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Posted to by on 2010/11/01 04:11:08 UTC

svn commit: r1029535 - /incubator/hama/trunk/build.xml

Author: edwardyoon
Date: Mon Nov  1 03:11:08 2010
New Revision: 1029535

I missed to commit build.xml changes.


Modified: incubator/hama/trunk/build.xml
--- incubator/hama/trunk/build.xml (original)
+++ incubator/hama/trunk/build.xml Mon Nov  1 03:11:08 2010
@@ -18,305 +18,291 @@
 <project name="hama" default="jar">
-    <property name="version" value="0.2.0-dev" />
-    <property name="Name" value="Hama" />
-    <property name="" value="hama-${version}" />
-    <property name="year" value="2009" />
-    <!-- Load all the default properties, and any the user wants    -->
-    <!-- to contribute (without having to type -D or edit this file -->
-    <property file="${user.home}/${name}" />
-    <property file="${basedir}/" />
-    <property name="src.dir" location="${basedir}/src/java" />
-    <property name="src.test" location="${basedir}/src/test" />
-    <property name="src.examples" location="${basedir}/src/examples" />
-    <property name="lib.dir" value="${basedir}/lib" />
-    <property name="conf.dir" value="${basedir}/conf" />
-    <property name="docs.dir" value="${basedir}/docs" />
-    <property name="docs.src" value="${basedir}/src/docs" />
+	<property name="version" value="0.2.0-dev" />
+	<property name="Name" value="Hama" />
+	<property name="" value="hama-${version}" />
+	<property name="year" value="2009" />
+	<!-- Load all the default properties, and any the user wants    -->
+	<!-- to contribute (without having to type -D or edit this file -->
+	<property file="${user.home}/${name}" />
+	<property file="${basedir}/" />
+	<property name="src.dir" location="${basedir}/src/java" />
+	<property name="src.test" location="${basedir}/src/test" />
+	<property name="src.examples" location="${basedir}/src/examples" />
+	<property name="lib.dir" value="${basedir}/lib" />
+	<property name="conf.dir" value="${basedir}/conf" />
+	<property name="docs.dir" value="${basedir}/docs" />
+	<property name="docs.src" value="${basedir}/src/docs" />
 	<!-- javacc properties -->
-    <property name="javacc.home" value="${basedir}/lib" />
+	<property name="javacc.home" value="${basedir}/lib" />
 	<!-- build properties -->
-    <property name="test.output" value="no" />
-    <property name="test.timeout" value="600000" />
-    <property name="build.dir" location="${basedir}/build" />
-    <property name="build.lib" location="${build.dir}/lib" />
-    <property name="build.classes" location="${build.dir}/classes" />
-    <property name="build.test" location="${build.dir}/test" />
-    <property name="build.examples" location="${build.dir}/examples" />
-    <property name="" value="${build.dir}/docs/site" />
-    <property name="build.javadoc" value="${}/api" />
-    <property name="build.encoding" value="ISO-8859-1" />
-    <property name="build.src" value="${build.dir}/src" />
-    <property name="" value="${build.dir}/reports" />
-    <property name="" value="${}/findbugs" />
-    <property name="" value="${}/tests" />
-    <property name="" value="${build.dir}/test" />
-    <property name="test.junit.output.format" value="plain" />
-    <property name="dist.dir" value="${build.dir}/${}" />
-    <property name="javac.deprecation" value="off" />
-    <property name="javac.debug" value="on" />
-    <property name="" 
-                 value="" />
-    <property name="javadoc.packages" value="org.apache.hama.*" />
-    <fileset id="lib.jars" dir="${basedir}" includes="lib/*.jar" />
-    <path id="classpath">
-        <fileset refid="lib.jars" />
-        <fileset dir="${lib.dir}/findbugs/">
-            <include name="*jar" />
-        </fileset>
-        <pathelement location="${build.classes}" />
-        <pathelement location="${conf.dir}" />
-    </path>
-    <taskdef name="findbugs" classpathref="classpath" 
-    	classname="edu.umd.cs.findbugs.anttask.FindBugsTask" />
-    <target name="init">
-        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}" />
-        <mkdir dir="${build.classes}" />
-        <mkdir dir="${build.test}" />
-        <mkdir dir="${build.examples}" />
-        <mkdir dir="${}" />
-        <mkdir dir="${}" />
-        <!--Copy bin, lib, and conf. too-->
-        <mkdir dir="${build.lib}" />
-        <copy todir="${build.lib}">
-            <fileset dir="${lib.dir}" />
-        </copy>
-    </target>
-    <!-- ================================================================== -->
-    <!-- Java Compiler Compiler, generate Parsers                           -->
-    <!-- ================================================================== -->
-    <target name="compile" depends="init">
-        <!--Compile whats under src and generated java classes made from jsp-->
-        <mkdir dir="${build.src}" />
-        <javac encoding="${build.encoding}" 
-         srcdir="${src.dir};${build.src};${src.examples}" includes="**/*.java" 
-        	destdir="${build.classes}" debug="${javac.debug}" 
-                deprecation="${javac.deprecation}">
-            <classpath refid="classpath" />
-        </javac>
-    </target>
-    <target name="compile-examples" depends="compile">
-        <javac encoding="${build.encoding}" srcdir="${src.examples}" 
-                includes="**/*.java" 
-        	destdir="${build.examples}" debug="${javac.debug}" 
-                deprecation="${javac.deprecation}">
-            <classpath refid="classpath" />
-        </javac>
-    </target>
-    <!-- Override jar target to specify main class -->
-    <target name="jar" depends="compile">
-        <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/${}.jar" 
-              basedir="${build.classes}">
-        </jar>
-    </target>
-    <target name="examples" depends="jar, compile-examples" 
-    	description="Make the hama examples jar.">
-        <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/${}-examples.jar" 
-                basedir="${build.examples}">
-            <manifest>
-                <attribute name="Main-Class" 
-                    value="org/apache/hama/examples/ExampleDriver" />
-            </manifest>
-        </jar>
-    </target>
-    <target name="package" depends="jar,javadoc,examples,compile-test" 
-    	description="Build distribution">
-        <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}" />
-        <copy todir="${dist.dir}" includeEmptyDirs="false" flatten="true">
-            <fileset dir="${build.dir}">
-                <include name="${}.jar" />
-                <include name="${}-test.jar" />
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}/lib" />
-        <copy todir="${dist.dir}/lib">
-            <fileset dir="${build.lib}" />
-        </copy>
-        <copy todir="${dist.dir}">
-            <fileset dir=".">
-                <include name="*.txt" />
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}/src" />
-        <copy todir="${dist.dir}/src" includeEmptyDirs="true">
-            <fileset dir="src" excludes="**/*.template **/docs/build/**/*" />
-        </copy>
-    </target>
-    <!-- ================================================================== -->
-    <!-- Make release tarball                                               -->
-    <!-- ================================================================== -->
-    <macrodef name="macro_tar" description="Worker Macro for tar">
-        <attribute name="param.destfile" />
-        <element name="param.listofitems" />
-        <sequential>
-            <tar compression="gzip" longfile="gnu" destfile="@{param.destfile}">
-                <param.listofitems />
-            </tar>
-        </sequential>
-    </macrodef>
-    <target name="tar" depends="package" description="Make release tarball">
-        <macro_tar param.destfile="${build.dir}/${}.tar.gz">
-            <param.listofitems>
-                <tarfileset dir="${build.dir}" mode="664">
-                    <exclude name="${}/bin/*" />
-                    <include name="${}/**" />
-                </tarfileset>
-                <tarfileset dir="${build.dir}" mode="755">
-                    <include name="${}/bin/*" />
-                </tarfileset>
-            </param.listofitems>
-        </macro_tar>
-    </target>
-    <target name="binary" depends="package" 
-    	description="Make tarball without source and documentation">
-        <macro_tar param.destfile="${build.dir}/${}-bin.tar.gz">
-            <param.listofitems>
-                <tarfileset dir="${build.dir}" mode="664">
-                    <exclude name="${}/bin/*" />
-                    <exclude name="${}/src/**" />
-                    <exclude name="${}/docs/**" />
-                    <include name="${}/**" />
-                </tarfileset>
-                <tarfileset dir="${build.dir}" mode="755">
-                    <include name="${}/bin/*" />
-                </tarfileset>
-            </param.listofitems>
-        </macro_tar>
-    </target>
-    <!-- ================================================================== -->
-    <!-- Doc                                                                -->
-    <!-- ================================================================== -->
-    <target name="docs" depends="forrest.check" description="Generate forrest-based documentation. To use, specify -Dforrest.home=&lt;base of Apache Forrest installation&gt; on the command line." if="forrest.home">
-        <exec dir="${docs.src}" executable="${forrest.home}/bin/forrest" 
-               failonerror="true">
-        	<env key="JAVA_HOME" value="${java5.home}"/>
-        </exec>
-        <copy todir="${}">
-          <fileset dir="${docs.src}/build/site/" />
-        </copy>
-    	<delete dir="${docs.src}/build/"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="forrest.check" unless="forrest.home">
-        <fail message="'forrest.home' is not defined. Please pass -Dforrest.home=&lt;base of Apache Forrest installation&gt; to Ant on the command-line." />
-    </target>
-    <!-- Javadoc -->
-    <target name="javadoc" description="Generate javadoc">
-        <mkdir dir="${build.javadoc}" />
-        <javadoc overview="${src.dir}/overview.html" packagenames="org.apache.hama.*" 
-        	    destdir="${build.javadoc}" author="true" version="true" use="true" 
-        	    windowtitle="${Name} ${version} API" doctitle="${Name} ${version} API" 
-        	    bottom="Copyright &amp;copy; ${year} The Apache Software Foundation">
-            <packageset dir="${src.dir}">
-                <include name="org/apache/**" />
-            </packageset>
-            <link href="${}" />
-            <classpath>
-                <path refid="classpath" />
-                <pathelement path="${java.class.path}" />
-            </classpath>
-            <group title="${Name}" packages="org.apache.hama.*" />
-        </javadoc>
-    </target>
-	  <!-- Javadoc with UML diagrams -->
-    <target name="javadocs" depends="compile">
-      <javadoc sourcepath="${src.dir}" packagenames="org.apache.hama.*" destdir="${build.javadoc}" private="true">
-           <doclet name="org.umlgraph.doclet.UmlGraphDoc" path="${lib.dir}/UmlGraph.jar">
-            <param name="-inferrel"/>
-            <param name="-inferdep"/>
-            <param name="-hide" value="java.*"/>
-            <param name="-collpackages" value="java.util.*"/>
-            <param name="-qualify"/>
-            <param name="-postfixpackage"/>
-            <param name="-nodefontsize" value="9"/>
-            <param name="-nodefontpackagesize" value="7"/>
-            <param name="-link" value=""/>
-            <param name="-link" value=""/>
-        </doclet>
-      </javadoc>
-   </target>
+	<property name="test.output" value="no" />
+	<property name="test.timeout" value="600000" />
+	<property name="build.dir" location="${basedir}/build" />
+	<property name="build.lib" location="${build.dir}/lib" />
+	<property name="build.classes" location="${build.dir}/classes" />
+	<property name="build.test" location="${build.dir}/test" />
+	<property name="build.examples" location="${build.dir}/examples" />
+	<property name="" value="${build.dir}/docs/site" />
+	<property name="build.javadoc" value="${}/api" />
+	<property name="build.encoding" value="ISO-8859-1" />
+	<property name="build.src" value="${build.dir}/src" />
+	<property name="" value="${build.dir}/reports" />
+	<property name="" value="${}/findbugs" />
+	<property name="" value="${}/tests" />
+	<property name="" value="${build.dir}/test" />
+	<property name="test.junit.output.format" value="plain" />
+	<property name="dist.dir" value="${build.dir}/${}" />
+	<property name="javac.deprecation" value="off" />
+	<property name="javac.debug" value="on" />
+	<property name="" value="" />
+	<property name="javadoc.packages" value="org.apache.hama.*" />
+	<fileset id="lib.jars" dir="${basedir}" includes="lib/*.jar" />
+	<path id="classpath">
+		<fileset refid="lib.jars" />
+		<fileset dir="${lib.dir}/findbugs/">
+			<include name="*.jar" />
+		</fileset>
+		<pathelement location="${build.classes}" />
+		<pathelement location="${conf.dir}" />
+	</path>
+	<taskdef name="findbugs" classpathref="classpath" classname="edu.umd.cs.findbugs.anttask.FindBugsTask" />
+	<target name="init">
+		<mkdir dir="${build.dir}" />
+		<mkdir dir="${build.classes}" />
+		<mkdir dir="${build.test}" />
+		<mkdir dir="${build.examples}" />
+		<mkdir dir="${}" />
+		<mkdir dir="${}" />
+		<!--Copy bin, lib, and conf. too-->
+		<mkdir dir="${build.lib}" />
+		<copy todir="${build.lib}">
+			<fileset dir="${lib.dir}" />
+		</copy>
+	</target>
+	<!-- ================================================================== -->
+	<!-- Java Compiler Compiler, generate Parsers                           -->
+	<!-- ================================================================== -->
+	<target name="compile" depends="init">
+		<!--Compile whats under src and generated java classes made from jsp-->
+		<mkdir dir="${build.src}" />
+		<javac encoding="${build.encoding}" srcdir="${src.dir};${build.src};${src.examples}" includes="**/*.java" destdir="${build.classes}" debug="${javac.debug}" deprecation="${javac.deprecation}">
+			<classpath refid="classpath" />
+		</javac>
+	</target>
+	<target name="compile-examples" depends="compile">
+		<javac encoding="${build.encoding}" srcdir="${src.examples}" includes="**/*.java" destdir="${build.examples}" debug="${javac.debug}" deprecation="${javac.deprecation}">
+			<classpath refid="classpath" />
+		</javac>
+	</target>
+	<!-- Override jar target to specify main class -->
+	<target name="jar" depends="compile">
+		<jar jarfile="${build.dir}/${}.jar" basedir="${build.classes}">
+		</jar>
+	</target>
+	<target name="examples" depends="jar, compile-examples" description="Make the hama examples jar.">
+		<jar jarfile="${build.dir}/${}-examples.jar" basedir="${build.examples}">
+			<manifest>
+				<attribute name="Main-Class" value="org/apache/hama/examples/ExampleDriver" />
+			</manifest>
+		</jar>
+	</target>
+	<target name="package" depends="jar,javadoc,examples,compile-test" description="Build distribution">
+		<mkdir dir="${dist.dir}" />
+		<copy todir="${dist.dir}" includeEmptyDirs="false" flatten="true">
+			<fileset dir="${build.dir}">
+				<include name="${}.jar" />
+				<include name="${}-test.jar" />
+			</fileset>
+		</copy>
+		<mkdir dir="${dist.dir}/lib" />
+		<copy todir="${dist.dir}/lib">
+			<fileset dir="${build.lib}" />
+		</copy>
+		<copy todir="${dist.dir}">
+			<fileset dir=".">
+				<include name="*.txt" />
+			</fileset>
+		</copy>
+		<mkdir dir="${dist.dir}/src" />
+		<copy todir="${dist.dir}/src" includeEmptyDirs="true">
+			<fileset dir="src" excludes="**/*.template **/docs/build/**/*" />
+		</copy>
+	</target>
+	<!-- ================================================================== -->
+	<!-- Make release tarball                                               -->
+	<!-- ================================================================== -->
+	<macrodef name="macro_tar" description="Worker Macro for tar">
+		<attribute name="param.destfile" />
+		<element name="param.listofitems" />
+		<sequential>
+			<tar compression="gzip" longfile="gnu" destfile="@{param.destfile}">
+				<param.listofitems />
+			</tar>
+		</sequential>
+	</macrodef>
+	<target name="tar" depends="package" description="Make release tarball">
+		<macro_tar param.destfile="${build.dir}/${}.tar.gz">
+			<param.listofitems>
+				<tarfileset dir="${build.dir}" mode="664">
+					<exclude name="${}/bin/*" />
+					<include name="${}/**" />
+				</tarfileset>
+				<tarfileset dir="${build.dir}" mode="755">
+					<include name="${}/bin/*" />
+				</tarfileset>
+			</param.listofitems>
+		</macro_tar>
+	</target>
+	<target name="binary" depends="package" description="Make tarball without source and documentation">
+		<macro_tar param.destfile="${build.dir}/${}-bin.tar.gz">
+			<param.listofitems>
+				<tarfileset dir="${build.dir}" mode="664">
+					<exclude name="${}/bin/*" />
+					<exclude name="${}/src/**" />
+					<exclude name="${}/docs/**" />
+					<include name="${}/**" />
+				</tarfileset>
+				<tarfileset dir="${build.dir}" mode="755">
+					<include name="${}/bin/*" />
+				</tarfileset>
+			</param.listofitems>
+		</macro_tar>
+	</target>
+	<!-- ================================================================== -->
+	<!-- Doc                                                                -->
+	<!-- ================================================================== -->
+	<target name="docs" depends="forrest.check" description="Generate forrest-based documentation. To use, specify -Dforrest.home=&lt;base of Apache Forrest installation&gt; on the command line." if="forrest.home">
+		<exec dir="${docs.src}" executable="${forrest.home}/bin/forrest" failonerror="true">
+			<env key="JAVA_HOME" value="${java5.home}" />
+		</exec>
+		<copy todir="${}">
+			<fileset dir="${docs.src}/build/site/" />
+		</copy>
+		<delete dir="${docs.src}/build/" />
+	</target>
+	<target name="forrest.check" unless="forrest.home">
+		<fail message="'forrest.home' is not defined. Please pass -Dforrest.home=&lt;base of Apache Forrest installation&gt; to Ant on the command-line." />
+	</target>
+	<!-- javadoc-classpath -->
+	<!-- This is going to stay back until we use a mechanism for automatic dependency management -->
+	<path id="javadoc-classpath">
+		<fileset file="${lib.dir}/hadoop*.jar" />
+		<fileset file="${lib.dir}/zookeeper*.jar" />
+		<fileset file="${lib.dir}/commons*.jar" />
+		<fileset file="${lib.dir}/log4j*.jar" />
+		<fileset file="${lib.dir}/javacc.jar" />
+		<fileset file="${lib.dir}/junit-3.8.1.jar" />
+	</path>
+	<!-- Javadoc -->
+	<target name="javadoc" description="Generate javadoc">
+		<mkdir dir="${build.javadoc}" />
+		<javadoc overview="${src.dir}/overview.html" packagenames="org.apache.hama.*" destdir="${build.javadoc}" author="true" version="true" use="true" windowtitle="${Name} ${version} API" doctitle="${Name} ${version} API" bottom="Copyright &amp;copy; ${year} The Apache Software Foundation">
+			<packageset dir="${src.dir}">
+				<include name="org/apache/**" />
+			</packageset>
+			<link href="${}" />
+			<classpath>
+				<path refid="javadoc-classpath" />
+			</classpath>
+			<group title="${Name}" packages="org.apache.hama.*" />
+		</javadoc>
+	</target>
+	<!-- Javadoc with UML diagrams -->
+	<target name="javadocs" depends="compile">
+		<javadoc sourcepath="${src.dir}" packagenames="org.apache.hama.*" destdir="${build.javadoc}" private="true">
+			<doclet name="org.umlgraph.doclet.UmlGraphDoc" path="${lib.dir}/UmlGraph.jar">
+				<param name="-inferrel" />
+				<param name="-inferdep" />
+				<param name="-hide" value="java.*" />
+				<param name="-collpackages" value="java.util.*" />
+				<param name="-qualify" />
+				<param name="-postfixpackage" />
+				<param name="-nodefontsize" value="9" />
+				<param name="-nodefontpackagesize" value="7" />
+				<param name="-link" value="" />
+				<param name="-link" value="" />
+			</doclet>
+		</javadoc>
+	</target>
+	<!-- ================================================================== -->
+	<!-- Run unit tests                                                     -->
+	<!-- ================================================================== -->
+	<path id="test.classpath">
+		<pathelement location="${src.test}" />
+		<pathelement location="${build.test}" />
+		<path refid="classpath" />
+		<pathelement location="${build.dir}" />
+	</path>
+	<target name="compile-test" depends="compile">
+		<javac encoding="${build.encoding}" srcdir="${src.test}" includes="**/*.java" destdir="${build.test}" debug="${javac.debug}">
+			<classpath refid="test.classpath" />
+		</javac>
+		<jar jarfile="${build.dir}/${}-test.jar">
+			<fileset dir="${build.test}" includes="org/**" />
+			<fileset dir="${build.classes}" />
+			<fileset dir="${src.test}" includes="**/*.properties" />
+			<manifest>
+				<attribute name="Main-Class" value="org/apache/hama/Utils" />
+			</manifest>
+		</jar>
+	</target>
+	<target name="test" depends="compile, compile-test">
+		<junit printsummary="yes" showoutput="${test.output}" haltonfailure="no" fork="yes" maxmemory="512m" errorProperty="tests.failed" failureProperty="tests.failed" timeout="${test.timeout}">
+			<classpath refid="test.classpath" />
+			<formatter type="${test.junit.output.format}" />
+			<batchtest todir="${}">
+				<fileset dir="${src.test}" includes="**/Test*.java" excludes="**/${test.exclude}.java" />
+			</batchtest>
+		</junit>
+		<fail if="tests.failed">Tests failed!</fail>
+	</target>
+	<target name="findbugs" depends="init, jar">
+		<findbugs home="${lib.dir}/findbugs" output="xml" outputFile="${}/hama-findbugs.xml" excludeFilter="${conf.dir}/findbugs-exclude-filter.xml" auxClasspathRef="classpath">
+			<sourcePath path="${src.dir}" />
+			<class location="${build.dir}/${}.jar" />
+		</findbugs>
+	</target>
+	<target name="report" depends="findbugs,test">
+	</target>
+	<!-- ================================================================== -->
+	<!-- Clean.  Delete the build files, and their directories              -->
 	<!-- ================================================================== -->
-    <!-- Run unit tests                                                     -->
-    <!-- ================================================================== -->
-    <path id="test.classpath">
-        <pathelement location="${src.test}" />
-        <pathelement location="${build.test}" />
-        <path refid="classpath" />
-        <pathelement location="${build.dir}" />
-    </path>
-    <target name="compile-test" depends="compile">
-        <javac encoding="${build.encoding}" srcdir="${src.test}" 
-           includes="**/*.java" destdir="${build.test}" debug="${javac.debug}">
-            <classpath refid="test.classpath" />
-        </javac>
-        <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/${}-test.jar">
-            <fileset dir="${build.test}" includes="org/**" />
-            <fileset dir="${build.classes}" />
-            <fileset dir="${src.test}" includes="**/*.properties" />
-            <manifest>
-              <attribute name="Main-Class" value="org/apache/hama/Utils" />
-            </manifest>
-        </jar>
-    </target>
-    <target name="test" depends="compile, compile-test">
-        <junit printsummary="yes" showoutput="${test.output}" haltonfailure="no"
-              fork="yes" maxmemory="512m" errorProperty="tests.failed" 
-        	     failureProperty="tests.failed" timeout="${test.timeout}">
-            <classpath refid="test.classpath" />
-            <formatter type="${test.junit.output.format}" />
-            <batchtest todir="${}">
-                <fileset dir="${src.test}" includes="**/Test*.java" 
-                	 excludes="**/${test.exclude}.java" />
-            </batchtest>
-        </junit>
-        <fail if="tests.failed">Tests failed!</fail>
-    </target>
-    <target name="findbugs" depends="init, jar">
-        <findbugs home="${lib.dir}/findbugs" output="xml" 
-        	     outputFile="${}/hama-findbugs.xml" 
-               excludeFilter="${conf.dir}/findbugs-exclude-filter.xml"
-        	     auxClasspathRef="classpath">
-            <sourcePath path="${src.dir}" />
-            <class location="${build.dir}/${}.jar" />
-        </findbugs>
-    </target>
-    <target name="report" depends="findbugs,test"></target>
-    <!-- ================================================================== -->
-    <!-- Clean.  Delete the build files, and their directories              -->
-    <!-- ================================================================== -->
-    <target name="clean">
-        <delete dir="${build.dir}" />
-    </target>
+	<target name="clean">
+		<delete dir="${build.dir}" />
+	</target>