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Posted to by Marcin Augustyniak <> on 2004/02/20 11:57:46 UTC

Ambiguous interpretation of "\\$1" substitution string.


I'm trying to substitute all occureances of "." (dot) in the input string with "\.". I'm using jakarta-oro-2.0.8 and the code looks like this:

param = org.apache.oro.text.regex.Util.substitute(new org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Matcher(), "([.])", new org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Substitution("\\$1"), param, org.apache.oro.text.regex.Util.SUBSTITUTE_ALL);

I'm running a program containing the above line on both windows and solaris (from the command line and in an application server environment - WebLogic7), and the result of substitution is different, depending on the environment. On windows, both when executed from the command line and in the app server, it produces "$1" in place of "." (e.g. if param equals "test.test" the reult is "test$1test"), the same is on solaris in case of commad line execution. When executed in the app server on solaris, it produces, what I intend it to do, "\." ("test.test" on input produces "test\.test").  When I changed the substitution pattern to "\\\\$1" the result in the first case was "\." (correct) but in the app server on solaris it gave "\\." It looks as if the library differently interpreted "\\$" : once as the "$" sign itself, and once as "\$" sequence. 

Does anyone know what migth be the reson of the above behaviour?
