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[38/56] [partial] gh-pages clean up
diff --git a/obs4MIPs/Toolbox/ b/obs4MIPs/Toolbox/
deleted file mode 100644
index d20f971..0000000
--- a/obs4MIPs/Toolbox/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import netCDF4
-import re
-import pdb
-#  ********************************************************************
-#         CMORTable()
-#  ********************************************************************
-class CMORTable:   
-    '''
-    Create dictionary based on a file using key:value standard      
-    '''
-    def __init__( self, inpath, table, entry=None ):
-        '''
-        Read CMIP5 Table and convert into a dictionary
-        '''
-        f=open( inpath + '/' + table, 'r')
-        if( f == None ):
-            print "Table file %s does  not exist " % (inpath + "/" + table )
-        lines = f.readlines()
-        startParse=[0]
-        stopParse=[len(lines)]
-        # --------------------------------
-        # extract user specified entry
-        # -------------------------------
-        if( entry != None ):
-            startParse = [ i for i in range(len(lines)) \
-                           if re.match( ".*entry.*"+entry+".*", lines[i] ) != None  ]
-            stopParse  = [ i for i in range(startParse[0]+2, len(lines)) \
-                         if re.match( ".*==========.*", lines[i] ) != None  ]
-        self.dico = dict([ tuple(lines[i].split(":")) 
-                           for i in range(startParse[0], stopParse[0])
-                           if len(lines[i].split(':')) == 2 ] )
-        # --------------------------------
-        # extract levels
-        # -------------------------------
-        if 'requested' in self.dico.keys():
-            self.dico['levels'] = self.dico['requested'].split('!')[0].split()
-            # --------------
-            # Convert to int
-            # ---------------
-            self.dico['levels'] = [ int( float( self.dico['levels'][i] ) )
-                                    for i in range( len( self.dico['levels'] ) )]
-            self.dico['levels'].sort()
-    def __getitem__( self, key ):
-        '''
-        Get rid of end of line comments and strip new lines CR "/n"
-        '''
-        return self.dico[key].split("!")[0].strip()
-    def __setitem__( self,key,value ):
-        '''
-        '''
-        self.dico[key]=value
-    def __delete__( self, key ):
-        '''
-        '''
-        del self.dico[key]
-#  ********************************************************************
-#     Global Attributes
-#  Manage Global Attributes in a cmor file
-#  ********************************************************************
-class CMORAttributes:
-    '''
-    Manage Global Attributes.
-    '''
-    def __init__( self, file ):
-        '''
-        Open Cmor file
-        '''
-        self.filename = file
-        self.f = netCDF4.Dataset( self.filename, 'r+' )
-    def GlbDel( self, attribute ):
-        '''
-        Delete attribute
-        '''
-        self.f.__delattr__(attribute)
-    def GlbSet( self, attribute, value):
-        '''
-        Set attribute
-        '''
-        self.f.__setattr__(attribute, value)
-    def VarDel( self, variable,attribute ):
-        '''
-        Delete Variable attribute
-        '''
-        var=self.f.variables[variable]
-        var.__delatttr__(attribute)
-    def VarSet( self, variable, attribute, value):
-        '''
-        Set Variable attribute
-        '''
-        var=self.variables[variable]
-        var.__setattr__(attribute,value)
-    def close(self):
-        '''
-        '''
-        self.f.close()
diff --git a/obs4MIPs/Toolbox/ b/obs4MIPs/Toolbox/
deleted file mode 100644
index ddbfe60..0000000
--- a/obs4MIPs/Toolbox/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import pdb
-import shutil
-import os,sys
-from numpy import arange
-from Toolbox.CMORresources import CMORAttributes
-#  ********************************************************************
-#         ESGFresources()
-#  ********************************************************************
-class ESGFresources:
-    '''
-    Create dictionary based on a file using key=value standard      
-    '''
-    def __init__(self,rcFile):
-        '''
-        Read CMIP5 Table and convert into a dictionary
-        strip quote double quote, leading and trailing white space
-        from key and value.
-        '''
-        f=open( rcFile, 'r')
-        lines=f.readlines()
-        f.close()
-        self.resources=dict([(key.strip(), value.strip(),) 
-                             for line in lines if line != '\n' \
-                                 and line[0] != "#" 
-                             for (key, value) in
-                             [line.strip().\
-                                  replace("'","").\
-                                  replace("\"","").\
-                                  rstrip().\
-                                  split("=")]])
-        for key in self.resources.keys():
-            self.resources[key]=self.resources[key].replace("\\","\"")
-        self.xcl=None
-        try:
-            self.xcl=self.resources['excel_file']
-            rc=self.ReadXCL()
-        except:
-            pass
-    def __getitem__(self,key):
-        '''
-        Retreive item from resource dictionary
-        '''
-        return self.resources[key]
-    def __setitem__(self,key,value):
-        '''
-        '''
-        self.resources[key]=value
-    def __delete__(self,key):
-        '''
-        '''
-        del self.resources[key]
-    def ReadXCL(self):
-        '''
-        Read Excel Table and fill rc variable related field.
-        '''
-        try:
-           import xlrd
-        except:
-           print "****** Could not find xlrd Python Package ****"
-           print "****** Please install xlrd package to read excel files ****"
-        if( os.path.isfile(self.xcl) ):
-		wb=xlrd.open_workbook(self.xcl)
-        else:
-           print "****** Could not find "+self.xcl+" file ****"
-           print "****** Please check excel file name ****"
-           raise NameError(self.xcl)
-        sheet=wb.sheet_by_name('Variables')
-        self.resources['cmor_var']    = [ sheet.row( i )[ 0 ].value.\
-                                          encode('ascii','ignore') \
-                                          for i in arange(sheet.nrows-2) + 2 ]
-        self.resources['original_var'] = [ sheet.row( i )[ 1 ].value.\
-                                           encode('ascii','ignore') \
-                                           for i in arange(sheet.nrows-2) + 2 ]
-        self.resources['original_units']=[ sheet.row( i )[ 2 ].value.\
-                                           encode('ascii','ignore') \
-                                           for i in arange(sheet.nrows-2) + 2 ]
-        self.resources['level']         =[ sheet.row( i )[ 3 ].value.\
-                                           encode('ascii','ignore') \
-                                           for i in arange(sheet.nrows-2) + 2]
-        self.resources['equation']     =[ sheet.row( i )[ 6 ].value.\
-                                           encode('ascii','ignore') \
-                                           for i in arange(sheet.nrows-2) + 2 ]
-        # -----------------------------------------------------------------
-        # Make sure it is a string. The main program will call eval on it.
-        # -----------------------------------------------------------------
-        self.resources['cmor_var']       = str(self.resources['cmor_var'] )
-        self.resources['original_var']   = str(self.resources['original_var'])
-        self.resources['original_units'] =str(self.resources['original_units'])
-        self.resources['equation']       =str(self.resources['equation'])
-        self.resources['level']          =str(self.resources['level'])
-        return 1
-#  ********************************************************************
-#      movefiles()                                                     
-#  rename files in new obs4MIPS path
-#  ********************************************************************
-def movefiles(rc):  
-    '''
-    Change CMIP5 directory struture to obs4MIPS directory structure.
-    Create new path and rename files following with new convention 
-    Remove old directory tree.
-    '''
-    # ----------------------
-    # New path for obs4MIPS
-    # ----------------------
-    path = rc['institute_id'      ]    + '/' + \
-           rc['instrument'        ]    + '/' + \
-           rc['project_id'        ]    + '/' + \
-           rc['product'           ]    + '/' + \
-           rc['modeling_realm'    ]    + '/' + \
-           rc['cvrt_cmor_var'     ]    + '/' + \
-           rc['frequency'         ]    + '/' + \
-           rc['data_structure'    ]    + '/' + \
-           rc['institute_id'      ]    + '/' + \
-           rc['instrument'        ]    
-   # -------------------------------------------------------------
-   # For TRMM data set version_directory is set to 'false' so that
-   # no version will be created in the directory
-   # -------------------------------------------------------------
-    try:
-           rc['version_directory'] == 'false'
-           pass
-    except:
-           path +=  '/V' + rc['processing_version'] + '/'
-   # -----------------------------
-   # Make sure the directory exist 
-   # ------------------------------
-    try:
-        os.makedirs(path)
-    except:
-        None
-    # -----------------
-    # Rename all files
-    # -----------------
-    cmorpath = rc['project_id'  ]       + '/' + \
-               rc['product'     ]       + '/' + \
-               rc['institute_id']       + '/' 
-    # -----------------
-    # Manage attributes
-    # -----------------
-    for r,d,f in os.walk(cmorpath):
-        for files in f:
-            if files.endswith(".nc"):
-                filetimestamp = files.split('_')[-1].strip(".nc")
-                file = os.path.join(r,files)
-                print file
-                # -----------------
-                # Delete attributes
-                # ------------------
-                Attr=CMORAttributes( file )
-                DelGlbAttributes=eval(rc['DelGlbAttributes'].\
-                                      replace('\\','\''))
-                for attribute in DelGlbAttributes:
-                    print "Deleting attribute: %s" % attribute
-                    Attr.GlbDel(attribute)
-                # -----------------
-                # set attributes
-                # ------------------
-                SetGlbAttributes=eval(rc['SetGlbAttributes'].\
-                                      replace('\\','\''))
-                for (attribute,Value) in SetGlbAttributes:
-                    print "Assigning attribute (%s,%s)" % (attribute,Value)
-                    Attr.GlbSet(attribute,Value)
-                Attr.close()
-                source = ''
-                if( rc['source_fn'] == 'SYNOPTIC' ):
-                    source = rc['SYNOPTIC']+"z_"
-                elif( rc['source_fn'] != '' ):
-                    source = rc['source_fn'].split('_')[0] + '_'
-                newfilename = rc['cvrt_cmor_var'     ] + '_' + \
-                              rc['instrument'        ] + '-' + \
-                              source                         + \
-                              rc['processing_level'  ] + '_v'+ \
-                              rc['processing_version'] + '_' + \
-                              filetimestamp            + '.nc'
-                newfilename = os.path.join(path,newfilename)
-                # -----------
-                # Move files
-                # -----------
-                print file
-                print newfilename
-                os.rename(file,newfilename)
-    # ----------------
-    # Remove cmor path
-    # ----------------
-    shutil.rmtree( rc['project_id'] )
-    return 0
diff --git a/obs4MIPs/Toolbox/ b/obs4MIPs/Toolbox/
deleted file mode 100644
index f1d6f14..0000000
--- a/obs4MIPs/Toolbox/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-__all__ = ['ESGFresources','CMORresources']
diff --git a/obs4MIPs/examples/ECMWF/ECMWFobs4MIPs.rc b/obs4MIPs/examples/ECMWF/ECMWFobs4MIPs.rc
deleted file mode 100644
index a7aece6..0000000
--- a/obs4MIPs/examples/ECMWF/ECMWFobs4MIPs.rc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# ECMWF resource file for CMIP5 conversion
-# source_fn = 'SYNOPTIC'  will be replaced by 00z or 12z for ECMWF ERA-iterim files
-# Program will loop on years and substiute in template.
-file_template        = "Y{0}/ecint_prs_{0}.nc"
-experiment_id        = 'obs'
-institution          = 'European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts'
-calendar             = 'gregorian'
-institute_id         = 'ECMWF'
-model_id             = 'Obs-IFS-Cy31r2'
-source               = 'ERA Interim, Synoptic Monthly Means, Full Resolution'
-contact              = "ECMWF: Dick Dee ("
-references           = ''
-mip_specs            = 'CMIP5'
-data_structure       = 'grid'
-source_type          = 'reanalysis'
-# used for filename (up to _)
-source_fn            = 'ECMWF'
-source_id            = 'ERA-interim'
-realm                = 'atmos'
-inpath               = "Tables"
-table                = 'CMIP5_Amon_obs'
-excel_file           = 'ecmwf_table_obs4MIPs.xls'
-# ------------------------------------
-# Used to create direcgtory structure
-# ------------------------------------
-obs_project          = 'obs4MIPs'
-instrument           = 'assimilation'
-processing_version   = '1.0'
-processing_level     = 'level-4'
-# --------------------------------------
-# Post-processing
-# --------------------------------------
-DelGlbAttributes     = "[\realization\,\experiment\,\physics_version\,\initialization_method\,\experiment_id\,\modeling_realm\,\instrument\,\processing_version\,\processing_level\,\obs_project\]"	
-SetGlbAttributes     = "[(\title\,\ECMWF Reanalysis output prepared for obs4MIPs \)]"
-InputTimeUnits       = "internal"
-OutputTimeUnits      = "months since 1900-01-01"
diff --git a/obs4MIPs/examples/ECMWF/Tables b/obs4MIPs/examples/ECMWF/Tables
deleted file mode 120000
index 561a38f..0000000
--- a/obs4MIPs/examples/ECMWF/Tables
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obs4MIPs/examples/ECMWF/Y2013/README b/obs4MIPs/examples/ECMWF/Y2013/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cf903b..0000000
--- a/obs4MIPs/examples/ECMWF/Y2013/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-Read ECMWF python script documentation from the following link.
-Register to the ECMWF website
-Retrieve your key
-Create a file in $HOME/.ecmwfapirc containning your key.
-    Content of $HOME/.ecmwfapirc 	
-    {
-        "url"   : "",
-        "key"   : "MYKEY"
-        "email" : "MYEMAIL"
-    }
-=== Install Python package ====
-setenv PYTHONPATH /wherever/you/want/to/install/python/packages
-Dowload and install python ECMWF API on your system.
-     wget "" --output-document=ecmwf-api-client-python.tgz
-setenv PYTHONPATH /wherever/you/want/to/install/python/packages
-python build
-python install --prefix=/wherever/you/want/to/install/python/packages
-Please run the following script to pull the example file from ECMWF repository
diff --git a/obs4MIPs/examples/ECMWF/Y2013/ b/obs4MIPs/examples/ECMWF/Y2013/
deleted file mode 100755
index a573c55..0000000
--- a/obs4MIPs/examples/ECMWF/Y2013/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from ecmwfapi import ECMWFDataServer
-# To run this example, you need an API key 
-# available from
-server = ECMWFDataServer()
-"levelist"    :   "1/2/3/5/7/10/20/30/50/70/100/125/150/175/200/225/250/300/350/400/450/500/550/600/650/700/750/775/800/825/850/875/900/925/950/975/1000",
-"stream"      :   "moda",
-"levtype"     :   "pl",
-"param"       :   "129.128/130.128/131.128/132.128/133.128/135.128/138.128/155.128/157.128/203.128/246.128/247.128/248.128/60.128",
-"dataset"     :   "interim",
-"grid"        :   "0.75/0.75",
-"date"        :   "20130101/20130201/20130301/20130401/20130501/20130601/20130701/20130801/20130901/20131001/20131101/20131201",
-"target"      :   "",
-"class"       :   "ei",
-"format"      :   "netcdf",
-"type"        :   "an"
diff --git a/obs4MIPs/examples/ECMWF/ecmwf_table_obs4MIPs.xls b/obs4MIPs/examples/ECMWF/ecmwf_table_obs4MIPs.xls
deleted file mode 100644
index 271c2a7..0000000
Binary files a/obs4MIPs/examples/ECMWF/ecmwf_table_obs4MIPs.xls and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/obs4MIPs/examples/TRMM/TRMM.rc b/obs4MIPs/examples/TRMM/TRMM.rc
deleted file mode 100644
index 4caa27d..0000000
--- a/obs4MIPs/examples/TRMM/TRMM.rc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# TRMM resource file for CMIP5 conversion
-# Program will loop on years and substiute in template.
-# Here we are creating decadal files using a grads ctl file
-file_template        = "v7/TRMM_%s.lst"
-experiment_id        = 'obs'
-institution          = 'NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt MD, USA'
-calendar             = 'gregorian'
-institute_id         = 'NASA-GSFC'
-model_id             = 'Obs-TRMM'
-source               = 'Global Precipitation Climatology Project (TRMM)'
-contact              = "George Huffman"
-references           = ''
-instrument           = 'TRMM'
-processing_version   = '7'
-processing_level     = 'L3'
-mip_specs            = 'CMIP5'
-data_structure       = 'grid'
-source_type          = 'satellite_retrieval_and_gauge_analysis'
-# used for filename (up to _)
-source_fn            = ''
-source_id            = 'TRMM'
-realm                = 'atmos'
-obs_project          = 'TRMM'
-inpath               = "Tables"
-table                = 'CMIP5_Amon_obs'
-cmor_var             = '[\pr\]'      
-level                = '[\\]'
-equation             = '[\(data*2.78e-4)\]'
-inpath               = 'Tables'
-original_var         = '[\pcp\]'
-original_units       = '[\kg m-2 s-1\]'
-OutputTimeUnits      = "months since 1900-1-1"
-InputTimeUnits       = "internal"
-SetGlbAttributes     = "[(\global\,rc[\product\]),(\processing_version\,rc[\processing_version\]),(\title\,\obs-TRMM output prepared for obs4MIPs NASA-GSFC observations\)]"
-DelGlbAttributes     = "[\realization\,\experiment\,\physics_version\,\initialization_method\]"	
diff --git a/obs4MIPs/examples/TRMM/Tables b/obs4MIPs/examples/TRMM/Tables
deleted file mode 120000
index 4c2c9a9..0000000
--- a/obs4MIPs/examples/TRMM/Tables
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obs4MIPs/examples/TRMM/v7/README b/obs4MIPs/examples/TRMM/v7/README
deleted file mode 100644
index a54e428..0000000
--- a/obs4MIPs/examples/TRMM/v7/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Please make sure that the wget version is at least 1.11.1; run wget -V to find the version.
-(You can download version 1.11.1 of wget here.)
-List of files to download at the GES DISC are found in
-Here is the proper wget command.
-wget --content-disposition -i
diff --git a/obs4MIPs/examples/TRMM/v7/ b/obs4MIPs/examples/TRMM/v7/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fc1619..0000000
--- a/obs4MIPs/examples/TRMM/v7/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/obs4MIPs/examples/TRMM/v7/TRMM_1998.lst b/obs4MIPs/examples/TRMM/v7/TRMM_1998.lst
deleted file mode 100644
index d41c953..0000000
--- a/obs4MIPs/examples/TRMM/v7/TRMM_1998.lst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/obs4MIPs/factory/ b/obs4MIPs/factory/
deleted file mode 100644
index 15755be..0000000
--- a/obs4MIPs/factory/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-from formats import *
diff --git a/obs4MIPs/factory/ b/obs4MIPs/factory/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f31b3c..0000000
--- a/obs4MIPs/factory/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# from:
-from numpy import exp
-import pdb
-def CtoF(tf):
-    return ( tc * 9. / 5. ) + 32.0
-def CtoK(tc):
-    return tc + 273.15
-def FtoK(tf):
-    return ( (tf - 32) * 5.0 / 9.0) + 273.15
-def FtoC(tf):
-    return (tf - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0
-def KtoC(tk):
-    return (tk - 273.15 )
-def KtoF(tk):
-    return ( ( tk - 273.15 ) * 9.0 / 5.0 ) + 32.0
-def ComputeES(tc):
-    '''
-    Tc: Temperature in deg Celsius
-    es: Saturation vapor pressure in mbar
-    '''
-    es = 6.112 * exp( ( 17.67 * tc ) / ( tc  + 243.5 ) );
-    return es
-def ComputeE(td):
-    '''
-    Td: dew point in deg Celcius
-    e: vapor pressure in mbar
-    '''
-    e  = 6.112 * exp( ( 17.67 * td) / ( td + 243.5 ) );
-    return e
-def ComputeQ(h):
-    '''
-    td: in celsius
-    p:  in mbar
-    '''
-    sp  = h.getData( variable='sp' )
-    sp  = sp/100 # from Pa to Mb
-    d2m = h.getData( variable='d2m' )
-    d2m = KtoC(d2m)
-    e = ComputeE(d2m)
-    q = ( 0.622 * e ) / ( sp - ( 0.378 * e ) );
-    return q
-def ComputeRH( h ):
-    '''
-    f is the netCDF file handle containing t2m and d2m in the same file
-    '''
-    t2m = h.getData( variable='t2m' )
-    t2m = KtoC(t2m)
-    d2m = h.getData( variable='d2m' )
-    d2m = KtoC(d2m)
-    es  = ComputeES(t2m)
-    e   = ComputeE(d2m)
-    RH  = 100 * (e /es )
-    return RH
-def ComputeJRA25RH( h ):
-    '''
-    f is the netCDF file handle containing  and TMPprs in DEPRprs the same file
-    '''
-    #pdb.set_trace()
-    ta = h.getData( variable='tmpprs' )
-    ta = KtoC(ta)
-    da = h.getData( variable='deprprs' )
-    da = KtoC(da)
-    es  = ComputeES(ta)
-    e   = ComputeE(da)
-    RH  = 100 * (e /es )
-    return RH
diff --git a/obs4MIPs/factory/ b/obs4MIPs/factory/
deleted file mode 100644
index ced7d74..0000000
--- a/obs4MIPs/factory/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,577 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-#  Class factory
-#  Select the right handler depending on the file format
-import os
-import pdb
-import sys
-import magic
-import cdms2
-import cdtime
-import as ma
-import numpy
-import netCDF4
-import re
-from cdms2.grid import createUniformGrid
-#  ********************************************************************
-#     import_equation()
-#  provide equation dynamically
-#  ********************************************************************
-def import_equation(eq):
-    d = eq.rfind(".")
-    EqName = eq[ d+1:len(eq) ]
-    m = __import__( eq[0:d], globals( ), locals( ), [ EqName ] )
-    return getattr( m, EqName )
-#  ********************************************************************
-#     HandlerGrads()
-#  Manage Grads file io
-#  ********************************************************************
-class HandlerGrads(object):
-    '''
-    '''
-    def __new__(klass, *args, **kwargs):
-        # ------------------------------------------------------------------
-        # This return make sure __init__ is begin called after the class is
-        # created
-        # ------------------------------------------------------------------
-        return super(HandlerGrads, klass).__new__(klass, *args, **kwargs)
-    def __init__(self):
-        pass
-    def open(self, file, variable=None):
-        '''
-        Open ctl file and read data
-        '''
-        self.variable=variable
-     # read variable            
-    def getData(self, variable=None):
-        '''
-        Return data array
-        '''
-        if( variable != None ):
-            data=self.f(variable)
-        else:
-        return data
-    def getLongitude(self):
-        '''
-        Return Longitude.
-        '''
-        return
-    def getLatitude(self):
-        '''
-        Return Latitude.
-        '''
-        return
-    def getTime(self,timeunits=None):
-        '''
-        Return time in cdtime format.
-        '''
-        if(timeunits == 'internal'):
-            timeunits=self.getTimeUnits()
-        time_values = numpy.arange(len(
-        time_bounds = numpy.arange(len(
-        cur_time=[cdtime.reltime(i,timeunits) 
-                  for i in time_values]
-        return cur_time
-    def getTimeUnits(self,timeunits):
-        '''
-        return Time units (month since yyyy)
-        '''
-        if( timeunits == 'internal' ):
-            return
-        return timeunits
-#  ********************************************************************
-#     HandlerNetCDF()
-#  Manage netCDF file io.  Note, this API reads HDF4 and Netcdf4/HDF5
-#  ********************************************************************
-class HandlerNetCDF(object):
-    '''
-    '''
-    def __new__(klass, *args, **kwargs):
-        # ------------------------------------------------------------------
-        # This return make sure __init__ is begin called after the class is
-        # created
-        # ------------------------------------------------------------------
-        return super(HandlerNetCDF, klass).__new__(klass, *args, **kwargs)
-    def __init__(self):
-        pass
-    def open(self, file, variable=None):
-        '''
-        Open ctl file and read data
-        '''
-'float32')     # read variable            
-    def getData(self):
-        '''
-        Return data array
-        '''
-        return
-    def getLongitude(self):
-        '''
-        Return Longitude.
-        '''
-        return
-    def getLatitude(self):
-        '''
-        Return Latitude.
-        '''
-        return
-    def getTime(self,timeunits=None):
-        '''
-        Return time.
-        '''
-        if( timeunits == 'internal' ):
-            timeunits=self.getTimeUnits()
-        time_values =   self.f.getAxis("time")[:]
-        deltime = time_values[ 1 ] - time_values[ 0 ]
-        time_bounds = time_values
-        numpy.append(time_bounds, time_values[-1] + deltime )
-        cur_time=[ cdtime.reltime( i, timeunits ) 
-                   for i in time_values ]
-        return cur_time
-    def getTimeUnits(self,timeunits):
-        '''
-        return Time units (month since yyyy)
-        '''
-        if( timeunits == 'internal' ):
-            return
-        return timeunits
-#  ********************************************************************
-#     HandlerNCAggregate()
-#  Aggreate a list of NetCDF files from a text file
-#  Each file must have the same lat/lon dimension
-#  ********************************************************************
-class HandlerNCAggregate(object):
-    '''
-    '''
-    def __new__(klass, *args, **kwargs):
-        # ------------------------------------------------------------------
-        # This return make sure __init__ is begin called after the class is
-        # created
-        # ------------------------------------------------------------------
-        return super(HandlerNCAggregate, klass).__new__(klass, *args, **kwargs)
-    def __init__(self):
-        '''
-        Nothing to do
-        '''
-        pass
-    def open(self, file, variable=None):
-        '''
-        Make sure that all files in the list exist
-        '''
-        f = open(file,'r')
-        self.flist = f.readlines()
-        f.close()
-        for file in self.flist:
-            filename=file.strip()
-            if( not os.path.exists(filename) ):
-                print "File %s does not exist in filelist" % filename
-        # --------------------------------------------------------
-        # Extract General information from first file in the list
-        # ---------------------------------------------------------
-        firstfile =[0].strip(),'r')
-        self.variable = firstfile(variable)
-        self.missing_value = self.variable.missing_value
-        # ----------------------------
-        # Read first file in the list
-        # -----------------------------
-        self.timeunits = self.variable.getTime().units
-    def getData(self, variable=None):
-        '''
-        Aggreate all data from the file list in the order given.
-        '''
-        filename = self.flist[0].strip()
-        f = filename, 'r' )
-        if( variable != None ):
-            self.vartoread = variable
-        else:
-            self.vartoread =
-        data = f(self.vartoread)[:]
-        # ---------------------------
-        # Concatenate following files
-        # ---------------------------
-        for filename in self.flist[ 1: ]:
-            print "reading %s" % filename.strip()
-            f = filename.strip(), 'r' )
-            data2 = f(self.vartoread)[:]
-            data = numpy.concatenate((data,data2), axis=0)
-            f.close()
-        data=ma.array(data=data, \
-                      fill_value=self.missing_value, \
-                      copy=0,         \
-                      dtype='float32' )
-        data=ma.masked_equal(data, self.missing_value, copy=0)
-        return data
-    def getLongitude(self):
-        '''
-        Assume same grid for all files.
-        '''
-        return self.variable.getLongitude()
-    def getLatitude(self):
-        '''
-        Assume same grid for all files.
-        '''
-        return self.variable.getLatitude()
-    def getTime(self,timeunits=None):
-        '''
-        Return time.
-        Assume that file time variable name will be the same in all files.
-        '''
-        flist=self.flist
-        nbFiles = len(self.flist)
-        # ----------------------------
-        # Read first file in the list
-        # -----------------------------
-        time = self.variable.getTime()[:]
-        # ---------------------------
-        # Concatenate following files
-        # ---------------------------
-        for filename in self.flist[ 1: ]:
-            f = filename.strip(), 'r' )
-            time2      =   f(
-            timeunits2 =   f(
-            match=re.match('.*since.*', timeunits2)
-            # ---------------------------------------------------
-            # if timeunits is not UDUNITS format, pass back value 
-            # and let InputTimeUnits attribute to take care of
-            # the conversion.  
-            # ----------------------------------------------------
-            if( not match ):  timeunits2=self.timeunits
-            # --------------------------------
-            # Make sure we have the same units
-            # ---------------------------------
-            if( timeunits2 != self.timeunits ):
-                file_time = [ cdtime.reltime(time2[ i ], timeunits2 ) \
-                             for i in range( len( time2 ) )]
-                time2 = [ file_time[i].torel( timeunits ).value       \
-                          for i in range( len( time2 ) ) ]
-            time2=time2[:]
-            time = numpy.concatenate((time,time2), axis=0)
-            f.close()
-        self.time = [cdtime.reltime(i,self.timeunits) for i in time]
-        return self.time
-    def getTimeUnits(self,timeunits=None):
-        '''
-        return Timeunits.
-        '''
-        # ---------------------------------------------------
-        # If file timeunits are UDUNITS compliante, overwrite
-        # timeunits argument
-        # ---------------------------------------------------
-        match = re.match('.*since.*',self.variable.getTime().units)
-        if( match ):
-           return self.variable.getTime().units
-        self.timeunits=timeunits
-        return timeunits
-#  ********************************************************************
-#  MatlabData()
-#  Manage Matlab data object.
-#  Note: Assume that data is in the key that is not internal to Matlab.
-#        Matlab internal keys are surrounded by underscores (__key__).
-#  ********************************************************************
-class MatlabData(object):
-    '''
-    Convert Matlab data Array to cmor2 data Array.
-    Create lat/lon grid
-    '''
-    def __init__(self,oMatlab):
-        '''
-        Read data and flip y axis.
-        Assume data is -180 to 180 and will be shifted to get an array from
-            0 to 360 degrees.
-        '''
-        DataKey = [key for key in oMatlab.keys()
-                   if key not in ['__version__', '__header__', '__globals__']]
-        # ---------------------------------------
-        # Read in Data as a Numpy masked array.
-        # ---------------------------------------
-[DataKey[0]], \
-                   fill_value=0.0, \
-                   copy=0,         \
-                   dtype='float32' )
-        # ----------------------------------------------
-        # Assume fill value is 0 (Need to pass a value)
-        # -----------------------------------------------
-        # -----------------------------------------------
-        # Transpose 3D matrix to get the time axis first
-        # -----------------------------------------------
-        # -------------
-        # Flip y axis
-        # -------------
-        # --------------------------------------------------
-        # Extract X lenght and Y length to compute Lat/Lon
-        # --------------------------------------------------
-        nlat =[1]
-        nlon =[2]
-        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-        # shift array from -180 to 180 degrees to 0 to 360 degrees
-        # The last half of the array becomes the first half and the first half
-        # becomes the last half
-        # --------------------------------------------------------------------
-        flipped=ma.array( numpy.zeros( ), \
-                 fill_value=0.0, \
-                 dtype='float32' )
-        # -----------------------------------------
-        # Masked fill_value (default to 0 for now)
-        # -----------------------------------------
-        flipped=ma.masked_values(flipped,0)
-        flipped[:,:,-nlon/2:][:,:,:nlon/2]
-        flipped[:,:,:nlon/2][:,:,-nlon/2:]
-        # ---------------------------------
-        # New flipped array becomes the data.
-        # ----------------------------------
-        flipped=0 # In order to save memory
-        # -------------------------------------------------------
-        # Compute latitudes longitude from X length and Y Length
-        # Assume Global data on cylindrical rectangular grid.
-        # -------------------------------------------------------
-        deltaLat = 180.0/nlat
-        deltaLon = 360.0/nlon
-        startLat = -90  + (deltaLat/2.0)
-        startLon = 0 + (deltaLon/2.0)
-        # -------------------------------
-        # Used cdms2 API to create grid
-        # --------------------------------
-        self.grid= createUniformGrid( startLat, nlat, deltaLat, \
-                   startLon, nlon, deltaLon)
-    def getData(self):
-        '''
-        return data array
-        '''
-        return
-    def getLatitude(self):
-        '''
-        return lattitude array
-        '''
-        return  self.grid.getLatitude()
-    def getLongitude(self):
-        '''
-        return longitude array
-        '''
-        return self.grid.getLongitude()
-    def getTime( self, cur_timeunits ):
-        '''
-        '''
-        nTime =[0]
-        time_values = numpy.arange(nTime)
-        fileTime =[ cdtime.reltime(i, cur_timeunits)
-                    for i in time_values ]
-        return fileTime
-    def getTimeUnits(self,timeunits):
-        '''
-        return Time units (month since yyyy)
-        '''
-        return timeunits
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        '''
-        '''
-        return self.getData()
-#  ********************************************************************
-#     HandlerMatlab()
-#  Manage Matlab data file.
-#  Note: Assume that data is in the key that is not internal to Matlab.
-#  ********************************************************************
-class HandlerMatlab(object):
-    '''    
-    '''
-    def __new__(klass, *args, **kwargs):
-        # ------------------------------------------------------------------
-        # This return make sure __init__ is begin called after the class is
-        # created
-        # ------------------------------------------------------------------
-        return super(HandlerMatlab, klass).__new__(klass, *args, **kwargs)
-    def __init__(self):
-        pass
-    def open(self, file, variable=None):
-        '''
-        Open Matlab and read data
-        '''
-        self.oMatlab=MatlabData(self.f)
-    def getData(self):
-        '''
-        Return data array
-        '''
-        return self.oMatlab.getData()
-    def getLongitude(self):
-        '''
-        Return Longitude.
-        '''
-        return self.oMatlab.getLongitude()
-    def getLatitude(self):
-        '''
-        Return Latitude.
-        '''
-        return self.oMatlab.getLatitude()
-    def getTime(self,timeunits):
-        '''
-        Return time.
-        '''
-        return self.oMatlab.getTime(timeunits)
-    def getTimeUnits(self,timeunits):
-        '''
-        return Time units (month since yyyy)
-        '''
-        return self.oMatlab.getTimeUnits(timeunits)
-#  ********************************************************************
-#  HandlerFormats()
-#  Factory detecting file format and return a pointer to the related
-#  format class
-#  Reference:
-#  ********************************************************************
-class HandlerFormats(object):
-    '''
-    Rerturn Format Hanlder depending on file magic number.
-    '''
-    Formats= {'NetCDF': HandlerNetCDF,
-              'Hierar': HandlerNetCDF,
-              'NCList': HandlerNCAggregate,
-              'DSET'  : HandlerGrads,
-              'Matlab': HandlerMatlab}
-    def __new__( klass, filename ):
-        MagicNumber = magic.from_file( filename )
-        try:
-            return HandlerFormats.Formats[MagicNumber[0:6]]()
-        except:
-            # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-            # Magic is too relax and come backup with 'Bio-Rad .PIC Image File'
-            # Since we will never read these files in the program, I just assume this will be 
-            # a list of files.
-            # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-            if((MagicNumber[0:5] == 'ASCII') or  (MagicNumber[0:5] == "Bio-R")):
-                f=open(filename,'r')
-                lines=f.readlines()
-                for line in lines:
-                    if(line[0:4].upper() == 'DSET'):
-                        return HandlerFormats.Formats['DSET']()
-                    elif( line.strip().endswith("nc") ):
-                        return HandlerFormats.Formats['NCList']()
-    def __init__(self, filename ):
-        pass
diff --git a/obs4MIPs/ b/obs4MIPs/
deleted file mode 100755
index bb6d238..0000000
--- a/obs4MIPs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import cdms2
-import cdtime
-import cmor
-import sys
-import getopt
-import factory
-import numpy
-from factory.formats import import_equation
-from Toolbox.ESGFresources import *
-from Toolbox.CMORresources import CMORTable
-# ************************************************************************
-#                              process()                               
-#      Convert to obs4MIPS file format.                                
-# ************************************************************************
-def process( rc ):
-    '''
-    Convert netcdf/matlab/grads files into CMIP5 format.
-    '''
-    #pdb.set_trace()
-    # ----------------------------
-    #  Loop yearly on file list.  
-    # ----------------------------
-    for year in rc['years'].split(","):
-        if(year == ''):
-            files= os.popen( "ls " + rc['file_template'] ).readlines()
-        else:
-            # ------------------------------------------------
-            # Use string formating for path with same argument 
-            # ------------------------------------------------
-            try:
-                tmplFile = rc['file_template'] % (year)
-            except:
-                tmplFile = rc['file_template'].format(year)
-            if( not os.path.isfile( tmplFile) ) :
-                print "**** Warning %s not found\n" % ( tmplFile )
-                continue
-            files= os.popen( "ls " + tmplFile).readlines()
-        if( files == [] ):
-            print "No file found: Check your resource file"
-            return -1
-        # ------------------------------------------------
-        # Get the right handler to manage this file format
-        # ------------------------------------------------
-        Handler = factory.HandlerFormats(files[0].strip())
-        # -----------------------------------
-        # Take care of cmor initialization.
-        # -----------------------------------
-        cmor.setup(inpath=rc['inpath'],
-                   netcdf_file_action = cmor.CMOR_REPLACE)
-        cmor.dataset(experiment_id = rc['experiment_id'], 
-                     institution   = rc['institution'  ],
-                     calendar      = rc['calendar'     ],
-                     institute_id  = rc['institute_id' ],
-                     model_id      = rc['model_id'     ],
-                     source        = rc['source'       ],
-                     contact       = rc['contact'      ],
-                     references    = rc['references'   ])
-        # -----------------------------------------
-        # add extra Global Attributes for obs4MIPs.
-        # -----------------------------------------
-        cmor.set_cur_dataset_attribute( 'instrument',     rc['instrument'    ])
-        cmor.set_cur_dataset_attribute( 'mip_specs',      rc['mip_specs'     ])
-        cmor.set_cur_dataset_attribute( 'data_structure', rc['data_structure'])
-        cmor.set_cur_dataset_attribute( 'source_type',    rc['source_type'   ])
-        cmor.set_cur_dataset_attribute( 'source_id',      rc['source_id'     ])
-        cmor.set_cur_dataset_attribute( 'realm',          rc['realm'         ])
-        cmor.set_cur_dataset_attribute( 'obs_project',    rc['obs_project'   ])
-        cmor.set_cur_dataset_attribute( 'processing_version',
-                                        rc['processing_version'] )
-        cmor.set_cur_dataset_attribute( 'processing_level',
-                                        rc['processing_level'] )
-        cmor.load_table(rc['table'])
-        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-        # We loop on each file found, a new cmor file will be create on each
-        # iteration.  If you want to aggregate, you need to use Grads ctl file
-        # or NeCDF list of file.
-        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-        for file in files:
-            fnm=file.strip()    # Get rid of \n
-            aVariable  = eval(rc['original_var'])
-            nbVariable = len(aVariable)
-            # -----------------------------------------------------
-            # ECMWF needs synoptic time 00z and 12z in he filename.
-            # We extract it from the first file in the list.
-            # -----------------------------------------------------
-            if( rc['source_fn'] == 'SYNOPTIC' ):
-                index = fnm.find('z.')
-                rc['SYNOPTIC'] = fnm[index-2:index]
-            # -----------------------
-            # Work on all variables
-            # -------------------------
-            for j in arange(nbVariable):
-                # ----------------------------------------------------
-                # Fetch the variable directly or excute equation.
-                # ----------------------------------------------------
-                try:
-                    variable=aVariable[j]
-          , variable=variable)
-                    rc['cvrt_original_var']   = aVariable[j]
-                    print "Working on variable %s " % variable
-                except:
-                    if( aVariable[j] != 'equation' ) :
-                        print "Variable %s can't open" % variable
-                        continue
-                    else:
-                        print "Executing %s " % eval(rc['equation'])[j]
-#                pdb.set_trace()
-                rc['cvrt_original_units'] = eval(rc['original_units'])[j]
-                rc['cvrt_cmor_var']       = eval(rc['cmor_var'])[j]
-                rc['cvrt_equation']       = eval(rc['equation'])[j]
-                rc['cvrt_level']          = eval(rc['level'])[j]
-                data=Handler.getData()
-                # ----------------------------------------------------------
-                # Evaluate equation if needed. Usually used to change units
-                # ----------------------------------------------------------
-                if( rc['cvrt_equation'][0] == '@' ):
-                    fncName = rc['cvrt_equation'][1:]
-                    fnc = import_equation( "equations.%s" %  fncName )
-                    data[:]= fnc(Handler)
-                else:
-                    data[:]=eval(rc['cvrt_equation'])
-                # -------------------------------------------------------------
-                # Save filled value in case data type is changed in createAxes
-                # -------------------------------------------------------------
-                fill_value = data.fill_value
-                #  ---------------------------------------------
-                #  Extract latitude/longitude
-                #  ---------------------------------------------
-                lonvals=Handler.getLongitude()
-                latvals=Handler.getLatitude()
-                # ---------------------
-                # Create cmor time axis
-                # ----------------------
-                (rel_time, rel_time_bnds) = createTime(Handler, rc)
-                # ---------------------------------------------------
-                # Create cmor axes and add an axis to data if needed
-                # ---------------------------------------------------
-                (axes, data) = createAxes( rc, latvals, lonvals, data )
-                axis_ids = list()
-                for axis in axes:
-                    axis_id = cmor.axis(**axis)
-                    axis_ids.append(axis_id)
-                # ----------------------------------------------------------
-                # Create cmor variable
-                # Note: since this is in the loop, a new cmor file will be
-                # create for each cmor write command.
-                # ----------------------------------------------------------
-                varid = cmor.variable(table_entry   = rc['cvrt_cmor_var'],
-                                      axis_ids      = axis_ids,
-                                      history       = '',
-                                      missing_value = fill_value,
-                                      original_name = rc['cvrt_original_var'],
-                                      units         = rc['cvrt_original_units']
-                                      )
-                # -------------------------------
-                # Write data for this time frame.
-                # -------------------------------
-                cmor.write(varid,data,\
-                           time_vals=rel_time,time_bnds=rel_time_bnds)
-                cmor.close(varid,file_name=True)
-                # ---------------------------------------
-                # Rename cmor files according to project.
-                # ---------------------------------------
-                if( movefiles(rc) ):
-                    return -2 
-        cmor.close()
-    return 0
-# ********************************************************************
-#      createTime()
-#   Define Time and Time bound axes for cmor
-# ******************************************************************** 
-def createTime(Handler, rc):
-    '''
-    InputtimeUnits: specified from resource file or from first file
-    in a list of file.
-    return relative time and time bounds using OutputTimeUnits from
-    resource file.
-    '''
-    # ----------------------------------------------------
-    # Retrieve time units from file if not provided in the
-    # resource file.
-    # ----------------------------------------------------
-    InputTimeUnits = Handler.getTimeUnits(rc['InputTimeUnits'])
-    #  --------------------------------------------------------
-    #  Create time relative to January 1st 1900 to facilitate
-    #  Threds software file handling.
-    #  -------------------------------------------------------
-    cur_time = Handler.getTime(InputTimeUnits)
-    rel_time     =[cur_time[i].torel(rc['OutputTimeUnits']).value  
-                   for i in range(len(cur_time))]
-    if( len(rel_time) == 1 ) :
-	deltarel = 1
-    else:
-       deltarel = rel_time[2] - rel_time[1]
-    rel_time_bnds = rel_time[:]
-    rel_time_bnds.append(rel_time[-1]+deltarel)
-    return rel_time, rel_time_bnds
-# ********************************************************************
-#  getCMIP5lev()
-#  Extract CMIP5 mandatory level and recreate a new data array.
-#  They are 16 mandatory levels.
-# ********************************************************************
-def getCMIP5lev(data,rc):
-    '''
-    '''
-    oTable               = CMORTable(rc['inpath'], rc['table'], "plevs")
-    # ----------------------
-    # Extract spefied levels
-    # ----------------------
-    if( 'levels' in oTable.dico.keys() ):
-        #pdb.set_trace() 
-        dataLevels = data.getLevel()[:]
-        if( data.getLevel().units == "millibars" or
-            data.getLevel().units == "hPa"       or
-            data.getLevel().units == "mbar"    ):
-            # --------------------------
-            # Change units for to Pascal
-            # ---------------------------
-            LevelScaleFactor = 100
-            dataLevels = data.getLevel()[:] * LevelScaleFactor
-        # ----------------------------------------
-        # No level selected, return all data array
-        # ----------------------------------------
-        if( len(rc['cvrt_level'].split(":")) == 1 ):
-            levels =  [ float(item) for item in dataLevels ]
-            lev=cdms2.createAxis( levels )
-            lev.designateLevel()
-            lev.units="pa"
-            lev.long_name=data.getLevel().long_name
-  "lev"
-            #lev=data.getAxis(1)
-            #lev.__setattr__('_data_',dataLevels.astype(float))
-            #lev.__setattr__('units',"Pa")
-            #lev.units="hPa"
-            data2=data.pressureRegrid(lev)
-            return data2
-        if( rc['cvrt_level'].split(':')[1] == "CMIP5" ):
-            lev=cdms2.createAxis( [ float(item/LevelScaleFactor)
-                                    for item in dataLevels
-                                    if item in oTable.dico['levels' ] ] )
-            lev.designateLevel()
-            lev.units="pa"
-            lev.long_name = data.getLevel().long_name
-            data2=data.pressureRegrid(lev)
-            lev[:]=lev[:]*LevelScaleFactor
-            return data2
-        else:
-            # -----------------------
-            # Assume a list of values
-            # -----------------------
-            levels = rc['cvrt_level'].split(':')[1].split(",")
-            # --------------------------
-            # Change units to Pascal
-            # ---------------------------
-            dataLevels = [ float(rc['cvrt_level'].split(":")[1].split(",")[i]) * \
-                           LevelScaleFactor for i in range(len(levels)) ]
-            # -----------------------------------
-            # Match dataLevels with CMIP5 levels
-            # Use file units
-            # -----------------------------------
-            lev=cdms2.createAxis( [ float(item/LevelScaleFactor)
-                                    for item in dataLevels
-                                    if item in oTable.dico['levels' ] ] )
-            # -----------------------------------
-            # Set axis metadata
-            # -----------------------------------
-            lev.units="pa"
-            lev.long_name = data.getLevel().long_name
-            lev.designateLevel()
-            # -----------------------------------
-            # Extract specified levels
-            # -----------------------------------
-            data2=data.pressureRegrid(lev)
-            # -----------------------------------
-            # Scale data back
-            # -----------------------------------
-            lev[:]=lev[:]*LevelScaleFactor
-            return data2
-    return data
-# ********************************************************************
-#      createAxes()
-#   Define axes required by cmor and add z axis to data if needed
-# ******************************************************************** 
-def createAxes(rc, latvals, lonvals, data):
-    #  ---------------------------------------------
-    #  Create time/lat/lon axes using a dictionary
-    #  ---------------------------------------------
-    axes = [ 
-        {'table_entry' : 'time',
-         'units'       : rc['OutputTimeUnits']},
-        {'table_entry' : 'latitude',
-         'units'       : 'degrees_north',
-         'coord_vals'  : latvals,
-         'cell_bounds' : latvals.getBounds()},             
-        {'table_entry' : 'longitude',
-         'units'       : 'degrees_east',
-         'coord_vals'  : lonvals,
-         'cell_bounds' : lonvals.getBounds()},
-        ]
-    fill_value = data.fill_value
-    if( rc['cvrt_level'] == 'height2m' ):
-        axes.append({'table_entry' : 'height2m',
-                     'units'       : 'm',
-                     'coord_vals'  : [2.0] })
-        data = numpy.array(data[:])
-        data = data[:,:,:,numpy.newaxis]
-    elif( rc['cvrt_level'] != '' ):
-        data = getCMIP5lev( data, rc )
-        levels=data.getLevel()[:]
-        axes = numpy.insert(axes, 1,
-                           {'table_entry' : 'plevs',
-                            'units'       : 'Pa',
-                            'coord_vals'  : levels })
-    return axes, data
-# ********************************************************************
-#      usage()                                                          
-# ******************************************************************** 
-def usage(message):
-    '''
-    Describe program synopsis.
-    '''
-    print
-    print "*************************"
-    print message
-    print "*************************"
-    print
-    print
-    print " [-h] -r resource"
-    print "   resource:   File containing Global attributes"
-    print ""
-    print "obs4MIPS will convert an input data file into CMIP5 format using "
-    print "CMOR.  A directory path will be creating using CMOR by default or "
-    print "using a template provided in the resource file."
-    print
-# ********************************************************************
-#      main()                                                          
-# ******************************************************************** 
-def main():
-    '''
-    '''
-    try:
-        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hy:r:",
-                                   ["help" ,"year=","resource="])
-    except getopt.GetoptError, err:
-        usage(str(err))# will print something like "option -a not recognized"
-        return(2)
-    # --------------------------
-    # Verify passed arguments
-    # --------------------------
-    year     = -1
-    resource = None
-    for o, a in opts:
-        if o in ("-r", "--resource"):
-            resource = a
-        elif o in ("-h", "--help"):
-            usage()
-            return(0)
-        elif o in ("-y", "--year"):
-            yr = a
-        else:
-            assert False, "unhandled option"
-    # ------------------------------
-    # Does the resource file exist?
-    # ------------------------------
-    if( resource == None ) or ( not os.path.isfile( resource ) ) :
-        usage("bad Input Resource File")
-        return 1
-    # -----------------------
-    # Read in "rc" file
-    # -----------------------
-    rc=ESGFresources(resource)
-    # --------------------------------
-    # Extract CMIP5 Table information
-    # --------------------------------
-    oTable               = CMORTable(rc['inpath'], rc['table'])
-    if( not 'original_var' in rc.resources.keys() ):
-        sys.exit(-1)
-    rc['project_id']     = oTable[ 'project_id'     ]
-    rc['product']        = oTable[ 'product'        ]
-    rc['modeling_realm'] = oTable[ 'modeling_realm' ]
-    rc['frequency']      = oTable[ 'frequency'      ]
-    if( process(rc) ):
-        return -1
-    return 0
-# ********************************************************************
-#      Call main program and return exit code
-# ******************************************************************** 
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/obs4MIPs/ b/obs4MIPs/
deleted file mode 100644
index eb9a3cc..0000000
--- a/obs4MIPs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-from distutils.core import setup
-    name='Apache Open CLimate Workbench obs4MIPS',
-    version='1.0',
-    description='Convert observation data to CMIP5s',
-    author='Apache Open Climate Workbench',
-    author_email='',
-    url='',
-    py_modules=['obs4MIPs_process'],
-    packages=['','factory', 'Toolbox'],
-    package_data={'': ['Tables/*','examples/ECMWF/Y2013/*','examples/TRMM/v7/*']},