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Posted to by on 2002/07/29 20:27:43 UTC

mod_auth_pam, acronyms and talk

FYI - on is my talk on apache
modules from Oscon 2002.

Feel free to use/rip it for your own presentations. The presentation and
the two modules are under an ASF license and/or can be donated to the ASF
on request.

Also there is a copy of a 2.0 version of mod_auth_pam which will hopefully
go back into the pam project at the sourceforce (though given that this is
the #1 or #2 auth module auth there - would perhaps be a fit for our
distribution at some point).

Finally there is a module I'd love to get feedback on; mod_acronym.

It is a simple module which looks for abbreviations/accronyms in the HTML
and then annotates them with the expension at the bottom of the page. (See for a faked quick sample).

What I'd like to really know - is this the *right* way to use output
filters. It is slightly less trivial than the examples we have now - but
much simpler than mod_include - while still using a context between
brigades to keep state.

So filter experts - please slash/burn and tell me how to really write
those filter thingies !

Dirk-Willem van Gulik