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Posted to by on 2021/04/23 14:19:57 UTC

[camel-kamelets] 01/05: Added Cassandra Sink kamelet

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acosentino pushed a commit to branch main
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commit 73e1610cca0b9295414c170c0244c1a27e4ab084
Author: Andrea Cosentino <>
AuthorDate: Fri Apr 23 15:26:59 2021 +0200

    Added Cassandra Sink kamelet
 cassandra-sink.kamelet.yaml | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 75 insertions(+)

diff --git a/cassandra-sink.kamelet.yaml b/cassandra-sink.kamelet.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5d534f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cassandra-sink.kamelet.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+kind: Kamelet
+  name: cassandra-sink
+  annotations:
+ " [...]
+ "Apache Software Foundation"
+  labels:
+ "source"
+  definition:
+    title: "Cassandra Sink"
+    description: |-
+      Send data to a Cassandra Cluster.
+      This Kamelet expects the body as JSON Array. The content of the JSON Array will be used as input for the CQL Prepared Statement set in the query parameter.
+    required:
+      - host
+      - port
+      - keyspace
+      - username
+      - password
+      - query
+    properties:
+      host:
+        title: Host
+        description: Hostname(s) cassandra server(s). Multiple hosts can be separated by comma.
+        type: string
+        example: localhost
+      port:
+        title: Port
+        description: Port number of cassandra server(s)
+        type: string
+        example: 9042
+      keyspace:
+        title: Keyspace 
+        description: Keyspace to use
+        type: string
+        example: customers
+      username:
+        title: Username
+        description: The username to use for accessing a secured Cassandra Cluster
+        type: string
+      password:
+        title: Password
+        description: The password to use for accessing a secured Cassandra Cluster
+        type: string
+        x-descriptors:
+        - urn:alm:descriptor:com.tectonic.ui:password
+      consistencyLevel:
+        title: Consistency Level
+        description: Consistency level to use. The value can be one of ANY, ONE, TWO, THREE, QUORUM, ALL, LOCAL_QUORUM, EACH_QUORUM, SERIAL, LOCAL_SERIAL, LOCAL_ONE
+        type: string
+        default: ANY
+      preparedStatement:
+        title: The Prepared statement
+        description: The Prepared statement to execute against the Cassandra cluster table
+        type: string
+  dependencies:
+  - "camel:jackson"
+  flow:
+    from:
+      uri: "kamelet:source"
+      steps:
+      - unmarshal:
+          json: 
+            library: Jackson
+            useList: true
+      - to: 
+          uri: "cql://{{host}}:{{port}}/{{keyspace}}"
+          parameters:
+            username: "{{username}}"
+            password: "{{password}}"
+            preparedStatement: "{{preparedStatement}}"
+            consistencyLevel: "{{consistencyLevel}}"