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[03/21] incubator-iota-site git commit: Website Upload
diff --git a/js/mailform/jquery.rd-mailform.js b/js/mailform/jquery.rd-mailform.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3040868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/mailform/jquery.rd-mailform.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1719 @@
+ * RD Mail Form
+ * @version 1.1.0
+ * @author Evgeniy Gusarov (Stmechanus | Diversant)
+ * @license The MIT License (MIT)
+ * @todo Time Picker
+ * @todo Date Picker
+ * @todo Checboxes
+ * @todo Radio Buttons
+ * @todo TextArea
+ * @todo InputMasks
+ * @todo Input File
+ */
+(function ($, window, documen, undefined) {
+    var msg, e;
+    /**
+     * Template for some information status messages.
+     * @private
+     */
+    msg = {
+        'MF000': 'Sent',
+        'MF001': 'Recipients are not set!',
+        'MF002': 'Form will not work locally!',
+        'MF003': 'Please, define email field in your form!',
+        'MF004': 'Please, define type of your form!',
+        'MF254': 'Something went wrong with PHPMailer!',
+        'MF255': 'Aw, snap! Something went wrong.'
+    };
+    /**
+     * Creates a form.
+     * @class The RD Mail Form.
+     * @public
+     * @param {HTMLElement|jQuery} element - The element to create the form for.
+     * @param {Object} [options] - The options
+     */
+    function RDMailForm(element, options) {
+        /**
+         * Current options set by the caller including defaults.
+         * @public
+         */
+        this.options = $.extend({}, RDMailForm.Defaults, options);
+        /**
+         * Plugin element.
+         * @public
+         */
+        this.$element = $(element);
+        /**
+         * References to the running plugins of this Mail Form.
+         * @protected
+         */
+        this._plugins = {};
+        /**
+         * All event handlers of Mail Form
+         * @protected
+         * @type {Object}
+         */
+        this._handlers = {
+            'mf.success': $.proxy(this.update, this),
+            'mf.process': $.proxy(this.process, this),
+            'reset': $.proxy(this.reset, this)
+        };
+        /**
+         * Creates the instances of all attached plugins
+         * @protected
+         */
+        $.each(RDMailForm.Plugins, $.proxy(function (key, plugin) {
+            this._plugins[key[0].toLowerCase() + key.slice(1)]
+                = new plugin(this);
+        }, this));
+        this.initialize();
+    };
+    /**
+     * Default options for the Form.
+     * @public
+     */
+    RDMailForm.Defaults = {
+        baseClass: 'rd-mailform'
+    };
+    /**
+     * Contains all registered plugins.
+     * @public
+     */
+    RDMailForm.Plugins = {};
+    /**
+     * Initializes the Mail Form.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    RDMailForm.prototype.initialize = function () {
+        this.$element.trigger('mf.initialize');
+        this.$element
+            .addClass(this.options.baseClass)
+            .trigger('reset');
+        this.create();
+        this.$element.trigger('mf.initialized');
+    };
+    /**
+     * Creates additional DOM of Mail Form
+     * @protected
+     */
+    RDMailForm.prototype.create = function () {
+        var _self = this;
+        if (_self.$element.attr("data-type")) {
+            _self.$element
+                .prepend($("<input/>", {
+                    "type": "hidden",
+                    "name": "form-type",
+                    "value": _self.$element.attr("data-type")
+                }));
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * Creates the events watchers of Mail Form
+     * @protected
+     */
+ = function () {
+        var _self = this;
+        _self.$element
+            .ajaxForm({
+                beforeSubmit: function (e) {
+                    _self.$element.trigger('mf.process');
+                },
+                error: function (result) {
+                    _self.$element.trigger('', {code: result, message: msg[result]});
+                },
+                success: function (result) {
+                    console.log(result);
+                    if (result == 'MF000') {
+                        _self.$element.trigger('mf.success', {code: result, message: msg[result]});
+                    } else {
+                        result = result.length == 5 ? result : 'MF255';
+                        _self.$element.trigger('', {code: result, message: msg[result]});
+                    }
+                }
+            })
+            .on(this._handlers);
+    };
+    /**
+     * Changes form status to process
+     * @protected
+     */
+    RDMailForm.prototype.process = function () {
+        this.$element.addClass('process');
+    };
+    /**
+     * Updates form status on sent
+     * @protected
+     */
+    RDMailForm.prototype.update = function (e, data) {
+        this.$element.removeClass('process');
+        if (data.code === 'MF000') {
+            this.$element.addClass('success');
+        } else {
+            this.$element.addClass('fail');
+        }
+        setTimeout($.proxy(function () {
+            this.$element.trigger('reset');
+        }, this), 3000);
+    };
+    /**
+     * Resets form status
+     * @protected
+     */
+    RDMailForm.prototype.reset = function () {
+        this.$element.removeClass('success');
+        this.$element.removeClass('fail');
+        this.$element.trigger('mf.reset');
+    };
+    /**
+     * The jQuery Plugin for the RD Mail Form
+     * @public
+     */
+    $.fn.rdMailForm = function (options) {
+        return this.each(function () {
+            if (!$(this).data('rdMailForm')) {
+                $(this).data('rdMailForm', new RDMailForm(this, options));
+            }
+        });
+    };
+    /**
+     * The constructor for the jQuery Plugin
+     * @public
+     */
+    $.fn.rdMailForm.Constructor = RDMailForm;
+})(window.jQuery, window, document);
+ * Validator Plugin
+ * @version 1.0.0
+ * @author Evgeniy Gusarov (Stmechanus | Diversant)
+ * @license The MIT License (MIT)
+ */
+(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
+    /**
+     * Creates the validator plugin.
+     * @class The Validator Plugin
+     * @param {RDMailForm} form - The Mail Form
+     */
+    var Validator = $.fn.rdMailForm.Constructor.Plugins.Validator = function (form) {
+        /**
+         * Reference to the core.
+         * @protected
+         * @type {RDMailForm}
+         */
+        this._core = form;
+        /**
+         * All event handlers.
+         * @protected
+         * @type {Object}
+         */
+        this._handlers = {
+            'mfValidator.validate': this.validate,
+            'mfValidator.error': this.error,
+            'mfValidator.valid': this.valid,
+            'mfValidator.reset': this.reset,
+            '': $.noop()
+        };
+        // set default options
+        this._core.options = $.extend({}, Validator.Defaults, this._core.options);
+        this.initialize();
+    };
+    /**
+     * Default options.
+     * @public
+     */
+    Validator.Defaults = {
+        validator: {
+            'applyTo': '[data-constraints]',
+            'class': 'mfValidation',
+            'constraints': {
+                '@LettersOnly': {
+                    rule: '^([a-zA-Z\u0430-\u044f\u0410-\u042f\u0456\u0457\u0451\u0406\u0407\u0401\u0454\u0404\u0490\u0491\\s]{0,})$',
+                    message: 'Please use letters only!'
+                },
+                '@NumbersOnly': {
+                    rule: '^-?\\d*\\.?\\d*$',
+                    message: 'Please use numbers only!'
+                },
+                '@NotEmpty': {
+                    rule: '([^\\s])',
+                    message: 'Field should not be empty!'
+                },
+                '@Email': {
+                    rule: '^(([\\w-]+(?:\\.[\\w-]+)*)@((?:[\\w-]+\\.)*\\w[\\w-]{0,66})\\.([a-z]{2,6}(?:\\.[a-z]{2})?)){0,}$',
+                    message: 'Enter valid e-mail address!'
+                },
+                '@Phone': {
+                    rule: '^(\\+?\\d{0,3}\\s*\\(?\\d{1,3}\\)?\\s*\\d{3}\\s*\\d{4}){0,}$',
+                    message: 'Enter valid phone number!'
+                },
+                '@Date': {
+                    rule: function (o) {
+                        if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)) {
+                            return new RegExp('^($)|(((0[13578]|10|12)(-|\\/)((0[1-9])|([12])([0-9])|(3[01]?))(-|\\/)((19)([2-9])(\\d{1})|(20)([01])(\\d{1})|([8901])(\\d{1}))|(0?[2469]|11)(-|\/)(([1-9])|(0[1-9])|([12])([0-9]?)|(3[0]?))(-|\/)((19)([2-9])(\\d{1})|(20)([01])(\\d{1})|([8901])(\\d{1}))))$').test(o.val())
+                        } else {
+                            return true;
+                        }
+                    },
+                    message: 'Use MM/DD/YYYY format!'
+                },
+                '@SelectRequired': {
+                    rule: function (o) {
+                        return o.find("option:selected").index() !== 0;
+                    },
+                    message: 'Please choose an option!'
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * Initializes validator for attached elements.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Validator.prototype.initialize = function () {
+        this._core.$element.trigger('mfValidator.initialize');
+        this.create();
+        this._core.$element.trigger('mfValidator.initialized');
+    };
+    /**
+     * Creates a necessary additional DOM for validating.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Validator.prototype.create = function () {
+        var self = this;
+        this._core.$element
+            .find(this._core.options.validator.applyTo)
+            .each(function () {
+                $(this)
+                    .parent()
+                    .append($('<span/>', {
+                        'class': self._core.options.validator.class
+                    }))
+            })
+    };
+    /**
+     * Creates all attached event handlers of validator.
+     * @protected
+     */
+ = function () {
+        var self = this;
+        this._core.$element
+            .find(this._core.options.validator.applyTo)
+            .on('keyup', function (e) {
+                if ($(this).is('input') || $(this).is('textarea')) {
+                    $(this).parent().trigger('mfValidator.validate', {
+                        options: self._core.options.validator
+                    });
+                }
+            })
+            .on('change', function (e) {
+                $(this).parent().trigger('mfValidator.validate', {
+                    options: self._core.options.validator
+                });
+            })
+            .parent()
+            .on(this._handlers)
+            .find('.' + this._core.options.validator.class)
+            .on('click', function (e) {
+                $(this)
+                    .removeClass("error").removeClass("show").addClass("hide")
+                    .parent()
+                    .trigger('')
+                    .find(self._core.options.validator.applyTo)
+                    .focus();
+            });
+        this._core.$element
+            .on('submit', $.proxy(function (e) {
+                this._core.$element.find(this._core.options.validator.applyTo).each(function () {
+                    $(this).parent().trigger('mfValidator.validate', {
+                        options: self._core.options.validator
+                    });
+                });
+                if (this._core.$element.find('.error').length) {
+                    e.preventDefault();
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }, this))
+            .on('mf.reset', $.proxy(function (e) {
+                this._core.$element.find(this._core.options.validator.applyTo).each(function () {
+                    $(this).parent().trigger('mfValidator.reset', {options: self._core.options.validator});
+                });
+            }, this));
+    };
+    /**
+     * Validates all attached elements.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Validator.prototype.validate = function (e, data) {
+        var errors = [],
+            $this = $(this),
+            target = $this.find(data.options.applyTo),
+            ruleset ='constraints').match(/\@\w+/g),
+            value = target.val();
+        for (var i in ruleset) {
+            if (data.options.constraints[ruleset[i]]) {
+                switch (typeof(data.options.constraints[ruleset[i]].rule)) {
+                    case "function":
+                        if (!data.options.constraints[ruleset[i]].rule(target)) {
+                            errors.push(data.options.constraints[ruleset[i]].message);
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    default :
+                        if (!new RegExp(data.options.constraints[ruleset[i]].rule).test(value)) {
+                            errors.push(data.options.constraints[ruleset[i]].message);
+                        }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (errors.length) {
+            $(this).trigger('mfValidator.error', {options: data.options, errors: errors});
+        } else {
+            $(this).trigger('mfValidator.valid', {options: data.options});
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * Notifies when element is not valid.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Validator.prototype.error = function (e, data) {
+        $(this).find('.' + data.options.class).removeClass('valid').removeClass('hide').addClass('show').addClass('error').text(data.errors);
+    };
+    /**
+     * Notifies when element is valid.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Validator.prototype.valid = function (e, data) {
+        var o = $(this).find('.' + data.options.class);
+        if (o.hasClass('error')) {
+            o.removeClass("error").addClass("hide");
+        }
+        o.find('.' + data.options.class).removeClass('show').addClass('valid').text(data.errors);
+    };
+    /**
+     * Resets the validation status
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Validator.prototype.reset = function (e, data) {
+        var o = $(this).find('.' + data.options.class);
+        if (o.hasClass('error')) {
+            o.removeClass("error").addClass("hide");
+        }
+        $(this).find('.' + data.options.class).removeClass('show');
+    };
+})(window.jQuery, window, document);
+ * Input Plugin
+ * @version 1.0.0
+ * @author Evgeniy Gusarov (Stmechanus | Diversant)
+ * @license The MIT License (MIT)
+ */
+(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
+    /**
+     * Creates the input plugin.
+     * @class The Input Plugin
+     * @param {RDMailForm} form - The Mail Form
+     */
+    var Input = $.fn.rdMailForm.Constructor.Plugins.Input = function (form) {
+        /**
+         * Reference to the core.
+         * @protected
+         * @type {RDMailForm}
+         */
+        this._core = form;
+        /**
+         * All event handlers.
+         * @protected
+         * @type {Object}
+         */
+        this._handlers = {
+            'mfInput.focus': this.focus,
+            'mfInput.blur': this.blur,
+            'mfInput.type': this.type,
+            'mfInput.delete': this.delete,
+            'mfInput.fill': this.fill,
+            'mfInput.empty': this.empty,
+            'mfInput.idle': this.idle,
+            'mfInput.reset': this.reset,
+            'click': function (e) {
+                e.preventDefault();
+                return false;
+            }
+        };
+        // set default options
+        this._core.options = $.extend({}, Input.Defaults, this._core.options);
+        this.initialize();
+    };
+    /**
+     * Default options.
+     * @public
+     */
+    Input.Defaults = {
+        input: {
+            'applyto': 'input[type="text"], input[type="date"], textarea',
+            'class': 'mfInput'
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * Initializes all inputs in the Mail Form.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Input.prototype.initialize = function () {
+        this._core.$element.trigger('mfInput.initialize');
+        this.create();
+        this._core.$element.trigger('mfInput.initialized');
+    };
+    /**
+     * Creates a necessary additional DOM of input.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Input.prototype.create = function () {
+        this._core.$element
+            .find(this._core.options.input.applyto)
+            .parent()
+            .addClass(this._core.options.input.class);
+    };
+    /**
+     * Creates all attached event handlers of input.
+     * @protected
+     */
+ = function () {
+        this._core.$element
+            .find(this._core.options.input.applyto)
+            .on('focus', function () {
+                $(this).parent().trigger('mfInput.focus');
+            })
+            .on('blur', function () {
+                $(this).parent().trigger('mfInput.blur');
+                if ($(this).val() === '') {
+                    $(this).parent().trigger('mfInput.void');
+                }
+            })
+            .on('keydown', this, function (e) {
+                if ( {
+                    return;
+                }
+                if (e.keyCode === 8 || e.keyCode === 46) {
+                    $(this).parent().trigger('mfInput.delete');
+                }
+                if (e.keyCode === 32 || e.keyCode > 46) {
+                    $(this).parent().trigger('mfInput.type');
+                }
+            })
+            .on('keyup', this, function (e) {
+                var _this = $(this);
+                if ( {
+                    return;
+                }
+                if (_this.val() === '') {
+                    _this.parent().trigger('mfInput.empty');
+                }
+                if (e.keyCode === 8 || e.keyCode === 46) {
+                    if (self.timer) {
+                        clearTimeout(self.timer);
+                    }
+                    self.timer = setTimeout(function () {
+                        _this.parent().trigger('mfInput.idle');
+                    }, 1000);
+                }
+                else {
+                    _this.parent().trigger('mfInput.fill');
+                    _this.parent().trigger('mfInput.type');
+                    if (self.timer) {
+                        clearTimeout(self.timer);
+                    }
+                    self.timer = setTimeout(function () {
+                        _this.parent().trigger('mfInput.idle');
+                    }, 1000);
+                }
+            })
+            .on('keypress', this, function (e) {
+                if ( {
+                    return;
+                }
+                var _this = $(this);
+                if (self.timer) {
+                    clearTimeout(self.timer);
+                }
+                self.timer = setTimeout(function () {
+                    _this.parent().trigger('mfInput.idle');
+                }, 1000);
+            })
+            .parent()
+            .on(this._handlers);
+        this._core.$element.on('mf.reset', this, function (e) {
+            $(this).find('.' + () {
+                $(this).trigger('mfInput.reset');
+            });
+        })
+    };
+    /**
+     * Notify when input is in focus.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Input.prototype.focus = function () {
+        $(this).addClass('focused');
+    };
+    /**
+     * Notify when input was blured.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Input.prototype.blur = function () {
+        $(this).removeClass('focused');
+    };
+    /**
+     * Notify when writing in input.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Input.prototype.type = function () {
+        $(this).removeClass('deleting');
+        $(this).addClass('typing');
+    };
+    /**
+     * Notify when deleting in input.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Input.prototype.delete = function () {
+        $(this).removeClass('typing');
+        $(this).addClass('deleting');
+    };
+    /**
+     * Notify when input is not empty.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Input.prototype.fill = function () {
+        $(this).addClass('filled');
+    };
+    /**
+     * Notify when input is empty.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Input.prototype.empty = function () {
+        $(this).removeClass('filled');
+    };
+    /**
+     * Notify when input is idling.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Input.prototype.idle = function () {
+        $(this).removeClass('typing');
+        $(this).removeClass('deleting');
+    };
+    /**
+     * Resets the input status.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Input.prototype.reset = function () {
+        $(this).removeClass('focused');
+        $(this).removeClass('deleting');
+        $(this).removeClass('filled');
+        $(this).removeClass('typing');
+        $(this).removeClass('error');
+    };
+    /**
+     * Checks the keycode for deprecated value.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Input.prototype.ignore = function (e) {
+        if (e.keyCode === 144 || e.keyCode === 20 || e.keyCode === 17 || e.keyCode === 37 || e.keyCode === 38 || e.keyCode === 39
+            || e.keyCode === 40 || e.keyCode === 112 || e.keyCode === 113 || e.keyCode === 114 || e.keyCode === 115 || e.keyCode === 116
+            || e.keyCode === 117 || e.keyCode === 118 || e.keyCode === 119 || e.keyCode === 120 || e.keyCode === 121 || e.keyCode === 122
+            || e.keyCode === 123 || e.keyCode === 9 || e.ctrlKey) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+})(window.jQuery, window, document);
+ * Select Plugin
+ * @version 1.0.0
+ * @author Evgeniy Gusarov (Stmechanus | Diversant)
+ * @license The MIT License (MIT)
+ */
+(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
+    /**
+     * Creates the select plugin.
+     * @class The Select Plugin
+     * @param {RDMailForm} form - The Mail Form
+     */
+    var Select = $.fn.rdMailForm.Constructor.Plugins.Select = function (form) {
+        /**
+         * Reference to the core.
+         * @protected
+         * @type {RDMailForm}
+         */
+        this._core = form;
+        /**
+         * Element event handlers.
+         * @protected
+         * @type {Object}
+         */
+        this._handlers = {
+            "mfSelect.close": this.close,
+            "":,
+            "":,
+            "click": function (e) {
+                e.preventDefault();
+                e.stopPropagation();
+            }
+        };
+        // set default options
+        this._core.options = $.extend({}, Select.Defaults, this._core.options);
+        this.initialize();
+    };
+    /**
+     * Default options.
+     * @public
+     */
+    Select.Defaults = {
+        select: {
+            'applyTo': 'select',
+            'class': 'mfSelect'
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * Initializes all selects in the Mail Form.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Select.prototype.initialize = function () {
+        this._core.$element.trigger('mfSelect.initialize');
+        this.create();
+        this._core.$element.trigger('mfSelect.initialized');
+    };
+    /**
+     * Creates a necessary pseudo DOM of select.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Select.prototype.create = function () {
+        this._core.$element
+            .find(
+            .each(function () {
+                var $this = $(this);
+                $this
+                    .css({
+                        "position": "absolute",
+                        "left": "50%",
+                        "width": "0",
+                        "height": "0",
+                        "overflow": "hidden",
+                        "opacity": "0"
+                    })
+                    .parent()
+                    .append($('<div/>', {
+                        'class': 'value',
+                        'text': $this.find('option:selected').text()
+                    }))
+                    .append($('<ul/>', {'class': 'dropdown'}))
+                    .end()
+                    .find('option').each(function (i) {
+                        if (i == 0) {
+                            return;
+                        }
+                        var o = $(this);
+                        o.parent().parent().find('.dropdown')
+                            .append($('<li/>', {
+                                'class': 'option',
+                                'text': o.text()
+                            }).addClass(':selected') ? 'selected' : ''));
+                    })
+            })
+            .parent()
+            .addClass(;
+    };
+    /**
+     * Creates all attached event handlers of select.
+     * @protected
+     */
+ = function () {
+        var self = this;
+        this._core.$element
+            .find(
+            .on('focus', this.focus)
+            .on('blur', function (e) {
+                $(this).parent()
+                    .trigger('mfSelect.close')
+                    .removeClass('focus')
+            })
+            .on('keydown', function (e) {
+                if (e.keyCode == 38) {
+                    $(this)
+                        .val($(this).find('option').eq($(this).find('option:selected').index() > 0 ? $(this).find('option:selected').index() - 1 : 0).text())
+                        .trigger('change');
+                }
+                if (e.keyCode == 40) {
+                    $(this)
+                        .val($(this).find('option').eq($(this).find('option:selected').index() < $(this).find('option').length - 1 ? $(this).find('option:selected').index() + 1 : $(this).find('option').length - 1).text())
+                        .trigger('change');
+                }
+                if (e.keyCode == 13) {
+                    if ($(this).parent().hasClass('show')) {
+                        $(this).parent().trigger('mfSelect.close');
+                    } else {
+                        $(this).parent().trigger('');
+                    }
+                }
+                if (e.keyCode == 32 || e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 38 || e.keyCode == 39 || e.keyCode == 40 || e.keyCode == 13) {
+                    e.preventDefault();
+                }
+            })
+            .on('change', function (e) {
+                $(this).parent()
+                    .trigger('')
+                    .find('.value').text($(this).val());
+                var i = $(this).find('option:selected').index(),
+                    $option = $(this).parent().find('.option').removeClass('selected');
+                if (i > 0) {
+                    $option.eq(i - 1).addClass('selected');
+                }
+            })
+            .parent()
+            .on(this._handlers)
+            .find('.value')
+            .on('click', function (e) {
+                var $value = $(this),
+                    $select = $value.parent().find('select'),
+                    option = $select.find('option').eq(0).text();
+                $value.text(option);
+                $select
+                    .trigger('focus')
+                    .off('focus', self.focus);
+                if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('show')) {
+                    $select.on('focus', self.focus);
+                    var value = $(this).parent().find('.option.selected');
+                    if (value.length) {
+                        $value.text(value.text());
+                    }
+                }
+            })
+            .parent()
+            .find('.option')
+            .on('click', function () {
+                $(this).parent().find('.option').removeClass('selected');
+                $(this).addClass('selected');
+                $(this).parent().parent()
+                    .find('select')
+                    .focus()
+                    .on('focus', self.focus);
+                $(this).parent().parent()
+                    .trigger('', {
+                        options:,
+                        value: $(this).text()
+                    })
+            })
+            .parents('body')
+            .on('click', function (e) {
+                var o = self._core.$element.find('.' +;
+                if (o.length) {
+                    if (! && o.has( === 0) {
+                        o.find('select')
+                            .each(function () {
+                                var value = $(this).parent().find('.option.selected');
+                                if (value.length) {
+                                    $(this).parent().find('.value').text(value.text());
+                                }
+                            })
+                            .on('focus', self.focus);
+                    }
+                }
+            });
+        this._core.$element
+            .on('mf.reset', function () {
+                $(this)
+                    .find( () {
+                        $(this).parent()
+                            .find('.value').text($(this).prop('selectedIndex', 0).val());
+                        $(this).parent().find('.option').removeClass('selected');
+                    });
+            });
+    };
+    Select.prototype.focus = function () {
+        $(this).parent().trigger('').addClass('focus');
+    };
+    Select.prototype.close = function () {
+        if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)) {
+            if ($(this).hasClass("show")) {
+                $(this).removeClass("show");
+            }
+        }
+    };
+ = function () {
+        if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)) {
+            if (!$(this).hasClass("show")) {
+                $(this).addClass("show");
+            }
+        }
+    };
+ = function (e, data) {
+        $(this)
+            .find(data.options.applyTo).val(data.value)
+            .trigger('change');
+        $(this)
+            .trigger('mfSelect.close');
+    };
+})(window.jQuery, window, document);
+ * DatePicker Plugin
+ * @version 1.0.0
+ * @author Evgeniy Gusarov (Stmechanus | Diversant)
+ * @license The MIT License (MIT)
+ */
+(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
+    /**
+     * Creates Icon plugin.
+     * @class The Icon Plugin
+     * @param {RDMailForm} form - The Mail Form
+     */
+    var DatePicker = $.fn.rdMailForm.Constructor.Plugins.DatePicker = function (form) {
+        /**
+         * Reference to the core.
+         * @protected
+         * @type {RDMailForm}
+         */
+        this._core = form;
+        this._handlers = {
+            'mfDatePicker.close': this.close,
+            '':,
+            '':,
+            'mfDatePicker.prev': this.prev,
+            'mfDatePicker.update': this.update,
+            'mfDatePicker.refresh': this.refresh,
+            'mfDatePicker.pick': this.pick
+        };
+        // set default options
+        this._core.options = $.extend({}, DatePicker.Defaults, this._core.options);
+        this.initialize();
+    };
+    /**
+     * Default options.
+     * @public
+     */
+    DatePicker.Defaults = {
+        "datepicker": {
+            "applyTo": 'input[type="date"]',
+            "class": 'mfDatePicker',
+            "days": ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa'],
+            "months": ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
+            "format": 'MM-DD-YYYY',
+            "prevMonth": '',
+            "nextMonth": ''
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * Initializes the Datepicker plugin.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    DatePicker.prototype.initialize = function () {
+        this._core.$element.trigger('mfDatePicker.initialize');
+        this.create();
+        this._core.$element.trigger('mfDatePicker.initialized');
+    };
+    /**
+     * Creates a necessary DOM for datepicker plugin.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    DatePicker.prototype.create = function () {
+        var self = this;
+        self._core.$element
+            .find(self._core.options.datepicker.applyTo)
+            .each(function () {
+                $(this)
+                    .attr({
+                        'type': !navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/) ? 'text' : 'date',
+                        'data-type': 'date'
+                    })
+                    .after($('<div/>', {
+                        'class': self._core.options.datepicker.class
+                    })
+                        .data('date', new Date())
+                );
+            })
+            .parent()
+            .find('.' + self._core.options.datepicker.class)
+            .each(function () {
+                $.proxy(self.update, this, {}, self._core.options.datepicker).call();
+                $.proxy(self.refresh, this, {}, self._core.options.datepicker).call();
+            });
+    };
+    /**
+     * Creates all attached event handlers of datepicker plugin.
+     * @protected
+     */
+ = function () {
+        var self = this;
+        self._core.$element
+            .find('.' + self._core.options.datepicker.class)
+            .on('click', '.' + self._core.options.datepicker.class + '_next', function () {
+                var $this = $(this).parents('.' + self._core.options.datepicker.class);
+                $this.trigger('');
+                $this.trigger('mfDatePicker.update', self._core.options.datepicker);
+                $this.trigger('mfDatePicker.refresh', self._core.options.datepicker);
+            })
+            .on('click', '.' + self._core.options.datepicker.class + '_prev', function () {
+                var $this = $(this).parents('.' + self._core.options.datepicker.class);
+                $this.trigger('mfDatePicker.prev');
+                $this.trigger('mfDatePicker.update', self._core.options.datepicker);
+                $this.trigger('mfDatePicker.refresh', self._core.options.datepicker);
+            })
+            .on('click', '.dp-day', function () {
+                var $this = $(this).parents('.' + self._core.options.datepicker.class);
+                $this.trigger('mfDatePicker.pick', {opt: self._core.options.datepicker, day: $(this)});
+                $this.parent()
+                    .find('input')
+                    .on('blur', self.blur)
+                    .trigger('blur')
+                    .trigger('keyup');
+            })
+            .on('click', function () {
+            })
+            .on(this._handlers)
+            .parent()
+            .on('click', function (e) {
+                e.preventDefault();
+                return false;
+            })
+            .find('input')
+            .on('focus', function () {
+                $(this).parent().find('.' + self._core.options.datepicker.class)
+                    .trigger('');
+            })
+            .on('blur', this.blur)
+            .on('keydown', function (e) {
+                if (e.keyCode == 9 || (e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 9)) {
+                    $(this)
+                        .on('blur', self.blur);
+                }
+            })
+            .parents('body')
+            .on('mousedown', function (e) {
+                var o = self._core.$element.find('.' + self._core.options.datepicker.class).parent();
+                if (o.length) {
+                    if (! && o.has( === 0) {
+                        o.find('input')
+                            .on('blur', self.blur)
+                            .trigger('blur');
+                    } else {
+                        o.find('input')
+                            .off('blur', self.blur)
+                    }
+                }
+            });
+        self._core.$element
+            .on('mf.reset', function () {
+                $(this)
+                    .find('.' + self._core.options.datepicker.class).each(function () {
+                        $(this).trigger("mfDatePicker.close")
+                    });
+            });
+    };
+    /**
+     * Blur the datepickers input
+     * @protected
+     */
+    DatePicker.prototype.blur = function () {
+        $(this).parent().find('.mfDatePicker')
+            .trigger('mfDatePicker.close');
+    };
+    /**
+     * Closes the datepicker
+     * @protected
+     */
+    DatePicker.prototype.close = function () {
+        if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)) {
+            if ($(this).hasClass("open")) {
+                $(this).removeClass("open");
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * Opens the datepicker
+     * @protected
+     */
+ = function () {
+        if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)) {
+            if (!$(this).hasClass("open")) {
+                $(this).addClass("open");
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * Goto next month of picker
+     * @protected
+     */
+ = function (e) {
+        var $this = $(this),
+            date = $'date');
+        if (date.getMonth() == 11) {
+            date = new Date(date.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 1);
+        } else {
+            date = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 1);
+        }
+        $'date', date);
+    };
+    /**
+     * Goto previous month of picker
+     * @protected
+     */
+    DatePicker.prototype.prev = function (e) {
+        var $this = $(this),
+            date = $'date');
+        if (date.getMonth() == 0) {
+            date = new Date(date.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 1);
+        } else {
+            date = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() - 1, 1);
+        }
+        $'date', date);
+    };
+    /**
+     * Goto target date
+     * @protected
+     */
+    DatePicker.prototype.pick = function (e, o) {
+        var $this = $(this);
+        $'pickedDate',"dp-selected").data('date'));
+        $this
+            .find('.dp-day')
+            .not(
+            .removeClass('dp-selected');
+        $this
+            .parent()
+            .find('input')
+            .val(
+            ($'pickedDate').getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? "0" + ($'pickedDate').getMonth() + 1) : $'pickedDate').getMonth() + 1 ) + '/' +
+            ($'pickedDate').getDate() < 10 ? "0" + ($'pickedDate').getDate()) : $'pickedDate').getDate()) + '/' +
+            $'pickedDate').getFullYear()
+        )
+    };
+    /**
+     * Refreshes the DOM of picker according to current picked date.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    DatePicker.prototype.update = function (e, opt) {
+        var $this = $(this),
+            $panel = $('<div/>', {"class": opt.class + '_panel'});
+        $panel.append($('<a/>', {
+            'class': opt.class + '_prev',
+            'text': opt.prevMonth
+        }));
+        $panel.append($('<a/>', {
+            'class': opt.class + '_next',
+            'text': opt.nextMonth
+        }));
+        $panel.append($('<div/>', {
+            'class': opt.class + '_title',
+            'text': opt.months[$"date").getMonth()] + " " + $"date").getFullYear()
+        }));
+        var $target = $this.find('.' + opt.class + '_panel');
+        if ($target.length) {
+            $target.replaceWith($panel);
+        } else {
+            $panel.appendTo($this);
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * Refreshes the DOM of picker according to current picked date.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    DatePicker.prototype.refresh = function (e, opt) {
+        var $this = $(this),
+            $calendar = $('<table/>');
+        var $week = $('<tr/>');
+        for (var i = 0; i < opt.days.length; i++) {
+            $week.append($('<th/>', {
+                'class': 'dp-weekday',
+                'text': opt.days[i]
+            }));
+        }
+        $calendar.append($week);
+        var date = $"date"),
+            pickedDate = $"pickedDate"),
+            monthLength = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 0).getDate(),
+            prevMonthLength = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 0).getDate(),
+            firstDay = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1).getDay(),
+            counter = 1;
+        for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+            $week = $('<tr/>');
+            for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
+                var day = 7 * i + j + 1,
+                    currentDate,
+                    currentDay = $('<td/>', {'class': 'dp-day'}),
+                    today = new Date();
+                today.setHours(0);
+                today.setMinutes(0);
+                today.setSeconds(0);
+                today.setMilliseconds(0);
+                // If Month had ended and new week started
+                if (j == 0 && day > monthLength + firstDay) {
+                    break;
+                }
+                // If the day belongs to previous month
+                if (day - firstDay < 1) {
+                    currentDay.text(prevMonthLength + (day - firstDay)).addClass("dp-offset");
+                    currentDate = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() - 1, prevMonthLength + (day - firstDay));
+                }
+                // If the day belongs to current month
+                else if (day <= monthLength + firstDay) {
+                    currentDay.text(day - firstDay);
+                    currentDate = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), day - firstDay);
+                }
+                // If the day belongs to next month
+                else {
+                    currentDay.text(counter).addClass("dp-offset");
+                    currentDate = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, counter++);
+                }
+                // If current day is today
+                if (currentDate.valueOf() == today.valueOf()) {
+                    currentDay.addClass('dp-today');
+                }
+                // If current day was selected
+                if (pickedDate) {
+                    if (currentDate.valueOf() == pickedDate.valueOf()) {
+                        currentDay.addClass('dp-selected');
+                    }
+                }
+                $week.append('date', currentDate));
+            }
+            if ($week.html() != '') {
+                $calendar.append($week);
+            }
+        }
+        var $target = $this.find('table');
+        if ($target.length) {
+            $target.replaceWith($calendar);
+        } else {
+            $calendar.appendTo($this);
+        }
+    };
+})(window.jQuery, window, document);
+ * Icon Plugin
+ * @version 1.0.0
+ * @author Evgeniy Gusarov (Stmechanus | Diversant)
+ * @license The MIT License (MIT)
+ */
+(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
+    /**
+     * Creates Icon plugin.
+     * @class The Icon Plugin
+     * @param {RDMailForm} form - The Mail Form
+     */
+    var Icon = $.fn.rdMailForm.Constructor.Plugins.Icon = function (form) {
+        /**
+         * Reference to the core.
+         * @protected
+         * @type {RDMailForm}
+         */
+        this._core = form;
+        // set default options
+        this._core.options = $.extend({}, Icon.Defaults, this._core.options);
+        this.initialize();
+    };
+    /**
+     * Element event handlers.
+     * @protected
+     * @type {Object}
+     */
+    this._handlers = {
+        "mfIcon.change": this.change
+    };
+    /**
+     * Default options.
+     * @public
+     */
+    Icon.Defaults = {
+        "icon": {
+            "applyTo": "[data-add-icon]",
+            "class": "mfIcon",
+            "states": {
+                '.mfInput': {
+                    'mfIcon.default': ['mfInput.blur', 'mfInput.idle', 'mfInput.reset'],
+                    'mfIcon.state-1': ['mfInput.type'],
+                    'mfIcon.state-2': ['mfInput.delete']
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * Initializes the Icon plugin.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Icon.prototype.initialize = function () {
+        this._core.$element.trigger('mfIcon.initialize');
+        this.create();
+        this._core.$element.trigger('mfIcon.initialized');
+    };
+    /**
+     * Creates a necessary DOM for Icon plugin.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Icon.prototype.create = function () {
+        var self = this;
+        self._core.$element
+            .find(self._core.options.icon.applyTo)
+            .each(function () {
+                var o = $(this);
+                o.append(
+                    $('<span/>', {
+                        'class': self._core.options.icon.class
+                    }).append($("<span/>"))
+                );
+            });
+    };
+    /**
+     * Creates all attached event handlers of Icon plugin.
+     * @protected
+     */
+ = function () {
+        var self = this;
+        self._core.$element
+            .find('.' + self._core.options.icon.class)
+            .on(self._handlers);
+        for (var component in self._core.options.icon.states) {
+            var $target = self._core.$element.find(component);
+            for (var state in self._core.options.icon.states[component]) {
+                for (var event in self._core.options.icon.states[component][state]) {
+                    $target.on(self._core.options.icon.states[component][state][event], {state: state}, function (e) {
+                        $(this).find('.' + self._core.options.icon.class)
+                            .attr('class','.', ' '));
+                    })
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    };
+})(window.jQuery, window, document);
+ * PlaceHolder Plugin
+ * @version 1.0.0
+ * @author Evgeniy Gusarov (Stmechanus | Diversant)
+ * @license The MIT License (MIT)
+ */
+(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
+    /**
+     * Creates Placeholder plugin.
+     * @class The Placeholder Plugin
+     * @param {RDMailForm} form - The Mail Form
+     */
+    var Placeholder = $.fn.rdMailForm.Constructor.Plugins.Placeholder = function (form) {
+        /**
+         * Reference to the core.
+         * @protected
+         * @type {RDMailForm}
+         */
+        this._core = form;
+        // set default options
+        this._core.options = $.extend({}, Placeholder.Defaults, this._core.options);
+        this.initialize();
+    };
+    /**
+     * Element event handlers.
+     * @protected
+     * @type {Object}
+     */
+    this._handlers = {
+        "mfIcon.change": this.change,
+    };
+    /**
+     * Default options.
+     * @public
+     */
+    Placeholder.Defaults = {
+        "placeholder": {
+            "applyTo": "[data-add-placeholder]",
+            "class": "mfPlaceHolder",
+            "states": {
+                '.mfInput': {
+                    'mfPlaceHolder.default': ['mfInput.void', 'mfInput.reset'],
+                    'mfPlaceHolder.state-1': ['mfInput.fill', 'mfInput.focus']
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * Initializes the Placeholder plugin.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Placeholder.prototype.initialize = function () {
+        this._core.$element.trigger('mfPlaceHolder.initialize');
+        this.create();
+        this._core.$element.trigger('mfPlaceHolder.initialized');
+    };
+    /**
+     * Creates a necessary DOM for Placeholder plugin.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Placeholder.prototype.create = function () {
+        var self = this;
+        self._core.$element
+            .find(self._core.options.placeholder.applyTo)
+            .each(function () {
+                var o = $(this), inp, lab;
+                if (o.find('[placeholder]').length) {
+                    o.append(
+                        $('<span/>', {
+                            'class': self._core.options.placeholder.class,
+                            'text': o.find('[placeholder]').attr('placeholder') ? o.find('[placeholder]').attr('placeholder') : o.find('[data-placeholder]').attr('data-placeholder')
+                        }))
+                        .find('[placeholder]').removeAttr('placeholder').removeAttr('data-placeholder');
+                }
+                else if ((inp = o.find('input, textarea')).length) {
+                    if (inp.attr("id")){
+                        if ((lab = o.find('label[for="' + inp.attr("id") + '"]')).length){
+                            lab.addClass(self._core.options.placeholder.class)
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            });
+    };
+    /**
+     * Creates all attached event handlers of Placeholder plugin.
+     * @protected
+     */
+ = function () {
+        var self = this;
+        self._core.$element
+            .find('.' + self._core.options.placeholder.class)
+            .on('click', function (e) {
+                $(this).parent().find('input, textarea').trigger('focus');
+            })
+            .on(self._handlers);
+        for (var component in self._core.options.icon.states) {
+            var $target = self._core.$element.find(component);
+            for (var state in self._core.options.placeholder.states[component]) {
+                for (var event in self._core.options.placeholder.states[component][state]) {
+                    $target.on(self._core.options.placeholder.states[component][state][event], {state: state}, function (e) {
+                        $(this).find('.' + self._core.options.placeholder.class)
+                            .attr('class','.', ' '));
+                    })
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    };
+})(window.jQuery, window, document);
+ * Progress Plugin
+ * @version 1.0.0
+ * @author Evgeniy Gusarov (Stmechanus | Diversant)
+ * @license The MIT License (MIT)
+ */
+(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
+    /**
+     * Creates Progress plugin.
+     * @class The Progress Plugin
+     * @param {RDMailForm} form - The Mail Form
+     */
+    var Progress = $.fn.rdMailForm.Constructor.Plugins.Progress = function (form) {
+        /**
+         * Reference to the core.
+         * @protected
+         * @type {RDMailForm}
+         */
+        this._core = form;
+        // set default options
+        this._core.options = $.extend({}, Progress.Defaults, this._core.options);
+        this.initialize();
+    };
+    /**
+     * Default options.
+     * @public
+     */
+    Progress.Defaults = {
+        "progress": {
+            "applyTo": ".mfInfo",
+            "class": "mfProgress"
+        }
+    };
+    /**
+     * Initializes the Progress plugin.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Progress.prototype.initialize = function () {
+        this._core.$element.trigger('mfProgress.initialize');
+        this.create();
+        this._core.$element.trigger('mfProgress.initialized');
+    };
+    /**
+     * Creates a necessary DOM for Progress plugin.
+     * @protected
+     */
+    Progress.prototype.create = function () {
+        var self = this;
+        self._core.$element
+            .append($("<div/>", {
+                "class": self._core.options.progress.applyTo.replace(/^\./i, "")
+            })
+                .each(function () {
+                    var button = $(this);
+                    button
+                        .addClass(self._core.options.progress.class)
+                        .wrapInner($('<span/>', {'class': 'cnt'}))
+                        .append($('<span/>', {'class': 'loader'}))
+                        .append($('<span/>', {'class': 'msg'}))
+                }));
+    };
+    /**
+     * Creates all attached event handlers of Progress plugin.
+     * @protected
+     */
+ = function () {
+        var self = this;
+        self._core.$element
+            .on('mf.process', function () {
+                $(this).find('.' + self._core.options.progress.class).removeClass('hide').addClass('sending').find('.msg').text('Loading...');
+            })
+            .on('', function (e, data) {
+                $(this).find('.' + self._core.options.progress.class)
+                    .removeClass('sending')
+                    .addClass('fail')
+                    .find('.msg')
+                    .text(data.message);
+                setTimeout($.proxy(function () {
+                    $(this).find('.' + self._core.options.progress.class).removeClass('fail').addClass('hide').find('.msg');
+                }, this), 3000);
+            })
+            .on('mf.success', function (e, data) {
+                $(this).find('.' + self._core.options.progress.class)
+                    .removeClass('sending')
+                    .addClass('success')
+                    .find('.msg')
+                    .text(data.message);
+                setTimeout($.proxy(function () {
+                    $(this).find('.' + self._core.options.progress.class).removeClass('success').addClass('hide').find('.msg');
+                }, this), 1500);
+            })
+            .on('mf.reset', function (e, data) {
+                $(this).find('.' + self._core.options.progress.class).removeClass('sending').removeClass('fail').removeClass('success').find('.msg');
+            });
+    };
+})(window.jQuery, window, document);
+ * Auto Initializer
+ * @version 1.0.0
+ * @author Evgeniy Gusarov (StMechanus | Diversant)
+ * @license The MIT License (MIT)
+ */
+(function ($, window, document) {
+    $(document).ready(function () {
+        var o = $('.mailform');
+        if (o.length) {
+            o.rdMailForm();
+        }
+    });
+})(window.jQuery, window, document);
diff --git a/js/mailform/jquery.rd-mailform.min.js b/js/mailform/jquery.rd-mailform.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a93ac57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/mailform/jquery.rd-mailform.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+ * @module       RD Mail Form
+ * @version      1.1.0
+ * @author       Evgeniy Gusarov
+ * @see
+ */
+!function (e) {
+    function t(o, s, n) {
+        i = e.extend(!0, {}, i, n), this.options = e.extend(!0, {}, t.Defaults, s), this.$element = e(o), this._plugins = {}, this._handlers = {
+            "mf.success": e.proxy(this.update, this),
+            "mf.process": e.proxy(this.process, this),
+            reset: e.proxy(this.reset, this)
+        }, e.each(t.Plugins, e.proxy(function (e, t) {
+            this._plugins[e[0].toLowerCase() + e.slice(1)] = new t(this)
+        }, this)), this.initialize()
+    }
+    var i;
+    i = {
+        MF000: "Sent",
+        MF001: "Recipients are not set!",
+        MF002: "Form will not work locally!",
+        MF003: "Please, define email field in your form!",
+        MF004: "Please, define type of your form!",
+        MF254: "Something went wrong with PHPMailer!",
+        MF255: "Aw, snap! Something went wrong."
+    }, t.Defaults = {baseClass: "rd-mailform"}, t.Plugins = {}, t.prototype.initialize = function () {
+        this.$element.trigger("mf.initialize"), this.$element.addClass(this.options.baseClass).trigger("reset"), this.create(),, this.$element.trigger("mf.initialized")
+    }, t.prototype.create = function () {
+    }, = function () {
+        var e = this;
+        e.$element.ajaxForm({
+            beforeSubmit: function () {
+                e.$element.trigger("mf.process")
+            }, error: function (t) {
+                e.$element.trigger("", {code: t, message: i[t]})
+            }, success: function (t) {
+                console.log(t), "MF000" == t ? e.$element.trigger("mf.success", {
+                    code: t,
+                    message: i[t]
+                }) : (t = 5 == t.length ? t : "MF255", e.$element.trigger("", {code: t, message: i[t]}))
+            }
+        }).on(this._handlers)
+    }, t.prototype.process = function () {
+        this.$element.addClass("process")
+    }, t.prototype.update = function (t, i) {
+        this.$element.removeClass("process"), this.$element.addClass("MF000" === i.code ? "success" : "fail"), setTimeout(e.proxy(function () {
+            this.$element.trigger("reset")
+        }, this), 3e3)
+    }, t.prototype.reset = function () {
+        this.$element.removeClass("success"), this.$element.removeClass("fail"), this.$element.trigger("mf.reset")
+    }, e.fn.rdMailForm = function (i, o) {
+        return this.each(function () {
+            e(this).data("rdMailForm") || e(this).data("rdMailForm", new t(this, i, o))
+        })
+    }, e.fn.rdMailForm.Constructor = t
+}(window.jQuery, window, document), function (e) {
+    var t = e.fn.rdMailForm.Constructor.Plugins.Validator = function (i) {
+        this._core = i, this._handlers = {
+            "mfValidator.validate": this.validate,
+            "mfValidator.error": this.error,
+            "mfValidator.valid": this.valid,
+            "mfValidator.reset": this.reset,
+            "": e.noop()
+        }, this._core.options = e.extend(!0, {}, t.Defaults, this._core.options), this.initialize()
+    };
+    t.Defaults = {
+        validator: {
+            applyTo: "[data-constraints]",
+            "class": "mfValidation",
+            constraints: {
+                "@LettersOnly": {
+                    rule: "^([a-zA-Z\u0430-\u044f\u0410-\u042f\u0456\u0457\u0451\u0406\u0407\u0401\u0454\u0404\u0490\u0491\\s]{0,})$",
+                    message: "Please use letters only!"
+                },
+                "@NumbersOnly": {rule: "^-?\\d*\\.?\\d*$", message: "Please use numbers only!"},
+                "@NotEmpty": {rule: "([^\\s])", message: "Field should not be empty!"},
+                "@Email": {
+                    rule: "^(([\\w-]+(?:\\.[\\w-]+)*)@((?:[\\w-]+\\.)*\\w[\\w-]{0,66})\\.([a-z]{2,6}(?:\\.[a-z]{2})?)){0,}$",
+                    message: "Enter valid e-mail address!"
+                },
+                "@Phone": {
+                    rule: "^(\\+?\\d{0,3}\\s*\\(?\\d{1,3}\\)?\\s*\\d{3}\\s*\\d{4}){0,}$",
+                    message: "Enter valid phone number!"
+                },
+                "@Date": {
+                    rule: function (e) {
+                        return navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/) ? !0 : new RegExp("^($)|(((0[13578]|10|12)(-|\\/)((0[1-9])|([12])([0-9])|(3[01]?))(-|\\/)((19)([2-9])(\\d{1})|(20)([01])(\\d{1})|([8901])(\\d{1}))|(0?[2469]|11)(-|/)(([1-9])|(0[1-9])|([12])([0-9]?)|(3[0]?))(-|/)((19)([2-9])(\\d{1})|(20)([01])(\\d{1})|([8901])(\\d{1}))))$").test(e.val())
+                    }, message: "Use MM/DD/YYYY format!"
+                },
+                "@SelectRequired": {
+                    rule: function (e) {
+                        return 0 !== e.find("option:selected").index()
+                    }, message: "Please choose an option!"
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }, t.prototype.initialize = function () {
+        this._core.$element.trigger("mfValidator.initialize"), this.create(),, this._core.$element.trigger("mfValidator.initialized")
+    }, t.prototype.create = function () {
+        var t = this;
+        this._core.$element.find(this._core.options.validator.applyTo).each(function () {
+            e(this).parent().append(e("<span/>", {"class": t._core.options.validator["class"]}))
+        })
+    }, = function () {
+        var t = this;
+        this._core.$element.find(this._core.options.validator.applyTo).on("keyup", function () {
+            (e(this).is("input") || e(this).is("textarea")) && e(this).parent().find(".mfValidation").hasClass("error") && e(this).parent().trigger("mfValidator.validate", {options: t._core.options.validator})
+        }).on("blur", function () {
+            (e(this).is("input") || e(this).is("textarea")) && e(this).parent().trigger("mfValidator.validate", {options: t._core.options.validator})
+        }).on("change", function () {
+            e(this).is("select") && e(this).parent().trigger("mfValidator.validate", {options: t._core.options.validator})
+        }).parent().on(this._handlers).find("." + this._core.options.validator["class"]).on("click", function () {
+            e(this).removeClass("error").removeClass("show").addClass("hide").parent().trigger("").find(t._core.options.validator.applyTo).focus()
+        }), this._core.$element.on("submit", e.proxy(function (i) {
+            return this._core.$element.find(this._core.options.validator.applyTo).each(function () {
+                e(this).parent().trigger("mfValidator.validate", {options: t._core.options.validator})
+            }), this._core.$element.find(".error").length ? (i.preventDefault(), !1) : void 0
+        }, this)).on("mf.reset", e.proxy(function () {
+            this._core.$element.find(this._core.options.validator.applyTo).each(function () {
+                e(this).parent().trigger("mfValidator.reset", {options: t._core.options.validator})
+            })
+        }, this))
+    }, t.prototype.validate = function (t, i) {
+        var o, s = [], n = [], a = e(this), r = a.find(i.options.applyTo), l ="constraints").match(/\@\w+/g), c = r.val();
+        for (var d in l)if (i.options.constraints[l[d]]) {
+            switch (typeof i.options.constraints[l[d]].rule) {
+                case"function":
+                    i.options.constraints[l[d]].rule(r) ? a.find(".mfValidation") && a.find(".mfValidation").attr("data-index") === d && (o = !0, a.find(".mfValidation").attr("data-index", -1)) : (s.push(i.options.constraints[l[d]].message), n.push(d), o = !0);
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    new RegExp(i.options.constraints[l[d]].rule).test(c) ? a.find(".mfValidation").attr("data-index") && a.find(".mfValidation").attr("data-index") == d && (o = !0, a.find(".mfValidation").attr("data-index", -1)) : (s.push(i.options.constraints[l[d]].message), n.push(d), o = !0)
+            }
+            if (o)break
+        }
+        s.length ? e(this).trigger("mfValidator.error", {
+            options: i.options,
+            errors: s,
+            indexes: n
+        }) : e(this).trigger("mfValidator.valid", {options: i.options})
+    }, t.prototype.error = function (t, i) {
+        e(this).find("." + i.options["class"]).removeClass("valid").removeClass("hide").addClass("show").addClass("error").attr("data-index", i.indexes[0]).text(i.errors)
+    }, t.prototype.valid = function (t, i) {
+        var o = e(this).find("." + i.options["class"]);
+        o.hasClass("error") && o.removeClass("error").addClass("hide"), o.find("." + i.options["class"]).removeClass("show").addClass("valid").text(i.errors)
+    }, t.prototype.reset = function (t, i) {
+        var o = e(this).find("." + i.options["class"]);
+        o.hasClass("error") && o.removeClass("error").addClass("hide"), e(this).find("." + i.options["class"]).removeClass("show")
+    }
+}(window.jQuery, window, document), function (e) {
+    var t = e.fn.rdMailForm.Constructor.Plugins.Input = function (i) {
+        this._core = i, this._handlers = {
+            "mfInput.focus": this.focus,
+            "mfInput.blur": this.blur,
+            "mfInput.type": this.type,
+            "mfInput.delete": this["delete"],
+            "mfInput.fill": this.fill,
+            "mfInput.empty": this.empty,
+            "mfInput.idle": this.idle,
+            "mfInput.reset": this.reset,
+            click: function (e) {
+                return e.preventDefault(), !1
+            }
+        }, this._core.options = e.extend(!0, {}, t.Defaults, this._core.options), this.initialize()
+    };
+    t.Defaults = {
+        input: {
+            applyto: 'input[type="text"], input[type="date"], textarea',
+            "class": "mfInput"
+        }
+    }, t.prototype.initialize = function () {
+        this._core.$element.trigger("mfInput.initialize"), this.create(),, this._core.$element.trigger("mfInput.initialized")
+    }, t.prototype.create = function () {
+        this._core.$element.find(this._core.options.input.applyto).parent().addClass(this._core.options.input["class"])
+    }, = function () {
+        this._core.$element.find(this._core.options.input.applyto).on("focus", function () {
+            e(this).parent().trigger("mfInput.focus")
+        }).on("blur", function () {
+            e(this).parent().trigger("mfInput.blur"), "" === e(this).val() && e(this).parent().trigger("mfInput.void")
+        }).on("keydown", this, function (t) {
+   || ((8 === t.keyCode || 46 === t.keyCode) && e(this).parent().trigger("mfInput.delete"), (32 === t.keyCode || t.keyCode > 46) && e(this).parent().trigger("mfInput.type"))
+        }).on("keyup", this, function (t) {
+            var i = e(this);
+   || ("" === i.val() && i.parent().trigger("mfInput.empty"), 8 === t.keyCode || 46 === t.keyCode ? (self.timer && clearTimeout(self.timer), self.timer = setTimeout(function () {
+                i.parent().trigger("mfInput.idle")
+            }, 1e3)) : (i.parent().trigger("mfInput.fill"), i.parent().trigger("mfInput.type"), self.timer && clearTimeout(self.timer), self.timer = setTimeout(function () {
+                i.parent().trigger("mfInput.idle")
+            }, 1e3)))
+        }).on("keypress", this, function (t) {
+            if (! {
+                var i = e(this);
+                self.timer && clearTimeout(self.timer), self.timer = setTimeout(function () {
+                    i.parent().trigger("mfInput.idle")
+                }, 1e3)
+            }
+        }).parent().on(this._handlers), this._core.$element.on("mf.reset", this, function (t) {
+            e(this).find("." +["class"]).each(function () {
+                e(this).trigger("mfInput.reset")
+            })
+        })
+    }, t.prototype.focus = function () {
+        e(this).addClass("focused")
+    }, t.prototype.blur = function () {
+        e(this).removeClass("focused")
+    }, t.prototype.type = function () {
+        e(this).removeClass("deleting"), e(this).addClass("typing")
+    }, t.prototype["delete"] = function () {
+        e(this).removeClass("typing"), e(this).addClass("deleting")
+    }, t.prototype.fill = function () {
+        e(this).addClass("filled")
+    }, t.prototype.empty = function () {
+        e(this).removeClass("filled")
+    }, t.prototype.idle = function () {
+        e(this).removeClass("typing"), e(this).removeClass("deleting")
+    }, t.prototype.reset = function () {
+        e(this).removeClass("focused"), e(this).removeClass("deleting"), e(this).removeClass("filled"), e(this).removeClass("typing"), e(this).removeClass("error")
+    }, t.prototype.ignore = function (e) {
+        return 144 === e.keyCode || 20 === e.keyCode || 17 === e.keyCode || 37 === e.keyCode || 38 === e.keyCode || 39 === e.keyCode || 40 === e.keyCode || 112 === e.keyCode || 113 === e.keyCode || 114 === e.keyCode || 115 === e.keyCode || 116 === e.keyCode || 117 === e.keyCode || 118 === e.keyCode || 119 === e.keyCode || 120 === e.keyCode || 121 === e.keyCode || 122 === e.keyCode || 123 === e.keyCode || 9 === e.keyCode || e.ctrlKey ? !0 : !1
+    }
+}(window.jQuery, window, document), function (e) {
+    var t = e.fn.rdMailForm.Constructor.Plugins.Select = function (i) {
+        this._core = i, this._handlers = {
+            "mfSelect.close": this.close,
+            "":,
+            "":,
+            click: function (e) {
+                e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation()
+            }
+        }, this._core.options = e.extend(!0, {}, t.Defaults, this._core.options), this.initialize()
+    };
+    t.Defaults = {select: {applyTo: "select", "class": "mfSelect"}}, t.prototype.initialize = function () {
+        this._core.$element.trigger("mfSelect.initialize"), this.create(),, this._core.$element.trigger("mfSelect.initialized")
+    }, t.prototype.create = function () {
+        this._core.$element.find( () {
+            var t = e(this);
+            t.css({
+                position: "absolute",
+                left: "50%",
+                width: "0",
+                height: "0",
+                overflow: "hidden",
+                opacity: "0"
+            }).parent().append(e("<div/>", {
+                "class": "value",
+                text: t.find("option:selected").text()
+            })).append(e("<ul/>", {"class": "dropdown"})).end().find("option").each(function (t) {
+                if (0 != t) {
+                    var i = e(this);
+                    i.parent().parent().find(".dropdown").append(e("<li/>", {
+                        "class": "option",
+                        text: i.text()
+                    }).addClass(":selected") ? "selected" : ""))
+                }
+            })
+        }).parent().addClass(["class"])
+    }, = function () {
+        var t = this;
+        this._core.$element.find("focus", this.focus).on("blur", function () {
+            e(this).parent().trigger("mfSelect.close").removeClass("focus")
+        }).on("keydown", function (t) {
+            38 == t.keyCode && e(this).val(e(this).find("option").eq(e(this).find("option:selected").index() > 0 ? e(this).find("option:selected").index() - 1 : 0).text()).trigger("change"), 40 == t.keyCode && e(this).val(e(this).find("option").eq(e(this).find("option:selected").index() < e(this).find("option").length - 1 ? e(this).find("option:selected").index() + 1 : e(this).find("option").length - 1).text()).trigger("change"), 13 == t.keyCode && e(this).parent().trigger(e(this).parent().hasClass("show") ? "mfSelect.close" : ""), (32 == t.keyCode || 37 == t.keyCode || 38 == t.keyCode || 39 == t.keyCode || 40 == t.keyCode || 13 == t.keyCode) && t.preventDefault()
+        }).on("change", function () {
+            e(this).parent().trigger("").find(".value").text(e(this).val());
+            var t = e(this).find("option:selected").index(), i = e(this).parent().find(".option").removeClass("selected");
+            t > 0 && i.eq(t - 1).addClass("selected")
+        }).parent().on(this._handlers).find(".value").on("click", function () {
+            var i = e(this), o = i.parent().find("select"), s = o.find("option").eq(0).text();
+            if (i.text(s), o.trigger("focus").off("focus", t.focus), !e(this).parent().hasClass("show")) {
+                o.on("focus", t.focus);
+                var n = e(this).parent().find(".option.selected");
+                n.length && i.text(n.text())
+            }
+        }).parent().find(".option").on("click", function () {
+            e(this).parent().find(".option").removeClass("selected"), e(this).addClass("selected"), e(this).parent().parent().find("select").focus().on("focus", t.focus), e(this).parent().parent().trigger("", {
+                options:,
+                value: e(this).text()
+            })
+        }).parents("body").on("click", function (i) {
+            var o = t._core.$element.find("." +["class"]);
+            o.length && ( || 0 !== o.has( || o.find("select").each(function () {
+                var t = e(this).parent().find(".option.selected");
+                t.length && e(this).parent().find(".value").text(t.text())
+            }).on("focus", t.focus))
+        }), this._core.$element.on("mf.reset", function () {
+            e(this).find( () {
+                e(this).parent().find(".value").text(e(this).prop("selectedIndex", 0).val()), e(this).parent().find(".option").removeClass("selected")
+            })
+        })
+    }, t.prototype.focus = function () {
+        e(this).parent().trigger("").addClass("focus")
+    }, t.prototype.close = function () {
+        navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/) || e(this).hasClass("show") && e(this).removeClass("show")
+    }, = function () {
+        navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/) || e(this).hasClass("show") || e(this).addClass("show")
+    }, = function (t, i) {
+        e(this).find(i.options.applyTo).val(i.value).trigger("change"), e(this).trigger("mfSelect.close")
+    }
+}(window.jQuery, window, document), function (e) {
+    var t = e.fn.rdMailForm.Constructor.Plugins.DatePicker = function (i) {
+        this._core = i, this._handlers = {
+            "mfDatePicker.close": this.close,
+            "":,
+            "":,
+            "mfDatePicker.prev": this.prev,
+            "mfDatePicker.update": this.update,
+            "mfDatePicker.refresh": this.refresh,
+            "mfDatePicker.pick": this.pick
+        }, this._core.options = e.extend(!0, {}, t.Defaults, this._core.options), this.initialize()
+    };
+    t.Defaults = {
+        datepicker: {
+            applyTo: 'input[type="date"]',
+            "class": "mfDatePicker",
+            days: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"],
+            months: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
+            format: "MM-DD-YYYY",
+            prevMonth: "",
+            nextMonth: ""
+        }
+    }, t.prototype.initialize = function () {
+        this._core.$element.trigger("mfDatePicker.initialize"), this.create(),, this._core.$element.trigger("mfDatePicker.initialized")
+    }, t.prototype.create = function () {
+        var t = this;
+        t._core.$element.find(t._core.options.datepicker.applyTo).each(function () {
+            e(this).attr({
+                type: navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/) ? "date" : "text",
+                "data-type": "date"
+            }).after(e("<div/>", {"class": t._core.options.datepicker["class"]}).data("date", new Date))
+        }).parent().find("." + t._core.options.datepicker["class"]).each(function () {
+            e.proxy(t.update, this, {}, t._core.options.datepicker).call(), e.proxy(t.refresh, this, {}, t._core.options.datepicker).call()
+        })
+    }, = function () {
+        var t = this;
+        t._core.$element.find("." + t._core.options.datepicker["class"]).on("click", "." + t._core.options.datepicker["class"] + "_next", function () {
+            var i = e(this).parents("." + t._core.options.datepicker["class"]);
+            i.trigger(""), i.trigger("mfDatePicker.update", t._core.options.datepicker), i.trigger("mfDatePicker.refresh", t._core.options.datepicker)
+        }).on("click", "." + t._core.options.datepicker["class"] + "_prev", function () {
+            var i = e(this).parents("." + t._core.options.datepicker["class"]);
+            i.trigger("mfDatePicker.prev"), i.trigger("mfDatePicker.update", t._core.options.datepicker), i.trigger("mfDatePicker.refresh", t._core.options.datepicker)
+        }).on("click", ".dp-day", function () {
+            var i = e(this).parents("." + t._core.options.datepicker["class"]);
+            i.trigger("mfDatePicker.pick", {
+                opt: t._core.options.datepicker,
+                day: e(this)
+            }), i.parent().find("input").on("blur", t.blur).trigger("blur").trigger("keyup")
+        }).on("click", function () {
+        }).on(this._handlers).parent().on("click", function (e) {
+            return e.preventDefault(), !1
+        }).find("input").on("focus", function () {
+            e(this).parent().find("." + t._core.options.datepicker["class"]).trigger("")
+        }).on("blur", this.blur).on("keydown", function (i) {
+            (9 == i.keyCode || i.shiftKey && 9 == i.keyCode) && e(this).on("blur", t.blur)
+        }).parents("body").on("mousedown", function (e) {
+            var i = t._core.$element.find("." + t._core.options.datepicker["class"]).parent();
+            i.length && ( || 0 !== i.has( ? i.find("input").off("blur", t.blur) : i.find("input").on("blur", t.blur).trigger("blur"))
+        }), t._core.$element.on("mf.reset", function () {
+            e(this).find("." + t._core.options.datepicker["class"]).each(function () {
+                e(this).trigger("mfDatePicker.close")
+            })
+        })
+    }, t.prototype.blur = function () {
+        e(this).parent().find(".mfDatePicker").trigger("mfDatePicker.close")
+    }, t.prototype.close = function () {
+        navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/) || e(this).hasClass("open") && e(this).removeClass("open")
+    }, = function () {
+        navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/) || e(this).hasClass("open") || e(this).addClass("open")
+    }, = function () {
+        var t = e(this), i ="date");
+        i = 11 == i.getMonth() ? new Date(i.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 1) : new Date(i.getFullYear(), i.getMonth() + 1, 1),"date", i)
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