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Posted to by "Murphy, Sean P. via user" <> on 2023/04/20 15:24:13 UTC

Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Q: Apache Beam method (Java), which expects a PBegin input and a means to handle a collection of queries

I’m not able to find any implementation of ‘SplitableDoFn”.  All reference I can find are of “Splitable DoFn”, so could you point me in the right version of the Apache Beam SDK that would have this?   Thanks, ~Sean

From: Evan Galpin <>
Date: Wednesday, April 19, 2023 at 4:46 PM
To: <>
Cc: Murphy, Sean P. <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Q: Apache Beam method (Java), which expects a PBegin input and a means to handle a collection of queries
Yes unfortunately the ES IO connector is not built in a way that can work by taking inputs from a PCollection to issue Reads. The most scalable way to support this is to revisit the implementation of Elasticsearch Read transform and instead implement it as a SplittableDoFn.

On Wed, Apr 19, 2023 at 10:51 Shahar Frank <>> wrote:
Hi Sean,

I'm not an expert but I think the .withQuery() functions takes part of the build stage rather than the runtime stage.
This means that the way ElasticsearchIO was built is so that while the pipeline is being built you could set the query but it is not possible during runtime which mean you cannot dynamically run the query based on the element processed within the pipeline.

To do something like that the transformation must be designed more like the FileIO in this example: (From

 PCollection<KV<String, String>> filesAndContents = p


     // withCompression can be omitted - by default compression is detected from the filename.



         // uses imports from TypeDescriptors

         .into(kvs(strings(), strings()))

         .via((ReadableFile f) -> {

           try {

             return KV.of(

                 f.getMetadata().resourceId().toString(), f.readFullyAsUTF8String());

           } catch (IOException ex) {

             throw new RuntimeException("Failed to read the file", ex);



If you look at how FileIO.readMatches() works - it doesn't set the filename when building the pipeline but rather accepts that within the ProcessElement function.

See here<>

Does that make sense?


Shahar Frank<>



On Wed, 19 Apr 2023 at 18:05, Murphy, Sean P. via user <>> wrote:
I'm running into an issue using the to handle more than one instance of a query. My queries are being dynamically built as a PCollection based on an incoming group of values. I'm trying to see how to load the .withQuery() parameter which could provide this capability or any approach that provides flexibility.

The issue is that method expects a PBegin input to start a pipeline, but it seems like I need access outside of a pipeline context somehow. PBegin represents the beginning of a pipeline, and it's required to create a pipeline that can read data from Elasticsearch using

Can I wrap the call in a Create transform that creates a PCollection with a single element (e.g., PBegin) to simulate the beginning of a pipeline or something similar?

Here is my naive attempt without accepting the reality of PBegin:
   PCollection<String> queries = ... // a PCollection of Elasticsearch queries

    PCollection<String> queryResults = queries.apply(
        ParDo.of(new DoFn<String, String>() {
            public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
                String query = c.element();
                PCollection<String> results = c.pipeline()
                            ElasticsearchIO.ConnectionConfiguration.create(hosts, indexName))

In general I'm wondering for any of IO-related classes proved by Beam that conforms to PBegin input -- if there is a means to introduce a collection.

Here is one approach that might be promising:
// Define a ValueProvider for a List<String>
ValueProvider<List<String>> myListProvider = ValueProvider.StaticValueProvider.of(myList);

// Use the ValueProvider to create a PCollection of Strings
PCollection<String> pcoll = pipeline.apply(Create.ofProvider(myListProvider, ListCoder.of()));

PCollection<String> partitionData =
        .apply("Read data from Elasticsearch",<String> pcoll).withScrollKeepalive("1m").withBatchSize(50))
        .apply(new MedTaggerESRunnerTransform(opt.getProjectAe(), opt.getMedTagVersion(), opt.getNoteType()));

Any thoughts or ideas would be great.   Thanks, ~Sean