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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2006/02/01 08:08:00 UTC

[Db-derby Wiki] Update of "DerbySnapshotOrRelease" by AndrewMcIntyre

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The following page has been changed by AndrewMcIntyre:

The comment on the change is:
Add info on deploying to Maven 1 repo

    * Subversion may report some files as changed which should be static. Revert anything in build/site/skin or build/site/papers before committing your website changes.
    * Once you have committed your changes and updated the website on minotaur, you can preview your changes by following the instructions at
-  1. Deploy to Maven repository.
+  1. Deploy to Maven 1 repository.
-   From Jeremy Boynes:
+   First, if you do not already have the latest Maven 1 distribution, download it from, unpack it, and put the bin directory into your path so that you can run maven commands. As of this writing, the latest 1.x version of Maven was 1.0.2.
-   To run this build, cd into maven and
+   Next, edit project.xml in the maven directory in the derby tree to contain the correct version number for this release between the <currentversion> tags. Then, edit the to contain the correct protocol, username, and password for your account on minotaur so you can properly authenticate and copy the files to minotaur. The scpexe protocol should work without problems, especially if you have an ssh public key already on minotaur. The file in the maven directory should look something like this, for the maven.repo lines in the file:
-    $ maven  # will attain the multiproject:install goal to install the artifacts into your local maven repo
+   {{{maven.repo.list=apache
+ maven.repo.apache=scpexe://
+ maven.repo.apache.username={your_username}
+ maven.repo.apache.password={your_password}
-    $ maven clean  # will attain the multiproject:clean goal to clean up the maven tree
+   Also, make sure you have the maven artifact plugin, version 1.5.2, so that maven generates SHA1 checksums for the files you upload, by running the following command:
-    $ maven multiproject:deploy  # will copy all the artifacts into the apachecvs repository (note, for now this this has been disabled by commenting out the maven.repo.list definition in
+   {{{maven plugin:download -DgroupId=maven \
+   -DartifactId=maven-artifact-plugin \
+   -Dversion=1.5.2}}}
+   NOTE: this should only be necessary for Maven 1.0.2. The latest artifact plugin will be included in future stable releases of Maven 1.x.
+   Then, cd into Derby's maven directory and
+    $ maven   # will attain the multiproject:install goal to install the artifacts into your local maven repo
+    $ maven clean   # will attain the multiproject:clean goal to clean up the maven tree
+    $ maven multiproject:deploy   # will copy all the artifacts into the apachecvs repository (note, for now this this has been disabled by commenting out the maven.repo.list definition in
-   This does not build using maven, it works by copying the jars that ant built into jars/${sanity}
+   This does not build using maven, it works by copying the jars that ant built into jars/${sanity}.
+   After successfully deploying the jars to the maven repository on minotaur, you may receive an email that you did not upload appropriate PGP signatures for the new files added to To prevent receiving this mail, you will need to sign the individual jars and then upload the signatures to /www/ after running maven's multiproject:deploy target. The following script signs and renames the jars appropriately, and should be run in the jars/insane directory.
+   {{{for i in *.jar
+ do
+   gpg --armor --detach-sign $i   // enter your PGP passphrase for each iteration.
+ done
+ for i in *.jar.asc
+   PREFIX=`echo $i | sed 's/.jar.asc//g'`
+   NEWNAME=$PREFIX-   //use the correct version number for this release.
+   mv $i $NEWNAME
+ done}}}
+   Then, upload the signatures to the jars directory:
+   {{{sftp {username}
+ cd /www/
+ put *.jar.asc}}}
+  1. Deploy to Maven 2 repository
+   Details coming soon
   1. Announce the release.