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Posted to by Matt Hogstrom <> on 2006/06/06 18:04:11 UTC

1.1 Status Building a Release Candidate


Based on the activity on 1.1 over the last week and the tsting that has been done I'm in the process 
of building a release candidate.  Before committing anything to 1.1 please give me a heads up.  I'd 
like to get a build out today for review.  There has been very little activity on 1.1 so my 
assumption is that everything we need in there is already committed.

Alan cut new Specs yesterday and I'm building using them.

We have the following remaining SNAPSHOTs:


I have pinged the OEJB list as well as the TranQL lists so those should be released today I hope. 
Also, Hiram alerted me that the ActiveMQ SNAPSHOT may be out of sync since Codehaus went down.  He 
cut a new one today and I'll be testing with that as well.

I am moving the remaining JIRA's out of 1.1 today.

If this build proves worthy we can take a vote starting tonight and have a release by Friday.

Thanks for your help and comments welcome.
