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Posted to by "M. Manna" <> on 2019/09/21 11:34:35 UTC

(Bug/known issue) - topic deletion isn't possible with 2.3.0


After upgrading to 2.3.0, I have tried deleting some old/stale topics using
the following commands (none of them worked)

*./ --delete --topic mytopic --zookeeper localhost:2181*

*./ --delete --topic mytopic --bootstrap-server

For the former, it says that the topic has been marked for deletion (and
yes, I had delete.topic.enable set correctly). I had to restart my brokers
for rolling upgrade - so, this would've cleared any existing issues. When I
issued the delete topic command after this, It's simply ignoring it.

Is this a known issue due to something in Zookeeper? I am not sure if this
has something to do with retention settings. Has anyone seen this behaviour
with 2.3.0 ?
