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[02/55] [abbrv] [partial] incubator-senssoft git commit: Revert "Modifying file structure again to test if site builds"
diff --git a/semantic/dist/components/tab.js b/semantic/dist/components/tab.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9375ebd..0000000
--- a/semantic/dist/components/tab.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,946 +0,0 @@
- * # Semantic UI 2.2.6 - Tab
- *
- *
- *
- * Released under the MIT license
- *
- *
- */
-;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
-"use strict";
-window = (typeof window != 'undefined' && window.Math == Math)
-  ? window
-  : (typeof self != 'undefined' && self.Math == Math)
-    ? self
-    : Function('return this')()
-$ = function(parameters) {
-  var
-    // use window context if none specified
-    $allModules     = $.isFunction(this)
-        ? $(window)
-        : $(this),
-    moduleSelector  = $allModules.selector || '',
-    time            = new Date().getTime(),
-    performance     = [],
-    query           = arguments[0],
-    methodInvoked   = (typeof query == 'string'),
-    queryArguments  = [], 1),
-    initializedHistory = false,
-    returnedValue
-  ;
-  $allModules
-    .each(function() {
-      var
-        settings        = ( $.isPlainObject(parameters) )
-          ? $.extend(true, {}, $, parameters)
-          : $.extend({}, $,
-        className       = settings.className,
-        metadata        = settings.metadata,
-        selector        = settings.selector,
-        error           = settings.error,
-        eventNamespace  = '.' + settings.namespace,
-        moduleNamespace = 'module-' + settings.namespace,
-        $module         = $(this),
-        $context,
-        $tabs,
-        cache           = {},
-        firstLoad       = true,
-        recursionDepth  = 0,
-        element         = this,
-        instance        = $,
-        activeTabPath,
-        parameterArray,
-        module,
-        historyEvent
-      ;
-      module = {
-        initialize: function() {
-          module.debug('Initializing tab menu item', $module);
-          module.fix.callbacks();
-          module.determineTabs();
-          module.debug('Determining tabs', settings.context, $tabs);
-          // set up automatic routing
-          if( {
-  ;
-          }
-          if(settings.history && !initializedHistory) {
-            module.initializeHistory();
-            initializedHistory = true;
-          }
-          module.instantiate();
-        },
-        instantiate: function () {
-          module.verbose('Storing instance of module', module);
-          instance = module;
-          $module
-            .data(moduleNamespace, module)
-          ;
-        },
-        destroy: function() {
-          module.debug('Destroying tabs', $module);
-          $module
-            .removeData(moduleNamespace)
-            .off(eventNamespace)
-          ;
-        },
-        bind: {
-          events: function() {
-            // if using $.tab don't add events
-            if( !$.isWindow( element ) ) {
-              module.debug('Attaching tab activation events to element', $module);
-              $module
-                .on('click' + eventNamespace,
-              ;
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        determineTabs: function() {
-          var
-            $reference
-          ;
-          // determine tab context
-          if(settings.context === 'parent') {
-            if($module.closest(selector.ui).length > 0) {
-              $reference = $module.closest(selector.ui);
-              module.verbose('Using closest UI element as parent', $reference);
-            }
-            else {
-              $reference = $module;
-            }
-            $context = $reference.parent();
-            module.verbose('Determined parent element for creating context', $context);
-          }
-          else if(settings.context) {
-            $context = $(settings.context);
-            module.verbose('Using selector for tab context', settings.context, $context);
-          }
-          else {
-            $context = $('body');
-          }
-          // find tabs
-          if(settings.childrenOnly) {
-            $tabs = $context.children(selector.tabs);
-            module.debug('Searching tab context children for tabs', $context, $tabs);
-          }
-          else {
-            $tabs = $context.find(selector.tabs);
-            module.debug('Searching tab context for tabs', $context, $tabs);
-          }
-        },
-        fix: {
-          callbacks: function() {
-            if( $.isPlainObject(parameters) && (parameters.onTabLoad || parameters.onTabInit) ) {
-              if(parameters.onTabLoad) {
-                parameters.onLoad = parameters.onTabLoad;
-                delete parameters.onTabLoad;
-                module.error(error.legacyLoad, parameters.onLoad);
-              }
-              if(parameters.onTabInit) {
-                parameters.onFirstLoad = parameters.onTabInit;
-                delete parameters.onTabInit;
-                module.error(error.legacyInit, parameters.onFirstLoad);
-              }
-              settings = $.extend(true, {}, $, parameters);
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        initializeHistory: function() {
-          module.debug('Initializing page state');
-          if( $.address === undefined ) {
-            module.error(error.state);
-            return false;
-          }
-          else {
-            if(settings.historyType == 'state') {
-              module.debug('Using HTML5 to manage state');
-              if(settings.path !== false) {
-                $.address
-                  .history(true)
-                  .state(settings.path)
-                ;
-              }
-              else {
-                module.error(error.path);
-                return false;
-              }
-            }
-            $.address
-              .bind('change', module.event.history.change)
-            ;
-          }
-        },
-        event: {
-          click: function(event) {
-            var
-              tabPath = $(this).data(
-            ;
-            if(tabPath !== undefined) {
-              if(settings.history) {
-                module.verbose('Updating page state', event);
-                $.address.value(tabPath);
-              }
-              else {
-                module.verbose('Changing tab', event);
-                module.changeTab(tabPath);
-              }
-              event.preventDefault();
-            }
-            else {
-              module.debug('No tab specified');
-            }
-          },
-          history: {
-            change: function(event) {
-              var
-                tabPath   = event.pathNames.join('/') || module.get.initialPath(),
-                pageTitle = settings.templates.determineTitle(tabPath) || false
-              ;
-              module.performance.display();
-              module.debug('History change event', tabPath, event);
-              historyEvent = event;
-              if(tabPath !== undefined) {
-                module.changeTab(tabPath);
-              }
-              if(pageTitle) {
-                $.address.title(pageTitle);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        refresh: function() {
-          if(activeTabPath) {
-            module.debug('Refreshing tab', activeTabPath);
-            module.changeTab(activeTabPath);
-          }
-        },
-        cache: {
-          read: function(cacheKey) {
-            return (cacheKey !== undefined)
-              ? cache[cacheKey]
-              : false
-            ;
-          },
-          add: function(cacheKey, content) {
-            cacheKey = cacheKey || activeTabPath;
-            module.debug('Adding cached content for', cacheKey);
-            cache[cacheKey] = content;
-          },
-          remove: function(cacheKey) {
-            cacheKey = cacheKey || activeTabPath;
-            module.debug('Removing cached content for', cacheKey);
-            delete cache[cacheKey];
-          }
-        },
-        set: {
-          auto: function() {
-            var
-              url = (typeof settings.path == 'string')
-                ? settings.path.replace(/\/$/, '') + '/{$tab}'
-                : '/{$tab}'
-            ;
-            module.verbose('Setting up automatic tab retrieval from server', url);
-            if($.isPlainObject(settings.apiSettings)) {
-              settings.apiSettings.url = url;
-            }
-            else {
-              settings.apiSettings = {
-                url: url
-              };
-            }
-          },
-          loading: function(tabPath) {
-            var
-              $tab      = module.get.tabElement(tabPath),
-              isLoading = $tab.hasClass(className.loading)
-            ;
-            if(!isLoading) {
-              module.verbose('Setting loading state for', $tab);
-              $tab
-                .addClass(className.loading)
-                .siblings($tabs)
-                  .removeClass( + ' ' + className.loading)
-              ;
-              if($tab.length > 0) {
-      $tab[0], tabPath);
-              }
-            }
-          },
-          state: function(state) {
-            $.address.value(state);
-          }
-        },
-        changeTab: function(tabPath) {
-          var
-            pushStateAvailable = (window.history && window.history.pushState),
-            shouldIgnoreLoad   = (pushStateAvailable && settings.ignoreFirstLoad && firstLoad),
-            remoteContent      = ( || $.isPlainObject(settings.apiSettings) ),
-            // only add default path if not remote content
-            pathArray = (remoteContent && !shouldIgnoreLoad)
-              ? module.utilities.pathToArray(tabPath)
-              : module.get.defaultPathArray(tabPath)
-          ;
-          tabPath = module.utilities.arrayToPath(pathArray);
-          $.each(pathArray, function(index, tab) {
-            var
-              currentPathArray   = pathArray.slice(0, index + 1),
-              currentPath        = module.utilities.arrayToPath(currentPathArray),
-              isTab              =,
-              isLastIndex        = (index + 1 == pathArray.length),
-              $tab               = module.get.tabElement(currentPath),
-              $anchor,
-              nextPathArray,
-              nextPath,
-              isLastTab
-            ;
-            module.verbose('Looking for tab', tab);
-            if(isTab) {
-              module.verbose('Tab was found', tab);
-              // scope up
-              activeTabPath  = currentPath;
-              parameterArray = module.utilities.filterArray(pathArray, currentPathArray);
-              if(isLastIndex) {
-                isLastTab = true;
-              }
-              else {
-                nextPathArray = pathArray.slice(0, index + 2);
-                nextPath      = module.utilities.arrayToPath(nextPathArray);
-                isLastTab     = ( ! );
-                if(isLastTab) {
-                  module.verbose('Tab parameters found', nextPathArray);
-                }
-              }
-              if(isLastTab && remoteContent) {
-                if(!shouldIgnoreLoad) {
-                  module.activate.navigation(currentPath);
-                  module.fetch.content(currentPath, tabPath);
-                }
-                else {
-                  module.debug('Ignoring remote content on first tab load', currentPath);
-                  firstLoad = false;
-                  module.cache.add(tabPath, $tab.html());
-                  module.activate.all(currentPath);
-        $tab[0], currentPath, parameterArray, historyEvent);
-        $tab[0], currentPath, parameterArray, historyEvent);
-                }
-                return false;
-              }
-              else {
-                module.debug('Opened local tab', currentPath);
-                module.activate.all(currentPath);
-                if( ! ) {
-                  module.cache.add(currentPath, true);
-                  module.debug('First time tab loaded calling tab init');
-        $tab[0], currentPath, parameterArray, historyEvent);
-                }
-      $tab[0], currentPath, parameterArray, historyEvent);
-              }
-            }
-            else if('/') == -1 && tabPath !== '') {
-              // look for in page anchor
-              $anchor     = $('#' + tabPath + ', a[name="' + tabPath + '"]');
-              currentPath = $anchor.closest('[data-tab]').data(;
-              $tab        = module.get.tabElement(currentPath);
-              // if anchor exists use parent tab
-              if($anchor && $anchor.length > 0 && currentPath) {
-                module.debug('Anchor link used, opening parent tab', $tab, $anchor);
-                if( !$tab.hasClass( ) {
-                  setTimeout(function() {
-                    module.scrollTo($anchor);
-                  }, 0);
-                }
-                module.activate.all(currentPath);
-                if( ! ) {
-                  module.cache.add(currentPath, true);
-                  module.debug('First time tab loaded calling tab init');
-        $tab[0], currentPath, parameterArray, historyEvent);
-                }
-      $tab[0], currentPath, parameterArray, historyEvent);
-                return false;
-              }
-            }
-            else {
-              module.error(error.missingTab, $module, $context, currentPath);
-              return false;
-            }
-          });
-        },
-        scrollTo: function($element) {
-          var
-            scrollOffset = ($element && $element.length > 0)
-              ? $element.offset().top
-              : false
-          ;
-          if(scrollOffset !== false) {
-            module.debug('Forcing scroll to an in-page link in a hidden tab', scrollOffset, $element);
-            $(document).scrollTop(scrollOffset);
-          }
-        },
-        update: {
-          content: function(tabPath, html, evaluateScripts) {
-            var
-              $tab = module.get.tabElement(tabPath),
-              tab  = $tab[0]
-            ;
-            evaluateScripts = (evaluateScripts !== undefined)
-              ? evaluateScripts
-              : settings.evaluateScripts
-            ;
-            if(typeof settings.cacheType == 'string' && settings.cacheType.toLowerCase() == 'dom' && typeof html !== 'string') {
-              $tab
-                .empty()
-                .append($(html).clone(true))
-              ;
-            }
-            else {
-              if(evaluateScripts) {
-                module.debug('Updating HTML and evaluating inline scripts', tabPath, html);
-                $tab.html(html);
-              }
-              else {
-                module.debug('Updating HTML', tabPath, html);
-                tab.innerHTML = html;
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        fetch: {
-          content: function(tabPath, fullTabPath) {
-            var
-              $tab        = module.get.tabElement(tabPath),
-              apiSettings = {
-                dataType         : 'html',
-                encodeParameters : false,
-                on               : 'now',
-                cache            : settings.alwaysRefresh,
-                headers          : {
-                  'X-Remote': true
-                },
-                onSuccess : function(response) {
-                  if(settings.cacheType == 'response') {
-                    module.cache.add(fullTabPath, response);
-                  }
-                  module.update.content(tabPath, response);
-                  if(tabPath == activeTabPath) {
-                    module.debug('Content loaded', tabPath);
-          ;
-                  }
-                  else {
-                    module.debug('Content loaded in background', tabPath);
-                  }
-        $tab[0], tabPath, parameterArray, historyEvent);
-        $tab[0], tabPath, parameterArray, historyEvent);
-                  if(typeof settings.cacheType == 'string' && settings.cacheType.toLowerCase() == 'dom' && $tab.children().length > 0) {
-                    setTimeout(function() {
-                      var
-                        $clone = $tab.children().clone(true)
-                      ;
-                      $clone = $clone.not('script');
-                      module.cache.add(fullTabPath, $clone);
-                    }, 0);
-                  }
-                  else {
-                    module.cache.add(fullTabPath, $tab.html());
-                  }
-                },
-                urlData: {
-                  tab: fullTabPath
-                }
-              },
-              request         = $tab.api('get request') || false,
-              existingRequest = ( request && request.state() === 'pending' ),
-              requestSettings,
-              cachedContent
-            ;
-            fullTabPath   = fullTabPath || tabPath;
-            cachedContent =;
-            if(settings.cache && cachedContent) {
-    ;
-              module.debug('Adding cached content', fullTabPath);
-              if(settings.evaluateScripts == 'once') {
-                module.update.content(tabPath, cachedContent, false);
-              }
-              else {
-                module.update.content(tabPath, cachedContent);
-              }
-    $tab[0], tabPath, parameterArray, historyEvent);
-            }
-            else if(existingRequest) {
-              module.set.loading(tabPath);
-              module.debug('Content is already loading', fullTabPath);
-            }
-            else if($.api !== undefined) {
-              requestSettings = $.extend(true, {}, settings.apiSettings, apiSettings);
-              module.debug('Retrieving remote content', fullTabPath, requestSettings);
-              module.set.loading(tabPath);
-              $tab.api(requestSettings);
-            }
-            else {
-              module.error(error.api);
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        activate: {
-          all: function(tabPath) {
-  ;
-            module.activate.navigation(tabPath);
-          },
-          tab: function(tabPath) {
-            var
-              $tab          = module.get.tabElement(tabPath),
-              $deactiveTabs = (settings.deactivate == 'siblings')
-                ? $tab.siblings($tabs)
-                : $tabs.not($tab),
-              isActive      = $tab.hasClass(
-            ;
-            module.verbose('Showing tab content for', $tab);
-            if(!isActive) {
-              $tab
-                .addClass(
-              ;
-              $deactiveTabs
-                .removeClass( + ' ' + className.loading)
-              ;
-              if($tab.length > 0) {
-      $tab[0], tabPath);
-              }
-            }
-          },
-          navigation: function(tabPath) {
-            var
-              $navigation         = module.get.navElement(tabPath),
-              $deactiveNavigation = (settings.deactivate == 'siblings')
-                ? $navigation.siblings($allModules)
-                : $allModules.not($navigation),
-              isActive    = $navigation.hasClass(
-            ;
-            module.verbose('Activating tab navigation for', $navigation, tabPath);
-            if(!isActive) {
-              $navigation
-                .addClass(
-              ;
-              $deactiveNavigation
-                .removeClass( + ' ' + className.loading)
-              ;
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        deactivate: {
-          all: function() {
-            module.deactivate.navigation();
-            module.deactivate.tabs();
-          },
-          navigation: function() {
-            $allModules
-              .removeClass(
-            ;
-          },
-          tabs: function() {
-            $tabs
-              .removeClass( + ' ' + className.loading)
-            ;
-          }
-        },
-        is: {
-          tab: function(tabName) {
-            return (tabName !== undefined)
-              ? ( module.get.tabElement(tabName).length > 0 )
-              : false
-            ;
-          }
-        },
-        get: {
-          initialPath: function() {
-            return $allModules.eq(0).data( || $tabs.eq(0).data(;
-          },
-          path: function() {
-            return $.address.value();
-          },
-          // adds default tabs to tab path
-          defaultPathArray: function(tabPath) {
-            return module.utilities.pathToArray( module.get.defaultPath(tabPath) );
-          },
-          defaultPath: function(tabPath) {
-            var
-              $defaultNav = $allModules.filter('[data-' + + '^="' + tabPath + '/"]').eq(0),
-              defaultTab  = $ || false
-            ;
-            if( defaultTab ) {
-              module.debug('Found default tab', defaultTab);
-              if(recursionDepth < settings.maxDepth) {
-                recursionDepth++;
-                return module.get.defaultPath(defaultTab);
-              }
-              module.error(error.recursion);
-            }
-            else {
-              module.debug('No default tabs found for', tabPath, $tabs);
-            }
-            recursionDepth = 0;
-            return tabPath;
-          },
-          navElement: function(tabPath) {
-            tabPath = tabPath || activeTabPath;
-            return $allModules.filter('[data-' + + '="' + tabPath + '"]');
-          },
-          tabElement: function(tabPath) {
-            var
-              $fullPathTab,
-              $simplePathTab,
-              tabPathArray,
-              lastTab
-            ;
-            tabPath        = tabPath || activeTabPath;
-            tabPathArray   = module.utilities.pathToArray(tabPath);
-            lastTab        = module.utilities.last(tabPathArray);
-            $fullPathTab   = $tabs.filter('[data-' + + '="' + tabPath + '"]');
-            $simplePathTab = $tabs.filter('[data-' + + '="' + lastTab + '"]');
-            return ($fullPathTab.length > 0)
-              ? $fullPathTab
-              : $simplePathTab
-            ;
-          },
-          tab: function() {
-            return activeTabPath;
-          }
-        },
-        utilities: {
-          filterArray: function(keepArray, removeArray) {
-            return $.grep(keepArray, function(keepValue) {
-              return ( $.inArray(keepValue, removeArray) == -1);
-            });
-          },
-          last: function(array) {
-            return $.isArray(array)
-              ? array[ array.length - 1]
-              : false
-            ;
-          },
-          pathToArray: function(pathName) {
-            if(pathName === undefined) {
-              pathName = activeTabPath;
-            }
-            return typeof pathName == 'string'
-              ? pathName.split('/')
-              : [pathName]
-            ;
-          },
-          arrayToPath: function(pathArray) {
-            return $.isArray(pathArray)
-              ? pathArray.join('/')
-              : false
-            ;
-          }
-        },
-        setting: function(name, value) {
-          module.debug('Changing setting', name, value);
-          if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) {
-            $.extend(true, settings, name);
-          }
-          else if(value !== undefined) {
-            if($.isPlainObject(settings[name])) {
-              $.extend(true, settings[name], value);
-            }
-            else {
-              settings[name] = value;
-            }
-          }
-          else {
-            return settings[name];
-          }
-        },
-        internal: function(name, value) {
-          if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) {
-            $.extend(true, module, name);
-          }
-          else if(value !== undefined) {
-            module[name] = value;
-          }
-          else {
-            return module[name];
-          }
-        },
-        debug: function() {
-          if(!settings.silent && settings.debug) {
-            if(settings.performance) {
-              module.performance.log(arguments);
-            }
-            else {
-              module.debug =, console, + ':');
-              module.debug.apply(console, arguments);
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        verbose: function() {
-          if(!settings.silent && settings.verbose && settings.debug) {
-            if(settings.performance) {
-              module.performance.log(arguments);
-            }
-            else {
-              module.verbose =, console, + ':');
-              module.verbose.apply(console, arguments);
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        error: function() {
-          if(!settings.silent) {
-            module.error =, console, + ':');
-            module.error.apply(console, arguments);
-          }
-        },
-        performance: {
-          log: function(message) {
-            var
-              currentTime,
-              executionTime,
-              previousTime
-            ;
-            if(settings.performance) {
-              currentTime   = new Date().getTime();
-              previousTime  = time || currentTime;
-              executionTime = currentTime - previousTime;
-              time          = currentTime;
-              performance.push({
-                'Name'           : message[0],
-                'Arguments'      : [], 1) || '',
-                'Element'        : element,
-                'Execution Time' : executionTime
-              });
-            }
-            clearTimeout(module.performance.timer);
-            module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 500);
-          },
-          display: function() {
-            var
-              title = + ':',
-              totalTime = 0
-            ;
-            time = false;
-            clearTimeout(module.performance.timer);
-            $.each(performance, function(index, data) {
-              totalTime += data['Execution Time'];
-            });
-            title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms';
-            if(moduleSelector) {
-              title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\'';
-            }
-            if( ( !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) {
-              console.groupCollapsed(title);
-              if(console.table) {
-                console.table(performance);
-              }
-              else {
-                $.each(performance, function(index, data) {
-                  console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms');
-                });
-              }
-              console.groupEnd();
-            }
-            performance = [];
-          }
-        },
-        invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) {
-          var
-            object = instance,
-            maxDepth,
-            found,
-            response
-          ;
-          passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments;
-          context         = element         || context;
-          if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) {
-            query    = query.split(/[\. ]/);
-            maxDepth = query.length - 1;
-            $.each(query, function(depth, value) {
-              var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth)
-                ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1)
-                : query
-              ;
-              if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) {
-                object = object[camelCaseValue];
-              }
-              else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) {
-                found = object[camelCaseValue];
-                return false;
-              }
-              else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) {
-                object = object[value];
-              }
-              else if( object[value] !== undefined ) {
-                found = object[value];
-                return false;
-              }
-              else {
-                module.error(error.method, query);
-                return false;
-              }
-            });
-          }
-          if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) {
-            response = found.apply(context, passedArguments);
-          }
-          else if(found !== undefined) {
-            response = found;
-          }
-          if($.isArray(returnedValue)) {
-            returnedValue.push(response);
-          }
-          else if(returnedValue !== undefined) {
-            returnedValue = [returnedValue, response];
-          }
-          else if(response !== undefined) {
-            returnedValue = response;
-          }
-          return found;
-        }
-      };
-      if(methodInvoked) {
-        if(instance === undefined) {
-          module.initialize();
-        }
-        module.invoke(query);
-      }
-      else {
-        if(instance !== undefined) {
-          instance.invoke('destroy');
-        }
-        module.initialize();
-      }
-    })
-  ;
-  return (returnedValue !== undefined)
-    ? returnedValue
-    : this
-  ;
-// shortcut for tabbed content with no defined navigation
-$.tab = function() {
-  $(window).tab.apply(this, arguments);
-$ = {
-  name            : 'Tab',
-  namespace       : 'tab',
-  silent          : false,
-  debug           : false,
-  verbose         : false,
-  performance     : true,
-  auto            : false,      // uses pjax style endpoints fetching content from same url with remote-content headers
-  history         : false,      // use browser history
-  historyType     : 'hash',     // #/ or html5 state
-  path            : false,      // base path of url
-  context         : false,      // specify a context that tabs must appear inside
-  childrenOnly    : false,      // use only tabs that are children of context
-  maxDepth        : 25,         // max depth a tab can be nested
-  deactivate      : 'siblings', // whether tabs should deactivate sibling menu elements or all elements initialized together
-  alwaysRefresh   : false,      // load tab content new every tab click
-  cache           : true,       // cache the content requests to pull locally
-  cacheType       : 'response', // Whether to cache exact response, or to html cache contents after scripts execute
-  ignoreFirstLoad : false,      // don't load remote content on first load
-  apiSettings     : false,      // settings for api call
-  evaluateScripts : 'once',     // whether inline scripts should be parsed (true/false/once). Once will not re-evaluate on cached content
-  onFirstLoad : function(tabPath, parameterArray, historyEvent) {}, // called first time loaded
-  onLoad      : function(tabPath, parameterArray, historyEvent) {}, // called on every load
-  onVisible   : function(tabPath, parameterArray, historyEvent) {}, // called every time tab visible
-  onRequest   : function(tabPath, parameterArray, historyEvent) {}, // called ever time a tab beings loading remote content
-  templates : {
-    determineTitle: function(tabArray) {} // returns page title for path
-  },
-  error: {
-    api        : 'You attempted to load content without API module',
-    method     : 'The method you called is not defined',
-    missingTab : 'Activated tab cannot be found. Tabs are case-sensitive.',
-    noContent  : 'The tab you specified is missing a content url.',
-    path       : 'History enabled, but no path was specified',
-    recursion  : 'Max recursive depth reached',
-    legacyInit : 'onTabInit has been renamed to onFirstLoad in 2.0, please adjust your code.',
-    legacyLoad : 'onTabLoad has been renamed to onLoad in 2.0. Please adjust your code',
-    state      : 'History requires Asual\'s Address library <>'
-  },
-  metadata : {
-    tab    : 'tab',
-    loaded : 'loaded',
-    promise: 'promise'
-  },
-  className   : {
-    loading : 'loading',
-    active  : 'active'
-  },
-  selector    : {
-    tabs : '',
-    ui   : '.ui'
-  }
-})( jQuery, window, document );
diff --git a/semantic/dist/components/tab.min.css b/semantic/dist/components/tab.min.css
deleted file mode 100755
index 5d66971..0000000
--- a/semantic/dist/components/tab.min.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- * # Semantic UI 2.2.6 - Tab
- *
- *
- *
- * Released under the MIT license
- *
- *
- */{display:none},{display:block}{position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:block;min-height:250px} *{position:relative!important;left:-10000px!important},{position:absolute;content:'';top:100px;left:50%;margin:-1.25em 0 0 -1.25em;width:2.5em;height:2.5em;border-radius:500rem;border:.2em solid rgba(0,0,0,.1)},{position:absolute;content:'';top:100px;left:50%;margin:-1.25em 0 0 -1.25em;width:2.5em;height:2.5em;-webkit-animation:button-spin .6s linear;animation:button-spin .6s linear;-webkit-animation-iteration-count:infinite;animation-iteration-count:infinite;border-radius:500rem;border-color:#54595B transparent transparent;border-style:solid;border-width:.2em;box-shadow:0 0 0 1px transparent}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/semantic/dist/components/tab.min.js b/semantic/dist/components/tab.min.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ecd15d6..0000000
--- a/semantic/dist/components/tab.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- * # Semantic UI 2.2.6 - Tab
- *
- *
- *
- * Released under the MIT license
- *
- *
- */
-!function(e,t,a,n){"use strict";t="undefined"!=typeof t&&t.Math==Math?t:"undefined"!=typeof self&&self.Math==Math?self:Function("return this")(),{var o,r=e(e.isFunction(this)?t:this),s=r.selector||"",c=(new Date).getTime(),l=[],d=arguments[0],u="string"==typeof d,b=[],1),g=!1;return r.each(function(){var f,h,p,m,v,y,T=e.isPlainObject(i)?e.extend(!0,{},,i):e.extend({},,L=T.className,x=T.metadata,A=T.selector,P=T.error,C="."+T.namespace,F="module-"+T.namespace,S=e(this),j={},E=!0,w=0,k=this,;v={initialize:function(){v.debug("Initializing tab menu item",S),v.fix.callbacks(),v.determineTabs(),v.debug("Determining tabs",T.context,h),,,T.history&&!g&&(v.initializeHistory(),g=!0),v.instantiate()},instantiate:function(){v.verbose("Storing instance of module",v),I=v,,v)},destroy:function(){v.debug("Destroying tabs",S),S.removeData(F).off(C)},bind:{events:function(
 ){e.isWindow(k)||(v.debug("Attaching tab activation events to element",S),S.on("click"+C,}},determineTabs:function(){var t;"parent"===T.context?(S.closest(A.ui).length>0?(t=S.closest(A.ui),v.verbose("Using closest UI element as parent",t)):t=S,f=t.parent(),v.verbose("Determined parent element for creating context",f)):T.context?(f=e(T.context),v.verbose("Using selector for tab context",T.context,f)):f=e("body"),T.childrenOnly?(h=f.children(A.tabs),v.debug("Searching tab context children for tabs",f,h)):(h=f.find(A.tabs),v.debug("Searching tab context for tabs",f,h))},fix:{callbacks:function(){e.isPlainObject(i)&&(i.onTabLoad||i.onTabInit)&&(i.onTabLoad&&(i.onLoad=i.onTabLoad,delete i.onTabLoad,v.error(P.legacyLoad,i.onLoad)),i.onTabInit&&(i.onFirstLoad=i.onTabInit,delete i.onTabInit,v.error(P.legacyInit,i.onFirstLoad)),T=e.extend(!0,{},,i))}},initializeHistory:function(){if(v.debug("Initializing page state"),e.address===n)return v.error(P.state),!1;if
 ("state"==T.historyType){if(v.debug("Using HTML5 to manage state"),T.path===!1)return v.error(P.path),!1;e.address.history(!0).state(T.path)}e.address.bind("change",v.event.history.change)},event:{click:function(t){var a=e(this).data(;a!==n?(T.history?(v.verbose("Updating page state",t),e.address.value(a)):(v.verbose("Changing tab",t),v.changeTab(a)),t.preventDefault()):v.debug("No tab specified")},history:{change:function(t){var a=t.pathNames.join("/")||v.get.initialPath(),i=T.templates.determineTitle(a)||!1;v.performance.display(),v.debug("History change event",a,t),y=t,a!==n&&v.changeTab(a),i&&e.address.title(i)}}},refresh:function(){p&&(v.debug("Refreshing tab",p),v.changeTab(p))},cache:{read:function(e){return e!==n&&j[e]},add:function(e,t){e=e||p,v.debug("Adding cached content for",e),j[e]=t},remove:function(e){e=e||p,v.debug("Removing cached content for",e),delete j[e]}},set:{auto:function(){var t="string"==typeof T.path?T.path.replace(/\/$/,"")+"/{$tab}":"/{$tab}";
 rbose("Setting up automatic tab retrieval from server",t),e.isPlainObject(T.apiSettings)?T.apiSettings.url=t:T.apiSettings={url:t}},loading:function(e){var t=v.get.tabElement(e),a=t.hasClass(L.loading);a||(v.verbose("Setting loading state for",t),t.addClass(L.loading).siblings(h).removeClass(" "+L.loading),t.length>0&&[0],e))},state:function(t){e.address.value(t)}},changeTab:function(a){var n=t.history&&t.history.pushState,i=n&&T.ignoreFirstLoad&&E,||e.isPlainObject(T.apiSettings),r=o&&!i?v.utilities.pathToArray(a):v.get.defaultPathArray(a);a=v.utilities.arrayToPath(r),e.each(r,function(t,n){var s,c,l,d,u=r.slice(0,t+1),b=v.utilities.arrayToPath(u),,h=t+1==r.length,A=v.get.tabElement(b);if(v.verbose("Looking for tab",n),g){if(v.verbose("Tab was found",n),p=b,m=v.utilities.filterArray(r,u),h?d=!0:(c=r.slice(0,t+2),l=v.utilities.arrayToPath(c),d=!,d&&v.verbose("Tab parameters found",c)),d&&o)return i?(v.debug("Ignoring remote 
 content on first tab load",b),E=!1,v.cache.add(a,A.html()),v.activate.all(b),[0],b,m,y),[0],b,m,y)):(v.activate.navigation(b),v.fetch.content(b,a)),!1;v.debug("Opened local tab",b),v.activate.all(b),||(v.cache.add(b,!0),v.debug("First time tab loaded calling tab init"),[0],b,m,y)),[0],b,m,y)}else{if("/")!=-1||""===a)return v.error(P.missingTab,S,f,b),!1;if(s=e("#"+a+', a[name="'+a+'"]'),b=s.closest("[data-tab]").data(,A=v.get.tabElement(b),s&&s.length>0&&b)return v.debug("Anchor link used, opening parent tab",A,s),A.hasClass(||setTimeout(function(){v.scrollTo(s)},0),v.activate.all(b),||(v.cache.add(b,!0),v.debug("First time tab loaded calling tab init"),[0],b,m,y)),[0],b,m,y),!1}})},scrollTo:function(t){var n=!!(t&&t.length>0)&&t.offset().top;n!==!1&&(v.debug("Forcing scroll to an in-page link in a hidden tab",n,t),e(a).scroll
 Top(n))},update:{content:function(t,a,i){var o=v.get.tabElement(t),r=o[0];i=i!==n?i:T.evaluateScripts,"string"==typeof T.cacheType&&"dom"==T.cacheType.toLowerCase()&&"string"!=typeof a?o.empty().append(e(a).clone(!0)):i?(v.debug("Updating HTML and evaluating inline scripts",t,a),o.html(a)):(v.debug("Updating HTML",t,a),r.innerHTML=a)}},fetch:{content:function(t,a){var i,o,r=v.get.tabElement(t),s={dataType:"html",encodeParameters:!1,on:"now",cache:T.alwaysRefresh,headers:{"X-Remote":!0},onSuccess:function(e){"response"==T.cacheType&&v.cache.add(a,e),v.update.content(t,e),t==p?(v.debug("Content loaded",t),"Content loaded in background",t),[0],t,m,y),[0],t,m,y),"string"==typeof T.cacheType&&"dom"==T.cacheType.toLowerCase()&&r.children().length>0?setTimeout(function(){var e=r.children().clone(!0);e=e.not("script"),v.cache.add(a,e)},0):v.cache.add(a,r.html())},urlData:{tab:a}},c=r.api("get request")||!1,l=c&&"pending"===c.stat
 e();a=a||t,,T.cache&&o?(,v.debug("Adding cached content",a),"once"==T.evaluateScripts?v.update.content(t,o,!1):v.update.content(t,o),[0],t,m,y)):l?(v.set.loading(t),v.debug("Content is already loading",a)):e.api!==n?(i=e.extend(!0,{},T.apiSettings,s),v.debug("Retrieving remote content",a,i),v.set.loading(t),r.api(i)):v.error(P.api)}},activate:{all:function(e){,v.activate.navigation(e)},tab:function(e){var t=v.get.tabElement(e),a="siblings"==T.deactivate?t.siblings(h):h.not(t),n=t.hasClass(;v.verbose("Showing tab content for",t),n||(t.addClass(,a.removeClass(" "+L.loading),t.length>0&&[0],e))},navigation:function(e){var t=v.get.navElement(e),a="siblings"==T.deactivate?t.siblings(r):r.not(t),n=t.hasClass(;v.verbose("Activating tab navigation for",t,e),n||(t.addClass(,a.removeClass(" "+L.loading))}},deactivate:{all:function(){v.deactivate.navigation(
 ),v.deactivate.tabs()},navigation:function(){r.removeClass(},tabs:function(){h.removeClass(" "+L.loading)}},is:{tab:function(e){return e!==n&&v.get.tabElement(e).length>0}},get:{initialPath:function(){return r.eq(0).data(||h.eq(0).data(},path:function(){return e.address.value()},defaultPathArray:function(e){return v.utilities.pathToArray(v.get.defaultPath(e))},defaultPath:function(e){var t=r.filter("[data-"'^="'+e+'/"]').eq(0),||!1;if(a){if(v.debug("Found default tab",a),w<T.maxDepth)return w++,v.get.defaultPath(a);v.error(P.recursion)}else v.debug("No default tabs found for",e,h);return w=0,e},navElement:function(e){return e=e||p,r.filter("[data-"'="'+e+'"]')},tabElement:function(e){var t,a,n,i;return e=e||p,n=v.utilities.pathToArray(e),i=v.utilities.last(n),t=h.filter("[data-"'="'+e+'"]'),a=h.filter("[data-"'="'+i+'"]'),t.length>0?t:a},tab:function(){return p}},utilities:{filterArray:function(t,a){return
 ep(t,function(t){return e.inArray(t,a)==-1})},last:function(t){return!!e.isArray(t)&&t[t.length-1]},pathToArray:function(e){return e===n&&(e=p),"string"==typeof e?e.split("/"):[e]},arrayToPath:function(t){return!!e.isArray(t)&&t.join("/")}},setting:function(t,a){if(v.debug("Changing setting",t,a),e.isPlainObject(t))e.extend(!0,T,t);else{if(a===n)return T[t];e.isPlainObject(T[t])?e.extend(!0,T[t],a):T[t]=a}},internal:function(t,a){if(e.isPlainObject(t))e.extend(!0,v,t);else{if(a===n)return v[t];v[t]=a}},debug:function(){!T.silent&&T.debug&&(T.performance?v.performance.log(arguments):(,console,":"),v.debug.apply(console,arguments)))},verbose:function(){!T.silent&&T.verbose&&T.debug&&(T.performance?v.performance.log(arguments):(,console,":"),v.verbose.apply(console,arguments)))},error:function(){T.silent||(,console,":
 "),v.error.apply(console,arguments))},performance:{log:function(e){var t,a,n;T.performance&&(t=(new Date).getTime(),n=c||t,a=t-n,c=t,l.push({Name:e[0],Arguments:[],1)||"",Element:k,"Execution Time":a})),clearTimeout(v.performance.timer),v.performance.timer=setTimeout(v.performance.display,500)},display:function(){var":",a=0;c=!1,clearTimeout(v.performance.timer),e.each(l,function(e,t){a+=t["Execution Time"]}),t+=" "+a+"ms",s&&(t+=" '"+s+"'"),(!==n||console.table!==n)&&l.length>0&&(console.groupCollapsed(t),console.table?console.table(l):e.each(l,function(e,t){console.log(t.Name+": "+t["Execution Time"]+"ms")}),console.groupEnd()),l=[]}},invoke:function(t,a,i){var r,s,c,l=I;return a=a||b,i=k||i,"string"==typeof t&&l!==n&&(t=t.split(/[\. ]/),r=t.length-1,e.each(t,function(a,i){var o=a!=r?i+t[a+1].charAt(0).toUpperCase()+t[a+1].slice(1):t;if(e.isPlainObject(l[o])&&a!=r)l=l[o];else{if(l[o]!==n)return s=l[o],!1;if(!e.isPlainObject(l[i])||a==r)return l[
 i]!==n?(s=l[i],!1):(v.error(P.method,t),!1);l=l[i]}})),e.isFunction(s)?c=s.apply(i,a):s!==n&&(c=s),e.isArray(o)?o.push(c):o!==n?o=[o,c]:c!==n&&(o=c),s}},u?(I===n&&v.initialize(),v.invoke(d)):(I!==n&&I.invoke("destroy"),v.initialize())}),o!==n?o:this},{e(t).tab.apply(this,arguments)},{name:"Tab",namespace:"tab",silent:!1,debug:!1,verbose:!1,performance:!0,auto:!1,history:!1,historyType:"hash",path:!1,context:!1,childrenOnly:!1,maxDepth:25,deactivate:"siblings",alwaysRefresh:!1,cache:!0,cacheType:"response",ignoreFirstLoad:!1,apiSettings:!1,evaluateScripts:"once",onFirstLoad:function(e,t,a){},onLoad:function(e,t,a){},onVisible:function(e,t,a){},onRequest:function(e,t,a){},templates:{determineTitle:function(e){}},error:{api:"You attempted to load content without API module",method:"The method you called is not defined",missingTab:"Activated tab cannot be found. Tabs are case-sensitive.",noContent:"The tab you specified is missing a content url.",path:"
 History enabled, but no path was specified",recursion:"Max recursive depth reached",legacyInit:"onTabInit has been renamed to onFirstLoad in 2.0, please adjust your code.",legacyLoad:"onTabLoad has been renamed to onLoad in 2.0. Please adjust your code",state:"History requires Asual's Address library <>"},metadata:{tab:"tab",loaded:"loaded",promise:"promise"},className:{loading:"loading",active:"active"},selector:{tabs:"",ui:".ui"}}}(jQuery,window,document);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/semantic/dist/components/table.css b/semantic/dist/components/table.css
deleted file mode 100755
index 3509211..0000000
--- a/semantic/dist/components/table.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1108 +0,0 @@
- * # Semantic UI 2.2.6 - Table
- *
- *
- *
- * Released under the MIT license
- *
- *
- */
-             Table
-/* Prototype */
-.ui.table {
-  width: 100%;
-  background: #EBEBEB;
-  margin: 1em 0em;
-  border: 1px solid rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.15);
-  box-shadow: none;
-  border-radius: 0.28571429rem;
-  text-align: left;
-  color: #262626;
-  border-collapse: separate;
-  border-spacing: 0px;
-.ui.table:first-child {
-  margin-top: 0em;
-.ui.table:last-child {
-  margin-bottom: 0em;
-             Parts
-/* Table Content */
-.ui.table th,
-.ui.table td {
-  -webkit-transition: background 0.1s ease, color 0.1s ease;
-  transition: background 0.1s ease, color 0.1s ease;
-/* Headers */
-.ui.table thead {
-  box-shadow: none;
-.ui.table thead th {
-  cursor: auto;
-  background: #F9FAFB;
-  text-align: inherit;
-  color: #262626;
-  padding: 0.92857143em 0.78571429em;
-  vertical-align: inherit;
-  font-style: none;
-  font-weight: bold;
-  text-transform: none;
-  border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.1);
-  border-left: none;
-.ui.table thead tr > th:first-child {
-  border-left: none;
-.ui.table thead tr:first-child > th:first-child {
-  border-radius: 0.28571429rem 0em 0em 0em;
-.ui.table thead tr:first-child > th:last-child {
-  border-radius: 0em 0.28571429rem 0em 0em;
-.ui.table thead tr:first-child > th:only-child {
-  border-radius: 0.28571429rem 0.28571429rem 0em 0em;
-/* Footer */
-.ui.table tfoot {
-  box-shadow: none;
-.ui.table tfoot th {
-  cursor: auto;
-  border-top: 1px solid rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.15);
-  background: #F9FAFB;
-  text-align: inherit;
-  color: #262626;
-  padding: 0.78571429em 0.78571429em;
-  vertical-align: middle;
-  font-style: normal;
-  font-weight: normal;
-  text-transform: none;
-.ui.table tfoot tr > th:first-child {
-  border-left: none;
-.ui.table tfoot tr:first-child > th:first-child {
-  border-radius: 0em 0em 0em 0.28571429rem;
-.ui.table tfoot tr:first-child > th:last-child {
-  border-radius: 0em 0em 0.28571429rem 0em;
-.ui.table tfoot tr:first-child > th:only-child {
-  border-radius: 0em 0em 0.28571429rem 0.28571429rem;
-/* Table Row */
-.ui.table tr td {
-  border-top: 1px solid rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.1);
-.ui.table tr:first-child td {
-  border-top: none;
-/* Table Cells */
-.ui.table td {
-  padding: 0.78571429em 0.78571429em;
-  text-align: inherit;
-/* Icons */
-.ui.table > .icon {
-  vertical-align: baseline;
-.ui.table > .icon:only-child {
-  margin: 0em;
-/* Table Segment */
-.ui.table.segment {
-  padding: 0em;
-.ui.table.segment:after {
-  display: none;
-.ui.table.segment.stacked:after {
-  display: block;
-/* Responsive */
-@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
-  .ui.table:not(.unstackable) {
-    width: 100%;
-  }
-  .ui.table:not(.unstackable) tbody,
-  .ui.table:not(.unstackable) tr,
-  .ui.table:not(.unstackable) tr > th,
-  .ui.table:not(.unstackable) tr > td {
-    width: auto !important;
-    display: block !important;
-  }
-  .ui.table:not(.unstackable) {
-    padding: 0em;
-  }
-  .ui.table:not(.unstackable) thead {
-    display: block;
-  }
-  .ui.table:not(.unstackable) tfoot {
-    display: block;
-  }
-  .ui.table:not(.unstackable) tr {
-    padding-top: 1em;
-    padding-bottom: 1em;
-    box-shadow: 0px -1px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) inset !important;
-  }
-  .ui.table:not(.unstackable) tr > th,
-  .ui.table:not(.unstackable) tr > td {
-    background: none;
-    border: none !important;
-    padding: 0.25em 0.75em !important;
-    box-shadow: none !important;
-  }
-  .ui.table:not(.unstackable) th:first-child,
-  .ui.table:not(.unstackable) td:first-child {
-    font-weight: bold;
-  }
-/* Definition Table */
-  .ui.definition.table:not(.unstackable) thead th:first-child {
-    box-shadow: none !important;
-  }
-            Coupling
-/* UI Image */
-.ui.table th .image,
-.ui.table th .image img,
-.ui.table td .image,
-.ui.table td .image img {
-  max-width: none;
-             Types
-    Complex
-.ui.structured.table {
-  border-collapse: collapse;
-.ui.structured.table thead th {
-  border-left: none;
-  border-right: none;
-.ui.structured.sortable.table thead th {
-  border-left: 1px solid rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.15);
-  border-right: 1px solid rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.15);
-.ui.structured.basic.table th {
-  border-left: none;
-  border-right: none;
-.ui.structured.celled.table tr th,
-.ui.structured.celled.table tr td {
-  border-left: 1px solid rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.1);
-  border-right: 1px solid rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.1);
-   Definition
-.ui.definition.table thead:not(.full-width) th:first-child {
-  pointer-events: none;
-  background: transparent;
-  font-weight: normal;
-  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
-  box-shadow: -1px -1px 0px 1px #EBEBEB;
-.ui.definition.table tfoot:not(.full-width) th:first-child {
-  pointer-events: none;
-  background: transparent;
-  font-weight: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
-  color: normal;
-  box-shadow: 1px 1px 0px 1px #EBEBEB;
-/* Remove Border */
-.ui.celled.definition.table thead:not(.full-width) th:first-child {
-  box-shadow: 0px -1px 0px 1px #EBEBEB;
-.ui.celled.definition.table tfoot:not(.full-width) th:first-child {
-  box-shadow: 0px 1px 0px 1px #EBEBEB;
-/* Highlight Defining Column */
-.ui.definition.table tr td:first-child:not(.ignored),
-.ui.definition.table tr td.definition {
-  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03);
-  font-weight: bold;
-  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.95);
-  text-transform: '';
-  box-shadow: '';
-  text-align: '';
-  font-size: 1em;
-  padding-left: '';
-  padding-right: '';
-/* Fix 2nd Column */
-.ui.definition.table thead:not(.full-width) th:nth-child(2) {
-  border-left: 1px solid rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.15);
-.ui.definition.table tfoot:not(.full-width) th:nth-child(2) {
-  border-left: 1px solid rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.15);
-.ui.definition.table td:nth-child(2) {
-  border-left: 1px solid rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.15);
-             States
-    Positive
-.ui.table tr.positive,
-.ui.table td.positive {
-  box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px #A3C293 inset;
-.ui.table tr.positive,
-.ui.table td.positive {
-  background: #FCFFF5 !important;
-  color: #2C662D !important;
-     Negative
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-.ui.table td.negative {
-  box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px #E0B4B4 inset;
-.ui.table tr.negative,
-.ui.table td.negative {
-  background: #FFF6F6 !important;
-  color: #9F3A38 !important;
-      Error
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-.ui.table tr.error,
-.ui.table td.error {
-  background: #FFF6F6 !important;
-  color: #9F3A38 !important;
-     Warning
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-.ui.table tr.warning,
-.ui.table td.warning {
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-  color: #573A08 !important;
-     Active
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-.ui.table {
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-          Variations
-    Stackable
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-  .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table,
-  .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table tbody,
-  .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table tr,
-  .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table tr > th,
-  .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table tr > td {
-    width: 100% !important;
-    display: block !important;
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-  .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table {
-    padding: 0em;
-  }
-  .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table thead {
-    display: block;
-  }
-  .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table tfoot {
-    display: block;
-  }
-  .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table tr {
-    padding-top: 1em;
-    padding-bottom: 1em;
-    box-shadow: 0px -1px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) inset !important;
-  }
-  .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table tr > th,
-  .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].table tr > td {
-    background: none;
-    border: none !important;
-    padding: 0.25em 0.75em;
-    box-shadow: none !important;
-  }
-/* Definition Table */
-  .ui.definition[class*="tablet stackable"].table thead th:first-child {
-    box-shadow: none !important;
-  }
- Text Alignment
-.ui.table[class*="left aligned"],
-.ui.table [class*="left aligned"] {
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-.ui.table[class*="center aligned"],
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-.ui.table[class*="right aligned"],
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-.ui.table[class*="middle aligned"],
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-  vertical-align: middle;
-.ui.table[class*="bottom aligned"],
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-    Collapsing
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-  width: 1px;
-  white-space: nowrap;
-     Fixed
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-   Selectable
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-  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.95) !important;
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-  color: #ffffff !important;
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-.ui.table tbody tr td.selectable > a:not(.ui) {
-  display: block;
-  color: inherit;
-  padding: 0.78571429em 0.78571429em;
-/* Other States */
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-.ui.table tr td.selectable.error:hover,
-.ui.selectable.table tr:hover td.error {
-  background: #ffe7e7 !important;
-  color: #943634 !important;
-.ui.selectable.table tr.warning:hover,
-.ui.table tr td.selectable.warning:hover,
-.ui.selectable.table tr:hover td.warning {
-  background: #fff4e4 !important;
-  color: #493107 !important;
-.ui.table tr,
-.ui.selectable.table tr:hover {
-  background: #E0E0E0 !important;
-  color: #262626 !important;
-.ui.selectable.table tr.positive:hover,
-.ui.table tr td.selectable.positive:hover,
-.ui.selectable.table tr:hover td.positive {
-  background: #f7ffe6 !important;
-  color: #275b28 !important;
-.ui.selectable.table tr.negative:hover,
-.ui.table tr td.selectable.negative:hover,
-.ui.selectable.table tr:hover td.negative {
-  background: #ffe7e7 !important;
-  color: #943634 !important;
-      Attached
-/* Middle */
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-  top: 0px;
-  bottom: 0px;
-  border-radius: 0px;
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-  width: calc(100% +  2px );
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-  border-top: none;
-/* Top */
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-  bottom: 0px;
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-  top: 0px;
-  margin-top: 1em;
-  border-radius: 0.28571429rem 0.28571429rem 0em 0em;
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-  margin-top: 0em;
-/* Bottom */
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-  bottom: 0px;
-  margin-top: 0em;
-  top: 0px;
-  margin-bottom: 1em;
-  box-shadow: none, none;
-  border-radius: 0em 0em 0.28571429rem 0.28571429rem;
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-     Striped
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-/* Allow striped active hover */
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-  background: #EFEFEF !important;
-  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.95) !important;
-   Single Line
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-.ui.table[class*="single line"],
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-       Colors
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-  background-color: #E24614 !important;
-  color: #EBEBEB !important;
-/* Orange */ {
-  border-top: 0.2em solid #F2711C;
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-  background-color: #F2711C !important;
-  color: #EBEBEB !important;
-/* Yellow */
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-  border-top: 0.2em solid #DBA915;
-.ui.inverted.yellow.table {
-  background-color: #DBA915 !important;
-  color: #EBEBEB !important;
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-  border-top: 0.2em solid #B5CC18;
-.ui.inverted.olive.table {
-  background-color: #B5CC18 !important;
-  color: #EBEBEB !important;
-/* Green */ {
-  border-top: 0.2em solid #BFD02C;
-} {
-  background-color: #BFD02C !important;
-  color: #EBEBEB !important;
-/* Teal */
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-  border-top: 0.2em solid #283F4E;
-.ui.inverted.teal.table {
-  background-color: #283F4E !important;
-  color: #EBEBEB !important;
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-  border-top: 0.2em solid #38A6D8;
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-  background-color: #38A6D8 !important;
-  color: #EBEBEB !important;
-/* Violet */
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-  border-top: 0.2em solid #6435C9;
-.ui.inverted.violet.table {
-  background-color: #6435C9 !important;
-  color: #EBEBEB !important;
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-  border-top: 0.2em solid #852EB7;
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-  color: #EBEBEB !important;
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-  border-top: 0.2em solid #E03997;
-} {
-  background-color: #E03997 !important;
-  color: #EBEBEB !important;
-/* Brown */
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-  border-top: 0.2em solid #A5673F;
-.ui.inverted.brown.table {
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-  color: #EBEBEB !important;
-/* Grey */
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-  border-top: 0.2em solid #54595B;
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-  background-color: #54595B !important;
-  color: #EBEBEB !important;
-/* Black */ {
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-  background-color: #262626 !important;
-  color: #EBEBEB !important;
-  Column Count
-/* Grid Based */ td {
-  width: 100%;
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-  width: 50%;
-.ui.three.column.table td {
-  width: 33.33333333%;
-.ui.four.column.table td {
-  width: 25%;
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-  width: 20%;
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-    Sortable
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-.ui.sortable.table thead th.sorted,
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-  content: '\f0d8';
-.ui.sortable.table thead th.descending:after {
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-  background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08) linear-gradient(transparent, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05));
-  color: #ffffff;
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-  border-right-color: transparent;
-    Inverted
-/* Text Color */
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-  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);
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-  color: rgba(225, 225, 225, 0.3);
-/* Definition */
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-.ui.inverted.definition.table thead:not(.full-width) th:first-child {
-  background: #EBEBEB;
-.ui.inverted.definition.table tr td:first-child {
-  background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.02);
-  color: #ffffff;
-   Collapsing
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-      Basic
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-  background: transparent;
-  border: 1px solid rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.15);
-  box-shadow: none;
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-  background: transparent;
-  border-left: none;
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-  background: transparent;
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-     Celled
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-  padding-right: 1em;
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-  padding-right: 1.5em;
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-  padding: 1.5em 1.5em;
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-  padding-left: 0.7em;
-  padding-right: 0.7em;
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-  padding: 0.5em 0.7em;
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-  padding-left: 0.6em;
-  padding-right: 0.6em;
-.ui[class*="very compact"].table td {
-  padding: 0.4em 0.6em;
-      Sizes
-/* Small */
-.ui.small.table {
-  font-size: 0.9em;
-/* Standard */
-.ui.table {
-  font-size: 1em;
-/* Large */
-.ui.large.table {
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-         Site Overrides
diff --git a/semantic/dist/components/table.min.css b/semantic/dist/components/table.min.css
deleted file mode 100755
index fc27e6f..0000000
--- a/semantic/dist/components/table.min.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- * # Semantic UI 2.2.6 - Table
- *
- *
- *
- * Released under the MIT license
- *
- *
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