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[Httpcomponents Wiki] Update of "HttpCoreTutorial" by OlegKalnichevski

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The following page has been changed by OlegKalnichevski:

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- ----
- [[TableOfContents]]
- ----
- = Scope =
-  * A consistent API for building client / proxy / server side HTTP services
-  * A consistent API for building both synchronous and asynchronous HTTP services
-  * A set of low level components based on blocking (classic) and non-blocking (NIO) I/O models 
- = Goals =
-  * Implementation of the most fundamental HTTP transport aspects
-  * Balance between good performance and the clarity & expressiveness of API
-  * Small (predictable) memory footprint
-  * Self contained library (no external dependencies beyond JRE)
- == What HttpCore is NOT ==
-  * Replacement for !HttpClient
-  * A replacement for a Servlet container and a competitor to the Servlet API
- = Fundamentals =
- == HTTP messages ==
- === Structure ===
- A HTTP message consists of a head and an optional body. The message head of an HTTP request consists of a request line and a collection of header fields. The message head of an HTTP response consists of a status line and a collection of header fields. All HTTP messages must include the protocol version. Some HTTP messages can optionally enclose a content body.
- !HttpCore defines the HTTP message object model that closely follows the definition and provides an extensive support for serialization (formatting) and deserialization (parsing) of HTTP message elements.
- === Basic operations ===
- ==== HTTP request message ====
- HTTP request is a message sent from the client to the server. The first line of that message includes the method to be applied to the resource, the identifier of the resource, and the protocol version in use.
- {{{
- HttpRequest request = new BasicHttpRequest("GET", "/", HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1);
- System.out.println(request.getRequestLine().getMethod());
- System.out.println(request.getRequestLine().getUri());
- System.out.println(request.getProtocolVersion());
- System.out.println(request.getRequestLine().toString());
- }}}
- stdout >
- {{{
- /
- HTTP/1.1
- GET / HTTP/1.1
- }}}
- ==== HTTP response message ====
- HTTP response is a message sent by the server back to the client after having received and interpreted a request message. The first line of that message consists of the protocol version followed by a numeric status code and its associated textual phrase.
- {{{
- HttpResponse response = new BasicHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpStatus.SC_OK, "OK");
- System.out.println(response.getProtocolVersion());
- System.out.println(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
- System.out.println(response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase());
- System.out.println(response.getStatusLine().toString());
- }}}
- stdout >
- {{{
- HTTP/1.1
- 200
- OK
- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
- }}}
- ==== HTTP message common properties and methods ====
- An HTTP message can contain a number of headers describing properties of the message such as the content length, content type and so on. !HttpCore provides methods to retrieve, add, remove and enumerate headers. 
- {{{
- HttpResponse response = new BasicHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpStatus.SC_OK, "OK");
- response.addHeader("Set-Cookie", "c1=a; path=/; domain=localhost");
- response.addHeader("Set-Cookie", "c2=b; path=\"/\", c3=c; domain=\"localhost\"");
- Header h1 = response.getFirstHeader("Set-Cookie");
- System.out.println(h1);
- Header h2 = response.getLastHeader("Set-Cookie");
- System.out.println(h2);
- Header[] hs = response.getHeaders("Set-Cookie");
- System.out.println(hs.length);
- }}}
- stdout >
- {{{
- Set-Cookie: c1=a; path=/; domain=localhost
- Set-Cookie: c2=b; path="/", c3=c; domain="localhost"
- 2
- }}}
- There is an efficient way to obtain all headers of a given type using the !HeaderIterator interface.
- {{{
- HttpResponse response = new BasicHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpStatus.SC_OK, "OK");
- response.addHeader("Set-Cookie", "c1=a; path=/; domain=localhost");
- response.addHeader("Set-Cookie", "c2=b; path=\"/\", c3=c; domain=\"localhost\"");
- HeaderIterator it = response.headerIterator("Set-Cookie");
- while (it.hasNext()) {
-     System.out.println(;
- }
- }}}
- stdout >
- {{{
- Set-Cookie: c1=a; path=/; domain=localhost
- Set-Cookie: c2=b; path="/", c3=c; domain="localhost"
- }}}
- It also provides convenience methods to parse HTTP messages into individual header elements.
- {{{
- HttpResponse response = new BasicHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpStatus.SC_OK, "OK");
- response.addHeader("Set-Cookie", "c1=a; path=/; domain=localhost");
- response.addHeader("Set-Cookie", "c2=b; path=\"/\", c3=c; domain=\"localhost\"");
- HeaderElementIterator it = new BasicHeaderElementIterator(
-         response.headerIterator("Set-Cookie"));
- while (it.hasNext()) {
-     HeaderElement elem = it.nextElement(); 
-     System.out.println(elem.getName() + " = " + elem.getValue());
-     NameValuePair[] params = elem.getParameters();
-     for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
-         System.out.println(" " + params[i]);
-     }
- }
- }}}
- stdout >
- {{{
- c1 = a
-  path=/
-  domain=localhost
- c2 = b
-  path=/
- c3 = c
-  domain=localhost
- }}}
- HTTP headers get tokenized into individual header elements only on demand. HTTP headers received over an HTTP connection are stored internally as an array of chars and parsed lazily only when their properties are accessed. 
- == HTTP entity ==
- HTTP messages can carry a content entity associated with the request or response. Entities can be found in some requests and in some responses, as they are optional. Requests that use entities are referred to as entity enclosing requests. The HTTP specification defines two entity enclosing methods: POST and PUT. Responses are usually expected to enclose a content entity. There are exceptions to this rule such as responses to HEAD method and 204 No Content, 304 Not Modified, 205 Reset Content responses.
- !HttpCore distinguishes three kinds of entities, depending on where their content originates: 
-   a. streamed: The content is received from a stream, or generated on the fly. In particular, this category includes entities being received from a connection. Streamed entities are generally not repeatable. 
-   a. self-contained: The content is in memory or obtained by means that are independent from a connection or other entity. Self-contained entities are generally repeatable. 
-   a. wrapping: The content is obtained from another entity. 
- This distinction is important for connection management with incoming entities. For entities that are created by an application and only sent using the !HttpCore framework, the difference between streamed and self-contained is of little importance. In that case, it is suggested to consider non-repeatable entities as streamed, and those that are repeatable as self-contained.
- === Repeatable entities ===
- An entity can be repeatable, meaning its content can be read more than once. This is only possible with self contained entities (like !ByteArrayEntity or !StringEntity).
- === Using HTTP entities ===
- Since an entity can represent both binary and character content, it has support for character encodings (to support the latter, ie. character content).
- The entity is created when executing a request with enclosed content or when the request was successful and the response body is used to send the result back to the client.
- To read the content from the entity, one can either retrieve the input stream via the !HttpEntity#getContent() method, which returns an !InputStream, or one can supply an output stream to the !HttpEntity.writeTo(!OutputStream) method, which will return once all content has been written to the given stream.
- The !EntityUtils class exposes several static methods to more easily read the content or information from an entity. Instead of reading the !InputStream directly, one can retrieve the whole content body in a String/byte array by using the methods from this class.
- When the entity has been received with an incoming message, the methods !HttpEntity#getContentType() and !HttpEntity#getContentLength() methods can be used for reading the common metadata such as Content-Type and Content-Length headers (if they are available). Since the Content-Type header can contain a character encoding for text mime-types like text/plain or text/html, the !HttpEntity#getContentEncoding() method is used to read this information. If the headers aren't available, a length of -1 will be returned, and NULL for the content-type. If the Content-Type header is available, a Header object will be returned.
- When creating an entity for a outgoing message, this meta data has to be supplied by the creator of the entity.
- {{{
- StringEntity myEntity = new StringEntity("important message", "UTF-8");
- System.out.println(myEntity.getContentType());
- System.out.println(myEntity.getContentLength());
- System.out.println(EntityUtils.getContentCharSet(myEntity));
- System.out.println(EntityUtils.toString(myEntity));
- System.out.println(EntityUtils.toByteArray(myEntity).length);
- }}}
- stdout >
- {{{
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
- 17
- UTF-8
- important message
- 17
- }}}
- === Ensuring release of low level resources ===
- When finished with an entity that relies on an underlying input stream, it's important to execute the !HttpEntity#consumeContent() method, so as to consume any available content on the stream, so the connection could be released to any connection pools. If the incoming content is not consumed fully, other requests may fail when this connection is re-used. 
- Alternatively one can simply check the result of !HttpEntity#isStreaming(), and keep reading from the input stream until it returns false. 
- Self contained entities will always return false with !HttpEntity#isStreaming(), as there is no underlying stream it depends on. For these entities !HttpEntity#consumeContent() will do nothing, and does not need to be called.
- == Creating entities ==
- There are a few ways to create entities. The following implementations are provided by !HttpCore:
-   a. [#BasicHttpEntity BasicHttpEntity]
-   a. [#BufferedHttpEntity BufferedHttpEntity]
-   a. [#ByteArrayEntity ByteArrayEntity]
-   a. [#EntityTemplate EntityTemplate]
-   a. [#FileEntity FileEntity]
-   a. [#InputStreamEntity InputStreamEntity]
-   a. [#StringEntity StringEntity]
-   a. [#AbstractHttpEntity AbstractHttpEntity]
-   a. [#HttpEntityWrapper HttpEntityWrapper]
- [[Anchor(BasicHttpEntity)]]
- === BasicHttpEntity ===
- This is exactly as the name implies, a basic entity that represents an underlying stream. This is generally used for the entities received from HTTP messages.
- This entity has an empty constructor. After construction it represents no content, and has a negative content length.
- One needs to set the content stream, and optionally the length. This can be done with the !BasicHttpEntity#setContent(!InputStream) and !BasicHttpEntity#setContentLength(long) methods respectively.
- {{{
- BasicHttpEntity myEntity = new BasicHttpEntity();
- myEntity.setContent(someInputStream);
- myEntity.setContentLength(340); // sets the length to 340
- }}}
- [[Anchor(ByteArrayEntity)]]
- === ByteArrayEntity ===
- !ByteArrayEntity is a self contained, repeatable entity that obtains its content from a given byte array. This byte array is supplied to the constructor.
- {{{
- String myData = "Hello world on the other side!!";
- ByteArrayEntity myEntity = new ByteArrayEntity(myData.getBytes());
- }}}
- [[Anchor(StringEntity)]]
- === StringEntity ===
- !StringEntity is a self contained, repeatable entity that obtains its content from a String object.
- It has 2 constructors, one simply constructs with a given String object; the other also takes a character encoding for the data in the String.
- {{{
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
- Map<String, String> env = System.getenv();
- for (Entry<String, String> envEntry : env.entrySet()) {
-     sb.append(envEntry.getKey()).append(": ").append(envEntry.getValue()).append("\n");
- }
- // construct without a character encoding
- HttpEntity myEntity1 = new StringEntity(sb.toString());
- // alternatively construct with an encoding
- HttpEntity myEntity2 = new StringEntity(sb.toString(), "UTF-8");
- }}}
- [[Anchor(EntityTemplate)]]
- === EntityTemplate ===
- This is an entity which receives its content from a !ContentProducer. Content producers are objects which produce their content on demand, by writing it out to an output stream. They are expected to be able produce their content every time they are requested to do so. So creating a !EntityTemplate, one is expected to supply a reference to a content producer, which effectively creates a repeatable entity.
- There are no standard !ContentProducers in !HttpCore. It's basically just a convenience interface to allow wrapping up complex logic into an entity. To use this entity one needs to create a class that implements !ContentProducer and override the !ContentProducer#writeTo(!OutputStream) method. Then, an instance of custom !ContentProducer will be used to write the full content body to the output stream. For instance, an HTTP server would serve static files with the !FileEntity, but running CGI programs could be done with a !ContentProducer, inside which one could implement custom logic to supply the content as it becomes available. This way one doesn't need to buffer it in a string and then use a !StringEntity or !ByteArrayEntity.
- {{{
- ContentProducer myContentProducer = new ContentProducer() {
-     public void writeTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException {
-       out.write("ContentProducer rocks! ".getBytes());
-       out.write(("Time requested: " + new Date()).getBytes());
-     }
- };
- HttpEntity myEntity = new EntityTemplate(myContentProducer);
- myEntity.writeTo(System.out);
- }}}
- stdout >
- {{{
- ContentProducer rocks! Time requested: Fri Sep 05 12:20:22 CEST 2008
- }}}
- [[Anchor(FileEntity)]]
- === FileEntity ===
- !FileEntity is a self contained, repeatable entity that obtains its content from a file. Since this is mostly used to stream large files of different types, one needs to supply the content type of the file, for instance, sending a zip file would require the content type "application/zip", for XML "application/xml".
- {{{File staticFile = new File("/path/to/myapp.jar");
- HttpEntity entity = new FileEntity(staticFile, "application/java-archive");
- }}}
- [[Anchor(InputStreamEntity)]]
- === InputStreamEntity ===
- !InputStreamEntity is a streamed, non-repeatable entity that obtains its content from an input stream. It is constructed by supplying the input stream and the content length.
- The content length is used to limit the amount of data read from the !InputStream. If the length matches the content length available on the input stream, then all data will be sent. Alternatively a negative content length will read all data from the input stream, which is the same as supplying the exact content length, so the length is most often used to limit the length.
- {{{
- InputStream instream = getSomeInputStream();
- InputStreamEntity myEntity = new InputStreamEntity(instream, 16);
- }}}
- [[Anchor(AbstractHttpEntity)]]
- === AbstractHttpEntity ===
- This is the base class for streaming and self contained entities. It provides all the commonly used attributes used by these entities, like contentEncoding, contentType and the chunked flag.
- [[Anchor(HttpEntityWrapper)]]
- === HttpEntityWrapper ===
- This is the base class for creating wrapped entities. It contains an instance variable wrappedEntity which holds the instance to the wrapped entity.
- [[Anchor(BufferedHttpEntity)]]
- === BufferedHttpEntity ===
- !BufferedHttpEntity is a subclass of !HttpEntityWrapper. It is constructed by supplying another entity. It reads the content from the supplied entity, and buffers it in memory.
- This makes it possible to make a repeatable entity, from a non-repeatable entity. If the supplied entity is already repeated, calls are simply passed through to the underlying entity.
- {{{BasicHttpEntity myNonRepeatableEntity = new BasicHttpEntity();
- myNonRepeatableEntity.setContent(someInputStream);
- BufferedHttpEntity myBufferedEntity = new BufferedHttpEntity(myNonRepeatableEntity);
- }}}
- == Blocking HTTP connections ==
- HTTP connections are responsible for HTTP message serialization and deserialization. One should rarely need to use HTTP connection objects directly. There are higher level protocol components intended for execution and processing of HTTP requests. However, in some cases direct interaction with HTTP connections may be necessary, for instance, to access properties such as the connection status, the socket timeout or the local and remote addresses.
- It is important to bear in mind that HTTP connections are not thread-safe. It is strongly recommended to limit all interactions with HTTP connection objects to one thread. The only method of !HttpConnection interface and its sub-interfaces, which is safe to invoke from another thread, is !HttpConnection#shutdown().
- === Working with blocking HTTP connections ===
- !HttpCore does not provide full support for opening connections because the process of establishing a new connection especially on the client side can be very complex involving one or several authenticating or/and tunneling proxies. Instead, HTTP connection objects can be bound to an arbitrary network socket. 
- {{{
- Socket socket = new Socket();
- // Initialize socket
- BasicHttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
- DefaultHttpClientConnection conn = new DefaultHttpClientConnection();
- conn.bind(socket, params);
- conn.isOpen();
- HttpConnectionMetrics metrics = conn.getMetrics();
- metrics.getRequestCount();
- metrics.getResponseCount();
- metrics.getReceivedBytesCount();
- metrics.getSentBytesCount();
- }}}
- HTTP connection interfaces, both client and server, send and receive messages in two stages. The message head is transmitted first. Depending on properties of the message head it may be followed by a message body. Please note it is very important to call !HttpEntity#consumeContent() to signal that the processing of the message is complete. HTTP entities that stream out their content directly from the input stream of the underlying connection must ensure the content of the message body is fully consumed for that connection to be potentially re-usable.
- Over-simplified process of client side request execution may look like this:
- {{{
- Socket socket = new Socket();
- // Initialize socket
- HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); 
- DefaultHttpClientConnection conn = new DefaultHttpClientConnection();
- conn.bind(socket, params);
- HttpRequest request = new BasicHttpRequest("GET", "/");
- conn.sendRequestHeader(request);
- HttpResponse response = conn.receiveResponseHeader();
- conn.receiveResponseEntity(response);
- HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
- if (entity != null) {
-     // Do something useful with the entity and, when done, call 
-     // consumeContent() to make sure the connection can be re-used 
-     entity.consumeContent();
- }
- }}}
- Over-simplified process of server side request handling may look like this:
- {{{
- Socket socket = new Socket();
- // Initialize socket
- HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); 
- DefaultHttpServerConnection conn = new DefaultHttpServerConnection();
- conn.bind(socket, params);
- HttpRequest request = conn.receiveRequestHeader();
- if (request instanceof HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) {
-     conn.receiveRequestEntity((HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) request);
-     HttpEntity entity = ((HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) request).getEntity();
-     if (entity != null) {
-         // Do something useful with the entity and, when done, call 
-         // consumeContent() to make sure the connection can be re-used 
-         entity.consumeContent();
-     }
- }
- HttpResponse response = new BasicHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, 200, "OK");
- response.setEntity(new StringEntity("Got it"));
- conn.sendResponseHeader(response);
- conn.sendResponseEntity(response);
- }}}
- Please note that one should rarely need to transmit messages using these low level methods and should use appropriate higher level HTTP service implementations instead.
- === Content transfer ===
- HTTP connections manage the process of the content transfer using the !HttpEntity interface. HTTP connections generate an entity object that encapsulates the content stream of the incoming message. Please note that !HttpServerConnection#receiveRequestEntity() and !HttpClientConnection#receiveResponseEntity() do not retrieve or buffer any incoming data. They merely inject an appropriate content codec based on the properties of the incoming message. The content can be retrieved by reading from the content input stream of the enclosed entity using !HttpEntity#getContent(). The incoming data will be decoded automatically completely transparently for the data consumer. Likewise, HTTP connections rely on !HttpEntity#writeTo(!OutputStream) method to generate the content of an outgoing message. if an outgoing messages encloses an entity, the content will be encoded automatically based on the properties of the message.
- === Supported content transfer mechanisms ===
- Default implementations of the HTTP connection interfaces support three content transfer mechanisms defined by the HTTP/1.1 specification:
-  * Content-Length delimited
- The end of the content entity is determined by the value of the !Content-Length header. Maximum entity length: Long#MAX_VALUE.
-  * Identity coding
- The end of the content entity is demarcated by closing the underlying connection (EOF condition). For obvious reasons the identity encoding can only be used on the server side. Max entity length: unlimited.
-  * Chunk coding
- The content is sent in small chunks. Max entity length: unlimited.
- The appropriate content stream class will be created automatically depending on properties of the entity enclosed with the message.
- === Terminating HTTP connections ===
- HTTP connections can be terminated either gracefully by calling !HttpConnection#close() or forcibly by calling !HttpConnection#shutdown(). The former tries to flush all buffered data prior to terminating the connection and may block indefinitely. The !HttpConnection#close() method is not thread-safe. The latter terminates the connection without flushing internal buffers and returns control to the caller as soon as possible without blocking for long. The !HttpConnection#shutdown() method is expected to be thread-safe.
- == HTTP exception handling ==
- All !HttpCore components potentially throw two types of exceptions: !IOException in case of an I/O failure such as socket timeout or an socket reset and !HttpException that signals an HTTP failure such as a violation of the HTTP protocol. Usually I/O errors are considered non-fatal and recoverable, whereas HTTP protocol errors are considered fatal and cannot be automatically recovered from. 
- === Protocol exception ===
- !ProtocolException signals a fatal HTTP protocol violation that usually results in an immediate termination of the HTTP message processing.
- == HTTP protocol processors ==
- HTTP protocol interceptor is a routine that implements a specific aspect of the HTTP protocol. Usually protocol interceptors are expected to act upon one specific header or a group of related headers of the incoming message or populate the outgoing message with one specific header or a group of related headers. Protocol interceptors can also manipulate content entities enclosed with messages, transparent content compression / decompression being a good example. Usually this is accomplished by using the 'Decorator' pattern where a wrapper entity class is used to decorate the original entity. Several protocol interceptors can be combined to form one logical unit. 
- HTTP protocol processor is a collection of protocol interceptors that implements the 'Chain of Responsibility' pattern, where each individual protocol interceptor is expected to work on a particular aspect of the HTTP protocol the interceptor is responsible for. 
- Usually the order in which interceptors are executed should not matter as long as they do not depend on a particular state of the execution context. If protocol interceptors have interdependencies and therefore must be executed in a particular order, they should be added to the protocol processor in the same sequence as their expected execution order.
- Protocol interceptors must be implemented as thread-safe. Similarly to servlets, protocol interceptors should not use instance variables unless access to those variables is synchronized.
- === Standard protocol interceptors ===
- !HttpCore comes with a number of most essential protocol interceptors for client and server HTTP processing.
- ==== RequestContent ====
- !RequestContent is the most important interceptor for outgoing requests. It is responsible for delimiting content length by adding !Content-Length or !Transfer-Content headers based on the properties of the enclosed entity and the protocol version. This interceptor is required for correct functioning of client side protocol processors.
- ==== ResponseContent ====
- !ResponseContent is the most important interceptor for outgoing responses. It is responsible for delimiting content length by adding !Content-Length or !Transfer-Content headers based on the properties of the enclosed entity and the protocol version. This interceptor is required for correct functioning of server side protocol processors.
- ==== RequestConnControl ====
- !RequestConnControl is responsible for adding !Connection header to the outgoing requests, which is essential for managing persistence of HTTP/1.0 connections. This interceptor is recommended for client side protocol processors.
- ==== ResponseConnControl ====
- !ResponseConnControl is responsible for adding !Connection header to the outgoing responses, which is essential for managing persistence of HTTP/1.0 connections. This interceptor is recommended for server side protocol processors.
- ==== RequestDate ====
- !RequestDate is responsible for adding !Date header to the outgoing requests This interceptor is optional for client side protocol processors.
- ==== ResponseDate ====
- !ResponseDate is responsible for adding !Date header to the outgoing responses. This interceptor is recommended for server side protocol processors.
- ==== RequestExpectContinue ====
- !RequestExpectContinue is responsible for enabling the 'expect-continue' handshake by adding !Expect header. This interceptor is recommended for client side protocol processors. 
- ==== RequestTargetHost ====
- !RequestTargetHost is responsible for adding !Host header. This interceptor is required for client side protocol processors. 
- ==== RequestUserAgent ====
- !RequestUserAgent is responsible for adding !User-Agent header. This interceptor is recommended for client side protocol processors. 
- ==== ResponseServer ====
- !ResponseServer is responsible for adding !Server header. This interceptor is recommended for server side protocol processors. 
- === Working with protocol processors ===
- Usually HTTP protocol processors are used to pre-process incoming messages prior to executing application specific processing logic and to post-process outgoing messages.
- {{{
- BasicHttpProcessor httpproc = new BasicHttpProcessor();
- // Required protocol interceptors
- httpproc.addInterceptor(new RequestContent());
- httpproc.addInterceptor(new RequestTargetHost());
- // Recommended protocol interceptors
- httpproc.addInterceptor(new RequestConnControl());
- httpproc.addInterceptor(new RequestUserAgent());
- httpproc.addInterceptor(new RequestExpectContinue());
- HttpContext context = new BasicHttpContext();
- HttpRequest request = new BasicHttpRequest("GET", "/");
- httpproc.process(request, context);
- HttpResponse response = null;
- }}}
- Send the request to the target host and get a response.
- {{{
- httpproc.process(response, context);
- }}}
- === HTTP context ===
- Protocol interceptors can collaborate by sharing information - such as a processing state - through an HTTP execution context. HTTP context is a structure that can be used to map an attribute name to an attribute value. Internally HTTP context implementations are usually backed by a HashMap. The primary purpose of the HTTP context is to facilitate information sharing among various logically related components. HTTP context can be used to store a processing state for one message or several consecutive messages. Multiple logically related messages can participate in a logical session if the same context is reused between consecutive messages.
- {{{
- BasicHttpProcessor httpproc = new BasicHttpProcessor();
- httpproc.addInterceptor(new HttpRequestInterceptor() {
-     public void process(
-             HttpRequest request, 
-             HttpContext context) throws HttpException, IOException {
-         String id = (String) context.getAttribute("session-id");
-         if (id != null) {
-             request.addHeader("Session-ID", id);
-         }
-     }
- });
- HttpRequest request = new BasicHttpRequest("GET", "/");
- httpproc.process(request, context);
- }}}
- !HttpContexts can be linked together to form a hierarchy. In the simplest form one context can use content of another context to obtain default values of attributes not present in the local context.
- {{{
- HttpContext parentContext = new BasicHttpContext(); 
- parentContext.setAttribute("param1", Integer.valueOf(1));
- parentContext.setAttribute("param2", Integer.valueOf(2));
- HttpContext localContext = new BasicHttpContext(); 
- localContext.setAttribute("param2", Integer.valueOf(0));
- localContext.setAttribute("param3", Integer.valueOf(3));
- HttpContext stack = new DefaultedHttpContext(localContext, parentContext); 
- System.out.println(stack.getAttribute("param1"));
- System.out.println(stack.getAttribute("param2"));
- System.out.println(stack.getAttribute("param3"));
- System.out.println(stack.getAttribute("param4"));
- }}}
- stdout >
- {{{
- 1
- 0
- 3
- null
- }}} 
- == HTTP parameters ==
- !HttpParams represents a collection of immutable values that define a runtime behavior of a component. In many ways !HttpParams is similar to !HttpContext. The main distinction between the two lies in their use at runtime. Both interfaces represent a collection of objects that are organized as a map of textual names to object values, but serve distinct purposes:
-  * !HttpParams is intended to contain simple objects: integers, doubles, strings, collections and objects that remain immutable at runtime. !HttpParams is expected to be used in the 'write once - ready many' mode. !HttpContext is intended to contain complex objects that are very likely to mutate in the course of HTTP message processing.
-  * The purpose of !HttpParams is to define a behavior of other components. Usually each complex component has its own !HttpParams object. The purpose of !HttpContext is to represent an execution state of an HTTP process. Usually the same execution context is shared among many collaborating objects.     
- !HttpParams, like !HttpContext, can be linked together to form a hierarchy. In the simplest form one set of parameters can use content of another one to obtain default values of parameters not present in the local set.
- {{{
- HttpParams parentParams = new BasicHttpParams(); 
- parentParams.setParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.PROTOCOL_VERSION, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_0);
- parentParams.setParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.HTTP_CONTENT_CHARSET, "UTF-8");
- HttpParams localParams = new BasicHttpParams(); 
- localParams.setParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.PROTOCOL_VERSION, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1);
- localParams.setParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.USE_EXPECT_CONTINUE, Boolean.FALSE);
- HttpParams stack = new DefaultedHttpParams(localParams, parentParams); 
- System.out.println(stack.getParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.PROTOCOL_VERSION));
- System.out.println(stack.getParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.HTTP_CONTENT_CHARSET));
- System.out.println(stack.getParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.USE_EXPECT_CONTINUE));
- System.out.println(stack.getParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.USER_AGENT));
- }}}
- stdout >
- {{{
- HTTP/1.1
- UTF-8
- false
- null
- }}} 
- === HTTP parameter beans ===
- !HttpParams interface allows for a great deal of flexibility in handling configuration of components. Most importantly, new parameters can be introduced without affecting binary compatibility with older versions. However, !HttpParams also has a certain disadvantage compared to regular Java beans: !HttpParams cannot be assembled using a DI framework. To mitigate the limitation, !HttpCore includes a number of bean classes that can used in order to initialize !HttpParams objects using standard Java bean conventions. 
- {{{
- HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
- HttpProtocolParamBean paramsBean = new HttpProtocolParamBean(params);
- paramsBean.setVersion(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1);
- paramsBean.setContentCharset("UTF-8");
- paramsBean.setUseExpectContinue(true);
- System.out.println(params.getParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.PROTOCOL_VERSION));
- System.out.println(params.getParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.HTTP_CONTENT_CHARSET));
- System.out.println(params.getParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.USE_EXPECT_CONTINUE));
- System.out.println(params.getParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.USER_AGENT));
- }}}
- stdout >
- {{{
- HTTP/1.1
- UTF-8
- false
- null
- }}} 
- == Blocking HTTP protocol handlers ==
- === HTTP service ===
- !HttpService is a server side HTTP protocol handler based in the blocking I/O model that implements the essential requirements of the HTTP protocol for the server side message processing as described by RFC 2616. 
- !HttpService relies on !HttpProcessor to generate mandatory protocol headers for all outgoing messages and apply common, cross-cutting message transformations to all incoming and outgoing messages, whereas HTTP request handlers are expected to take care of application specific content generation and processing.
- {{{
- HttpParams params;
- // Initialize HTTP parameters
- HttpProcessor httpproc;
- // Initialize HTTP processor
- HttpService httpService = new HttpService(
-         httpproc, 
-         new DefaultConnectionReuseStrategy(), 
-         new DefaultHttpResponseFactory());
- httpService.setParams(params);
- }}}
- ==== HTTP request handlers ====
- The !HttpRequestHandler interface represents a routine for processing of a specific group of HTTP requests. !HttpService is designed to take care of protocol specific aspects, whereas individual request handlers are expected to take care of application specific HTTP processing. The main purpose of a request handler is to generate a response object with a content entity to be sent back to the client in response to the given request.
- {{{
- HttpRequestHandler myRequestHandler = new HttpRequestHandler() {
-     public void handle(
-             HttpRequest request, 
-             HttpResponse response, 
-             HttpContext context) throws HttpException, IOException {
-         response.setStatusCode(HttpStatus.SC_OK);
-         response.addHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
-         response.setEntity(new StringEntity("some important message"));
-     }
- };
- }}}
- Request handlers must be implemented in a thread safe manner. Similarly to servlets, request handlers should not use instance variables unless access to those variables are synchronized.
- ==== Request handler resolver ====
- HTTP request handlers are usually managed by a !HttpRequestHandlerResolver that matches a request URI to a request handler. !HttpCore includes a very simple implementation of the request handler resolver based on a trivial pattern matching algorithm: !HttpRequestHandlerRegistry supports only three formats: *, <uri>* and *<uri>.
- {{{
- HttpService httpService;
- // Initialize HTTP service
- HttpRequestHandlerRegistry handlerResolver = new HttpRequestHandlerRegistry();
- handlerReqistry.register("/service/*", myRequestHandler1);
- handlerReqistry.register("*.do", myRequestHandler2);
- handlerReqistry.register("*", myRequestHandler3);
- // Inject handler resolver
- httpService.setHandlerResolver(handlerResolver);
- }}}
- Users are encouraged to provide more sophisticated implementations of !HttpRequestHandlerResolver, for instance, based on regular expressions.
- ==== Using HTTP service to handle requests ====
- When fully initialized and configured, the !HttpService can be used to execute and handle requests for active HTTP connections. The !HttpService#!handleRequest() method reads an incoming request, generates a response and sends it back to the client. This method can be executed in a loop to handle multiple requests on a persistent connection. The !HttpService#!handleRequest() method is safe to execute from multiple threads. This allows processing of requests on several connections simultaneously, as long as all the protocol interceptors and requests handlers used by the !HttpService are thread safe.
- {{{
- HttpService httpService;
- // Initialize HTTP service
- HttpServerConnection conn;
- // Initialize connection
- HttpContext context;
- // Initialize HTTP context
- boolean active = true;
- try {
-     while (active && conn.isOpen()) {
-         httpService.handleRequest(conn, context);
-     }
- } finally {
-     conn.shutdown();
- }
- }}}
- === HTTP request executor ===
- !HttpRequestExecutor is a client side HTTP protocol handler based on the blocking I/O model that implements the essential requirements of the HTTP protocol for the client side message processing, as described by RFC 2616. !HttpRequestExecutor relies on !HttpProcessor to generate mandatory protocol headers for all outgoing messages and apply common, cross-cutting message transformations to all incoming and outgoing messages. Application specific processing can be implemented outside !HttpRequestExecutor once the request has been executed and a response has been received.
- {{{
- HttpClientConnection conn;
- // Create connection
- HttpParams params;
- // Initialize HTTP parameters
- HttpProcessor httpproc;
- // Initialize HTTP processor
- HttpContext context;
- // Initialize HTTP context
- HttpRequestExecutor httpexecutor = new HttpRequestExecutor();
- BasicHttpRequest request = new BasicHttpRequest("GET", "/");
- request.setParams(params);
- httpexecutor.preProcess(request, httpproc, context);
- HttpResponse response = httpexecutor.execute(request, conn, context);
- response.setParams(params);
- httpexecutor.postProcess(response, httpproc, context);
- HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
- if (entity != null) {
-     entity.consumeContent();
- }
- }}}
- Methods of !HttpRequestExecutor are safe to execute from multiple threads.  This allows execution of requests on several connections simultaneously, as long as all the protocol interceptors used by the !HttpRequestExecutor are thread safe.
- === Connection persistence / re-use ===
- The !ConnectionReuseStrategy interface is intended to determine whether the underlying connection can be re-used for processing of further messages after the transmission of the current message has been completed. The default connection re-use strategy attempts to keep connections alive whenever possible. Firstly, it examines the version of the HTTP protocol used to transmit the message. HTTP/1.1 connections are persistent by default, while HTTP/1.0 connections are not. Secondly, it examines the value of the !Connection header. The peer can indicate whether it intends to re-use the connection on the opposite side by sending !Keep-Alive or !Close values in the !Connection header. Thirdly, the strategy makes the decision whether the connection is safe to re-use based on the properties of the enclosed entity, if available.  
- = NIO extensions =
- == Benefits and shortcomings of the non-blocking I/O model ==
- Contrary to the popular belief, the performance of NIO in terms of raw data throughput is significantly lower than that of blocking I/O. NIO does not necessarily fit all use cases and should be used only where appropriate: 
-  * handling of thousands of connections, a significant number of which can be idle 
-  * handling high latency connections
-  * request / response handling needs to be decoupled. 
- == Differences from other NIO frameworks ==
- Solves similar problems as other frameworks, but has certain distinct features:
-  * minimalistic, optimized for data volume intensive protocols such as HTTP
-  * efficient memory management: data consumer can read only as much input data as it can process without having to allocate more memory
-  * direct access to the NIO channels where possible
- == I/O reactor ==
- !HttpCore NIO is based on the Reactor pattern as described by Doug Lea. The purpose of I/O reactors is to react to I/O events and to dispatch event notifications to individual I/O sessions. The main idea of I/O reactor pattern is to break away from the one thread per connection model imposed by the classic blocking I/O model. The !IOReactor interface represents an abstract object implementing the Reactor pattern. Internally, !IOReactor implementations encapsulate functionality of the NIO !Selector.
- I/O reactors usually employ a small number of dispatch threads (often as few as one) to dispatch I/O event notifications to a much greater number (often as many as several thousands) of I/O sessions or connections. It is generally recommended to have one dispatch thread per CPU core.
- {{{
- HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
- int workerCount = 2;
- IOReactor ioreactor = new DefaultConnectingIOReactor(workerCount, params);
- }}}
- === I/O dispatchers ===
- !IOReactor implementations make use of the !IOEventDispatch interface to notify clients of events pending for a particular session. All methods of the !IOEventDispatch are executed on a dispatch thread of the I/O reactor. Therefore, it is important that processing that takes place in the event methods will not block the dispatch thread for too long, as the I/O reactor will be unable to react to other events. 
- {{{
- HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
- IOReactor ioreactor = new DefaultConnectingIOReactor(2, params);
- IOEventDispatch eventDispatch = new MyIOEventDispatch();
- ioreactor.execute(eventDispatch);
- }}}
- Generic I/O events as defined by the !IOEventDispatch interface
-  * connected: new session has been created
-  * inputReady: session has pending input
-  * outputReady: session is ready for output
-  * timeout: session timed out
-  * disconnected: session has been terminated
- === I/O reactor shutdown ===
- The shutdown of I/O reactors is a complex process and may usually take a while to complete. I/O reactors will attempt to gracefully terminate all active I/O sessions and dispatch threads approximately within the specified grace period. If any of the I/O sessions fails to terminate correctly, the I/O reactor will forcibly shut down remaining sessions.    
- {{{
- long gracePeriod = 3000L; // milliseconds
- ioreactor.shutdown(gracePeriod);
- }}}
- The !IOReactor#shutdown(long) method is safe to call from any thread.
- === I/O sessions ===
- The !IOSession interface represents a sequence of logically related data exchanges between two end points. !IOSession encapsulates functionality of NIO !SelectionKey and !SocketChannel. The channel associated with the !IOSession can be used to read data from and write data to the session.
- {{{
- IOSession iosession;
- ReadableByteChannel channel = (ReadableByteChannel);
- ByteBuffer dst = ByteBuffer.allocate(2048); 
- }}}
- === I/O session state management ===
- I/O sessions are not bound to an execution thread, therefore one cannot use the context of the thread to store a session's state. All details about a particular session must be stored within the session itself. 
- {{{
- IOSession iosession;
- Object someState;
- iosession.setAttribute("state", someState);
- Object currentState = iosession.getAttribute("state");
- }}}
- Please note that if several sessions make use of shared objects, access to those objects must be made thread-safe. 
- === I/O session event mask ===
- One can declare an interest in a particular type of I/O events for a particular I/O session by setting its event mask. 
- {{{
- IOSession iosession;
- iosession.setEventMask(SelectionKey.OP_READ | SelectionKey.OP_WRITE);
- }}}
- One can also toggle !OP_READ and !OP_WRITE flags individually.
- {{{
- iosession.setEvent(SelectionKey.OP_READ);
- iosession.clearEvent(SelectionKey.OP_READ);
- }}}
- Event notifications will not take place if the corresponding interest flag is not set.
- === I/O session buffers ===
- Quite often I/O sessions need to maintain internal I/O buffers in order to transform input / output data prior to returning it to the consumer or writing it to the underlying channel. Memory management in !HttpCore NIO is based on the fundamental principle that the data consumer can read only as much input data as it can process without having to allocate more memory. That means, quite often some input data may remain unread in one of the internal or external session buffers. The I/O reactor can query the status of these session buffers, and make sure the consumer gets notified correctly as more data gets stored in one of the session buffers, thus allowing the consumer to read the remaining data once it is able to process it. I/O sessions can be made aware of the status of external session buffers using the !SessionBufferStatus interface. 
- {{{
- IOSession iosession;
- iosession.hasBufferedInput();
- iosession.hasBufferedOutput();
- SessionBufferStatus myBufferStatus = new MySessionBufferStatus(); 
- iosession.setBufferStatus(myBufferStatus);
- }}}
- === I/O session shutdown ===
- One can close an I/O session gracefully by calling !IOSession#close() allowing the session to be closed in an orderly manner or by calling !IOSession#shutdown() to forcibly close the underlying channel. The distinction between two methods is of primary importance for those types of I/O sessions that involve some sort of a session termination handshake such as SSL/TLS connections.
- === Listening I/O reactors ===
- !ListeningIOReactor represents an I/O reactor capable of listening for incoming connections on one or several ports.
- {{{
- ListeningIOReactor ioreactor;
- ListenerEndpoint ep1 = ioreactor.listen(new InetSocketAddress(8081));
- ListenerEndpoint ep2 = ioreactor.listen(new InetSocketAddress(8082));
- ListenerEndpoint ep3 = ioreactor.listen(new InetSocketAddress(8083));
- // Wait until all endpoints are up
- ep1.waitFor();
- ep2.waitFor();
- ep3.waitFor();
- }}}
- Once an endpoint is fully initialized it starts accepting incoming connections and propagates I/O activity notifications to the !IOEventDispatch instance.
- One can obtain a set of registered endpoints at runtime, query the status of an endpoint at runtime, and close it if desired.
- {{{
- ListeningIOReactor ioreactor;
- Set<ListenerEndpoint> eps = ioreactor.getEndpoints();
- for (ListenerEndpoint ep: eps) {
-     // Still active?
-     System.out.println(ep.getAddress());
-     if (ep.isClosed()) {
-         // If not, has it terminated due to an exception?
-         if (ep.getException() != null) {
-             ep.getException().printStackTrace();
-         }
-     } else {
-         ep.close();
-     }
- }
- }}}
- === ConnectingIOReactor I/O reactors ===
- !ConnectingIOReactor represents an I/O reactor capable of establishing connections with remote hosts. 
- {{{
- ConnectingIOReactor ioreactor;
- SessionRequest sessionRequest = ioreactor.connect(
-         new InetSocketAddress("", 80), null, null, null);
- }}}
- Opening a connection to a remote host usually tends to be a time consuming process and may take a while to complete. One can monitor and control the process of session initialization by means of the !SessionRequest interface. 
- {{{
- // Make sure the request times out if no connection established after 1 sec
- sessionRequest.setConnectTimeout(1000);
- // Wait for the request to complete
- sessionRequest.waitFor();
- // Has request terminated due to an exception?
- if (sessionRequest.getException() != null) {
-     sessionRequest.getException().printStackTrace();
- }
- // Get hold of the new I/O session
- IOSession iosession = sessionRequest.getSession();
- }}}    
- !SessionRequest implementations are expected to be thread safe. Session request can be aborted at any time by calling !IOSession#cancel() from another thread of execution.
- {{{
- if (!sessionRequest.isCompleted()) {
-     sessionRequest.cancel();
- }
- }}}
- One can pass several optional parameters to the #connect() method to exert a greater control over the process of session initialization. 
- A non-null local socket address parameter can be used to bind the socket to a specific local address.
- {{{
- ConnectingIOReactor ioreactor;
- SessionRequest sessionRequest = ioreactor.connect(
-         new InetSocketAddress("", 80), 
-         new InetSocketAddress("", 1234), null, null);
- }}}
- One can provide an attachment object, which will be added to the new session's context upon initialization. This object can be used to pass an initial processing state to the protocol handler.
- {{{
- SessionRequest sessionRequest = ioreactor.connect(
-         new InetSocketAddress("", 80), 
-         null, new HttpHost(""), null);
- IOSession iosession = sessionRequest.getSession();
- HttpHost virtualHost = (HttpHost) iosession.getAttribute(IOSession.ATTACHMENT_KEY);
- }}}    
- It is often desirable to be able to react to the completion of a session request asynchronously without having to wait for it, blocking the current thread of execution. One can optionally provide an implementation !SessionRequestCallback interface to get notified of events related to session requests, such as request completion, cancellation, failure or timeout.
- {{{
- ConnectingIOReactor ioreactor;
- SessionRequest sessionRequest = ioreactor.connect(
-         new InetSocketAddress("", 80), null, null,
-         new SessionRequestCallback() {
-             public void cancelled(SessionRequest request) {
-             }
-             public void completed(SessionRequest request) {
-                 System.out.println("new connection to " + request.getRemoteAddress());
-             }
-             public void failed(SessionRequest request) {
-                 if (request.getException() != null) {
-                     request.getException().printStackTrace();
-                 }
-             }
-             public void timeout(SessionRequest request) {
-             }
-         });
- }}}    
- == I/O reactor exception handling ==
- Protocol specific exceptions as well as those I/O exceptions thrown in the course of interaction with the session's channel are to be expected are to be dealt with by specific protocol handlers. These exceptions may result in termination of an individual session but should not affect the I/O reactor and all other active sessions. There are situations, however, when the I/O reactor itself encounters an internal problem such as an I/O exception in the underlying NIO classes or an unhandled runtime exception. Those types of exceptions are usually fatal and will cause the I/O reactor to shut down automatically.
- There is a possibility to override this behaviour and prevent I/O reactors from shutting down automatically in case of a runtime exception or an I/O exception in internal classes. This can be accomplished by providing a custom implementation of the !IOReactorExceptionHandler interface.
- {{{
- DefaultConnectingIOReactor ioreactor;
- ioreactor.setExceptionHandler(new IOReactorExceptionHandler() {
-     public boolean handle(IOException ex) {
-         if (ex instanceof BindException) {
-             // bind failures considered OK to ignore
-             return true;
-         }
-         return false;
-     }
-     public boolean handle(RuntimeException ex) {
-         if (ex instanceof UnsupportedOperationException) {
-             // Unsupported operations considered OK to ignore
-             return true;
-         }
-         return false;
-     }
- });
- }}}
- One needs to be very careful about discarding exceptions indiscriminately. It is often much better to let the I/O reactor shut down itself cleanly and restart it rather than leaving it in an inconsistent or unstable state.
- === I/O reactor audit log ===
- If an I/O reactor is unable to automatically recover from an I/O or a runtime exception it will enter the shutdown mode. First off, it will close all active listeners and cancel all pending new session requests. Then it will attempt to close all active I/O sessions gracefully giving them some time to flush pending output data and terminate cleanly. Lastly, it will forcibly shut down those I/O sessions that still remain active after the grace period. This is a fairly complex process, where many things can fail at the same time and many different exceptions can be thrown in the course of the shutdown process. The I/O reactor will record all exceptions thrown during the shutdown process, including the original one that actually caused the shutdown in the first place, in an audit log. One can examine the audit log and decide whether it is safe to restart the I/O reactor.
- {{{
- DefaultConnectingIOReactor ioreactor;
- // Give it 5 sec grace period
- ioreactor.shutdown(5000);
- List<ExceptionEvent> events = ioreactor.getAuditLog();
- for (ExceptionEvent event: events) {
-     System.err.println("Time: " + event.getTimestamp());
-     event.getCause().printStackTrace();
- }
- }}}
- == Non-blocking HTTP connections ==
- Effectively non-blocking HTTP connections are wrappers around !IOSession with HTTP specific functionality. Non-blocking HTTP connections are stateful and not thread safe. Input / output operations on non-blocking HTTP connections should be restricted to the dispatch events triggered by the I/O event dispatch thread. 
- === Execution context of non-blocking HTTP connections ===
- Non-blocking HTTP connections are not bound to a particular thread of execution and therefore they need to maintain their own execution context. Each non-blocking HTTP connection has an !HttpContext instance associated with it, which can be used to maintain a processing state. The !HttpContext instance is thread safe and can be manipulated from multiple threads.
- {{{
- // Get non-blocking HTTP connection
- DefaultNHttpClientConnection conn;
- // State
- Object myStateObject;
- HttpContext context = conn.getContext();
- context.setAttribute("state", myStateObject);
- }}}
- === Working with non-blocking HTTP connections ===
- At any point of time one can obtain the request and response objects currently being transferred over the non-blocking HTTP connection. Any of these objects, or both, can be null if there is no incoming or outgoing message currently being transferred.
- {{{
- NHttpConnection conn;
- HttpRequest request = conn.getHttpRequest();
- if (request != null) {
-     System.out.println("Transferring request: " + request.getRequestLine());
- }
- HttpResponse response = conn.getHttpResponse();
- if (response != null) {
-     System.out.println("Transferring response: " + response.getStatusLine());
- }
- }}}
- However, please note that the current request and the current response may not necessarily represent the same message exchange! Non-blocking HTTP connections can operate in a full duplex mode. One can process incoming and outgoing messages completely independently from one another. This makes non-blocking HTTP connections fully pipelining capable, but at same time implies that this is the job of the protocol handler to match logically related request and the response messages.
- Over-simplified process of submitting a request on the client side may look like this:
- {{{
- // Obtain HTTP connection
- NHttpClientConnection conn;
- // Obtain execution context
- HttpContext context = conn.getContext();
- // Obtain processing state
- Object state = context.getAttribute("state");
- // Generate a request based on the state information
- HttpRequest request = new BasicHttpRequest("GET", "/");
- conn.submitRequest(request);
- System.out.println(conn.isRequestSubmitted());
- }}}
- Over-simplified process of submitting a response on the server side may look like this:
- {{{
- // Obtain HTTP connection
- NHttpServerConnection conn;
- // Obtain execution context
- HttpContext context = conn.getContext();
- // Obtain processing state
- Object state = context.getAttribute("state");
- // Generate a response based on the state information
- HttpResponse response = new BasicHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpStatus.SC_OK, "OK");
- BasicHttpEntity entity = new BasicHttpEntity();
- entity.setContentType("text/plain");
- entity.setChunked(true);
- response.setEntity(entity);
- conn.submitResponse(response);
- System.out.println(conn.isResponseSubmitted());
- }}}
- Please note that one should rarely need to transmit messages using these low level methods and should use appropriate higher level HTTP service implementations instead.
- === I/O control ===
- All non-blocking HTTP connections classes implement !IOControl interface, which represents a subset of connection functionality for controlling interest in I/O even notifications. !IOControl instances are expected to be fully thread safe. Therefore !IOControl can be used to request / suspend I/O event notifications from any thread. 
- One must take special precautions when interacting with non-blocking connections. !HttpRequest and !HttpResponse are not thread safe. It is generally advisable that all input / output operations on a non-blocking connection are executed from the I/O event dispatch thread.   
- The following pattern is recommended:
-  * Use !IOControl interface to pass control over connection's I/O events to another thread / session.
-  * If input / output operations need be executed on that particular connection, store all the required information (state) in the connection context and request the appropriate I/O operation by calling !IOControl#requestInput() or !IOControl#requestOutput() method
-  * Execute the required operations from the event method on the dispatch thread using information stored in connection context.
- Please note all operations that take place in the event methods should not block for too long, because while the dispatch thread remains blocked in one session, it is unable to process events for all other sessions. I/O operations with the underlying channel of the session are not a problem as they are guaranteed to be non-blocking.  
- === Non-blocking content transfer ===
- The process of content transfer for non-blocking connections works completely differently compared to that of blocking connections, as non-blocking connections need to accommodate to the asynchronous nature of the NIO model. The main distinction between two types of connections is inability to use the usual, but inherently blocking !InputStream and !OutputStream classes to represent streams of inbound and outbound content. HttpCore NIO provides !ContentEncoder and !ContentDecoder interfaces to handle the process of asynchronous content transfer. Non-blocking HTTP connections will instantiate the appropriate implementation of a content codec based on properties of the entity enclosed with the message.   
- Non-blocking HTTP connections will fire input events until the content entity is fully transferred.
- {{{
- //Obtain content decoder
- ContentDecoder decoder;
- //Read data in
- ByteBuffer dst = ByteBuffer.allocate(2048); 
- // Decode will be marked as complete when the content entity is fully transferred
- if (decoder.isCompleted()) {
-     // Done
- }
- }}}
- Non-blocking HTTP connections will fire output events until the content entity is marked as fully transferred.
- {{{
- // Obtain content encoder
- ContentEncoder encoder;
- // Prepare output data 
- ByteBuffer src = ByteBuffer.allocate(2048); 
- // Write data out
- encoder.write(src);
- // Mark content entity as fully transferred when done
- encoder.complete();
- }}}
- Please note, one still has to provide an !HttpEntity instance when submitting an entity enclosing message to the non-blocking HTTP connection. Properties of that entity will be used to initialize an !ContentEncoder instance to be used for transferring entity content. Non-blocking HTTP connections, however, ignore inherently blocking !HttpEntity#getContent() and !HttpEntity#writeTo() methods of the enclosed entities. 
- {{{
- // Obtain HTTP connection
- NHttpServerConnection conn;
- HttpResponse response = new BasicHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpStatus.SC_OK, "OK");
- BasicHttpEntity entity = new BasicHttpEntity();
- entity.setContentType("text/plain");
- entity.setChunked(true);
- entity.setContent(null);
- response.setEntity(entity);
- conn.submitResponse(response);
- }}}
- Likewise, incoming entity enclosing message will have an !HttpEntity instance associated with them, but an attempt to call !HttpEntity#getContent() or !HttpEntity#writeTo() methods will cause an !IllegalStateException. The !HttpEntity instance can be used to determine properties of the incoming entity such as content length.
- {{{
- // Obtain HTTP connection
- NHttpClientConnection conn;
- HttpResponse response = conn.getHttpResponse();
- HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
- if (entity != null) {
-     System.out.println(entity.getContentType());
-     System.out.println(entity.getContentLength());
-     System.out.println(entity.isChunked());
- }
- }}}
- === Supported non-blocking content transfer mechanisms ===
- Default implementations of the non-blocking HTTP connection interfaces support three content transfer mechanisms defined by the HTTP/1.1 specification:
-  * Content-Length delimited
- The end of the content entity is determined by the value of the !Content-Length header. Maximum entity length: Long#MAX_VALUE.
-  * Identity coding
- The end of the content entity is demarcated by closing the underlying connection (EOF condition). For obvious reasons the identity encoding can only be used on the server side. Max entity length: unlimited.
-  * Chunk coding
- The content is sent in small chunks. Max entity length: unlimited.
- The appropriate content codec will be created automatically depending on properties of the entity enclosed with the message.
- === Direct channel I/O ===
- Content codes are optimized to read data directly from or write data directly to the underlying I/O session's channel, whenever possible avoiding intermediate buffering in a session buffer. Moreover, those codecs that do not perform any content transformation such as !Content-Length delimited and identity can leverage NIO !FileChannel methods for significantly improved performance of file transfer operations both inbound and outbound.  
- If the actual content decoder implements !FileContentDecoder one can make use of its methods to read incoming content directly to a file bypassing an intermediate !ByteBuffer.
- {{{
- //Obtain content decoder
- ContentDecoder decoder;
- //Prepare file channel
- FileChannel dst;
- //Make use of direct file I/O if possible
- if (decoder instanceof FileContentDecoder) {
-     long Bytesread = ((FileContentDecoder) decoder).transfer(dst, 0, 2048);
-      // Decode will be marked as complete when the content entity is fully transmitted
-      if (decoder.isCompleted()) {
-          // Done
-      }
- }
- }}}
- If the actual content encoder implements !FileContentEncoder one can make use of its methods to write outgoing content directly from a file bypassing an intermediate !ByteBuffer.
- {{{
- // Obtain content encoder
- ContentEncoder encoder;
- // Prepare file channel
- FileChannel src;
- // Make use of direct file I/O if possible
- if (encoder instanceof FileContentEncoder) {
-     // Write data out
-     long bytesWritten = ((FileContentEncoder) encoder).transfer(src, 0, 2048); 
-     // Mark content entity as fully transferred when done
-     encoder.complete();
- }
- }}}
- == HTTP I/O event dispatchers ==
- HTTP I/O event dispatchers serve to convert generic I/O events triggered by an I/O reactor to HTTP protocol specific events. They rely on !NHttpClientHandler and !NHttpServiceHandler interfaces to propagate HTTP protocol events to a HTTP protocol handler.
- Server side HTTP I/O events as defined by the !NHttpServiceHandler interface
-  * connected: triggered when a new incoming connection is created
-  * requestReceived: triggered when a new HTTP request is received. The connection passed as a parameter to this method is guaranteed to return a valid HTTP request object. If the request received encloses a request entity this method will be followed a series of inputReady events to transfer the request content
-  * inputReady: triggered when the underlying channel is ready for reading a new portion of the request entity through the corresponding content decoder. If the content consumer is unable to process the incoming content, input event notifications can be temporarily suspended using !IOControl interface.
-  * responseReady: triggered when the connection is ready to accept new HTTP response. The protocol handler does not have to submit a response if it is not ready. 
-  * outputReady: triggered when the underlying channel is ready for writing a next portion of the response entity through the corresponding content encoder. If the content producer is unable to generate the outgoing content, output event notifications can be temporarily suspended using !IOControl interface.
-  * exception: triggered when an I/O error occurrs while reading from or writing to the underlying channel or when an HTTP protocol violation occurs while receiving an HTTP request.
-  * timeout: triggered when no input is detected on this connection over the maximum period of inactivity.
-  * closed: triggered when the connection is closed.
- Client side HTTP I/O events as defined by the !NHttpClientHandler interface
-  * connected: triggered when a new outgoing connection is created. The attachment object passed as a parameter to this event is an arbitrary object that was attached to the session request.
-  * requestReady: triggered when the connection is ready to accept new HTTP request. The protocol handler does not have to submit a request if it is not ready. 
-  * outputReady: triggered when the underlying channel is ready for writing a next portion of the request entity through the corresponding content encoder. If the content producer is unable to generate the outgoing content, output event notifications can be temporarily suspended using !IOControl interface.
-  * responseReceived: triggered when an HTTP response is received. The connection passed as a parameter to this method is guaranteed to return a valid HTTP response object. If the response received encloses a response entity this method will be followed a series of inputReady events to transfer the response content.
-  * inputReady: triggered when the underlying channel is ready for reading a new portion of the response entity through the corresponding content decoder. If the content consumer is unable to process the incoming content, input event notifications can be temporarily suspended using !IOControl interface.
-  * exception: triggered when an I/O error occurs while reading from or writing to the underlying channel or when an HTTP protocol violation occurs while receiving an HTTP response.
-  * timeout: triggered when no input is detected on this connection over the maximum period of inactivity.
-  * closed: triggered when the connection is closed.
- == Non-blocking HTTP entities ==
- As discussed previously the process of content transfer for non-blocking connections works completely differently compared to that for blocking connections. For obvious reasons classic I/O abstraction based on inherently blocking !InputStream and !OutputStream classes is not applicable to the asynchronous process of data transfer. Therefore, non-blocking HTTP entities provide NIO specific extensions to the !HttpEntity interface: !ProducingNHttpEntity and !ConsumingNHttpEntity interfaces. Implementation classes of these interfaces may throw UnsupportedOperationException from #getContent() or #writeTo() if a particular implementation is unable to represent its content stream as instance of !InputStream or cannot stream its content out to an !OutputStream.
- === Content consuming non-blocking HTTP entity ===
- !ConsumingNHttpEntity interface represents a non-blocking entity that allows content to be consumed from a content decoder. !ConsumingNHttpEntity extends the base !HttpEntity interface with a number of NIO specific notification methods:
-  * consumeContent: notification that content is available to be read from the decoder. !IOControl instance passed as a parameter to the method can be used to suspend input events if the entity is temporarily unable to allocate more storage to accommodate all incoming content.
-  * finish: notification that any resources allocated for reading can be released.
- The following implementations of !ConsumingNHttpEntity provided by !HttpCore NIO:
-   a. [#BufferingNHttpEntity BufferingNHttpEntity]
-   a. [#ConsumingNHttpEntityTemplate ConsumingNHttpEntityTemplate]
- [[Anchor(BufferingNHttpEntity)]]
- === BufferingNHttpEntity ===
- !BufferingNHttpEntity is a subclass of !HttpEntityWrapper that consumes all incoming content into memory. Once the content body has been fully received it can be retrieved as an InputStream via !HttpEntity#getContent(), or written to an output stream via !HttpEntity#writeTo().
- [[Anchor(ConsumingNHttpEntityTemplate)]]
- === ConsumingNHttpEntityTemplate ===
- !ConsumingNHttpEntityTemplate is a subclass of !HttpEntityWrapper that decorates the incoming HTTP entity and delegates the handling of incoming content to a !ContentListener instance.
- {{{
- static class FileWriteListener implements ContentListener {
-     private final FileChannel fileChannel;
-     private long idx = 0;
-     public FileWriteListener(File file) throws IOException {
-         this.fileChannel = new FileInputStream(file).getChannel();
-     }
-     public void contentAvailable(ContentDecoder decoder, IOControl ioctrl) throws IOException {
-         long transferred;
-         if (decoder instanceof FileContentDecoder) {
-             transferred = ((FileContentDecoder) decoder).transfer(
-                     fileChannel, idx, Long.MAX_VALUE);
-         } else {
-             transferred = fileChannel.transferFrom(
-                     new ContentDecoderChannel(decoder), idx, Long.MAX_VALUE);
-         }
-         if (transferred > 0) {
-             idx += transferred;
-         }
-     }
-     public void finished() {
-         try {
-             fileChannel.close();
-         } catch(IOException ignored) {}
-     }
- }
- HttpEntity incomingEntity;
- File file = new File("buffer.bin");
- ConsumingNHttpEntity entity = new ConsumingNHttpEntityTemplate(
-         incomingEntity, 
-         new FileWriteListener(file)); 
- }}}
- === Content producing non-blocking HTTP entity ===
- !ProducingNHttpEntity interface represents a non-blocking entity that allows content to be written to a content encoder. !ProducingNHttpEntity extends the base !HttpEntity interface with a number of NIO specific notification methods:
-  * produceContent: notification that content can be written to the encoder. !IOControl instance passed as a parameter to the method can be used to temporarily suspend output events if the entity is unable to produce more content. Please note one must call !ContentEncoder#complete() to inform the underlying connection that all content has been written. Failure to do so could result in the entity never being correctly delimited. 
-  * finish: notification that any resources allocated for writing can be released.
- The following implementations of !ProducingNHttpEntity provided by !HttpCore NIO:
-   a. [#NByteArrayEntity NByteArrayEntity]
-   a. [#NStringEntity NStringEntity]
-   a. [#NFileEntity NFileEntity]
- [[Anchor(NByteArrayEntity)]]
- === NByteArrayEntity ===
- This is a simple self contained repeatable entity, which receives its content from a given byte array. This byte array is supplied to the constructor.
- {{{
- String myData = "Hello world on the other side!!";
- NByteArrayEntity entity = new NByteArrayEntity(myData.getBytes()); 
- }}}
- [[Anchor(NStringEntity)]]
- === NStringEntity ===
- It's is a simple, self contained, repeatable entity that retrieves its data from a String object.
- It has 2 constructors, one simply constructs with a given String object where the other also takes a character encoding for the data in the String.
- {{{
- String myData = "Hello world on the other side!!";
- // construct without a character encoding
- NStringEntity myEntity1 = new NStringEntity(myData);
- // alternatively construct with an encoding
- NStringEntity myEntity2 = new NStringEntity(myData, "UTF-8");
- }}}
- [[Anchor(NFileEntity)]]
- === NFileEntity ===
- This entity reads its content body from a file. This class is mostly used to stream large files of different types, so one needs to supply the content type of the file to make sure the content can be correctly recognized and processed by the recipient.
- {{{File staticFile = new File("/path/to/myapp.jar");
- NHttpEntity entity = new NFileEntity(staticFile, "application/java-archive");
- }}}
- The !NHttpEntity will make use of the direct channel I/O whenever possible, provided the content encoder is capable of transferring data directly from a file to the socket of the underlying connection.
- == Non-blocking HTTP protocol handlers ==
- === Asynchronous HTTP service handler ===
- !AsyncNHttpServiceHandler is a fully asynchronous HTTP server side protocol handler that implements the essential requirements of the HTTP protocol for the server side message processing as described by RFC 2616. !AsyncNHttpServiceHandler is capable of processing HTTP requests with nearly constant memory footprint for individual HTTP connections. The handler stores headers of HTTP messages in memory, while content of message bodies is streamed directly from the entity to the underlying channel (and vice versa) using !ConsumingNHttpEntity and !ProducingNHttpEntity interfaces. 
- When using this implementation, it is important to ensure that entities supplied for writing implement !ProducingNHttpEntity. Doing so will allow the entity to be written out asynchronously. If entities supplied for writing do not implement the !ProducingNHttpEntity interface, a delegate is added that buffers the entire contents in memory. Additionally, the buffering might take place in the I/O dispatch thread, which could cause I/O to block temporarily. For best results, one must ensure that all entities set on !HttpResponses from !NHttpRequestHandlers implement !ProducingNHttpEntity.
- If incoming requests enclose a content entity, !NHttpRequestHandlers are expected to return a !ConsumingNHttpEntity for reading the content. After the entity is finished reading the data, !NHttpRequestHandler#handle() method is called to generate a response. 
- !AsyncNHttpServiceHandler relies on !HttpProcessor to generate mandatory protocol headers for all outgoing messages and apply common, cross-cutting message transformations to all incoming and outgoing messages, whereas individual HTTP request handlers are expected to take care of application specific content generation and processing.
- {{{
- HttpParams params;
- // Initialize HTTP parameters
- HttpProcessor httpproc;
- // Initialize HTTP processor
- AsyncNHttpServiceHandler handler = new AsyncNHttpServiceHandler(
-         httpproc,
-         new DefaultHttpResponseFactory(),
-         new DefaultConnectionReuseStrategy(),
-         params);
- }}}
- ==== Non-blocking HTTP request handlers ====
- !NHttpRequestHandler interface represents a routine for processing of a specific group of non-blocking HTTP requests. !NHttpServiceHandler implementations are expected to take care of protocol specific aspects, whereas individual request handlers are expected take care of application specific HTTP processing. The main purpose of a request handler is to generate a response object with a content entity to be send back to the client in response to the given request.
- {{{
- NHttpRequestHandler myRequestHandler = new NHttpRequestHandler() {
-     public ConsumingNHttpEntity entityRequest(
-             HttpEntityEnclosingRequest request, 
-             HttpContext context) throws HttpException, IOException {
-         // Buffer imcoming content in memory for simplicity 
-         return new BufferingNHttpEntity(request.getEntity(),
-                 new HeapByteBufferAllocator());
-     }
-     public void handle(
-             HttpRequest request, 
-             HttpResponse response,
-             NHttpResponseTrigger trigger,
-             HttpContext context) throws HttpException, IOException {
-         response.setStatusCode(HttpStatus.SC_OK);
-         response.addHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
-         response.setEntity(new NStringEntity("some important message"));
-         // Submit response immediately for simplicity
-         trigger.submitResponse(response);
-     }
- };
- }}}
- Request handlers must be implemented in a thread safe manner. Similarly to servlets, request handlers should not use instance variables unless access to those variables are synchronized.
- ==== Asynchronous response trigger ====
- The most fundamental difference of the non-blocking request handlers compared to their blocking counterparts is ability to defer transmission of the HTTP response back to the client without blocking the I/O thread by delegating the process of handling the HTTP request to a worker thread. The worker thread can use the instance of !NHttpResponseTrigger passed as a parameter to the !NHttpRequestHandler#handle method to submit a response as at a later point of time once the response becomes available.
- {{{
- NHttpRequestHandler myRequestHandler = new NHttpRequestHandler() {
-     public ConsumingNHttpEntity entityRequest(
-             HttpEntityEnclosingRequest request, 
-             HttpContext context) throws HttpException, IOException {
-         // Buffer imcoming content in memory for simplicity 
-         return new BufferingNHttpEntity(request.getEntity(),
-                 new HeapByteBufferAllocator());
-     }
-     public void handle(
-             final HttpRequest request, 
-             final HttpResponse response,
-             final NHttpResponseTrigger trigger,
-             final HttpContext context) throws HttpException, IOException {
-         new Thread() {
-             @Override
-             public void run() {
-                 try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch(InterruptedException ie) {}
-                 try {
-                     URI uri = new URI(request.getRequestLine().getUri());
-                     response.setStatusCode(HttpStatus.SC_OK);
-                     response.addHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
-                     response.setEntity(new NStringEntity("some important message"));
-                     trigger.submitResponse(response);                    
-                 } catch(URISyntaxException ex) {
-                     trigger.handleException(new HttpException("Invalid request URI: " + ex.getInput()));
-                 }
-             }
-         }.start();
-     }
- };
- }}}
- Please note !HttpResponse objects are not thread safe and may not be modified concurrently. Non-blocking request handlers must ensure the HTTP response cannot be accessed by more than one thread at a time.
- ==== Non-blocking request handler resolver ====
- The management of non-blocking HTTP request handlers is quite similar to that of blocking HTTP request handlers. Usually an instance of !NHttpRequestHandlerResolver is used to maintain a registry of request handlers and to matches a request URI to a particular request handler. !HttpCore includes only a very simple implementation of the request handler resolver based on a trivial pattern matching algorithm: !NHttpRequestHandlerRegistry supports only three formats: *, <uri>* and *<uri>.
- {{{
- // Initialize asynchronous protocol handler
- AsyncNHttpServiceHandler handler;
- NHttpRequestHandlerRegistry handlerResolver = new NHttpRequestHandlerRegistry();
- handlerReqistry.register("/service/*", myRequestHandler1);
- handlerReqistry.register("*.do", myRequestHandler2);
- handlerReqistry.register("*", myRequestHandler3);
- handler.setHandlerResolver(handlerResolver);
- }}}
- Users are encouraged to provide more sophisticated implementations of !NHttpRequestHandlerResolver, for instance, based on regular expressions.
- === Asynchronous HTTP client handler ===
- !AsyncNHttpClientHandler is a fully asynchronous HTTP client side protocol handler that implements the essential requirements of the HTTP protocol for the client side message processing as described by RFC 2616. !AsyncNHttpClientHandler is capable of executing HTTP requests with nearly constant memory footprint for individual HTTP connections. The handler stores headers of HTTP messages in memory, while content of message bodies is streamed directly from the entity to the underlying channel (and vice versa) using !ConsumingNHttpEntity and !ProducingNHttpEntity interfaces. 
- When using this implementation, it is important to ensure that entities supplied for writing implement !ProducingNHttpEntity. Doing so will allow the entity to be written out asynchronously. If entities supplied for writing do not implement the !ProducingNHttpEntity interface, a delegate is added that buffers the entire contents in memory. Additionally, the buffering might take place in the I/O dispatch thread, which could cause I/O to block temporarily. For best results, one must ensure that all entities set on !HttpRequests from !NHttpRequestExecutionHandler implement !ProducingNHttpEntity.
- If incoming responses enclose a content entity, !NHttpRequestExecutionHandler is expected to return a !ConsumingNHttpEntity for reading the content. After the entity is finished reading the data, !NHttpRequestExecutionHandler#handleResponse() method is called to process the response. 
- !AsyncNHttpClientHandler relies on !HttpProcessor to generate mandatory protocol headers for all outgoing messages and apply common, cross-cutting message transformations to all incoming and outgoing messages, whereas HTTP request executor is expected to take care of application specific content generation and processing.
- {{{
- //  Initialize HTTP parameters
- HttpParams params;
- //Initialize HTTP processor
- HttpProcessor httpproc;
- //Create HTTP request execution handler
- NHttpRequestExecutionHandler execHandler;
- AsyncNHttpClientHandler handler = new AsyncNHttpClientHandler(
-          httpproc,
-          execHandler,
-          new DefaultConnectionReuseStrategy(),
-          params);
- }}}
- ==== Asynchronous HTTP request execution handler ====
- Asynchronous HTTP request execution handler can be used by client-side protocol handlers to trigger the submission of a new HTTP request and the processing of an HTTP response. 
- HTTP request execution exents as defined by the !NHttpRequestExecutionHandler interface:
-  * initalizeContext: triggered when a new connection has been established and the HTTP context needs to be initialized. The attachment object passed to this method is the same object which was passed to the connecting I/O reactor when the connection request was made. The attachment may optionally contain some state information required in order to correctly initialize the HTTP context.
-  * submitRequest: triggered when the underlying connection is ready to send a new HTTP request to the target host. This method may return null if the client is not yet ready to send a request. In this case the connection will remain open and can be activated at a later point. If the request encloses an entity, the entity must be an instance of !ProducingNHttpEntity.
-  * responseEntity: triggered when a response is received with an entity. This method should return a !ConsumingNHttpEntity that will be used to consume the entity. Null is a valid response value, and will indicate that the entity should be silently ignored. After the entity is fully consumed, #handleResponse method is called to notify a full response & entity are ready to be processed.
-  * handleResponse: triggered when an HTTP response is ready to be processed.
-  * finalizeContext: triggered when the connection is terminated. This event can be used to release objects stored in the context or perform some other kind of cleanup.
- {{{
- NHttpRequestExecutionHandler execHandler = new NHttpRequestExecutionHandler() {
-     private final static String DONE_FLAG = "done";
-     public void initalizeContext(HttpContext context, Object attachment) {
-         if (attachment != null) {
-             HttpHost virtualHost = (HttpHost) attachment;
-             context.setAttribute(ExecutionContext.HTTP_TARGET_HOST, virtualHost);
-         }
-     }
-     public void finalizeContext(HttpContext context) {
-         context.removeAttribute(DONE_FLAG);
-     }
-     public HttpRequest submitRequest(HttpContext context) {
-         // Submit HTTP GET once
-         Object done = context.getAttribute(DONE_FLAG);
-         if (done == null) {
-             context.setAttribute(DONE_FLAG, Boolean.TRUE);
-             return new BasicHttpRequest("GET", "/");
-         } else {
-             return null;
-         }
-     }
-     public ConsumingNHttpEntity responseEntity(HttpResponse response, HttpContext context) throws IOException {
-         // Buffer imcoming content in memory for simplicity 
-         return new BufferingNHttpEntity(response.getEntity(),
-                 new HeapByteBufferAllocator());
-     }
-     public void handleResponse(HttpResponse response, HttpContext context) throws IOException {
-         System.out.println(response.getStatusLine());
-         if (response.getEntity() != null) {
-             System.out.println(EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()));
-         }
-     }
- };
- }}}
- === Compatibility with blocking I/O ===
- In addition to asynchronous protocol handlers described above HttpCore ships two variants of HTTP protocol handlers that emulate blocking I/O model on top of non-blocking one and allow message content to be produced and consumed using standard OutputStream / InputStream API. Compatibility protocol handlers can work with HTTP request handlers and request executors that rely on blocking HttpEntity implementations.
- Compatibility protocol handlers rely on !HttpProcessor to generate mandatory protocol headers for all outgoing messages and apply common, cross-cutting message transformations to all incoming and outgoing messages, whereas individual HTTP request executors / HTTP request processors are expected to take care of application specific content generation and processing.
- ==== Buffering protocol handlers ====
- !BufferingHttpServiceHandler and !BufferingHttpClientHandler are protocol handler implementations that provide compatibility with the blocking I/O by storing the full content of HTTP messages in memory. Request / response processing callbacks fire only when the entire message content has been read into a in-memory buffer. Please note that request execution / request processing take place the main I/O thread and therefore individual HTTP request executors / request handlers must ensure they do not block indefinitely. 
- Buffering  protocol handler should be used only when dealing with HTTP messages that are known to be limited in length.
- ==== Throttling protocol handlers ====
- !ThrottlingHttpServiceHandler and !ThrottlingHttpClientHandler are protocol handler implementations that provide compatibility with the blocking I/O model by utilizing shared content buffers and a fairly small pool of worker threads. The throttling protocol handlers allocate input / output buffers of a constant length upon initialization and control the rate of I/O events in order to ensure those content buffers does not ever overflow. This helps ensure nearly constant memory footprint for HTTP connections and avoid out of memory conditions while streaming content in and out. Request / response processing callbacks fire immediately when a message is received. The throttling protocol handlers delegate the task of processing requests and generating response content to an !Executor, which is expected to perform those tasks using dedicated worker threads in order to avoid blocking the I/O thread.
- Usually throttling protocol handlers need only a modest number of worker threads, much fewer than the number of concurrent connections. If the length of the message is smaller or about the size of the shared content buffer worker thread will just store content in the buffer and terminate almost immediately without blocking. The I/O dispatch thread in its turn will take care of sending out the buffered content asynchronously. The worker thread will have to block only when processing large messages and the shared buffer fills up. It is generally advisable to allocate shared buffers of a size of an average content body for optimal performance.
- === Connection event listener ===
- Protocol handlers like the rest of !HttpCore classes do not do logging in order to not impose a choice of a logging framework onto the users. However one can add logging of the most important connection events by injecting a !EventListener implementation into the protocol handler.
- Connection events as defined by the !EventListener interface:
-  * fatalIOException: triggered when an I/O error caused a connection to be terminated.
-  * fatalProtocolException: triggered when an HTTP protocol error caused a connection to be terminated.
-  * connectionOpen: triggered when a new connection has been established.
-  * connectionClosed: triggered when a connection has been terminated.
-  * connectionTimeout: triggered when a connection has timed out.
- == Non-blocking TLS/SSL ==
- === SSL I/O session ===
- !SSLIOSession is a decorator class intended to transparently extend any arbitrary !IOSession with transport layer security capabilities based on the SSL/TLS protocol. Individual protocol handlers should be able to work with SSL sessions without special preconditions or modifications. However, I/O dispatchers need to take some additional actions to ensure correct functioning of the transport layer encryption.
-  * When the underlying I/O session has been  created, the I/O dispatch must call !SSLIOSession#bind() method in order to put the SSL session either into a client or a server mode.
-  * When the underlying I/O session is input ready, the I/O dispatcher should check whether the SSL I/O session is ready to produce input data by calling !SSLIOSession#isAppInputReady(), pass control to the protocol handler if it is, and finally call !SSLIOSession#inboundTransport() method in order to do the necessary SSL handshaking and decrypt input data.
-  * When the underlying I/O session is output ready, the I/O dispatcher should check whether the SSL I/O session is ready to accept output data by calling !SSLIOSession#isAppOutputReady(), pass control to the protocol handler if it is, and finally call !SSLIOSession#outboundTransport() method in order to do the nessary SSL handshaking and encrypt application data.
- ==== SSL I/O session handler ====
- Applications can customize various aspects of the TLS/SSl protocol by passing a custom implementation of the !SSLIOSessionHandler interface.
- SSL events as defined by the !SSLIOSessionHandler interface:
-  * initalize: triggered when the SSL connection is being initialized. The handler can use this callback to customize properties of the !SSLEngine used to establish the SSL session.
-  * verify: triggered when the SSL connection has been established and initial SSL handshake has been successfully completed. The handler can use this callback to verify properties of the !SSLSession. For instance this would be the right place to enforce SSL cipher strength, validate certificate chain and do hostname checks.
- {{{
- // Get hold of new I/O session
- IOSession iosession; 
- // Initialize default SSL context
- SSLContext sslcontext = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
- sslcontext.init(null, null, null);
- SSLIOSession sslsession = new SSLIOSession(iosession, sslcontext, new SSLIOSessionHandler() {
-     public void initalize(SSLEngine sslengine, HttpParams params) throws SSLException {
-         // Ask clients to authenticate
-         sslengine.setWantClientAuth(true);
-         // Enforce strong ciphers 
-         sslengine.setEnabledCipherSuites(new String[] {
-                 "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA",
-                 "TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA",
-                 "TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA" });
-     }
-     public void verify(SocketAddress remoteAddress, SSLSession session) throws SSLException {
-         X509Certificate[] certs = session.getPeerCertificateChain();
-         // Examine peer certificate chain
-         for (X509Certificate cert: certs) {
-             System.out.println(cert.toString());
-         }
-     }
- }); 
- }}}
- === SSL I/O event dispatches ===
- !HttpCore provides !SSLClientIOEventDispatch and !SSLServerIOEventDispatch I/O dispatch implementations that can be used to SSL enable connections managed by any arbitrary I/O reactor. The dispatches take all the necessary actions to wrap active I/O sessions with the SSL I/O session decorator and ensure correct handling of the SSL protocol handshaking.
- = Advanced topics =
- == HTTP message parsing and formatting framework ==
- HTTP message processing framework is designed to be expressive and flexible while remaining memory efficient and fast. !HttpCore HTTP message processing code achieves near zero intermediate garbage and near zero-copy buffering for its parsing and formatting operations. The same HTTP message parsing and formatting API and implementations are used by both the blocking and non-blocking transport implementations, which helps ensure a consistent behavior of HTTP services regardless of the I/O model.
- === HTTP line parsing and formatting ===
- !HttpCore utilizes a number of low level components for all its line parsing and formatting methods. 
- !CharArrayBuffer represents a sequence of characters, usually a single line in an HTTP message stream such as a request line, a status line or a header. Internally !CharArrayBuffer is backed by an array of chars, which can be expanded to accommodate more input if needed. !CharArrayBuffer also provides a number of utility methods for manipulating content of the buffer, storing more data and retrieving subsets of data.
- {{{
- CharArrayBuffer buf = new CharArrayBuffer(64); 
- buf.append("header:  data ");
- int i = buf.indexOf(':');
- String s = buf.substringTrimmed(i + 1, buf.length());
- System.out.println(s);
- System.out.println(s.length());
- }}}
- stdout >
- {{{
- data
- 4
- }}}
- !ParserCursor represents a context of a parsing operation: the bounds limiting the scope of the parsing operation and the current position the parsing operation is expected to start at. 
- {{{
- CharArrayBuffer buf = new CharArrayBuffer(64); 
- buf.append("header:  data ");
- int i = buf.indexOf(':');
- ParserCursor cursor = new ParserCursor(0, buf.length()); 
- cursor.updatePos(i + 1);
- System.out.println(cursor);
- }}}
- stdout >
- {{{
- [0>7>14]
- }}}
- !LineParser is the interface for parsing lines in the HEAD section of an HTTP message. There are individual methods for parsing a request line, a status line, or a header line. The lines to parse are passed in memory, the parser does not depend on any specific I/O mechanism.
- {{{
- CharArrayBuffer buf = new CharArrayBuffer(64); 
- buf.append("HTTP/1.1 200");
- ParserCursor cursor = new ParserCursor(0, buf.length()); 
- LineParser parser = new BasicLineParser();
- ProtocolVersion ver = parser.parseProtocolVersion(buf, cursor);
- System.out.println(ver);
- System.out.println(buf.substringTrimmed(cursor.getPos(), cursor.getUpperBound()));
- }}}
- stdout >
- {{{
- HTTP/1.1
- 200
- }}}
- {{{
- CharArrayBuffer buf = new CharArrayBuffer(64); 
- buf.append("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
- ParserCursor cursor = new ParserCursor(0, buf.length()); 
- LineParser parser = new BasicLineParser();
- StatusLine sl = parser.parseStatusLine(buf, cursor);
- System.out.println(sl.getReasonPhrase());
- }}}
- stdout >
- {{{
- OK
- }}}
- !LineFormatter for formatting elements of the HEAD section of an HTTP message. This is the complement to !LineParser. There are individual methods for formatting a request line, a status line, or a header line. 
- Please note the formatting does not include the trailing line break sequence CR-LF.
- {{{
- CharArrayBuffer buf = new CharArrayBuffer(64); 
- LineFormatter formatter = new BasicLineFormatter();
- formatter.formatRequestLine(buf, new BasicRequestLine("GET", "/", HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1));
- System.out.println(buf.toString());
- formatter.formatHeader(buf, new BasicHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain"));
- System.out.println(buf.toString());
- }}}
- stdout >
- {{{
- GET / HTTP/1.1
- Content-Type: text/plain
- }}}
- !HeaderValueParser is the interface for parsing header values into elements. 
- {{{
- CharArrayBuffer buf = new CharArrayBuffer(64); 
- HeaderValueParser parser = new BasicHeaderValueParser();
- buf.append("name1=value1; param1=p1, name2 = \"value2\", name3  = value3");
- ParserCursor cursor = new ParserCursor(0, buf.length()); 
- System.out.println(parser.parseHeaderElement(buf, cursor));
- System.out.println(parser.parseHeaderElement(buf, cursor));
- System.out.println(parser.parseHeaderElement(buf, cursor));
- }}}
- stdout >
- {{{
- name1=value1; param1=p1
- name2=value2
- name3=value3
- }}}
- !HeaderValueFormatter is the interface for formatting elements of a header value. This is the complement to !HeaderValueParser.
- {{{
- CharArrayBuffer buf = new CharArrayBuffer(64); 
- HeaderValueFormatter formatter = new BasicHeaderValueFormatter();
- HeaderElement[] hes = new HeaderElement[] {
-         new BasicHeaderElement("name1", "value1", 
-                 new NameValuePair[] {new BasicNameValuePair("param1", "p1")} ),
-         new BasicHeaderElement("name2", "value2"), 
-         new BasicHeaderElement("name3", "value3"), 
- };
- formatter.formatElements(buf, hes, true);
- System.out.println(buf.toString());
- }}}
- stdout >
- {{{
- name1="value1"; param1="p1", name2="value2", name3="value3"
- }}}
- === HTTP message streams and session I/O buffers ===
- !HttpCore provides a number of utility classes for the blocking and non-blocking I/O models that facilitate the processing of HTTP message streams, simplify handling of CR-LF delimited lines in HTTP messages and manage intermediate data buffering. 
- HTTP connection implementations usually rely on session input/output buffers for reading and writing data from and to an HTTP message stream. Session input/output buffer implementations are I/O model specific and are optimized either for blocking or non-blocking operations.
- Blocking HTTP connections use socket bound session buffers to transfer data. Session buffer interfaces are similar to !InputStream / !OutputStream classes, but they also provide methods for reading and writing CR-LF delimited lines. 
- {{{
- Socket socket1;
- Socket socket2;
- HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); 
- SessionInputBuffer inbuffer = new SocketInputBuffer(socket1, 4096, params);
- SessionOutputBuffer outbuffer = new SocketOutputBuffer(socket2, 4096, params);
- CharArrayBuffer linebuf = new CharArrayBuffer(1024); 
- inbuffer.readLine(linebuf);
- outbuffer.writeLine(linebuf);
- }}}
- Non-blocking HTTP connections use session buffers optimized for reading and writing data from and to non-blocking NIO channels. NIO session input/output sessions help deal with CR-LF delimited lines in a non-blocking I/O mode.  
- {{{
- ReadableByteChannel channel1;
- WritableByteChannel channel2;
- HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); 
- SessionInputBuffer inbuffer = new SessionInputBufferImpl(4096, 1024, params);
- SessionOutputBuffer outbuffer = new SessionOutputBufferImpl(4096, 1024, params);
- CharArrayBuffer linebuf = new CharArrayBuffer(1024); 
- boolean endOfStream = false;
- int bytesRead = inbuffer.fill(channel1);
- if (bytesRead == -1) {
-     endOfStream = true;
- }
- if (inbuffer.readLine(linebuf, endOfStream)) {
-     outbuffer.writeLine(linebuf);
- }
- if (outbuffer.hasData()) {
-     outbuffer.flush(channel2);
- }
- }}}
- === HTTP message parsers and formatters ===
- !HttpCore also provides a coarse-grained facade type of interfaces for parsing and formatting of HTTP messages. Default implementations of those interfaces build upon the functionality provided by !SessionInputBuffer / !SessionOutputBuffer and !HttpLineParser / !HttpLineFormatter implementations.
- Example of HTTP request parsing / writing for blocking HTTP connections:
- {{{
- SessionInputBuffer inbuffer;
- SessionOutputBuffer outbuffer;
- HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
- HttpMessageParser requestParser = new HttpRequestParser(
-         inbuffer, 
-         new BasicLineParser(), 
-         new DefaultHttpRequestFactory(),
-         params); 
- HttpRequest request = (HttpRequest) requestParser.parse();
- HttpMessageWriter requestWriter = new HttpRequestWriter(
-         outbuffer, 
-         new BasicLineFormatter(), 
-         params);
- requestWriter.write(request);
- }}}
- Example of HTTP response parsing / writing for blocking HTTP connections:
- {{{
- SessionInputBuffer inbuffer;
- SessionOutputBuffer outbuffer;
- HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
- HttpMessageParser responseParser = new HttpResponseParser(
-         inbuffer, 
-         new BasicLineParser(), 
-         new DefaultHttpResponseFactory(),
-         params); 
- HttpResponse response = (HttpResponse) responseParser.parse();
- HttpMessageWriter responseWriter = new HttpResponseWriter(
-         outbuffer, 
-         new BasicLineFormatter(), 
-         params);
- responseWriter.write(response);
- }}}
- Example of HTTP request parsing / writing for non-blocking HTTP connections:
- {{{
- SessionInputBuffer inbuffer;
- SessionOutputBuffer outbuffer;
- HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
- NHttpMessageParser requestParser = new HttpRequestParser(
-         inbuffer, 
-         new BasicLineParser(), 
-         new DefaultHttpRequestFactory(),
-         params); 
- HttpRequest request = (HttpRequest) requestParser.parse();
- NHttpMessageWriter requestWriter = new HttpRequestWriter(
-         outbuffer, 
-         new BasicLineFormatter(), 
-         params);
- requestWriter.write(request);
- }}}
- Example of HTTP response parsing / writing for non-blocking HTTP connections:
- {{{
- SessionInputBuffer inbuffer;
- SessionOutputBuffer outbuffer;
- HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
- NHttpMessageParser responseParser = new HttpResponseParser(
-         inbuffer, 
-         new BasicLineParser(), 
-         new DefaultHttpResponseFactory(),
-         params); 
- HttpResponse response = (HttpResponse) responseParser.parse();
- NHttpMessageWriter responseWriter = new HttpResponseWriter(
-         outbuffer, 
-         new BasicLineFormatter(), 
-         params);
- responseWriter.write(response);
- }}}
- === HTTP header parsing on demand ===
- The default implementations of !HttpMessageParser and !NHttpMessageParser interfaces do not parse HTTP headers immediately. Parsing of header value is deferred until its properties are accessed. Those headers that are never used by the application will not be parsed at all. The !CharArrayBuffer backing the header can be obtained through an optional !FormattedHeader interface.
- {{{
- Header h1 = response.getFirstHeader("Content-Type");
- if (h1 instanceof FormattedHeader) {
-     CharArrayBuffer buf = ((FormattedHeader) h1).getBuffer();
-     System.out.println(buf);
- }
- }}}
- == Customizing HTTP connections ==
- One can customize the way HTTP connections parse and format HTTP messages by extending the default implementations and overriding factory methods and replacing the default parser or formatter implementations with a custom one. 
- For blocking HTTP connections one also can provide custom implementation of session input/output buffers
- {{{
- class MyDefaultHttpClientConnection extends DefaultHttpClientConnection {
-     @Override
-     protected SessionInputBuffer createSessionInputBuffer(
-             final Socket socket, int buffersize,final HttpParams params) throws IOException {
-         return new MySocketInputBuffer(socket, buffersize, params);
-     }
-     @Override
-     protected SessionOutputBuffer createSessionOutputBuffer(
-             final Socket socket, int buffersize, final HttpParams params) throws IOException {
-         return new MySocketOutputBuffer(socket, buffersize, params);
-     }
-     @Override
-     protected HttpMessageWriter createRequestWriter(
-             final SessionOutputBuffer buffer, final HttpParams params) {
-         return new MyHttpRequestWriter(buffer, new BasicLineFormatter(), params);
-     }
-     @Override
-     protected HttpMessageParser createResponseParser(
-             final SessionInputBuffer buffer, final HttpResponseFactory responseFactory, final HttpParams params) {
-         return new MyHttpResponseParser(buffer, new BasicLineParser(), responseFactory, params);
-     }    
- };
- }}}
- For non-blocking HTTP connection implementation one can replace the default HTTP message parser and formatter implementations. The session input/output buffer implementations can be overridden at the I/O reactor level.
- {{{
- class MyDefaultNHttpClientConnection extends DefaultNHttpClientConnection {
-     public MyDefaultNHttpClientConnection(
-             final IOSession session,
-             final HttpResponseFactory responseFactory,
-             final ByteBufferAllocator allocator,
-             final HttpParams params) {
-         super(session, responseFactory, allocator, params);
-     }
-     @Override
-     protected NHttpMessageWriter createRequestWriter(
-             final SessionOutputBuffer buffer, final HttpParams params) {
-         return new HttpRequestWriter(buffer, new BasicLineFormatter(), params);
-     }
-     @Override
-     protected NHttpMessageParser createResponseParser(
-             final SessionInputBuffer buffer, final HttpResponseFactory responseFactory, HttpParams params) {
-         return new HttpResponseParser(buffer, new BasicLineParser(), responseFactory, params);
-     }
- };
- }}}

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