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[43/58] [abbrv] [partial] incubator-senssoft-tap git commit: Fixed .gitignore file
diff --git a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/docopt-0.6.2.dist-info/METADATA b/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/docopt-0.6.2.dist-info/METADATA
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index a6482c9..0000000
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-Metadata-Version: 2.0
-Name: docopt
-Version: 0.6.2
-Summary: Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smile
-Author: Vladimir Keleshev
-License: MIT
-Keywords: option arguments parsing optparse argparse getopt
-Platform: UNKNOWN
-Classifier: Development Status :: 3 - Alpha
-Classifier: Topic :: Utilities
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.5
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.2
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3
-Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
-``docopt`` creates *beautiful* command-line interfaces
-Video introduction to **docopt**: `PyCon UK 2012: Create *beautiful*
-command-line interfaces with Python <>`_
-    New in version 0.6.1:
-    - Fix issue `#85 <>`_
-      which caused improper handling of ``[options]`` shortcut
-      if it was present several times.
-    New in version 0.6.0:
-    - New argument ``options_first``, disallows interspersing options
-      and arguments.  If you supply ``options_first=True`` to
-      ``docopt``, it will interpret all arguments as positional
-      arguments after first positional argument.
-    - If option with argument could be repeated, its default value
-      will be interpreted as space-separated list. E.g. with
-      ``[default: ./here ./there]`` will be interpreted as
-      ``['./here', './there']``.
-    Breaking changes:
-    - Meaning of ``[options]`` shortcut slightly changed. Previously
-      it ment *"any known option"*. Now it means *"any option not in
-      usage-pattern"*.  This avoids the situation when an option is
-      allowed to be repeated unintentionaly.
-    - ``argv`` is ``None`` by default, not ``sys.argv[1:]``.
-      This allows ``docopt`` to always use the *latest* ``sys.argv``,
-      not ``sys.argv`` during import time.
-Isn't it awesome how ``optparse`` and ``argparse`` generate help
-messages based on your code?!
-*Hell no!*  You know what's awesome?  It's when the option parser *is*
-generated based on the beautiful help message that you write yourself!
-This way you don't need to write this stupid repeatable parser-code,
-and instead can write only the help message--*the way you want it*.
-**docopt** helps you create most beautiful command-line interfaces
-.. code:: python
-    """Naval Fate.
-    Usage:
- ship new <name>...
- ship <name> move <x> <y> [--speed=<kn>]
- ship shoot <x> <y>
- mine (set|remove) <x> <y> [--moored | --drifting]
- (-h | --help)
- --version
-    Options:
-      -h --help     Show this screen.
-      --version     Show version.
-      --speed=<kn>  Speed in knots [default: 10].
-      --moored      Moored (anchored) mine.
-      --drifting    Drifting mine.
-    """
-    from docopt import docopt
-    if __name__ == '__main__':
-        arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='Naval Fate 2.0')
-        print(arguments)
-Beat that! The option parser is generated based on the docstring above
-that is passed to ``docopt`` function.  ``docopt`` parses the usage
-pattern (``"Usage: ..."``) and option descriptions (lines starting
-with dash "``-``") and ensures that the program invocation matches the
-usage pattern; it parses options, arguments and commands based on
-that. The basic idea is that *a good help message has all necessary
-information in it to make a parser*.
-Also, `PEP 257 <>`_ recommends
-putting help message in the module docstrings.
-Use `pip <>`_ or easy_install::
-    pip install docopt==0.6.2
-Alternatively, you can just drop ```` file into your
-project--it is self-contained.
-**docopt** is tested with Python 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3 and PyPy.
-.. code:: python
-    from docopt import docopt
-.. code:: python
-    docopt(doc, argv=None, help=True, version=None, options_first=False)
-``docopt`` takes 1 required and 4 optional arguments:
-- ``doc`` could be a module docstring (``__doc__``) or some other
-  string that contains a **help message** that will be parsed to
-  create the option parser.  The simple rules of how to write such a
-  help message are given in next sections.  Here is a quick example of
-  such a string:
-.. code:: python
-    """Usage: [-hso FILE] [--quiet | --verbose] [INPUT ...]
-    -h --help    show this
-    -s --sorted  sorted output
-    -o FILE      specify output file [default: ./test.txt]
-    --quiet      print less text
-    --verbose    print more text
-    """
-- ``argv`` is an optional argument vector; by default ``docopt`` uses
-  the argument vector passed to your program (``sys.argv[1:]``).
-  Alternatively you can supply a list of strings like ``['--verbose',
-  '-o', 'hai.txt']``.
-- ``help``, by default ``True``, specifies whether the parser should
-  automatically print the help message (supplied as ``doc``) and
-  terminate, in case ``-h`` or ``--help`` option is encountered
-  (options should exist in usage pattern, more on that below). If you
-  want to handle ``-h`` or ``--help`` options manually (as other
-  options), set ``help=False``.
-- ``version``, by default ``None``, is an optional argument that
-  specifies the version of your program. If supplied, then, (assuming
-  ``--version`` option is mentioned in usage pattern) when parser
-  encounters the ``--version`` option, it will print the supplied
-  version and terminate.  ``version`` could be any printable object,
-  but most likely a string, e.g. ``"2.1.0rc1"``.
-    Note, when ``docopt`` is set to automatically handle ``-h``,
-    ``--help`` and ``--version`` options, you still need to mention
-    them in usage pattern for this to work. Also, for your users to
-    know about them.
-- ``options_first``, by default ``False``.  If set to ``True`` will
-  disallow mixing options and positional argument.  I.e. after first
-  positional argument, all arguments will be interpreted as positional
-  even if the look like options.  This can be used for strict
-  compatibility with POSIX, or if you want to dispatch your arguments
-  to other programs.
-The **return** value is a simple dictionary with options, arguments
-and commands as keys, spelled exactly like in your help message.  Long
-versions of options are given priority. For example, if you invoke the
-top example as::
- ship Guardian move 100 150 --speed=15
-the return dictionary will be:
-.. code:: python
-    {'--drifting': False,    'mine': False,
-     '--help': False,        'move': True,
-     '--moored': False,      'new': False,
-     '--speed': '15',        'remove': False,
-     '--version': False,     'set': False,
-     '<name>': ['Guardian'], 'ship': True,
-     '<x>': '100',           'shoot': False,
-     '<y>': '150'}
-Help message format
-Help message consists of 2 parts:
-- Usage pattern, e.g.::
-    Usage: [-hso FILE] [--quiet | --verbose] [INPUT ...]
-- Option descriptions, e.g.::
-    -h --help    show this
-    -s --sorted  sorted output
-    -o FILE      specify output file [default: ./test.txt]
-    --quiet      print less text
-    --verbose    print more text
-Their format is described below; other text is ignored.
-Usage pattern format
-**Usage pattern** is a substring of ``doc`` that starts with
-``usage:`` (case *insensitive*) and ends with a *visibly* empty line.
-Minimum example:
-.. code:: python
-    """Usage:
-    """
-The first word after ``usage:`` is interpreted as your program's name.
-You can specify your program's name several times to signify several
-exclusive patterns:
-.. code:: python
-    """Usage: FILE
-    """
-Each pattern can consist of the following elements:
-- **<arguments>**, **ARGUMENTS**. Arguments are specified as either
-  upper-case words, e.g. `` CONTENT-PATH`` or words
-  surrounded by angular brackets: `` <content-path>``.
-- **--options**.  Options are words started with dash (``-``), e.g.
-  ``--output``, ``-o``.  You can "stack" several of one-letter
-  options, e.g. ``-oiv`` which will be the same as ``-o -i -v``. The
-  options can have arguments, e.g.  ``--input=FILE`` or ``-i FILE`` or
-  even ``-iFILE``. However it is important that you specify option
-  descriptions if you want for option to have an argument, a default
-  value, or specify synonymous short/long versions of option (see next
-  section on option descriptions).
-- **commands** are words that do *not* follow the described above
-  conventions of ``--options`` or ``<arguments>`` or ``ARGUMENTS``,
-  plus two special commands: dash "``-``" and double dash "``--``"
-  (see below).
-Use the following constructs to specify patterns:
-- **[ ]** (brackets) **optional** elements.  e.g.: ``
-  [-hvqo FILE]``
-- **( )** (parens) **required** elements.  All elements that are *not*
-  put in **[ ]** are also required, e.g.: ``
-  --path=<path> <file>...`` is the same as ``
-  (--path=<path> <file>...)``.  (Note, "required options" might be not
-  a good idea for your users).
-- **|** (pipe) **mutualy exclusive** elements. Group them using **(
-  )** if one of the mutually exclusive elements is required:
-  `` (--clockwise | --counter-clockwise) TIME``. Group
-  them using **[ ]** if none of the mutually-exclusive elements are
-  required: `` [--left | --right]``.
-- **...** (ellipsis) **one or more** elements. To specify that
-  arbitrary number of repeating elements could be accepted, use
-  ellipsis (``...``), e.g.  `` FILE ...`` means one or
-  more ``FILE``-s are accepted.  If you want to accept zero or more
-  elements, use brackets, e.g.: `` [FILE ...]``. Ellipsis
-  works as a unary operator on the expression to the left.
-- **[options]** (case sensitive) shortcut for any options.  You can
-  use it if you want to specify that the usage pattern could be
-  provided with any options defined below in the option-descriptions
-  and do not want to enumerate them all in usage-pattern.  -
-  "``[--]``". Double dash "``--``" is used by convention to separate
-  positional arguments that can be mistaken for options. In order to
-  support this convention add "``[--]``" to you usage patterns.  -
-  "``[-]``". Single dash "``-``" is used by convention to signify that
-  ``stdin`` is used instead of a file. To support this add "``[-]``"
-  to you usage patterns. "``-``" act as a normal command.
-If your pattern allows to match argument-less option (a flag) several
-    Usage: [-v | -vv | -vvv]
-then number of occurences of the option will be counted. I.e.
-``args['-v']`` will be ``2`` if program was invoked as ``my_program
--vv``. Same works for commands.
-If your usage patterns allows to match same-named option with argument
-or positional argument several times, the matched arguments will be
-collected into a list::
-    Usage: <file> <file> --path=<path>...
-I.e. invoked with `` file1 file2 --path=./here
---path=./there`` the returned dict will contain ``args['<file>'] ==
-['file1', 'file2']`` and ``args['--path'] == ['./here', './there']``.
-Option descriptions format
-**Option descriptions** consist of a list of options that you put
-below your usage patterns.
-It is necessary to list option descriptions in order to specify:
-- synonymous short and long options,
-- if an option has an argument,
-- if option's argument has a default value.
-The rules are as follows:
-- Every line in ``doc`` that starts with ``-`` or ``--`` (not counting
-  spaces) is treated as an option description, e.g.::
-    Options:
-      --verbose   # GOOD
-      -o FILE     # GOOD
-    Other: --bad  # BAD, line does not start with dash "-"
-- To specify that option has an argument, put a word describing that
-  argument after space (or equals "``=``" sign) as shown below. Follow
-  either <angular-brackets> or UPPER-CASE convention for options'
-  arguments.  You can use comma if you want to separate options. In
-  the example below, both lines are valid, however you are recommended
-  to stick to a single style.::
-    -o FILE --output=FILE       # without comma, with "=" sign
-    -i <file>, --input <file>   # with comma, wihtout "=" sing
-- Use two spaces to separate options with their informal description::
-    --verbose More text.   # BAD, will be treated as if verbose option had
-                           # an argument "More", so use 2 spaces instead
-    -q        Quit.        # GOOD
-    -o FILE   Output file. # GOOD
-    --stdout  Use stdout.  # GOOD, 2 spaces
-- If you want to set a default value for an option with an argument,
-  put it into the option-description, in form ``[default:
-  <my-default-value>]``::
-    --coefficient=K  The K coefficient [default: 2.95]
-    --output=FILE    Output file [default: test.txt]
-    --directory=DIR  Some directory [default: ./]
-- If the option is not repeatable, the value inside ``[default: ...]``
-  will be interpeted as string.  If it *is* repeatable, it will be
-  splited into a list on whitespace::
-    Usage: [--repeatable=<arg> --repeatable=<arg>]
-                         [--another-repeatable=<arg>]...
-                         [--not-repeatable=<arg>]
-    # will be ['./here', './there']
-    --repeatable=<arg>          [default: ./here ./there]
-    # will be ['./here']
-    --another-repeatable=<arg>  [default: ./here]
-    # will be './here ./there', because it is not repeatable
-    --not-repeatable=<arg>      [default: ./here ./there]
-We have an extensive list of `examples
-<>`_ which cover
-every aspect of functionality of **docopt**.  Try them out, read the
-source if in doubt.
-Subparsers, multi-level help and *huge* applications (like git)
-If you want to split your usage-pattern into several, implement
-multi-level help (whith separate help-screen for each subcommand),
-want to interface with existing scripts that don't use **docopt**, or
-you're building the next "git", you will need the new ``options_first``
-parameter (described in API section above). To get you started quickly
-we implemented a subset of git command-line interface as an example:
-Data validation
-**docopt** does one thing and does it well: it implements your
-command-line interface.  However it does not validate the input data.
-On the other hand there are libraries like `python schema
-<>`_ which make validating data a
-breeze.  Take a look at `
-which uses **schema** to validate data and report an error to the
-We would *love* to hear what you think about **docopt** on our `issues
-page <>`_
-Make pull requrests, report bugs, suggest ideas and discuss
-**docopt**. You can also drop a line directly to
-Porting ``docopt`` to other languages
-We think **docopt** is so good, we want to share it beyond the Python
-The follosing ports are available:
-- `Ruby port <>`_
-- `CoffeeScript port <>`_
-- `Lua port <>`_
-- `PHP port <>`_
-But you can always create a port for your favorite language!  You are
-encouraged to use the Python version as a reference implementation.  A
-Language-agnostic test suite is bundled with `Python implementation
-Porting discussion is on `issues page
-**docopt** follows `semantic versioning <>`_.  The
-first release with stable API will be 1.0.0 (soon).  Until then, you
-are encouraged to specify explicitly the version in your dependency
-tools, e.g.::
-    pip install docopt==0.6.2
-- 0.6.2 `Wheel <>`_ support.
-- 0.6.1 Bugfix release.
-- 0.6.0 ``options_first`` parameter.
-  **Breaking changes**: Corrected ``[options]`` meaning.
-  ``argv`` defaults to ``None``.
-- 0.5.0 Repeated options/commands are counted or accumulated into a
-  list.
-- 0.4.2 Bugfix release.
-- 0.4.0 Option descriptions become optional,
-  support for "``--``" and "``-``" commands.
-- 0.3.0 Support for (sub)commands like `git remote add`.
-  Introduce ``[options]`` shortcut for any options.
-  **Breaking changes**: ``docopt`` returns dictionary.
-- 0.2.0 Usage pattern matching. Positional arguments parsing based on
-  usage patterns.
-  **Breaking changes**: ``docopt`` returns namespace (for arguments),
-  not list. Usage pattern is formalized.
-- 0.1.0 Initial release. Options-parsing only (based on options
-  description).
diff --git a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/docopt-0.6.2.dist-info/RECORD b/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/docopt-0.6.2.dist-info/RECORD
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-Wheel-Version: 1.0
-Generator: bdist_wheel (0.29.0)
-Root-Is-Purelib: true
-Tag: py2-none-any
-Tag: py3-none-any
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-{"classifiers": ["Development Status :: 3 - Alpha", "Topic :: Utilities", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.5", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.2", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License"], "extensions": {"python.details": {"contacts": [{"email": "", "name": "Vladimir Keleshev", "role": "author"}], "document_names": {"description": "DESCRIPTION.rst"}, "project_urls": {"Home": ""}}}, "generator": "bdist_wheel (0.29.0)", "keywords": ["option", "arguments", "parsing", "optparse", "argparse", "getopt"], "license": "MIT", "metadata_version": "2.0", "name": "docopt", "summary": "Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smile", "version": "0.6.2"}
\ No newline at end of file
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-"""Pythonic command-line interface parser that will make you smile.
- *
- * Repository and issue-tracker:
- * Licensed under terms of MIT license (see LICENSE-MIT)
- * Copyright (c) 2013 Vladimir Keleshev,
-import sys
-import re
-__all__ = ['docopt']
-__version__ = '0.6.2'
-class DocoptLanguageError(Exception):
-    """Error in construction of usage-message by developer."""
-class DocoptExit(SystemExit):
-    """Exit in case user invoked program with incorrect arguments."""
-    usage = ''
-    def __init__(self, message=''):
-        SystemExit.__init__(self, (message + '\n' + self.usage).strip())
-class Pattern(object):
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return repr(self) == repr(other)
-    def __hash__(self):
-        return hash(repr(self))
-    def fix(self):
-        self.fix_identities()
-        self.fix_repeating_arguments()
-        return self
-    def fix_identities(self, uniq=None):
-        """Make pattern-tree tips point to same object if they are equal."""
-        if not hasattr(self, 'children'):
-            return self
-        uniq = list(set(self.flat())) if uniq is None else uniq
-        for i, c in enumerate(self.children):
-            if not hasattr(c, 'children'):
-                assert c in uniq
-                self.children[i] = uniq[uniq.index(c)]
-            else:
-                c.fix_identities(uniq)
-    def fix_repeating_arguments(self):
-        """Fix elements that should accumulate/increment values."""
-        either = [list(c.children) for c in self.either.children]
-        for case in either:
-            for e in [c for c in case if case.count(c) > 1]:
-                if type(e) is Argument or type(e) is Option and e.argcount:
-                    if e.value is None:
-                        e.value = []
-                    elif type(e.value) is not list:
-                        e.value = e.value.split()
-                if type(e) is Command or type(e) is Option and e.argcount == 0:
-                    e.value = 0
-        return self
-    @property
-    def either(self):
-        """Transform pattern into an equivalent, with only top-level Either."""
-        # Currently the pattern will not be equivalent, but more "narrow",
-        # although good enough to reason about list arguments.
-        ret = []
-        groups = [[self]]
-        while groups:
-            children = groups.pop(0)
-            types = [type(c) for c in children]
-            if Either in types:
-                either = [c for c in children if type(c) is Either][0]
-                children.pop(children.index(either))
-                for c in either.children:
-                    groups.append([c] + children)
-            elif Required in types:
-                required = [c for c in children if type(c) is Required][0]
-                children.pop(children.index(required))
-                groups.append(list(required.children) + children)
-            elif Optional in types:
-                optional = [c for c in children if type(c) is Optional][0]
-                children.pop(children.index(optional))
-                groups.append(list(optional.children) + children)
-            elif AnyOptions in types:
-                optional = [c for c in children if type(c) is AnyOptions][0]
-                children.pop(children.index(optional))
-                groups.append(list(optional.children) + children)
-            elif OneOrMore in types:
-                oneormore = [c for c in children if type(c) is OneOrMore][0]
-                children.pop(children.index(oneormore))
-                groups.append(list(oneormore.children) * 2 + children)
-            else:
-                ret.append(children)
-        return Either(*[Required(*e) for e in ret])
-class ChildPattern(Pattern):
-    def __init__(self, name, value=None):
- = name
-        self.value = value
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '%s(%r, %r)' % (self.__class__.__name__,, self.value)
-    def flat(self, *types):
-        return [self] if not types or type(self) in types else []
-    def match(self, left, collected=None):
-        collected = [] if collected is None else collected
-        pos, match = self.single_match(left)
-        if match is None:
-            return False, left, collected
-        left_ = left[:pos] + left[pos + 1:]
-        same_name = [a for a in collected if ==]
-        if type(self.value) in (int, list):
-            if type(self.value) is int:
-                increment = 1
-            else:
-                increment = ([match.value] if type(match.value) is str
-                             else match.value)
-            if not same_name:
-                match.value = increment
-                return True, left_, collected + [match]
-            same_name[0].value += increment
-            return True, left_, collected
-        return True, left_, collected + [match]
-class ParentPattern(Pattern):
-    def __init__(self, *children):
-        self.children = list(children)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__,
-                           ', '.join(repr(a) for a in self.children))
-    def flat(self, *types):
-        if type(self) in types:
-            return [self]
-        return sum([c.flat(*types) for c in self.children], [])
-class Argument(ChildPattern):
-    def single_match(self, left):
-        for n, p in enumerate(left):
-            if type(p) is Argument:
-                return n, Argument(, p.value)
-        return None, None
-    @classmethod
-    def parse(class_, source):
-        name = re.findall('(<\S*?>)', source)[0]
-        value = re.findall('\[default: (.*)\]', source, flags=re.I)
-        return class_(name, value[0] if value else None)
-class Command(Argument):
-    def __init__(self, name, value=False):
- = name
-        self.value = value
-    def single_match(self, left):
-        for n, p in enumerate(left):
-            if type(p) is Argument:
-                if p.value ==
-                    return n, Command(, True)
-                else:
-                    break
-        return None, None
-class Option(ChildPattern):
-    def __init__(self, short=None, long=None, argcount=0, value=False):
-        assert argcount in (0, 1)
-        self.short, self.long = short, long
-        self.argcount, self.value = argcount, value
-        self.value = None if value is False and argcount else value
-    @classmethod
-    def parse(class_, option_description):
-        short, long, argcount, value = None, None, 0, False
-        options, _, description = option_description.strip().partition('  ')
-        options = options.replace(',', ' ').replace('=', ' ')
-        for s in options.split():
-            if s.startswith('--'):
-                long = s
-            elif s.startswith('-'):
-                short = s
-            else:
-                argcount = 1
-        if argcount:
-            matched = re.findall('\[default: (.*)\]', description, flags=re.I)
-            value = matched[0] if matched else None
-        return class_(short, long, argcount, value)
-    def single_match(self, left):
-        for n, p in enumerate(left):
-            if ==
-                return n, p
-        return None, None
-    @property
-    def name(self):
-        return self.long or self.short
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return 'Option(%r, %r, %r, %r)' % (self.short, self.long,
-                                           self.argcount, self.value)
-class Required(ParentPattern):
-    def match(self, left, collected=None):
-        collected = [] if collected is None else collected
-        l = left
-        c = collected
-        for p in self.children:
-            matched, l, c = p.match(l, c)
-            if not matched:
-                return False, left, collected
-        return True, l, c
-class Optional(ParentPattern):
-    def match(self, left, collected=None):
-        collected = [] if collected is None else collected
-        for p in self.children:
-            m, left, collected = p.match(left, collected)
-        return True, left, collected
-class AnyOptions(Optional):
-    """Marker/placeholder for [options] shortcut."""
-class OneOrMore(ParentPattern):
-    def match(self, left, collected=None):
-        assert len(self.children) == 1
-        collected = [] if collected is None else collected
-        l = left
-        c = collected
-        l_ = None
-        matched = True
-        times = 0
-        while matched:
-            # could it be that something didn't match but changed l or c?
-            matched, l, c = self.children[0].match(l, c)
-            times += 1 if matched else 0
-            if l_ == l:
-                break
-            l_ = l
-        if times >= 1:
-            return True, l, c
-        return False, left, collected
-class Either(ParentPattern):
-    def match(self, left, collected=None):
-        collected = [] if collected is None else collected
-        outcomes = []
-        for p in self.children:
-            matched, _, _ = outcome = p.match(left, collected)
-            if matched:
-                outcomes.append(outcome)
-        if outcomes:
-            return min(outcomes, key=lambda outcome: len(outcome[1]))
-        return False, left, collected
-class TokenStream(list):
-    def __init__(self, source, error):
-        self += source.split() if hasattr(source, 'split') else source
-        self.error = error
-    def move(self):
-        return self.pop(0) if len(self) else None
-    def current(self):
-        return self[0] if len(self) else None
-def parse_long(tokens, options):
-    """long ::= '--' chars [ ( ' ' | '=' ) chars ] ;"""
-    long, eq, value = tokens.move().partition('=')
-    assert long.startswith('--')
-    value = None if eq == value == '' else value
-    similar = [o for o in options if o.long == long]
-    if tokens.error is DocoptExit and similar == []:  # if no exact match
-        similar = [o for o in options if o.long and o.long.startswith(long)]
-    if len(similar) > 1:  # might be simply specified ambiguously 2+ times?
-        raise tokens.error('%s is not a unique prefix: %s?' %
-                           (long, ', '.join(o.long for o in similar)))
-    elif len(similar) < 1:
-        argcount = 1 if eq == '=' else 0
-        o = Option(None, long, argcount)
-        options.append(o)
-        if tokens.error is DocoptExit:
-            o = Option(None, long, argcount, value if argcount else True)
-    else:
-        o = Option(similar[0].short, similar[0].long,
-                   similar[0].argcount, similar[0].value)
-        if o.argcount == 0:
-            if value is not None:
-                raise tokens.error('%s must not have an argument' % o.long)
-        else:
-            if value is None:
-                if tokens.current() is None:
-                    raise tokens.error('%s requires argument' % o.long)
-                value = tokens.move()
-        if tokens.error is DocoptExit:
-            o.value = value if value is not None else True
-    return [o]
-def parse_shorts(tokens, options):
-    """shorts ::= '-' ( chars )* [ [ ' ' ] chars ] ;"""
-    token = tokens.move()
-    assert token.startswith('-') and not token.startswith('--')
-    left = token.lstrip('-')
-    parsed = []
-    while left != '':
-        short, left = '-' + left[0], left[1:]
-        similar = [o for o in options if o.short == short]
-        if len(similar) > 1:
-            raise tokens.error('%s is specified ambiguously %d times' %
-                               (short, len(similar)))
-        elif len(similar) < 1:
-            o = Option(short, None, 0)
-            options.append(o)
-            if tokens.error is DocoptExit:
-                o = Option(short, None, 0, True)
-        else:  # why copying is necessary here?
-            o = Option(short, similar[0].long,
-                       similar[0].argcount, similar[0].value)
-            value = None
-            if o.argcount != 0:
-                if left == '':
-                    if tokens.current() is None:
-                        raise tokens.error('%s requires argument' % short)
-                    value = tokens.move()
-                else:
-                    value = left
-                    left = ''
-            if tokens.error is DocoptExit:
-                o.value = value if value is not None else True
-        parsed.append(o)
-    return parsed
-def parse_pattern(source, options):
-    tokens = TokenStream(re.sub(r'([\[\]\(\)\|]|\.\.\.)', r' \1 ', source),
-                         DocoptLanguageError)
-    result = parse_expr(tokens, options)
-    if tokens.current() is not None:
-        raise tokens.error('unexpected ending: %r' % ' '.join(tokens))
-    return Required(*result)
-def parse_expr(tokens, options):
-    """expr ::= seq ( '|' seq )* ;"""
-    seq = parse_seq(tokens, options)
-    if tokens.current() != '|':
-        return seq
-    result = [Required(*seq)] if len(seq) > 1 else seq
-    while tokens.current() == '|':
-        tokens.move()
-        seq = parse_seq(tokens, options)
-        result += [Required(*seq)] if len(seq) > 1 else seq
-    return [Either(*result)] if len(result) > 1 else result
-def parse_seq(tokens, options):
-    """seq ::= ( atom [ '...' ] )* ;"""
-    result = []
-    while tokens.current() not in [None, ']', ')', '|']:
-        atom = parse_atom(tokens, options)
-        if tokens.current() == '...':
-            atom = [OneOrMore(*atom)]
-            tokens.move()
-        result += atom
-    return result
-def parse_atom(tokens, options):
-    """atom ::= '(' expr ')' | '[' expr ']' | 'options'
-             | long | shorts | argument | command ;
-    """
-    token = tokens.current()
-    result = []
-    if token in '([':
-        tokens.move()
-        matching, pattern = {'(': [')', Required], '[': [']', Optional]}[token]
-        result = pattern(*parse_expr(tokens, options))
-        if tokens.move() != matching:
-            raise tokens.error("unmatched '%s'" % token)
-        return [result]
-    elif token == 'options':
-        tokens.move()
-        return [AnyOptions()]
-    elif token.startswith('--') and token != '--':
-        return parse_long(tokens, options)
-    elif token.startswith('-') and token not in ('-', '--'):
-        return parse_shorts(tokens, options)
-    elif token.startswith('<') and token.endswith('>') or token.isupper():
-        return [Argument(tokens.move())]
-    else:
-        return [Command(tokens.move())]
-def parse_argv(tokens, options, options_first=False):
-    """Parse command-line argument vector.
-    If options_first:
-        argv ::= [ long | shorts ]* [ argument ]* [ '--' [ argument ]* ] ;
-    else:
-        argv ::= [ long | shorts | argument ]* [ '--' [ argument ]* ] ;
-    """
-    parsed = []
-    while tokens.current() is not None:
-        if tokens.current() == '--':
-            return parsed + [Argument(None, v) for v in tokens]
-        elif tokens.current().startswith('--'):
-            parsed += parse_long(tokens, options)
-        elif tokens.current().startswith('-') and tokens.current() != '-':
-            parsed += parse_shorts(tokens, options)
-        elif options_first:
-            return parsed + [Argument(None, v) for v in tokens]
-        else:
-            parsed.append(Argument(None, tokens.move()))
-    return parsed
-def parse_defaults(doc):
-    # in python < 2.7 you can't pass flags=re.MULTILINE
-    split = re.split('\n *(<\S+?>|-\S+?)', doc)[1:]
-    split = [s1 + s2 for s1, s2 in zip(split[::2], split[1::2])]
-    options = [Option.parse(s) for s in split if s.startswith('-')]
-    #arguments = [Argument.parse(s) for s in split if s.startswith('<')]
-    #return options, arguments
-    return options
-def printable_usage(doc):
-    # in python < 2.7 you can't pass flags=re.IGNORECASE
-    usage_split = re.split(r'([Uu][Ss][Aa][Gg][Ee]:)', doc)
-    if len(usage_split) < 3:
-        raise DocoptLanguageError('"usage:" (case-insensitive) not found.')
-    if len(usage_split) > 3:
-        raise DocoptLanguageError('More than one "usage:" (case-insensitive).')
-    return re.split(r'\n\s*\n', ''.join(usage_split[1:]))[0].strip()
-def formal_usage(printable_usage):
-    pu = printable_usage.split()[1:]  # split and drop "usage:"
-    return '( ' + ' '.join(') | (' if s == pu[0] else s for s in pu[1:]) + ' )'
-def extras(help, version, options, doc):
-    if help and any(( in ('-h', '--help')) and o.value for o in options):
-        print(doc.strip("\n"))
-        sys.exit()
-    if version and any( == '--version' and o.value for o in options):
-        print(version)
-        sys.exit()
-class Dict(dict):
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '{%s}' % ',\n '.join('%r: %r' % i for i in sorted(self.items()))
-def docopt(doc, argv=None, help=True, version=None, options_first=False):
-    """Parse `argv` based on command-line interface described in `doc`.
-    `docopt` creates your command-line interface based on its
-    description that you pass as `doc`. Such description can contain
-    --options, <positional-argument>, commands, which could be
-    [optional], (required), (mutually | exclusive) or repeated...
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    doc : str
-        Description of your command-line interface.
-    argv : list of str, optional
-        Argument vector to be parsed. sys.argv[1:] is used if not
-        provided.
-    help : bool (default: True)
-        Set to False to disable automatic help on -h or --help
-        options.
-    version : any object
-        If passed, the object will be printed if --version is in
-        `argv`.
-    options_first : bool (default: False)
-        Set to True to require options preceed positional arguments,
-        i.e. to forbid options and positional arguments intermix.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    args : dict
-        A dictionary, where keys are names of command-line elements
-        such as e.g. "--verbose" and "<path>", and values are the
-        parsed values of those elements.
-    Example
-    -------
-    >>> from docopt import docopt
-    >>> doc = '''
-    Usage:
-        my_program tcp <host> <port> [--timeout=<seconds>]
-        my_program serial <port> [--baud=<n>] [--timeout=<seconds>]
-        my_program (-h | --help | --version)
-    Options:
-        -h, --help  Show this screen and exit.
-        --baud=<n>  Baudrate [default: 9600]
-    '''
-    >>> argv = ['tcp', '', '80', '--timeout', '30']
-    >>> docopt(doc, argv)
-    {'--baud': '9600',
-     '--help': False,
-     '--timeout': '30',
-     '--version': False,
-     '<host>': '',
-     '<port>': '80',
-     'serial': False,
-     'tcp': True}
-    See also
-    --------
-    * For video introduction see
-    * Full documentation is available in README.rst as well as online
-      at
-    """
-    if argv is None:
-        argv = sys.argv[1:]
-    DocoptExit.usage = printable_usage(doc)
-    options = parse_defaults(doc)
-    pattern = parse_pattern(formal_usage(DocoptExit.usage), options)
-    # [default] syntax for argument is disabled
-    #for a in pattern.flat(Argument):
-    #    same_name = [d for d in arguments if ==]
-    #    if same_name:
-    #        a.value = same_name[0].value
-    argv = parse_argv(TokenStream(argv, DocoptExit), list(options),
-                      options_first)
-    pattern_options = set(pattern.flat(Option))
-    for ao in pattern.flat(AnyOptions):
-        doc_options = parse_defaults(doc)
-        ao.children = list(set(doc_options) - pattern_options)
-        #if any_options:
-        #    ao.children += [Option(o.short, o.long, o.argcount)
-        #                    for o in argv if type(o) is Option]
-    extras(help, version, argv, doc)
-    matched, left, collected = pattern.fix().match(argv)
-    if matched and left == []:  # better error message if left?
-        return Dict((, a.value) for a in (pattern.flat() + collected))
-    raise DocoptExit()
diff --git a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ b/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
deleted file mode 100644
index d87e984..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-"""Run the EasyInstall command"""
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    from setuptools.command.easy_install import main
-    main()
diff --git a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum/LICENSE b/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index 9003b88..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, Ethan Furman.
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-are met:
-    Redistributions of source code must retain the above
-    copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
-    following disclaimer.
-    Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-    copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
-    disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
-    provided with the distribution.
-    Neither the name Ethan Furman nor the names of any
-    contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
-    derived from this software without specific prior written
-    permission.
diff --git a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum/README b/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum/README
deleted file mode 100644
index aa2333d..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-enum34 is the new Python stdlib enum module available in Python 3.4
-backported for previous versions of Python from 2.4 to 3.3.
-tested on 2.6, 2.7, and 3.3+
diff --git a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum/ b/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum/
deleted file mode 100644
index d6ffb3a..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,837 +0,0 @@
-"""Python Enumerations"""
-import sys as _sys
-__all__ = ['Enum', 'IntEnum', 'unique']
-version = 1, 1, 6
-pyver = float('%s.%s' % _sys.version_info[:2])
-    any
-except NameError:
-    def any(iterable):
-        for element in iterable:
-            if element:
-                return True
-        return False
-    from collections import OrderedDict
-except ImportError:
-    OrderedDict = None
-    basestring
-except NameError:
-    # In Python 2 basestring is the ancestor of both str and unicode
-    # in Python 3 it's just str, but was missing in 3.1
-    basestring = str
-    unicode
-except NameError:
-    # In Python 3 unicode no longer exists (it's just str)
-    unicode = str
-class _RouteClassAttributeToGetattr(object):
-    """Route attribute access on a class to __getattr__.
-    This is a descriptor, used to define attributes that act differently when
-    accessed through an instance and through a class.  Instance access remains
-    normal, but access to an attribute through a class will be routed to the
-    class's __getattr__ method; this is done by raising AttributeError.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, fget=None):
-        self.fget = fget
-    def __get__(self, instance, ownerclass=None):
-        if instance is None:
-            raise AttributeError()
-        return self.fget(instance)
-    def __set__(self, instance, value):
-        raise AttributeError("can't set attribute")
-    def __delete__(self, instance):
-        raise AttributeError("can't delete attribute")
-def _is_descriptor(obj):
-    """Returns True if obj is a descriptor, False otherwise."""
-    return (
-            hasattr(obj, '__get__') or
-            hasattr(obj, '__set__') or
-            hasattr(obj, '__delete__'))
-def _is_dunder(name):
-    """Returns True if a __dunder__ name, False otherwise."""
-    return (name[:2] == name[-2:] == '__' and
-            name[2:3] != '_' and
-            name[-3:-2] != '_' and
-            len(name) > 4)
-def _is_sunder(name):
-    """Returns True if a _sunder_ name, False otherwise."""
-    return (name[0] == name[-1] == '_' and
-            name[1:2] != '_' and
-            name[-2:-1] != '_' and
-            len(name) > 2)
-def _make_class_unpicklable(cls):
-    """Make the given class un-picklable."""
-    def _break_on_call_reduce(self, protocol=None):
-        raise TypeError('%r cannot be pickled' % self)
-    cls.__reduce_ex__ = _break_on_call_reduce
-    cls.__module__ = '<unknown>'
-class _EnumDict(dict):
-    """Track enum member order and ensure member names are not reused.
-    EnumMeta will use the names found in self._member_names as the
-    enumeration member names.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(_EnumDict, self).__init__()
-        self._member_names = []
-    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
-        """Changes anything not dundered or not a descriptor.
-        If a descriptor is added with the same name as an enum member, the name
-        is removed from _member_names (this may leave a hole in the numerical
-        sequence of values).
-        If an enum member name is used twice, an error is raised; duplicate
-        values are not checked for.
-        Single underscore (sunder) names are reserved.
-        Note:   in 3.x __order__ is simply discarded as a not necessary piece
-                leftover from 2.x
-        """
-        if pyver >= 3.0 and key in ('_order_', '__order__'):
-            return
-        elif key == '__order__':
-            key = '_order_'
-        if _is_sunder(key):
-            if key != '_order_':
-                raise ValueError('_names_ are reserved for future Enum use')
-        elif _is_dunder(key):
-            pass
-        elif key in self._member_names:
-            # descriptor overwriting an enum?
-            raise TypeError('Attempted to reuse key: %r' % key)
-        elif not _is_descriptor(value):
-            if key in self:
-                # enum overwriting a descriptor?
-                raise TypeError('Key already defined as: %r' % self[key])
-            self._member_names.append(key)
-        super(_EnumDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
-# Dummy value for Enum as EnumMeta explicity checks for it, but of course until
-# EnumMeta finishes running the first time the Enum class doesn't exist.  This
-# is also why there are checks in EnumMeta like `if Enum is not None`
-Enum = None
-class EnumMeta(type):
-    """Metaclass for Enum"""
-    @classmethod
-    def __prepare__(metacls, cls, bases):
-        return _EnumDict()
-    def __new__(metacls, cls, bases, classdict):
-        # an Enum class is final once enumeration items have been defined; it
-        # cannot be mixed with other types (int, float, etc.) if it has an
-        # inherited __new__ unless a new __new__ is defined (or the resulting
-        # class will fail).
-        if type(classdict) is dict:
-            original_dict = classdict
-            classdict = _EnumDict()
-            for k, v in original_dict.items():
-                classdict[k] = v
-        member_type, first_enum = metacls._get_mixins_(bases)
-        __new__, save_new, use_args = metacls._find_new_(classdict, member_type,
-                                                        first_enum)
-        # save enum items into separate mapping so they don't get baked into
-        # the new class
-        members = dict((k, classdict[k]) for k in classdict._member_names)
-        for name in classdict._member_names:
-            del classdict[name]
-        # py2 support for definition order
-        _order_ = classdict.get('_order_')
-        if _order_ is None:
-            if pyver < 3.0:
-                try:
-                    _order_ = [name for (name, value) in sorted(members.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])]
-                except TypeError:
-                    _order_ = [name for name in sorted(members.keys())]
-            else:
-                _order_ = classdict._member_names
-        else:
-            del classdict['_order_']
-            if pyver < 3.0:
-                _order_ = _order_.replace(',', ' ').split()
-                aliases = [name for name in members if name not in _order_]
-                _order_ += aliases
-        # check for illegal enum names (any others?)
-        invalid_names = set(members) & set(['mro'])
-        if invalid_names:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid enum member name(s): %s' % (
-                ', '.join(invalid_names), ))
-        # save attributes from super classes so we know if we can take
-        # the shortcut of storing members in the class dict
-        base_attributes = set([a for b in bases for a in b.__dict__])
-        # create our new Enum type
-        enum_class = super(EnumMeta, metacls).__new__(metacls, cls, bases, classdict)
-        enum_class._member_names_ = []               # names in random order
-        if OrderedDict is not None:
-            enum_class._member_map_ = OrderedDict()
-        else:
-            enum_class._member_map_ = {}             # name->value map
-        enum_class._member_type_ = member_type
-        # Reverse value->name map for hashable values.
-        enum_class._value2member_map_ = {}
-        # instantiate them, checking for duplicates as we go
-        # we instantiate first instead of checking for duplicates first in case
-        # a custom __new__ is doing something funky with the values -- such as
-        # auto-numbering ;)
-        if __new__ is None:
-            __new__ = enum_class.__new__
-        for member_name in _order_:
-            value = members[member_name]
-            if not isinstance(value, tuple):
-                args = (value, )
-            else:
-                args = value
-            if member_type is tuple:   # special case for tuple enums
-                args = (args, )     # wrap it one more time
-            if not use_args or not args:
-                enum_member = __new__(enum_class)
-                if not hasattr(enum_member, '_value_'):
-                    enum_member._value_ = value
-            else:
-                enum_member = __new__(enum_class, *args)
-                if not hasattr(enum_member, '_value_'):
-                    enum_member._value_ = member_type(*args)
-            value = enum_member._value_
-            enum_member._name_ = member_name
-            enum_member.__objclass__ = enum_class
-            enum_member.__init__(*args)
-            # If another member with the same value was already defined, the
-            # new member becomes an alias to the existing one.
-            for name, canonical_member in enum_class._member_map_.items():
-                if canonical_member.value == enum_member._value_:
-                    enum_member = canonical_member
-                    break
-            else:
-                # Aliases don't appear in member names (only in __members__).
-                enum_class._member_names_.append(member_name)
-            # performance boost for any member that would not shadow
-            # a DynamicClassAttribute (aka _RouteClassAttributeToGetattr)
-            if member_name not in base_attributes:
-                setattr(enum_class, member_name, enum_member)
-            # now add to _member_map_
-            enum_class._member_map_[member_name] = enum_member
-            try:
-                # This may fail if value is not hashable. We can't add the value
-                # to the map, and by-value lookups for this value will be
-                # linear.
-                enum_class._value2member_map_[value] = enum_member
-            except TypeError:
-                pass
-        # If a custom type is mixed into the Enum, and it does not know how
-        # to pickle itself, pickle.dumps will succeed but pickle.loads will
-        # fail.  Rather than have the error show up later and possibly far
-        # from the source, sabotage the pickle protocol for this class so
-        # that pickle.dumps also fails.
-        #
-        # However, if the new class implements its own __reduce_ex__, do not
-        # sabotage -- it's on them to make sure it works correctly.  We use
-        # __reduce_ex__ instead of any of the others as it is preferred by
-        # pickle over __reduce__, and it handles all pickle protocols.
-        unpicklable = False
-        if '__reduce_ex__' not in classdict:
-            if member_type is not object:
-                methods = ('__getnewargs_ex__', '__getnewargs__',
-                        '__reduce_ex__', '__reduce__')
-                if not any(m in member_type.__dict__ for m in methods):
-                    _make_class_unpicklable(enum_class)
-                    unpicklable = True
-        # double check that repr and friends are not the mixin's or various
-        # things break (such as pickle)
-        for name in ('__repr__', '__str__', '__format__', '__reduce_ex__'):
-            class_method = getattr(enum_class, name)
-            obj_method = getattr(member_type, name, None)
-            enum_method = getattr(first_enum, name, None)
-            if name not in classdict and class_method is not enum_method:
-                if name == '__reduce_ex__' and unpicklable:
-                    continue
-                setattr(enum_class, name, enum_method)
-        # method resolution and int's are not playing nice
-        # Python's less than 2.6 use __cmp__
-        if pyver < 2.6:
-            if issubclass(enum_class, int):
-                setattr(enum_class, '__cmp__', getattr(int, '__cmp__'))
-        elif pyver < 3.0:
-            if issubclass(enum_class, int):
-                for method in (
-                        '__le__',
-                        '__lt__',
-                        '__gt__',
-                        '__ge__',
-                        '__eq__',
-                        '__ne__',
-                        '__hash__',
-                        ):
-                    setattr(enum_class, method, getattr(int, method))
-        # replace any other __new__ with our own (as long as Enum is not None,
-        # anyway) -- again, this is to support pickle
-        if Enum is not None:
-            # if the user defined their own __new__, save it before it gets
-            # clobbered in case they subclass later
-            if save_new:
-                setattr(enum_class, '__member_new__', enum_class.__dict__['__new__'])
-            setattr(enum_class, '__new__', Enum.__dict__['__new__'])
-        return enum_class
-    def __bool__(cls):
-        """
-        classes/types should always be True.
-        """
-        return True
-    def __call__(cls, value, names=None, module=None, type=None, start=1):
-        """Either returns an existing member, or creates a new enum class.
-        This method is used both when an enum class is given a value to match
-        to an enumeration member (i.e. Color(3)) and for the functional API
-        (i.e. Color = Enum('Color', names='red green blue')).
-        When used for the functional API: `module`, if set, will be stored in
-        the new class' __module__ attribute; `type`, if set, will be mixed in
-        as the first base class.
-        Note: if `module` is not set this routine will attempt to discover the
-        calling module by walking the frame stack; if this is unsuccessful
-        the resulting class will not be pickleable.
-        """
-        if names is None:  # simple value lookup
-            return cls.__new__(cls, value)
-        # otherwise, functional API: we're creating a new Enum type
-        return cls._create_(value, names, module=module, type=type, start=start)
-    def __contains__(cls, member):
-        return isinstance(member, cls) and in cls._member_map_
-    def __delattr__(cls, attr):
-        # nicer error message when someone tries to delete an attribute
-        # (see issue19025).
-        if attr in cls._member_map_:
-            raise AttributeError(
-                    "%s: cannot delete Enum member." % cls.__name__)
-        super(EnumMeta, cls).__delattr__(attr)
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return (['__class__', '__doc__', '__members__', '__module__'] +
-                self._member_names_)
-    @property
-    def __members__(cls):
-        """Returns a mapping of member name->value.
-        This mapping lists all enum members, including aliases. Note that this
-        is a copy of the internal mapping.
-        """
-        return cls._member_map_.copy()
-    def __getattr__(cls, name):
-        """Return the enum member matching `name`
-        We use __getattr__ instead of descriptors or inserting into the enum
-        class' __dict__ in order to support `name` and `value` being both
-        properties for enum members (which live in the class' __dict__) and
-        enum members themselves.
-        """
-        if _is_dunder(name):
-            raise AttributeError(name)
-        try:
-            return cls._member_map_[name]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise AttributeError(name)
-    def __getitem__(cls, name):
-        return cls._member_map_[name]
-    def __iter__(cls):
-        return (cls._member_map_[name] for name in cls._member_names_)
-    def __reversed__(cls):
-        return (cls._member_map_[name] for name in reversed(cls._member_names_))
-    def __len__(cls):
-        return len(cls._member_names_)
-    __nonzero__ = __bool__
-    def __repr__(cls):
-        return "<enum %r>" % cls.__name__
-    def __setattr__(cls, name, value):
-        """Block attempts to reassign Enum members.
-        A simple assignment to the class namespace only changes one of the
-        several possible ways to get an Enum member from the Enum class,
-        resulting in an inconsistent Enumeration.
-        """
-        member_map = cls.__dict__.get('_member_map_', {})
-        if name in member_map:
-            raise AttributeError('Cannot reassign members.')
-        super(EnumMeta, cls).__setattr__(name, value)
-    def _create_(cls, class_name, names=None, module=None, type=None, start=1):
-        """Convenience method to create a new Enum class.
-        `names` can be:
-        * A string containing member names, separated either with spaces or
-          commas.  Values are auto-numbered from 1.
-        * An iterable of member names.  Values are auto-numbered from 1.
-        * An iterable of (member name, value) pairs.
-        * A mapping of member name -> value.
-        """
-        if pyver < 3.0:
-            # if class_name is unicode, attempt a conversion to ASCII
-            if isinstance(class_name, unicode):
-                try:
-                    class_name = class_name.encode('ascii')
-                except UnicodeEncodeError:
-                    raise TypeError('%r is not representable in ASCII' % class_name)
-        metacls = cls.__class__
-        if type is None:
-            bases = (cls, )
-        else:
-            bases = (type, cls)
-        classdict = metacls.__prepare__(class_name, bases)
-        _order_ = []
-        # special processing needed for names?
-        if isinstance(names, basestring):
-            names = names.replace(',', ' ').split()
-        if isinstance(names, (tuple, list)) and isinstance(names[0], basestring):
-            names = [(e, i+start) for (i, e) in enumerate(names)]
-        # Here, names is either an iterable of (name, value) or a mapping.
-        item = None  # in case names is empty
-        for item in names:
-            if isinstance(item, basestring):
-                member_name, member_value = item, names[item]
-            else:
-                member_name, member_value = item
-            classdict[member_name] = member_value
-            _order_.append(member_name)
-        # only set _order_ in classdict if name/value was not from a mapping
-        if not isinstance(item, basestring):
-            classdict['_order_'] = ' '.join(_order_)
-        enum_class = metacls.__new__(metacls, class_name, bases, classdict)
-        # TODO: replace the frame hack if a blessed way to know the calling
-        # module is ever developed
-        if module is None:
-            try:
-                module = _sys._getframe(2).f_globals['__name__']
-            except (AttributeError, ValueError):
-                pass
-        if module is None:
-            _make_class_unpicklable(enum_class)
-        else:
-            enum_class.__module__ = module
-        return enum_class
-    @staticmethod
-    def _get_mixins_(bases):
-        """Returns the type for creating enum members, and the first inherited
-        enum class.
-        bases: the tuple of bases that was given to __new__
-        """
-        if not bases or Enum is None:
-            return object, Enum
-        # double check that we are not subclassing a class with existing
-        # enumeration members; while we're at it, see if any other data
-        # type has been mixed in so we can use the correct __new__
-        member_type = first_enum = None
-        for base in bases:
-            if  (base is not Enum and
-                    issubclass(base, Enum) and
-                    base._member_names_):
-                raise TypeError("Cannot extend enumerations")
-        # base is now the last base in bases
-        if not issubclass(base, Enum):
-            raise TypeError("new enumerations must be created as "
-                    "`ClassName([mixin_type,] enum_type)`")
-        # get correct mix-in type (either mix-in type of Enum subclass, or
-        # first base if last base is Enum)
-        if not issubclass(bases[0], Enum):
-            member_type = bases[0]     # first data type
-            first_enum = bases[-1]  # enum type
-        else:
-            for base in bases[0].__mro__:
-                # most common: (IntEnum, int, Enum, object)
-                # possible:    (<Enum 'AutoIntEnum'>, <Enum 'IntEnum'>,
-                #               <class 'int'>, <Enum 'Enum'>,
-                #               <class 'object'>)
-                if issubclass(base, Enum):
-                    if first_enum is None:
-                        first_enum = base
-                else:
-                    if member_type is None:
-                        member_type = base
-        return member_type, first_enum
-    if pyver < 3.0:
-        @staticmethod
-        def _find_new_(classdict, member_type, first_enum):
-            """Returns the __new__ to be used for creating the enum members.
-            classdict: the class dictionary given to __new__
-            member_type: the data type whose __new__ will be used by default
-            first_enum: enumeration to check for an overriding __new__
-            """
-            # now find the correct __new__, checking to see of one was defined
-            # by the user; also check earlier enum classes in case a __new__ was
-            # saved as __member_new__
-            __new__ = classdict.get('__new__', None)
-            if __new__:
-                return None, True, True      # __new__, save_new, use_args
-            N__new__ = getattr(None, '__new__')
-            O__new__ = getattr(object, '__new__')
-            if Enum is None:
-                E__new__ = N__new__
-            else:
-                E__new__ = Enum.__dict__['__new__']
-            # check all possibles for __member_new__ before falling back to
-            # __new__
-            for method in ('__member_new__', '__new__'):
-                for possible in (member_type, first_enum):
-                    try:
-                        target = possible.__dict__[method]
-                    except (AttributeError, KeyError):
-                        target = getattr(possible, method, None)
-                    if target not in [
-                            None,
-                            N__new__,
-                            O__new__,
-                            E__new__,
-                            ]:
-                        if method == '__member_new__':
-                            classdict['__new__'] = target
-                            return None, False, True
-                        if isinstance(target, staticmethod):
-                            target = target.__get__(member_type)
-                        __new__ = target
-                        break
-                if __new__ is not None:
-                    break
-            else:
-                __new__ = object.__new__
-            # if a non-object.__new__ is used then whatever value/tuple was
-            # assigned to the enum member name will be passed to __new__ and to the
-            # new enum member's __init__
-            if __new__ is object.__new__:
-                use_args = False
-            else:
-                use_args = True
-            return __new__, False, use_args
-    else:
-        @staticmethod
-        def _find_new_(classdict, member_type, first_enum):
-            """Returns the __new__ to be used for creating the enum members.
-            classdict: the class dictionary given to __new__
-            member_type: the data type whose __new__ will be used by default
-            first_enum: enumeration to check for an overriding __new__
-            """
-            # now find the correct __new__, checking to see of one was defined
-            # by the user; also check earlier enum classes in case a __new__ was
-            # saved as __member_new__
-            __new__ = classdict.get('__new__', None)
-            # should __new__ be saved as __member_new__ later?
-            save_new = __new__ is not None
-            if __new__ is None:
-                # check all possibles for __member_new__ before falling back to
-                # __new__
-                for method in ('__member_new__', '__new__'):
-                    for possible in (member_type, first_enum):
-                        target = getattr(possible, method, None)
-                        if target not in (
-                                None,
-                                None.__new__,
-                                object.__new__,
-                                Enum.__new__,
-                                ):
-                            __new__ = target
-                            break
-                    if __new__ is not None:
-                        break
-                else:
-                    __new__ = object.__new__
-            # if a non-object.__new__ is used then whatever value/tuple was
-            # assigned to the enum member name will be passed to __new__ and to the
-            # new enum member's __init__
-            if __new__ is object.__new__:
-                use_args = False
-            else:
-                use_args = True
-            return __new__, save_new, use_args
-# In order to support Python 2 and 3 with a single
-# codebase we have to create the Enum methods separately
-# and then use the `type(name, bases, dict)` method to
-# create the class.
-temp_enum_dict = {}
-temp_enum_dict['__doc__'] = "Generic enumeration.\n\n    Derive from this class to define new enumerations.\n\n"
-def __new__(cls, value):
-    # all enum instances are actually created during class construction
-    # without calling this method; this method is called by the metaclass'
-    # __call__ (i.e. Color(3) ), and by pickle
-    if type(value) is cls:
-        # For lookups like Color(
-        value = value.value
-        #return value
-    # by-value search for a matching enum member
-    # see if it's in the reverse mapping (for hashable values)
-    try:
-        if value in cls._value2member_map_:
-            return cls._value2member_map_[value]
-    except TypeError:
-        # not there, now do long search -- O(n) behavior
-        for member in cls._member_map_.values():
-            if member.value == value:
-                return member
-    raise ValueError("%s is not a valid %s" % (value, cls.__name__))
-temp_enum_dict['__new__'] = __new__
-del __new__
-def __repr__(self):
-    return "<%s.%s: %r>" % (
-            self.__class__.__name__, self._name_, self._value_)
-temp_enum_dict['__repr__'] = __repr__
-del __repr__
-def __str__(self):
-    return "%s.%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._name_)
-temp_enum_dict['__str__'] = __str__
-del __str__
-if pyver >= 3.0:
-    def __dir__(self):
-        added_behavior = [
-                m
-                for cls in self.__class__.mro()
-                for m in cls.__dict__
-                if m[0] != '_' and m not in self._member_map_
-                ]
-        return (['__class__', '__doc__', '__module__', ] + added_behavior)
-    temp_enum_dict['__dir__'] = __dir__
-    del __dir__
-def __format__(self, format_spec):
-    # mixed-in Enums should use the mixed-in type's __format__, otherwise
-    # we can get strange results with the Enum name showing up instead of
-    # the value
-    # pure Enum branch
-    if self._member_type_ is object:
-        cls = str
-        val = str(self)
-    # mix-in branch
-    else:
-        cls = self._member_type_
-        val = self.value
-    return cls.__format__(val, format_spec)
-temp_enum_dict['__format__'] = __format__
-del __format__
-# Python's less than 2.6 use __cmp__
-if pyver < 2.6:
-    def __cmp__(self, other):
-        if type(other) is self.__class__:
-            if self is other:
-                return 0
-            return -1
-        return NotImplemented
-        raise TypeError("unorderable types: %s() and %s()" % (self.__class__.__name__, other.__class__.__name__))
-    temp_enum_dict['__cmp__'] = __cmp__
-    del __cmp__
-    def __le__(self, other):
-        raise TypeError("unorderable types: %s() <= %s()" % (self.__class__.__name__, other.__class__.__name__))
-    temp_enum_dict['__le__'] = __le__
-    del __le__
-    def __lt__(self, other):
-        raise TypeError("unorderable types: %s() < %s()" % (self.__class__.__name__, other.__class__.__name__))
-    temp_enum_dict['__lt__'] = __lt__
-    del __lt__
-    def __ge__(self, other):
-        raise TypeError("unorderable types: %s() >= %s()" % (self.__class__.__name__, other.__class__.__name__))
-    temp_enum_dict['__ge__'] = __ge__
-    del __ge__
-    def __gt__(self, other):
-        raise TypeError("unorderable types: %s() > %s()" % (self.__class__.__name__, other.__class__.__name__))
-    temp_enum_dict['__gt__'] = __gt__
-    del __gt__
-def __eq__(self, other):
-    if type(other) is self.__class__:
-        return self is other
-    return NotImplemented
-temp_enum_dict['__eq__'] = __eq__
-del __eq__
-def __ne__(self, other):
-    if type(other) is self.__class__:
-        return self is not other
-    return NotImplemented
-temp_enum_dict['__ne__'] = __ne__
-del __ne__
-def __hash__(self):
-    return hash(self._name_)
-temp_enum_dict['__hash__'] = __hash__
-del __hash__
-def __reduce_ex__(self, proto):
-    return self.__class__, (self._value_, )
-temp_enum_dict['__reduce_ex__'] = __reduce_ex__
-del __reduce_ex__
-# _RouteClassAttributeToGetattr is used to provide access to the `name`
-# and `value` properties of enum members while keeping some measure of
-# protection from modification, while still allowing for an enumeration
-# to have members named `name` and `value`.  This works because enumeration
-# members are not set directly on the enum class -- __getattr__ is
-# used to look them up.
-def name(self):
-    return self._name_
-temp_enum_dict['name'] = name
-del name
-def value(self):
-    return self._value_
-temp_enum_dict['value'] = value
-del value
-def _convert(cls, name, module, filter, source=None):
-    """
-    Create a new Enum subclass that replaces a collection of global constants
-    """
-    # convert all constants from source (or module) that pass filter() to
-    # a new Enum called name, and export the enum and its members back to
-    # module;
-    # also, replace the __reduce_ex__ method so unpickling works in
-    # previous Python versions
-    module_globals = vars(_sys.modules[module])
-    if source:
-        source = vars(source)
-    else:
-        source = module_globals
-    members = dict((name, value) for name, value in source.items() if filter(name))
-    cls = cls(name, members, module=module)
-    cls.__reduce_ex__ = _reduce_ex_by_name
-    module_globals.update(cls.__members__)
-    module_globals[name] = cls
-    return cls
-temp_enum_dict['_convert'] = _convert
-del _convert
-Enum = EnumMeta('Enum', (object, ), temp_enum_dict)
-del temp_enum_dict
-# Enum has now been created
-class IntEnum(int, Enum):
-    """Enum where members are also (and must be) ints"""
-def _reduce_ex_by_name(self, proto):
-    return
-def unique(enumeration):
-    """Class decorator that ensures only unique members exist in an enumeration."""
-    duplicates = []
-    for name, member in enumeration.__members__.items():
-        if name !=
-            duplicates.append((name,
-    if duplicates:
-        duplicate_names = ', '.join(
-                ["%s -> %s" % (alias, name) for (alias, name) in duplicates]
-                )
-        raise ValueError('duplicate names found in %r: %s' %
-                (enumeration, duplicate_names)
-                )
-    return enumeration
diff --git a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum34-1.1.6.dist-info/DESCRIPTION.rst b/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum34-1.1.6.dist-info/DESCRIPTION.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index ff89b8d..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum34-1.1.6.dist-info/DESCRIPTION.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-enum --- support for enumerations
-An enumeration is a set of symbolic names (members) bound to unique, constant
-values.  Within an enumeration, the members can be compared by identity, and
-the enumeration itself can be iterated over.
-    from enum import Enum
-    class Fruit(Enum):
-        apple = 1
-        banana = 2
-        orange = 3
-    list(Fruit)
-    # [< 1>, <Fruit.banana: 2>, < 3>]
-    len(Fruit)
-    # 3
-    Fruit.banana
-    # <Fruit.banana: 2>
-    Fruit['banana']
-    # <Fruit.banana: 2>
-    Fruit(2)
-    # <Fruit.banana: 2>
-    Fruit.banana is Fruit['banana'] is Fruit(2)
-    # True
-    # 'banana'
-    Fruit.banana.value
-    # 2
-Repository and Issue Tracker at
diff --git a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum34-1.1.6.dist-info/INSTALLER b/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum34-1.1.6.dist-info/INSTALLER
deleted file mode 100644
index a1b589e..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum34-1.1.6.dist-info/INSTALLER
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum34-1.1.6.dist-info/METADATA b/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum34-1.1.6.dist-info/METADATA
deleted file mode 100644
index 49ee3e5..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum34-1.1.6.dist-info/METADATA
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-Metadata-Version: 2.0
-Name: enum34
-Version: 1.1.6
-Summary: Python 3.4 Enum backported to 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 2.7, 2.6, 2.5, and 2.4
-Author: Ethan Furman
-License: BSD License
-Platform: UNKNOWN
-Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
-Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
-Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
-Classifier: Topic :: Software Development
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.4
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.5
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
-Provides: enum
-enum --- support for enumerations
-An enumeration is a set of symbolic names (members) bound to unique, constant
-values.  Within an enumeration, the members can be compared by identity, and
-the enumeration itself can be iterated over.
-    from enum import Enum
-    class Fruit(Enum):
-        apple = 1
-        banana = 2
-        orange = 3
-    list(Fruit)
-    # [< 1>, <Fruit.banana: 2>, < 3>]
-    len(Fruit)
-    # 3
-    Fruit.banana
-    # <Fruit.banana: 2>
-    Fruit['banana']
-    # <Fruit.banana: 2>
-    Fruit(2)
-    # <Fruit.banana: 2>
-    Fruit.banana is Fruit['banana'] is Fruit(2)
-    # True
-    # 'banana'
-    Fruit.banana.value
-    # 2
-Repository and Issue Tracker at
diff --git a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum34-1.1.6.dist-info/RECORD b/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum34-1.1.6.dist-info/RECORD
deleted file mode 100644
index 7be1808..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum34-1.1.6.dist-info/RECORD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum34-1.1.6.dist-info/WHEEL b/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum34-1.1.6.dist-info/WHEEL
deleted file mode 100644
index 511d954..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum34-1.1.6.dist-info/WHEEL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Wheel-Version: 1.0
-Generator: bdist_wheel (0.29.0)
-Root-Is-Purelib: true
-Tag: py2-none-any
diff --git a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum34-1.1.6.dist-info/metadata.json b/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum34-1.1.6.dist-info/metadata.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a1cc20..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum34-1.1.6.dist-info/metadata.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-{"classifiers": ["Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License", "Programming Language :: Python", "Topic :: Software Development", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.4", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.5", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5"], "extensions": {"python.details": {"contacts": [{"email": "", "name": "Ethan Furman", "role": "author"}], "document_names": {"description": "DESCRIPTION.rst"}, "project_urls": {"Home": ""}}}, "generator": "bdist_wheel (0.29.0)", "license": "BSD License", "metadata_version": "2.0", "name": "enum34", "provides": "enum", "summary": "Python 3.4 Enum backported to 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 2.7, 2.6, 2.5, and 2.4", "version": "1.1.6"}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum34-1.1.6.dist-info/top_level.txt b/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum34-1.1.6.dist-info/top_level.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e3caefb..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/enum34-1.1.6.dist-info/top_level.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/functools32-3.2.3_2.dist-info/DESCRIPTION.rst b/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/functools32-3.2.3_2.dist-info/DESCRIPTION.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 91ba30a..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/functools32-3.2.3_2.dist-info/DESCRIPTION.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-This is a backport of the functools standard library module from
-Python 3.2.3 for use on Python 2.7 and PyPy. It includes
-new features `lru_cache` (Least-recently-used cache decorator).
diff --git a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/functools32-3.2.3_2.dist-info/INSTALLER b/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/functools32-3.2.3_2.dist-info/INSTALLER
deleted file mode 100644
index a1b589e..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/functools32-3.2.3_2.dist-info/INSTALLER
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/functools32-3.2.3_2.dist-info/METADATA b/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/functools32-3.2.3_2.dist-info/METADATA
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ba432a..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/functools32-3.2.3_2.dist-info/METADATA
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Metadata-Version: 2.0
-Name: functools32
-Version: 3.2.3-2
-Summary: Backport of the functools module from Python 3.2.3 for use on 2.7 and PyPy.
-Author: ENDOH takanao
-License: PSF license
-Platform: UNKNOWN
-This is a backport of the functools standard library module from
-Python 3.2.3 for use on Python 2.7 and PyPy. It includes
-new features `lru_cache` (Least-recently-used cache decorator).