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Posted to by Simion Ursache <> on 2007/02/05 11:13:24 UTC

problem in Struts

Hi there. I have the following JSP page which i am populating it through a
JTable kind of class.
This is populating the page in a tabelar mode, and can be controlled by the
number of line and number of column.

JSP page:

<%@ page import="databeans.*"%>
<%@ page import="java.sql.Connection"%>
<jsp:useBean id="ss_DatePers" class="databeans.Personal" scope="session"/>
<%! ModelJTableGeneralizat modelDate=null;%>

// initializez modelul de date cu pontajul angajatului curent selectat
Connection conn=Utilitati.getConexiune();

String filtruDate=" where marca="+ss_DatePers.getMarca()+" and
to_char(data,'mm')='"+request.getParameter("luna")+"' order by data";
java.util.ArrayList datePontaj = ObiectPersistent.getObjects(Pontaje.class
modelDate = new ModelJTableGeneralizat(Pontaje.class,datePontaj,conn);


<html:form action="/pontajAction" >
<TABLE width='180' border='0.2'>
<% for (int k=0;k<modelDate.getColumnCount();k++) {%>
<td align="center">
<% for (int i=0;i<modelDate.getRowCount();i++){%>
<% for (int k=0;k<modelDate.getColumnCount();k++) {%>
<INPUT type='text' size='10'
name="valoare_<%=i+"_"+k%>" value="<%=modelDate.getValueAt(i,k)%>"
<%=(k==0||k==1)?"readonly='true'":" "%> >
<html:submit property="save" value="Salveaza Modificari"/>

As you can see i can control every property of the INPUT depending on the
number of column.

<%=(k==0||k==1)?"readonly='true'":" "%> >

This means that for the first and second column, the INPUT are readonly.

What i would like to do is to have one column like a combobox, and for that
i was thinking to use <html:select> tag.
So the code should be like this :

<% for (int k=0;k<modelDate.getColumnCount();k++) {
    if (k==5) {%> // column 5 is a select box
    <html:select property="valoare_<%=i+"_"+k%>">
    Connection conexiune = Utilitati.getConexiune();
    java.util.ArrayList listaActivitati=
for(int j=0;j<listaActivitati.size();j++) {
<html:option value="<%=((Activitati)listaActivitati.get(j)).getActivid()%>">
<%}%> <%-- s-a inchis for-ul--%>
<INPUT type='text' size='10'
name="valoare_<%=i+"_"+k%>" value="<%=modelDate.getValueAt(i,k)%>"
<%=(k==0||k==1)?"readonly='true'":" "%> >

The problem is that i can't use this because struts is expecting for a
getter method for variable defined in property option of <html:select>.

I could create another form bean class for this but it's getting very

Does anyone know how can i use the JTable class and <html:selec> in a more
easy way ?

Thanks and hope that you understood me.