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Posted to by Serge Knystautas <> on 2004/03/22 06:52:22 UTC

JIRA usage

As I just posted to the user list, I've entered all the 2.2.x changes 
into JIRA.  The goal was to a) get this information more accessible, b) 
make sure all our changes were recorded somewhere, and c) enter a lot of 
data to hopefully encourage usage and establish a pattern.

Here are some general notes that will help us get the most from JIRA:
1. Before committing a new fix, feature, or whatever, check with JIRA. 
Create a new issue if there isn't one already.
2. When you commit, include the issue code in brackets, e.g., 
[JAMES-152].  JIRA can pick this up and auto-link changes with issues, 
once we get CVS (or eventually SVN) integration.
3. When you resolve & close an issue, set a fix-for for the next alpha 
4. When we make these non-voted, non-official releases, we will collapse 
them.  For example, we have 2.2.0a15 representing all changes on the 
2.2.x branch.  And we have 2.2.0a16 representing what we will change. 
When we release 2.2.0a16 as a test, we will create 2.2.0a17, delete 
2.2.0a15 and transfer all those issues into 2.2.0a16.  Eventually we 
release 2.2.0 (final) and we will delete the last alpha release and 
collapse those into the 2.2.0 release.  We will then keep that release 

Let me know if you have any questions, comments, rotten tomatoes, etc... 
  Thanks.  I'm turning on regular notifications now.

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech >> software . strategy . design >>
p. 301.656.5501

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