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-<a id="data-management" class="anchor" href="#data-management" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Data Management</h1>
-<p>This tutorial is going to introduce you to the conceptual details of data management like:</p>
-<li><a href="#loading-data">Loading Data</a></li>
-<li><a href="#deleting-data">Deleting Data</a></li>
-<li><a href="#compacting-data">Compacting Data</a></li>
-<li><a href="#updating-data">Updating Data</a></li>
-<a id="loading-data" class="anchor" href="#loading-data" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Loading Data</h2>
-<p>After creating a table, you can load data to the table using the <a href="dml-operation-on-carbondata.html">LOAD DATA</a> command. The loaded data is available for querying.
-When data load is triggered, the data is encoded in CarbonData format and copied into HDFS CarbonData store path (specified in file)
-in compressed, multi dimensional columnar format for quick analysis queries. The same command can be used to load new data or to
-update the existing data. Only one data load can be triggered for one table. The high cardinality columns of the dictionary encoding are
-automatically recognized and these columns will not be used for dictionary encoding.</p>
-<p>Data loading is a process that involves execution of multiple steps to read, sort and encode the data in CarbonData store format.
-Each step is executed on different threads. After data loading process is complete, the status (success/partial success) is updated to
-CarbonData store metadata. The table below lists the possible load status.</p>
-<td>All the data is loaded into table and no bad records found.</td>
-<td>Partial Success</td>
-<td>Data is loaded into table and bad records are found. Bad records are stored at carbon.badrecords.location.</td>
-<p>In case of failure, the error will be logged in error log. Details of loads can be seen with <a href="dml-operation-on-carbondata.html#show-segments">SHOW SEGMENTS</a> command. The show segment command output consists of :</p>
-<li>Load Start Time</li>
-<li>Load End Time</li>
-<p>The latest load will be displayed first in the output.</p>
-<p>Refer to <a href="dml-operation-on-carbondata.html">DML operations on CarbonData</a> for load commands.</p>
-<a id="deleting-data" class="anchor" href="#deleting-data" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Deleting Data</h2>
-<p>If you have loaded wrong data into the table, or too many bad records are present and you want to modify and reload the data, you can delete required data loads.
-The load can be deleted using the Segment Sequence Id or if the table contains date field then the data can be deleted using the date field.
-If there are some specific records that need to be deleted based on some filter condition(s) we can delete by records.</p>
-<p>The loaded data can be deleted in the following ways:</p>
-<p>Delete by Segment ID</p>
-<p>After you get the segment ID of the segment that you want to delete, execute the delete command for the selected segment.
-The status of deleted segment is updated to Marked for delete / Marked for Update.</p>
-<th>Load Start Time</th>
-<th>Load End Time</th>
-<td>2015-11-19 19:14:...</td>
-<td>2015-11-19 19:14:...</td>
-<td>Marked for Update</td>
-<td>2015-11-19 19:54:...</td>
-<td>2015-11-19 20:08:...</td>
-<td>Marked for Delete</td>
-<td>2015-11-19 20:25:...</td>
-<td>2015-11-19 20:49:...</td>
-<p>Delete by Date Field</p>
-<p>If the table contains date field, you can delete the data based on a specific date.</p>
-<p>Delete by Record</p>
-<p>To delete records from CarbonData table based on some filter Condition(s).</p>
-<p>For delete commands refer to <a href="dml-operation-on-carbondata.html">DML operations on CarbonData</a>.</p>
-<p>When the delete segment DML is called, segment will not be deleted physically from the file system. Instead the segment status will be marked as "Marked for Delete". For the query execution, this deleted segment will be excluded.</p>
-<p>The deleted segment will be deleted physically during the next load operation and only after the maximum query execution time configured using "max.query.execution.time". By default it is 60 minutes.</p>
-<p>If the user wants to force delete the segment physically then he can use CLEAN FILES Command.</p>
-<p>Example :</p>
-<pre><code>CLEAN FILES FOR TABLE table1
-<p>This DML will physically delete the segment which are "Marked for delete" and "Compacted" immediately.</p>
-<a id="compacting-data" class="anchor" href="#compacting-data" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Compacting Data</h2>
-<p>Frequent data ingestion results in several fragmented CarbonData files in the store directory. Since data is sorted only within each load, the indices perform only within each
-load. This means that there will be one index for each load and as number of data load increases, the number of indices also increases. As each index works only on one load,
-the performance of indices is reduced. CarbonData provides provision for compacting the loads. Compaction process combines several segments into one large segment by merge sorting the data from across the segments.</p>
-<p>There are two types of compaction Minor and Major compaction.</p>
-<p><strong>Minor Compaction</strong></p>
-<p>In minor compaction the user can specify how many loads to be merged. Minor compaction triggers for every data load if the parameter is set. If any segments are available to be merged, then compaction will
-run parallel with data load. There are 2 levels in minor compaction.</p>
-<li>Level 1: Merging of the segments which are not yet compacted.</li>
-<li>Level 2: Merging of the compacted segments again to form a bigger segment.</li>
-<p><strong>Major Compaction</strong></p>
-<p>In Major compaction, many segments can be merged into one big segment. User will specify the compaction size until which segments can be merged. Major compaction is usually done during the off-peak time.</p>
-<p>There are number of parameters related to Compaction that can be set in file</p>
-<th>Valid Values</th>
-<td>4, 3</td>
-<td>This property is for minor compaction which decides how many segments to be merged. Example: If it is set as "2, 3", then minor compaction will be triggered for every 2 segments in level 1. 3 is the number of level 1 compacted segment which is further compacted to new segment in level 2.</td>
-<td>1024 MB</td>
-<td>Major compaction size can be configured using this parameter. Sum of the segments which is below this threshold will be merged.</td>
-<td>This property configures number of segments to preserve from being compacted. Example: carbon.numberof.preserve.segments=2 then 2 latest segments will always be excluded from the compaction. No segments will be preserved by default.</td>
-<td>Compaction will merge the segments which are loaded within the specific number of days configured. Example: If the configuration is 2, then the segments which are loaded in the time frame of 2 days only will get merged. Segments which are loaded 2 days apart will not be merged. This is disabled by default.</td>
-<td>Number of cores which is used to write data during compaction.</td>
-<p>For compaction commands refer to <a href="ddl-operation-on-carbondata.html">DDL operations on CarbonData</a></p>
-<a id="updating-data" class="anchor" href="#updating-data" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Updating Data</h2>
-<p>Sometimes after the data has been ingested into the System, it is required to be updated. Also there may be situations where some specific columns need to be updated
-on the basis of column expression and optional filter conditions.</p>
-<p>To update we need to specify the column expression with an optional filter condition(s).</p>
-<p>For update commands refer to <a href="dml-operation-on-carbondata.html">DML operations on CarbonData</a>.</p>
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@@ -220,7 +228,7 @@ Currently, there are two 2 types of DataMap supported:</p>
 <li>MVDataMap: DataMap that leverages Materialized View to accelerate olap style query, like SPJG query (select, predicate, join, groupby)</li>
-<a id="datamap-provider" class="anchor" href="#datamap-provider" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>DataMap provider</h3>
+<a id="datamap-provider" class="anchor" href="#datamap-provider" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>DataMap Provider</h3>
 <p>When user issues <code>CREATE DATAMAP dm ON TABLE main USING 'provider'</code>, the corresponding DataMapProvider implementation will be created and initialized.
 Currently, the provider string can be:</p>
@@ -229,7 +237,7 @@ Currently, the provider string can be:</p>
 <li>class name IndexDataMapFactory  implementation: Developer can implement new type of IndexDataMap by extending IndexDataMapFactory</li>
 <p>When user issues <code>DROP DATAMAP dm ON TABLE main</code>, the corresponding DataMapProvider interface will be called.</p>
-<p>Details about <a href="./datamap-management.html#datamap-management">DataMap Management</a> and supported <a href="./datamap-management.html#overview">DSL</a> are documented <a href="./datamap-management.html">here</a>.</p>
+<p>Click for more details about <a href="./datamap-management.html#datamap-management">DataMap Management</a> and supported <a href="./datamap-management.html#overview">DSL</a>.</p>
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@@ -294,8 +302,8 @@ If user create MV datamap without specifying <code>WITH DEFERRED REBUILD</code>,
 <a id="automatic-refresh" class="anchor" href="#automatic-refresh" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Automatic Refresh</h3>
 <p>When user creates a datamap on the main table without using <code>WITH DEFERRED REBUILD</code> syntax, the datamap will be managed by system automatically.
-For every data load to the main table, system will immediately triger a load to the datamap automatically. These two data loading (to main table and datamap) is executed in a transactional manner, meaning that it will be either both success or neither success.</p>
-<p>The data loading to datamap is incremental based on Segment concept, avoiding a expesive total rebuild.</p>
+For every data load to the main table, system will immediately trigger a load to the datamap automatically. These two data loading (to main table and datamap) is executed in a transactional manner, meaning that it will be either both success or neither success.</p>
+<p>The data loading to datamap is incremental based on Segment concept, avoiding a expensive total rebuild.</p>
 <p>If user perform following command on the main table, system will return failure. (reject the operation)</p>
 <li>Data management command: <code>UPDATE/DELETE/DELETE SEGMENT</code>.</li>
@@ -310,7 +318,7 @@ not, the operation is allowed, otherwise operation will be rejected by throwing
 <p>We do recommend you to use this management for index datamap.</p>
 <a id="manual-refresh" class="anchor" href="#manual-refresh" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Manual Refresh</h3>
-<p>When user creates a datamap specifying maunal refresh semantic, the datamap is created with status <em>disabled</em> and query will NOT use this datamap until user can issue REBUILD DATAMAP command to build the datamap. For every REBUILD DATAMAP command, system will trigger a full rebuild of the datamap. After rebuild is done, system will change datamap status to <em>enabled</em>, so that it can be used in query rewrite.</p>
+<p>When user creates a datamap specifying manual refresh semantic, the datamap is created with status <em>disabled</em> and query will NOT use this datamap until user can issue REBUILD DATAMAP command to build the datamap. For every REBUILD DATAMAP command, system will trigger a full rebuild of the datamap. After rebuild is done, system will change datamap status to <em>enabled</em>, so that it can be used in query rewrite.</p>
 <p>For every new data loading, data update, delete, the related datamap will be made <em>disabled</em>,
 which means that the following queries will not benefit from the datamap before it becomes <em>enabled</em> again.</p>
 <p>If the main table is dropped by user, the related datamap will be dropped immediately.</p>
@@ -336,7 +344,7 @@ Manual refresh on this datamap will has no impact.</li>
 <a id="explain" class="anchor" href="#explain" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Explain</h3>
 <p>How can user know whether datamap is used in the query?</p>
-<p>User can use EXPLAIN command to know, it will print out something like</p>
+<p>User can set enable.query.statistics = true and use EXPLAIN command to know, it will print out something like</p>
 <pre lang="text"><code>== CarbonData Profiler ==
 Hit mv DataMap: datamap1
 Scan Table: default.datamap1_table
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@@ -229,6 +237,8 @@
 <li><a href="#caching-at-block-or-blocklet-level">Caching Level</a></li>
 <li><a href="#support-flat-folder-same-as-hiveparquet">Hive/Parquet folder Structure</a></li>
 <li><a href="#string-longer-than-32000-characters">Extra Long String columns</a></li>
+<li><a href="#compression-for-table">Compression for Table</a></li>
+<li><a href="#bad-records-path">Bad Records Path</a></li>
 <li><a href="#create-table-as-select">CREATE TABLE AS SELECT</a></li>
@@ -326,6 +336,10 @@ STORED AS carbondata
 <td>Size of blocks to write onto hdfs</td>
+<td><a href="#table-blocklet-size-configuration">TABLE_BLOCKLET_SIZE</a></td>
+<td>Size of blocklet to write in the file</td>
 <td><a href="#table-compaction-configuration">MAJOR_COMPACTION_SIZE</a></td>
 <td>Size upto which the segments can be combined into one</td>
@@ -346,7 +360,7 @@ STORED AS carbondata
 <td>Segments generated within the configured time limit in days will be compacted, skipping others</td>
-<td><a href="#streaming">streaming</a></td>
+<td><a href="#streaming">STREAMING</a></td>
 <td>Whether the table is a streaming table</td>
@@ -359,11 +373,11 @@ STORED AS carbondata
 <td><a href="#local-dictionary-configuration">LOCAL_DICTIONARY_INCLUDE</a></td>
-<td>Columns for which local dictionary needs to be generated.Useful when local dictionary need not be generated for all string/varchar/char columns</td>
+<td>Columns for which local dictionary needs to be generated. Useful when local dictionary need not be generated for all string/varchar/char columns</td>
 <td><a href="#local-dictionary-configuration">LOCAL_DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE</a></td>
-<td>Columns for which local dictionary generation should be skipped.Useful when local dictionary need not be generated for few string/varchar/char columns</td>
+<td>Columns for which local dictionary generation should be skipped. Useful when local dictionary need not be generated for few string/varchar/char columns</td>
 <td><a href="#caching-minmax-value-for-required-columns">COLUMN_META_CACHE</a></td>
@@ -371,10 +385,10 @@ STORED AS carbondata
 <td><a href="#caching-at-block-or-blocklet-level">CACHE_LEVEL</a></td>
-<td>Column metadata caching level.Whether to cache column metadata of block or blocklet</td>
+<td>Column metadata caching level. Whether to cache column metadata of block or blocklet</td>
-<td><a href="#support-flat-folder-same-as-hiveparquet">flat_folder</a></td>
+<td><a href="#support-flat-folder-same-as-hiveparquet">FLAT_FOLDER</a></td>
 <td>Whether to write all the carbondata files in a single folder.Not writing segments folder during incremental load</td>
@@ -400,12 +414,8 @@ STORED AS carbondata
 Suggested use cases : do dictionary encoding for low cardinality columns, it might help to improve data compression ratio and performance.</p>
 <pre><code>TBLPROPERTIES ('DICTIONARY_INCLUDE'='column1, column2')
+<p><strong>NOTE</strong>: Dictionary Include/Exclude for complex child columns is not supported.</p>
- NOTE: Dictionary Include/Exclude for complex child columns is not supported.
 <a id="inverted-index-configuration" class="anchor" href="#inverted-index-configuration" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Inverted Index Configuration</h5>
@@ -421,14 +431,14 @@ Suggested use cases : For high cardinality columns, you can disable the inverted
 <li>If users don't specify "SORT_COLUMN" property, by default MDK index be built by using all dimension columns except complex data type column.</li>
 <li>If this property is specified but with empty argument, then the table will be loaded without sort.</li>
-<li>This supports only string, date, timestamp, short, int, long, and boolean data types.
+<li>This supports only string, date, timestamp, short, int, long, byte and boolean data types.
 Suggested use cases : Only build MDK index for required columns,it might help to improve the data loading performance.</li>
 <pre><code>TBLPROPERTIES ('SORT_COLUMNS'='column1, column3')
-<p>NOTE: Sort_Columns for Complex datatype columns is not supported.</p>
+<p><strong>NOTE</strong>: Sort_Columns for Complex datatype columns is not supported.</p>
@@ -444,32 +454,43 @@ And if you care about loading resources isolation strictly, because the system u
 <pre><code>### Example:
-<pre><code> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS productSchema.productSalesTable (
-   productNumber INT,
-   productName STRING,
-   storeCity STRING,
-   storeProvince STRING,
-   productCategory STRING,
-   productBatch STRING,
-   saleQuantity INT,
-   revenue INT)
- STORED AS carbondata
- TBLPROPERTIES ('SORT_COLUMNS'='productName,storeCity',
-                'SORT_SCOPE'='NO_SORT')
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS productSchema.productSalesTable (
+  productNumber INT,
+  productName STRING,
+  storeCity STRING,
+  storeProvince STRING,
+  productCategory STRING,
+  productBatch STRING,
+  saleQuantity INT,
+  revenue INT)
+STORED AS carbondata
+TBLPROPERTIES ('SORT_COLUMNS'='productName,storeCity',
+               'SORT_SCOPE'='NO_SORT')
 <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> CarbonData also supports "using carbondata". Find example code at <a href="" target=_blank>SparkSessionExample</a> in the CarbonData repo.</p>
 <a id="table-block-size-configuration" class="anchor" href="#table-block-size-configuration" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Table Block Size Configuration</h5>
-<p>This command is for setting block size of this table, the default value is 1024 MB and supports a range of 1 MB to 2048 MB.</p>
+<p>This property is for setting block size of this table, the default value is 1024 MB and supports a range of 1 MB to 2048 MB.</p>
 <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> 512 or 512M both are accepted.</p>
+<a id="table-blocklet-size-configuration" class="anchor" href="#table-blocklet-size-configuration" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Table Blocklet Size Configuration</h5>
+<p>This property is for setting blocklet size in the carbondata file, the default value is 64 MB.
+Blocklet is the minimum IO read unit, in case of point queries reduce blocklet size might improve the query performance.</p>
+<p>Example usage:</p>
 <a id="table-compaction-configuration" class="anchor" href="#table-compaction-configuration" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Table Compaction Configuration</h5>
 <p>These properties are table level compaction configurations, if not specified, system level configurations in will be used.
 Following are 5 configurations:</p>
@@ -490,7 +511,7 @@ Following are 5 configurations:</p>
 <a id="streaming" class="anchor" href="#streaming" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Streaming</h5>
-<p>CarbonData supports streaming ingestion for real-time data. You can create the ?streaming? table using the following table properties.</p>
+<p>CarbonData supports streaming ingestion for real-time data. You can create the 'streaming' table using the following table properties.</p>
 <pre><code>TBLPROPERTIES ('streaming'='true')
@@ -534,7 +555,28 @@ Following are 5 configurations:</p>
 <p>In case of multi-level complex dataType columns, primitive string/varchar/char columns are considered for local dictionary generation.</p>
-<p>Local dictionary will have to be enabled explicitly during create table or by enabling the <strong>system property</strong> <em><strong>carbon.local.dictionary.enable</strong></em>. By default, Local Dictionary will be disabled for the carbondata table.</p>
+<p>System Level Properties for Local Dictionary:</p>
+<th>Default value</th>
+<td>By default, Local Dictionary will be disabled for the carbondata table.</td>
+<td>Page Level data will not be maintained for the blocklet. During fallback, actual data will be retrieved from the encoded page data using local dictionary. <strong>NOTE:</strong> Memory footprint decreases significantly as compared to when this property is set to false</td>
 <p>Local Dictionary can be configured using the following properties during create table command:</p>
@@ -553,35 +595,37 @@ Following are 5 configurations:</p>
-<td>The maximum cardinality of a column upto which carbondata can try to generate local dictionary (maximum - 100000)</td>
+<td>The maximum cardinality of a column upto which carbondata can try to generate local dictionary (maximum - 100000). <strong>NOTE:</strong> When LOCAL_DICTIONARY_THRESHOLD is defined for Complex columns, the count of distinct records of all child columns are summed up.</td>
 <td>string/varchar/char columns</td>
-<td>Columns for which Local Dictionary has to be generated.<strong>NOTE:</strong> Those string/varchar/char columns which are added into DICTIONARY_INCLUDE option will not be considered for local dictionary generation.This property needs to be configured only when local dictionary needs to be generated for few columns, skipping others.This property takes effect only when <strong>LOCAL_DICTIONARY_ENABLE</strong> is true or <strong>carbon.local.dictionary.enable</strong> is true</td>
+<td>Columns for which Local Dictionary has to be generated.<strong>NOTE:</strong> Those string/varchar/char columns which are added into DICTIONARY_INCLUDE option will not be considered for local dictionary generation. This property needs to be configured only when local dictionary needs to be generated for few columns, skipping others. This property takes effect only when <strong>LOCAL_DICTIONARY_ENABLE</strong> is true or <strong>carbon.local.dictionary.enable</strong> is true</td>
-<td>Columns for which Local Dictionary need not be generated.This property needs to be configured only when local dictionary needs to be skipped for few columns, generating for others.This property takes effect only when <strong>LOCAL_DICTIONARY_ENABLE</strong> is true or <strong>carbon.local.dictionary.enable</strong> is true</td>
+<td>Columns for which Local Dictionary need not be generated. This property needs to be configured only when local dictionary needs to be skipped for few columns, generating for others. This property takes effect only when <strong>LOCAL_DICTIONARY_ENABLE</strong> is true or <strong>carbon.local.dictionary.enable</strong> is true</td>
 <p><strong>Fallback behavior:</strong></p>
-<li>When the cardinality of a column exceeds the threshold, it triggers a fallback and the generated dictionary will be reverted and data loading will be continued without dictionary encoding.</li>
+<p>When the cardinality of a column exceeds the threshold, it triggers a fallback and the generated dictionary will be reverted and data loading will be continued without dictionary encoding.</p>
+<p>In case of complex columns, fallback is triggered when the summation value of all child columns' distinct records exceeds the defined LOCAL_DICTIONARY_THRESHOLD value.</p>
 <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> When fallback is triggered, the data loading performance will decrease as encoded data will be discarded and the actual data is written to the temporary sort files.</p>
 <p><strong>Points to be noted:</strong></p>
 <p>Reduce Block size:</p>
 <p>Number of Blocks generated is less in case of Local Dictionary as compression ratio is high. This may reduce the number of tasks launched during query, resulting in degradation of query performance if the pruned blocks are less compared to the number of parallel tasks which can be run. So it is recommended to configure smaller block size which in turn generates more number of blocks.</p>
-<p>All the page-level data for a blocklet needs to be maintained in memory until all the pages encoded for local dictionary is processed in order to handle fallback. Hence the memory required for local dictionary based table is more and this memory increase is proportional to number of columns.</p>
 <a id="example" class="anchor" href="#example" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Example:</h3>
 <pre><code>CREATE TABLE carbontable(
@@ -611,32 +655,32 @@ Following are 5 configurations:</p>
 <li>If you want no column min/max values to be cached in the driver.</li>
 <li>If you want only col1 min/max values to be cached in the driver.</li>
 <li>If you want min/max values to be cached in driver for all the specified columns.</li>
 <p>Columns to be cached can be specified either while creating table or after creation of the table.
 During create table operation; specify the columns to be cached in table properties.</p>
-<pre><code>CREATE TABLE [dbName].tableName (col1 String, col2 String, col3 int,?) STORED BY ?carbondata? TBLPROPERTIES (?COLUMN_META_CACHE?=?col1,col2,??)
+<pre><code>CREATE TABLE [dbName].tableName (col1 String, col2 String, col3 int,?) STORED BY 'carbondata' TBLPROPERTIES ('COLUMN_META_CACHE'='col1,col2,?')
-<pre><code>CREATE TABLE employee (name String, city String, id int) STORED BY ?carbondata? TBLPROPERTIES (?COLUMN_META_CACHE?=?name?)
+<pre><code>CREATE TABLE employee (name String, city String, id int) STORED BY 'carbondata' TBLPROPERTIES ('COLUMN_META_CACHE'='name')
 <p>After creation of table or on already created tables use the alter table command to configure the columns to be cached.</p>
-<pre><code>ALTER TABLE [dbName].tableName SET TBLPROPERTIES (?COLUMN_META_CACHE?=?col1,col2,??)
+<pre><code>ALTER TABLE [dbName].tableName SET TBLPROPERTIES ('COLUMN_META_CACHE'='col1,col2,?')
@@ -645,36 +689,36 @@ During create table operation; specify the columns to be cached in table propert
 <p>This feature allows you to maintain the cache at Block level, resulting in optimized usage of the memory. The memory consumption is high if the Blocklet level caching is maintained as a Block can have multiple Blocklet.</p>
 <p>Following are the valid values for CACHE_LEVEL:</p>
 <p><em>Configuration for caching in driver at Block level (default value).</em></p>
-<pre><code>CACHE_LEVEL= ?BLOCK?
+<pre><code>CACHE_LEVEL= 'BLOCK'
 <p><em>Configuration for caching in driver at Blocklet level.</em></p>
 <p>Cache level can be specified either while creating table or after creation of the table.
 During create table operation specify the cache level in table properties.</p>
-<pre><code>CREATE TABLE [dbName].tableName (col1 String, col2 String, col3 int,?) STORED BY ?carbondata? TBLPROPERTIES (?CACHE_LEVEL?=?Blocklet?)
+<pre><code>CREATE TABLE [dbName].tableName (col1 String, col2 String, col3 int,?) STORED BY 'carbondata' TBLPROPERTIES ('CACHE_LEVEL'='Blocklet')
-<pre><code>CREATE TABLE employee (name String, city String, id int) STORED BY ?carbondata? TBLPROPERTIES (?CACHE_LEVEL?=?Blocklet?)
+<pre><code>CREATE TABLE employee (name String, city String, id int) STORED BY 'carbondata' TBLPROPERTIES ('CACHE_LEVEL'='Blocklet')
 <p>After creation of table or on already created tables use the alter table command to configure the cache level.</p>
-<pre><code>ALTER TABLE [dbName].tableName SET TBLPROPERTIES (?CACHE_LEVEL?=?Blocklet?)
+<pre><code>ALTER TABLE [dbName].tableName SET TBLPROPERTIES ('CACHE_LEVEL'='Blocklet')
-<pre><code>ALTER TABLE employee SET TBLPROPERTIES (?CACHE_LEVEL?=?Blocklet?)
+<pre><code>ALTER TABLE employee SET TBLPROPERTIES ('CACHE_LEVEL'='Blocklet')
 <a id="support-flat-folder-same-as-hiveparquet" class="anchor" href="#support-flat-folder-same-as-hiveparquet" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Support Flat folder same as Hive/Parquet</h5>
-<p>This feature allows all carbondata and index files to keep directy under tablepath. Currently all carbondata/carbonindex files written under tablepath/Fact/Part0/Segment_NUM folder and it is not same as hive/parquet folder structure. This feature makes all files written will be directly under tablepath, it does not maintain any segment folder structure.This is useful for interoperability between the execution engines and plugin with other execution engines like hive or presto becomes easier.</p>
+<p>This feature allows all carbondata and index files to keep directy under tablepath. Currently all carbondata/carbonindex files written under tablepath/Fact/Part0/Segment_NUM folder and it is not same as hive/parquet folder structure. This feature makes all files written will be directly under tablepath, it does not maintain any segment folder structure. This is useful for interoperability between the execution engines and plugin with other execution engines like hive or presto becomes easier.</p>
 <p>Following table property enables this feature and default value is false.</p>
 <pre><code> 'flat_folder'='true'
-<pre><code>CREATE TABLE employee (name String, city String, id int) STORED BY ?carbondata? TBLPROPERTIES ('flat_folder'='true')
+<pre><code>CREATE TABLE employee (name String, city String, id int) STORED BY 'carbondata' TBLPROPERTIES ('flat_folder'='true')
@@ -698,6 +742,37 @@ TBLPROPERTIES ('LONG_STRING_COLUMNS'='col1,col2')
 You can refer to SDKwriterTestCase for example.</p>
 <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> The LONG_STRING_COLUMNS can only be string/char/varchar columns and cannot be dictionary_include/sort_columns/complex columns.</p>
+<a id="compression-for-table" class="anchor" href="#compression-for-table" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Compression for table</h5>
+<p>Data compression is also supported by CarbonData.
+By default, Snappy is used to compress the data. CarbonData also support ZSTD compressor.
+User can specify the compressor in the table property:</p>
+<p>If the compressor is configured, all the data loading and compaction will use that compressor.
+If the compressor is not configured, the data loading and compaction will use the compressor from current system property.
+In this scenario, the compressor for each load may differ if the system property is changed each time. This is helpful if you want to change the compressor for a table.
+The corresponding system property is configured in file as below:</p>
+<a id="bad-records-path" class="anchor" href="#bad-records-path" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Bad Records Path</h5>
+<p>This property is used to specify the location where bad records would be written.
+As the table path remains the same after rename therefore the user can use this property to
+specify bad records path for the table at the time of creation, so that the same path can
+be later viewed in table description for reference.</p>
+<pre><code>  TBLPROPERTIES('BAD_RECORD_PATH'='/opt/badrecords'')
 <a id="create-table-as-select" class="anchor" href="#create-table-as-select" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>CREATE TABLE AS SELECT</h2>
@@ -735,7 +810,7 @@ carbon.sql("SELECT * FROM target_table").show
 <a id="create-external-table" class="anchor" href="#create-external-table" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE</h2>
 <p>This function allows user to create external table by specifying location.</p>
 <pre><code>CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]table_name 
-STORED AS carbondata LOCATION ?$FilesPath?
+STORED AS carbondata LOCATION '$FilesPath'
 <a id="create-external-table-on-managed-table-data-location" class="anchor" href="#create-external-table-on-managed-table-data-location" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Create external table on managed table data location.</h3>
@@ -781,7 +856,7 @@ suggest to drop the external table and create again to register table with new s
 <a id="example-1" class="anchor" href="#example-1" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Example</h3>
-<pre><code>CREATE DATABASE carbon LOCATION ?hdfs://name_cluster/dir1/carbonstore?;
+<pre><code>CREATE DATABASE carbon LOCATION "hdfs://name_cluster/dir1/carbonstore";
 <a id="table-management" class="anchor" href="#table-management" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>TABLE MANAGEMENT</h2>
@@ -826,12 +901,11 @@ TBLPROPERTIES('DICTIONARY_INCLUDE'='col_name,...',
-<p>NOTE: Add Complex datatype columns is not supported.</p>
+<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Add Complex datatype columns is not supported.</p>
-<p>Users can specify which columns to include and exclude for local dictionary generation after adding new columns. These will be appended with the already existing local dictionary include and exclude columns of main table respectively.</p>
+<p>Users can specify which columns to include and exclude for local dictionary generation after adding new columns. These will be appended with the already existing local dictionary include and exclude columns of main table respectively.
@@ -846,7 +920,7 @@ ALTER TABLE test_db.carbon DROP COLUMNS (b1)
-<p>NOTE: Drop Complex child column is not supported.</p>
+<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Drop Complex child column is not supported.</p>
@@ -876,12 +950,14 @@ Change of decimal data type from lower precision to higher precision will only b
 <pre><code> ALTER TABLE [db_name.]table_name COMPACT 'SEGMENT_INDEX'
+<pre><code> ALTER TABLE test_db.carbon COMPACT 'SEGMENT_INDEX'
+ ```
+ **NOTE:**
+ * Merge index is not supported on streaming table.
-* Merge index is not supported on streaming table.
@@ -935,7 +1011,7 @@ STORED AS carbondata
 <pre><code>CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS productSchema.productSalesTable (
                               productNumber Int COMMENT 'unique serial number for product')
-COMMENT ?This is table comment?
+COMMENT "This is table comment"
  STORED AS carbondata
@@ -972,7 +1048,7 @@ COMMENT ?This is table comment?
 PARTITIONED BY (productCategory STRING, productBatch STRING)
 STORED AS carbondata
-<p>NOTE: Hive partition is not supported on complex datatype columns.</p>
+<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Hive partition is not supported on complex datatype columns.</p>
 <a id="show-partitions" class="anchor" href="#show-partitions" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Show Partitions</h4>
 <p>This command gets the Hive partition information of the table</p>