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[3/5] logging-log4j2 git commit: LOG4J2-2011 replace JCommander command line parser with picocli to let users run Log4j2 utility applications without requiring an external dependency
diff --git a/log4j-core/src/test/java/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/util/picocli/ b/log4j-core/src/test/java/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/util/picocli/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3536ff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/log4j-core/src/test/java/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/util/picocli/
@@ -0,0 +1,1634 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache license, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the license for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the license.
+ */
+package org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.picocli;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.picocli.CommandLine.Help;
+import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle;
+import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Style;
+import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text;
+import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme;
+import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable;
+import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.picocli.CommandLine.Option;
+import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.picocli.CommandLine.Parameters;
+import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.picocli.CommandLine.Command;
+import java.lang.String;
+import java.lang.reflect.Field;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import static java.lang.String.format;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+ * Tests for picoCLI's "Usage" help functionality.
+ */
+public class CommandLineHelpTest {
+    private static final String LINESEP = System.getProperty("line.separator");
+    @After
+    public void after() {
+        System.getProperties().remove("picocli.color.commands");
+        System.getProperties().remove("picocli.color.options");
+        System.getProperties().remove("picocli.color.parameters");
+        System.getProperties().remove("picocli.color.optionParams");
+    }
+    private static String usageString(Object annotatedObject, Help.Ansi ansi) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
+        return usageString(new CommandLine(annotatedObject), ansi);
+    }
+    private static String usageString(CommandLine commandLine, Help.Ansi ansi) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
+        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+        commandLine.usage(new PrintStream(baos, true, "UTF8"), ansi);
+        String result = baos.toString("UTF8");
+        if (ansi == Help.Ansi.AUTO) {
+            baos.reset();
+            commandLine.usage(new PrintStream(baos, true, "UTF8"));
+            assertEquals(result, baos.toString("UTF8"));
+        } else if (ansi == Help.Ansi.ON) {
+            baos.reset();
+            commandLine.usage(new PrintStream(baos, true, "UTF8"), Help.defaultColorScheme(Help.Ansi.ON));
+            assertEquals(result, baos.toString("UTF8"));
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    private static Field field(Class<?> cls, String fieldName) throws NoSuchFieldException {
+        return cls.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
+    }
+    private static Field[] fields(Class<?> cls, String... fieldNames) throws NoSuchFieldException {
+        Field[] result = new Field[fieldNames.length];
+        for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) {
+            result[i] = cls.getDeclaredField(fieldNames[i]);
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testWithoutShowDefaultValues() throws Exception {
+        @CommandLine.Command()
+        class Params {
+            @Option(names = {"-f", "--file"}, required = true, description = "the file to use") File file;
+        }
+        String result = usageString(new Params(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals(format("" +
+                        "Usage: <main class> -f=<file>%n" +
+                        "  -f, --file=<file>           the file to use%n",
+                ""), result);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testShowDefaultValues() throws Exception {
+        @CommandLine.Command(showDefaultValues = true)
+        class Params {
+            @Option(names = {"-f", "--file"}, required = true, description = "the file to use")
+            File file = new File("theDefault.txt");
+        }
+        String result = usageString(new Params(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals(format("" +
+                "Usage: <main class> -f=<file>%n" +
+                "  -f, --file=<file>           the file to use%n" +
+                "                                Default: theDefault.txt%n"), result);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testShowDefaultValuesArrayField() throws Exception {
+        @CommandLine.Command(showDefaultValues = true)
+        class Params {
+            @Option(names = {"-x", "--array"}, required = true, description = "the array")
+            int[] array = {1, 5, 11, 23};
+        }
+        String result = usageString(new Params(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals(format("" +
+                "Usage: <main class> -x[=<array>...]%n" +
+                "  -x, --array[=<array>...]    the array%n" +
+                "                                Default: [1, 5, 11, 23]%n"), result);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testUsageSeparatorWithoutDefault() throws Exception {
+        @Command()
+        class Params {
+            @Option(names = {"-f", "--file"}, required = true, description = "the file to use") File file = new File("def.txt");
+        }
+        String result = usageString(new Params(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals(format("" +
+                        "Usage: <main class> -f=<file>%n" +
+                        "  -f, --file=<file>           the file to use%n",
+                ""), result);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testUsageSeparator() throws Exception {
+        @Command(showDefaultValues = true)
+        class Params {
+            @Option(names = {"-f", "--file"}, required = true, description = "the file to use") File file = new File("def.txt");
+        }
+        String result = usageString(new Params(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals(format("" +
+                        "Usage: <main class> -f=<file>%n" +
+                        "  -f, --file=<file>           the file to use%n" +
+                        "                                Default: def.txt%n",
+                ""), result);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testUsageParamLabels() throws Exception {
+        @Command()
+        class ParamLabels {
+            @Option(names = "-f", paramLabel = "FILE", description = "a file") File f;
+            @Option(names = "-n", description = "a number") int number;
+            @Parameters(index = "0", paramLabel = "NUM", description = "number param") int n;
+            @Parameters(index = "1", description = "the host") InetAddress host;
+        }
+        String result = usageString(new ParamLabels(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals(format("" +
+                        "Usage: <main class> [-f=FILE] [-n=<number>] NUM <host>%n" +
+                        "      NUM                     number param%n" +
+                        "      host                    the host%n" +
+                        "  -f= FILE                    a file%n" +
+                        "  -n= <number>                a number%n",
+                ""), result);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testShortestFirstComparator_sortsShortestFirst() {
+        String[] values = {"12345", "12", "123", "123456", "1", "", "1234"};
+        Arrays.sort(values, new Help.ShortestFirst());
+        String[] expected = {"", "1", "12", "123", "1234", "12345", "123456"};
+        assertArrayEquals(expected, values);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testShortestFirstComparator_sortsDeclarationOrderIfEqualLength() {
+        String[] values = {"-d", "-", "-a", "--alpha", "--b", "--a", "--beta"};
+        Arrays.sort(values, new Help.ShortestFirst());
+        String[] expected = {"-", "-d", "-a", "--b", "--a", "--beta", "--alpha"};
+        assertArrayEquals(expected, values);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSortByShortestOptionNameComparator() throws Exception {
+        class App {
+            @Option(names = {"-t", "--aaaa"}) boolean aaaa;
+            @Option(names = {"--bbbb", "-k"}) boolean bbbb;
+            @Option(names = {"-c", "--cccc"}) boolean cccc;
+        }
+        Field[] fields = fields(App.class, "aaaa", "bbbb", "cccc"); // -tkc
+        Arrays.sort(fields, new Help.SortByShortestOptionNameAlphabetically());
+        Field[] expected = fields(App.class, "cccc", "bbbb", "aaaa"); // -ckt
+        assertArrayEquals(expected, fields);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSortByOptionArityAndNameComparator_sortsByMaxThenMinThenName() throws Exception {
+        class App {
+            @Option(names = {"-t", "--aaaa"}) boolean tImplicitArity0;
+            @Option(names = {"-e", "--EEE"}, arity = "1") boolean explicitArity1;
+            @Option(names = {"--bbbb", "-k"}) boolean kImplicitArity0;
+            @Option(names = {"--AAAA", "-a"}) int aImplicitArity1;
+            @Option(names = {"--BBBB", "-b"}) String[] bImplicitArity0_n;
+            @Option(names = {"--ZZZZ", "-z"}, arity = "1..3") String[] zExplicitArity1_3;
+            @Option(names = {"-f", "--ffff"}) boolean fImplicitArity0;
+        }
+        Field[] fields = fields(App.class, "tImplicitArity0", "explicitArity1", "kImplicitArity0",
+                "aImplicitArity1", "bImplicitArity0_n", "zExplicitArity1_3", "fImplicitArity0");
+        Arrays.sort(fields, new Help.SortByOptionArityAndNameAlphabetically());
+        Field[] expected = fields(App.class,
+                "fImplicitArity0",
+                "kImplicitArity0",
+                "tImplicitArity0",
+                "aImplicitArity1",
+                "explicitArity1",
+                "zExplicitArity1_3",
+                "bImplicitArity0_n");
+        assertArrayEquals(expected, fields);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testCreateMinimalOptionRenderer_ReturnsMinimalOptionRenderer() {
+        assertEquals(Help.MinimalOptionRenderer.class, Help.createMinimalOptionRenderer().getClass());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testMinimalOptionRenderer_rendersFirstDeclaredOptionNameAndDescription() {
+        class Example {
+            @Option(names = {"---long", "-L"}, description = "long description") String longField;
+            @Option(names = {"-b", "-a", "--alpha"}, description = "other") String otherField;
+        }
+        Help.IOptionRenderer renderer = Help.createMinimalOptionRenderer();
+        Help help = new Help(new Example(), Help.defaultColorScheme(Help.Ansi.ON));
+        Help.IParamLabelRenderer parameterRenderer = help.createDefaultParamLabelRenderer();
+        Field field = help.optionFields.get(0);
+        Text[][] row1 = renderer.render(field.getAnnotation(Option.class), field, parameterRenderer, Help.defaultColorScheme(
+                help.ansi()));
+        assertEquals(1, row1.length);
+        //assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"---long=<longField>", "long description"}, row1[0]);
+        assertArrayEquals(new Text[]{
+                help.ansi().new Text(format("%s---long%s=%s<longField>%s", "@|fg(yellow) ", "|@", "@|italic ", "|@")),
+                help.ansi().new Text("long description")}, row1[0]);
+        field = help.optionFields.get(1);
+        Text[][] row2 = renderer.render(field.getAnnotation(Option.class), field, parameterRenderer, Help.defaultColorScheme(
+                help.ansi()));
+        assertEquals(1, row2.length);
+        //assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"-b=<otherField>", "other"}, row2[0]);
+        assertArrayEquals(new Text[]{
+                help.ansi().new Text(format("%s-b%s=%s<otherField>%s", "@|fg(yellow) ", "|@", "@|italic ", "|@")),
+                help.ansi().new Text("other")}, row2[0]);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testCreateDefaultOptionRenderer_ReturnsDefaultOptionRenderer() {
+        assertEquals(Help.DefaultOptionRenderer.class, new Help(new UsageDemo()).createDefaultOptionRenderer().getClass());
+    }
+    private static Text[] textArray(Help help, String... str) {
+        return textArray(help.ansi(), str);
+    }
+    private static Text[] textArray(Help.Ansi ansi, String... str) {
+        Text[] result = new Text[str.length];
+        for (int i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
+            result[i] = str[i] == null ? Help.Ansi.EMPTY_TEXT : Text(str[i]);
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDefaultOptionRenderer_rendersShortestOptionNameThenOtherOptionNamesAndDescription() {
+        @Command(showDefaultValues = true)
+        class Example {
+            @Option(names = {"---long", "-L"}, description = "long description") String longField;
+            @Option(names = {"-b", "-a", "--alpha"}, description = "other") String otherField = "abc";
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new Example());
+        Help.IOptionRenderer renderer = help.createDefaultOptionRenderer();
+        Help.IParamLabelRenderer parameterRenderer = help.createDefaultParamLabelRenderer();
+        Field field = help.optionFields.get(0);
+        Text[][] row1 = renderer.render(field.getAnnotation(Option.class), field, parameterRenderer, help.colorScheme);
+        assertEquals(2, row1.length);
+        assertArrayEquals(Arrays.toString(row1[0]), textArray(help, "", "-L", ",", "---long=<longField>", "long description"), row1[0]);
+        assertArrayEquals(Arrays.toString(row1[1]), textArray(help, "", "", "", "", "  Default: null"), row1[1]);
+        field = help.optionFields.get(1);
+        Text[][] row2 = renderer.render(field.getAnnotation(Option.class), field, parameterRenderer, help.colorScheme);
+        assertEquals(2, row2.length);
+        assertArrayEquals(Arrays.toString(row2[0]), textArray(help, "", "-b", ",", "-a, --alpha=<otherField>", "other"), row2[0]);
+        assertArrayEquals(Arrays.toString(row2[1]), textArray(help, "", "", "", "", "  Default: abc"), row2[1]);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDefaultOptionRenderer_rendersSpecifiedMarkerForRequiredOptionsWithDefault() {
+        @Command(requiredOptionMarker = '*', showDefaultValues = true)
+        class Example {
+            @Option(names = {"-b", "-a", "--alpha"}, required = true, description = "other") String otherField ="abc";
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new Example());
+        Help.IOptionRenderer renderer = help.createDefaultOptionRenderer();
+        Help.IParamLabelRenderer parameterRenderer = help.createDefaultParamLabelRenderer();
+        Field field = help.optionFields.get(0);
+        Text[][] row = renderer.render(field.getAnnotation(Option.class), field, parameterRenderer, help.colorScheme);
+        assertEquals(2, row.length);
+        assertArrayEquals(Arrays.toString(row[0]), textArray(help, "*", "-b", ",", "-a, --alpha=<otherField>", "other"), row[0]);
+        assertArrayEquals(Arrays.toString(row[1]), textArray(help, "", "", "", "", "  Default: abc"), row[1]);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDefaultOptionRenderer_rendersSpecifiedMarkerForRequiredOptionsWithoutDefault() {
+        @Command(requiredOptionMarker = '*')
+        class Example {
+            @Option(names = {"-b", "-a", "--alpha"}, required = true, description = "other") String otherField ="abc";
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new Example());
+        Help.IOptionRenderer renderer = help.createDefaultOptionRenderer();
+        Help.IParamLabelRenderer parameterRenderer = help.createDefaultParamLabelRenderer();
+        Field field = help.optionFields.get(0);
+        Text[][] row = renderer.render(field.getAnnotation(Option.class), field, parameterRenderer, help.colorScheme);
+        assertEquals(1, row.length);
+        assertArrayEquals(Arrays.toString(row[0]), textArray(help, "*", "-b", ",", "-a, --alpha=<otherField>", "other"), row[0]);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDefaultOptionRenderer_rendersSpacePrefixByDefaultForRequiredOptionsWithoutDefaultValue() {
+        class Example {
+            @Option(names = {"-b", "-a", "--alpha"}, required = true, description = "other") String otherField;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new Example());
+        Help.IOptionRenderer renderer = help.createDefaultOptionRenderer();
+        Help.IParamLabelRenderer parameterRenderer = help.createDefaultParamLabelRenderer();
+        Field field = help.optionFields.get(0);
+        Text[][] row = renderer.render(field.getAnnotation(Option.class), field, parameterRenderer, help.colorScheme);
+        assertEquals(1, row.length);
+        assertArrayEquals(Arrays.toString(row[0]), textArray(help, " ", "-b", ",", "-a, --alpha=<otherField>", "other"), row[0]);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDefaultOptionRenderer_rendersSpacePrefixByDefaultForRequiredOptionsWithDefaultValue() {
+        //@Command(showDefaultValues = true) // set programmatically
+        class Example {
+            @Option(names = {"-b", "-a", "--alpha"}, required = true, description = "other") String otherField;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new Example());
+        help.showDefaultValues = true;
+        Help.IOptionRenderer renderer = help.createDefaultOptionRenderer();
+        Help.IParamLabelRenderer parameterRenderer = help.createDefaultParamLabelRenderer();
+        Field field = help.optionFields.get(0);
+        Text[][] row = renderer.render(field.getAnnotation(Option.class), field, parameterRenderer, help.colorScheme);
+        assertEquals(2, row.length);
+        assertArrayEquals(Arrays.toString(row[0]), textArray(help, " ", "-b", ",", "-a, --alpha=<otherField>", "other"), row[0]);
+        assertArrayEquals(Arrays.toString(row[1]), textArray(help, "",    "", "",  "", "  Default: null"), row[1]);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDefaultParameterRenderer_rendersSpacePrefixByDefaultForParametersWithPositiveArity() {
+        class Required {
+            @Parameters(description = "required") String required;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new Required());
+        Help.IParameterRenderer renderer = help.createDefaultParameterRenderer();
+        Help.IParamLabelRenderer parameterRenderer = Help.createMinimalParamLabelRenderer();
+        Field field = help.positionalParametersFields.get(0);
+        Text[][] row1 = renderer.render(field.getAnnotation(Parameters.class), field, parameterRenderer, help.colorScheme);
+        assertEquals(1, row1.length);
+        assertArrayEquals(Arrays.toString(row1[0]), textArray(help, " ", "", "", "required", "required"), row1[0]);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDefaultParameterRenderer_rendersSpecifiedMarkerForParametersWithPositiveArity() {
+        @Command(requiredOptionMarker = '*')
+        class Required {
+            @Parameters(description = "required") String required;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new Required());
+        Help.IParameterRenderer renderer = help.createDefaultParameterRenderer();
+        Help.IParamLabelRenderer parameterRenderer = Help.createMinimalParamLabelRenderer();
+        Field field = help.positionalParametersFields.get(0);
+        Text[][] row1 = renderer.render(field.getAnnotation(Parameters.class), field, parameterRenderer, help.colorScheme);
+        assertEquals(1, row1.length);
+        assertArrayEquals(Arrays.toString(row1[0]), textArray(help, "*", "", "", "required", "required"), row1[0]);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDefaultParameterRenderer_rendersSpacePrefixForParametersWithZeroArity() {
+        @Command(requiredOptionMarker = '*')
+        class Optional {
+            @Parameters(arity = "0..1", description = "optional") String optional;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new Optional());
+        Help.IParameterRenderer renderer = help.createDefaultParameterRenderer();
+        Help.IParamLabelRenderer parameterRenderer = Help.createMinimalParamLabelRenderer();
+        Field field = help.positionalParametersFields.get(0);
+        Text[][] row1 = renderer.render(field.getAnnotation(Parameters.class), field, parameterRenderer, help.colorScheme);
+        assertEquals(1, row1.length);
+        assertArrayEquals(Arrays.toString(row1[0]), textArray(help, "", "", "", "optional", "optional"), row1[0]);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDefaultOptionRenderer_rendersCommaOnlyIfBothShortAndLongOptionNamesExist() {
+        class Example {
+            @Option(names = {"-v"}, description = "shortBool") boolean shortBoolean;
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose"}, description = "longBool") boolean longBoolean;
+            @Option(names = {"-x", "--xeno"}, description = "combiBool") boolean combiBoolean;
+            @Option(names = {"-s"}, description = "shortOnly") String shortOnlyField;
+            @Option(names = {"--long"}, description = "longOnly") String longOnlyField;
+            @Option(names = {"-b", "--beta"}, description = "combi") String combiField;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new Example());
+        help.showDefaultValues = false; // omit default values from description column
+        Help.IOptionRenderer renderer = help.createDefaultOptionRenderer();
+        Help.IParamLabelRenderer parameterRenderer = help.createDefaultParamLabelRenderer();
+        String[][] expected = new String[][] {
+                {"", "-v", "",  "", "shortBool"},
+                {"", "",   "",  "--verbose", "longBool"},
+                {"", "-x", ",", "--xeno", "combiBool"},
+                {"", "-s", "=",  "<shortOnlyField>", "shortOnly"},
+                {"", "",   "",  "--long=<longOnlyField>", "longOnly"},
+                {"", "-b", ",", "--beta=<combiField>", "combi"},
+        };
+        int i = -1;
+        for (Field field : help.optionFields) {
+            Text[][] row = renderer.render(field.getAnnotation(Option.class), field, parameterRenderer, help.colorScheme);
+            assertEquals(1, row.length);
+            assertArrayEquals(Arrays.toString(row[0]), textArray(help, expected[++i]), row[0]);
+        }
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDefaultOptionRenderer_omitsDefaultValuesForBooleanFields() {
+        @Command(showDefaultValues = true)
+        class Example {
+            @Option(names = {"-v"}, description = "shortBool") boolean shortBoolean;
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose"}, description = "longBool") Boolean longBoolean;
+            @Option(names = {"-s"}, description = "shortOnly") String shortOnlyField = "short";
+            @Option(names = {"--long"}, description = "longOnly") String longOnlyField = "long";
+            @Option(names = {"-b", "--beta"}, description = "combi") int combiField = 123;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new Example());
+        Help.IOptionRenderer renderer = help.createDefaultOptionRenderer();
+        Help.IParamLabelRenderer parameterRenderer = help.createDefaultParamLabelRenderer();
+        String[][] expected = new String[][] {
+                {"", "-v", "",  "", "shortBool"},
+                {"", "",   "",  "--verbose", "longBool"},
+                {"", "-s", "=",  "<shortOnlyField>", "shortOnly"},
+                {"",   "", "",  "", "Default: short"},
+                {"", "",   "",  "--long=<longOnlyField>", "longOnly"},
+                {"", "",   "",  "", "Default: long"},
+                {"", "-b", ",", "--beta=<combiField>", "combi"},
+                {"", "",   "",  "", "Default: 123"},
+        };
+        int[] rowCount = {1, 1, 2, 2, 2};
+        int i = -1;
+        int rowIndex = 0;
+        for (Field field : help.optionFields) {
+            Text[][] row = renderer.render(field.getAnnotation(Option.class), field, parameterRenderer, help.colorScheme);
+            assertEquals(rowCount[++i], row.length);
+            assertArrayEquals(Arrays.toString(row[0]), textArray(help, expected[rowIndex]), row[0]);
+            rowIndex += rowCount[i];
+        }
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testCreateDefaultParameterRenderer_ReturnsDefaultParameterRenderer() {
+        assertEquals(Help.DefaultParamLabelRenderer.class, new Help(new UsageDemo()).createDefaultParamLabelRenderer().getClass());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDefaultParameterRenderer_showsParamLabelIfPresentOrFieldNameOtherwise() {
+        class Example {
+            @Option(names = "--without" ) String longField;
+            @Option(names = "--with", paramLabel = "LABEL") String otherField;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new Example());
+        Help.IParamLabelRenderer equalSeparatedParameterRenderer = help.createDefaultParamLabelRenderer();
+        help.separator = " ";
+        Help.IParamLabelRenderer spaceSeparatedParameterRenderer = help.createDefaultParamLabelRenderer();
+        String[] expected = new String[] {
+                "<longField>",
+                "LABEL",
+        };
+        int i = -1;
+        for (Field field : help.optionFields) {
+            i++;
+            Text withSpace = spaceSeparatedParameterRenderer.renderParameterLabel(field, help.ansi(), Collections.<IStyle>emptyList());
+            assertEquals(withSpace.toString(), " " + expected[i], withSpace.toString());
+            Text withEquals = equalSeparatedParameterRenderer.renderParameterLabel(field, help.ansi(), Collections.<IStyle>emptyList());
+            assertEquals(withEquals.toString(), "=" + expected[i], withEquals.toString());
+        }
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDefaultParameterRenderer_appliesToPositionalArgumentsIgnoresSeparator() {
+        class WithLabel    { @Parameters(paramLabel = "POSITIONAL_ARGS") String positional; }
+        class WithoutLabel { @Parameters()                               String positional; }
+        Help withLabel = new Help(new WithLabel());
+        Help.IParamLabelRenderer equals = withLabel.createDefaultParamLabelRenderer();
+        withLabel.separator = "=";
+        Help.IParamLabelRenderer spaced = withLabel.createDefaultParamLabelRenderer();
+        Text withSpace = spaced.renderParameterLabel(withLabel.positionalParametersFields.get(0), withLabel.ansi(), Collections.<IStyle>emptyList());
+        assertEquals(withSpace.toString(), "POSITIONAL_ARGS", withSpace.toString());
+        Text withEquals = equals.renderParameterLabel(withLabel.positionalParametersFields.get(0), withLabel.ansi(), Collections.<IStyle>emptyList());
+        assertEquals(withEquals.toString(), "POSITIONAL_ARGS", withEquals.toString());
+        Help withoutLabel = new Help(new WithoutLabel());
+        withSpace = spaced.renderParameterLabel(withoutLabel.positionalParametersFields.get(0), withoutLabel.ansi(), Collections.<IStyle>emptyList());
+        assertEquals(withSpace.toString(), "<positional>", withSpace.toString());
+        withEquals = equals.renderParameterLabel(withoutLabel.positionalParametersFields.get(0), withoutLabel.ansi(), Collections.<IStyle>emptyList());
+        assertEquals(withEquals.toString(), "<positional>", withEquals.toString());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDefaultLayout_addsEachRowToTable() {
+        final Text[][] values = {
+                textArray(Help.Ansi.OFF, "a", "b", "c", "d"),
+                textArray(Help.Ansi.OFF, "1", "2", "3", "4")
+        };
+        final int[] count = {0};
+        TextTable tt = new TextTable(Help.Ansi.OFF) {
+            @Override public void addRowValues(Text[] columnValues) {
+                assertArrayEquals(values[count[0]], columnValues);
+                count[0]++;
+            }
+        };
+        Help.Layout layout = new Help.Layout(Help.defaultColorScheme(Help.Ansi.OFF), tt);
+        layout.layout(null, values);
+        assertEquals(2, count[0]);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testAbreviatedSynopsis_withoutParameters() {
+        @CommandLine.Command(abbreviateSynopsis = true)
+        class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}) int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals("<main class> [OPTIONS]" + LINESEP, help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testAbreviatedSynopsis_withoutParameters_ANSI() {
+        @CommandLine.Command(abbreviateSynopsis = true)
+        class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}) int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.defaultColorScheme(Help.Ansi.ON));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold <main class>|@ [OPTIONS]" + LINESEP).toString(), help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testAbreviatedSynopsis_withParameters() {
+        @CommandLine.Command(abbreviateSynopsis = true)
+        class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}) int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+            @Parameters File[] files;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals("<main class> [OPTIONS] [<files>...]" + LINESEP, help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testAbreviatedSynopsis_withParameters_ANSI() {
+        @CommandLine.Command(abbreviateSynopsis = true)
+        class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}) int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+            @Parameters File[] files;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.defaultColorScheme(Help.Ansi.ON));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold <main class>|@ [OPTIONS] [@|yellow <files>|@...]" + LINESEP).toString(), help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsis_optionalOptionArity1_n_withDefaultSeparator() {
+        @Command() class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}, arity = "1..*") int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals("<main class> [-v] [-c=<count> [<count>...]]" + LINESEP, help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsis_optionalOptionArity1_n_withDefaultSeparator_ANSI() {
+        @Command() class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}, arity = "1..*") int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.defaultColorScheme(Help.Ansi.ON));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold <main class>|@ [@|yellow -v|@] [@|yellow -c|@=@|italic <count>|@ [@|italic <count>|@...]]" + LINESEP),
+                help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsis_optionalOptionArity0_1_withSpaceSeparator() {
+        @CommandLine.Command(separator = " ") class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}, arity = "0..1") int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals("<main class> [-v] [-c [<count>]]" + LINESEP, help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsis_optionalOptionArity0_1_withSpaceSeparator_ANSI() {
+        @CommandLine.Command(separator = " ") class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}, arity = "0..1") int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.defaultColorScheme(Help.Ansi.ON));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold <main class>|@ [@|yellow -v|@] [@|yellow -c|@ [@|italic <count>|@]]" + LINESEP), help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsis_requiredOptionWithSeparator() {
+        @Command() class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}, required = true) int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals("<main class> [-v] -c=<count>" + LINESEP, help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsis_requiredOptionWithSeparator_ANSI() {
+        @Command() class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}, required = true) int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.defaultColorScheme(Help.Ansi.ON));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold <main class>|@ [@|yellow -v|@] @|yellow -c|@=@|italic <count>|@" + LINESEP), help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsis_optionalOption_withSpaceSeparator() {
+        @CommandLine.Command(separator = " ") class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}) int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals("<main class> [-v] [-c <count>]" + LINESEP, help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsis_optionalOptionArity0_1__withSeparator() {
+        class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}, arity = "0..1") int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals("<main class> [-v] [-c[=<count>]]" + LINESEP, help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsis_optionalOptionArity0_n__withSeparator() {
+        @CommandLine.Command(separator = "=") class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}, arity = "0..*") int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals("<main class> [-v] [-c[=<count>...]]" + LINESEP, help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsis_optionalOptionArity1_n__withSeparator() {
+        @CommandLine.Command(separator = "=") class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}, arity = "1..*") int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals("<main class> [-v] [-c=<count> [<count>...]]" + LINESEP, help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsis_withSeparator_withParameters() {
+        @CommandLine.Command(separator = ":") class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}) int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+            @Parameters File[] files;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals("<main class> [-v] [-c:<count>] [<files>...]" + LINESEP, help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsis_withSeparator_withParameters_ANSI() {
+        @CommandLine.Command(separator = ":") class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}) int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+            @Parameters File[] files;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.defaultColorScheme(Help.Ansi.ON));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold <main class>|@ [@|yellow -v|@] [@|yellow -c|@:@|italic <count>|@] [@|yellow <files>|@...]" + LINESEP),
+                help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsis_withSeparator_withLabeledParameters() {
+        @Command(separator = "=") class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}) int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+            @Parameters(paramLabel = "FILE") File[] files;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals("<main class> [-v] [-c=<count>] [FILE...]" + LINESEP, help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsis_withSeparator_withLabeledParameters_ANSI() {
+        @Command(separator = "=") class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}) int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+            @Parameters(paramLabel = "FILE") File[] files;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.defaultColorScheme(Help.Ansi.ON));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold <main class>|@ [@|yellow -v|@] [@|yellow -c|@=@|italic <count>|@] [@|yellow FILE|@...]" + LINESEP),
+                help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsis_withSeparator_withLabeledRequiredParameters() {
+        @CommandLine.Command(separator = "=") class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}) int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+            @Parameters(paramLabel = "FILE", arity = "1..*") File[] files;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals("<main class> [-v] [-c=<count>] FILE [FILE...]" + LINESEP, help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsis_withSeparator_withLabeledRequiredParameters_ANSI() {
+        @CommandLine.Command(separator = "=") class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}) int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+            @Parameters(paramLabel = "FILE", arity = "1..*") File[] files;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.Ansi.ON);
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold <main class>|@ [@|yellow -v|@] [@|yellow -c|@=@|italic <count>|@] @|yellow FILE|@ [@|yellow FILE|@...]" + LINESEP),
+                help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsis_clustersBooleanOptions() {
+        @Command(separator = "=") class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--aaaa", "-a"}) boolean aBoolean;
+            @Option(names = {"--xxxx", "-x"}) Boolean xBoolean;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}, paramLabel = "COUNT") int count;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals("<main class> [-avx] [-c=COUNT]" + LINESEP, help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsis_clustersRequiredBooleanOptions() {
+        @CommandLine.Command(separator = "=") class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}, required = true) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--aaaa", "-a"}, required = true) boolean aBoolean;
+            @Option(names = {"--xxxx", "-x"}, required = true) Boolean xBoolean;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}, paramLabel = "COUNT") int count;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals("<main class> -avx [-c=COUNT]" + LINESEP, help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsis_clustersRequiredBooleanOptionsSeparately() {
+        @CommandLine.Command(separator = "=") class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--aaaa", "-a"}) boolean aBoolean;
+            @Option(names = {"--xxxx", "-x"}) Boolean xBoolean;
+            @Option(names = {"--Verbose", "-V"}, required = true) boolean requiredVerbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--Aaaa", "-A"}, required = true) boolean requiredABoolean;
+            @Option(names = {"--Xxxx", "-X"}, required = true) Boolean requiredXBoolean;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}, paramLabel = "COUNT") int count;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals("<main class> -AVX [-avx] [-c=COUNT]" + LINESEP, help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsis_clustersRequiredBooleanOptionsSeparately_ANSI() {
+        @CommandLine.Command(separator = "=") class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--aaaa", "-a"}) boolean aBoolean;
+            @Option(names = {"--xxxx", "-x"}) Boolean xBoolean;
+            @Option(names = {"--Verbose", "-V"}, required = true) boolean requiredVerbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--Aaaa", "-A"}, required = true) boolean requiredABoolean;
+            @Option(names = {"--Xxxx", "-X"}, required = true) Boolean requiredXBoolean;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}, paramLabel = "COUNT") int count;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.defaultColorScheme(Help.Ansi.ON));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold <main class>|@ @|yellow -AVX|@ [@|yellow -avx|@] [@|yellow -c|@=@|italic COUNT|@]" + LINESEP),
+                help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsis_firstLineLengthAdjustedForSynopsisHeading() throws Exception {
+        //Usage: small-test-program [-acorv!?] [--version] [-h <number>] [-p <file>|<folder>] [-d
+//                 <folder> [<folder>]] [-i <includePattern>
+//                 [<includePattern>...]]
+        @CommandLine.Command(name="small-test-program", sortOptions = false, separator = " ")
+        class App {
+            @Option(names = "-a") boolean a;
+            @Option(names = "-c") boolean c;
+            @Option(names = "-o") boolean o;
+            @Option(names = "-r") boolean r;
+            @Option(names = "-v") boolean v;
+            @Option(names = "-!") boolean exclamation;
+            @Option(names = "-?") boolean question;
+            @Option(names = {"--version"}) boolean version;
+            @Option(names = {"--handle", "-h"}) int number;
+            @Option(names = {"--ppp", "-p"}, paramLabel = "<file>|<folder>") File f;
+            @Option(names = {"--ddd", "-d"}, paramLabel = "<folder>", arity="1..2") File[] d;
+            @Option(names = {"--include", "-i"}, paramLabel = "<includePattern>") String pattern;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        String expected = "" +
+                "Usage: small-test-program [-!?acorv] [--version] [-h <number>] [-i" + LINESEP +
+                "                          <includePattern>] [-p <file>|<folder>] [-d <folder>" + LINESEP +
+                "                          [<folder>]]" + LINESEP;
+        assertEquals(expected, help.synopsisHeading() + help.synopsis(help.synopsisHeadingLength()));
+        help.synopsisHeading = "Usage:%n";
+        expected = "" +
+                "Usage:" + LINESEP +
+                "small-test-program [-!?acorv] [--version] [-h <number>] [-i <includePattern>]" + LINESEP +
+                "                   [-p <file>|<folder>] [-d <folder> [<folder>]]" + LINESEP;
+        assertEquals(expected, help.synopsisHeading() + help.synopsis(help.synopsisHeadingLength()));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testLongMultiLineSynopsisIndented() {
+        @Command(name = "<best-app-ever>")
+        class App {
+            @Option(names = "--long-option-name", paramLabel = "<long-option-value>") int a;
+            @Option(names = "--another-long-option-name", paramLabel = "<another-long-option-value>") int b;
+            @Option(names = "--third-long-option-name", paramLabel = "<third-long-option-value>") int c;
+            @Option(names = "--fourth-long-option-name", paramLabel = "<fourth-long-option-value>") int d;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals(String.format(
+                "<best-app-ever> [--another-long-option-name=<another-long-option-value>]%n" +
+                "                [--fourth-long-option-name=<fourth-long-option-value>]%n" +
+                "                [--long-option-name=<long-option-value>]%n" +
+                "                [--third-long-option-name=<third-long-option-value>]%n"),
+                help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testLongMultiLineSynopsisWithAtMarkIndented() {
+        @Command(name = "<best-app-ever>")
+        class App {
+            @Option(names = "--long-option@-name", paramLabel = "<lo...@e>") int a;
+            @Option(names = "--another-long-option-name", paramLabel = "^[<another-long-option-value>]") int b;
+            @Option(names = "--third-long-option-name", paramLabel = "<third-long-option-value>") int c;
+            @Option(names = "--fourth-long-option-name", paramLabel = "<fourth-long-option-value>") int d;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals(String.format(
+                "<best-app-ever> [--another-long-option-name=^[<another-long-option-value>]]%n" +
+                "                [--fourth-long-option-name=<fourth-long-option-value>]%n" +
+                "                [--long-option@-name=<lo...@e>]%n" +
+                "                [--third-long-option-name=<third-long-option-value>]%n"),
+                help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testLongMultiLineSynopsisWithAtMarkIndented_ANSI() {
+        @Command(name = "<best-app-ever>")
+        class App {
+            @Option(names = "--long-option@-name", paramLabel = "<lo...@e>") int a;
+            @Option(names = "--another-long-option-name", paramLabel = "^[<another-long-option-value>]") int b;
+            @Option(names = "--third-long-option-name", paramLabel = "<third-long-option-value>") int c;
+            @Option(names = "--fourth-long-option-name", paramLabel = "<fourth-long-option-value>") int d;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.defaultColorScheme(Help.Ansi.ON));
+        assertEquals( Text(String.format(
+                "@|bold <best-app-ever>|@ [@|yellow --another-long-option-name|@=@|italic ^[<another-long-option-value>]|@]%n" +
+                        "                [@|yellow --fourth-long-option-name|@=@|italic <fourth-long-option-value>|@]%n" +
+                        "                [@|yellow --long-option@-name|@=@|italic <lo...@e>|@]%n" +
+                        "                [@|yellow --third-long-option-name|@=@|italic <third-long-option-value>|@]%n")),
+                help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testCustomSynopsis() {
+        @Command(customSynopsis = {
+                "<the-app> --number=NUMBER --other-option=<aargh>",
+                "          --more=OTHER --and-other-option=<aargh>",
+                "<the-app> --number=NUMBER --and-other-option=<aargh>",
+        })
+        class App {@Option(names = "--ignored") boolean ignored;}
+        Help help = new Help(new App(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals(String.format(
+                "<the-app> --number=NUMBER --other-option=<aargh>%n" +
+                "          --more=OTHER --and-other-option=<aargh>%n" +
+                "<the-app> --number=NUMBER --and-other-option=<aargh>%n"),
+                help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testTextTable() {
+        TextTable table = new TextTable(Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        table.addRowValues(textArray(Help.Ansi.OFF, "", "-v", ",", "--verbose", "show what you're doing while you are doing it"));
+        table.addRowValues(textArray(Help.Ansi.OFF, "", "-p", null, null, "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."));
+        assertEquals(String.format(
+                "  -v, --verbose               show what you're doing while you are doing it%n" +
+                "  -p                          the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The%n" +
+                "                                quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.%n"
+                ,""), table.toString(new StringBuilder()).toString());
+    }
+    @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
+    public void testTextTableAddsNewRowWhenTooManyValuesSpecified() {
+        TextTable table = new TextTable(Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        table.addRowValues(textArray(Help.Ansi.OFF, "", "-c", ",", "--create", "description", "INVALID", "Row 3"));
+//        assertEquals(String.format("" +
+//                        "  -c, --create                description                                       %n" +
+//                        "                                INVALID                                         %n" +
+//                        "                                Row 3                                           %n"
+//                ,""), table.toString(new StringBuilder()).toString());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testTextTableAddsNewRowWhenAnyColumnTooLong() {
+        TextTable table = new TextTable(Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        table.addRowValues("*", "-c", ",",
+                "--create, --create2, --create3, --create4, --create5, --create6, --create7, --create8",
+                "description");
+        assertEquals(String.format("" +
+                        "* -c, --create, --create2, --create3, --create4, --create5, --create6,%n" +
+                        "        --create7, --create8%n" +
+                        "                              description%n"
+                ,""), table.toString(new StringBuilder()).toString());
+        table = new TextTable(Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        table.addRowValues("", "-c", ",",
+                "--create, --create2, --create3, --create4, --create5, --create6, --createAA7, --create8",
+                "description");
+        assertEquals(String.format("" +
+                        "  -c, --create, --create2, --create3, --create4, --create5, --create6,%n" +
+                        "        --createAA7, --create8%n" +
+                        "                              description%n"
+                ,""), table.toString(new StringBuilder()).toString());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testCatUsageFormat() {
+        @Command(name = "cat",
+                customSynopsis = "cat [OPTIONS] [FILE...]",
+                description = "Concatenate FILE(s), or standard input, to standard output.",
+                footer = "Copyright(c) 2017")
+        class Cat {
+            @Parameters(paramLabel = "FILE", hidden = true, description = "Files whose contents to display") List<File> files;
+            @Option(names = "--help",    help = true,     description = "display this help and exit") boolean help;
+            @Option(names = "--version", help = true,     description = "output version information and exit") boolean version;
+            @Option(names = "-u",                         description = "(ignored)") boolean u;
+            @Option(names = "-t",                         description = "equivalent to -vT") boolean t;
+            @Option(names = "-e",                         description = "equivalent to -vET") boolean e;
+            @Option(names = {"-A", "--show-all"},         description = "equivalent to -vET") boolean showAll;
+            @Option(names = {"-s", "--squeeze-blank"},    description = "suppress repeated empty output lines") boolean squeeze;
+            @Option(names = {"-v", "--show-nonprinting"}, description = "use ^ and M- notation, except for LDF and TAB") boolean v;
+            @Option(names = {"-b", "--number-nonblank"},  description = "number nonempty output lines, overrides -n") boolean b;
+            @Option(names = {"-T", "--show-tabs"},        description = "display TAB characters as ^I") boolean T;
+            @Option(names = {"-E", "--show-ends"},        description = "display $ at end of each line") boolean E;
+            @Option(names = {"-n", "--number"},           description = "number all output lines") boolean n;
+        }
+        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+        CommandLine.usage(new Cat(), new PrintStream(baos), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        String expected = String.format(
+                "Usage: cat [OPTIONS] [FILE...]%n" +
+                        "Concatenate FILE(s), or standard input, to standard output.%n" +
+                        "  -A, --show-all              equivalent to -vET%n" +
+                        "  -b, --number-nonblank       number nonempty output lines, overrides -n%n" +
+                        "  -e                          equivalent to -vET%n" +
+                        "  -E, --show-ends             display $ at end of each line%n" +
+                        "  -n, --number                number all output lines%n" +
+                        "  -s, --squeeze-blank         suppress repeated empty output lines%n" +
+                        "  -t                          equivalent to -vT%n" +
+                        "  -T, --show-tabs             display TAB characters as ^I%n" +
+                        "  -u                          (ignored)%n" +
+                        "  -v, --show-nonprinting      use ^ and M- notation, except for LDF and TAB%n" +
+                        "      --help                  display this help and exit%n" +
+                        "      --version               output version information and exit%n" +
+                        "Copyright(c) 2017%n", "");
+        assertEquals(expected, baos.toString());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testZipUsageFormat() {
+        String expected  = String.format("" +
+                "Copyright (c) 1990-2008 Info-ZIP - Type 'zip \"-L\"' for software license.%n" +
+                "Zip 3.0 (July 5th 2008). Command:%n" +
+                "zip [-options] [-b path] [-t mmddyyyy] [-n suffixes] [zipfile list] [-xi list]%n" +
+                "  The default action is to add or replace zipfile entries from list, which%n" +
+                "  can include the special name - to compress standard input.%n" +
+                "  If zipfile and list are omitted, zip compresses stdin to stdout.%n" +
+                "  -f   freshen: only changed files  -u   update: only changed or new files%n" +
+                "  -d   delete entries in zipfile    -m   move into zipfile (delete OS files)%n" +
+                "  -r   recurse into directories     -j   junk (don't record) directory names%n" +
+                "  -0   store only                   -l   convert LF to CR LF (-ll CR LF to LF)%n" +
+                "  -1   compress faster              -9   compress better%n" +
+                "  -q   quiet operation              -v   verbose operation/print version info%n" +
+                "  -c   add one-line comments        -z   add zipfile comment%n" +
+                "  -@   read names from stdin        -o   make zipfile as old as latest entry%n" +
+                "  -x   exclude the following names  -i   include only the following names%n" +
+                "  -F   fix zipfile (-FF try harder) -D   do not add directory entries%n" +
+                "  -A   adjust self-extracting exe   -J   junk zipfile prefix (unzipsfx)%n" +
+                "  -T   test zipfile integrity       -X   eXclude eXtra file attributes%n" +
+                "  -y   store symbolic links as the link instead of the referenced file%n" +
+                "  -e   encrypt                      -n   don't compress these suffixes%n" +
+                "  -h2  show more help%n");
+        assertEquals(expected, CustomLayoutDemo.createZipUsageFormat(Help.Ansi.OFF));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testNetstatUsageFormat() {
+        String expected = String.format("" +
+                        "Displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections.%n" +
+                        "%n" +
+                        "NETSTAT [-a] [-b] [-e] [-f] [-n] [-o] [-p proto] [-q] [-r] [-s] [-t] [-x] [-y]%n" +
+                        "        [interval]%n" +
+                        "%n" +
+                        "  -a            Displays all connections and listening ports.%n" +
+                        "  -b            Displays the executable involved in creating each connection or%n" +
+                        "                listening port. In some cases well-known executables host%n" +
+                        "                multiple independent components, and in these cases the%n" +
+                        "                sequence of components involved in creating the connection or%n" +
+                        "                listening port is displayed. In this case the executable name%n" +
+                        "                is in [] at the bottom, on top is the component it called, and%n" +
+                        "                so forth until TCP/IP was reached. Note that this option can be%n" +
+                        "                time-consuming and will fail unless you have sufficient%n" +
+                        "                permissions.%n" +
+                        "  -e            Displays Ethernet statistics. This may be combined with the -s%n" +
+                        "                option.%n" +
+                        "  -f            Displays Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) for foreign%n" +
+                        "                addresses.%n" +
+                        "  -n            Displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form.%n" +
+                        "  -o            Displays the owning process ID associated with each connection.%n" +
+                        "  -p proto      Shows connections for the protocol specified by proto; proto%n" +
+                        "                may be any of: TCP, UDP, TCPv6, or UDPv6.  If used with the -s%n" +
+                        "                option to display per-protocol statistics, proto may be any of:%n" +
+                        "                IP, IPv6, ICMP, ICMPv6, TCP, TCPv6, UDP, or UDPv6.%n" +
+                        "  -q            Displays all connections, listening ports, and bound%n" +
+                        "                nonlistening TCP ports. Bound nonlistening ports may or may not%n" +
+                        "                be associated with an active connection.%n" +
+                        "  -r            Displays the routing table.%n" +
+                        "  -s            Displays per-protocol statistics.  By default, statistics are%n" +
+                        "                shown for IP, IPv6, ICMP, ICMPv6, TCP, TCPv6, UDP, and UDPv6;%n" +
+                        "                the -p option may be used to specify a subset of the default.%n" +
+                        "  -t            Displays the current connection offload state.%n" +
+                        "  -x            Displays NetworkDirect connections, listeners, and shared%n" +
+                        "                endpoints.%n" +
+                        "  -y            Displays the TCP connection template for all connections.%n" +
+                        "                Cannot be combined with the other options.%n" +
+                        "  interval      Redisplays selected statistics, pausing interval seconds%n" +
+                        "                between each display.  Press CTRL+C to stop redisplaying%n" +
+                        "                statistics.  If omitted, netstat will print the current%n" +
+                        "                configuration information once.%n"
+                , "");
+        assertEquals(expected, CustomLayoutDemo.createNetstatUsageFormat(Help.Ansi.OFF));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testUsageIndexedPositionalParameters() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
+        @Command()
+        class App {
+            @Parameters(index = "0", description = "source host") InetAddress host1;
+            @Parameters(index = "1", description = "source port") int port1;
+            @Parameters(index = "2", description = "destination host") InetAddress host2;
+            @Parameters(index = "3..4", arity = "1..2", description = "destination port range") int[] port2range;
+            @Parameters(index = "4..*", description = "files to transfer") String[] files;
+            @Parameters(hidden = true) String[] all;
+        }
+        String actual = usageString(new App(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        String expected = String.format(
+                "Usage: <main class> <host1> <port1> <host2> <port2range> [<port2range>]%n" +
+                "                    [<files>...]%n" +
+                "      host1                   source host%n" +
+                "      port1                   source port%n" +
+                "      host2                   destination host%n" +
+                "      port2range              destination port range%n" +
+                "      files                   files to transfer%n"
+        );
+        assertEquals(expected, actual);
+    }
+    @Command(name = "base", abbreviateSynopsis = true, commandListHeading = "c o m m a n d s",
+            customSynopsis = "cust", description = "base description", descriptionHeading = "base descr heading",
+            footer = "base footer", footerHeading = "base footer heading",
+            header = "base header", headerHeading = "base header heading",
+            optionListHeading = "base option heading", parameterListHeading = "base param heading",
+            requiredOptionMarker = '&', separator = ";", showDefaultValues = true,
+            sortOptions = false, synopsisHeading = "abcd")
+    class Base { }
+    @Test
+    public void testAttributesInheritedWhenSubclassingForReuse() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
+        @Command
+        class EmptySub extends Base {}
+        Help help = new Help(new EmptySub());
+        assertEquals("base", help.commandName);
+        assertEquals(String.format("cust%n"), help.synopsis(0));
+        assertEquals(String.format("cust%n"), help.customSynopsis());
+        assertEquals(String.format("base%n"), help.abbreviatedSynopsis());
+        assertEquals(String.format("base%n"), help.detailedSynopsis(0,null, true));
+        assertEquals("abcd", help.synopsisHeading);
+        assertEquals("", help.commandList());
+        assertEquals("c o m m a n d s", help.commandListHeading);
+        assertEquals(String.format("base description%n"), help.description());
+        assertEquals("base descr heading", help.descriptionHeading);
+        assertEquals(String.format("base footer%n"), help.footer());
+        assertEquals("base footer heading", help.footerHeading);
+        assertEquals(String.format("base header%n"), help.header());
+        assertEquals("base header heading", help.headerHeading);
+        assertEquals("", help.optionList());
+        assertEquals("base option heading", help.optionListHeading);
+        assertEquals("", help.parameterList());
+        assertEquals("base param heading", help.parameterListHeading);
+        // these values NOT inherited!!
+        assertEquals("=", help.separator);
+        assertEquals(' ', help.requiredOptionMarker.charValue());
+        assertFalse(help.abbreviateSynopsis);
+        assertFalse(help.showDefaultValues);
+        assertTrue(help.sortOptions);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSubclassAttributesOverrideEmptySuper() {
+        @Command
+        class EmptyBase {}
+        @Command(name = "base", abbreviateSynopsis = true, commandListHeading = "c o m m a n d s",
+                customSynopsis = "cust", description = "base description", descriptionHeading = "base descr heading",
+                footer = "base footer", footerHeading = "base footer heading",
+                header = "base header", headerHeading = "base header heading",
+                optionListHeading = "base option heading", parameterListHeading = "base param heading",
+                requiredOptionMarker = '&', separator = ";", showDefaultValues = true,
+                sortOptions = false, synopsisHeading = "abcd")
+        class FullBase extends EmptyBase{ }
+        Help help = new Help(new FullBase());
+        assertEquals("base", help.commandName);
+        assertEquals(String.format("cust%n"), help.synopsis(0));
+        assertEquals(String.format("cust%n"), help.customSynopsis());
+        assertEquals(String.format("base%n"), help.abbreviatedSynopsis());
+        assertEquals(String.format("base%n"), help.detailedSynopsis(0, null, true));
+        assertEquals("abcd", help.synopsisHeading);
+        assertEquals("", help.commandList());
+        assertEquals("c o m m a n d s", help.commandListHeading);
+        assertEquals(String.format("base description%n"), help.description());
+        assertEquals("base descr heading", help.descriptionHeading);
+        assertEquals(String.format("base footer%n"), help.footer());
+        assertEquals("base footer heading", help.footerHeading);
+        assertEquals(String.format("base header%n"), help.header());
+        assertEquals("base header heading", help.headerHeading);
+        assertEquals("", help.optionList());
+        assertEquals("base option heading", help.optionListHeading);
+        assertEquals("", help.parameterList());
+        assertEquals("base param heading", help.parameterListHeading);
+        assertTrue(help.abbreviateSynopsis);
+        assertTrue(help.showDefaultValues);
+        assertFalse(help.sortOptions);
+        assertEquals(";", help.separator);
+        assertEquals('&', help.requiredOptionMarker.charValue());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSubclassAttributesOverrideSuperValues() {
+        @Command(name = "sub", abbreviateSynopsis = false, commandListHeading = "subc o m m a n d s",
+                customSynopsis = "subcust", description = "sub description", descriptionHeading = "sub descr heading",
+                footer = "sub footer", footerHeading = "sub footer heading",
+                header = "sub header", headerHeading = "sub header heading",
+                optionListHeading = "sub option heading", parameterListHeading = "sub param heading",
+                requiredOptionMarker = '%', separator = ":", showDefaultValues = false,
+                sortOptions = true, synopsisHeading = "xyz")
+        class FullSub extends Base{ }
+        Help help = new Help(new FullSub());
+        assertEquals("sub", help.commandName);
+        assertEquals(String.format("subcust%n"), help.synopsis(0));
+        assertEquals(String.format("subcust%n"), help.customSynopsis());
+        assertEquals(String.format("sub%n"), help.abbreviatedSynopsis());
+        assertEquals(String.format("sub%n"), help.detailedSynopsis(0,null, true));
+        assertEquals("xyz", help.synopsisHeading);
+        assertEquals("", help.commandList());
+        assertEquals("subc o m m a n d s", help.commandListHeading);
+        assertEquals(String.format("sub description%n"), help.description());
+        assertEquals("sub descr heading", help.descriptionHeading);
+        assertEquals(String.format("sub footer%n"), help.footer());
+        assertEquals("sub footer heading", help.footerHeading);
+        assertEquals(String.format("sub header%n"), help.header());
+        assertEquals("sub header heading", help.headerHeading);
+        assertEquals("", help.optionList());
+        assertEquals("sub option heading", help.optionListHeading);
+        assertEquals("", help.parameterList());
+        assertEquals("sub param heading", help.parameterListHeading);
+        assertFalse(help.abbreviateSynopsis);
+        assertFalse(help.showDefaultValues);
+        assertTrue(help.sortOptions);
+        assertEquals(":", help.separator);
+        assertEquals('%', help.requiredOptionMarker.charValue());
+    }
+    static class UsageDemo {
+        @Option(names = "-a", description = "boolean option with short name only")
+        boolean a;
+        @Option(names = "-b", paramLabel = "INT", description = "short option with a parameter")
+        int b;
+        @Option(names = {"-c", "--c-option"}, description = "boolean option with short and long name")
+        boolean c;
+        @Option(names = {"-d", "--d-option"}, paramLabel = "FILE", description = "option with parameter and short and long name")
+        File d;
+        @Option(names = "--e-option", description = "boolean option with only a long name")
+        boolean e;
+        @Option(names = "--f-option", paramLabel = "STRING", description = "option with parameter and only a long name")
+        String f;
+        @Option(names = {"-g", "--g-option-with-a-name-so-long-that-it-runs-into-the-descriptions-column"}, description = "boolean option with short and long name")
+        boolean g;
+        @Parameters(index = "0", paramLabel = "0BLAH", description = "first parameter")
+        String param0;
+        @Parameters(index = "1", paramLabel = "1PARAMETER-with-a-name-so-long-that-it-runs-into-the-descriptions-column", description = "2nd parameter")
+        String param1;
+        @Parameters(index = "2..*", paramLabel = "remaining", description = "remaining parameters")
+        String param2_n;
+        @Parameters(index = "*", paramLabel = "all", description = "all parameters")
+        String param_n;
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSubclassedCommandHelp() throws Exception {
+        @Command(name = "parent", description = "parent description")
+        class ParentOption {
+        }
+        @Command(name = "child", description = "child description")
+        class ChildOption extends ParentOption {
+        }
+        String actual = usageString(new ChildOption(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals(String.format(
+                "Usage: child%n" +
+                "child description%n"), actual);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsisOrderCorrectWhenParametersDeclaredOutOfOrder() {
+        class WithParams {
+            @Parameters(index = "1") String param1;
+            @Parameters(index = "0") String param0;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new WithParams());
+        assertEquals(format("<main class> <param0> <param1>%n"), help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSynopsisOrderCorrectWhenSubClassAddsParameters() {
+        class BaseWithParams {
+            @Parameters(index = "1") String param1;
+            @Parameters(index = "0") String param0;
+        }
+        class SubWithParams extends BaseWithParams {
+            @Parameters(index = "3") String param3;
+            @Parameters(index = "2") String param2;
+        }
+        Help help = new Help(new SubWithParams());
+        assertEquals(format("<main class> <param0> <param1> <param2> <param3>%n"), help.synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testUsageMainCommand_NoAnsi() throws Exception {
+        String actual = usageString(Demo.mainCommand(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals(String.format(Demo.EXPECTED_USAGE_MAIN), actual);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testUsageMainCommand_ANSI() throws Exception {
+        String actual = usageString(Demo.mainCommand(), Help.Ansi.ON);
+        assertEquals( Text(String.format(Demo.EXPECTED_USAGE_MAIN_ANSI)), actual);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testUsageSubcommandGitStatus_NoAnsi() throws Exception {
+        String actual = usageString(new Demo.GitStatus(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals(String.format(Demo.EXPECTED_USAGE_GITSTATUS), actual);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testUsageSubcommandGitStatus_ANSI() throws Exception {
+        String actual = usageString(new Demo.GitStatus(), Help.Ansi.ON);
+        assertEquals( Text(String.format(Demo.EXPECTED_USAGE_GITSTATUS_ANSI)), actual);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testUsageSubcommandGitCommit_NoAnsi() throws Exception {
+        String actual = usageString(new Demo.GitCommit(), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals(String.format(Demo.EXPECTED_USAGE_GITCOMMIT), actual);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testUsageSubcommandGitCommit_ANSI() throws Exception {
+        String actual = usageString(new Demo.GitCommit(), Help.Ansi.ON);
+        assertEquals( Text(String.format(Demo.EXPECTED_USAGE_GITCOMMIT_ANSI)), actual);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testUsageNestedSubcommand() throws IOException {
+        @Command(name = "main") class MainCommand { @Option(names = "-a") boolean a; @Option(names = "-h", help = true) boolean h;}
+        @Command(name = "cmd1") class ChildCommand1 { @Option(names = "-b") boolean b; }
+        @Command(name = "cmd2") class ChildCommand2 { @Option(names = "-c") boolean c; @Option(names = "-h", help = true) boolean h;}
+        @Command(name = "sub11") class GrandChild1Command1 { @Option(names = "-d") boolean d; }
+        @Command(name = "sub12") class GrandChild1Command2 { @Option(names = "-e") int e; }
+        @Command(name = "sub21") class GrandChild2Command1 { @Option(names = "-h", help = true) boolean h; }
+        @Command(name = "sub22") class GrandChild2Command2 { @Option(names = "-g") boolean g; }
+        @Command(name = "sub22sub1") class GreatGrandChild2Command2_1 {
+            @Option(names = "-h", help = true) boolean h;
+            @Option(names = {"-t", "--type"}) String customType;
+        }
+        CommandLine commandLine = new CommandLine(new MainCommand());
+        commandLine
+                .addSubcommand("cmd1", new CommandLine(new ChildCommand1())
+                        .addSubcommand("sub11", new GrandChild1Command1())
+                        .addSubcommand("sub12", new GrandChild1Command2())
+                )
+                .addSubcommand("cmd2", new CommandLine(new ChildCommand2())
+                        .addSubcommand("sub21", new GrandChild2Command1())
+                        .addSubcommand("sub22", new CommandLine(new GrandChild2Command2())
+                                .addSubcommand("sub22sub1", new GreatGrandChild2Command2_1())
+                        )
+                );
+        String main = usageString(commandLine, Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals(String.format("" +
+                "Usage: main [-ah]%n" +
+                "  -a%n" +
+                "  -h%n" +
+                "Commands:%n" +
+                "  cmd1%n" +
+                "  cmd2%n"), main);
+        String cmd2 = usageString(commandLine.getSubcommands().get("cmd2"), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals(String.format("" +
+                "Usage: cmd2 [-ch]%n" +
+                "  -c%n" +
+                "  -h%n" +
+                "Commands:%n" +
+                "  sub21%n" +
+                "  sub22%n"), cmd2);
+        String sub22 = usageString(commandLine.getSubcommands().get("cmd2").getSubcommands().get("sub22"), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        assertEquals(String.format("" +
+                "Usage: sub22 [-g]%n" +
+                "  -g%n" +
+                "Commands:%n" +
+                "  sub22sub1%n"), sub22);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testTextConstructorPlain() {
+        assertEquals("--NoAnsiFormat", Text("--NoAnsiFormat").toString());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testTextConstructorWithStyle() {
+        assertEquals("\u001B[1m--NoAnsiFormat\u001B[21m\u001B[0m", Text("@|bold --NoAnsiFormat|@").toString());
+    }
+    @Ignore("Until nested styles are supported")
+    @Test
+    public void testTextConstructorWithNestedStyle() {
+        assertEquals("\u001B[1mfirst \u001B[2msecond\u001B[22m\u001B[21m", Text("@|bold first @|underline second|@|@").toString());
+        assertEquals("\u001B[1mfirst \u001B[4msecond\u001B[24m third\u001B[21m", Text("@|bold first @|underline second|@ third|@").toString());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testTextApply() {
+        Text txt = Help.Ansi.ON.apply("--p", Arrays.<IStyle>asList(Style.fg_red, Style.bold));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|fg(red),bold --p|@"), txt);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testTextDefaultColorScheme() {
+        Help.Ansi ansi = Help.Ansi.ON;
+        ColorScheme scheme = Help.defaultColorScheme(ansi);
+        assertEquals(scheme.ansi().new Text("@|yellow -p|@"),      scheme.optionText("-p"));
+        assertEquals(scheme.ansi().new Text("@|bold command|@"),  scheme.commandText("command"));
+        assertEquals(scheme.ansi().new Text("@|yellow FILE|@"),   scheme.parameterText("FILE"));
+        assertEquals(scheme.ansi().new Text("@|italic NUMBER|@"), scheme.optionParamText("NUMBER"));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testTextSubString() {
+        Help.Ansi ansi = Help.Ansi.ON;
+        Text txt = Text("@|bold 01234|@").append("56").append("@|underline 7890|@");
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold 01234|@56@|underline 7890|@"), txt.substring(0));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold 1234|@56@|underline 7890|@"), txt.substring(1));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold 234|@56@|underline 7890|@"), txt.substring(2));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold 34|@56@|underline 7890|@"), txt.substring(3));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold 4|@56@|underline 7890|@"), txt.substring(4));
+        assertEquals( Text("56@|underline 7890|@"), txt.substring(5));
+        assertEquals( Text("6@|underline 7890|@"), txt.substring(6));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|underline 7890|@"), txt.substring(7));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|underline 890|@"), txt.substring(8));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|underline 90|@"), txt.substring(9));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|underline 0|@"), txt.substring(10));
+        assertEquals( Text(""), txt.substring(11));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold 01234|@56@|underline 7890|@"), txt.substring(0, 11));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold 01234|@56@|underline 789|@"), txt.substring(0, 10));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold 01234|@56@|underline 78|@"), txt.substring(0, 9));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold 01234|@56@|underline 7|@"), txt.substring(0, 8));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold 01234|@56"), txt.substring(0, 7));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold 01234|@5"), txt.substring(0, 6));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold 01234|@"), txt.substring(0, 5));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold 0123|@"), txt.substring(0, 4));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold 012|@"), txt.substring(0, 3));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold 01|@"), txt.substring(0, 2));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold 0|@"), txt.substring(0, 1));
+        assertEquals( Text(""), txt.substring(0, 0));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold 1234|@56@|underline 789|@"), txt.substring(1, 10));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold 234|@56@|underline 78|@"), txt.substring(2, 9));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold 34|@56@|underline 7|@"), txt.substring(3, 8));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold 4|@56"), txt.substring(4, 7));
+        assertEquals( Text("5"), txt.substring(5, 6));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold 2|@"), txt.substring(2, 3));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|underline 8|@"), txt.substring(8, 9));
+        Text txt2 = Text("@|bold abc|@@|underline DEF|@");
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold abc|@@|underline DEF|@"), txt2.substring(0));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold bc|@@|underline DEF|@"), txt2.substring(1));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold abc|@@|underline DE|@"), txt2.substring(0,5));
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold bc|@@|underline DE|@"), txt2.substring(1,5));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testTextWithMultipleStyledSections() {
+        assertEquals("\u001B[1m<main class>\u001B[21m\u001B[0m [\u001B[33m-v\u001B[39m\u001B[0m] [\u001B[33m-c\u001B[39m\u001B[0m [\u001B[3m<count>\u001B[23m\u001B[0m]]",
+       Text("@|bold <main class>|@ [@|yellow -v|@] [@|yellow -c|@ [@|italic <count>|@]]").toString());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testTextAdjacentStyles() {
+        assertEquals("\u001B[3m<commit\u001B[23m\u001B[0m\u001B[3m>\u001B[23m\u001B[0m%n\u001B[0m",
+       Text("@|italic <commit|@@|italic >|@%n").toString());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testTextNoConversionWithoutClosingTag() {
+        assertEquals("\u001B[3mabc\u001B[23m\u001B[0m", Text("@|italic abc|@").toString());
+        assertEquals("@|italic abc",           Text("@|italic abc").toString());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testTextNoConversionWithoutSpaceSeparator() {
+        assertEquals("\u001B[3ma\u001B[23m\u001B[0m", Text("@|italic a|@").toString());
+        assertEquals("@|italic|@",           Text("@|italic|@").toString());
+        assertEquals("",                     Text("@|italic |@").toString());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testPalette236ColorForegroundIndex() {
+        assertEquals("\u001B[38;5;45mabc\u001B[39m\u001B[0m", Text("@|fg(45) abc|@").toString());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testPalette236ColorForegroundRgb() {
+        int num = 16 + 36 * 5 + 6 * 5 + 5;
+        assertEquals("\u001B[38;5;" + num + "mabc\u001B[39m\u001B[0m", Text("@|fg(5;5;5) abc|@").toString());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testPalette236ColorBackgroundIndex() {
+        assertEquals("\u001B[48;5;77mabc\u001B[49m\u001B[0m", Text("@|bg(77) abc|@").toString());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testPalette236ColorBackgroundRgb() {
+        int num = 16 + 36 * 3 + 6 * 3 + 3;
+        assertEquals("\u001B[48;5;" + num + "mabc\u001B[49m\u001B[0m", Text("@|bg(3;3;3) abc|@").toString());
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testAnsiEnabled() {
+        assertTrue(Help.Ansi.ON.enabled());
+        assertFalse(Help.Ansi.OFF.enabled());
+        System.setProperty("picocli.ansi", "true");
+        assertEquals(true, Help.Ansi.AUTO.enabled());
+        System.setProperty("picocli.ansi", "false");
+        assertEquals(false, Help.Ansi.AUTO.enabled());
+        System.clearProperty("picocli.ansi");
+        boolean isWindows = System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows");
+        boolean isXterm   = System.getenv("TERM") != null && System.getenv("TERM").startsWith("xterm");
+        boolean isAtty    = (isWindows && isXterm) // cygwin pseudo-tty
+                          || hasConsole();
+        assertEquals(isAtty && (!isWindows || isXterm), Help.Ansi.AUTO.enabled());
+    }
+    private boolean hasConsole() {
+        try { return System.class.getDeclaredMethod("console").invoke(null) != null; }
+        catch (Throwable reflectionFailed) { return true; }
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSystemPropertiesOverrideDefaultColorScheme() {
+        @CommandLine.Command(separator = "=") class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}) int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+            @Parameters(paramLabel = "FILE", arity = "1..*") File[] files;
+        }
+        Help.Ansi ansi = Help.Ansi.ON;
+        // default color scheme
+        assertEquals( Text("@|bold <main class>|@ [@|yellow -v|@] [@|yellow -c|@=@|italic <count>|@] @|yellow FILE|@ [@|yellow FILE|@...]" + LINESEP),
+                new Help(new App(), ansi).synopsis(0));
+        System.setProperty("picocli.color.commands", "blue");
+        System.setProperty("picocli.color.options", "green");
+        System.setProperty("picocli.color.parameters", "cyan");
+        System.setProperty("picocli.color.optionParams", "magenta");
+        assertEquals( Text("@|blue <main class>|@ [@|green -v|@] [@|green -c|@=@|magenta <count>|@] @|cyan FILE|@ [@|cyan FILE|@...]" + LINESEP),
+                new Help(new App(), ansi).synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testSystemPropertiesOverrideExplicitColorScheme() {
+        @CommandLine.Command(separator = "=") class App {
+            @Option(names = {"--verbose", "-v"}) boolean verbose;
+            @Option(names = {"--count", "-c"}) int count;
+            @Option(names = {"--help", "-h"}, hidden = true) boolean helpRequested;
+            @Parameters(paramLabel = "FILE", arity = "1..*") File[] files;
+        }
+        Help.Ansi ansi = Help.Ansi.ON;
+        ColorScheme explicit = new ColorScheme(ansi)
+                .commands(Style.faint, Style.bg_magenta)
+                .options(Style.bg_red)
+                .parameters(Style.reverse)
+                .optionParams(Style.bg_green);
+        // default color scheme
+        assertEquals( Text("@|faint,bg(magenta) <main class>|@ [@|bg(red) -v|@] [@|bg(red) -c|@=@|bg(green) <count>|@] @|reverse FILE|@ [@|reverse FILE|@...]" + LINESEP),
+                new Help(new App(), explicit).synopsis(0));
+        System.setProperty("picocli.color.commands", "blue");
+        System.setProperty("picocli.color.options", "blink");
+        System.setProperty("picocli.color.parameters", "red");
+        System.setProperty("picocli.color.optionParams", "magenta");
+        assertEquals( Text("@|blue <main class>|@ [@|blink -v|@] [@|blink -c|@=@|magenta <count>|@] @|red FILE|@ [@|red FILE|@...]" + LINESEP),
+                new Help(new App(), explicit).synopsis(0));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testCommandLine_printVersionInfo_printsSinglePlainTextString() throws Exception {
+        @Command(version = "1.0") class Versioned {}
+        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+        new CommandLine(new Versioned()).printVersionHelp(new PrintStream(baos, true, "UTF8"), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        String result = baos.toString("UTF8");
+        assertEquals(String.format("1.0%n"), result);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testCommandLine_printVersionInfo_printsArrayOfPlainTextStrings() throws Exception {
+        @Command(version = {"Versioned Command 1.0", "512-bit superdeluxe", "(c) 2017"}) class Versioned {}
+        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+        new CommandLine(new Versioned()).printVersionHelp(new PrintStream(baos, true, "UTF8"), Help.Ansi.OFF);
+        String result = baos.toString("UTF8");
+        assertEquals(String.format("Versioned Command 1.0%n512-bit superdeluxe%n(c) 2017%n"), result);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testCommandLine_printVersionInfo_printsSingleStringWithMarkup() throws Exception {
+        @Command(version = "@|red 1.0|@") class Versioned {}
+        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOut