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Posted to by ykj <> on 2009/05/20 09:15:54 UTC

how to change this code with hama


       I am new to hama. in our project ,my team leader let me upgrade  old
code, run it on hadoop with parallel matrix computation.this is old code: 

public class EigenFaceGenerator { 
        Matrix averageFace; //stores the average face useful when probing
the database 
    Matrix eigVectors; //stores all the sorted eigen vectors from the
training set 
        Matrix eigValues; //Stores all the sorted eigen Values from the
training set 
        boolean trained = false; //has a training set been provided yet? 
        int numEigenVecs = 0; //number of eigen vectors availiable 
         * @param faces array of pictures to be used for the training 
         * @param progress 
        public void processTrainingSet(Face[] faces) 
                //TODO : there are errors that can be thrown when no fiels
are parsed into here 
                //TODO : Check that all the images are the same size 

                 * STEP 1 
                 * Read in the images, flatten them out into one row of
values, and stack in a big matrix 
                double[][] dpix = new
                for(int i=0; i<faces.length; i++) 
                { //for each picture in the set 
                        double[] pixels = faces[i].picture.getImagePixels(); 
                        for (int j=0; j<pixels.length; j++) 
                                dpix[i][j] = pixels[j]; 
                //make matrix of stacked flattened images 
                Matrix matrix = new Matrix(dpix); 
                 * STEP 2 
                 * Calculate the average face, and then take this away from
each of the image 
                 * effectivly calculating the difference form the average. 
                //compute the average image 
                averageFace = new Matrix(1,matrix.getColumnDimension()); 
                for(int i=0; i<matrix.getRowDimension(); i++) 
averageFace.plusEquals(matrix.getMatrix(i,i,0,matrix.getColumnDimension() -
averageFace.timesEquals(1.0/(double)matrix.getRowDimension()); //divide by
the number of pixels to get the average 
                Matrix bigAvg = new Matrix(matrix.getRowDimension(),
                for (int i=0; i<bigAvg.getRowDimension(); i++) 
                // Compute the diference form the average face for each
                Matrix A = matrix.minus(bigAvg).transpose(); 
                 * STEP 3 
                 * Now compute the the patternwise (nexamp x nexamp)
covariance matrix 
                // TODO : for the presentation work out why this is done,
and what it's telling us 
                Matrix At = A.transpose(); 
            Matrix L = At.times(A); 

                 * STEP 4 
                 * Calculate the eigen values and vectors of this covariance
                 * % Get the eigenvectors (columns of Vectors) and
eigenvalues (diag of Values) 
                EigenvalueDecomposition eigen = L.eig(); 
                eigValues = eigen.getD(); 
                eigVectors = eigen.getV(); 
                 * STEP 5 
                 * % Sort the vectors/values according to size of eigenvalue 
                Matrix[] eigDVSorted = sortem(eigValues, eigVectors); 
                eigValues = eigDVSorted[0]; 
                eigVectors = eigDVSorted[1]; 
                 * STEP 6 
                 * % Convert the eigenvectors of A'*A into eigenvectors of

                eigVectors = A.times(eigVectors); 
                 * STEP 7 
                 * % Get the eigenvalues out of the diagonal matrix and 
                 * % normalize them so the evalues are specifically for
cov(A'), not A*A'. 
                double[] values = diag(eigValues); 
                for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) 
                        values[i] /= A.getColumnDimension() - 1; 
                 * STEP 8 
                 * % Normalize Vectors to unit length, kill vectors corr. to
tiny evalues 
                numEigenVecs = 0; 
                for(int i = 0; i < eigVectors.getColumnDimension(); i++) { 
                        Matrix tmp; 
                        if (values[i] < 0.0001) 
                                tmp = new
                                tmp =
                                                1 / eigVectors.getMatrix(0,
eigVectors.getRowDimension() - 1, i, i).normF()); 
                        //eigVectors.timesEquals(1 / eigVectors.getMatrix(0,
eigVectors.getRowDimension() - 1, i, i).normInf()); 
                eigVectors =
eigVectors.getMatrix(0,eigVectors.getRowDimension() - 1, 0, numEigenVecs -
                trained = true; 
                /*System.out.println("There are " + numGood + "
                try { 
            PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter("c:\\tmp\\test.txt"); 
            eigVectors.print(pw, 8, 4); 
        } catch (Exception e) { 
                int width = pics[0].img.getWidth(null); 
                BufferedImage biAvg =
imageFromMatrix(bigAvg.getArrayCopy()[0], width); 
                try { 
            saveImage(new File("c:\\tmp\\test.jpg"), biAvg); 
        } catch (IOException e1) { 
         * Returns a number of eigenFace values to be used in a feature
         * @param pic 
         * @param number number of eigen feature values.   
         * @return will be of length number or this.getNumEigenVecs
whichever is the smaller 
        public double[] getEigenFaces(Picture pic, int number) 
                if (number > numEigenVecs) //adjust the number to the maxium
number of eigen vectors availiable 
                        number = numEigenVecs; 
                double[] ret = new double[number]; 
                double[] pixels = pic.getImagePixels(); 
                Matrix face = new Matrix(pixels, pixels.length); 
                Matrix Vecs =
eigVectors.getMatrix(0,eigVectors.getRowDimension()-1, 0,
                Matrix rslt = Vecs.times(face); 
                for (int i=0; i<number; i++) 
                        ret[i] = rslt.get(i,0); 
                return ret; 

         * Gets the diagonal of a matrix 
         * @param M matrix 
         * @return 
        private double[] diag(Matrix M) { 
            double[] dvec = new double[M.getColumnDimension()]; 
            for(int i = 0; i < M.getColumnDimension(); i++) 
                dvec[i] = M.get(i, i); 
            return dvec; 
         * Sorts the Eigenvalues and vectors in decending order 
         * @param D = eigen Values 
         * @param V = eigen Vectors 
         * @return 
        private Matrix[] sortem(Matrix D, Matrix V) { 
            //dvec = diag(D); // get diagonal components 
            double[] dvec = diag(D); 
            //NV = zeros(size(V)); 
            //[dvec,index_dv] = sort(dvec); // sort dvec, maintain index in
            class di_pair{ double value; int index; }; 
            di_pair[] dvec_indexed = new di_pair[dvec.length]; 
            for(int i = 0; i < dvec_indexed.length; i++) { 
                dvec_indexed[i] = new di_pair(); 
                dvec_indexed[i].index = i; 
                dvec_indexed[i].value = dvec[i]; 
            Comparator di_pair_sort = new Comparator() { 
            public int compare(Object arg0, Object arg1) { 
                di_pair lt = (di_pair)arg0; 
                di_pair rt = (di_pair)arg1; 
                double dif = (lt.value - rt.value); 
                if(dif > 0) return -1; 
                if(dif < 0) return 1; 
                else return 0; 
            Arrays.sort(dvec_indexed, di_pair_sort); 
            //index_dv = flipud(index_dv); 
            //for i = 1:size(D,1) 
            //  ND(i,i) = D(index_dv(i),index_dv(i)); 
            //  NV(:,i) = V(:,index_dv(i)); 

            Matrix D2 = new Matrix(D.getRowDimension(),
            Matrix V2 = new Matrix(V.getRowDimension(),
            for(int i = 0; i < dvec_indexed.length; i++) { 
                D2.set(i, i, D.get(dvec_indexed[i].index,
                int height = V.getRowDimension() - 1; 
                Matrix tmp =
                V2.setMatrix(i, i,0,height, tmp); 
            //TODO : Not sure why, but this has to be flipped - check this
out maybe? 
            Matrix V3 = new Matrix(V.getRowDimension(),
            for (int i=0; i<V3.getRowDimension(); i++) 
            for (int j=0; j< V3.getColumnDimension(); j++) 
            V3.set(i,j,V2.get(V3.getRowDimension() - i - 1,
V3.getColumnDimension() - j - 1)); 
            return new Matrix[] { D2, V3 }; 
        public boolean isTrained() { 
                return trained; 
        public int getNumEigenVecs() { 
                return numEigenVecs; 

I am not sure this code easily can be parallel computed,or how to change
this code to add the parallel  compuation.any advice will  be
appreciated.thanks in advance. 

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