute__((section("{section}"), aligned(16))) = "'
+#             )
+#             data_hexstr = tensor_data.tobytes().hex()
+#             for i in range(0, len(data_hexstr), 2):
+#                 header_file.write(f"\\x{data_hexstr[i:i+2]}")
+#             header_file.write('";\n\n')
+#     def create_headers(image_name):
+#         """
+#         This function generates C header files for the input and output arrays required to run inferences
+#         """
+#         img_path = os.path.join("./", f"{image_name}")
+#         # Resize image to 224x224
+#         resized_image =, 224))
+#         img_data = np.asarray(resized_image).astype("float32")
+#         # Convert input to NCHW
+#         img_data = np.transpose(img_data, (2, 0, 1))
+#         # Create input header file
+#         input_data = img_data.astype(np.uint8)
+#         create_header_file("inputs", "ethosu_scratch", "input", input_data, "./include")
+#         # Create output header file
+#         output_data = np.zeros([1001], np.uint8)
+#         create_header_file(
+#             "outputs",
+#             "output_data_sec",
+#             "output",
+#             output_data,
+#             "./include",
+#         )
+#     if __name__ == "__main__":
+#         create_headers(sys.argv[1])
+# Run the script from the command line:
+# .. code-block:: bash
+#   python ./kitten.jpg
+# Pre-processing the labels
+# -------------------------
+# The following script will create a ``labels.h`` header file in the src directory.
+# The labels.txt file that we downloaded previously will be turned
+# into an array of strings. This array will be used to display the label that
+# our image has been classified as.
+# .. code-block:: python
+#    :caption:
+#    :name:
+#     #!python ./
+#     import os
+#     import pathlib
+#     import sys
+#     def create_labels_header(labels_file, section, output_path):
+#         """
+#         This function generates a header file containing the ImageNet labels as an array of strings
+#         """
+#         labels_path = pathlib.Path(labels_file).resolve()
+#         file_path = pathlib.Path(f"{output_path}/labels.h").resolve()
+#         with open(labels_path) as f:
+#             labels = f.readlines()
+#         with open(file_path, "w") as header_file:
+#             header_file.write(f'char* labels[] __attribute__((section("{section}"), aligned(16))) = {{')
+#             for _, label in enumerate(labels):
+#                 header_file.write(f'"{label.rstrip()}",')
+#             header_file.write("};\n")
+#     if __name__ == "__main__":
+#         create_labels_header(sys.argv[1], "ethosu_scratch", "./include")
+# Run the script from the command line:
+# .. code-block:: bash
+#   python
+# Writing the demo application
+# ----------------------------
+# The following C application will run a single inference of the MobileNet v1
+# model on the image that we downloaded and converted to an array of integers
+# previously. Since the model was compiled with a target of "ethos-u ...",
+# operators supported by the Ethos(TM)-U55 NPU will be offloaded for acceleration.
+# Once the application is built and run, our test image should be correctly
+# classied as a "tabby" and the result should be displayed on the console.
+# This file should be placed in ``./src``
+# .. code-block:: c
+#    :caption: demo.c
+#    :name: demo.c
+#     #include <stdio.h>
+#     #include <tvm_runtime.h>
+#     #include "ethosu_mod.h"
+#     #include "uart.h"
+#     // Header files generated by and
+#     #include "inputs.h"
+#     #include "labels.h"
+#     #include "outputs.h"
+#     int abs(int v) { return v * ((v > 0) - (v < 0)); }
+#     int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+#       uart_init();
+#       printf("Starting Demo\n");
+#       EthosuInit();
+#       printf("Allocating memory\n");
+#       StackMemoryManager_Init(&app_workspace, g_aot_memory, WORKSPACE_SIZE);
+#       printf("Running inference\n");
+#       struct tvmgen_default_outputs outputs = {
+#           .output = output,
+#       };
+#       struct tvmgen_default_inputs inputs = {
+#           .input = input,
+#       };
+#       tvmgen_default_run(&inputs, &outputs);
+#       // Calculate index of max value
+#       uint8_t max_value = 0;
+#       int32_t max_index = -1;
+#       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < output_len; ++i) {
+#         if (output[i] > max_value) {
+#           max_value = output[i];
+#           max_index = i;
+#         }
+#       }
+#       printf("The image has been classified as '%s'\n", labels[max_index]);
+#       // The FVP will shut down when it receives "EXITTHESIM" on the UART
+#       printf("EXITTHESIM\n");
+#       while (1 == 1)
+#         ;
+#       return 0;
+#     }
+# In addition, you will need these 4 header files in ``./include``:
+# .. code-block:: c
+#    :caption: ethosu_55.h
+#    :name: ethosu_55.h
+#     /* Define Ethos(TM)-U55 specific IRQs & base address */
+#     #define ETHOSU_NPU_FAIL (1 << 4)
+#     #define ETHOSU_IRQ ((IRQn_Type)56)
+#     #define ETHOSU_BASE_ADDRESS ((void*)0x48102000)
+#     #endif  // TVM_APPS_MICROTVM_ETHOS_U_ETHOSU_55_H_
+# .. code-block:: c
+#    :caption: ethosu_mod.h
+#    :name: ethosu_mod.h
+#     #include <ARMCM55.h>
+#     #include <ethosu_driver.h>
+#     #include <stdio.h>
+#     #include "ethosu_55.h"
+#     struct ethosu_driver* ethosu0_driver = &ethosu_drv;
+#     void ethosuIrqHandler0() { ethosu_irq_handler(ethosu0_driver); }
+#     // Initialize Ethos(TM)-U NPU driver
+#     int EthosuInit() {
+#       if (ethosu_init(ethosu0_driver, (void*)ETHOSU_BASE_ADDRESS, NULL, 0, 1, 1)) {
+#         printf("Failed to initialize NPU.\n");
+#         return -1;
+#       }
+#       // Assumes SCB->VTOR points to RW memory
+#       NVIC_SetVector(ETHOSU_IRQ, (uint32_t)&ethosuIrqHandler0);
+#       NVIC_EnableIRQ(ETHOSU_IRQ);
+#       return 0;
+#     }
+# .. code-block:: c
+#    :caption: crt_config.h
+#    :name: crt_config.h
+#     #ifndef TVM_RUNTIME_CRT_CONFIG_H_
+#     #define TVM_RUNTIME_CRT_CONFIG_H_
+#     /*! Log level of the CRT runtime */
+#     #endif  // TVM_RUNTIME_CRT_CONFIG_H_
+# .. code-block:: c
+#    :caption: tvm_runtime.h.h
+#    :name: tvm_runtime.h.h
+#     #include <stdarg.h>
+#     #include <stdio.h>
+#     #include <stdlib.h>
+#     #include <tvm/runtime/c_runtime_api.h>
+#     #include <tvm/runtime/crt/stack_allocator.h>
+#     #ifdef __cplusplus
+#     extern "C" {
+#     #endif
+#     #define WORKSPACE_SIZE (16384 * 1024)
+#     __attribute__((section("ethosu_scratch"))) static uint8_t g_aot_memory[WORKSPACE_SIZE];
+#     tvm_workspace_t app_workspace;
+#     void __attribute__((noreturn)) TVMPlatformAbort(tvm_crt_error_t error_code) {
+#       printf("TVMPlatformAbort: %d\n", error_code);
+#       printf("EXITTHESIM\n");
+#       exit(-1);
+#     }
+#     tvm_crt_error_t TVMPlatformMemoryAllocate(size_t num_bytes, DLDevice dev, void** out_ptr) {
+#       return StackMemoryManager_Allocate(&app_workspace, num_bytes, out_ptr);
+#     }
+#     tvm_crt_error_t TVMPlatformMemoryFree(void* ptr, DLDevice dev) {
+#       return StackMemoryManager_Free(&app_workspace, ptr);
+#     }
+#     void TVMLogf(const char* msg, ...) {
+#       va_list args;
+#       va_start(args, msg);
+#       vfprintf(stdout, msg, args);
+#       va_end(args);
+#     }
+#     TVM_DLL int TVMFuncRegisterGlobal(const char* name, TVMFunctionHandle f, int override) { return 0; }
+#     #ifdef __cplusplus
+#     }
+#     #endif
+# Creating the linker script

Review comment:
       just wondering if we should include stuff like the linker script here or just link to it in the codebase from tutorial? it's a bit low level is all. on the other hand it is quite informative to understand the system.

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