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[33/39] Format JS
diff --git a/ui/scripts/dashboard.js b/ui/scripts/dashboard.js
index e8ab6c5..249e769 100644
--- a/ui/scripts/dashboard.js
+++ b/ui/scripts/dashboard.js
@@ -15,249 +15,245 @@
 // specific language governing permissions and limitations
 // under the License.
 (function($, cloudStack) {
-  // Admin dashboard
-  cloudStack.sections.dashboard = {
-    title: '',
-    show: cloudStack.uiCustom.dashboard,
+    // Admin dashboard
+    cloudStack.sections.dashboard = {
+        title: '',
+        show: cloudStack.uiCustom.dashboard,
-    adminCheck: function(args) {
-      return isAdmin() ? true : false;
-    },
+        adminCheck: function(args) {
+            return isAdmin() ? true : false;
+        },
-    // User dashboard
-    user: {
-      dataProvider: function(args) {
-        var dataFns = {
-          instances: function(data) {
-            $.ajax({
-              url: createURL('listVirtualMachines'),
-              data: {
-                listAll: true
-              },
-              success: function(json) {
-                var instances = json.listvirtualmachinesresponse.virtualmachine ?
-                  json.listvirtualmachinesresponse.virtualmachine : [];
+        // User dashboard
+        user: {
+            dataProvider: function(args) {
+                var dataFns = {
+                    instances: function(data) {
+                        $.ajax({
+                            url: createURL('listVirtualMachines'),
+                            data: {
+                                listAll: true
+                            },
+                            success: function(json) {
+                                var instances = json.listvirtualmachinesresponse.virtualmachine ?
+                                    json.listvirtualmachinesresponse.virtualmachine : [];
-                dataFns.account($.extend(data, {
-                  runningInstances: $.grep(instances, function(instance) {
-                    return instance.state == 'Running';
-                  }).length,
-                  stoppedInstances: $.grep(instances, function(instance) {
-                    return instance.state == 'Stopped';
-                  }).length,
-                  totalInstances: instances.length
-                }));
-              }
-            });
-          },
+                                dataFns.account($.extend(data, {
+                                    runningInstances: $.grep(instances, function(instance) {
+                                        return instance.state == 'Running';
+                                    }).length,
+                                    stoppedInstances: $.grep(instances, function(instance) {
+                                        return instance.state == 'Stopped';
+                                    }).length,
+                                    totalInstances: instances.length
+                                }));
+                            }
+                        });
+                    },
-          account: function(data) {
-            var user = cloudStack.context.users[0];
-  $.extend(data, {
-              accountID: user.userid,
-              accountName: user.account,
-              userName: user.username,
-              accountType: user.role,
-              accountDomainID: user.domainid
-            }));
-          },
+                    account: function(data) {
+                        var user = cloudStack.context.users[0];
+              $.extend(data, {
+                            accountID: user.userid,
+                            accountName: user.account,
+                            userName: user.username,
+                            accountType: user.role,
+                            accountDomainID: user.domainid
+                        }));
+                    },
-          events: function(data) {
-            $.ajax({
-              url: createURL('listEvents'),
-              data: {
-                listAll: true,
-                page: 1,
-                pageSize: 4
-              },
-              success: function(json) {
-                dataFns.ipAddresses($.extend(data, {
-                  events: json.listeventsresponse.event ?
-                    json.listeventsresponse.event : []
-                }));
-              }
-            });
-          },
+                    events: function(data) {
+                        $.ajax({
+                            url: createURL('listEvents'),
+                            data: {
+                                listAll: true,
+                                page: 1,
+                                pageSize: 4
+                            },
+                            success: function(json) {
+                                dataFns.ipAddresses($.extend(data, {
+                                    events: json.listeventsresponse.event ? json.listeventsresponse.event : []
+                                }));
+                            }
+                        });
+                    },
-          ipAddresses: function(data) {
-            $.ajax({
-              url: createURL('listNetworks'),
-              data: {
-                listAll: true,
-                type: 'isolated',
-                supportedServices: 'SourceNat'
-              },
-              success: function(json) {
-                var netTotal = json.listnetworksresponse.count ?
-                  json.listnetworksresponse.count : 0;
+                    ipAddresses: function(data) {
+                        $.ajax({
+                            url: createURL('listNetworks'),
+                            data: {
+                                listAll: true,
+                                type: 'isolated',
+                                supportedServices: 'SourceNat'
+                            },
+                            success: function(json) {
+                                var netTotal = json.listnetworksresponse.count ?
+                                    json.listnetworksresponse.count : 0;
-                $.ajax({
-                  url: createURL('listPublicIpAddresses'),
-                  success: function(json) {
-                    var ipTotal = json.listpublicipaddressesresponse.count ?
-                      json.listpublicipaddressesresponse.count : 0;
+                                $.ajax({
+                                    url: createURL('listPublicIpAddresses'),
+                                    success: function(json) {
+                                        var ipTotal = json.listpublicipaddressesresponse.count ?
+                                            json.listpublicipaddressesresponse.count : 0;
-                    complete($.extend(data, {
-                      netTotal: netTotal,
-                      ipTotal: ipTotal
-                    }));
-                  }
-                });
-              }
-            });
-          }
-        };
+                                        complete($.extend(data, {
+                                            netTotal: netTotal,
+                                            ipTotal: ipTotal
+                                        }));
+                                    }
+                                });
+                            }
+                        });
+                    }
+                };
-        var complete = function(data) {
-          args.response.success({
-            data: data
-          });
-        };
+                var complete = function(data) {
+                    args.response.success({
+                        data: data
+                    });
+                };
-        dataFns.instances({});
-      }
-    },
+                dataFns.instances({});
+            }
+        },
-    // Admin dashboard
-    admin: {
-      zoneDetailView: {
-        tabs: {
-          resources: {
-            title: 'label.resources',
-            custom: cloudStack.uiCustom.systemChart('resources')
-          }
-        }
-      },
+        // Admin dashboard
+        admin: {
+            zoneDetailView: {
+                tabs: {
+                    resources: {
+                        title: 'label.resources',
+                        custom: cloudStack.uiCustom.systemChart('resources')
+                    }
+                }
+            },
-      dataProvider: function(args) {
-        var dataFns = {
-          zones: function(data) {
-            $.ajax({
-              url: createURL('listZones'),
-              success: function(json) {
-                dataFns.capacity({
-                  zones:
-                });
-              }
-            });
-          },
-          capacity: function(data) {
-            var latestData =null;
-            if(window.fetchLatestflag == 1)
-            {
-              latestData = {
+            dataProvider: function(args) {
+                var dataFns = {
+                    zones: function(data) {
+                        $.ajax({
+                            url: createURL('listZones'),
+                            success: function(json) {
+                                dataFns.capacity({
+                                    zones:
+                                });
+                            }
+                        });
+                    },
+                    capacity: function(data) {
+                        var latestData = null;
+                        if (window.fetchLatestflag == 1) {
+                            latestData = {
-                fetchLatest:true
-              }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              latestData = {
-                fetchLatest:false
-              }
-            }
+                                fetchLatest: true
+                            }
+                        } else {
+                            latestData = {
+                                fetchLatest: false
+                            }
+                        }
-            window.fetchLatestflag = 0;
+                        window.fetchLatestflag = 0;
-            dataFns.alerts(data);
-          },
+                        dataFns.alerts(data);
+                    },
-          alerts: function(data) {
-            $.ajax({
-              url: createURL('listAlerts'),
-              data: {
-                page: 1,
-                pageSize: 4
-              },
-              success: function(json) {
-                var alerts = json.listalertsresponse.alert ?
-                  json.listalertsresponse.alert : [];
+                    alerts: function(data) {
+                        $.ajax({
+                            url: createURL('listAlerts'),
+                            data: {
+                                page: 1,
+                                pageSize: 4
+                            },
+                            success: function(json) {
+                                var alerts = json.listalertsresponse.alert ?
+                                    json.listalertsresponse.alert : [];
-                dataFns.hostAlerts($.extend(data, {
-                  alerts: $.map(alerts, function(alert) {
-                    return {
-                      name: cloudStack.converters.toAlertType(alert.type),
-                      description: alert.description,
-                      sent: cloudStack.converters.toLocalDate(alert.sent)
-                    };
-                  })
-                }));
-              }
-            });
-          },
+                                dataFns.hostAlerts($.extend(data, {
+                                    alerts: $.map(alerts, function(alert) {
+                                        return {
+                                            name: cloudStack.converters.toAlertType(alert.type),
+                                            description: alert.description,
+                                            sent: cloudStack.converters.toLocalDate(alert.sent)
+                                        };
+                                    })
+                                }));
+                            }
+                        });
+                    },
-          hostAlerts: function(data) {
-            $.ajax({
-              url: createURL('listHosts'),
-              data: {
-                state: 'Alert',
-                page: 1,
-                pageSize: 4
-              },
-              success: function(json) {
-                var hosts = ?
-         : [];
+                    hostAlerts: function(data) {
+                        $.ajax({
+                            url: createURL('listHosts'),
+                            data: {
+                                state: 'Alert',
+                                page: 1,
+                                pageSize: 4
+                            },
+                            success: function(json) {
+                                var hosts = ?
+                           : [];
-                dataFns.zoneCapacity($.extend(data, {
-                  hostAlerts: $.map(hosts, function(host) {
-                    return {
-                      name:,
-                      description: 'message.alert.state.detected'
-                    };
-                  })
-                }));
-              }
-            });
-          },
+                                dataFns.zoneCapacity($.extend(data, {
+                                    hostAlerts: $.map(hosts, function(host) {
+                                        return {
+                                            name:,
+                                            description: 'message.alert.state.detected'
+                                        };
+                                    })
+                                }));
+                            }
+                        });
+                    },
-          zoneCapacity: function(data) {
-            $.ajax({
-              url: createURL('listCapacity'),
-              data: {
-                fetchLatest: false,
-                sortBy: 'usage',
-                page: 0,
-                pagesize: 8
-              },
-              success: function(json) {
-                var capacities = json.listcapacityresponse.capacity ?
-                  json.listcapacityresponse.capacity : [];
+                    zoneCapacity: function(data) {
+                        $.ajax({
+                            url: createURL('listCapacity'),
+                            data: {
+                                fetchLatest: false,
+                                sortBy: 'usage',
+                                page: 0,
+                                pagesize: 8
+                            },
+                            success: function(json) {
+                                var capacities = json.listcapacityresponse.capacity ?
+                                    json.listcapacityresponse.capacity : [];
-                complete($.extend(data, {
-                  zoneCapacities: $.map(capacities, function(capacity) {
-                    if (capacity.podname) {
-                      capacity.zonename = capacity.zonename.concat(', ' + _l('label.pod') + ': ' + capacity.podname);
-                    }
+                                complete($.extend(data, {
+                                    zoneCapacities: $.map(capacities, function(capacity) {
+                                        if (capacity.podname) {
+                                            capacity.zonename = capacity.zonename.concat(', ' + _l('label.pod') + ': ' + capacity.podname);
+                                        }
-                    if (capacity.clustername) {
-                      capacity.zonename = capacity.zonename.concat(', ' + _l('label.cluster') + ': ' + capacity.clustername);
-                    }
+                                        if (capacity.clustername) {
+                                            capacity.zonename = capacity.zonename.concat(', ' + _l('label.cluster') + ': ' + capacity.clustername);
+                                        }
-                    capacity.zonename.replace('Zone:', _l('') + ':');
+                                        capacity.zonename.replace('Zone:', _l('') + ':');
-                    return {
-                      zoneID: capacity.zoneid, // Temporary fix for dashboard
-                      zoneName: capacity.zonename,
-                      type: cloudStack.converters.toCapacityCountType(capacity.type),
-                      percent: parseInt(capacity.percentused),
-                      used: cloudStack.converters.convertByType(capacity.type, capacity.capacityused),
-                      total: cloudStack.converters.convertByType(capacity.type, capacity.capacitytotal)
-                    };
-                  })
-                }));
-              }
-            });
-          }
-        };
+                                        return {
+                                            zoneID: capacity.zoneid, // Temporary fix for dashboard
+                                            zoneName: capacity.zonename,
+                                            type: cloudStack.converters.toCapacityCountType(capacity.type),
+                                            percent: parseInt(capacity.percentused),
+                                            used: cloudStack.converters.convertByType(capacity.type, capacity.capacityused),
+                                            total: cloudStack.converters.convertByType(capacity.type, capacity.capacitytotal)
+                                        };
+                                    })
+                                }));
+                            }
+                        });
+                    }
+                };
-        var complete = function(data) {
-          args.response.success({
-            data: data
-          });
-        };
+                var complete = function(data) {
+                    args.response.success({
+                        data: data
+                    });
+                };
-        dataFns.zones({});
-      }
-    }
-  };
+                dataFns.zones({});
+            }
+        }
+    };
 })(jQuery, cloudStack);