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Posted to by Peter Klotz <> on 2002/09/30 23:24:04 UTC

wsdl2java produces uncompilable code


I have a given WSDL file and want to generate client stubs and server 
skeletons for it. The problem is that for whatever reason wsdl2java does 
not generate code for some types defined in the WSDL.

I've browsed the list and tried options without success. Esp. I have 
specified -all.

Please sse attached WSDL files, which is a bit long.
Problems are e.g. no class for ObjectName is generated although its type 
definition is exactly the same as for DisplayName.
No code is generated for all request and response objects such as 
NotificationSet, NotificationAvailability, GetNotifications.
The document is not rpc type but document and uses complex types and 
contents but still that should work and sometimes does, but not always.
I'm not getting exceptions during generation.

The build.xml snipplet is:

<taskdef name="wsdl2java"
<target name="itm_gen_omi" description="generate OMI client stubs and
         server skeleton">
  <echo message="Generating OMI client and server classes..."/>
  <mkdir dir="${}/gensrc"/>
  <wsdl2java url="${itm.dir.source}/com/bes/itm/comp/omi/OMI.wsdl"
             output="${}/gensrc" serverSide="yes"
             skeletonDeploy="yes" typeMappingVersion="1.1" helperGen="no"
             verbose="yes" all="yes" deployScope="session"
             noWrapped="yes" noImports="yes">
     <mapping namespace="urn:omi-org:api"
<target name="itm_java_omi" description="compile OMI client stubs and
         server skeleton">
   <echo message="Compiling generated OMI Java..."/>
   <javac destdir="${}/classes"
          classpathref="itm.classpath.external" debug="on">
     <src path="${}/gensrc"/>

Thanks for any help,
