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Posted to by Manfred Moser <> on 2014/05/28 08:09:25 UTC

Android Maven Plugin 3.9.0-rc.2 released - on the road to 4.0.0!

The Android Maven Plugin team is pleased to announce the release of version 3.9.0-rc.2 of the plugin. 

The list of changes for the version is long and full of great enhancements. Major changes are the full support for aar (Android Archive) creation and consumption combined with the support for Maven 3.0.4 and higher. This should allow tools to like Android Studio that are still stuck on old Maven versions to better support the Android Maven Plugin.

Going forward we plan to cut a 4.0.0 release after a brief testing period of this release pulling in only minor fixes and enhancements. Please test this version thoroughly and report issues on github at

New features/bug fixes are

- Path issues fix for proguard mojo usage on Windows
- Removed duplicate dependencies in native sample projects
- Changed from direct Aether usage to Dependency Tree usage allowing compatibility with Maven 3.0.x and therefore with IDE's and other tools that have old Maven version like this embedded
- Allow to specify the number of threads used in device operations to avoid issues with lots of attached devices
- New goals to connect and disconnect devices specified by IP number for all device interactions
- Log message fix
- Avoid attempt to include R.txt in AAR if it doesnt exist
- Remove META-INF from AAR
- include groupId in native artifact resolution transitive dependencies not dependent on existence of local natives dir
- Check for duplicate package name in android artifacts and produce warnings
- Fixed logging level for AIDL files in GenerateSourcesMojo
- Improved handling of transitive native dependencies
- Refactored usage of maven-plugin-plugin annotations to remove usage of deprecated expression
- Verbose output from aapt tool when Maven plugin config set to debug logging
- Added support for configuring adb connection timeout
- Improve AndroidManifest update to work with non-ascii characters
- Include BuildConfig class in aar 
- Preserve order of dependencies for native dependency resolution
- Adapted Travis build config to new SDK setup/distribution
- Removed hardcoded debuggable setting from examples
- Changed a couple of log levels
- Consolidated aapt command invocations in one builder style class
- New property for android.aidlSourceDirectory to allow aidl source in different folder from rest of source
- Allow android:run to proceed through a multi module build just like other device interaction goals
- Taking reactor projects into account for resolving dependency tree of aar packages including taking into account wagon extensions
- Fixed the construction of files for the dependencies of an APK
- Fail build if project + dependencies have more than one layout file of the same name
- Fail build if duplicate packages in AndroidManifest files for project and dependencies are detected
- Provided scope dependencies get unpacked, improves instrumentation test runs
- Use build extensions classloader if exists
- Samples libraryprojects/libraryprojects-tests failure fixed
- POM cleanup
- Improved error message for missing dependencies
- Added the now required scope "provided" for the apk under instrumentation test
- Fix up samples to work with the now stricter check on duplicate package usage

When upgrading please ensure to check the change log for further details:

We would like to thank the contributors to this release for their valuable help and invite you all to help us out as well:

Specifically for this release we would like to thank the following contributors for their awesome work. We had some GREAT collaboration going on again! Specific shout outs to go to William, Benoit, Oleg and Malachi!

Clément Plantier
Emmanuel Demey
Benoit Billington
Johan Lindquist
Malachi de AElfweald
Manfred Moser
Oleg Green
Raphael Ackermann
Roy Clarkson from Pivotal
Sebastian Gröbler
William Ferguson
xiaojian cai

We would also like to thank for the help we received from the Maven community members specifically

Jason van Zyl
Igor Federenko
Stuart McCulloch
Hervé Boutemy

All merges and release builds done by 

Manfred Moser

Documentation, issue tracker and more can be found on the plugin website at

For a primer to use the plugin check out the Android Development chapter in Maven: The Complete Reference

Specifically look at our samples project

And checkout the plugin documentation at

Please join the Maven Android Mailing List for relevant discussions:!forum/maven-android-developers


Manfred Moser

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