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[03/13] CAMEL-7220 Added Camel Schematron component with thanks to Ayache
diff --git a/components/camel-schematron/src/main/resources/iso-schematron-xslt2/iso_schematron_skeleton_for_saxon.xsl b/components/camel-schematron/src/main/resources/iso-schematron-xslt2/iso_schematron_skeleton_for_saxon.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af0c843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/camel-schematron/src/main/resources/iso-schematron-xslt2/iso_schematron_skeleton_for_saxon.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,2299 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?><?xar XSLT?>
+   ASCC/ Skeleton Module for ISO Schematron (for XSLT2 systems)
+   ISO Schematron is a language for making assertion about the presence or absense
+   of patterns in XML documents. It is typically used for as a schema language, or
+   to augment existing schema languages, and to check business rules. It is very
+   powerful, yet quite simple: a developer only need know XPath and about five other
+   elements.
+   This is an open source implementation of ISO Schematron in XSLT. Although ISO does
+   not allow reference implementations which might compete with the text of the
+   standard, this code has been compiled by Rick Jelliffe, inventor of Schematron
+   and editor of the ISO standard; so developers can certainly use it as an 
+   unofficial reference implementation for clarification. 
+   This implementation is based on one by Oliver Becker. API documentation is 
+   available separately; try for this. Funding for this
+   stylesheet over the years has come from Topologi Pty. Ltd., Geotempo Ltd.,
+   and ASCC, Tapei.
+   There are two versions of this skeleton: one is tailored for XSLT1 processors
+   and the other is tailored for XSLT2 processors. Future versions of the
+   XSLT2 skeleton may support more features than that the XSLT 1 skeleton.
+   TIPS
+   A tip for new users of Schematron: make your assertions contain positive messages
+   about what is expected, rather than error messages. For example, use the form
+   "An X should have a Y, because Z". 
+   Another tip is that Schematron provides an
+   element <iso:ns> for declaring the namespaces and prefixes used in Xpaths in 
+   attribute values; it does not extend the XML Namespaces mechanism: if a name
+   in an XPath has a prefix, there must be an <iso:ns> element for that prefix; if
+   a name in an XPath does not have a prefix, it is always in no namespace.
+   A tip for implementers of Schematron, either using this API or re-implementing it:
+   make the value of the diagnostics, flags and richer features available if possible;
+   Schematron has many of the optional richer features which, if implemented, provide
+   a compelling alternative approach to validation and business-rules checking compared
+   to other schema languages and programs. 
+   If you create your own meta-stylesheet to override this one, it is a
+   good idea to have both in the same directory and to run the stylesheet
+   from that directory, as many XSLT implementations have ideosyncratic
+   handling of URLs: keep it simple.
+  The following parameters are available
+    phase           NMTOKEN | "#ALL" (default) Select the phase for validation
+    allow-foreign   "true" | "false" (default)   Pass non-Schematron elements to the generated stylesheet 
+    sch.exslt.imports semi-colon delimited string of filenames for some EXSLT implementations  
+    message-newline "true" (default) | "false"   Generate an extra newline at the end of messages 
+    debug	    "true" | "false" (default)  Debug mode lets compilation continue despite problems
+    attributes "true" | "false"  (Autodetecting) Use only when the schema has no attributes as the context nodes
+    only-child-elements "true" | "false" (Autodetecting) Use only when the schema has no comments
+    or PI  as the context nodes
+    langCode		ISO language code      language for skeleton errors, if available
+    terminate= yes | no | true | false | assert  Terminate on the first failed assertion or successful report
+                                         Note whether any output at all is generated depends on the XSLT implementation.
+  The following parameters can be specified as Schematron variables in diagnostics, assertions and so on.
+    fileNameParameter string	  
+    fileDirParameter string				
+    archiveNameParameter string	  In case of ZIP files
+    archiveDirParameter string	  In case of ZIP files	 
+ Experimental: USE AT YOUR OWN RISK   
+    visit-text "true" "false"   Also visist text nodes for context. WARNING: NON_STARDARD.
+    select-contents '' | 'key' | '//'   Select different implementation strategies
+ Conventions: Meta-stylesheets that override this may use the following parameters
+    generate-paths=true|false   generate the @location attribute with XPaths
+    full-path-notation = 1|2|3  select the notation for the full paths: 1=computer, 2=human, 3=obsolescent
+    diagnose= yes | no    Add the diagnostics to the assertion test in reports
+  XSLT 1:
+     A schema using the standard XSLT 1 query binding will have a /schema/@queryBinding='xslt' or 
+     nothing.
+       * Note: XT does not implement key() and will die if given it. 
+       * Add all formal parameters to default templates
+       * Fix missing apply-templates from process-ns and add params back
+  EXSLT:  Experimental support
+     A schema using the EXSLT query binding will have a /schema/@queryBinding='exslt'.
+     It is built on XSLT 1. After experience is gained, this binding is expected to be 
+     formalized as part of ISO Schematron, which currently reserves the "exslt" name for this purpose.
+     Some EXSLT engines have the extra functions built-in. For these, there is no need to
+     provide library locations. For engines that require the functions, either hard code
+     them in this script or provide them on the command-line argument.
+  XSLT 2:   Experimental support
+     A schema using the XSLT 2 query binding will have a /schema/@queryBinding='xslt2'.
+     This binding is expected to be formalized as part of ISO
+     Schematron, which currently reserves the "xslt2" name for this purpose.
+     The xsl:import-schema, xsl:key and xsl:function elements are allowed as top elements. 
+  XPATH:    Experimental support
+     A schema using the XPATH query binding will have a /schema/@queryBinding='xpath'.
+     It can run with XSLT 1 and is a strict superset of default ISO Schematron. After
+     experience is gained, this binding is expected to be formalized as part of ISO
+     Schematron, which currently reserves the "xpath" name for this purpose.
+     The intent of this query binding is to support minimal non-XSLT implementations of 
+     Schematron that use simple XPath APIs. These not only have fewer functions available
+     than the XSLT version of XPath, but some of them do not support variables. 
+     Consequently, in this binding, the <let> element and command-line variables passed
+     to the schema should not be used? 
+     The xsl:import-schema element is not allowed.
+   This stylesheet compiles a Schematron schema (*.sch) into XSLT code (*.xsl). 
+   The generated XSLT code can then be run against an XML file (*.xml, etc) and
+   will produce validation results.
+   The output of validation results is performed using named templates (process-*). 
+   These can be overridden easily by making a new XSLT stylesheet that imports this 
+   stylesheet but has its own version of the relevant process-* templates. Several
+   of these invoking stylesheets are available: "iso_svrl.xsl", for example generates
+   ISO Schematron Validation Report Language format results.
+   In this version of the stylesheet, the ISO feature called "abstract patterns" is
+   implemented using macro processing: a prior XSLT stage to which converts uses
+   of abstract patterns into normal patterns. If you do not use abstract patterns,
+   it is not necessary to preprocess the schema.
+   To summarize, a basic process flow for some commandline processor is like this:
+     XSLT -input=xxx.sch  -output=xxx.xsl  -stylesheet=iso_schematron_skeleton.xsl
+     XSLT -input=document.xml  -output=xxx-document.results  -stylesheet=xxx.xsl
+   iso_svrl.xslt is an implementation of Schematron that can use this skeleton and
+   generate ISO SVRL reports. A process flow for some commandline processor would
+   be like this:
+     XSLT -input=xxx.sch  -output=xxx.xsl  -stylesheet=iso_svrl.xsl
+     XSLT -input=document.xml  -output=xxx-document.results  -stylesheet=xxx.xsl
+   It is not impossible that ultimately a third stage, to handle macro-preprocessing
+   and inclusion, might be necessary. (The trade-off is in making this XSLT more
+   complex compared to making the outer process more complex.)
+  This version has been developed to work with 
+     Saxon 9
+  For versions for XSLT 1 processors, see
+ Please note that if you are using SAXON and JAXP, then you should use 
+  System.setProperty("javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory",
+                          "net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl");
+ rather than 
+  System.setProperty("javax.xml.xpath.TransformerFactory",
+                           "net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl");
+ which is does not work, at least for the versions of SAXON we tried.
+ Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Rick Jelliffe and Academia Sinica Computing Center, Taiwan
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. 
+ In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from 
+ the use of this software.
+ Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 
+ including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
+ subject to the following restrictions:
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim
+ that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, 
+ an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is 
+ not required.
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be 
+ misrepresented as being the original software.
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+     2010-04-14
+     	* RJ Reorder call-template in exslt case only, report by BD
+        * Add command line parameter 'terminate' which will terminate on first failed 
+        assert and (optionally) successful report. 
+     2010-01-24
+     	* RJ Allow let elements to have direct content instead of @value 
+     2009-08020 
+        * RJ Give better scoping to resolution of abstract rules
+     2009-07-07
+     	* RJ Fix up warning on looking for @* on root  TODO CHECK!!!!
+     2009-05-10 
+     	* RJ Fix up incorrect use of tunnel
+     2009-02-25 
+        * RJ Fix up variable names so none are used twice in same template
+      2009-02-19
+        * RJ add experimental support for pattern/@documents 
+        This takes an XPath that returns a sequence of strings, treats them as 
+        relative URI references, and goes through these. It may need to be expanded
+        to allow absolute paths.
+    2008-09-19 RJ
+        * Add mode schematron-select-full-path and param full-path-notation 
+   2008-08-19
+   		* RJ Add experimental property element.
+   		This acts like the diagnostics element. An attribute rule/@properties,
+   		assert/@properties and report/@properties can contain a list of ids
+   		which reference a /schema/proporties/property/@id. This is a property
+   		which will be carried over to the output, eg SVRL. It can have @name,
+   		and the value is @value or the contents. Properties on rules are 
+   		properties regardless of validation: they should apply to the subject
+   		element. Properties on asserts and reports only make it through in the
+   		negative case, at the moment, so they are really just a place to hold
+   		structured info, eg. for diagnostics. The properties mechanism addresses
+   		a bother with Schematron, that you have to post-process the document to
+    	get any kind of structured data that might be nice in the output report. 
+   2008-08-14
+   		* RJ move all messages into localization strings, add langCode parameter, 
+   		named template to call external file in same directory as this xslt.
+   		The file should be called sch-message-$langCode.xhtml ($langCode example "en")
+   2008-08-11
+   		* TT report/@flag was missing
+   2008-08-06
+   		* TT Top-level lets need to be implemented using xsl:param not xsl:variable
+   		* TT xsl:param/@select must have XPath or not be specified
+   2008-08-04 
+   		* RJ add saxon namespace to output to allow extension functions
+   Version: 2008-07-28
+   		* KH schematron-get-full-path-3 has [index] even on top step
+   Version: 2008-07-24
+   		* RJ clean out commented out namespace handling code 
+   		* RJ allow schema/@queryBinding='xpath2' and warn if variables are
+   		used
+   Version: 2008-07-14 update for XSLT2 and inclusion experiments
+   		* RJ Clean up zero-length fragment test on include
+   		* RJ Add experimental support for include containers
+   		* RJ Add support for xsl:import-schema (request Paul Hermans)
+   		* RJ Add support for xsl:function
+   		* RJ For path generation, test for //iso:schema not just /iso:schema, for potential embedded Schematron support
+   		* RJ Don't generate double error messages for old namespace elements
+   		* RJ Experimental iso:rule/iso:title just kept as comment (bigger request Uche Ogbuji)
+   		* RJ Fix bug that prevented including patterns in this (report Roger
+   	Costello)
+   Version: 2007-10-17
+     Forked out version just to support SAXON 8 and potentially other XSLT2 processors.
+       * RJ use xsl:namespace element
+       * RJ use schold as namespace for old schematron, to prevent SAXON complaining
+         when validating the Schematron schema for Schematron
+       * RJ fix FULL-PATH for attributes
+   Version: 2007-07-19
+     Accept most changes in David Carlisle's fork, but continue as XSLT1 script: 
+    	* DPC Remove "optimize" parameter
+    	* DPC Add autodetecting optimize parameter attribute to skip checking attribute
+    	context
+    	* DPC Add autodetecting optimize parameter only-child-elements turn off checking for 
+    	comments and PIs
+    	* DPC (Experimental: NON_STANDARD DANGER!) Add param visit-text to viist text
+    	nodes too for context 
+    	* DPC Fix inclusion syntax to allow #
+    	* DPC Priorities count up from 1000 not down from 4000 to allow more rules
+        * RJ Add new template for titles of schemas, with existing behaviour.  
+        Override process-schema-title for custom processing of title
+   Version: 2007-04-04
+   	* RJ debug mode param
+	* RJ alter mixed test to only test mixed branches, so the same document
+	could have old and new namespaces schemas in it, but each schema must
+	be distinct, just so as not to overconstrain things.
+   	* KH zero-length include/@href is fatal error, but allow debug mode
+	* SB add hint on SAXON and JAXP
+	* DC generate-full-path-1 generates XLST1 code by default
+   Version: 2007-03-05
+      	* AS Typo for EXSLT randome, improve comment
+      	* KH get-schematron-full-path-2 needs to apply to attributes too
+      	* DP document policy on extensions better
+      	* DC use copy-of not copy for foreign elements
+      	* DC add generate-path-2
+      	* DC don't try to apply templates to attribute axis on attribute nodes, to
+      	stop SAXON warning.
+      	* RJ improve reporting of typos 
+   Version: 2007-02-08
+   		* KH Schematron fullpath implementation: @* handled twice and / missing
+   		* KH Change stylesheetbody from named template to mode to allow implementers more flexibility.
+   		  Move process-ns to outside the stylesheet body.
+   		* DP, FG, fix handling of xslt:key
+   		* FG no iso:title/@class
+   		* Experimental optimization 'visit-no-attributes'
+   		* KH Experimental added schematron-get-full-path-2 which gives prefixed version for humans
+ 		* DC Move stylesheet/@version generation to after namespace handling
+ 		* DC, FG EXSLT namespace handling code
+ 		* FG add ref and commented code from FG's page on namespaces
+ 		* Start adding normalize-space() to parameter code
+ 		* Add a space between diagnostics
+   Version: 2007-01-22
+   	* DP change = ($start) to = $start and =($phase) to =$phase 
+   	to run under Saxon 8.8j
+	* FG better title section using ( @id | iso:title)[last()]
+	* Default query language binding is "xslt" not "xslt1"
+   Version: 2007-01-19
+   		* Simplify message newline code
+   		* Remove termination and xpath appending to message options: 
+   		   factor out as  iso_schematron_terminator.xsl
+   		* Comment out XSLT2 namespace fix temporarily
+   Version: 2007-01-18 (First beta candidate for comment)
+          * DC remove xml:space="preserve"
+          * FG improve comment on import statement
+          * DC improve comments on invocation section
+          * Add exploratory support for iso:schema[@queryBinding='xpath']
+             by allowing it and warning as lets are found
+          * Be strict about queryBinding spelling errors
+          * Extra comments on the different queryBindings
+          * KH Add option "message-paths" to generate XPath from output 
+          * KH Add option "terminate" to halt with an error after the first assertion
+          * KH refactor paths in schematron-full-path
+          * Improve (?) namespace handling: no dummy attributes for prefix "xsl" generated
+   Version: 2007-01-15
+          * FG fix for calling templates
+          * Add formal parameters to default templates: may help XSLT 2
+          * Fix get-schematron-full-path
+          * Include skeleton1-6 is commented out by default
+   Version:2007-01-12 (Pre-beta release to Schematron-love-in maillist)
+           * Add many extra parameters to the process-* calls, so that almost
+           all the information in the schema can be provided to client programs.
+           Also, rearrange the parameters to fit in with the ISO schema, which
+           has "rich" and "linkable" attribute groups.
+           * Warn on diagnostics with no ID once only
+           * Improved path reporting, to handle for namespaces
+           * Add process-title dummy template for API
+           * Add command-line parameter allow-foreign (true|false) to suppress
+            warnings one foreign elements and pass them through to the generated
+            stylesheet
+           * remove legacy templates for the old ASCC namespace and no namespace, 
+              and use an import statement instead. Much cleaner now!
+           * patterns use @id not @name
+           * titles can contain sub-elements
+           * start change iso:rule to allow attributes, PIs and comments 
+           * the default process-* for inline elements add a leading and trailing 
+             space, to reduce the chance of concatenation.
+           * add comments to make the generated code clearer
+   Version:2006-11-07 (ISO: first release private to schematron-love-in maillist for review)
+           * Duplicate pattern templates, for handling ISO namespace
+           * Add priority onto default and paragraph templates
+           * Add namespace checks
+           * Handle key in xsl namespace not iso
+           * Add include
+           * Improve namespace handling
+           * Preliminary XSLT2 and EXSLT support
+	       * Refactor iso:schema for clarity
+    Version: 2003-05-26 
+    	    * Fix bug with key 
+    Version: 2003-04-16
+    	   * handle 1.6 let expressions
+    	   * make key use XSLT names, and allow anywhere
+    Version: 2001-06-13
+           * same skeleton now supports namespace or no namespace
+           * parameters to handlers updated for all 1.5 attributes 
+           * diagnostic hints supported: command-line option diagnose=yes|no
+           * phases supported: command-line option phase=#ALL|...
+           * abstract rules
+           * compile-time error messages  
+	   * add utility routine generate-id-from-path
+    Contributors: Rick Jelliffe (original), Oliver Becker (architecture, XSLT2), 
+             Miloslav Nic (diagnostic, phase, options), Ludwig Svenonius (abstract)
+             Uche Ogbuji (misc. bug fixes), Jim Ancona (SAXON workaround),
+	 	     Francis Norton (generate-id-from-path), Robert Leftwich, Bryan Rasmussen,
+             Dave Pawson (include, fallback), Florent Georges (namespaces, exslt, attribute
+             context), Benoit Maisonny (attribute context), John Dumps (process-message newline),
+             Cliff Stanford (diagnostics and other newlines)
+      * Don't use <iso:ns prefix="xsl" .../> with a namespace other than the standard
+      XSLT one. This would be a bizarre thing to do anyway. 
+      * Don't use other prefixes for the XSLT namespace either; some implementations will
+      not handle it correctly.
+      ISO Schematron is designed as a framework with some standard query language
+      bindings. If you need to support other features, please do so safely by making
+      up your own @queryLanguage name: this makes it clear that your schema requires
+      special features. For example, default ISO Schematron does not support user
+      defined functions; so if you want to use the user defined function feature
+      in XSLT, you need to have a schema with some queryBinding attribute name like
+      "XSLT-with-my-functions" or whatever.
+	xmlns:xsl="" 
+	xmlns:axsl="" 
+    xmlns:schold=""
+    xmlns:iso="" 
+    xmlns:exsl="" 
+    xmlns:xhtml="" 
+    xmlns:xs=""
+    extension-element-prefixes="exsl"
+    version="2.0"
+	 >
+<!-- This program implements ISO Schematron, except for abstract patterns 
+which require a preprocess.
+<xsl:namespace-alias stylesheet-prefix="axsl" result-prefix="xsl"/>
+<!-- Category: top-level-element -->
+<xsl:output method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="no" standalone="yes"  indent="yes"/>
+<xsl:param name="phase">
+   <xsl:choose>   
+    <xsl:when test="//iso:schema/@defaultPhase">
+      <xsl:value-of select="//iso:schema/@defaultPhase"/>
+    </xsl:when>
+    <xsl:otherwise>#ALL</xsl:otherwise>
+  </xsl:choose>
+<xsl:param name="allow-foreign">false</xsl:param>
+<xsl:param name="message-newline">true</xsl:param>
+<!-- DPC set to true if contexts should be checked on attribute nodes
+         defaults to true if there is any possibility that a context could match an attribute,
+         err on the side if caution, a context of *[.='@'] would cause this param to defualt to true
+         even though @ is in a string
+<xsl:param name="attributes">
+  <xsl:choose>
+    <xsl:when test="//iso:rule[contains(@context,'@') or contains(@context,'attribute')]">true</xsl:when>
+    <xsl:otherwise>false</xsl:otherwise>
+  </xsl:choose>
+<!-- DPC set to true if contexts should be checked on just elements in the child axis
+         defaults to true if there is any possibility that a context could match an comment or PI
+         err on the side if caution, a context of *[.='('] would cause this param to defualt to true
+         even though ( is in a string, but node() comment() and processing-instruction()  all have a (
+<xsl:param name="only-child-elements">
+  <xsl:choose>
+    <xsl:when test="//iso:rule[contains(@context,'(')]">true</xsl:when>
+    <xsl:otherwise>false</xsl:otherwise>
+  </xsl:choose>
+<!-- DPC set to true if contexts should be checked on text nodes nodes (if only-child-elements is false)
+	 Always defaults to false
+<xsl:param name="visit-text" select="'false'"/>
+<!-- DPC
+  When selecting contexts the specified behaviour is
+    @*|node()[not(self::text())]
+    The automatic settings may use
+      node()[not(self::text())]
+      @*|*
+      *
+  instead for schema for which they are equivalent.
+  If the params are set explictly the above may be used, and also either if
+      @*
+      @*|node()
+   in all cases the result may not be equivalent, for example if you specify no attributes and the schema 
+   does have attribute contexts they will be silently ignored.
+  after testing it turns out that
+  node()[not(self::text())] is slower in saxon than *|comment()|processing-instruction() 
+  which I find a bit surprising but anyway I'll use the longr faster version.
+<xsl:variable name="context-xpath">
+  <xsl:if test="$attributes='true' and parent::node() ">@*|</xsl:if>
+  <xsl:choose>
+    <xsl:when test="$only-child-elements='true'">*</xsl:when>
+    <xsl:when test="$visit-text='true'">node()</xsl:when>
+    <xsl:otherwise>*|comment()|processing-instruction()</xsl:otherwise>
+  </xsl:choose>
+<!-- DPC if this is set to 
+    '' use recursive templates to iterate over document tree,
+    'key' select  all contexts with a key rather than walking the tree explictly in each mode
+    '//' select all contexts with // a key rather than walking the tree explictly in each mode (XSLT2 only)
+<xsl:param name="select-contexts" select="''"/>
+<!-- e.g. saxon file.xml file.xsl "sch.exslt.imports=.../string.xsl;.../math.xsl" -->
+<xsl:param name="sch.exslt.imports"/>
+<xsl:param name="debug">false</xsl:param>
+<!-- Set the language code for messages -->
+<xsl:param name="langCode">default</xsl:param>
+<!-- Set the default for schematron-select-full-path, i.e. the notation for svrl's @location-->
+<xsl:param name="full-path-notation">1</xsl:param>
+<xsl:param name="terminate">false</xsl:param>
+<!-- Simple namespace check -->
+<xsl:template match="/">
+    <xsl:if  test="//schold:*[ancestor::iso:* or descendant::iso:*]">
+	<xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">1</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+    </xsl:if>
+    <xsl:apply-templates />
+<!-- ============================================================== -->
+<!-- Not handled: Abstract patterns. A pre-processor is assumed. -->
+<!-- ============================================================== -->
+<!-- SCHEMA -->
+<!-- Default uses XSLT 1 -->
+<xsl:template match="iso:schema[not(@queryBinding) or @queryBinding='xslt' 
+     or @queryBinding='xslt1' or @queryBinding='XSLT' or @queryBinding='XSLT1'
+     or @queryBinding='xpath']">
+     <xsl:if test="
+	     @queryBinding='xslt1' or @queryBinding='XSLT' or @queryBinding='XSLT1'">
+	     <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">2</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+	</xsl:if>
+	<axsl:stylesheet>
+	    <xsl:apply-templates 
+		select="iso:ns" />
+	    <!-- Handle the namespaces before the version attribute: reported to help SAXON -->
+	    <xsl:attribute name="version">1.0</xsl:attribute>
+		<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="stylesheetbody"/>
+		<!-- was xsl:call-template name="stylesheetbody"/ -->
+	</axsl:stylesheet>
+<!-- Using EXSLT with all modeles (except function module: not applicable) -->
+<xsl:template match="iso:schema[@queryBinding='exslt']" priority="10">
+    <xsl:comment>This XSLT was automatically generated from a Schematron schema.</xsl:comment>
+	<axsl:stylesheet
+ 	  	xmlns:date=""
+ 	  	xmlns:dyn=""
+		xmlns:exsl=""
+		xmlns:math=""
+   		xmlns:random=""
+  		xmlns:regexp=""
+   		xmlns:set=""
+   		xmlns:str=""
+   		extension-element-prefixes="date dyn exsl math random regexp set str" >
+        <xsl:apply-templates
+		select="iso:ns" />
+	    <!-- Handle the namespaces before the version attribute: reported to help SAXON -->
+	    <xsl:attribute name="version">1.0</xsl:attribute>
+	    <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="stylesheetbody"/>
+		<!-- was xsl:call-template name="stylesheetbody"/ -->
+	</axsl:stylesheet>
+<!-- Using XSLT 2 -->
+	match="iso:schema[@queryBinding='xslt2' or @queryBinding ='xpath2']" 
+	priority="10">
+	<axsl:stylesheet
+	   xmlns:xs="" 
+	   xmlns:xsd="" 
+	   xmlns:saxon="" 
+	   >
+        <xsl:apply-templates 
+		select="iso:ns" />
+	    <!-- Handle the namespaces before the version attribute: reported to help SAXON -->
+	    <xsl:attribute name="version">2.0</xsl:attribute>
+		<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="stylesheetbody"/>
+		<!-- was xsl:call-template name="stylesheetbody"/ -->
+	</axsl:stylesheet>
+<!-- Uses unknown query language binding -->
+<xsl:template match="iso:schema" priority="-1">
+	<xsl:message terminate="yes" ><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">3a</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template>
+	<xsl:value-of select="@queryBinding"/>
+	<xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">3b</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>        
+<xsl:template match="*" mode="stylesheetbody">
+	<!--xsl:template name="stylesheetbody"-->
+    <xsl:comment>Implementers: please note that overriding process-prolog or process-root is 
+    the preferred method for meta-stylesheets to use where possible. </xsl:comment><xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+    <!-- These parameters may contain strings with the name and directory of the file being
+   validated. For convenience, if the caller only has the information in a single string,
+   that string could be put in fileDirParameter. The archives parameters are available
+   for ZIP archives.
+	-->
+    <xsl:call-template name="iso:exslt.add.imports" /> <!-- RJ moved report BH -->
+	<axsl:param name="archiveDirParameter" />
+	<axsl:param name="archiveNameParameter" />
+	<axsl:param name="fileNameParameter"  />
+	<axsl:param name="fileDirParameter" /> 
+    <axsl:variable name="document-uri"><axsl:value-of select="document-uri(/)" /></axsl:variable>
+    <xsl:text>&#10;&#10;</xsl:text><xsl:comment>PHASES</xsl:comment><xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+	<xsl:call-template name="handle-phase"/> 
+    <xsl:text>&#10;&#10;</xsl:text><xsl:comment>PROLOG</xsl:comment><xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+	<xsl:call-template name="process-prolog"/> 
+    <xsl:text>&#10;&#10;</xsl:text><xsl:comment>XSD TYPES FOR XSLT2</xsl:comment><xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+	<xsl:apply-templates mode="do-types"   select="xsl:import-schema"/>
+    <xsl:text>&#10;&#10;</xsl:text><xsl:comment>KEYS AND FUNCTIONS</xsl:comment><xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+	<xsl:apply-templates mode="do-keys"   select="xsl:key | xsl:function "/>
+    <xsl:text>&#10;&#10;</xsl:text><xsl:comment>DEFAULT RULES</xsl:comment><xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+    <xsl:call-template name="generate-default-rules" />
+    <xsl:text>&#10;&#10;</xsl:text><xsl:comment>SCHEMA SETUP</xsl:comment><xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+    <xsl:call-template name="handle-root"/>
+    <xsl:text>&#10;&#10;</xsl:text><xsl:comment>SCHEMATRON PATTERNS</xsl:comment><xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+	<xsl:apply-templates select="*[not(self::iso:ns)] " />
+    <xsl:template name="iso:exslt.add.imports">
+      <xsl:param name="imports" select="$sch.exslt.imports"/>
+      <xsl:choose>
+        <xsl:when test="contains($imports, ';')">
+          <axsl:import href="{ substring-before($imports, ';') }"/>
+          <xsl:call-template name="iso:exslt.add.imports">
+            <xsl:with-param name="imports"  select="substring-after($imports, ';')"/>
+          </xsl:call-template>
+        </xsl:when>
+        <xsl:when test="$imports">
+          <axsl:import href="{ $imports }"/>
+        </xsl:when>
+      </xsl:choose>
+    </xsl:template>
+<xsl:template name="handle-phase" >
+    <!-- This just tests that the phase exists -->
+	<xsl:if test="not(normalize-space( $phase ) = '#ALL')">
+	  <xsl:if test="not(iso:phase[@id = normalize-space( $phase )])">
+		  <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">4a</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template>
+		  <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space( $phase )"/>
+		  <xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">4b</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+	  </xsl:if>
+     </xsl:if>
+<xsl:template name="generate-default-rules">
+		<xsl:text>&#10;&#10;</xsl:text>
+		<xsl:comment>MODE: SCHEMATRON-SELECT-FULL-PATH</xsl:comment><xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+		<xsl:comment>This mode can be used to generate an ugly though full XPath for locators</xsl:comment><xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+   		<axsl:template match="*" mode="schematron-select-full-path">
+   			<xsl:choose>
+   				<xsl:when test=" $full-path-notation = '1' ">
+   					<!-- Use for computers, but rather unreadable for humans -->
+					<axsl:apply-templates select="." mode="schematron-get-full-path"/>
+				</xsl:when>
+   				<xsl:when test=" $full-path-notation = '2' ">
+   					<!-- Use for humans, but no good for paths unless namespaces are known out-of-band -->
+					<axsl:apply-templates select="." mode="schematron-get-full-path-2"/>
+				</xsl:when>
+   				<xsl:when test=" $full-path-notation = '3' "> 
+   					<!-- Obsolescent. Use for humans, but no good for paths unless namespaces are known out-of-band -->
+					<axsl:apply-templates select="." mode="schematron-get-full-path-3"/>
+				</xsl:when>
+                   <xsl:otherwise >
+                       <!-- Use for computers, but rather unreadable for humans -->
+                    <axsl:apply-templates select="." mode="schematron-get-full-path"/>
+                </xsl:otherwise>
+			</xsl:choose>
+		</axsl:template>
+		<xsl:text>&#10;&#10;</xsl:text>
+		<xsl:comment>MODE: SCHEMATRON-FULL-PATH</xsl:comment><xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+		<xsl:comment>This mode can be used to generate an ugly though full XPath for locators</xsl:comment><xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+   		<axsl:template match="*" mode="schematron-get-full-path">
+			<axsl:apply-templates select="parent::*" mode="schematron-get-full-path"/>
+			<xsl:choose>
+				<xsl:when test="//iso:schema[@queryBinding='xslt2']">
+					<!-- XSLT2 syntax -->
+			<axsl:text>/</axsl:text>		
+			<axsl:choose>
+      			<axsl:when test="namespace-uri()=''"><axsl:value-of select="name()"/></axsl:when>
+      			<axsl:otherwise>
+      				<axsl:text>*:</axsl:text>
+      				<axsl:value-of select="local-name()"/>
+      				<axsl:text>[namespace-uri()='</axsl:text>
+      				<axsl:value-of select="namespace-uri()"/>
+      				<axsl:text>']</axsl:text>
+      			</axsl:otherwise>
+    		</axsl:choose>
+    		<axsl:variable name="preceding" select=
+    		"count(preceding-sibling::*[local-name()=local-name(current())
+	  		                             and namespace-uri() = namespace-uri(current())])" />
+			<axsl:text>[</axsl:text>
+	  		<axsl:value-of select="1+ $preceding"/>
+	  		<axsl:text>]</axsl:text>
+		</xsl:when>
+		<xsl:otherwise>
+			<!-- XSLT1 syntax -->
+			<axsl:text>/</axsl:text>
+			<axsl:choose>
+			<axsl:when test="namespace-uri()=''">
+			<axsl:value-of select="name()"/>
+			<axsl:variable name="p_1" select="1+
+			count(preceding-sibling::*[name()=name(current())])" />
+		<axsl:if test="$p_1&gt;1 or following-sibling::*[name()=name(current())]">
+		  <xsl:text/>[<axsl:value-of select="$p_1"/>]<xsl:text/>
+		</axsl:if>
+		</axsl:when>
+		<axsl:otherwise>
+		<axsl:text>*[local-name()='</axsl:text>
+		<axsl:value-of select="local-name()"/>
+		<axsl:text>']</axsl:text>
+		<axsl:variable name="p_2" select="1+
+		count(preceding-sibling::*[local-name()=local-name(current())])" />
+		<axsl:if test="$p_2&gt;1 or following-sibling::*[local-name()=local-name(current())]">
+		  <xsl:text/>[<axsl:value-of select="$p_2"/>]<xsl:text/>
+		</axsl:if>
+		</axsl:otherwise>
+		</axsl:choose> 
+		</xsl:otherwise>
+	</xsl:choose>
+       	 	</axsl:template>
+		<axsl:template match="@*" mode="schematron-get-full-path">
+			<xsl:choose>
+				<xsl:when test="//iso:schema[@queryBinding='xslt2']">
+					<!-- XSLT2 syntax -->
+			<axsl:apply-templates select="parent::*" mode="schematron-get-full-path"/>
+      		<axsl:text>/</axsl:text>
+			<axsl:choose>
+      			<axsl:when test="namespace-uri()=''">@<axsl:value-of select="name()"/></axsl:when>
+      			<axsl:otherwise>
+      				<axsl:text>@*[local-name()='</axsl:text>
+      				<axsl:value-of select="local-name()"/>
+      				<axsl:text>' and namespace-uri()='</axsl:text>
+      				<axsl:value-of select="namespace-uri()"/>
+      				<axsl:text>']</axsl:text>
+      			</axsl:otherwise>
+    		</axsl:choose>
+	</xsl:when>
+		<xsl:otherwise>
+			<!-- XSLT1 syntax -->
+		<axsl:text>/</axsl:text>
+		<axsl:choose>
+		<axsl:when test="namespace-uri()=''">@<axsl:value-of
+		select="name()"/></axsl:when>
+		<axsl:otherwise>
+		<axsl:text>@*[local-name()='</axsl:text>
+		<axsl:value-of select="local-name()"/>
+		<axsl:text>' and namespace-uri()='</axsl:text>
+		<axsl:value-of select="namespace-uri()"/>
+		<axsl:text>']</axsl:text>
+		</axsl:otherwise>
+		</axsl:choose> 
+			</xsl:otherwise>
+			</xsl:choose>
+		</axsl:template>
+	<xsl:text>&#10;&#10;</xsl:text>
+	<xsl:comment>MODE: SCHEMATRON-FULL-PATH-2</xsl:comment>
+	<xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+	<xsl:comment>This mode can be used to generate prefixed XPath for humans</xsl:comment>
+	<xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+	<!--simplify the error messages by using the namespace prefixes of the
+     instance rather than the generic namespace-uri-styled qualification-->
+	<axsl:template match="node() | @*" mode="schematron-get-full-path-2">
+	<!--report the element hierarchy-->
+		<axsl:for-each select="ancestor-or-self::*">
+			<axsl:text>/</axsl:text>
+			<axsl:value-of select="name(.)"/>
+			<axsl:if test="preceding-sibling::*[name(.)=name(current())]">
+				<axsl:text>[</axsl:text>
+				<axsl:value-of
+					select="count(preceding-sibling::*[name(.)=name(current())])+1"/>
+				<axsl:text>]</axsl:text>
+			</axsl:if>
+		</axsl:for-each>
+		<!--report the attribute-->
+		<axsl:if test="not(self::*)">
+			<axsl:text/>/@<axsl:value-of select="name(.)"/>
+		</axsl:if>
+	</axsl:template>
+	<xsl:comment>MODE: SCHEMATRON-FULL-PATH-3</xsl:comment>
+	<xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+	<xsl:comment>This mode can be used to generate prefixed XPath for humans 
+	(Top-level element has index)</xsl:comment>
+	<xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+	<!--simplify the error messages by using the namespace prefixes of the
+     instance rather than the generic namespace-uri-styled qualification-->
+	<axsl:template match="node() | @*" mode="schematron-get-full-path-3">
+	<!--report the element hierarchy-->
+		<axsl:for-each select="ancestor-or-self::*">
+			<axsl:text>/</axsl:text>
+			<axsl:value-of select="name(.)"/>
+			<axsl:if test="parent::*">
+				<axsl:text>[</axsl:text>
+				<axsl:value-of
+					select="count(preceding-sibling::*[name(.)=name(current())])+1"/>
+				<axsl:text>]</axsl:text>
+			</axsl:if>
+		</axsl:for-each>
+		<!--report the attribute-->
+		<axsl:if test="not(self::*)">
+			<axsl:text/>/@<axsl:value-of select="name(.)"/>
+		</axsl:if>
+	</axsl:template>
+		<xsl:text>&#10;&#10;</xsl:text>
+		<xsl:comment>MODE: GENERATE-ID-FROM-PATH </xsl:comment><xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+		<!-- repeatable-id maker derived from Francis Norton's. -->
+		<!-- use this if you need generate ids in separate passes,
+		     because generate-id() is not guaranteed to produce the same
+		     results each time. These ids are not XML names but closer to paths. -->
+		<axsl:template match="/" mode="generate-id-from-path"/>
+		<axsl:template match="text()" mode="generate-id-from-path">
+			<axsl:apply-templates select="parent::*" mode="generate-id-from-path"/>
+			<axsl:value-of select="concat('.text-', 1+count(preceding-sibling::text()), '-')"/>
+		</axsl:template>
+		<axsl:template match="comment()" mode="generate-id-from-path">
+			<axsl:apply-templates select="parent::*" mode="generate-id-from-path"/>
+			<axsl:value-of select="concat('.comment-', 1+count(preceding-sibling::comment()), '-')"/>
+		</axsl:template>
+		<axsl:template match="processing-instruction()" mode="generate-id-from-path">
+			<axsl:apply-templates select="parent::*" mode="generate-id-from-path"/>
+			<axsl:value-of 
+			select="concat('.processing-instruction-', 1+count(preceding-sibling::processing-instruction()), '-')"/>
+		</axsl:template>
+		<axsl:template match="@*" mode="generate-id-from-path">
+			<axsl:apply-templates select="parent::*" mode="generate-id-from-path"/>
+			<axsl:value-of select="concat('.@', name())"/>
+		</axsl:template>
+		<axsl:template match="*" mode="generate-id-from-path" priority="-0.5">
+			<axsl:apply-templates select="parent::*" mode="generate-id-from-path"/>
+			<axsl:text>.</axsl:text>
+			<axsl:choose>
+				<axsl:when test="count(. | ../namespace::*) = count(../namespace::*)">
+					<axsl:value-of select="concat('.namespace::-',1+count(namespace::*),'-')"/>
+				</axsl:when>
+				<axsl:otherwise>
+				<axsl:value-of 
+				select="concat('.',name(),'-',1+count(preceding-sibling::*[name()=name(current())]),'-')"/>
+				</axsl:otherwise>
+			</axsl:choose>
+		</axsl:template>
+		<xsl:text>&#10;&#10;</xsl:text>
+		<xsl:comment>MODE: GENERATE-ID-2 </xsl:comment><xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
+		<!-- repeatable-id maker from David Carlisle. -->
+		<!-- use this if you need generate IDs in separate passes,
+		     because generate-id() is not guaranteed to produce the same
+		     results each time. These IDs are well-formed XML NMTOKENS -->
+	<axsl:template match="/" mode="generate-id-2">U</axsl:template>
+	<axsl:template match="*" mode="generate-id-2" priority="2">
+		<axsl:text>U</axsl:text>
+		<axsl:number level="multiple" count="*"/>
+	</axsl:template>
+	<axsl:template match="node()" mode="generate-id-2">
+		<axsl:text>U.</axsl:text>
+		<axsl:number level="multiple" count="*"/>
+		<axsl:text>n</axsl:text>
+		<axsl:number count="node()"/>
+	</axsl:template>
+	<axsl:template match="@*" mode="generate-id-2">
+		<axsl:text>U.</axsl:text>
+		<axsl:number level="multiple" count="*"/>
+		<axsl:text>_</axsl:text>
+		<axsl:value-of select="string-length(local-name(.))"/>
+		<axsl:text>_</axsl:text>
+		<axsl:value-of select="translate(name(),':','.')"/>
+	</axsl:template> 
+		<xsl:comment>Strip characters</xsl:comment>
+		<axsl:template match="text()" priority="-1" />
+  </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template name="handle-root">
+		<!-- Process the top-level element -->
+		<axsl:template match="/">
+			<xsl:call-template name="process-root">
+				<xsl:with-param 	
+				name="title" select="(@id | iso:title)[last()]"/>
+				<xsl:with-param name="version" select="'iso'" />
+				<xsl:with-param name="schemaVersion" select="@schemaVersion" />
+				<xsl:with-param name="queryBinding" select="@queryBinding" />
+				<xsl:with-param name="contents">
+					<xsl:apply-templates mode="do-all-patterns"/>
+				</xsl:with-param>
+				<!-- "Rich" properties -->
+				<xsl:with-param name="fpi" select="@fpi"/>
+				<xsl:with-param name="icon" select="@icon"/>
+				<xsl:with-param name="id" select="@id"/>
+				<xsl:with-param name="lang" select="@xml:lang"/>
+				<xsl:with-param name="see" select="@see" />
+				<xsl:with-param name="space" select="@xml:space" />
+			</xsl:call-template>
+		</axsl:template>
+<!-- ============================================================== -->
+<!-- ============================================================== -->
+	<!-- ISO ACTIVE -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:active">
+                <xsl:if test="not(@pattern)">
+                    <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">5</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+                </xsl:if>
+                <xsl:if test="not(../../iso:pattern[@id = current()/@pattern])
+                and not(../../iso:include)">
+                           <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">6a</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template>
+                           <xsl:value-of select="@pattern"/>
+					<xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">6b</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+                </xsl:if>
+        </xsl:template>
+	<!-- ISO ASSERT and REPORT -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:assert">
+                <xsl:if test="not(@test)">
+                    <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">7</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+                </xsl:if>
+        <xsl:text>&#10;&#10;		</xsl:text>
+		<xsl:comment>ASSERT <xsl:value-of select="@role" /> </xsl:comment><xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>      
+		<axsl:choose>
+			<axsl:when test="{@test}"/>
+			<axsl:otherwise>
+				<xsl:call-template name="process-assert">
+					<xsl:with-param name="test" select="normalize-space(@test)" />
+					<xsl:with-param name="diagnostics" select="@diagnostics"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="flag" select="@flag"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="properties" select="@properties" />
+					<!-- "Rich" properties -->
+					<xsl:with-param name="fpi" select="@fpi"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="icon" select="@icon"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="id" select="@id"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="lang" select="@xml:lang"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="see" select="@see" />
+					<xsl:with-param name="space" select="@xml:space" />
+					<!-- "Linking" properties -->
+					<xsl:with-param name="role" select="@role" />
+					<xsl:with-param name="subject" select="@subject" />
+				</xsl:call-template>
+			</axsl:otherwise>
+		</axsl:choose>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template match="iso:report">
+                <xsl:if test="not(@test)">
+                    <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">8</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+                </xsl:if>
+        <xsl:text>&#10;&#10;		</xsl:text>
+		<xsl:comment>REPORT <xsl:value-of select="@role" /> </xsl:comment><xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>      
+		<axsl:if test="{@test}">
+			<xsl:call-template name="process-report">
+				<xsl:with-param name="test" select="normalize-space(@test)" />
+				<xsl:with-param name="diagnostics" select="@diagnostics"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="flag" select="@flag"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="properties" select="@properties" />
+					<!-- "Rich" properties -->
+					<xsl:with-param name="fpi" select="@fpi"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="icon" select="@icon"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="id" select="@id"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="lang" select="@xml:lang"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="see" select="@see" />
+					<xsl:with-param name="space" select="@xml:space" />
+					<!-- "Linking" properties -->
+					<xsl:with-param name="role" select="@role" />
+					<xsl:with-param name="subject" select="@subject" />
+			</xsl:call-template>
+		</axsl:if>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<!-- We use a mode here to maintain backwards compatability, instead of adding it
+	     to the other mode.
+	-->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:diagnostic" mode="check-diagnostics">
+              <xsl:if test="not(@id)">
+                    <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">9</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+               </xsl:if>
+    </xsl:template>
+    <xsl:template match="iso:diagnostic"  >
+                <xsl:call-template name="process-diagnostic">
+					<!-- "Rich" properties -->
+					<xsl:with-param name="fpi" select="@fpi"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="icon" select="@icon"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="id" select="@id"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="lang" select="@xml:lang"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="see" select="@see" />
+					<xsl:with-param name="space" select="@xml:space" />
+               </xsl:call-template>
+        </xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template match="iso:diagnostics" >
+		<xsl:apply-templates mode="check-diagnostics" select="*" />
+	</xsl:template>
+	<!-- ISO DIR -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:dir"  mode="text" >
+		<xsl:call-template name="process-dir">
+			<xsl:with-param name="value" select="@value"/>
+		</xsl:call-template>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<!-- ISO EMPH -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:emph"  mode="text">
+		<xsl:call-template name="process-emph"/> 
+	</xsl:template>
+	<!-- ISO EXTENDS -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:extends">
+		<xsl:if test="not(@rule)">
+            <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">10</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+        </xsl:if>
+     	<xsl:if test="not(//iso:rule[@abstract='true'][@id= current()/@rule] )">
+            <xsl:message>
+                 <xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">11a</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template>
+                 <xsl:value-of select="@rule"/>
+                 <xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">11b</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+        </xsl:if>
+	    <xsl:call-template name="IamEmpty" />
+        <xsl:choose>
+            <!-- prefer to use a locally declared rule -->
+            <xsl:when test="parent::*/parent::*/iso:rule[@id=current()/@rule]">
+    		    <xsl:apply-templates select="parent::*/parent::*/iso:rule[@id=current()/@rule]"
+				    mode="extends"/>
+            </xsl:when>
+            <!-- otherwise use a global one: this is not in the 2006 standard -->
+            <xsl:when test="//iso:rule[@id=current()/@rule]">
+    		    <xsl:apply-templates select="//iso:rule[@id=current()/@rule]"
+				    mode="extends"/>
+            </xsl:when>
+        </xsl:choose>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<!-- KEY: ISO has no KEY -->
+	<!-- NOTE: 
+	     Key has had a checkered history. Schematron 1.0 allowed it in certain places, but
+	     users came up with a different location, which has now been adopted. 
+	     XT, the early XSLT processor, did not implement key and died when it was present. 
+	     So there are some versions of the Schematron skeleton for XT that strip out all
+	     key elements.
+	     Xalan (e.g. Xalan4C 1.0 and a Xalan4J) also had a funny. A fix involved making 
+	     a top-level parameter called $hiddenKey and then using that instead of matching
+	     "key". This has been removed.
+	     Keys and functions are the same mode, to allow their declaration to be mixed up.
+	-->
+	<xsl:template  match="xsl:key" mode="do-keys" >
+	     <xsl:if test="not(@name)">
+              <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">12</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+         </xsl:if>
+                <xsl:if test="not(@path) and not(@use)">
+                    <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">13</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+                </xsl:if>         
+	     <xsl:choose>
+	     	<xsl:when test="parent::iso:rule ">
+	        <xsl:call-template name="IamEmpty" />
+	       <xsl:choose>
+	       	<xsl:when test="@path">
+				<axsl:key match="{../@context}" name="{@name}" use="{@path}"/>
+			</xsl:when>
+			<xsl:otherwise>
+							<axsl:key match="{../@context}" name="{@name}" use="{@use}"/>
+			</xsl:otherwise>
+			</xsl:choose>	
+		</xsl:when>
+		<xsl:otherwise>
+                <xsl:if test="not(@match) ">
+                    <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">14</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+                </xsl:if>   		
+			<axsl:key>
+      			<xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
+    		</axsl:key>	
+		</xsl:otherwise>
+		</xsl:choose>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template match="xsl:key "  /><!-- swallow -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:key "  >
+		<xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">15</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+    </xsl:template>
+  <!-- XSL FUNCTION -->
+  <xsl:template  match="xsl:function" mode="do-keys" >
+	     <xsl:if test="not(@name)">
+              <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">16</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+         </xsl:if>      
+	     <xsl:copy-of select="."/>
+  </xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template match="xsl:function "  /><!-- swallow -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:function "  >
+		<xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">17</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+    </xsl:template>
+   <!-- ISO INCLUDE -->
+   <!-- This is only a fallback. Include really needs to have been done before this as a separate pass.-->
+   <xsl:template match="iso:include[not(normalize-space(@href))]"
+	   priority="1">
+	<xsl:if test=" $debug = 'false' ">
+		<xsl:message terminate="yes"><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">18</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+	</xsl:if>
+   </xsl:template>
+   <!-- Extend the URI syntax to allow # refererences -->
+   <!-- Note that XSLT2 actually already allows # references, but we override them because it
+   looks unreliable -->
+   <xsl:template match="iso:include">
+       <xsl:variable name="document-uri" select="substring-before(concat(@href,'#'), '#')"/>
+       <xsl:variable name="fragment-id" select="substring-after(@href, '#')"/>
+       <xsl:choose> 
+          <xsl:when test="string-length( $document-uri ) = 0 and string-length( $fragment-id ) = 0" >
+          	<xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">19</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+          </xsl:when> 
+          <xsl:when test="string-length( $fragment-id ) &gt; 0">
+              <xsl:variable name="theDocument_1" select="document( $document-uri,/ )" />
+              <xsl:variable name="theFragment_1" select="$theDocument_1//iso:*[@id= $fragment-id]" />
+              <xsl:if test="not($theDocument_1)">
+				<xsl:message terminate="no">
+					<xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">20a</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template>
+					<xsl:value-of select="@href"/>
+					<xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">20b</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template>
+				</xsl:message>
+			</xsl:if>
+              <xsl:if test=" $theFragment_1/self::iso:schema ">
+                 <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">21</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+              </xsl:if>
+              <xsl:apply-templates select=" $theFragment_1"/>
+		   </xsl:when>
+		   <xsl:otherwise>
+		   	  <!-- Import the top-level element if it is in schematron namespace,
+		   	  or its children otherwise, to allow a simple containment mechanism. -->
+              <xsl:variable name="theDocument_2" select="document( $document-uri,/ )" />
+              <xsl:variable name="theFragment_2" select="$theDocument_2/iso:*" />
+              <xsl:variable name="theContainedFragments" select="$theDocument_2/*/iso:*" />
+              <xsl:if test="not($theDocument_2)">
+				<xsl:message terminate="no">
+					<xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">20a</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template>
+					<xsl:value-of select="@href"/>
+					<xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">20b</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template>
+				</xsl:message>
+			</xsl:if>
+              <xsl:if test=" $theFragment_2/self::iso:schema or $theContainedFragments/self::iso:schema">
+                 <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">21</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+              </xsl:if>
+       		<xsl:apply-templates select="$theFragment_2 | $theContainedFragments "/>
+       	   </xsl:otherwise>
+       </xsl:choose>
+   </xsl:template>
+   <!-- This is to handle the particular case of including patterns -->  
+   <xsl:template match="iso:include" mode="do-all-patterns">
+       <xsl:variable name="document-uri" select="substring-before(concat(@href,'#'), '#')"/>
+       <xsl:variable name="fragment-id" select="substring-after(@href, '#')"/>
+       <xsl:choose> 
+          <xsl:when test="string-length( $document-uri ) = 0 and string-length( $fragment-id ) = 0" >
+          	<xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">19</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+          </xsl:when> 
+          <xsl:when test="string-length( $fragment-id ) &gt; 0">
+              <xsl:variable name="theDocument_1" select="document( $document-uri,/ )" />
+              <xsl:variable name="theFragment_1" select="$theDocument_1//iso:*[@id= $fragment-id ]" />
+              <xsl:if test=" $theFragment_1/self::iso:schema ">
+                 <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">21</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+              </xsl:if>
+              <xsl:apply-templates select=" $theFragment_1" mode="do-all-patterns"/>
+		   </xsl:when>
+		   <xsl:otherwise>
+		   	  <!-- Import the top-level element if it is in schematron namespace,
+		   	  or its children otherwise, to allow a simple containment mechanism. -->
+              <xsl:variable name="theDocument_2" select="document( $document-uri,/ )" />
+              <xsl:variable name="theFragment_2" select="$theDocument_2/iso:*" />
+              <xsl:variable name="theContainedFragments" select="$theDocument_2/*/iso:*" />
+              <xsl:if test=" $theFragment_2/self::iso:schema or $theContainedFragments/self::iso:schema">
+                 <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">21</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+              </xsl:if>
+       		<xsl:apply-templates select="$theFragment_2 | $theContainedFragments "
+       		mode="do-all-patterns" />
+       	   </xsl:otherwise>
+       </xsl:choose>
+   </xsl:template>
+	<!-- Importing an XSD schema allows the variour type operations to be available. -->
+	<xsl:template  match="xsl:import-schema" mode="do-types" >	 
+		<xsl:choose>
+		  <xsl:when test="ancestor::iso:schema[@queryBinding='xslt2']">
+		  	<xsl:copy-of select="." />
+		  </xsl:when>
+		<xsl:otherwise>
+			<xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">22</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+			</xsl:otherwise>
+		</xsl:choose>
+	</xsl:template>  
+	<!-- swallow -->	   
+    <xsl:template match="xsl:import-schema" />
+	<xsl:template match="iso:import-schema "  >
+		<xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">23</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+    </xsl:template>
+	<!-- ISO LET -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:let" >
+	  <xsl:if test="ancestor::iso:schema[@queryBinding='xpath']">
+                    <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">24</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+       </xsl:if>
+	  <xsl:if test="ancestor::iso:schema[@queryBinding='xpath2']">
+                    <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">25</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+       </xsl:if>
+       <!-- lets at the top-level are implemented as parameters unless they have contents -->
+       	<xsl:choose>
+       		<xsl:when test="parent::iso:schema">
+       			<!-- it is an error to have an empty param/@select because an XPath is expected -->
+	      			<xsl:choose>
+       				<xsl:when test="@value">
+	      				<axsl:param name="{@name}" select="{@value}">
+	      		 			<xsl:if test="string-length(@value) &gt; 0">
+	      		 				<xsl:attribute name="select"><xsl:value-of select="@value"/></xsl:attribute>
+	      		 			</xsl:if>
+	      		 		</axsl:param>
+	      		 	</xsl:when>
+	      		 	<xsl:otherwise>
+						<axsl:variable name="{@name}"  >
+						  <xsl:copy-of select="child::node()" />
+						</axsl:variable>
+	      		 	</xsl:otherwise> 
+	      		 </xsl:choose>
+       		</xsl:when>
+       		<xsl:otherwise>
+       		    <xsl:choose>
+       		    	<xsl:when  test="@value">
+						<axsl:variable name="{@name}" select="{@value}"/>
+					</xsl:when>
+					<xsl:otherwise>
+						<axsl:variable name="{@name}"  >
+						  <xsl:copy-of select="child::node()" />
+						</axsl:variable>
+				   </xsl:otherwise>
+				 </xsl:choose>
+			</xsl:otherwise>
+		</xsl:choose>
+	</xsl:template>	
+	<!-- ISO NAME -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:name" mode="text">
+		<xsl:if test="@path">
+			<xsl:call-template name="process-name">
+				<xsl:with-param name="name" select="concat('name(',@path,')')"/>
+			</xsl:call-template>
+		</xsl:if>
+		<xsl:if test="not(@path)">
+			<xsl:call-template name="process-name">
+				<xsl:with-param name="name" select="'name(.)'"/>
+			</xsl:call-template>
+		</xsl:if>
+	    <xsl:call-template name="IamEmpty" />
+	</xsl:template>
+	<!-- ISO NS -->
+	<!-- Namespace handling is XSLT is quite tricky and implementation dependent -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:ns">
+ 		<xsl:call-template name="handle-namespace" />
+	</xsl:template>
+    <!-- This template is just to provide the API hook -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:ns"  mode="do-all-patterns" >
+               <xsl:if test="not(@uri)">
+                    <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">26</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+                </xsl:if>
+               <xsl:if test="not(@prefix)">
+                    <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">27</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+                </xsl:if>
+	        <xsl:call-template name="IamEmpty" />
+		<xsl:call-template name="process-ns" >
+			<xsl:with-param name="prefix" select="@prefix"/>
+			<xsl:with-param name="uri" select="@uri"/>
+		</xsl:call-template>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<!-- ISO P -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:schema/iso:p " mode="do-schema-p" >
+		<xsl:call-template name="process-p">
+			<xsl:with-param name="class" select="@class"/>
+			<xsl:with-param name="icon" select="@icon"/>
+			<xsl:with-param name="id" select="@id"/>
+			<xsl:with-param name="lang" select="@xml:lang"/>
+		</xsl:call-template>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template match="iso:pattern/iso:p " mode="do-pattern-p" >
+		<xsl:call-template name="process-p">
+			<xsl:with-param name="class" select="@class"/>
+			<xsl:with-param name="icon" select="@icon"/>
+			<xsl:with-param name="id" select="@id"/>
+			<xsl:with-param name="lang" select="@xml:lang"/>
+		</xsl:call-template>
+	</xsl:template>
+    <!-- Currently, iso:p in other position are not passed through to the API -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:phase/iso:p" />
+	<xsl:template match="iso:p " priority="-1" />
+	<!-- ISO PATTERN -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:pattern" mode="do-all-patterns">
+	<xsl:if test="($phase = '#ALL') 
+	or (../iso:phase[@id= $phase]/iso:active[@pattern= current()/@id])">
+ 		<!-- Extension to allow validation in multiple documents -->  
+ 		<xsl:choose>
+		      	<xsl:when test="string-length(normalize-space(@documents))=0" >
+				    <xsl:call-template name="handle-pattern" />
+	 	       	</xsl:when>
+ 		    	<xsl:otherwise>  
+ 		    	<axsl:variable name="thePath"
+ 		    		select="{@documents}" 
+ 		    		as="xs:string*"  /> 
+				<axsl:for-each  select="$thePath">  
+					<axsl:choose>
+						<axsl:when test="starts-with( ., 'http:') or starts-with(., 'file:' )
+						   or starts-with(., '/')"><!-- try as absolute path -->
+		  					<axsl:for-each select="document(.)"> 
+		    					<xsl:call-template name="handle-pattern"  />
+							</axsl:for-each>
+						</axsl:when>
+						<axsl:otherwise><!-- is relative path -->
+		  					<axsl:for-each select="document(concat( $document-uri , '/../', .))"> 
+		    					<xsl:call-template name="handle-pattern"  />
+							</axsl:for-each>
+						</axsl:otherwise>
+				  </axsl:choose>		
+				</axsl:for-each>
+			</xsl:otherwise>
+		</xsl:choose>	
+     </xsl:if>
+   </xsl:template>
+   <xsl:template name="handle-pattern">
+		<xsl:call-template name="process-pattern">
+			<!-- the following select statement assumes that
+			@id | iso:title returns node-set in document order:
+			we want the title if it is there, otherwise the @id attribute -->
+			<xsl:with-param name="name" select="(@id | iso:title )[last()]"/>
+			<xsl:with-param name="is-a" select="''"/>
+					<!-- "Rich" properties -->
+					<xsl:with-param name="fpi" select="@fpi"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="icon" select="@icon"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="id" select="@id"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="lang" select="@xml:lang"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="see" select="@see" />
+					<xsl:with-param name="space" select="@xml:space" />
+		</xsl:call-template>
+		<xsl:choose>
+		  <!--  Use the key method -->
+		  <xsl:when test="$select-contexts='key'">
+		    <axsl:apply-templates select="key('M','M{count(preceding-sibling::*)}')" mode="M{count(preceding-sibling::*)}"/>
+		  </xsl:when>
+		  <!-- Use the // method -->
+		  <xsl:when test="$select-contexts='//'">
+		    <xsl:choose>
+			  	<xsl:when test="@document">
+			    	<!-- External document -->
+		    		<axsl:for-each select="{@document}">
+					<!-- same code as next block, but run from different context -->		    		
+		    		<axsl:apply-templates mode="M{count(preceding-sibling::*)}" >
+		      			<xsl:attribute name="select"> 
+							<xsl:text>//(</xsl:text>
+							<xsl:for-each select="iso:rule/@context">
+			  					<xsl:text>(</xsl:text>
+			  					<xsl:value-of select="."/>
+			  					<xsl:text>)</xsl:text>
+			  					<xsl:if test="position()!=last()">|</xsl:if>
+							</xsl:for-each>
+							<xsl:text>)</xsl:text>
+							<xsl:if test="$visit-text='false'">[not(self::text())]</xsl:if>
+		      			</xsl:attribute>
+		    		</axsl:apply-templates>
+		    		</axsl:for-each>
+		  		</xsl:when>
+		  		<xsl:otherwise>
+		    		<axsl:apply-templates mode="M{count(preceding-sibling::*)}" >
+		      			<xsl:attribute name="select"> 
+							<xsl:text>//(</xsl:text>
+							<xsl:for-each select="iso:rule/@context">
+			  					<xsl:text>(</xsl:text>
+			  					<xsl:value-of select="."/>
+			  					<xsl:text>)</xsl:text>
+			  					<xsl:if test="position()!=last()">|</xsl:if>
+							</xsl:for-each>
+							<xsl:text>)</xsl:text>
+							<xsl:if test="$visit-text='false'">[not(self::text())]</xsl:if>
+		      			</xsl:attribute>
+		    		</axsl:apply-templates>
+		    	</xsl:otherwise>
+		    </xsl:choose>
+		  </xsl:when>
+		  <!-- Use complete tree traversal -->
+		  <xsl:when test="@document">
+		    <!-- External document -->
+		    <axsl:for-each select="{@document}">
+		    	<axsl:apply-templates select="." mode="M{count(preceding-sibling::*)}"/>
+		    </axsl:for-each>
+		  </xsl:when>
+		  <xsl:otherwise>
+		    <axsl:apply-templates select="/" mode="M{count(preceding-sibling::*)}"/>
+		  </xsl:otherwise>
+		</xsl:choose>
+        <!--/xsl:if-->
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template match="iso:pattern[@abstract='true']">
+             <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">28</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+    </xsl:template>
+    <!-- Here is the template for the normal case of patterns -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:pattern[not(@abstract='true')]">
+      <xsl:if test="($phase = '#ALL') 
+	          or (../iso:phase[@id= $phase]/iso:active[@pattern= current()/@id])">
+		<xsl:text>&#10;&#10;</xsl:text>
+		<xsl:comment>PATTERN <xsl:value-of select="@id" /> <xsl:value-of select="iso:title" /> </xsl:comment><xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>      
+		<xsl:apply-templates />
+		<!-- DPC select-contexts test -->
+		<xsl:if test="not($select-contexts)">
+		  <axsl:template match="text()" priority="-1" mode="M{count(preceding-sibling::*)}">
+		    <!-- strip characters -->
+		  </axsl:template>
+		  <!-- DPC introduce context-xpath variable -->
+		  <axsl:template match="@*|node()"
+				 priority="-2"
+				 mode="M{ count(preceding-sibling::*) }">
+		    <axsl:apply-templates select="{$context-xpath}" mode="M{count(preceding-sibling::*)}"/>
+		  </axsl:template>
+		</xsl:if>
+      </xsl:if>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<!-- ISO PHASE -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:phase" >
+                <xsl:if test="not(@id)">
+                    <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">29</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+                </xsl:if>
+		  <xsl:apply-templates/>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<!-- PROPERTY Experiemental -->
+	<!-- We use a mode here to maintain backwards compatability, instead of adding it
+	     to the other mode.
+	-->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:property" mode="check-property">
+              <xsl:if test="not(@id)">
+                    <xsl:message>No property found with that ID</xsl:message>
+               </xsl:if>
+    </xsl:template>
+    <xsl:template match="iso:property"  >
+                <xsl:call-template name="process-property">
+					<xsl:with-param name="id" select="@id"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="name"  select="@name"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="value" select="@value" />
+					<xsl:with-param name="contents" select="*|text()" />
+				</xsl:call-template>   
+        </xsl:template>
+	<!-- PROPERTIES  experimental extension -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:properties" >
+		 <xsl:apply-templates mode="check-properties" select="property" /> 
+	</xsl:template>
+	<!-- ISO RULE -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:rule[not(@abstract='true')] ">
+                <xsl:if test="not(@context)">
+                    <xsl:message ><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">30</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+                    <xsl:message terminate="yes" />
+                </xsl:if>
+        <xsl:text>&#10;&#10;	</xsl:text>
+		<xsl:comment>RULE <xsl:value-of select="@id" /> </xsl:comment><xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>   
+        <xsl:if test="iso:title">
+		    <xsl:comment><xsl:value-of select="iso:title" /></xsl:comment>
+		  </xsl:if>
+		<!-- DPC select-contexts -->
+		<xsl:if test="$select-contexts='key'">
+		    <axsl:key name="M"
+			      match="{@context}" 
+			      use="'M{count(../preceding-sibling::*)}'"/>
+		</xsl:if>
+<!-- DPC priorities count up from 1000 not down from 4000 (templates in same priority order as before) -->
+		<axsl:template match="{@context}"
+		priority="{1000 + count(following-sibling::*)}" mode="M{count(../preceding-sibling::*)}">
+			<xsl:call-template name="process-rule">
+				<xsl:with-param name="context" select="@context"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="properties" select="@properties" />
+					<!-- "Rich" properties -->
+					<xsl:with-param name="fpi" select="@fpi"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="icon" select="@icon"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="id" select="@id"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="lang" select="@xml:lang"/>
+					<xsl:with-param name="see" select="@see" />
+					<xsl:with-param name="space" select="@xml:space" />
+					<!-- "Linking" properties -->
+					<xsl:with-param name="role" select="@role" />
+					<xsl:with-param name="subject" select="@subject" />
+			</xsl:call-template>
+			<xsl:apply-templates/>
+			<!-- DPC introduce context-xpath and select-contexts variables -->
+			<xsl:if test="not($select-contexts)">
+			  <axsl:apply-templates select="{$context-xpath}" mode="M{count(../preceding-sibling::*)}"/>
+			</xsl:if>
+		</axsl:template>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template match="iso:rule[@abstract='true'] " >
+		<xsl:if test=" not(@id)">
+                    <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">31</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+                </xsl:if>
+ 		<xsl:if test="@context">
+                    <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">32</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+                </xsl:if>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template match="iso:rule[@abstract='true']"
+		mode="extends" >
+                <xsl:if test="@context">
+                    <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">33</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+                </xsl:if>
+			<xsl:apply-templates/>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<!-- ISO SPAN -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:span" mode="text">
+		<xsl:call-template name="process-span">
+			<xsl:with-param name="class" select="@class"/>
+		</xsl:call-template>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<!-- ISO TITLE -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:schema/iso:title"  priority="1">
+	     <xsl:call-template name="process-schema-title" />
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template match="iso:title" >
+	     <xsl:call-template name="process-title" />
+	</xsl:template>
+	<!-- ISO VALUE-OF -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:value-of" mode="text" >
+        <xsl:if test="not(@select)">
+            <xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">34</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+        </xsl:if>
+	    <xsl:call-template name="IamEmpty" />
+		<xsl:choose>
+			<xsl:when test="@select">
+				<xsl:call-template name="process-value-of">
+					<xsl:with-param name="select" select="@select"/>  
+				</xsl:call-template>
+			</xsl:when>
+			<xsl:otherwise >
+				<xsl:call-template name="process-value-of">
+					<xsl:with-param name="select" select="'.'"/>
+				</xsl:call-template>
+			</xsl:otherwise>
+        </xsl:choose> 
+	</xsl:template>
+<!-- ============================================================== -->
+<!-- ============================================================== -->
+	<xsl:template match="text()" priority="-1" mode="do-keys">
+		<!-- strip characters -->
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template match="text()" priority="-1" mode="do-all-patterns">
+		<!-- strip characters -->
+	</xsl:template>
+        <xsl:template match="text()" priority="-1" mode="do-schema-p">
+		<!-- strip characters -->
+	</xsl:template>
+        <xsl:template match="text()" priority="-1" mode="do-pattern-p">
+		<!-- strip characters -->
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template match="text()" priority="-1">
+		<!-- Strip characters -->
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template match="text()" mode="text">
+		<xsl:value-of select="."/>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template match="text()" mode="inline-text">
+		<xsl:value-of select="."/>
+	</xsl:template>
+<!-- ============================================================== -->
+<!-- ============================================================== -->
+<xsl:template name="IamEmpty">
+	<xsl:if test="count( * )">
+		<xsl:message>
+			<xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">35a</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template>
+			<xsl:value-of select="name(.)"/>
+			<xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">35b</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template>
+		</xsl:message>
+	</xsl:if>
+<xsl:template name="diagnosticsSplit">
+  <!-- Process at the current point the first of the <diagnostic> elements
+       referred to parameter str, and then recurse -->
+  <xsl:param name="str"/>
+  <xsl:variable name="start">
+    <xsl:choose>
+      <xsl:when test="contains($str,' ')">
+	<xsl:value-of  select="substring-before($str,' ')"/>
+      </xsl:when>
+      <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="$str"/></xsl:otherwise>
+    </xsl:choose>
+  </xsl:variable>
+  <xsl:variable name="end">
+    <xsl:if test="contains($str,' ')">
+      <xsl:value-of select="substring-after($str,' ')"/>
+    </xsl:if>
+  </xsl:variable>
+  <!-- This works with all namespaces -->
+  <xsl:if test="not(string-length(normalize-space($start)) = 0)
+  		and not(//iso:diagnostic[@id = $start])
+		and not(//schold:diagnostic[@id = $start]) 
+		and not(//diagnostic[@id = $start])">
+	<xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">36a</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template>
+	<xsl:value-of select="string($start)"/>
+	<xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">36b</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+  </xsl:if>
+  <xsl:if test="string-length(normalize-space($start)) > 0">
+     <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+     <xsl:apply-templates 
+        select="//iso:diagnostic[@id = $start ]
+        	| //schold:diagnostic[@id = $start ] 
+            | //diagnostic[@id= $start ]"/>
+  </xsl:if>
+  <xsl:if test="not($end='')">
+    <xsl:call-template name="diagnosticsSplit">
+      <xsl:with-param name="str" select="$end"/>
+    </xsl:call-template>
+  </xsl:if>
+<xsl:template name="propertiesSplit">
+  <!-- Process at the current point the first of the <property> elements
+       referred to parameter str, and then recurse -->
+  <xsl:param name="str"/>
+  <xsl:variable name="start">
+    <xsl:choose>
+      <xsl:when test="contains($str,' ')">
+	<xsl:value-of  select="substring-before($str,' ')"/>
+      </xsl:when>
+      <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="$str"/></xsl:otherwise>
+    </xsl:choose>
+  </xsl:variable>
+  <xsl:variable name="end">
+    <xsl:if test="contains($str,' ')">
+      <xsl:value-of select="substring-after($str,' ')"/>
+    </xsl:if>
+  </xsl:variable>
+  <!-- This works with all namespaces -->
+  <xsl:if test="not(string-length(normalize-space($start)) = 0)
+  		and not(//iso:property[@id = $start])">
+	<xsl:message><xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">36a</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template>
+	<xsl:value-of select="string($start)"/>
+	<xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">36b</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:message>
+  </xsl:if>
+  <xsl:if test="string-length(normalize-space($start)) > 0">
+     <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+     <xsl:apply-templates 
+        select="//iso:property[@id = $start ] "/>
+  </xsl:if>
+  <xsl:if test="not($end='')">
+    <xsl:call-template name="propertiesSplit">
+      <xsl:with-param name="str" select="$end"/>
+    </xsl:call-template>
+  </xsl:if>
+<!-- It would be nice to use this but xsl:namespace does not
+  allow a fallback -->
+<!--xsl:template name="handle-namespace" version="2.0">
+   <xsl:namespace name="{@prefix}" select="@uri">
+<xsl:template name="handle-namespace">
+       <!-- experimental code from -->
+       <!-- Handle namespaces differently for exslt systems,   and default, only using XSLT1 syntax -->
+       <!-- For more info see -->
+       <xsl:choose>
+   	<!-- The following code workds for XSLT2 -->
+         <xsl:when test="element-available('xsl:namespace')">
+             <xsl:namespace name="{@prefix}" select="@uri" />
+	 </xsl:when>
+	 <xsl:when use-when="not(element-available('xsl:namespace'))" 
+		   test="function-available('exsl:node-set')">
+           <xsl:variable name="ns-dummy-elements">
+             <xsl:element name="{@prefix}:dummy" namespace="{@uri}"/>
+           </xsl:variable>
+       	   <xsl:variable name="p" select="@prefix"/>
+           <xsl:copy-of select="exsl:node-set($ns-dummy-elements)
+                                  /*/namespace::*[local-name()=$p]"/>
+         </xsl:when>
+	<!-- end XSLT2 code -->
+        <xsl:when test="@prefix = 'xsl' ">
+           <!-- Do not generate dummy attributes with the xsl: prefix, as these
+                are errors against XSLT, because we presume that the output
+                stylesheet uses the xsl prefix. In any case, there would already
+                be a namespace declaration for the XSLT namespace generated
+                automatically, presumably using "xsl:".
+           -->
+        </xsl:when>
+        <xsl:when test="@uri = ''">
+          <xsl:message terminate="yes">
+            <xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">37a</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template>
+            <xsl:value-of select="system-property('xsl:vendor')"/>
+            <xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">37b</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template>
+          </xsl:message>
+        </xsl:when>
+        <xsl:otherwise>
+          <xsl:attribute name="{concat(@prefix,':dummy-for-xmlns')}" namespace="{@uri}" />
+        </xsl:otherwise>
+      </xsl:choose>
+<!-- ============================================================== -->
+<!-- ============================================================== -->
+	<xsl:template match="iso:*"  priority="-2">
+	   <xsl:message>
+			<xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">38a</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template>
+			<xsl:value-of select="name(.)"/>
+			<xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">38b</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template>
+		</xsl:message>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<!-- Swallow old namespace elements: there is an upfront test for them elsewhere -->
+	<xsl:template match="schold:*"  priority="-2" />
+	<xsl:template match="*"  priority="-3">
+	    <xsl:choose>
+	       <xsl:when test=" $allow-foreign = 'false' ">
+				<xsl:message>
+					<xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">39a</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template>
+					<xsl:value-of select="name(.)"/>
+					<xsl:call-template name="outputLocalizedMessage" ><xsl:with-param name="number">39b</xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template>
+				</xsl:message>
+			</xsl:when>
+			<xsl:otherwise>
+				<xsl:copy-of select="." />
+			</xsl:otherwise>
+		</xsl:choose>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template match="iso:*" mode="text" priority="-2" />
+	<xsl:template match="*" mode="text" priority="-3">
+	    <xsl:if test=" not( $allow-foreign = 'false') "> 
+				<xsl:copy-of select="." />
+		</xsl:if>
+	</xsl:template>
+<!-- ============================================================== -->
+<!-- These are the actions that are performed unless overridden -->
+<!-- ============================================================== -->
+	<xsl:template name="process-prolog"/>
+	<!-- no params -->
+	<xsl:template name="process-root">
+		<xsl:param name="contents"/>
+		<xsl:param name="id" />
+		<xsl:param name="version" />
+		<xsl:param name="schemaVersion" />
+		<xsl:param name="queryBinding" />
+		<xsl:param name="title" />
+		<!-- "Rich" parameters -->
+		<xsl:param name="fpi" />
+		<xsl:param name="icon" />
+		<xsl:param name="lang" />
+		<xsl:param name="see" />
+		<xsl:param name="space" />
+		<xsl:copy-of select="$contents"/>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template name="process-assert">
+		<xsl:param name="test"/>
+		<xsl:param name="diagnostics" />
+		<xsl:param name="id" />
+		<xsl:param name="flag" />
+		<xsl:param name="properties" />
+           	<!-- "Linkable" parameters -->
+		<xsl:param name="role"/>
+		<xsl:param name="subject"/>
+		<!-- "Rich" parameters -->
+		<xsl:param name="fpi" />
+		<xsl:param name="icon" />
+		<xsl:param name="lang" />
+		<xsl:param name="see" />
+		<xsl:param name="space" />
+		<xsl:call-template name="process-message">
+			<xsl:with-param name="pattern" select="$test"/>
+			<xsl:with-param name="role" select="$role"/>
+		</xsl:call-template>
+		<xsl:if test=" $terminate = 'yes' or $terminate = 'true' ">
+		   <axsl:message terminate="yes">TERMINATING</axsl:message>
+		</xsl:if>
+	    <xsl:if test=" $terminate = 'assert' ">
+		   <axsl:message terminate="yes">TERMINATING</axsl:message>
+		</xsl:if>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template name="process-report">
+		<xsl:param name="test"/>
+		<xsl:param name="diagnostics" />
+		<xsl:param name="id" />
+		<xsl:param name="flag" />
+		<xsl:param name="properties" />
+           	<!-- "Linkable" parameters -->
+		<xsl:param name="role"/>
+		<xsl:param name="subject"/>
+		<!-- "Rich" parameters -->
+		<xsl:param name="fpi" />
+		<xsl:param name="icon" /> 
+		<xsl:param name="lang" />
+		<xsl:param name="see" />
+		<xsl:param name="space" />
+		<xsl:call-template name="process-message">
+			<xsl:with-param name="pattern" select="$test"/>
+			<xsl:with-param name="role" select="$role"/>
+		</xsl:call-template>
+		<xsl:if test=" $terminate = 'yes' or $terminate = 'true'  ">
+		   <axsl:message terminate="yes">TERMINATING</axsl:message>
+		</xsl:if>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template name="process-diagnostic">
+		<xsl:param name="id" />
+		<!-- "Rich" parameters -->
+		<xsl:param name="fpi" />
+		<xsl:param name="icon" />
+		<xsl:param name="lang" />
+		<xsl:param name="see" />
+		<xsl:param name="space" />
+	    <!-- We generate too much whitespace rather than risking concatenation -->
+		<axsl:text> </axsl:text>
+		<xsl:apply-templates mode="text"/>
+		<axsl:text> </axsl:text>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template name="process-dir">
+      	<xsl:param name="value" />
+	    <!-- We generate too much whitespace rather than risking concatenation -->
+		<axsl:text> </axsl:text>
+		<xsl:apply-templates mode="inline-text"/>
+		<axsl:text> </axsl:text>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template name="process-emph"> 
+	    <!-- We generate too much whitespace rather than risking concatenation -->
+		<axsl:text> </axsl:text>
+		<xsl:apply-templates mode="inline-text"/>
+		<axsl:text> </axsl:text>
+	</xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template name="process-name">
+		<xsl:param name="name"/>
+		<!-- We generate too much whitespace rather than risking concatenation -->
+		<axsl:text> </axsl:text>
+		<axsl:value-of select="{$name}"/>
+		<axsl:text> </axsl:text>
+    </xsl:template>
+	<xsl:template name="process-ns" >
+	<!-- Note that process-ns is for reporting. The iso:ns elements are 
+	     independently used in the iso:sch