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[27/56] [abbrv] libcloud git commit: Removed sdist
diff --git a/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/compute/drivers/ b/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/compute/drivers/
deleted file mode 100644
index 380b7af..0000000
--- a/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/compute/drivers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Enomaly ECP driver
-import time
-import base64
-import os
-import socket
-import binascii
-from libcloud.utils.py3 import httplib
-from libcloud.utils.py3 import b
-# JSON is included in the standard library starting with Python 2.6.  For 2.5
-# and 2.4, there's a simplejson egg at:
-    import simplejson as json
-except ImportError:
-    import json
-from libcloud.common.base import Response, ConnectionUserAndKey
-from libcloud.compute.base import NodeDriver, NodeSize, NodeLocation
-from libcloud.compute.base import NodeImage, Node
-from libcloud.compute.types import Provider, NodeState, InvalidCredsError
-from libcloud.utils.networking import is_private_subnet
-# Defaults
-API_HOST = ''
-API_PORT = (80, 443)
-class ECPResponse(Response):
-    def success(self):
-        if self.status == httplib.OK or self.status == httplib.CREATED:
-            try:
-                j_body = json.loads(self.body)
-            except ValueError:
-                self.error = "JSON response cannot be decoded."
-                return False
-            if j_body['errno'] == 0:
-                return True
-            else:
-                self.error = "ECP error: %s" % j_body['message']
-                return False
-        elif self.status == httplib.UNAUTHORIZED:
-            raise InvalidCredsError()
-        else:
-            self.error = "HTTP Error Code: %s" % self.status
-        return False
-    def parse_error(self):
-        return self.error
-    # Interpret the json responses - no error checking required
-    def parse_body(self):
-        return json.loads(self.body)
-    def getheaders(self):
-        return self.headers
-class ECPConnection(ConnectionUserAndKey):
-    """
-    Connection class for the Enomaly ECP driver
-    """
-    responseCls = ECPResponse
-    host = API_HOST
-    port = API_PORT
-    def add_default_headers(self, headers):
-        # Authentication
-        username = self.user_id
-        password = self.key
-        base64string = base64.encodestring(
-            b('%s:%s' % (username, password)))[:-1]
-        authheader = "Basic %s" % base64string
-        headers['Authorization'] = authheader
-        return headers
-    def _encode_multipart_formdata(self, fields):
-        """
-        Based on Wade Leftwich's function:
-        """
-        # use a random boundary that does not appear in the fields
-        boundary = ''
-        while boundary in ''.join(fields):
-            boundary = binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(16)).decode('utf-8')
-        L = []
-        for i in fields:
-            L.append('--' + boundary)
-            L.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % i)
-            L.append('')
-            L.append(fields[i])
-        L.append('--' + boundary + '--')
-        L.append('')
-        body = '\r\n'.join(L)
-        content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % boundary
-        header = {'Content-Type': content_type}
-        return header, body
-class ECPNodeDriver(NodeDriver):
-    """
-    Enomaly ECP node driver
-    """
-    name = "Enomaly Elastic Computing Platform"
-    website = ''
-    type = Provider.ECP
-    connectionCls = ECPConnection
-    def list_nodes(self):
-        """
-        Returns a list of all running Nodes
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`Node`
-        """
-        # Make the call
-        res = self.connection.request('/rest/hosting/vm/list').parse_body()
-        # Put together a list of node objects
-        nodes = []
-        for vm in res['vms']:
-            node = self._to_node(vm)
-            if node is not None:
-                nodes.append(node)
-        # And return it
-        return nodes
-    def _to_node(self, vm):
-        """
-        Turns a (json) dictionary into a Node object.
-        This returns only running VMs.
-        """
-        # Check state
-        if not vm['state'] == "running":
-            return None
-        # IPs
-        iplist = [interface['ip'] for interface in vm['interfaces'] if
-                  interface['ip'] != '']
-        public_ips = []
-        private_ips = []
-        for ip in iplist:
-            try:
-                socket.inet_aton(ip)
-            except socket.error:
-                # not a valid ip
-                continue
-            if is_private_subnet(ip):
-                private_ips.append(ip)
-            else:
-                public_ips.append(ip)
-        # Create the node object
-        n = Node(
-            id=vm['uuid'],
-            name=vm['name'],
-            state=NodeState.RUNNING,
-            public_ips=public_ips,
-            private_ips=private_ips,
-            driver=self,
-        )
-        return n
-    def reboot_node(self, node):
-        """
-        Shuts down a VM and then starts it again.
-        @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.reboot_node`
-        """
-        # Turn the VM off
-        # Black magic to make the POST requests work
-        d = self.connection._encode_multipart_formdata({'action': 'stop'})
-        self.connection.request(
-            '/rest/hosting/vm/%s' %,
-            method='POST',
-            headers=d[0],
-            data=d[1]
-        ).parse_body()
-        node.state = NodeState.REBOOTING
-        # Wait for it to turn off and then continue (to turn it on again)
-        while node.state == NodeState.REBOOTING:
-            # Check if it's off.
-            response = self.connection.request(
-                '/rest/hosting/vm/%s' %
-            ).parse_body()
-            if response['vm']['state'] == 'off':
-                node.state = NodeState.TERMINATED
-            else:
-                time.sleep(5)
-        # Turn the VM back on.
-        # Black magic to make the POST requests work
-        d = self.connection._encode_multipart_formdata({'action': 'start'})
-        self.connection.request(
-            '/rest/hosting/vm/%s' %,
-            method='POST',
-            headers=d[0],
-            data=d[1]
-        ).parse_body()
-        node.state = NodeState.RUNNING
-        return True
-    def destroy_node(self, node):
-        """
-        Shuts down and deletes a VM.
-        @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.destroy_node`
-        """
-        # Shut down first
-        # Black magic to make the POST requests work
-        d = self.connection._encode_multipart_formdata({'action': 'stop'})
-        self.connection.request(
-            '/rest/hosting/vm/%s' %,
-            method='POST',
-            headers=d[0],
-            data=d[1]
-        ).parse_body()
-        # Ensure there was no application level error
-        node.state = NodeState.PENDING
-        # Wait for the VM to turn off before continuing
-        while node.state == NodeState.PENDING:
-            # Check if it's off.
-            response = self.connection.request(
-                '/rest/hosting/vm/%s' %
-            ).parse_body()
-            if response['vm']['state'] == 'off':
-                node.state = NodeState.TERMINATED
-            else:
-                time.sleep(5)
-        # Delete the VM
-        # Black magic to make the POST requests work
-        d = self.connection._encode_multipart_formdata({'action': 'delete'})
-        self.connection.request(
-            '/rest/hosting/vm/%s' % (,
-            method='POST',
-            headers=d[0],
-            data=d[1]
-        ).parse_body()
-        return True
-    def list_images(self, location=None):
-        """
-        Returns a list of all package templates aka appliances aka images.
-        @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.list_images`
-        """
-        # Make the call
-        response = self.connection.request(
-            '/rest/hosting/ptemplate/list').parse_body()
-        # Turn the response into an array of NodeImage objects
-        images = []
-        for ptemplate in response['packages']:
-            images.append(NodeImage(
-                id=ptemplate['uuid'],
-                name='%s: %s' % (ptemplate['name'], ptemplate['description']),
-                driver=self,)
-            )
-        return images
-    def list_sizes(self, location=None):
-        """
-        Returns a list of all hardware templates
-        @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.list_sizes`
-        """
-        # Make the call
-        response = self.connection.request(
-            '/rest/hosting/htemplate/list').parse_body()
-        # Turn the response into an array of NodeSize objects
-        sizes = []
-        for htemplate in response['templates']:
-            sizes.append(NodeSize(
-                id=htemplate['uuid'],
-                name=htemplate['name'],
-                ram=htemplate['memory'],
-                disk=0,  # Disk is independent of hardware template.
-                bandwidth=0,  # There is no way to keep track of bandwidth.
-                price=0,  # The billing system is external.
-                driver=self,)
-            )
-        return sizes
-    def list_locations(self):
-        """
-        This feature does not exist in ECP. Returns hard coded dummy location.
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`NodeLocation`
-        """
-        return [NodeLocation(id=1,
-                             name="Cloud",
-                             country='',
-                             driver=self),
-                ]
-    def create_node(self, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Creates a virtual machine.
-        :keyword    name:   String with a name for this new node (required)
-        :type       name:   ``str``
-        :keyword    size:   The size of resources allocated to this node .
-                            (required)
-        :type       size:   :class:`NodeSize`
-        :keyword    image:  OS Image to boot on node. (required)
-        :type       image:  :class:`NodeImage`
-        :rtype: :class:`Node`
-        """
-        # Find out what network to put the VM on.
-        res = self.connection.request(
-            '/rest/hosting/network/list').parse_body()
-        # Use the first / default network because there is no way to specific
-        # which one
-        network = res['networks'][0]['uuid']
-        # Prepare to make the VM
-        data = {
-            'name': str(kwargs['name']),
-            'package': str(kwargs['image'].id),
-            'hardware': str(kwargs['size'].id),
-            'network_uuid': str(network),
-            'disk': ''
-        }
-        # Black magic to make the POST requests work
-        d = self.connection._encode_multipart_formdata(data)
-        response = self.connection.request(
-            '/rest/hosting/vm/',
-            method='PUT',
-            headers=d[0],
-            data=d[1]
-        ).parse_body()
-        # Create a node object and return it.
-        n = Node(
-            id=response['machine_id'],
-            name=data['name'],
-            state=NodeState.PENDING,
-            public_ips=[],
-            private_ips=[],
-            driver=self,
-        )
-        return n
diff --git a/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/compute/drivers/ b/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/compute/drivers/
deleted file mode 100644
index c9d53f8..0000000
--- a/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/compute/drivers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1533 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Node driver for Aliyun.
-    import simplejson as json
-except ImportError:
-    import json
-import time
-from libcloud.common.aliyun import AliyunXmlResponse, SignedAliyunConnection
-from libcloud.common.types import LibcloudError
-from libcloud.compute.base import Node, NodeDriver, NodeImage, NodeSize, \
-    StorageVolume, VolumeSnapshot, NodeLocation
-from libcloud.compute.types import NodeState, StorageVolumeState, \
-    VolumeSnapshotState
-from libcloud.utils.py3 import _real_unicode as u
-from libcloud.utils.xml import findall, findattr, findtext
-__all__ = [
-    'DiskCategory',
-    'InternetChargeType',
-    'ECSDriver',
-    'ECSSecurityGroup',
-    'ECSZone'
-ECS_API_VERSION = '2014-05-26'
-def _parse_bool(value):
-    if isinstance(value, bool):
-        return value
-    if u(value).lower() == 'true':
-        return True
-    return False
-Define the extra dictionary for specific resources
-    'node': {
-        'description': {
-            'xpath': 'Description',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'image_id': {
-            'xpath': 'ImageId',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'zone_id': {
-            'xpath': 'ZoneId',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'instance_type': {
-            'xpath': 'InstanceType',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'instance_type_family': {
-            'xpath': 'InstanceTypeFamily',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'hostname': {
-            'xpath': 'HostName',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'serial_number': {
-            'xpath': 'SerialNumber',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'internet_charge_type': {
-            'xpath': 'InternetChargeType',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'creation_time': {
-            'xpath': 'CreationTime',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'instance_network_type': {
-            'xpath': 'InstanceNetworkType',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'instance_charge_type': {
-            'xpath': 'InstanceChargeType',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'device_available': {
-            'xpath': 'DeviceAvailable',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'io_optimized': {
-            'xpath': 'IoOptimized',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'expired_time': {
-            'xpath': 'ExpiredTime',
-            'transform_func': u
-        }
-    },
-    'vpc_attributes': {
-        'vpc_id': {
-            'xpath': 'VpcId',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'vswitch_id': {
-            'xpath': 'VSwitchId',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'private_ip_address': {
-            'xpath': 'PrivateIpAddress/IpAddress',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'nat_ip_address': {
-            'xpath': 'NatIpAddress',
-            'transform_func': u
-        }
-    },
-    'eip_address_associate': {
-        'allocation_id': {
-            'xpath': 'AllocationId',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'ip_address': {
-            'xpath': 'IpAddress',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'bandwidth': {
-            'xpath': 'Bandwidth',
-            'transform_func': int
-        },
-        'internet_charge_type': {
-            'xpath': 'InternetChargeType',
-            'transform_func': u
-        }
-    },
-    'operation_locks': {
-        'lock_reason': {
-            'xpath': 'LockReason',
-            'transform_func': u
-        }
-    },
-    'volume': {
-        'region_id': {
-            'xpath': 'RegionId',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'zone_id': {
-            'xpath': 'ZoneId',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'description': {
-            'xpath': 'Description',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'type': {
-            'xpath': 'Type',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'category': {
-            'xpath': 'Category',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'image_id': {
-            'xpath': 'ImageId',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'source_snapshot_id': {
-            'xpath': 'SourceSnapshotId',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'product_code': {
-            'xpath': 'ProductCode',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'portable': {
-            'xpath': 'Portable',
-            'transform_func': _parse_bool
-        },
-        'instance_id': {
-            'xpath': 'InstanceId',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'device': {
-            'xpath': 'Device',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'delete_with_instance': {
-            'xpath': 'DeleteWithInstance',
-            'transform_func': _parse_bool
-        },
-        'enable_auto_snapshot': {
-            'xpath': 'EnableAutoSnapshot',
-            'transform_func': _parse_bool
-        },
-        'creation_time': {
-            'xpath': 'CreationTime',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'attached_time': {
-            'xpath': 'AttachedTime',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'detached_time': {
-            'xpath': 'DetachedTime',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'disk_charge_type': {
-            'xpath': 'DiskChargeType',
-            'transform_func': u
-        }
-    },
-    'snapshot': {
-        'snapshot_name': {
-            'xpath': 'SnapshotName',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'description': {
-            'xpath': 'Description',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'progress': {
-            'xpath': 'Progress',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'source_disk_id': {
-            'xpath': 'SourceDiskId',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'source_disk_size': {
-            'xpath': 'SourceDiskSize',
-            'transform_func': int
-        },
-        'source_disk_type': {
-            'xpath': 'SourceDiskType',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'product_code': {
-            'xpath': 'ProductCode',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'usage': {
-            'xpath': 'Usage',
-            'transform_func': u
-        }
-    },
-    'image': {
-        'image_version': {
-            'xpath': 'ImageVersion',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'os_type': {
-            'xpath': 'OSType',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'platform': {
-            'xpath': 'Platform',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'architecture': {
-            'xpath': 'Architecture',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'description': {
-            'xpath': 'Description',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'size': {
-            'xpath': 'Size',
-            'transform_func': int
-        },
-        'image_owner_alias': {
-            'xpath': 'ImageOwnerAlias',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'os_name': {
-            'xpath': 'OSName',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'product_code': {
-            'xpath': 'ProductCode',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'is_subscribed': {
-            'xpath': 'IsSubscribed',
-            'transform_func': _parse_bool
-        },
-        'progress': {
-            'xpath': 'Progress',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'creation_time': {
-            'xpath': 'CreationTime',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'usage': {
-            'xpath': 'Usage',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'is_copied': {
-            'xpath': 'IsCopied',
-            'transform_func': _parse_bool
-        }
-    },
-    'disk_device_mapping': {
-        'snapshot_id': {
-            'xpath': 'SnapshotId',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'size': {
-            'xpath': 'Size',
-            'transform_func': int
-        },
-        'device': {
-            'xpath': 'Device',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'format': {
-            'xpath': 'Format',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'import_oss_bucket': {
-            'xpath': 'ImportOSSBucket',
-            'transform_func': u
-        },
-        'import_oss_object': {
-            'xpath': 'ImportOSSObject',
-            'transform_func': u
-        }
-    }
-class ECSConnection(SignedAliyunConnection):
-    """
-    Represents a single connection to the Aliyun ECS Endpoint.
-    """
-    version = ECS_API_VERSION
-    host = ECS_API_ENDPOINT
-    responseCls = AliyunXmlResponse
-    service_name = 'ecs'
-class ECSSecurityGroup(object):
-    """
-    Security group used to control nodes internet and intranet accessibility.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, id, name, description=None, driver=None, vpc_id=None,
-                 creation_time=None):
- = id
- = name
-        self.description = description
-        self.driver = driver
-        self.vpc_id = vpc_id
-        self.creation_time = creation_time
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return ('<ECSSecurityGroup: id=%s, name=%s, driver=%s ...>' %
-                (,,
-class ECSZone(object):
-    """
-    ECSZone used to represent an availability zone in a region.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, id, name, driver=None,
-                 available_resource_types=None,
-                 available_instance_types=None,
-                 available_disk_categories=None):
- = id
- = name
-        self.driver = driver
-        self.available_resource_types = available_resource_types
-        self.available_instance_types = available_instance_types
-        self.available_disk_categories = available_disk_categories
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return ('<ECSZone: id=%s, name=%s, driver=%s>' %
-                (,, self.driver))
-class InternetChargeType(object):
-    """
-    Internet connection billing types for Aliyun Nodes.
-    """
-    BY_BANDWIDTH = 'PayByBandwidth'
-    BY_TRAFFIC = 'PayByTraffic'
-class DiskCategory(object):
-    """
-    Enum defined disk types supported by Aliyun system and data disks.
-    """
-    CLOUD = 'cloud'
-    CLOUD_EFFICIENCY = 'cloud_efficiency'
-    CLOUD_SSD = 'cloud_ssd'
-    EPHEMERAL_SSD = 'ephemeral_ssd'
-class Pagination(object):
-    """
-    Pagination used to describe the multiple pages results.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, total, size, current):
-        """
-        Create a pagination.
-        :param total: the total count of the results
-        :param size: the page size of each page
-        :param current: the current page number, 1-based
-        """
- = total
-        self.size = size
-        self.current = current
-    def next(self):
-        """
-        Switch to the next page.
-        :return: the new pagination or None when no more page
-        :rtype: ``Pagination``
-        """
-        if is None or (self.size * self.current >=
-            return None
-        self.current += 1
-        return self
-    def to_dict(self):
-        return {'PageNumber': self.current,
-                'PageSize': self.size}
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return ('<Pagination total=%d, size=%d, current page=%d>' %
-                (, self.size, self.current))
-class ECSDriver(NodeDriver):
-    """
-    Aliyun ECS node driver.
-    Used for Aliyun ECS service.
-    TODO:
-    Create public IP address
-    Get guest OS root password
-    Adjust internet bandwidth settings
-    Manage security groups and rules
-    """
-    name = 'Aliyun ECS'
-    website = ''
-    connectionCls = ECSConnection
-    features = {'create_node': ['password']}
-    namespace = None
-    path = '/'
-    internet_charge_types = InternetChargeType
-    disk_categories = DiskCategory
-        'Starting': NodeState.PENDING,
-        'Running': NodeState.RUNNING,
-        'Stopping': NodeState.PENDING,
-        'Stopped': NodeState.STOPPED
-    }
-        'In_use': StorageVolumeState.INUSE,
-        'Available': StorageVolumeState.AVAILABLE,
-        'Attaching': StorageVolumeState.ATTACHING,
-        'Detaching': StorageVolumeState.INUSE,
-        'Creating': StorageVolumeState.CREATING,
-        'ReIniting': StorageVolumeState.CREATING}
-        'progressing': VolumeSnapshotState.CREATING,
-        'accomplished': VolumeSnapshotState.AVAILABLE,
-        'failed': VolumeSnapshotState.ERROR}
-    def list_nodes(self, ex_node_ids=None, ex_filters=None):
-        """
-        List all nodes.
-        @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.create_node`
-        :keyword  ex_node_ids: a list of node's ids used to filter nodes.
-                               Only the nodes which's id in this list
-                               will be returned.
-        :type   ex_node_ids: ``list`` of ``str``
-        :keyword  ex_filters: node attribute and value pairs to filter nodes.
-                              Only the nodes which matchs all the pairs will
-                              be returned.
-                              If the filter attribute need a json array value,
-                              use ``list`` object, the driver will convert it.
-        :type   ex_filters: ``dict``
-        """
-        params = {'Action': 'DescribeInstances',
-                  'RegionId': self.region}
-        if ex_node_ids:
-            if isinstance(ex_node_ids, list):
-                params['InstanceIds'] = self._list_to_json_array(ex_node_ids)
-            else:
-                raise AttributeError('ex_node_ids should be a list of '
-                                     'node ids.')
-        if ex_filters:
-            if isinstance(ex_filters, dict):
-                params.update(ex_filters)
-            else:
-                raise AttributeError('ex_filters should be a dict of '
-                                     'node attributes.')
-        nodes = self._request_multiple_pages(self.path, params,
-                                             self._to_nodes)
-        return nodes
-    def list_sizes(self, location=None):
-        params = {'Action': 'DescribeInstanceTypes'}
-        resp_body = self.connection.request(self.path, params).object
-        size_elements = findall(resp_body, 'InstanceTypes/InstanceType',
-                                namespace=self.namespace)
-        sizes = [self._to_size(each) for each in size_elements]
-        return sizes
-    def list_locations(self):
-        params = {'Action': 'DescribeRegions'}
-        resp_body = self.connection.request(self.path, params).object
-        location_elements = findall(resp_body, 'Regions/Region',
-                                    namespace=self.namespace)
-        locations = [self._to_location(each) for each in location_elements]
-        return locations
-    def create_node(self, name, size, image, auth=None,
-                    ex_security_group_id=None, ex_description=None,
-                    ex_internet_charge_type=None,
-                    ex_internet_max_bandwidth_out=None,
-                    ex_internet_max_bandwidth_in=None,
-                    ex_hostname=None, ex_io_optimized=None,
-                    ex_system_disk=None, ex_data_disks=None,
-                    ex_vswitch_id=None, ex_private_ip_address=None,
-                    ex_client_token=None, **kwargs):
-        """
-        @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.create_node`
-        :param name: The name for this new node (required)
-        :type name: ``str``
-        :param image: The image to use when creating this node (required)
-        :type image: `NodeImage`
-        :param size: The size of the node to create (required)
-        :type size: `NodeSize`
-        :keyword auth: Initial authentication information for the node
-                       (optional)
-        :type auth: :class:`NodeAuthSSHKey` or :class:`NodeAuthPassword`
-        :keyword ex_security_group_id: The id of the security group the
-                                       new created node is attached to.
-                                       (required)
-        :type ex_security_group_id: ``str``
-        :keyword ex_description: A description string for this node (optional)
-        :type ex_description: ``str``
-        :keyword ex_internet_charge_type: The internet charge type (optional)
-        :type ex_internet_charge_type: a ``str`` of 'PayByTraffic'
-                                       or 'PayByBandwidth'
-        :keyword ex_internet_max_bandwidth_out: The max output bandwidth,
-                                                in Mbps (optional)
-                                                Required for 'PayByTraffic'
-                                                internet charge type
-        :type ex_internet_max_bandwidth_out: a ``int`` in range [0, 100]
-                                             a ``int`` in range [1, 100] for
-                                             'PayByTraffic' internet charge
-                                             type
-        :keyword ex_internet_max_bandwidth_in: The max input bandwidth,
-                                               in Mbps (optional)
-        :type ex_internet_max_bandwidth_in: a ``int`` in range [1, 200]
-                                            default to 200 in server side
-        :keyword ex_hostname: The hostname for the node (optional)
-        :type ex_hostname: ``str``
-        :keyword ex_io_optimized: Whether the node is IO optimized (optional)
-        :type ex_io_optimized: ``boll``
-        :keyword ex_system_disk: The system disk for the node (optional)
-        :type ex_system_disk: ``dict``
-        :keyword ex_data_disks: The data disks for the node (optional)
-        :type ex_data_disks: a `list` of `dict`
-        :keyword ex_vswitch_id: The id of vswitch for a VPC type node
-                                (optional)
-        :type ex_vswitch_id: ``str``
-        :keyword ex_private_ip_address: The IP address in private network
-                                        (optional)
-        :type ex_private_ip_address: ``str``
-        :keyword ex_client_token: A token generated by client to keep
-                                  requests idempotency (optional)
-        :type keyword ex_client_token: ``str``
-        """
-        params = {'Action': 'CreateInstance',
-                  'RegionId': self.region,
-                  'ImageId':,
-                  'InstanceType':,
-                  'InstanceName': name}
-        if not ex_security_group_id:
-            raise AttributeError('ex_security_group_id is mandatory')
-        params['SecurityGroupId'] = ex_security_group_id
-        if ex_description:
-            params['Description'] = ex_description
-        inet_params = self._get_internet_related_params(
-            ex_internet_charge_type,
-            ex_internet_max_bandwidth_in,
-            ex_internet_max_bandwidth_out)
-        if inet_params:
-            params.update(inet_params)
-        if ex_hostname:
-            params['HostName'] = ex_hostname
-        if auth:
-            auth = self._get_and_check_auth(auth)
-            params['Password'] = auth.password
-        if ex_io_optimized is not None:
-            optimized = ex_io_optimized
-            if not isinstance(optimized, bool):
-                optimized = str(optimized).lower() == 'true'
-            params['IoOptimized'] = 'true' if optimized else 'false'
-        if ex_system_disk:
-            system_disk = self._get_system_disk(ex_system_disk)
-            if system_disk:
-                params.update(system_disk)
-        if ex_data_disks:
-            data_disks = self._get_data_disks(ex_data_disks)
-            if data_disks:
-                params.update(data_disks)
-        if ex_vswitch_id:
-            params['VSwitchId'] = ex_vswitch_id
-        if ex_private_ip_address:
-            if not ex_vswitch_id:
-                raise AttributeError('must provide ex_private_ip_address  '
-                                     'and ex_vswitch_id at the same time')
-            else:
-                params['PrivateIpAddress'] = ex_private_ip_address
-        if ex_client_token:
-            params['ClientToken'] = ex_client_token
-        resp = self.connection.request(self.path, params=params)
-        node_id = findtext(resp.object, xpath='InstanceId',
-                           namespace=self.namespace)
-        nodes = self.list_nodes(ex_node_ids=[node_id])
-        if len(nodes) != 1:
-            raise LibcloudError('could not find the new created node '
-                                'with id %s. ' % node_id,
-                                driver=self)
-        node = nodes[0]
-        self.ex_start_node(node)
-        self._wait_until_state(nodes, NodeState.RUNNING)
-        return node
-    def reboot_node(self, node, ex_force_stop=False):
-        """
-        Reboot the given node
-        @inherits :class:`NodeDriver.reboot_node`
-        :keyword ex_force_stop: if ``True``, stop node force (maybe lose data)
-                                otherwise, stop node normally,
-                                default to ``False``
-        :type ex_force_stop: ``bool``
-        """
-        params = {'Action': 'RebootInstance',
-                  'InstanceId':,
-                  'ForceStop': u(ex_force_stop).lower()}
-        resp = self.connection.request(self.path, params=params)
-        return resp.success() and \
-            self._wait_until_state([node], NodeState.RUNNING)
-    def destroy_node(self, node):
-        nodes = self.list_nodes(ex_node_ids=[])
-        if len(nodes) != 1 and != nodes[0].id:
-            raise LibcloudError('could not find the node with id %s.'
-                                %
-        current = nodes[0]
-        if current.state == NodeState.RUNNING:
-            # stop node first
-            self.ex_stop_node(node)
-            self._wait_until_state(nodes, NodeState.STOPPED)
-        params = {'Action': 'DeleteInstance',
-                  'InstanceId':}
-        resp = self.connection.request(self.path, params)
-        return resp.success()
-    def ex_start_node(self, node):
-        """
-        Start node to running state.
-        :param node: the ``Node`` object to start
-        :type node: ``Node``
-        :return: starting operation result.
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        params = {'Action': 'StartInstance',
-                  'InstanceId':}
-        resp = self.connection.request(self.path, params)
-        return resp.success() and \
-            self._wait_until_state([node], NodeState.RUNNING)
-    def ex_stop_node(self, node, ex_force_stop=False):
-        """
-        Stop a running node.
-        :param node: The node to stop
-        :type node: :class:`Node`
-        :keyword ex_force_stop: if ``True``, stop node force (maybe lose data)
-                                otherwise, stop node normally,
-                                default to ``False``
-        :type ex_force_stop: ``bool``
-        :return: stopping operation result.
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        params = {'Action': 'StopInstance',
-                  'InstanceId':,
-                  'ForceStop': u(ex_force_stop).lower()}
-        resp = self.connection.request(self.path, params)
-        return resp.success() and \
-            self._wait_until_state([node], NodeState.STOPPED)
-    def ex_list_security_groups(self, ex_filters=None):
-        """
-        List security groups in the current region.
-        :keyword ex_filters: security group attributes to filter results.
-        :type ex_filters: ``dict``
-        :return: a list of defined security groups
-        :rtype: ``list`` of ``ECSSecurityGroup``
-        """
-        params = {'Action': 'DescribeSecurityGroups',
-                  'RegionId': self.region}
-        if ex_filters and isinstance(ex_filters, dict):
-            ex_filters.update(params)
-            params = ex_filters
-        def _parse_response(resp_object):
-            sg_elements = findall(resp_object, 'SecurityGroups/SecurityGroup',
-                                  namespace=self.namespace)
-            sgs = [self._to_security_group(el) for el in sg_elements]
-            return sgs
-        return self._request_multiple_pages(self.path, params,
-                                            _parse_response)
-    def ex_list_zones(self, region_id=None):
-        """
-        List availability zones in the given region or the current region.
-        :keyword region_id: the id of the region to query zones from
-        :type region_id: ``str``
-        :return: list of zones
-        :rtype: ``list`` of ``ECSZone``
-        """
-        params = {'Action': 'DescribeZones'}
-        if region_id:
-            params['RegionId'] = region_id
-        else:
-            params['RegionId'] = self.region
-        resp_body = self.connection.request(self.path, params).object
-        zone_elements = findall(resp_body, 'Zones/Zone',
-                                namespace=self.namespace)
-        zones = [self._to_zone(el) for el in zone_elements]
-        return zones
-    ##
-    # Volume and snapshot management methods
-    ##
-    def list_volumes(self, ex_volume_ids=None, ex_filters=None):
-        """
-        List all volumes.
-        @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.list_volumes`
-        :keyword ex_volume_ids: a list of volume's ids used to filter volumes.
-                                Only the volumes which's id in this list
-                                will be returned.
-        :type ex_volume_ids: ``list`` of ``str``
-        :keyword ex_filters: volume attribute and value pairs to filter
-                             volumes. Only the volumes which matchs all will
-                             be returned.
-                             If the filter attribute need a json array value,
-                             use ``list`` object, the driver will convert it.
-        :type ex_filters: ``dict``
-        """
-        params = {'Action': 'DescribeDisks',
-                  'RegionId': self.region}
-        if ex_volume_ids:
-            if isinstance(ex_volume_ids, list):
-                params['DiskIds'] = self._list_to_json_array(ex_volume_ids)
-            else:
-                raise AttributeError('ex_volume_ids should be a list of '
-                                     'volume ids.')
-        if ex_filters:
-            if not isinstance(ex_filters, dict):
-                raise AttributeError('ex_filters should be a dict of '
-                                     'volume attributes.')
-            else:
-                for key in ex_filters.keys():
-                    params[key] = ex_filters[key]
-        def _parse_response(resp_object):
-            disk_elements = findall(resp_object, 'Disks/Disk',
-                                    namespace=self.namespace)
-            volumes = [self._to_volume(each) for each in disk_elements]
-            return volumes
-        return self._request_multiple_pages(self.path, params,
-                                            _parse_response)
-    def list_volume_snapshots(self, volume, ex_snapshot_ids=[],
-                              ex_filters=None):
-        """
-        List snapshots for a storage volume.
-        @inherites :class:`NodeDriver.list_volume_snapshots`
-        :keyword ex_snapshot_ids: a list of snapshot ids to filter the
-                                  snapshots returned.
-        :type ex_snapshot_ids: ``list`` of ``str``
-        :keyword ex_filters: snapshot attribute and value pairs to filter
-                             snapshots. Only the snapshot which matchs all
-                             the pairs will be returned.
-                             If the filter attribute need a json array value,
-                             use ``list`` object, the driver will convert it.
-        :type ex_filters: ``dict``
-        """
-        params = {'Action': 'DescribeSnapshots',
-                  'RegionId': self.region}
-        if volume:
-            params['DiskId'] =
-        if ex_snapshot_ids and isinstance(ex_snapshot_ids, list):
-            params['SnapshotIds'] = self._list_to_json_array(ex_snapshot_ids)
-        if ex_filters and isinstance(ex_filters, dict):
-            for key in ex_filters.keys():
-                params[key] = ex_filters[key]
-        def _parse_response(resp_body):
-            snapshot_elements = findall(resp_body, 'Snapshots/Snapshot',
-                                        namespace=self.namespace)
-            snapshots = [self._to_snapshot(each) for each in snapshot_elements]
-            return snapshots
-        return self._request_multiple_pages(self.path, params,
-                                            _parse_response)
-    def create_volume(self, size, name, location=None, snapshot=None,
-                      ex_zone_id=None, ex_description=None,
-                      ex_disk_category=None, ex_client_token=None):
-        """
-        Create a new volume.
-        @inherites :class:`NodeDriver.create_volume`
-        :keyword ex_zone_id: the availability zone id (required)
-        :type ex_zone_id: ``str``
-        :keyword ex_description: volume description
-        :type ex_description: ``unicode``
-        :keyword ex_disk_category: disk category for data disk
-        :type ex_disk_category: ``str``
-        :keyword ex_client_token: a token generated by client to identify
-                                  each request.
-        :type ex_client_token: ``str``
-        """
-        params = {'Action': 'CreateDisk',
-                  'RegionId': self.region,
-                  'DiskName': name,
-                  'Size': size}
-        if ex_zone_id is None:
-            raise AttributeError('ex_zone_id is required')
-        params['ZoneId'] = ex_zone_id
-        if snapshot is not None and isinstance(snapshot, VolumeSnapshot):
-            params['SnapshotId'] =
-        if ex_description:
-            params['Description'] = ex_description
-        if ex_disk_category:
-            params['DiskCategory'] = ex_disk_category
-        if ex_client_token:
-            params['ClientToken'] = ex_client_token
-        resp = self.connection.request(self.path, params).object
-        volume_id = findtext(resp, 'DiskId', namespace=self.namespace)
-        volumes = self.list_volumes(ex_volume_ids=[volume_id])
-        if len(volumes) != 1:
-            raise LibcloudError('could not find the new create volume '
-                                'with id %s.' % volume_id,
-                                driver=self)
-        return volumes[0]
-    def create_volume_snapshot(self, volume, name=None, ex_description=None,
-                               ex_client_token=None):
-        """
-        Creates a snapshot of the storage volume.
-        @inherits :class:`NodeDriver.create_volume_snapshot`
-        :keyword ex_description: description of the snapshot.
-        :type ex_description: ``unicode``
-        :keyword ex_client_token: a token generated by client to identify
-                                  each request.
-        :type ex_client_token: ``str``
-        """
-        params = {'Action': 'CreateSnapshot',
-                  'DiskId':}
-        if name:
-            params['SnapshotName'] = name
-        if ex_description:
-            params['Description'] = ex_description
-        if ex_client_token:
-            params['ClientToken'] = ex_client_token
-        snapshot_elements = self.connection.request(self.path, params).object
-        snapshot_id = findtext(snapshot_elements, 'SnapshotId',
-                               namespace=self.namespace)
-        snapshots = self.list_volume_snapshots(volume=None,
-                                               ex_snapshot_ids=[snapshot_id])
-        if len(snapshots) != 1:
-            raise LibcloudError('could not find new created snapshot with '
-                                'id %s.' % snapshot_id, driver=self)
-        return snapshots[0]
-    def attach_volume(self, node, volume, device=None,
-                      ex_delete_with_instance=None):
-        """
-        Attaches volume to node.
-        @inherits :class:`NodeDriver.attach_volume`
-        :keyword device: device path allocated for this attached volume
-        :type device: ``str`` between /dev/xvdb to xvdz,
-                      if empty, allocated by the system
-        :keyword ex_delete_with_instance: if to delete this volume when the
-                                          instance is deleted.
-        :type ex_delete_with_instance: ``bool``
-        """
-        params = {'Action': 'AttachDisk',
-                  'InstanceId':,
-                  'DiskId':}
-        if device:
-            params['Device'] = device
-        if ex_delete_with_instance:
-            params['DeleteWithInstance'] = \
-                str(bool(ex_delete_with_instance)).lower()
-        resp = self.connection.request(self.path, params)
-        return resp.success()
-    def detach_volume(self, volume, ex_instance_id=None):
-        """
-        Detaches a volume from a node.
-        @inherits :class:`NodeDriver.detach_volume`
-        :keyword ex_instance_id: the id of the instance from which the volume
-                                 is detached.
-        :type ex_instance_id: ``str``
-        """
-        params = {'Action': 'DetachDisk',
-                  'DiskId':}
-        if ex_instance_id:
-            params['InstanceId'] = ex_instance_id
-        else:
-            volumes = self.list_volumes(ex_volume_ids=[])
-            if len(volumes) != 1:
-                raise AttributeError('could not find the instance id '
-                                     'the volume %s attached to, '
-                                     'ex_instance_id is required.' %
-            params['InstanceId'] = volumes[0].extra['instance_id']
-        resp = self.connection.request(self.path, params)
-        return resp.success()
-    def destroy_volume(self, volume):
-        params = {'Action': 'DeleteDisk',
-                  'DiskId':}
-        volumes = self.list_volumes(ex_volume_ids=[])
-        if len(volumes) != 1:
-            raise LibcloudError('could not find the volume with id %s.' %
-                      ,
-                                driver=self)
-        if volumes[0].state != StorageVolumeState.AVAILABLE:
-            raise LibcloudError('only volume in AVAILABLE state could be '
-                                'destroyed.', driver=self)
-        resp = self.connection.request(self.path, params)
-        return resp.success()
-    def destroy_volume_snapshot(self, snapshot):
-        params = {'Action': 'DeleteSnapshot'}
-        if snapshot and isinstance(snapshot, VolumeSnapshot):
-            params['SnapshotId'] =
-        else:
-            raise AttributeError('snapshot is required and must be a '
-                                 'VolumeSnapshot')
-        resp = self.connection.request(self.path, params)
-        return resp.success()
-    ##
-    # Image management methods
-    ##
-    def list_images(self, location=None, ex_image_ids=None, ex_filters=None):
-        """
-        List images on a provider.
-        @inherits :class:`NodeDriver.list_images`
-        :keyword ex_image_ids: a list of image ids to filter the images to
-                               be returned.
-        :type ex_image_ids: ``list`` of ``str``
-        :keyword ex_filters: image attribute and value pairs to filter
-                             images. Only the image which matchs all
-                             the pairs will be returned.
-                             If the filter attribute need a json array value,
-                             use ``list`` object, the driver will convert it.
-        :type ex_filters: ``dict``
-        """
-        if location and isinstance(location, NodeLocation):
-            region =
-        else:
-            region = self.region
-        params = {'Action': 'DescribeImages',
-                  'RegionId': region}
-        if ex_image_ids:
-            if isinstance(ex_image_ids, list):
-                params['ImageId'] = ','.join(ex_image_ids)
-            else:
-                raise AttributeError('ex_image_ids should be a list of '
-                                     'image ids')
-        if ex_filters and isinstance(ex_filters, dict):
-            for key in ex_filters.keys():
-                params[key] = ex_filters[key]
-        def _parse_response(resp_body):
-            image_elements = findall(resp_body, 'Images/Image',
-                                     namespace=self.namespace)
-            images = [self._to_image(each) for each in image_elements]
-            return images
-        return self._request_multiple_pages(self.path, params,
-                                            _parse_response)
-    def create_image(self, node, name, description=None, ex_snapshot_id=None,
-                     ex_image_version=None, ex_client_token=None):
-        """
-        Creates an image from a system disk snapshot.
-        @inherits :class:`NodeDriver.create_image`
-        :keyword ex_snapshot_id: the id of the snapshot to create the image.
-                                 (required)
-        :type ex_snapshot_id: ``str``
-        :keyword ex_image_version: the version number of the image
-        :type ex_image_version: ``str``
-        :keyword ex_client_token: a token generated by client to identify
-                                  each request.
-        :type ex_client_token: ``str``
-        """
-        params = {'Action': 'CreateImage',
-                  'RegionId': self.region}
-        if name:
-            params['ImageName'] = name
-        if description:
-            params['Description'] = description
-        if ex_snapshot_id:
-            params['SnapshotId'] = ex_snapshot_id
-        else:
-            raise AttributeError('ex_snapshot_id is required')
-        if ex_image_version:
-            params['ImageVersion'] = ex_image_version
-        if ex_client_token:
-            params['ClientToken'] = ex_client_token
-        resp = self.connection.request(self.path, params)
-        image_id = findtext(resp.object, 'ImageId', namespace=self.namespace)
-        return self.get_image(image_id=image_id)
-    def delete_image(self, node_image):
-        params = {'Action': 'DeleteImage',
-                  'RegionId': self.region,
-                  'ImageId':}
-        resp = self.connection.request(self.path, params)
-        return resp.success()
-    def get_image(self, image_id, ex_region_id=None):
-        if ex_region_id:
-            region = ex_region_id
-        else:
-            region = self.region
-        location = NodeLocation(id=region, name=None, country=None,
-                                driver=self)
-        images = self.list_images(location, ex_image_ids=[image_id])
-        if len(images) != 1:
-            raise LibcloudError('could not find the image with id %s' %
-                                image_id,
-                                driver=self)
-        return images[0]
-    def copy_image(self, source_region, node_image, name, description=None,
-                   ex_destination_region_id=None, ex_client_token=None):
-        """
-        Copies an image from a source region to the destination region.
-        If not provide a destination region, default to the current region.
-        @inherits :class:`NodeDriver.copy_image`
-        :keyword ex_destination_region_id: id of the destination region
-        :type ex_destination_region_id: ``str``
-        :keyword ex_client_token: a token generated by client to identify
-                                  each request.
-        :type ex_client_token: ``str``
-        """
-        params = {'Action': 'CopyImage',
-                  'RegionId': source_region,
-                  'ImageId':}
-        if ex_destination_region_id is not None:
-            params['DestinationRegionId'] = ex_destination_region_id
-        else:
-            params['DestinationRegionId'] = self.region
-        if name:
-            params['DestinationImageName'] = name
-        if description:
-            params['DestinationDescription'] = description
-        if ex_client_token:
-            params['ClientToken'] = ex_client_token
-        resp = self.connection.request(self.path, params)
-        image_id = findtext(resp.object, 'ImageId', namespace=self.namespace)
-        return self.get_image(image_id=image_id)
-    def _to_nodes(self, object):
-        """
-        Convert response to Node object list
-        :param object: parsed response object
-        :return: a list of ``Node``
-        :rtype: ``list``
-        """
-        node_elements = findall(object, 'Instances/Instance', self.namespace)
-        return [self._to_node(el) for el in node_elements]
-    def _to_node(self, instance):
-        """
-        Convert an InstanceAttributesType object to ``Node`` object
-        :param instance: a xml element represents an instance
-        :return: a ``Node`` object
-        :rtype: ``Node``
-        """
-        _id = findtext(element=instance, xpath='InstanceId',
-                       namespace=self.namespace)
-        name = findtext(element=instance, xpath='InstanceName',
-                        namespace=self.namespace)
-        instance_status = findtext(element=instance, xpath='Status',
-                                   namespace=self.namespace)
-        state = self.NODE_STATE_MAPPING.get(instance_status, NodeState.UNKNOWN)
-        def _get_ips(ip_address_els):
-            return [each.text for each in ip_address_els]
-        public_ip_els = findall(element=instance,
-                                xpath='PublicIpAddress/IpAddress',
-                                namespace=self.namespace)
-        public_ips = _get_ips(public_ip_els)
-        private_ip_els = findall(element=instance,
-                                 xpath='InnerIpAddress/IpAddress',
-                                 namespace=self.namespace)
-        private_ips = _get_ips(private_ip_els)
-        # Extra properties
-        extra = self._get_extra_dict(instance,
-                                     RESOURCE_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES_MAP['node'])
-        extra['vpc_attributes'] = self._get_vpc_attributes(instance)
-        extra['eip_address'] = self._get_eip_address(instance)
-        extra['operation_locks'] = self._get_operation_locks(instance)
-        node = Node(id=_id, name=name, state=state,
-                    public_ips=public_ips, private_ips=private_ips,
-                    driver=self.connection.driver, extra=extra)
-        return node
-    def _get_extra_dict(self, element, mapping):
-        """
-        Extract attributes from the element based on rules provided in the
-        mapping dictionary.
-        :param      element: Element to parse the values from.
-        :type       element: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element.
-        :param      mapping: Dictionary with the extra layout
-        :type       node: :class:`Node`
-        :rtype: ``dict``
-        """
-        extra = {}
-        for attribute, values in mapping.items():
-            transform_func = values['transform_func']
-            value = findattr(element=element,
-                             xpath=values['xpath'],
-                             namespace=self.namespace)
-            if value:
-                try:
-                    extra[attribute] = transform_func(value)
-                except Exception:
-                    extra[attribute] = None
-            else:
-                extra[attribute] = value
-        return extra
-    def _get_internet_related_params(self, ex_internet_charge_type,
-                                     ex_internet_max_bandwidth_in,
-                                     ex_internet_max_bandwidth_out):
-        params = {}
-        if ex_internet_charge_type:
-            params['InternetChargeType'] = ex_internet_charge_type
-            if ex_internet_charge_type.lower() == 'paybytraffic':
-                if ex_internet_max_bandwidth_out:
-                    params['InternetMaxBandwidthOut'] = \
-                        ex_internet_max_bandwidth_out
-                else:
-                    raise AttributeError('ex_internet_max_bandwidth_out is '
-                                         'mandatory for PayByTraffic internet'
-                                         ' charge type.')
-        if ex_internet_max_bandwidth_in:
-            params['InternetMaxBandwidthIn'] = \
-                ex_internet_max_bandwidth_in
-        return params
-    def _get_system_disk(self, ex_system_disk):
-        if not isinstance(ex_system_disk, dict):
-            raise AttributeError('ex_system_disk is not a dict')
-        sys_disk_dict = ex_system_disk
-        key_base = 'SystemDisk.'
-        # TODO(samsong8610): Use a type instead of dict
-        mappings = {'category': 'Category',
-                    'disk_name': 'DiskName',
-                    'description': 'Description'}
-        params = {}
-        for attr in mappings.keys():
-            if attr in sys_disk_dict:
-                params[key_base + mappings[attr]] = sys_disk_dict[attr]
-        return params
-    def _get_data_disks(self, ex_data_disks):
-        if isinstance(ex_data_disks, dict):
-            data_disks = [ex_data_disks]
-        elif isinstance(ex_data_disks, list):
-            data_disks = ex_data_disks
-        else:
-            raise AttributeError('ex_data_disks should be a list of dict')
-        # TODO(samsong8610): Use a type instead of dict
-        mappings = {'size': 'Size',
-                    'category': 'Category',
-                    'snapshot_id': 'SnapshotId',
-                    'disk_name': 'DiskName',
-                    'description': 'Description',
-                    'device': 'Device',
-                    'delete_with_instance': 'DeleteWithInstance'}
-        params = {}
-        for idx, disk in enumerate(data_disks):
-            key_base = 'DataDisk.{0}.'.format(idx + 1)
-            for attr in mappings.keys():
-                if attr in disk:
-                    if attr == 'delete_with_instance':
-                        # Convert bool value to str
-                        value = str(disk[attr]).lower()
-                    else:
-                        value = disk[attr]
-                    params[key_base + mappings[attr]] = value
-        return params
-    def _get_vpc_attributes(self, instance):
-        vpcs = findall(instance, xpath='VpcAttributes',
-                       namespace=self.namespace)
-        if len(vpcs) <= 0:
-            return None
-        return self._get_extra_dict(
-            vpcs[0], RESOURCE_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES_MAP['vpc_attributes'])
-    def _get_eip_address(self, instance):
-        eips = findall(instance, xpath='EipAddress',
-                       namespace=self.namespace)
-        if len(eips) <= 0:
-            return None
-        return self._get_extra_dict(
-            eips[0], RESOURCE_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES_MAP['eip_address_associate'])
-    def _get_operation_locks(self, instance):
-        locks = findall(instance, xpath='OperationLocks',
-                        namespace=self.namespace)
-        if len(locks) <= 0:
-            return None
-        return self._get_extra_dict(
-            locks[0], RESOURCE_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES_MAP['operation_locks'])
-    def _wait_until_state(self, nodes, state, wait_period=3, timeout=600):
-        """
-        Block until the provided nodes are in the desired state.
-        :param nodes: List of nodes to wait for
-        :type nodes: ``list`` of :class:`.Node`
-        :param state: desired state
-        :type state: ``NodeState``
-        :param wait_period: How many seconds to wait between each loop
-                            iteration. (default is 3)
-        :type wait_period: ``int``
-        :param timeout: How many seconds to wait before giving up.
-                        (default is 600)
-        :type timeout: ``int``
-        :return: if the nodes are in the desired state.
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        start = time.time()
-        end = start + timeout
-        node_ids = [ for node in nodes]
-        while(time.time() < end):
-            matched_nodes = self.list_nodes(ex_node_ids=node_ids)
-            if len(matched_nodes) > len(node_ids):
-                found_ids = [ for node in matched_nodes]
-                msg = ('found multiple nodes with same ids, '
-                       'desired ids: %(ids)s, found ids: %(found_ids)s' %
-                       {'ids': node_ids, 'found_ids': found_ids})
-                raise LibcloudError(value=msg, driver=self)
-            desired_nodes = [node for node in matched_nodes
-                             if node.state == state]
-            if len(desired_nodes) == len(node_ids):
-                return True
-            else:
-                time.sleep(wait_period)
-                continue
-        raise LibcloudError(value='Timed out after %s seconds' % (timeout),
-                            driver=self)
-    def _to_volume(self, element):
-        _id = findtext(element, 'DiskId', namespace=self.namespace)
-        name = findtext(element, 'DiskName', namespace=self.namespace)
-        size = int(findtext(element, 'Size', namespace=self.namespace))
-        status_str = findtext(element, 'Status', namespace=self.namespace)
-        status = self.VOLUME_STATE_MAPPING.get(status_str,
-                                               StorageVolumeState.UNKNOWN)
-        extra = self._get_extra_dict(element,
-                                     RESOURCE_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES_MAP['volume'])
-        extra['operation_locks'] = self._get_operation_locks(element)
-        return StorageVolume(_id, name, size, self, state=status, extra=extra)
-    def _list_to_json_array(self, value):
-        try:
-            return json.dumps(value)
-        except Exception:
-            raise AttributeError('could not convert list to json array')
-    def _to_snapshot(self, element):
-        _id = findtext(element, 'SnapshotId', namespace=self.namespace)
-        created = findtext(element, 'CreationTime', namespace=self.namespace)
-        status_str = findtext(element, 'Status', namespace=self.namespace)
-        state = self.SNAPSHOT_STATE_MAPPING.get(status_str,
-                                                VolumeSnapshotState.UNKNOWN)
-        extra = self._get_extra_dict(element,
-                                     RESOURCE_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES_MAP['snapshot'])
-        return VolumeSnapshot(id=_id, driver=self, extra=extra,
-                              created=created, state=state)
-    def _to_size(self, element):
-        _id = findtext(element, 'InstanceTypeId', namespace=self.namespace)
-        ram = float(findtext(element, 'MemorySize', namespace=self.namespace))
-        extra = {}
-        extra['cpu_core_count'] = int(findtext(element, 'CpuCoreCount',
-                                               namespace=self.namespace))
-        extra['instance_type_family'] = findtext(element, 'InstanceTypeFamily',
-                                                 namespace=self.namespace)
-        return NodeSize(id=_id, name=_id, ram=ram, disk=None, bandwidth=None,
-                        price=None, driver=self, extra=extra)
-    def _to_location(self, element):
-        _id = findtext(element, 'RegionId', namespace=self.namespace)
-        localname = findtext(element, 'LocalName', namespace=self.namespace)
-        return NodeLocation(id=_id, name=localname, country=None, driver=self)
-    def _to_image(self, element):
-        _id = findtext(element, 'ImageId', namespace=self.namespace)
-        name = findtext(element, 'ImageName', namespace=self.namespace)
-        extra = self._get_extra_dict(element,
-                                     RESOURCE_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES_MAP['image'])
-        extra['disk_device_mappings'] = self._get_disk_device_mappings(
-            element.find('DiskDeviceMappings'))
-        return NodeImage(id=_id, name=name, driver=self, extra=extra)
-    def _get_disk_device_mappings(self, element):
-        if element is None:
-            return None
-        mapping_element = element.find('DiskDeviceMapping')
-        if mapping_element is not None:
-            return self._get_extra_dict(
-                mapping_element,
-                RESOURCE_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES_MAP['disk_device_mapping'])
-        return None
-    def _to_security_group(self, element):
-        _id = findtext(element, 'SecurityGroupId', namespace=self.namespace)
-        name = findtext(element, 'SecurityGroupName',
-                        namespace=self.namespace)
-        description = findtext(element, 'Description',
-                               namespace=self.namespace)
-        vpc_id = findtext(element, 'VpcId', namespace=self.namespace)
-        creation_time = findtext(element, 'CreationTime',
-                                 namespace=self.namespace)
-        return ECSSecurityGroup(_id, name, description=description,
-                                driver=self, vpc_id=vpc_id,
-                                creation_time=creation_time)
-    def _to_zone(self, element):
-        _id = findtext(element, 'ZoneId', namespace=self.namespace)
-        local_name = findtext(element, 'LocalName', namespace=self.namespace)
-        resource_types = findall(element,
-                                 'AvailableResourceCreation/ResourceTypes',
-                                 namespace=self.namespace)
-        instance_types = findall(element,
-                                 'AvailableInstanceTypes/InstanceTypes',
-                                 namespace=self.namespace)
-        disk_categories = findall(element,
-                                  'AvailableDiskCategories/DiskCategories',
-                                  namespace=self.namespace)
-        def _text(element):
-            return element.text
-        return ECSZone(id=_id, name=local_name, driver=self,
-                       available_resource_types=list(
-                           map(_text, resource_types)),
-                       available_instance_types=list(
-                           map(_text, instance_types)),
-                       available_disk_categories=list(
-                           map(_text, disk_categories)))
-    def _get_pagination(self, element):
-        page_number = int(findtext(element, 'PageNumber'))
-        total_count = int(findtext(element, 'TotalCount'))
-        page_size = int(findtext(element, 'PageSize'))
-        return Pagination(total=total_count, size=page_size,
-                          current=page_number)
-    def _request_multiple_pages(self, path, params, parse_func):
-        """
-        Request all resources by multiple pages.
-        :param path: the resource path
-        :type path: ``str``
-        :param params: the query parameters
-        :type params: ``dict``
-        :param parse_func: the function object to parse the response body
-        :param type: ``function``
-        :return: list of resource object, if not found any, return []
-        :rtype: ``list``
-        """
-        results = []
-        while True:
-            one_page = self.connection.request(path, params).object
-            resources = parse_func(one_page)
-            results += resources
-            pagination = self._get_pagination(one_page)
-            if is None:
-                break
-            params.update(pagination.to_dict())
-        return results
diff --git a/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/compute/drivers/ b/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/compute/drivers/
deleted file mode 100644
index 736ac7f..0000000
--- a/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/compute/drivers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-ElasticHosts Driver
-from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
-from libcloud.compute.drivers.elasticstack import ElasticStackBaseNodeDriver
-# API end-points
-    'lon-p': {
-        'name': 'London Peer 1',
-        'country': 'United Kingdom',
-        'host': ''
-    },
-    'lon-b': {
-        'name': 'London BlueSquare',
-        'country': 'United Kingdom',
-        'host': ''
-    },
-    'sat-p': {
-        'name': 'San Antonio Peer 1',
-        'country': 'United States',
-        'host': ''
-    },
-    'lax-p': {
-        'name': 'Los Angeles Peer 1',
-        'country': 'United States',
-        'host': ''
-    },
-    'sjc-c': {
-        'name': 'San Jose (Silicon Valley)',
-        'country': 'United States',
-        'host': ''
-    },
-    'tor-p': {
-        'name': 'Toronto Peer 1',
-        'country': 'Canada',
-        'host': ''
-    },
-    'syd-y': {
-        'name': 'Sydney',
-        'country': 'Australia',
-        'host': ''
-    },
-    'cn-1': {
-        'name': 'Hong Kong',
-        'country': 'China',
-        'host': ''
-    }
-# Default API end-point for the base connection class.
-# Retrieved from
-    '38df0986-4d85-4b76-b502-3878ffc80161': {
-        'uuid': '38df0986-4d85-4b76-b502-3878ffc80161',
-        'description': 'CentOS Linux 5.5',
-        'size_gunzipped': '3GB',
-        'supports_deployment': True,
-    },
-    '980cf63c-f21e-4382-997b-6541d5809629': {
-        'uuid': '980cf63c-f21e-4382-997b-6541d5809629',
-        'description': 'Debian Linux 5.0',
-        'size_gunzipped': '1GB',
-        'supports_deployment': True,
-    },
-    'aee5589a-88c3-43ef-bb0a-9cab6e64192d': {
-        'uuid': 'aee5589a-88c3-43ef-bb0a-9cab6e64192d',
-        'description': 'Ubuntu Linux 10.04',
-        'size_gunzipped': '1GB',
-        'supports_deployment': True,
-    },
-    '62f512cd-82c7-498e-88d8-a09ac2ef20e7': {
-        'uuid': '62f512cd-82c7-498e-88d8-a09ac2ef20e7',
-        'description': 'Ubuntu Linux 12.04',
-        'size_gunzipped': '1GB',
-        'supports_deployment': True,
-    },
-    'b9d0eb72-d273-43f1-98e3-0d4b87d372c0': {
-        'uuid': 'b9d0eb72-d273-43f1-98e3-0d4b87d372c0',
-        'description': 'Windows Web Server 2008',
-        'size_gunzipped': '13GB',
-        'supports_deployment': False,
-    },
-    '30824e97-05a4-410c-946e-2ba5a92b07cb': {
-        'uuid': '30824e97-05a4-410c-946e-2ba5a92b07cb',
-        'description': 'Windows Web Server 2008 R2',
-        'size_gunzipped': '13GB',
-        'supports_deployment': False,
-    },
-    '9ecf810e-6ad1-40ef-b360-d606f0444671': {
-        'uuid': '9ecf810e-6ad1-40ef-b360-d606f0444671',
-        'description': 'Windows Web Server 2008 R2 + SQL Server',
-        'size_gunzipped': '13GB',
-        'supports_deployment': False,
-    },
-    '10a88d1c-6575-46e3-8d2c-7744065ea530': {
-        'uuid': '10a88d1c-6575-46e3-8d2c-7744065ea530',
-        'description': 'Windows Server 2008 Standard R2',
-        'size_gunzipped': '13GB',
-        'supports_deployment': False,
-    },
-    '2567f25c-8fb8-45c7-95fc-bfe3c3d84c47': {
-        'uuid': '2567f25c-8fb8-45c7-95fc-bfe3c3d84c47',
-        'description': 'Windows Server 2008 Standard R2 + SQL Server',
-        'size_gunzipped': '13GB',
-        'supports_deployment': False,
-    },
-class ElasticHostsException(Exception):
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.args[0]
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<ElasticHostsException '%s'>" % (self.args[0])
-class ElasticHostsNodeDriver(ElasticStackBaseNodeDriver):
-    """
-    Node Driver class for ElasticHosts
-    """
-    type = Provider.ELASTICHOSTS
-    api_name = 'elastichosts'
-    name = 'ElasticHosts'
-    website = ''
-    features = {"create_node": ["generates_password"]}
-    _standard_drives = STANDARD_DRIVES
-    def __init__(self, key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None,
-                 region=DEFAULT_REGION, **kwargs):
-        if hasattr(self, '_region'):
-            region = self._region
-        if region not in API_ENDPOINTS:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid region: %s' % (region))
-        self._host_argument_set = host is not None
-        super(ElasticHostsNodeDriver, self).__init__(key=key, secret=secret,
-                                                     secure=secure, host=host,
-                                                     port=port,
-                                                     region=region, **kwargs)
-    def _ex_connection_class_kwargs(self):
-        """
-        Return the host value based on the user supplied region.
-        """
-        kwargs = {}
-        if not self._host_argument_set:
-            kwargs['host'] = API_ENDPOINTS[self.region]['host']
-        return kwargs
-class ElasticHostsUK1NodeDriver(ElasticHostsNodeDriver):
-    """
-    ElasticHosts node driver for the London Peer 1 end-point
-    """
-    name = 'ElasticHosts (lon-p)'
-    _region = 'lon-p'
-class ElasticHostsUK2NodeDriver(ElasticHostsNodeDriver):
-    """
-    ElasticHosts node driver for the London Bluesquare end-point
-    """
-    name = 'ElasticHosts (lon-b)'
-    _region = 'lon-b'
-class ElasticHostsUS1NodeDriver(ElasticHostsNodeDriver):
-    """
-    ElasticHosts node driver for the San Antonio Peer 1 end-point
-    """
-    name = 'ElasticHosts (sat-p)'
-    _region = 'sat-p'
-class ElasticHostsUS2NodeDriver(ElasticHostsNodeDriver):
-    """
-    ElasticHosts node driver for the Los Angeles Peer 1 end-point
-    """
-    name = 'ElasticHosts (lax-p)'
-    _region = 'lax-p'
-class ElasticHostsUS3NodeDriver(ElasticHostsNodeDriver):
-    """
-    ElasticHosts node driver for the San Jose (Silicon Valley) end-point
-    """
-    name = 'ElasticHosts (sjc-c)'
-    _region = 'sjc-c'
-class ElasticHostsCA1NodeDriver(ElasticHostsNodeDriver):
-    """
-    ElasticHosts node driver for the Toronto Peer 1 end-point
-    """
-    name = 'ElasticHosts (tor-p)'
-    _region = 'tor-p'
-class ElasticHostsAU1NodeDriver(ElasticHostsNodeDriver):
-    """
-    ElasticHosts node driver for the Sydney end-point
-    """
-    name = 'ElasticHosts (syd-y)'
-    _region = 'syd-y'
-class ElasticHostsCN1NodeDriver(ElasticHostsNodeDriver):
-    """
-    ElasticHosts node driver for the Hong Kong end-point
-    """
-    name = 'ElasticHosts (cn-1)'
-    _region = 'cn-1'