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Posted to by Thomas Zabel <> on 2003/12/01 13:27:36 UTC

getnodevalue() seems not to work properly


I'am  a xalan-c-newbie. perhaps someone here can help me or has occured the
same problem.....I didn`t find anything solving my problem in the
I give you a code-example......
first I give you the XML-source of the node, that has to be evaluated......

       <HEADLINE><![CDATA[TecDAX am Morgen: Rote Vorzeichen, LION verliert
über 8 Prozent]]></HEADLINE>

now comes the C++-Source-Code:

       // first I evaluate an XPath-expression. the wrapper contains a
       XalanNode *context=theWrapper.getDocumentElement();
       XalanNode *result=theEvaluator.selectSingleNode(theDOMSupport,

       // now I have a XercesNode
       DOMNode* xerNode= (DOMNode*)(theWrapper.mapNode(result));

        // and now i want to print the text-content of the CDATA-section
       if(result->getFirstChild()->getNodeType() ==
           cout << "CDATA_SECTION_NODE\n";
           cout <<  "content:" <<
the output  of this programme is like this:

        content:       (<-------- NOTHING!!!!!!!     WHY???? )

you see, I can't get the content of the CData-section withe getNodeValue. I
tried everything: getTextContent(), I casted to a CharacterDataNode and
.getData(), nothing helped. it is , as if the CDATA-section contains

if I serialize the same node with a DOMWriter to a   StdOutFormatTarget the
CDATA-node  is printed.
but I need the only the content.........
it seems to me, as I do nothing wrong, am I right? what could be the reason
????????? is it due to the mapping from xalan? what are alternative ways, if
this way to get the content doesnt'work?
Please help me!!!!!

Many Thanx in advance and regards

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