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Posted to by Prasanna R <> on 2019/05/02 05:25:06 UTC

Re: Carbondata performance over Parquet

Can you try the below schema with mentioned tableproperties and check the
query performance with Parquet once.

carbon.sql("create table carbon_test_new_7(flowSeqNum integer ,protocolId
integer ,srcTos integer ,dstTos integer ,tcpBits integer ,srcPort integer
,dstPort integer ,workerId integer ,epoch long ,rowNum long ,exportMs long
,pktSeqNum long ,inIfId long ,inIfEntityId long ,outIfId long ,outIfEntityId
long ,inOctets long ,outOctets long ,inPackets long ,outPackets long
,bgpSrcAsNum long ,bgpDstAsNum long ,endMs long ,startMs long
,policyQosQueueId long ,exporterIp string ,srcIp string ,dstIp string
,srcMask string ,dstMask string ,direction string ,nextHopIp string
,bgpNextHopIp string ,appName string ,srcIpGroup string ,dstIpGroup string
,appId string ,policyQosClassificationHierarchy string ,inIfEnabled boolean
,outIfEnabled boolean) stored as carbondata


Please let us know once after testing. 

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