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Posted to by Guillaume Polet <> on 2011/07/12 18:29:59 UTC

Maven ant run: Reference maven.plugin.classpath not found.

Hi List,

I know that this question has been asked several times, but after 
googling a bit, I could not find any solution to my error.
I am using maven ant-run plugin to execute a ant file. Here is what my 
build section looks like:
<ant inheritRefs="true" inheritall="true" antfile="build.xml" 
target="deploy" />

Within my ant file, I have declared the following:
<project name="project" default="package" basedir="." 
<typedef resource="org/apache/maven/artifact/ant/antlib.xml" 

And when I run �mvn clean install�, I constantly get an error: Reference 
maven.plugin.classpath not found.
I have tried using an embedded classpath tag instead of the classpathref 
attribute. I can't get it to work. I saw a few solutions using a file 
based classpathrefs, but I would rather not do that since it would imply 
that I would have to maintain the dependencies of the additional Ant 
tasks myself, which I am quite reluctant to do.

I have attached a simple project that reproduce my error.

P.S: I know that it is weird to use maven ant tasks within a maven 
build, but I got my reasons.