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Posted to by Sergey Edunov <> on 2016/12/06 20:42:32 UTC

Apache Giraph is on GitHub now!

Hi Giraph Developers,

A while ago we started moving towards GitHub. Now this process is
complete. You can now use GitHub to contribute to Apache Giraph.

Here are the few important things:

Main read-write repository still lives on

Our GitHub read-only mirror is available here:

You can now create and submit pull requests using GitHub. There are
multiple ways of doing so and a lot of documentation online. I found
these steps the easiest to follow:

0) Assuming you have GitHub account set up and SSH keys configured.
1) Fork apache/giraph repository. Just click the fork button the
repository page and you will have a separate GitHub repository
preceded with your GitHub username.
2) Clone the repository to your local machine: git clone{USER_NAME}/giraph.git
3) Create a local branch and make local changes
4) Make a JIRA ticket:
5) Commit local changes. Make sure you add Jira ticket id to the commit message.
6) Go to your GitHub forked repository and click the "Compare &
Review" green button next to the branch button. This will send a pull
request and an email to Giraph code reviewers. They will then review
your code and let you know if there are any issues. Once all the
issues are fixed, one of the Giraph committers will commit this
request into the Apache git repository.

If you're a reviewer, to land pull request, follow these steps:

0) Assuming you have GitHub account set up and SSH keys configured.
1) Fork apache/giraph repository.
2) Add Apache Git hub to your repository: git remote add apache
   If you want to check your remote setup, you can run: gir remote -v
   You should get something similar to this:
   $ git remote -v
   apache (fetch)
   apache (push)
   origin (fetch)
   origin (push)
3) Merge pull request:
    git checkout trunk
    git pull apache trunk
    git pull --squash{USER_NAME}/giraph
    git commit --author <contributor_email> -a -m "JIRA-XXX" -m "closes #ZZ"
  Here #ZZ is the id of the pull request you want to close with this commit
4) Finally:
    push apache trunk

Feel free to contact me if you find any issues or have any questions!

Sergey Edunov