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Posted to by Riddle <> on 2004/07/21 23:32:10 UTC

How to get portlets to run.

4 More stupid numby problems...  
   Seems like a huge learning/integration curve.

Since Saturday, I've gotten jetspeed-2 to compile, but not run portlets. (thanks for the wiki of complete instructions).

I see from the list-serve that more sources are constantly being committed.
so I built a nice DOS batch file that empties my jetspeed2 project directory, 
then fetches the cvs head, 
rmdir the afore mentioned maven repository and cache files (plus some others like servletapi, log4j, etc. for grins). It then runs the series of 
maven start.production.server ; 
maven allClean ; 
maven -Dmaven.test.skip=true allBuild 
and maven quickStart.
finally it starts tomcat5

That process builds successfully (maven and I think so at least).

1. There are a number of "attempting to download pluto-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar and jmock-SNAPSHOT.jar
then lines about "Tag library requested that is not present: 'reactor' in plugin: 'null'"
Both jars have been downloaded to the repository correctly.
Should I be worried about these statements ??

There are no pluto nor jetspeed-1 nor jportal are in tomcat/webapps
Starting up Tomcat gives lots of exceptions.  

2. Log4j problems...   (could be simple, but is stopping me)
2a. Log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
JNDI system properties Flag null

Persists even after putting a small dummy console into tomcat/conf

2b. The first exception is Log4j setFile() failed with tomcat\webapps\jetspeed\logs\jetspeed.log
 looks like the ${applicationRoot} is trying to be setup before the jetspeed/WEB-INF/web.xml has been read.
All 9 log4j files give the same exception before the "INFO: Jetspeed Starting Initialization...", because then there is a
"INFO: JetspeedServlet identifying web application root..."  and
"INFO: JetspeedServlet identifed web application root as d:\Program Files\Tomcat5.0\webapps\jetspeed\"

If I create a jetspeed/logs/ and jetspeed/web-inf/logs directories and usually put dummy files inside then the above exceptions do not happen.  BUT
2c. The loading of jetspeed-layotus.war gives a 
SEVERE: Cannot instantiate an authenticator of class org.apache.catalina.authenticator.BasicAuthenticator. The Exception is caused by ClassNotFound = org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4jFactory when BasicAuthenticator did a getLog()

The deployer scanner starts.
demo.war loads
and the portlet engine starts okay.
3. It says that the HW_App already registered.  Skipping initial deployment.  (is this a problem??)

4. There is a "README.txt" placed into the deploy directory.  
Tomcat5 continually gives "INFO File type for README.txt is not supported by StandardDeploymentObject" until I manually delete it.  
It comes back next build/deploy.
Why is that file in the deploy dir and/or why is it getting deployed?  Maybe that should get fixed.  Am I the only one that it happens to?