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Posted to by Richard Wallace <> on 2005/06/17 20:05:28 UTC

[authx] Help with complicated authorization

Hello everybody,

I'm working on pushing our web development from PHP to Java at work.  
For the moment I've pretty much decided on using JSF/Spring/Hibernate at 
our presentation/business logic/persistence layers, though I think 
they're separated well enough that changing out one part of it shouldn't 
impact any of the others (except in the glue code).

Anyways, I'm trying to figure out how to do authorization.  
Authentication is pretty simple I think, but the authorization is pretty 
complex.  Instead of a user having or not having permission to access a 
page (container webapp security) or having or not having permissions to 
run certain actions (JAAS), we need finer grained permissions based on 
objects and the users relationship to the object.

What we have is basically a project and task management tool for our 
organization.  Each project has roles that users with those same roles 
have.  So, for instance, one "slot" a project has is "project 
managers."  There is also a "project managers" role in the company.  So 
when a project is created a user with the "project manager" role is 
assigned to the projects "project manager" slot.  That's simple enough.  
Where it gets trickier is that each project has associated with it one 
or more tasks.  The task should inherit the users assigned to it from 
the parent project unless specifically overridden in the action.  For 
instance, a project may have a customer service rep assigned to it, but 
for a particular task a different csr might handle it and would need 
permission view/update the task.

I'm wondering how I might implement this with AuthX.  Do I simply create 
custom permissions classes, like ProjectPermission and TaskPermission?  
Then, when implementing the implies() method what do I do?  Is that 
where I would do these checks to see if the user has the required 
ability to do the desired operation?

I think I'm a little lost because of all the groovy stuff.  Does anyone 
have an example app that I can work from that doesn't have groovy?


Re: [authx] Help with complicated authorization

Posted by Richard Wallace <>.
Vincent Tence wrote:

>>I looked into Tapestry a while ago and it seemed overly complicated from 
>>the very outset.  I mean, it seemed to require a lot of work to get even 
>>a simple webapp up and running.  
>It requires some time to learn it, but once you get it, putting up a
>webapp is
>pretty easy and fast. The catalog of web components is really cool.
>>I'll do some more looking into Tapestry 
>>because there are some things about JSF I don't like.  For one thing, it 
>>seems like it will be impossible to add form elements in a dynamic 
>>fashion with DHTML and not doing form resubmits.
>That's the real plus of Tapestry. It goesa along very well with
>traditional HTML development.
>>It all sounds very cool.  Unfortunately, I need to start cranking some 
>>stuff out right away, so I think I'll need to go with Acegi for now. 
>I can't blame you for that ;-) That's the wise choice for now
>> As for where to start, it's hard to say since I'm not familiar enough with 
>>what's there.  I would say probably getting the policy stuff to be more 
>>dynamic (if it isn't already) would be the first thing to work on.
>Scripted rules are already dynamics. they get reloaded every time the
>script file change. XML rules doesn't support that, altough it could be
>I'm curious. How do you make Acegi permissions dynamic? I've not find a
>way to fdo that without reloading the Spring Context.
I pretty much plan to use the ACL system for assigning users permissions 
to domain objects.  Then the objects a user has permission to and what 
operations they can perform can change at runtime.  It's still a PITA 
for two reasons: 1) managing the ACLs and 2) possible overhead with 
checking the ACLs.  The first is really a matter of being able to have 
it be seemless from the users perspective.  Users will still have roles 
and those roles will have mappings to what permissions they should get 
to an object when they are assigned to it.  Changing what permissions a 
role has or adding new roles would be cumbersome tho.  The second is 
something I'm not entirely sure about with Acegi, but have had to deal 
with before in an ACL model like this.  Basically, when you want a user 
to be able to do a search on, for instance, all projects assigned to 
them or to someone else.  Of course, you only want to show them what 
they have access to.  Further, links in the HTML table will appear or 
not appear depending on the types of operations the user can perform on 
the object and any objects that may compose it.  So there is a potential 
for having several permissions checks when deciding to display a row in 
the list.  I know Acegi can cache permissions checks, but if there are 
10000 objects there's no way to be able to cache it all so there is 
likely going to be a significant performance hit.  The way I tried to 
mitigate that before was to basically say, if a user has role X then 
they have permissions Y on objects of type Z.  But because of the 
relationships between some of the objects it required writing some 
special case handling.

To be honest, at this point I'm not really sure how I'm going to handle 
permissions in this system.  Every way I try to approach the problem I 
wind up with a bad taste in my mouth because of inflexibility, 
performance and/or maintaince problems down the line.  Guess that's why 
I get the big bucks =P (if only heh)


Re: [authx] Help with complicated authorization

Posted by Vincent Tence <>.

> I looked into Tapestry a while ago and it seemed overly complicated from 
> the very outset.  I mean, it seemed to require a lot of work to get even 
> a simple webapp up and running.  

It requires some time to learn it, but once you get it, putting up a
webapp is
pretty easy and fast. The catalog of web components is really cool.

> I'll do some more looking into Tapestry 
> because there are some things about JSF I don't like.  For one thing, it 
> seems like it will be impossible to add form elements in a dynamic 
> fashion with DHTML and not doing form resubmits.

That's the real plus of Tapestry. It goesa along very well with
traditional HTML development.


> It all sounds very cool.  Unfortunately, I need to start cranking some 
> stuff out right away, so I think I'll need to go with Acegi for now. 

I can't blame you for that ;-) That's the wise choice for now

>  As for where to start, it's hard to say since I'm not familiar enough with 
> what's there.  I would say probably getting the policy stuff to be more 
> dynamic (if it isn't already) would be the first thing to work on.

Scripted rules are already dynamics. they get reloaded every time the
script file change. XML rules doesn't support that, altough it could be

I'm curious. How do you make Acegi permissions dynamic? I've not find a
way to fdo that without reloading the Spring Context.

-- Vincent

Re: [authx] Help with complicated authorization

Posted by Richard Wallace <>.
Vincent Tence wrote:

>On Fri, 2005-06-17 at 11:05 -0700, Richard Wallace wrote:
>>Hello everybody,
>>I'm working on pushing our web development from PHP to Java at work.  
>>For the moment I've pretty much decided on using JSF/Spring/Hibernate at 
>>our presentation/business logic/persistence layers, though I think 
>>they're separated well enough that changing out one part of it shouldn't 
>>impact any of the others (except in the glue code).
>We've embarked on a very ambitious project at work with Tapestry +
>Spring and Hibernate 3. I've used JSF over the last year and so far my
>experience with Tapestry is much better. If you can, check it out.
>There's a great book written by HLS - Tapestry in Action - to get you
>going. I really like the way Tapestry preserves you're HTML, which makes
>it easy to collaborate with UI design teams. JSF was awful in that
I looked into Tapestry a while ago and it seemed overly complicated from 
the very outset.  I mean, it seemed to require a lot of work to get even 
a simple webapp up and running.  I'll do some more looking into Tapestry 
because there are some things about JSF I don't like.  For one thing, it 
seems like it will be impossible to add form elements in a dynamic 
fashion with DHTML and not doing form resubmits.

>>Anyways, I'm trying to figure out how to do authorization.  
>>Authentication is pretty simple I think, but the authorization is pretty 
>>complex.  Instead of a user having or not having permission to access a 
>>page (container webapp security) or having or not having permissions to 
>>run certain actions (JAAS), we need finer grained permissions based on 
>>objects and the users relationship to the object.
>As Alex said, that's the kind of problem AuthX aims to solve.
>>I'm wondering how I might implement this with AuthX.  Do I simply create 
>>custom permissions classes, like ProjectPermission and TaskPermission?  
>>Then, when implementing the implies() method what do I do?  Is that 
>>where I would do these checks to see if the user has the required 
>>ability to do the desired operation?
>Correct. You need to create custom Permission classes. The implies()
>method is used for granting/denying a permission by comparing the
>requested permission with the granted one. There's an example of that in
>the authx example app - look for the PurchasePermission.
>Let me try to explain. Suppose you decide to grant the permission to
>access a task to anybody that has the permission to access the project
>owning the task. In this case, you could code your ProjectPermission so
>that it implies any permission to access a task of the same project:
>(pseudo code)
>ProjectPermission {
>   ProjectPermission(Project project) {...}
>   boolean implies(Permission other) {
>	// suppose other is a task permissiom
>	task = ((TaskPermission) other).getTask();
>	return project.owns(task); // only grant if task belongs to project
>   }
>In XML you would grant your subject with the ProjectPermission, lets
>    <grant>
>        <subjects>
>            <username>Rich</username>
>        </subjects>
>        <permissions>
>            <project>Rich's Project</project>
>        </permissions>
>    <grant>
Are these policies loaded statically at startup or loaded dynamically?  
What about pulling these policies from a database?

>At runtime, when someone tries to access a task, you build a task
>    taskPermission = new TaskPermission(task)
>and check if access is authorized:
>    authorizer.renderDecision( subject, taskPermission )
>The rule engine will check if the subject is Rich and if it is the case,
>will see that Rich has the ProjectPermission and will check if this
>permission implies the TaskPermission. If the task belongs to Rich's
>Project, access will be granted.
>That's somewhat simplified, but I hope you get the idea.
I do.  One thing I like about Acegi is the use of interceptors so you 
can write all your Spring services and then just wire in the 
authorization stuff without having to modify the code.

>>think I'm a little lost because of all the groovy stuff.  Does anyone 
>>have an example app that I can work from that doesn't have groovy?
>AuthX introduces a rule based system to implement authorization. Rules
>are much more flexible than what you can do with an RBAC system. In fact
>a rule is anything that implements the Rule interface (no surprise
>Rule {
>    void evaluate(AuthorizationRequest request);
>It's very easy to implement RBAC using AuthX rule mechanism. It's a
>matter of defining a set of rules that authorize access to a resource if
>a subject has a given principal - in this case, a specific
>RolePrincipal. But you can do much more with rules. 
>The way you define your rules is pluggable in AuthX, and 2 mechanisms
>are provided out-of-the box.
>1. The first one is to use an XML document. The XMLRuleSetBuilder
>provided by AuthX will be parse and interpret your XML document, which
>means it neds to know how to deal with the XML elements. A set of XML
>elements are understood out of the box, such as:
><grant>, <deny>, <any>, <none>, <username>, <role>, <group>, <and>,
><or>, ... and you mix them to express your authorization logic.
>Furthermore, you can plug your own element interpreters to
>XMLRuleSetBuilder. This is useful to represent your permissions, which
>are typically application dependent. In your case, you would introduce 2
>builders to define elements like <project> and <task> that represent
>your project and task permission.
>XML is fine, but it lacks the power of expressing more complicated needs
>and for every XML element you introduce, there need to be an interpreter
>that undertansa it's meaning. That is somewhat limitating and AuthX
>wants to support of wide range of authorization systems.
>This is where the scripted rules comes into play. 
>2. Using groovy (in the future, we could support other scripting
>languages, such as rhino, beanshell, pnuts, ...) to define rules is much
>more powerful. Just implement the rule interface and code what you need.
>I believe this is the best way to allow any kind of logic to be plugged
>into the authorization subsystem.
>For example, if we want to grant any permissions to canadian people, we
>would write it like this in XML:
>    <grant>
>        <subjects>
>            <group>canadians</group>
>        </subjects>
>        <permissions>
>            <any/>
>        </permissions>
>    <grant>
>And like this in groovy:
>class GrantCanadiansAnythingRule {
>    evaluate( request ) {
>        canadians = new GroupPrincipal("canadians")
>        if (request.getSubject().getPrincipals().contains(canadians))
>            request.grant()
>    }
>Using a scripted language is much more powerful than using XML.
>Furthermore, you could well define your own domain specific language,
>write the script interpreter for it and let your security officers write
>their security rules themselves. Ok maybe you would just dream of doing
>it ;-)
>If we come back to our project example above, you could well use a
>groovy rule to give access to any project manager to his own projects
>// pesudo code
>class GrantProjectManagerAccessToTheirProjects {
>    GrantProjectManagerAccessToTheirProjects( ProjectManagerRepository
>repository )
>    evaluate( request ) {
>        subject = request.getSubject()
>        projectManagers = new GroupPrincipal("Project Managers")
>        // This rule only applies to pm
>        if (!subject.getPrincipals().contains(projectManagers)) return 
>        // This rule only applies to task permissions
>        if (!(request.getPermission() instance of TaskPermission))
>        // Ok so this guy is a project manager, get it from the repo
>        Set usernames = subject.getPrincipals(UsernamePrincipal.class);
>        // in general, there will be one username in the set
>        manager = repository.getProjectManager(username)
>        // iterate over the list of projects of the manager to see if
>the task
>        // is in one of them
>        task = request.getPermission().getTask()
>        projects = manager.ownedProjects()
>        for ( each p in projects ) {
>                if (p.owns(task)) {
>                    request.grant()
>                    return
>                 }
>        }
>        request.deny()
>    }
>What's interesting to note here, is that you can use Dependency
>Injection with your rules - currently AuthX support CI using
>PicoContainer, but support for other containers is possible. In the
>example, your DI container would provide the ProjectManager repository.
>I hope it helps understand the reasoning for having scripted rules. You
>can have a look to the example application in the source tree. It's a
>simple web app that demonstrates the concepts of AuthX, using both XML
>rules and groovy rules.
>If anything else, I'll be happy to answer any question you might have.
>We have a very important project at work that has started over 2 months
>ago and I'm in charge. It has drained almost most of my freetime and I
>don't see it changing before the end of the summer. I'm sorry I've not
>been available at all for a long time. Nevertheless, I have resumed
>working on AuthX recently. What are the things you would like to see
>implemented? That'll help prioritize the backlog. I was thinking of
>working on the Hibernate authenticator using Hibernate next. WDYT?
It all sounds very cool.  Unfortunately, I need to start cranking some 
stuff out right away, so I think I'll need to go with Acegi for now.  As 
for where to start, it's hard to say since I'm not familiar enough with 
what's there.  I would say probably getting the policy stuff to be more 
dynamic (if it isn't already) would be the first thing to work on.

Thanks for the suggestions,

Re: [authx] Help with complicated authorization

Posted by Vincent Tence <>.
On Fri, 2005-06-17 at 11:05 -0700, Richard Wallace wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I'm working on pushing our web development from PHP to Java at work.  
> For the moment I've pretty much decided on using JSF/Spring/Hibernate at 
> our presentation/business logic/persistence layers, though I think 
> they're separated well enough that changing out one part of it shouldn't 
> impact any of the others (except in the glue code).

We've embarked on a very ambitious project at work with Tapestry +
Spring and Hibernate 3. I've used JSF over the last year and so far my
experience with Tapestry is much better. If you can, check it out.
There's a great book written by HLS - Tapestry in Action - to get you
going. I really like the way Tapestry preserves you're HTML, which makes
it easy to collaborate with UI design teams. JSF was awful in that

> Anyways, I'm trying to figure out how to do authorization.  
> Authentication is pretty simple I think, but the authorization is pretty 
> complex.  Instead of a user having or not having permission to access a 
> page (container webapp security) or having or not having permissions to 
> run certain actions (JAAS), we need finer grained permissions based on 
> objects and the users relationship to the object.

As Alex said, that's the kind of problem AuthX aims to solve.


> I'm wondering how I might implement this with AuthX.  Do I simply create 
> custom permissions classes, like ProjectPermission and TaskPermission?  
> Then, when implementing the implies() method what do I do?  Is that 
> where I would do these checks to see if the user has the required 
> ability to do the desired operation?

Correct. You need to create custom Permission classes. The implies()
method is used for granting/denying a permission by comparing the
requested permission with the granted one. There's an example of that in
the authx example app - look for the PurchasePermission.

Let me try to explain. Suppose you decide to grant the permission to
access a task to anybody that has the permission to access the project
owning the task. In this case, you could code your ProjectPermission so
that it implies any permission to access a task of the same project:

(pseudo code)
ProjectPermission {

   ProjectPermission(Project project) {...}

   boolean implies(Permission other) {
	// suppose other is a task permissiom
	task = ((TaskPermission) other).getTask();
	return project.owns(task); // only grant if task belongs to project

In XML you would grant your subject with the ProjectPermission, lets

            <project>Rich's Project</project>

At runtime, when someone tries to access a task, you build a task

    taskPermission = new TaskPermission(task)

and check if access is authorized:

    authorizer.renderDecision( subject, taskPermission )

The rule engine will check if the subject is Rich and if it is the case,
will see that Rich has the ProjectPermission and will check if this
permission implies the TaskPermission. If the task belongs to Rich's
Project, access will be granted.

That's somewhat simplified, but I hope you get the idea.

> think I'm a little lost because of all the groovy stuff.  Does anyone 
> have an example app that I can work from that doesn't have groovy?

AuthX introduces a rule based system to implement authorization. Rules
are much more flexible than what you can do with an RBAC system. In fact
a rule is anything that implements the Rule interface (no surprise

Rule {
    void evaluate(AuthorizationRequest request);

It's very easy to implement RBAC using AuthX rule mechanism. It's a
matter of defining a set of rules that authorize access to a resource if
a subject has a given principal - in this case, a specific
RolePrincipal. But you can do much more with rules. 

The way you define your rules is pluggable in AuthX, and 2 mechanisms
are provided out-of-the box.

1. The first one is to use an XML document. The XMLRuleSetBuilder
provided by AuthX will be parse and interpret your XML document, which
means it neds to know how to deal with the XML elements. A set of XML
elements are understood out of the box, such as:

<grant>, <deny>, <any>, <none>, <username>, <role>, <group>, <and>,
<or>, ... and you mix them to express your authorization logic.

Furthermore, you can plug your own element interpreters to
XMLRuleSetBuilder. This is useful to represent your permissions, which
are typically application dependent. In your case, you would introduce 2
builders to define elements like <project> and <task> that represent
your project and task permission.

XML is fine, but it lacks the power of expressing more complicated needs
and for every XML element you introduce, there need to be an interpreter
that undertansa it's meaning. That is somewhat limitating and AuthX
wants to support of wide range of authorization systems.

This is where the scripted rules comes into play. 

2. Using groovy (in the future, we could support other scripting
languages, such as rhino, beanshell, pnuts, ...) to define rules is much
more powerful. Just implement the rule interface and code what you need.
I believe this is the best way to allow any kind of logic to be plugged
into the authorization subsystem.

For example, if we want to grant any permissions to canadian people, we
would write it like this in XML:


And like this in groovy:

class GrantCanadiansAnythingRule {

    evaluate( request ) {
        canadians = new GroupPrincipal("canadians")
        if (request.getSubject().getPrincipals().contains(canadians))

Using a scripted language is much more powerful than using XML.
Furthermore, you could well define your own domain specific language,
write the script interpreter for it and let your security officers write
their security rules themselves. Ok maybe you would just dream of doing
it ;-)

If we come back to our project example above, you could well use a
groovy rule to give access to any project manager to his own projects

// pesudo code
class GrantProjectManagerAccessToTheirProjects {

    GrantProjectManagerAccessToTheirProjects( ProjectManagerRepository
repository )

    evaluate( request ) {
        subject = request.getSubject()
        projectManagers = new GroupPrincipal("Project Managers")

        // This rule only applies to pm
        if (!subject.getPrincipals().contains(projectManagers)) return 

        // This rule only applies to task permissions
        if (!(request.getPermission() instance of TaskPermission))

        // Ok so this guy is a project manager, get it from the repo
        Set usernames = subject.getPrincipals(UsernamePrincipal.class);
        // in general, there will be one username in the set
        manager = repository.getProjectManager(username)

        // iterate over the list of projects of the manager to see if
the task
        // is in one of them
        task = request.getPermission().getTask()

        projects = manager.ownedProjects()
        for ( each p in projects ) {
                if (p.owns(task)) {

What's interesting to note here, is that you can use Dependency
Injection with your rules - currently AuthX support CI using
PicoContainer, but support for other containers is possible. In the
example, your DI container would provide the ProjectManager repository.

I hope it helps understand the reasoning for having scripted rules. You
can have a look to the example application in the source tree. It's a
simple web app that demonstrates the concepts of AuthX, using both XML
rules and groovy rules.

If anything else, I'll be happy to answer any question you might have.
We have a very important project at work that has started over 2 months
ago and I'm in charge. It has drained almost most of my freetime and I
don't see it changing before the end of the summer. I'm sorry I've not
been available at all for a long time. Nevertheless, I have resumed
working on AuthX recently. What are the things you would like to see
implemented? That'll help prioritize the backlog. I was thinking of
working on the Hibernate authenticator using Hibernate next. WDYT?

-- Vincent

Re: [authx] Help with complicated authorization

Posted by Richard Wallace <>.
Vincent Tence wrote:

>On Fri, 2005-06-17 at 13:44 -0700, Richard Wallace wrote:
>>Not your fault.  I've actually found what seems on first glace, a really 
>>good security framework built specifically for Spring 
>>  Now I don't like the fact that I'll be tied 
>>to a specific container, but it sounds like I can do exactly the kind of 
>>stuff that I need to do with it.
>We're also using Acegi on our current project at work. Simply because,
>it's the best option I found available ... until AuthX has a comprable
>feature set ready of course.
>Acegi has a very nice feature set, but here's what I don't like (or did
>not understand):
>- It's tied to Spring
That is something that puts me off a little bit.  For now it's not a big 
deal because I am using Spring, but I would definitely prefer to be able 
to swap out any part of the system (JSF/Container/Persistence/auth) 
without having to change one of the other parts of the system.

>- It's role based only
That will mostly work in our situation tho.  That's basically how things 
are handled in the existing PHP system, with some custom authentication 
code.  With interceptors, I'm hoping this will work out for us.

>- It's all XML stuff (and you need to write a hell lot of XML)
Heh, I just started looking at it yesterday and already I'm anticipating 
the damn Spring file suddenly growing to be the largest file in the 
whole project.

>- You've got to play by the rules it defines
>I would really like to replace our use of Acegi, but before that, here's
>the list of stuff that need to be implemented:
>- Hibernate Realm  (not very hard, should be easier than JDBC Realm)
>- Hibernate Information Provider, for loading roles from the Database
>- A stack of web utilities, including permissions to define access to
>web resources, servlet filters, servlet listeners, ... not that hard
>- Utilities to setup authx, including authenticators, information
>providers and authorizers, wiring them together in the minimal amount of
>steps, for general usage
>-- Vincent

Re: [authx] Help with complicated authorization

Posted by Vincent Tence <>.
On Fri, 2005-06-17 at 13:44 -0700, Richard Wallace wrote:

> Not your fault.  I've actually found what seems on first glace, a really 
> good security framework built specifically for Spring 
>  Now I don't like the fact that I'll be tied 
> to a specific container, but it sounds like I can do exactly the kind of 
> stuff that I need to do with it.

We're also using Acegi on our current project at work. Simply because,
it's the best option I found available ... until AuthX has a comprable
feature set ready of course.

Acegi has a very nice feature set, but here's what I don't like (or did
not understand):

- It's tied to Spring
- It's role based only
- It's all XML stuff (and you need to write a hell lot of XML)
- You've got to play by the rules it defines

I would really like to replace our use of Acegi, but before that, here's
the list of stuff that need to be implemented:

- Hibernate Realm  (not very hard, should be easier than JDBC Realm)
- Hibernate Information Provider, for loading roles from the Database
- A stack of web utilities, including permissions to define access to
web resources, servlet filters, servlet listeners, ... not that hard
- Utilities to setup authx, including authenticators, information
providers and authorizers, wiring them together in the minimal amount of
steps, for general usage

-- Vincent

Re: [authx] Help with complicated authorization

Posted by Richard Wallace <>.
Alex Karasulu wrote:

> Richard Wallace wrote:
>> Anyways, I'm trying to figure out how to do authorization.  
>> Authentication is pretty simple I think, but the authorization is 
>> pretty complex.  Instead of a user having or not having permission to 
>> access a page (container webapp security) or having or not having 
>> permissions to run certain actions (JAAS), we need finer grained 
>> permissions based on objects and the users relationship to the object.
> Aye I think this was the reason why we started authx.
>> What we have is basically a project and task management tool for our 
>> organization.
> [Off Topic]
> I'd stick to good old JIRA for that if I were you.  Perhaps you can 
> work with customized workflows using their permission schemes in JIRA 
> and Confluence?  It would get you there faster and the Atlassian guys 
> have the product down in terms of user interfaces.  It costs 
> practically nothing to get an Enterprise License ... like 3-4K.  
> Development time would cost much more.

Well, it's a little more industry specific I think.  It's more than just 
a project and task manager too, I just wanted to get the basic idea across.

>> I'm wondering how I might implement this with AuthX.  Do I simply 
>> create custom permissions classes, like ProjectPermission and 
>> TaskPermission?  Then, when implementing the implies() method what do 
>> I do?  Is that where I would do these checks to see if the user has 
>> the required ability to do the desired operation?
>> I think I'm a little lost because of all the groovy stuff.  Does 
>> anyone have an example app that I can work from that doesn't have 
>> groovy?
> Yeah the Groovy scripting throws me off too.  I have not seen any 
> applications built on this.  Vince might have something for you to 
> look at though.
> Sorry for not having a concrete answer for you.
> Alex
Not your fault.  I've actually found what seems on first glace, a really 
good security framework built specifically for Spring  Now I don't like the fact that I'll be tied 
to a specific container, but it sounds like I can do exactly the kind of 
stuff that I need to do with it.


Re: [authx] Help with complicated authorization

Posted by Alex Karasulu <>.
Richard Wallace wrote:

> Anyways, I'm trying to figure out how to do authorization.  
> Authentication is pretty simple I think, but the authorization is 
> pretty complex.  Instead of a user having or not having permission to 
> access a page (container webapp security) or having or not having 
> permissions to run certain actions (JAAS), we need finer grained 
> permissions based on objects and the users relationship to the object.

Aye I think this was the reason why we started authx.

> What we have is basically a project and task management tool for our 
> organization.

[Off Topic]

I'd stick to good old JIRA for that if I were you.  Perhaps you can work 
with customized workflows using their permission schemes in JIRA and 
Confluence?  It would get you there faster and the Atlassian guys have 
the product down in terms of user interfaces.  It costs practically 
nothing to get an Enterprise License ... like 3-4K.  Development time 
would cost much more. 

> I'm wondering how I might implement this with AuthX.  Do I simply 
> create custom permissions classes, like ProjectPermission and 
> TaskPermission?  Then, when implementing the implies() method what do 
> I do?  Is that where I would do these checks to see if the user has 
> the required ability to do the desired operation?
> I think I'm a little lost because of all the groovy stuff.  Does 
> anyone have an example app that I can work from that doesn't have groovy?

Yeah the Groovy scripting throws me off too.  I have not seen any 
applications built on this.  Vince might have something for you to look 
at though. 

Sorry for not having a concrete answer for you.