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Posted to by Sean Schofield <> on 2006/01/22 18:29:59 UTC

MyFaces Status Report

Here is where we are currently with the Maven stuff.

1.) We now have our continuum server setup in our zone[1].  (Its not
started automatically as a service but we will get that straightened
out shortly.)

2.) We now have hourly snapshots being published to the ASF snapshot
repository[2].  This means that you can build your own projects using
the latest snapshots as a maven dependency.  It also means that you
can checkout any single subproject (tomahawk/sandbox for instance) and
compile it without downloading the other source (maven will use the
remote snapshots.)  The snapshots aren't actually every single hour -
just when there are svn changes.

3.) Nightly builds[3] are back.

Here are a few things that we'll be working on this week.

1.) Getting the new mavenized website published automatically (short
term publishing to our personal ASF webpage - change to the official
site once we have it looking good.

2.) Decide on a look and feel for the website.  We are close to
agreement now.  Chris Barlow is working on a couple of banner page
alternatives that I think we should consider.

3.) Comprehensive review and fix of the website.  Start fixing all of
the little things that aren't working on the website.


