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Posted to by JongChoul yim <> on 2010/11/11 12:09:37 UTC

Stateless Session Bean and @WebService - posted again

 I posted again ...

I have a problem.
I am building an stateless session bean which is Webservice enabled.
the session bean has dependencies on httpclient.
I put an annotation(which is @WebService) to stateless session bean in order
to expose as a webservices.
but I got an error which was ClassNotFoundException - httpclient couldn't be
and also I got an error saying "[EjbModuleBuilder]
JAXWSEJBModuleBuilderExtension.addGBeans() failed: Unable to generate the
wsdl file using wsgen.
org.apache.geronimo.common.DeploymentException: Unable to generate the wsdl
file using wsgen.".

I really tried to figure out this problem, but I couldn't.
but due to various experiments, I got a little clue which is following

<If I just get rid of @WebService annotation from bean class. It works fine.
I believe this problem is related to WebService thing.>

unfoutunately, I don't know how to solve this problem.

please help me!
followsing are parts of code.

in interface
@WebService(name="ThridPartyCallPortType", targetNamespace="")
public interface ThirdPartyCall {
   String makeCall(String appId, String svcKey, String callingPartyAddr,
String calledPartyAddr);
   void endCall(String appId, String svcKey, String callIdentifier);
   CallInformation getCallStatus(String appId, String svcKey, String
in bean implementation
public class ThirdPartyCallBean implements ThirdPartyCall {

in openejb-jar.xml