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[GitHub] nicolaferraro closed pull request #109: Add asciidoc documentation with sub-documents and some badges

nicolaferraro closed pull request #109: Add asciidoc documentation with sub-documents and some badges

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As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
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+Apache Camel K
+image:["Go Report Card", link=""]
+image:["GoDoc", link=""]
+image:["Licensed under Apache License version 2.0", link=""]
+Apache Camel K (a.k.a. Kamel) is a lightweight integration framework built from Apache Camel that runs natively on Kubernetes and is specifically designed for serverless and microservice architectures.
+== Getting Started
+Camel K allows to run integrations directly on a Kubernetes or Openshift cluster.
+To use it, you need to be connected to a cloud environment or to a local cluster created for development purposes.
+If you need help on how to create a local development environment based on *Minishift* or *Minikube* (Minikube will be supported soon, stay tuned!), you can follow the link:/docs/cluster-setup.adoc[local cluster setup guide].
+=== Installation
+To start using Camel K you need the **"kamel"** binary, that can be used to both configure the cluster and run integrations.
+Look into the[release page] for latest version of the `kamel` tool.
+If you want to contribute, you can also **build it from source!** Refer to the link:/docs/developers.adoc[developer's guide]
+for information on how to do it.
+Once you have the "kamel" binary, log into your cluster using the standard "oc" (Openshift) or "kubectl" (Kubernetes) client tool and execute the following command to install Camel K:
+kamel install
+This will configure the cluster with the Camel K custom resource definitions and install the operator on the current namespace.
+IMPORTANT: Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) are cluster-wide objects and you need admin rights to install them. Fortunately this
+operation can be done *once per cluster*. So, if the `kamel install` operation fails, you'll be asked to repeat it when logged as admin.
+For Minishift, this means executing `oc login -u system:admin` then `kamel install --cluster-setup` only for first-time installation.
+=== Running a Integration
+After the initial setup, you can run a Camel integration on the cluster by executing:
+kamel run runtime/examples/
+A "" file is included in the link:/runtime/examples[/runtime/examples] folder of this repository. You can change the content of the file and execute the command again to see the changes.
+=== Running Integrations in "Dev" Mode for Fast Feedback
+If you want to iterate quickly on a integration to have fast feedback on the code you're writing, you can use run it in **"dev" mode**:
+kamel run runtime/examples/ --dev
+The `--dev` flag deploys immediately the integration and shows the integration logs in the console. You can then change the code and see
+the **changes automatically applied (instantly)** to the remote integration pod.
+The console follows automatically all redeploys of the integration.
+Here's an example of the output:
+[nferraro@localhost camel-k]$ kamel run runtime/examples/ --dev
+integration "sample" created
+integration "sample" in phase Building
+integration "sample" in phase Deploying
+integration "sample" in phase Running
+[1] Monitoring pod sample-776db787c4-zjhfr[1] Starting the Java application using /opt/run-java/ ...
+[1] exec java -javaagent:/opt/prometheus/jmx_prometheus_javaagent.jar=9779:/opt/prometheus/prometheus-config.yml -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:GCTimeRatio=4 -XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight=90 -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=40 -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError -cp .:/deployments/* org.apache.camel.k.jvm.Application
+[1] [INFO ] 2018-09-20 21:24:35.953 [main] Application - Routes: file:/etc/camel/conf/
+[1] [INFO ] 2018-09-20 21:24:35.955 [main] Application - Language: java
+[1] [INFO ] 2018-09-20 21:24:35.956 [main] Application - Locations: file:/etc/camel/conf/
+[1] [INFO ] 2018-09-20 21:24:36.506 [main] DefaultCamelContext - Apache Camel 2.22.1 (CamelContext: camel-1) is starting
+[1] [INFO ] 2018-09-20 21:24:36.578 [main] ManagedManagementStrategy - JMX is enabled
+[1] [INFO ] 2018-09-20 21:24:36.680 [main] DefaultTypeConverter - Type converters loaded (core: 195, classpath: 0)
+[1] [INFO ] 2018-09-20 21:24:36.777 [main] DefaultCamelContext - StreamCaching is not in use. If using streams then its recommended to enable stream caching. See more details at
+[1] [INFO ] 2018-09-20 21:24:36.817 [main] DefaultCamelContext - Route: route1 started and consuming from: timer://tick
+[1] [INFO ] 2018-09-20 21:24:36.818 [main] DefaultCamelContext - Total 1 routes, of which 1 are started
+[1] [INFO ] 2018-09-20 21:24:36.820 [main] DefaultCamelContext - Apache Camel 2.22.1 (CamelContext: camel-1) started in 0.314 seconds
+=== Dependencies and Component Resolution
+Camel components used in a integration are automatically resolved. For example, take the following integration:
+  .to("seda:output")
+Since the integration is using the **"imap:" prefix**, Camel K is able to **automatically add the "camel-mail" component** to the list of required dependencies.
+This will be transparent to the user, that will just see the integration running.
+Automatic resolution is also a nice feature in `--dev` mode, because you are allowed to add all components you need without exiting the dev loop.
+You can also use the `-d` flag to pass additional explicit dependencies to the Camel client tool:
+kamel run -d -d camel-mina2
+=== Not Just Java
+Camel K supports multiple languages for writing integrations:
+| Language			| Description
+| Java				| Both integrations in source `.java` files or compiled `.class` file can be run.
+| XML				| Integrations written in plain XML DSL are supported (Spring XML or Blueprint not supported).
+| Groovy			| Groovy `.groovy` files are supported (experimental).
+| JavaScript		| JavaScript `.js` files are supported (experimental).
+Integrations written in different languages are provided in the link:/runtime/examples[examples] directory.
+An example of integration written in JavaScript is the link:/runtime/examples/dns.js[/runtime/examples/dns.js] integration.
+Here's the content:
+// Lookup every second the '' domain name and log the output
+    .routeId('dns')
+    .setHeader('dns.domain')
+        .constant('')
+    .to('dns:ip')
+    .to('log:dns');
+To run it, you need just to execute:
+kamel run runtime/examples/dns.js
+=== Monitoring the Status
+Camel K integrations follow a lifecycle composed of several steps before getting into the `Running` state.
+You can check the status of all integrations by executing the following command:
+kamel get
+== Contributing
+We love contributions and we want to make Camel K great!
+Contributing is easy, just take a look at our link:/docs/developers.adoc[developer's guide].
+== Uninstalling
+If you really need to, it is possible to completely uninstall Camel K from OpenShift or Kubernetes with the following command, using the "oc" or "kubectl" tool:
+# kubectl on plain Kubernetes
+oc delete all,pvc,configmap,rolebindings,clusterrolebindings,secrets,sa,roles,clusterroles,crd -l 'app=camel-k'
+== Licensing
+This software is licensed under the terms you may find in the file named LICENSE in this directory.
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-# Apache Camel K
-Apache Camel K (a.k.a. Kamel) is a lightweight integration framework built from Apache Camel that runs natively on Kubernetes and is specifically designed for serverless and microservice architectures.
-## Getting Started
-Camel K allows to run integrations on a Kubernetes or Openshift cluster. If you don't have a cloud instance of Kubernetes or Openshift, you can create a development cluster following the instructions below.
-### Creating a Development Cluster
-There are various options for creating a development cluster:
-You can run Camel K integrations on Openshift using the Minishift cluster creation tool.
-Follow the instructions in the [getting started guide]( for the installation.
-After installing the `minishift` binary, you need to enable the `admin-user` addon:
-minishift addons enable admin-user
-Then you can start the cluster with:
-minishift start
-Minikube and Kubernetes are not yet supported (but support is coming soon).
-### Setting Up the Cluster
-To start using Camel K you need the **"kamel"** binary, that can be used to both configure the cluster and run integrations.
-Look into the [release page]( for latest version of the `kamel` tool.
-If you wanto to contribute, you can also **build it from source!** Refer to the [contributing guide](#contributing)
-for information on how to do it.
-Once you have the "kamel" binary, log into your cluster using the "oc" or "kubectl" tool and execute the following command to install Camel K:
-kamel install
-This will configure the cluster with the Camel K custom resource definitions and install the operator on the current namespace.
-**Note:** Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) are cluster-wide objects and you need admin rights to install them. Fortunately this
-operation can be done once per cluster. So, if the `kamel install` operation fails, you'll be asked to repeat it when logged as admin.
-For Minishift, this means executing `oc login -u system:admin` then `kamel install --cluster-setup` only for first-time installation.
-### Running a Integration
-After the initial setup, you can run a Camel integration on the cluster executing:
-kamel run runtime/examples/
-A "" file is included in the folder runtime/examples of this repository. You can change the content of the file and execute the command again to see the changes.
-A JavaScript integration has also been provided as example, to run it:
-kamel run runtime/examples/routes.js
-### Monitoring the Status
-Camel K integrations follow a lifecycle composed of several steps before getting into the `Running` state.
-You can check the status of all integrations by executing the following command:
-kamel get
-## Contributing
-We love contributions!
-The project is written in [Go]( and contains some parts written in Java for the [integration runtime](/runtime).
-Camel K is built on top of Kubernetes through *Custom Resource Definitions*. The [Operator SDK]( is used
-to manage the lifecycle of those custom resources.
-### Requirements
-In order to build the project, you need to comply with the following requirements:
-- **Go version 1.10+**: needed to compile and test the project. Refer to the [Go website]( for the installation.
-- **Dep version 0.5.0**: for managing dependencies. You can find installation instructions in the [dep GitHub repository](
-- **Operator SDK v0.0.6+**: used to build the operator and the Docker images. Instructions in the [Operator SDK website](
-- **GNU Make**: used to define composite build actions. This should be already installed or available as package if you have a good OS (
-### Checking Out the Sources
-You can create a fork of this project from Github, then clone your fork with the `git` command line tool.
-You need to put the project in your $GOPATH (refer to [Go documentation]( for information).
-So, make sure that the **root** of the github repo is in the path:
-### Structure
-This is a high level overview of the project structure:
-- [/cmd](/cmd): contains the entry points (the *main* functions) for the **camel-k-operator** binary and the **kamel** client tool.
-- [/build](/build): contains scripts used during make operations for building the project.
-- [/deploy](/deploy): contains Kubernetes resource files that are used by the **kamel** client during installation. The `/deploy/resources.go` file is kept in sync with the content of the directory (`make build-embed-resources`), so that resources can be used from within the go code.
-- [/pkg](/pkg): this is where the code resides. The code is divided in multiple subpackages.
-- [/runtime](/runtime): the Java runtime code that is used inside the integration Docker containers.
-- [/test](/test): include integration tests to ensure that the software interacts correctly with Kubernetes and Openshift.
-- [/tmp](/tmp): scripts and Docker configuration files used by the operator-sdk.
-- [/vendor](/vendor): project dependencies.
-- [/version](/version): contains the global version of the project.
-### Building
-Go dependencies in the *vendor* directory are not included when you clone the project.
-Before compiling the source code, you need to sync your local *vendor* directory with the project dependencies, using the following command:
-make dep
-The `make dep` command runs `dep ensure -v` under the hood, so make sure that `dep` is properly installed.
-To build the whole project you now need to run:
-This execute a full build of both the Java and Go code. If you need to build the components separately you can execute:
-- `make build-operator`: to build the operator binary only.
-- `make build-kamel`: to build the `kamel` client tool only.
-- `make build-runtime`: to build the Java-based runtime code only.
-After a successful build, if you're connected to a Docker daemon, you can build the operator Docker image by running:
-make images
-### Testing
-Unit tests are executed automatically as part of the build. They use the standard go testing framework.
-Integration tests (aimed at ensuring that the code integrates correctly with Kubernetes and Openshift), need special care.
-The **convention** used in this repo is to name unit tests `xxx_test.go`, and name integration tests `yyy_integration_test.go`.
-Integration tests are all in the [/test](/test) dir.
-Since both names end with `_test.go`, both would be executed by go during build, so you need to put a special **build tag** to mark
-integration tests. A integration test should start with the following line:
-// +build integration
-An [example is provided here](
-Before running a integration test, you need to:
-- Login to a Kubernetes/Openshift cluster.
-- Set the `KUBERNETES_CONFIG` environment variable to point to your Kubernetes configuration file (usually `<home-dir>/.kube/config`).
-- Set the `WATCH_NAMESPACE` environment variable to a Kubernetes namespace you have access to.
-- Set the `OPERATOR_NAME` environment variable to `camel-k-operator`.
-When the configuration is done, you can run the following command to execute **all** integration tests:
-make test-integration
-### Running
-If you want to install everything you have in your source code and see it running on Kubernetes, you need to run the following command:
-- Run `make install-minishift` (or just `make install`): to build the project and install it in the current namespace on Minishift
-- You can specify a different namespace with `make install-minishift project=myawesomeproject`
-This command assumes you have an already running Minishift instance.
-Now you can play with Camel K:
-./kamel run runtime/examples/
-To add additional dependencies to your routes: 
-./kamel run -d camel:dns runtime/examples/dns.js
-### Debugging and Running from IDE
-Sometimes it's useful to debug the code from the IDE when troubleshooting.
-**Debugging the `kamel` binary**
-It should be straightforward: just execute the [/cmd/kamel/kamel.go]([/cmd/kamel/kamel.go]) file from the IDE (e.g. Goland) in debug mode.
-**Debugging the operator**
-It is a bit more complex (but not so much).
-You are going to run the operator code **outside** Openshift in your IDE so, first of all, you need to **stop the operator running inside**:
-oc scale deployment/camel-k-operator --replicas 0
-You can scale it back to 1 when you're done and you have updated the operator image.
-You can setup the IDE (e.g. Goland) to execute the [/cmd/camel-k-operator/camel_k_operator.go]([/cmd/camel-k-operator/camel_k_operator.go]) file in debug mode.
-When configuring the IDE task, make sure to add all required environment variables in the *IDE task configuration screen* (such as `KUBERNETES_CONFIG`, as explained in the [testing](#testing) section).
-## Uninstalling Camel K
-If required, it is possible to completely uninstall Camel K from OpenShift or Kubernetes with the following command, using the "oc" or "kubectl" tool:
-# kubectl if using kubernetes
-oc delete all,pvc,configmap,rolebindings,clusterrolebindings,secrets,sa,roles,clusterroles,crd -l 'app=camel-k'
diff --git a/cmd/camel-k-operator/kamel_k_operator.go b/cmd/camel-k-operator/camel_k_operator.go
similarity index 100%
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rename to cmd/camel-k-operator/camel_k_operator.go
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+Creating a Development Cluster
+There are various options for creating a development cluster:
+== Minishift
+You can run Camel K integrations on Openshift using the Minishift cluster creation tool.
+Follow the instructions in the[getting started guide] for the installation.
+After installing the `minishift` binary, you need to enable the `admin-user` addon:
+minishift addons enable admin-user
+Then you can start the cluster with:
+minishift start
+== Minikube
+Minikube and Kubernetes are not yet supported (but support is coming soon).
diff --git a/docs/developers.adoc b/docs/developers.adoc
new file mode 100644
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+Developer's Guide
+We love contributions!
+The project is written in[go] and contains some parts written in Java for the [integration runtime](/runtime).
+Camel K is built on top of Kubernetes through *Custom Resource Definitions*. The[Operator SDK] is used
+to manage the lifecycle of those custom resources.
+== Requirements
+In order to build the project, you need to comply with the following requirements:
+* **Go version 1.10+**: needed to compile and test the project. Refer to the[Go website] for the installation.
+* **Dep version 0.5.0**: for managing dependencies. You can find installation instructions in the[dep GitHub repository].
+* **Operator SDK v0.0.6+**: used to build the operator and the Docker images. Instructions in the[Operator SDK website].
+* **GNU Make**: used to define composite build actions. This should be already installed or available as package if you have a good OS (
+== Checking Out the Sources
+You can create a fork of this project from Github, then clone your fork with the `git` command line tool.
+You need to put the project in your $GOPATH (refer to[Go documentation] for information).
+So, make sure that the **root** of the github repo is in the path:
+== Structure
+This is a high level overview of the project structure:
+| Path						| Content
+| link:/cmd[/cmd]			| Contains the entry points (the *main* functions) for the **camel-k-operator** binary and the **kamel** client tool.
+| link:/build[/build]		| Contains scripts used during make operations for building the project.
+| link:/deploy[/deploy]		| Contains Kubernetes resource files that are used by the **kamel** client during installation. The `/deploy/resources.go` file is kept in sync with the content of the directory (`make build-embed-resources`), so that resources can be used from within the go code.
+| link:/docs[/docs]			| Contains this documentation.
+| link:/pkg[/pkg]			| This is where the code resides. The code is divided in multiple subpackages.
+| link:/runtime[/runtime]	| The Java runtime code that is used inside the integration Docker containers.
+| link:/test[/test]			| Include integration tests to ensure that the software interacts correctly with Kubernetes and Openshift.
+| link:/tmp[/tmp]			| Scripts and Docker configuration files used by the operator-sdk.
+| /vendor					| Project dependencies (not staged in git).
+| link:/version[/version]	| Contains the global version of the project.
+== Building
+Go dependencies in the *vendor* directory are not included when you clone the project.
+Before compiling the source code, you need to sync your local *vendor* directory with the project dependencies, using the following command:
+make dep
+The `make dep` command runs `dep ensure -v` under the hood, so make sure that `dep` is properly installed.
+To build the whole project you now need to run:
+This execute a full build of both the Java and Go code. If you need to build the components separately you can execute:
+* `make build-operator`: to build the operator binary only.
+* `make build-kamel`: to build the `kamel` client tool only.
+* `make build-runtime`: to build the Java-based runtime code only.
+After a successful build, if you're connected to a Docker daemon, you can build the operator Docker image by running:
+make images
+== Testing
+Unit tests are executed automatically as part of the build. They use the standard go testing framework.
+Integration tests (aimed at ensuring that the code integrates correctly with Kubernetes and Openshift), need special care.
+The **convention** used in this repo is to name unit tests `xxx_test.go`, and name integration tests `yyy_integration_test.go`.
+Integration tests are all in the link:/test[/test] dir.
+Since both names end with `_test.go`, both would be executed by go during build, so you need to put a special **build tag** to mark
+integration tests. A integration test should start with the following line:
+// +build integration
+Look into the link:/test[/test] directory for examples of integration tests.
+Before running a integration test, you need to be connected to a Kubernetes/Openshift namespace.
+After you log in into your cluster, you can run the following command to execute **all** integration tests:
+make test-integration
+== Running
+If you want to install everything you have in your source code and see it running on Kubernetes, you need to run the following command:
+* Run `make install-minishift` (or just `make install`): to build the project and install it in the current namespace on Minishift
+* You can specify a different namespace with `make install-minishift project=myawesomeproject`
+This command assumes you have an already running Minishift instance.
+Now you can play with Camel K:
+./kamel run runtime/examples/
+To add additional dependencies to your routes:
+./kamel run -d camel:dns runtime/examples/dns.js
+== Debugging and Running from IDE
+Sometimes it's useful to debug the code from the IDE when troubleshooting.
+.**Debugging the `kamel` binary**
+It should be straightforward: just execute the link:/cmd/kamel/kamel.go[/cmd/kamel/kamel.go] file from the IDE (e.g. Goland) in debug mode.
+.**Debugging the operator**
+It is a bit more complex (but not so much).
+You are going to run the operator code **outside** Openshift in your IDE so, first of all, you need to **stop the operator running inside**:
+// use kubectl in plain Kubernetes
+oc scale deployment/camel-k-operator --replicas 0
+You can scale it back to 1 when you're done and you have updated the operator image.
+You can setup the IDE (e.g. Goland) to execute the link:/cmd/camel-k-operator/camel_k_operator.go[/cmd/camel-k-operator/camel_k_operator.go] file in debug mode.
+When configuring the IDE task, make sure to add all required environment variables in the *IDE task configuration screen*:
+* Set the `KUBERNETES_CONFIG` environment variable to point to your Kubernetes configuration file (usually `<homedir>/.kube/config`).
+* Set the `WATCH_NAMESPACE` environment variable to a Kubernetes namespace you have access to.
+* Set the `OPERATOR_NAME` environment variable to `camel-k-operator`.
+After you setup the IDE task, you can run and debug the operator process.


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