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+<h1>Hexagonal Architecture
+<p><div class="stub">
+This page is a stub.
+<p>Apache Isis follows the <em>hexagonal architecture</em> pattern (also known as the <em>onion architecture</em> or <em>ports-and-adapters</em> architecture).  It places the domain model in the middle, with presentation, persistence and other services dependent upon the domain model.</p>
+x-rf the architecture picture, 
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+<h1>TransportPlanner Script
+<h3>Log in</h3>
+<li>log in with chris/pass</li>
+<li>a user with less privileges is arne/pass (Arne is not allowed to plan. He represents a customer who only is able to create a transport demand)</li>
+<li>System/Install to have some predefined objects. Give it some time to complete...</li>
+<h3>Browse existing <code>TransportDemand</code>s</h3>
+<li>Select 'Transport Demands/All Transport Demands' to show a list of predefined transport demands, i.e. requests to transport a cargo from pickup to delivery.
+<li>The <a href="">calendar view</a> gets somewhat confused by the dates.</li>
+<li>Select 'Fiskarstrand-Rotterdam' with the Dried Fish cargo</li>
+<li>On the left side of the screen some details show up, on the right side an empty schedule and no waypoints.</li>
+<h3>Schedule a new <code>TransportDemand</code></h3>
+<li>Select the 'Plan transport' at the top right corner of the screen</li>
+<li>You may now enter you criteria for finding a transport. Max price, max time and/or 'fastest', 'cheapest', 'cheap and fast' and, as a bonus 'expensive and slow' ;-)
+The software uses a shortest-paths-algorithm to look for the best solutions according to your criterium</li>
+<li>When done, click and a list with possible schedules is presented</li>
+<li>Select one, click the corresponding check box on the left and click 'plan and book'</li>
+<li>The image of the selected schedule changes (a tick mark is placed on top of the globe)</li>
+<h3>View the <code>TransportDemand</code></h3>
+<li>Select the transport demand again, either from the top menu or click on the corresponding bread crumb</li>
+<li>The schedule is now filled, waypoints may be shown on a google map in the widget below</li>
+<li>Click on 'Cost Pie' and 'Resource Usage' to see some graphs</li>
+<h3>Send an <code>Event</code></h3>
+<li>You may now send an Event to the system. Events should in principle come from an outside system, but this is a demo...</li>
+<li>Send a 'Failure event' and select a leg (probably not the last leg)</li>
+<li>The status in the schedule changes to CANCELD and a red cross icon is shown.</li>
+<li>Selecting replan-transport will give you the possibility to replan the transport, starting at the canceled destination.</li>
+<li>Be sure to select 'REPLAN and book' (plan and book is still shown. It should have been hidden...)</li>
+<h3>Other Features</h3>
+<li>Have a look at all the logistic service providers, all logistic services, all destinations etc.</li>
+<li>See the file for how the main domain objects link.</li>
+<p>The software is not as streamlined as it should be and it contains bugs. ;-)  But, remember, it was a quickly written demo.</p>
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+<h1>Powered by
+<p>Here are some freely accessible (and sometimes open source) applications that are powered by Isis.</p>
+  <p>If you have written an app in Isis that you'd like to share, please mention it on the <a href="../support.html">mailing list</a>.</p>
+<p>Estatio is an open source estate management application, available on <a href="">github</a>.</p>
+<p><img src="" width="530"></img></p>
+<p>Much of Isis' recent development has been driven out by the requirements of this application, so you can see for yourself how many of the features in Isis are used in real life.</p>
+<p>Estatio is being deployed by <a href="">Eurocommercial Properties</a>, who sponsored the development of the framework in order to make Estatio a reality.  Our heart-felt thanks to them for their investment.  </p>
+<p>TransportPlanner is a demo done by <a href="">Marintek AS</a> to show a possible 'solution' to a multimodal transport planning problem. It's a small part of a bigger European funded project.</p>
+<p>The domain is that:</p>
+<li>some cargo should be transported from a pickup destination to a delivery destination.</li>
+<li>A 'client' creates a transport demand</li>
+<li>A 'logistics service provider' plans a route from pickup to delivery using a shortest path algorithm.</li>
+<li>The route's waypoints (where cargo is loaded from one providere to another) may be shown on a map.</li>
+<li>The costs associated with each leg may be shown as a pie chart</li>
+<li>The resource usage, i.e. costs and time for each leg, may be shown as a bar chart.</li>
+<li>An event may be generated (e.g. some customs papers are missing, therefore transport execution stops and a replan
+is necessary).</li>
+<p>The author, Christian Steinebach, wrote this demo part-time over the course of a few weeks.  He commented:</p>
+  <p>I did not have too much time to get 'something done' ... But although I had a hard time in the beginning with Isis I don't think I would have made it
+  in time using 'conventional' development with database, GUI etc...</p>
+<p>He went on:</p>
+  <p>Because this is a demo, everything is a "bit shaky" and there is a lot of room for improvement, but it does show how a relatively simple domain model can be brought 'alive' using Isis.</p>
+<p>If you want to try out the application, grab the <a href="">source code</a> and use this <a href="TransportPlanner/about.html">script</a>.  Note that the app was written against a snapshot version of Isis; ask on the <a href="../support.html">mailing list</a> for help.</p>
+  <tr>
+    <td>TransportPlanner allows schedules of journeys to be planned.  It uses Isis' integration with <a href="">Google Maps</a> to provide the map.</td>
+    <td>
+      <a href=""><img src=";rev=a9d5184ecb05c3d95dafec587c84cfcbc7a25b8b" width="530"></img></a>
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>TransportPlanner uses Isis' <a href="">Wicked Charts</a> integration to provide custom graphs</td>
+    <td>
+      <a href=""><img src=";rev=a9d5184ecb05c3d95dafec587c84cfcbc7a25b8b" width="530"></img></a>
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td>Another example of TransportPlanner's use of <i>Wicked Charts</i></td>
+    <td>
+      <a href=""><img src=";rev=a9d5184ecb05c3d95dafec587c84cfcbc7a25b8b" width="530"></img></a>
+    </td>
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+<h1>Downloadable Presentations
+<p>The following presentation, available in multiple formats, provides some background on Isis:</p>
+<li>Introduction to Apache Isis (<a href="resources/presentations/IntroducingApacheIsis.pptx">pptx</a>, <a href="resources/presentations/IntroducingApacheIsis.ppt">ppt</a>, <a href="resources/presentations/IntroducingApacheIsis.odp">odp</a>, <a href="resources/presentations/IntroducingApacheIsis-slides.pdf">pdf slides</a>, <a href="resources/presentations/IntroducingApacheIsis-notes.pdf">pdf notes</a>)</li>
+<p>Feel free to use/adapt as you see fit.</p>
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+<h1>Editor Templates
+<p>The following Java editor templates (for Eclipse) provide snippets to speed up writing domain objects and unit testing</p>
+<li><a href="resources/isis-templates.xml">Isis domain object snippets</a></li>
+<li><a href="resources/junit4-templates.xml">JUnit snippets</a></li>
+<li><a href="resources/jmock2-templates.xml">JMock templates</a></li>
+<p>To install, go to <code>Windows &gt; Preferences &gt; Java &gt; Editor &gt; Templates</code> and choose <code>Import</code>.</p>
+<p>Each of these template defined in these teamplate files has a common prefix so you can easily find them.</p>
+<p>For example, the Isis templates all have the prefix "<code>is</code>"; simply enter "is" and press ctrl+space to get the list of templates starting with "is" where you will find those related to Isis.</p>
+<p>Similarly, the JUnit templates are prefixed "<code>ju</code>".</p>
+<p>And the JMock templates are prefixed "<code>jm</code>".</p>
+<p>The <code>ispauto</code> and <code>isaauto</code> (for auto-complete of properties or of action parameters) only apply from v1.3.0+.</p>
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