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svn commit: r737947 - /incubator/olio/webapp/php/trunk/public_html/addEventResult.php

Author: akara
Date: Tue Jan 27 00:33:17 2009
New Revision: 737947

Fix for issue OLIO-45:
1. sorted events before accessing them
2. Separate out transaction from geocoder and file access
3. Copy image after transaction is done
4. Update record with a separate transaction


Modified: incubator/olio/webapp/php/trunk/public_html/addEventResult.php
--- incubator/olio/webapp/php/trunk/public_html/addEventResult.php (original)
+++ incubator/olio/webapp/php/trunk/public_html/addEventResult.php Tue Jan 27 00:33:17 2009
@@ -22,232 +22,260 @@
 $connection = DBConnection::getWriteInstance();
 // 1. Get data from submission page.
-	$description=$_POST['description'];
-        $summary = $_POST['summary'];
-	$title=$_POST['title'];
-	$strt1= $_POST['street1'];
-	$street2= $_POST['street2'];
-	$cty  = $_POST['city'];
-	$street1 = str_replace(" ","+",$strt1);
-	$city = str_replace(" ","+",$cty);
-	$state = $_POST['state'];
-	$zip = $_POST['zip'];
-	$country = $_POST['country'];
-	$telephone = $_POST['telephone'];
-	$year = $_POST['year'];
-	$month = $_POST['month'];
-	$day = $_POST['day'];
-	$hour = $_POST['hour'];
-	$minute = $_POST['minute'];
-	$eventtime=$year."-".$month."-".$day." ".$hour.":".$minute.":00";
-	$eventdate=$year."-".$month."-".$day;
-	$tags=$_POST['tags'];
-        //echo "Tags = ".$tags."<br/>";
-	$image_name= basename($_FILES['upload_image']['name']);
-	$literature_name=basename($_FILES['upload_literature']['name']);
+$summary = $_POST['summary'];
+$strt1= $_POST['street1'];
+$street2= $_POST['street2'];
+$cty  = $_POST['city'];
+$street1 = str_replace(" ","+",$strt1);
+$city = str_replace(" ","+",$cty);
+$state = $_POST['state'];
+$zip = $_POST['zip'];
+$country = $_POST['country'];
+$telephone = $_POST['telephone'];
+$year = $_POST['year'];
+$month = $_POST['month'];
+$day = $_POST['day'];
+$hour = $_POST['hour'];
+$minute = $_POST['minute'];
+$eventtime=$year."-".$month."-".$day." ".$hour.":".$minute.":00";
+//echo "Tags = ".$tags."<br/>";
+$image_name= basename($_FILES['upload_image']['name']);
 // 2. Get coordinates of the address.
-	$geocode = new Geocoder($street1, $city, $state, $zip);
+$geocode = new Geocoder($street1, $city, $state, $zip);
 // 3. Insert address and get the address id.
-	$insertaddr = "insert into ADDRESS (street1, street2, city, state, zip, country, latitude, longitude) ".
+$insertaddr = "insert into ADDRESS (street1, street2, city, state, zip, country, latitude, longitude) ".
                       "values ('$strt1', '$street2', '$cty', '$state', '$zip', '$country', ".
                       "'$geocode->latitude', '$geocode->longitude')";
-    $connection->beginTransaction();
-	$connection->exec($insertaddr);
-	$cq = "select last_insert_id()";
-	$idres = $connection->query($cq);
-	while($idres->next()) {
-            $addrid = $idres->get(1);
-	}
-	unset($idres);
+$cq = "select last_insert_id()";
+$idres = $connection->query($cq);
+while($idres->next()) {
+    $addrid = $idres->get(1);
 // 4. Insert event and get the event id.
-        $usrnm = $_SESSION["uname"];
-        $evid =  $_SESSION["addEventSE"];
+$usrnm = $_SESSION["uname"];
+$evid =  $_SESSION["addEventSE"];
-        if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmit'])) {
+if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmit'])) {
 	$insertse = "insert into SOCIALEVENT (title, description,summary, submitterUserName, ADDRESS_addressid,telephone, timezone, eventtimestamp, eventdate) values ('$title', '$description','$summary', '$usrnm', '$addrid', '$telephone', '$timezone', '$eventtime', '$eventdate')";
-	$connection->exec($insertse);
-	$idres = $connection->query($cq);
-	while ($idres->next()) {
-            $eventid=$idres->get(1);
-	}
-	unset($idres);
-        }else if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmitupdate'])) {
-        $updse = "update SOCIALEVENT set title='$title',description='$description',summary='$summary', submitterUserName='$usrnm',ADDRESS_addressid='$addrid',telephone='$telephone',timezone='$timezone',eventtimestamp='$eventtime',eventdate='$eventdate' where socialeventid = '$evid'";
- 	$upd = $connection->exec($updse);
-        if ($upd != 1)
-            throw new Exception("Error updating event with image locations. Update returned $updated!");
-        }
+    $connection->exec($insertse);
+    $idres = $connection->query($cq);
+    while ($idres->next()) {
+        $eventid=$idres->get(1);
+    }
+    unset($idres);
+}else if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmitupdate'])) {
+    $updse = "update SOCIALEVENT set title='$title',description='$description',summary='$summary', submitterUserName='$usrnm',ADDRESS_addressid='$addrid',telephone='$telephone',timezone='$timezone',eventtimestamp='$eventtime',eventdate='$eventdate' where socialeventid = '$evid'";
+    $upd = $connection->exec($updse);
+    if ($upd != 1)
+    throw new Exception("Error updating event with image locations. Update returned $updated!");
 // 5. Check tags. Insert if not available and get id, then insert relationship.
-        $tagList = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", trim($tags));
-        //echo "TagList = ".$tagList."<br/>";
-        foreach ($tagList as $tag) {
-        if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmit'])) { 
-            //echo "in foreach tag=" .$tag."<br/>";
-            // Try to update first.
-            $updatetagcount="update SOCIALEVENTTAG set refcount = refcount + 1 where tag='$tag'";
-	    $count = $connection->exec($updatetagcount);
-            //echo "count=".$count."<br/>";
-            if ($count == 0) { // Update did not find the tag, so we insert.
-	        $inserttag="insert into SOCIALEVENTTAG (tag,refcount) values ('$tag',1)";
-	        $inserttagresult = $connection->exec($inserttag);
-                $idres = $connection->query($cq);
-                while ($idres->next()) {
-                    $tagid = $idres->get(1);
-                }
-                unset($idres);
-            } else { // Even if we update, we still need the tagid.
-                $checktag = "select socialeventtagid from SOCIALEVENTTAG where tag='$tag'";
-                $checktagresult = $connection->query($checktag);            
-                $rowsFound = false;
-                while ($checktagresult->next()) {
-                    $rowsFound = true;
-                    $tagid = $checktagresult->get(1);                    
-                }
-                unset($checktagresult);
-            }
-            // Now, insert relationship.
-	    $inserttagid = "insert into SOCIALEVENTTAG_SOCIALEVENT (socialeventtagid, socialeventid) ".
-                           "values ('$tagid', '$eventid')";
-	    $connection->exec($inserttagid);             
-        }
+$tagList = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", trim($tags));
+//echo "TagList = ".$tagList."<br/>";
+// We need to sort the tags before insert/update. Different tag sequences
+// can lead to deadlocks.
-        if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmitupdate'])) {
-            //echo "in foreach tag=" .$tag."<br/>";
+foreach ($tagList as $tag) {
+    if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmit'])) {
+        //echo "in foreach tag=" .$tag."<br/>";
+        // Try to update first.
+        $updatetagcount="update SOCIALEVENTTAG set refcount = refcount + 1 where tag='$tag'";
+        $count = $connection->exec($updatetagcount);
+        //echo "count=".$count."<br/>";
+        if ($count == 0) { // Update did not find the tag, so we insert.
+            $inserttag="insert into SOCIALEVENTTAG (tag,refcount) values ('$tag',1)";
+            $inserttagresult = $connection->exec($inserttag);
+            $idres = $connection->query($cq);
+            while ($idres->next()) {
+                $tagid = $idres->get(1);
+            }
+            unset($idres);
+        } else { // Even if we update, we still need the tagid.
             $checktag = "select socialeventtagid from SOCIALEVENTTAG where tag='$tag'";
-	    $checktagresult = $connection->query($checktag);
+            $checktagresult = $connection->query($checktag);
             $rowsFound = false;
             while ($checktagresult->next()) {
-                    $rowsFound = true;
-                    $tagid = $checktagresult->get(1);
-	    }
+                $rowsFound = true;
+                $tagid = $checktagresult->get(1);
+            }
-            if(!$rowsFound){
-		$inserttag="insert into SOCIALEVENTTAG (tag,refcount) values ('$tag',1)";
-                $inserttagresult = $connection->exec($inserttag);
-                $idres = $connection->query($cq);
-                while ($idres->next()) {
-                    $tagid = $idres->get(1);
-                }
-                unset($idres);
-	    $inserttagid = "insert into SOCIALEVENTTAG_SOCIALEVENT (socialeventtagid, socialeventid) ".
+        }
+        // Now, insert relationship.
+        $inserttagid = "insert into SOCIALEVENTTAG_SOCIALEVENT (socialeventtagid, socialeventid) ".
+                           "values ('$tagid', '$eventid')";
+        $connection->exec($inserttagid);
+    }
+    if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmitupdate'])) {
+        //echo "in foreach tag=" .$tag."<br/>";
+        $checktag = "select socialeventtagid from SOCIALEVENTTAG where tag='$tag'";
+        $checktagresult = $connection->query($checktag);
+        $rowsFound = false;
+        while ($checktagresult->next()) {
+            $rowsFound = true;
+            $tagid = $checktagresult->get(1);
+        }
+        unset($checktagresult);
+        if(!$rowsFound){
+            $inserttag="insert into SOCIALEVENTTAG (tag,refcount) values ('$tag',1)";
+            $inserttagresult = $connection->exec($inserttag);
+            $idres = $connection->query($cq);
+            while ($idres->next()) {
+                $tagid = $idres->get(1);
+            }
+            unset($idres);
+            $inserttagid = "insert into SOCIALEVENTTAG_SOCIALEVENT (socialeventtagid, socialeventid) ".
                            "values ('$tagid', '$evid')";
-            }
+    }
+// 6. Insert submitter to the event attendee list.
+if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmit'])) {
+    $insertPS = "insert into PERSON_SOCIALEVENT values('$usrnm','$eventid')";
+    $connection->exec($insertPS);
+// 7. Determine image and thumbnail file names.
+$default_image = false;
+if ($image_name != "") {
+    $pos=strpos($image_name,'.');
+    $img_ext = substr($image_name,$pos,strlen($image_name));
+    if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmit'])) {
+        $modified_image_name = "E".$eventid.$img_ext;
+    }else if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmitupdate'])) {
+        $modified_image_name = "E".$evid.$img_ext;
+    }
+    if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmit'])) {
+        $imagethumb = "E".$eventid."T".$img_ext;
+    }else if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmitupdate'])) {
+        $imagethumb = "E".$evid."T".$img_ext;
+    }
+} else {
+    if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmit'])) {
+        $default_image = true;
+        $modified_image_name = "";
+        $imagethumb = "";
+    }else if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmitupdate'])) {
+        $imgq = "select imageurl,imagethumburl from SOCIALEVENT where socialeventid='$evid'";
+        $imgqresult = $connection->query($imgq);
+        while ($imgqresult->next()) {
+            $modified_image_name = $imgqresult->get(1);
+            $imagethumb = $imgqresult->get(2);
-// 6. Generate thumbnail and save images to file storage
-	if ($image_name != "") {
-	    $pos=strpos($image_name,'.');
-            $img_ext = substr($image_name,$pos,strlen($image_name));
-            if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmit'])) {
-            $modified_image_name = "E".$eventid.$img_ext;
-	    }else if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmitupdate'])) {
-	    $modified_image_name = "E".$evid.$img_ext;
-            }
-            $resourcedir = '/tmp/';
-            $user_image_location = $resourcedir . $modified_image_name;
-            if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload_image']['tmp_name'], $user_image_location)) {
-		throw new Exception("Error moving uploaded file to $modified_image_name");
-            }
-            if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmit'])) {
-            $imagethumb = "E".$eventid."T".$img_ext;
-            }else if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmitupdate'])) {
-	    $imagethumb = "E".$evid."T".$img_ext;
-	    }
-            $thumb_location = $resourcedir . $imagethumb;
-            ImageUtil::createThumb($user_image_location, $thumb_location, 133, 99);            
-            if (!isset($fs))
-		$fs = FileSystem::getInstance();
-            $fs->create($user_image_location, "NO_OP", "NO_OP");
-            $fs->create($thumb_location, "NO_OP", "NO_OP");
-            unlink($user_image_location);
-            unlink($thumb_location);
-	} else {
-            if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmit'])) {
-            	$modified_image_name ="business-walker.jpg";
-            	$imagethumb = "business-walker-thumb.jpg";
-            }else if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmitupdate'])) {
-	        $imgq = "select imageurl,imagethumburl from SOCIALEVENT where socialeventid='$evid'";
-		$imgqresult = $connection->query($imgq); 	
-		while ($imgqresult->next()) {
-			$modified_image_name = $imgqresult->get(1);
-			$imagethumb = $imgqresult->get(2);
-		}
-		unset($imgqresult);
-	    }
-	}
-// 7. Save literature file to storage
-	if ($literature_name != "") {
-	    $pos=strpos($literature_name,'.');
-	    $lit_ext = substr($literature_name,$pos,strlen($literature_name));
-            if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmit'])) {
-	    $modified_literature_name="E".$eventid."L".$lit_ext;
-	    }else if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmitupdate'])) {
-	    $modified_literature_name="E".$evid."L".$lit_ext;
-            }
-	    $lit_resourcedir = '/tmp/';
-	    $upload_literature_location = $lit_resourcedir . $modified_literature_name;
-            if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload_literature']['tmp_name'], $upload_literature_location)) {
-                throw new Exception("Error moving uploaded file to $upload_literature_location");
-            }
-            if (!isset($fs))
-       		$fs = FileSystem::getInstance();
-	    $fs->create($upload_literature_location, "NO_OP", "NO_OP");
-            unlink($upload_literature_location);
-	}else{
-            if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmit'])) {
-	    	$modified_literature_name="business-walker.pdf";
-	    }else if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmitupdate'])) {
-		$litq = "select literatureurl from SOCIALEVENT where socialeventid='$evid'";
-                $litqresult = $connection->query($litq);
-                while ($litqresult->next()) {
-			$modified_literature_name=$litqresult->get(1);
-	 	}	
-                unset($litqresult);
-	    }
-	}
-// 8. Update the image names back to the database.
-        if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmit'])) {
-	$updatese = "update SOCIALEVENT set imageurl = '$modified_image_name', ".
+        unset($imgqresult);
+    }
+// 8. Determine literature file names.
+$default_literature = false;
+if ($literature_name != "") {
+    $pos=strpos($literature_name,'.');
+    $lit_ext = substr($literature_name,$pos,strlen($literature_name));
+    if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmit'])) {
+        $modified_literature_name="E".$eventid."L".$lit_ext;
+    }else if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmitupdate'])) {
+        $modified_literature_name="E".$evid."L".$lit_ext;
+    }
+} else {
+    if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmit'])) {
+        $default_literature = true;
+        $modified_literature_name="";
+    }else if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmitupdate'])) {
+        $litq = "select literatureurl from SOCIALEVENT where socialeventid='$evid'";
+        $litqresult = $connection->query($litq);
+        while ($litqresult->next()) {
+            $modified_literature_name=$litqresult->get(1);
+        }
+        unset($litqresult);
+    }
+// We end the DB transaction here.
+// 9. Generate thumbnail and save images to file storage (outside tx)
+if ($image_name != "") {
+    $resourcedir = '/tmp/';
+    $user_image_location = $resourcedir . $modified_image_name;
+    if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload_image']['tmp_name'], $user_image_location)) {
+        throw new Exception("Error moving uploaded file to $modified_image_name");
+    }
+    $thumb_location = $resourcedir . $imagethumb;
+    ImageUtil::createThumb($user_image_location, $thumb_location, 133, 99);
+    if (!isset($fs))
+    $fs = FileSystem::getInstance();
+    if (!$fs->create($user_image_location, "NO_OP", "NO_OP")) {
+        error_log("Error copying image " . $user_image_location);
+    }
+    if (!$fs->create($thumb_location, "NO_OP", "NO_OP")) {
+        error_log("Error copying thumb " . $thumb_location);
+    }
+    unlink($user_image_location);
+    unlink($thumb_location);
+// 10. Save literature file to storage
+if ($literature_name != "") {
+    $lit_resourcedir = '/tmp/';
+    $upload_literature_location = $lit_resourcedir . $modified_literature_name;
+    if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload_literature']['tmp_name'], $upload_literature_location)) {
+        throw new Exception("Error moving uploaded file to $upload_literature_location");
+    }
+    if (!isset($fs))
+    $fs = FileSystem::getInstance();
+    if (!$fs->create($upload_literature_location, "NO_OP", "NO_OP")) {
+        error_log("Error copying literature " . $upload_literature_location);
+    }
+    unlink($upload_literature_location);
+// 11. Update the image names back to the database.
+// Note: this update is in it's own transaction, after the images are
+// properly stored. It is a single statement transaction and with autocommit
+// on, we do not need to start and commit.
+if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmit'])) {
+    $updatese = "update SOCIALEVENT set imageurl = '$modified_image_name', ".
                     "imagethumburl = '$imagethumb', ".
                     "literatureurl = '$modified_literature_name' ".
                     "where socialeventid = '$eventid'";
-        }else if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmitupdate'])) {
-         //echo "imageurl = ".$modified_image_name;
-         //echo "imagethumburl =".$imagethumb;
-         //echo "literatureurl =".$modified_literature_name;
-         //echo "evid =".$evid;
-         $updatese = "update SOCIALEVENT set imageurl = '$modified_image_name', ".
+} else if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmitupdate'])) {
+    //echo "imageurl = ".$modified_image_name;
+    //echo "imagethumburl =".$imagethumb;
+    //echo "literatureurl =".$modified_literature_name;
+    //echo "evid =".$evid;
+    $updatese = "update SOCIALEVENT set imageurl = '$modified_image_name', ".
                     "imagethumburl = '$imagethumb', ".
                     "literatureurl = '$modified_literature_name' ".
                     "where socialeventid = '$evid'";
-	}
-	$updated = $connection->exec($updatese);
-        //echo "Updated =".$updated;
-// 9. Insert submitter to the event attendee list.
-        if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmit'])) {
-        	$insertPS = "insert into PERSON_SOCIALEVENT values('$usrnm','$eventid')";
-                $connection->exec($insertPS);
-        }
+$updated = $connection->exec($updatese);
+// 12. Redirect the results.
 if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmit'])) {
-        header("Location:events.php?socialEventID=".$eventid);
+    header("Location:events.php?socialEventID=".$eventid);
 }else if (isset($_POST['addeventsubmitupdate'])) {
-        header("Location:events.php?socialEventID=".$evid);
+    header("Location:events.php?socialEventID=".$evid);