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Posted to by Mark Struberg <> on 2013/09/11 15:35:06 UTC

howto release deltaspike properly


I've documented what I usually do when releasing DeltaSpike and other ASF projects. 
This is not a full checklist yet, but I hope it's at least a starting point we should do either in our Wiki or on our CMS homepage

Feel free do add additional info.



DeltaSpike Release Howto

* JIRA cleanup
  * look which issues are already resolved but not yet marked as such. Resolve them.
  * Move all unresolved issues with the 'fixed in' version of the current release to the next version. Can be done using 'bulk change' in jira
  * check the ReleaseNotes in JIRA. They should now only contain resolved issues.

* prepare readme/ReleaseNotes-xx.txt with the info from JIRA.

* commit and push all to master

* Create a local branch in GIT, e.g. deltaspike-0.5

* on the release branch invoke mvn release:prepare and then mvn release:perform. Some Infos about the configuration you need to do upfront can be found here

* check the staging repo content on
* 'close' the staging repo.

* push the release branch and tag on some private GIT repo, e.g. github.

* write the [VOTE] mail

* respin the RELEASE if needed, until it passes the VOTE

* after the 72h we tally the votes and write a [VOTE][RESULT] mail
* push the GIT tag and release branch to the ASF repo
* merge in the release branch into master
* 'release' the staging repo on

* copy the release artifacts (this is usually just the sources-jar) to the ASF download area (, /www/ and
remove the old package (automatically gets archived anyway)
* close all 'resolved' JIRA issues of this release via bulk-change
* mark the release as 'released' in JIRA. Eventually add newer versions according to the internal planing.

* wait until the dist area gets replicated to most downstream caches (usually within 1 day)
* write the release mail to announce (at) This must be done from your email address.