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Posted to by Werner Punz <> on 2008/05/03 18:54:14 UTC

javax.faces.FactoryFinder question

Hello another hardcore question.

I am trying currently to stack another classloader on top of myfaces
to enable Groovy.
I run into one single issue, the myfaces FactoryFinder

There seems to be following code in the getFactory Methode

    factoryClassNames = (Map) _registeredFactoryNames.get(classLoader);

Where the standard factory class names are loaded via the current 

Now the problem is that this method fails if you stack another 
classloader dynamically on top because the classloader is used as key.

Is this intentional, in the original javadocs I cannot find anything
regarding that this method has be implemented the way it is.
Wouldnt it make more sense to go over the classloader hierarchy
instead of just using the current classloader until
the factoryClassNames are either found or no classloader is present?
Or does this contradict the standard?

